American press: Before the counteroffensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine must clear their own minefields

American press: Before the counteroffensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine must clear their own minefields

The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the current situation may lead to the fact that the Ukrainian military will begin to undermine their own mines. Therefore, before the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is necessary to clear their own minefields. This is reported by the American edition of The Washington Post.

Earlier, Ukrainian formations actively mined areas near the line of contact in order to prevent the Russian advance. Now their own minefields will become an obstacle to the announced counteroffensive.

The American press advises the Ukrainian sappers to act quietly so that the Russian military does not notice the demining work and does not fire on the sappers, and also does not receive information about the intended directions of strikes. Even now, writes the Washington Post, Ukrainian sappers are clearing mine sites near the front line at night.

The publication cites the words of the commander of the engineering unit of one of the mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who claims that demining work has been secretly carried out for several weeks. When the path is cleared, appropriate signs are installed - illuminated, with rays that indicate a safe path.

The Ukrainian militants also spoke about what kind of minefields the Russian military allegedly makes. According to the American press, sappers of the RF Armed Forces are laying one line of anti-tank mines, then a line of anti-personnel mines and booby-traps, and then again an anti-tank line. The line of contact in the Zaporozhye region is the most heavily mined, the newspaper notes.

To break through minefields, Ukrainian formations will have to use special equipment. The Armed Forces of Ukraine now have UR-77 Meteorite vehicles, equipment transferred by the West, but it is not enough, the American press notes.
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  1. +3
    2 June 2023 17: 56
    there is such a thing as a map of minefields, but if the Armed Forces dug at random, then it will cost them dearly ...
    1. +2
      2 June 2023 18: 04
      A bad dancer, they say, eggs interfere. Folk wisdom))
    2. +1
      3 June 2023 01: 09
      What a map of minefields, my young friend.
      As A.S. Pushkin
      "But those who, in a friendly meeting


      As Sadie once said.
  2. +4
    2 June 2023 17: 58
    From you... A new problem. What they just do not come up with just not to attack. Either the weather is not the same, then there are few "zbroi", now there are minefields. And Western "comrades" will not wait indefinitely. They need a victory over Russia, you look and they will chase the mines. Yes
  3. +3
    2 June 2023 18: 00
    Some kind of strange article.
    It's like "The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, and the horses eat oats" ... It's clear that before the offensive, you need to make passes in minefields. What is the informational meaning of the opus? Maybe for the American reader this is a discovery?
    1. +1
      3 June 2023 01: 59
      Quote: Fachmann
      Some strange article. "The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, and the horses eat oats"
      yeah) or like Medvedev in the morning

      Another funny thing is that it is recommended to do it secretly. + And they open them themselves.
      They didn't write where.
  4. Two
    2 June 2023 18: 04
    It is very risky to clear mines at night, given that all movement begins at night (delivery, evacuation), both sides watch each other with copters with thermal imagers. In fact, sappers are walking targets from both sides.
  5. +2
    2 June 2023 18: 27
    And behind the Ukrainian minefields, our fields are waiting for them. fellow
  6. +2
    2 June 2023 19: 06
    the fiddly devils begin to guess about something. And we can burn you all if we want.
  7. 0
    3 June 2023 20: 33
    Shaw tilki you can’t break, you can die on your own mines, if only we feel bad. Well, poke, die with the song "not yet died." And we'll wait until the last Ruinian comes to Bandera on his own mine.
  8. 0
    4 June 2023 00: 05
    The Americans forgot that in order to clear mines unnoticed by the Russians, you need to buy a wonderful invisibility hat, but that's bad luck, the hat is Russian.
    But seriously, the level of idiocy rolls over. For modern devices, day and night are monopenisual.