Results of the week. "It's just the flu all together are sick, and one by one go crazy!"

Part I. "We learned you on your head - everyone was bald!"

Are you ready for a universal catastrophe?

"Man, go pay for the light, otherwise we will be overdue, and the people will end."
From a private conversation

Reflections about the end of the world excite the minds of the public. The closer December 21 comes, the deeper the underground shelters are those who are sure of the infallibility of both the Mayans themselves and their calendar; the more matches and salt are purchased by those who believe that even after the end of the world they will have the opportunity to set fire and salt something ...

The creative employees of housing and communal services and homeowners associations, who also decided to announce the frailty of everything, do not stand aside. In particular, at the entrances of one of the apartment buildings there appeared ads printed on the printer with the text, according to which the residents of this house, in connection with the looming end, are asked to pay their rent arrears to 21.12.12.

Why is it only at the entrances of this house? .. A mystery that is no less in scale than the mystery of the calendar of the Indian ethnic group dissolved in time and space. Apparently, employees of the district housing and utilities sector on their Tarot cards figured out exactly where the heavenly car would be sent on the Day of Judgment. And the cards, apparently, indicated Kapotnya ...

Perhaps, in reality, they pointed to the buildings of the Moscow Helsinki Group, the Hydrometeorological Center or the Moscow Directorate of Traffic Police, but due to the political correctness of the housing department staff versed in the "doomsday" (in all senses of the word), they had to take the full blow on themselves, exposing the stars correct adjustment ...

However, jokes are jokes, and there are people in our country who are seriously concerned about the problem of the End of the World and, apparently, the problem of the end of the “expiration date” of the Mayan calendar. One of these people is the doctor of military sciences, Professor Zenkevich. In his opinion, Russia is not ready for Armageddon at all ... Here in the US everything is being done to withstand possible cataclysms, while in this respect we have a complete steering wheel. The professor complains that in Soviet times the authorities tried to save at least the elect by building special cities in the bowels of the Earth, and what now? .. Not preparation, but childish prattle - neither you have a normal multi-tiered bunker nor a starship with stocks of food and water for at least a million years of wandering, not even gas masks on the subway ... Whom the doctor Zenkevich means by the word “chosen” is not clear, but for them it becomes frankly unquiet in my heart. Surely they will not be saved? .. Is it possible that their ark will not bring them to Ararat? And if it makes, then what's next, because there is Erdogan ... There are “Patriots” ... In general, the professor is right - by the end of the world, we, and the elect, have prepared very badly ...

Occupy Mihai

As one Moldovan liberal urged to recognize the occupation of the PMR by Russia

In the week, the Russians, Gimpu, the main liberal of this once flourishing region, forced the Russians to pay attention to the fraternal Moldavia. Yes, yes, that same Mikhail Fedorovich Ghimpu, who once quite unexpectedly felt the call of the Romanian blood in himself and got rid of the "improbable" name, common in Russia. Today the lord calls himself Mihai, which is what he wants for us in relation to himself.

So, this same Mihai calls on the Romanian authorities, to whom he himself had most directly related (he was the speaker of the parliament and even served as president), to recognize the territory of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika as a zone of occupation of Russia. Apparently, the “laurels” of Mikhail (not Mihai) of Saakashvili, Mr. Ghimpu, are haunted, and therefore he decided to follow in the footsteps of his Georgian, let's say, like-minded person.

At the same time, Ghimpu obviously realizes that his words are pure provocation, but isn’t today for a self-respecting liberal politician (especially Moldovan) provocative utterances something reprehensible? ..

Let us not forget that Mihai Ghimpu is in general a big master of political PR, often allowing himself words and actions, which even in the Moldovan citizens themselves evoke obviously contradictory emotions. In particular, his demarche during the performance of the duties of the President of Moldova, associated with the invitation to Moscow for the Victory Parade, can still be considered an unsurpassed example of political absurdity. Mikhail Fyodorovich, after receiving the invitation, then unexpectedly declared that he would not go to Moscow, since the vanquished had nothing to do on Red Square ... If we take into account that the 9 Victory May 1945 itself is worldwide associated with the victory over fascism, the Moldovan-Romanian Mihai is quite clear spoke about their personal ideological preferences. Even our “beloved” Baltic politicians do not allow themselves to be so straightforward ... But then Latvia is with Estonia, and then Moldova is warm here ...

And after that, this person requires a serious discussion of the issues that “progressive Moldovan forces” (in his person, in all likelihood) are aimed at an indispensable unification with Romania - by articulation with the current EU member. Well, the European Union, in principle, is not the first time under its wing to take all "offended and vanquished." Therefore, Mr. Ghimpu is also zealous in this direction: what if his tirade about the recognition of the Russian occupation of Transnistria would make the Brussels brothers-liberals cry out of emotion and take at least Ghimpu somewhere closer to the peeing boy.

However, Mr. Ghimpu, awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, forgets that in response to his every idea, his own idea may be born in Russia. And then, apparently, after allowing Moldovan wines to be imported into Russia, he became so talkative ... And Onishchenko can replay, then he will not rust.

