Ukrainian media report on the launch of Iskander missiles from the Belgorod region and explosions in Kharkov

Ukrainian media report on the launch of Iskander missiles from the Belgorod region and explosions in Kharkov

Now explosions are heard in the Kharkiv region. This is reported by the Ukrainian media and local publics.

Explosions in Kharkov and its suburbs, according to local publics, are "powerful." What exactly explodes, the Ukrainian media do not report. Due to the strict censorship of the Kyiv regime, the press is forced to severely restrict the flow of information.

Probably, the strikes are carried out on numerous military facilities located in Kharkov. A significant part of the Ukrainian military industry is historically concentrated here, now its capacities are involved in the repair of damaged military equipment. Impressive in terms of numbers, Ukrainian formations are also concentrated in Kharkov, including those that are then transferred to the Kupyansk direction and other sectors of the front.

In addition, Ukrainian information resources reported the launch of Russian missiles allegedly from the territory of the Belgorod region. It is alleged that the RF Armed Forces are launching Iskander missiles towards the Kharkiv region.

There was no confirmation of this from the Russian military department. Therefore, we can talk about both the response of the RF Armed Forces for the shelling of the region, and targeted misinformation on the part of the Ukrainian side in order to justify the strikes on peaceful settlements in the Belgorod region.

As details become available, the situation with the explosions in Kharkov will become clearer, including the consequences of the missile arrivals, if any.
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  1. +9
    2 June 2023 17: 35
    What exactly explodes, the Ukrainian media do not report.

    The air conditioners are about to explode. This greetings from Shebekino.
  2. +5
    2 June 2023 17: 40
    And smoked near the gas cylinders .... Yes
    1. +4
      2 June 2023 17: 47
      Old Soviet joke. The Americans landed on the moon and unfurled the "Cemel" banner. The Russians, as you know, did not land, but the banner was unfurled "The Ministry of Defense of the USSR warns. Smoking is life threatening"
      1. 0
        3 June 2023 16: 52
        Quote: Tusv
        Old Soviet joke. The Americans landed on the moon and unfurled the "Cemel" banner. The Russians, as you know, did not land, but the banner was unfurled "The Ministry of Defense of the USSR warns. Smoking is life threatening"

        Smoking is dangerous to health...
  3. +5
    2 June 2023 17: 44
    All this, of course, is excellent, let the earth burn under the feet of these corrupt reptiles. But, Kharkov is a primordially Russian city. The stump is clear there, the people are intimidated, but still. What prevented them from following the path of Donetsk and Luhansk?
    1. +6
      2 June 2023 18: 08
      lukash66 ..... What prevented them from following the path of Donetsk and Lugansk?

      I answer: local elites and their curators.
  4. +3
    2 June 2023 18: 05
    Shooting at Kharkiv from the Belgorod region with an escander is like shooting from a mortar behind your own parapet or from a sniper rifle to shoot at close range. Some kind of mud.
    1. +1
      2 June 2023 18: 13
      Horon .... Some kind of dregs.

      Well, why dregs. If we are talking about the destruction of large industrial facilities, then nothing else is needed. The flight time is 1 min, it is problematic to shoot down, the result is obvious.
      1. +1
        2 June 2023 18: 17
        The flight time is 1 min, it is problematic to shoot down, the result is obvious.

        Expensive and covers a small area. A tornado covers a large area, cheaply, let them shoot down.
      2. 0
        3 June 2023 04: 33
        Quote: frruc
        Well, why dregs. If we are talking about the destruction of large industrial facilities, then nothing else is needed. The flight time is 1 min, it is problematic to shoot down, the result is obvious.

        Because it would be easier and cheaper to drop guided bombs in sufficient quantities. And if there are no civilian objects nearby, then Tornado is enough.
  5. 0
    3 June 2023 16: 48
    Well, it's nice if this is so: to feel sorry for the Ukronazis, not to respect yourself.