German press: Retired German Air Force officers may be involved in the development of China's military operation against Taiwan

German press: Retired German Air Force officers may be involved in the development of China's military operation against Taiwan

The German Ministry of Defense is concerned about the high likelihood of disclosure of state secrets and military secrets by former officers of the German air force, who are now working as instructors in China. Spiegel writes about this, referring to the military ministry.

The German press claims that several former military pilots of the German Air Force are currently in China. They work for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLA Air Force) through the shell company Lode-Tech.

The publication recalls that the owner of the company, Su Bing, was detained in the United States back in 2016 on charges of spying for China. But then he was exchanged for Canadians - a husband and wife, who were detained in China, considering them spies.

The official response of the Ministry of Defense of Germany to the request of the publication states that China is trying to recruit former military pilots of Germany and other NATO countries to work as instructors for its Air Force. In China, pilots are promised big salaries.

The German military department believes that retired officers will not only teach Chinese pilots how to fly fighter jets, but will also tell the Chinese military various secrets, including technical data and air combat tactics of NATO military aviation.

Spiegel notes that Chinese pilots are being trained at the Qiqihar military airfield, near the border with the Russian Federation. German intelligence agencies say there is a high probability that retired German Air Force pilots will participate in the development of the air part of scenarios for China's upcoming attack on Taiwan.

How many German pilots are in China is not reported, but it is known that their salaries are many times higher than the military pensions of Bundeswehr officers.
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  1. 0
    2 June 2023 16: 36
    retired officers will not just teach Chinese pilots to fly fighters

    What kind of fighters will the German pilots teach to fly?
    SU-27 and their clones? And do they know how to do it?
    If by European or American aircraft, then, as they say, what the heck is a button accordion for a goat?
    And so it is clear why they are recruited.
    1. 0
      2 June 2023 19: 43
      "Witch Hunt" is a great sign.
      When they begin to hunt for their own systematically, looking for "treason", the most intelligent leave "this flock".
      The worse it gets in NATO, the better it will be in the rest of the world
    2. 0
      3 June 2023 07: 17
      Quote: Popandos
      What kind of fighters will the German pilots teach to fly?
      SU-27 and their clones? And do they know how to do it?

      There, apparently, a little unsaid ... one should add "... in battle against pilots trained according to Western canons"
  2. 0
    2 June 2023 16: 39
    It is written the same: in the development of scenarios, well, and battle tactics.
    1. -2
      2 June 2023 16: 51
      Yes, what kind of battle tactics are already there, it’s faster to notice to put something long-range on it and dump
  3. LMN
    2 June 2023 16: 52
    Quite possible. Now who will not earn in Ukraine
  4. 0
    2 June 2023 17: 01
    Spiegel notes that Chinese pilots are being trained at the Qiqihar military airfield, near the border with the Russian Federation. German intelligence agencies say there is a high probability that retired German Air Force pilots will participate in the development of the air part of scenarios for China's upcoming attack on Taiwan.

    In the place of the Chinese, I would think three times before involving German pilots in planning a landing operation on the island. Last time, the Luftwaffe turned out to be complete garbage, and the ground forces generally pushed through the attack on the USSR - just not to parachute. smile
  5. +2
    2 June 2023 17: 12
    In short, if the PRC captures Taiwan, then the Germans and the British are to blame for this (they have the same problem with pence) bully And don't forget the Ukrainian super divers.
  6. 0
    2 June 2023 17: 18
    Once upon a time, Berlin was in charming and well-deserved ruins. Can we do it again!? The offspring of the Nazis-fascists, including those in ruins, became insolent. Ruin - also in ruins!
  7. 0
    3 June 2023 07: 15
    How many German pilots are in China is not reported, but it is known that their salaries are many times higher than the military pensions of Bundeswehr officers.
    Great AD... "Welcome to China"
  8. 0
    4 June 2023 08: 41
    How many located in China German pilots, not reported, but it is known that their salaries at times surpass the military pensions of Bundeswehr officers.

    A wonderful fake from the "Yellow" rag Spiegel.
    "Bloodthirsty" China and irresponsible Germans, who instead of Ukraine went to China.
    Are they preparing public opinion for the fact that German "volunteer" pilots will take part in the NWO on the side of Ukraine?