Something is wrong with Santa Claus ...

Gennady Onishchenko reflects on fairy characters and the card system in Russia

And it’s not for nothing that the previous material touched upon the personality of the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, the thunderstorms of all the negligent foreign suppliers of goods and services Gennady Onishchenko. In the outgoing week, Gennady Grigorievich was noted with the latest advanced proposals and philosophical speculations, which can not leave indifferent the true admirers of the "supreme-sanitary" creativity.

This time, Dr. Onishchenko complained that Russian children are too early to stop believing in Santa Claus. “They are getting old early in our country,” the chief sanitary doctor said, glancing at the ceiling, apparently referring to Russian children (well, not Santa Clauses). Gennady Grigorievich, it turns out, is literally outraged by the fact that many children, having barely learned to speak, already question the existence of one of the main fairy-tale characters.

After such fabrications, the doctor said that he urged Russians to invite both Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens home, but he noted that parents need to get acquainted with the rules of the provision of relevant services by the company in the most careful way. What exactly worries the chief medical officer in the services of Moroz and his granddaughter, Gennady Grigorievich did not specify, so you can only build your own personal assumptions.

Perhaps, our children early cease to believe in the existence of Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, because in the certification sheet of modern “demo-frost” firms there is no line banning the use of a fabulous character in sneakers sticking out from under a red caftan, and a Chinese “Adidadas” bag instead from real burlap. Yes, and with Snow Maidens firms should also be more careful. And then, you know, sometimes such a granddaughter of Santa Claus will be slipped to the child, in which even a two-year-old pupil of the nursery recognizes a woman, at least, of Balzac age. And the distracting maneuver “do you even know how old my grandfather is?” Will not help here, because even the smoky voice of the Snow Maiden is unable to stifle children's sobs ...

But Gennady Onishchenko, as it turned out, was worried not only by Santa Claus this week. Gennady G. proposed to change the law on public procurement and introduce ... food ration cards. On these cards, at his suggestion, the Russians will be able to purchase purely domestic products. What rate is going to lay in each card, our chief health officer is not reported. But Onishchenko’s appeals that during the New Year holidays Russians will have to limit themselves, not only in terms of alcohol consumption, but also in food, allow us to conclude that such cards (if they appear) are clearly not clearing up ... And how it will work card system in our country, which for all its history survived all the systems that could only be experienced, also information from Gennady Grigorievich has not yet been reported.

We will wait for new ideas about the preservation of the health of the nation.

In the "tiger" skin

Fashion on cars "Tiger" is gaining momentum

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin said that in the near future he was going to transfer from BMW to the domestic Tiger car. Option "Tiger" without armor, according to Dmitry Rogozin, can be used by him during working trips. There are reports that a special modification of the "Tiger" with the VIP lounge and the YMZ-534 engine is already being made for the deputy prime minister. At the same time, the press service of the Military Industrial Commission immediately declared that in the press there would suddenly be no misinterpretation: Rogozin was buying the Russian Tiger as a private individual. In this case, the price of the model can be at least about 3 million rubles ...

Results of the week. "It's just the flu all together are sick, and one by one go crazy!"

Of course, we will not consider the salary of the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, because to look at someone else’s pocket, as honest people, is at least indecent, and therefore it remains for Dmitry Olegovich only to rejoice. Why? Yes, because with the purchase of "Tiger" he will enter the glorious cohort of tigers, which today include such famous personalities as Nikita Mikhalkov, Valery Shantsev and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Nikita Sergeevich of these “Tigers”, forgive me, like uncut dogs, as many as four. And wherever he drives around in all four cars: does he really load the entire creative group of the movie “Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation” into his cars and goes with her (with the group) to kebabs?

But, as some readers noticed, following the automobile trends, the purchase of the Tiger by Dmitry Rogozin can lead to a new fashion among Russian officials of various ranks. They will say: well, if the deputy prime minister as an individual buys a car for 3 million, then why are we worse off? What do we have less private capital, or what? ..

This scares motorists (especially Moscow ones): they say, you spend half your life in traffic jams, and if you still get Tiger Troops with flashing lights around Moscow, then you shouldn’t hang out of the metro at all ... There you’ll see them, officials: who is in the civilian version, and who is traveling in the military in the capital ...

But it is also impossible to forget about Dagestan weddings, which may follow the example of popular politicians in terms of movement on a special car. One can imagine reports from Moscow streets: along the Kutuzovsky Avenue, a column of Tigr cars, driven by Bugatti Veyron and Ferrari Enzo, are moving towards the center of the capital, all with numbers from the 05 region. From the wide-open windows of armored cars, leaving an even mark on the asphalt, festive shots from travmatiki are heard. On the roof of the "Tiger", decorated with balls and ribbons, a couple of newlyweds dancing lezginka. In the tail of the column in a vain attempt to overtake the Dagestan wedding moves civilian "Tiger" Dmitry Rogozin, returning from a working trip. The sun is setting

Part II. “Thanks to the end we will make ends meet”

Our revenge will be terrible

About the "Magnitsky Act"

This week, the US Senate voted in favor of the Law on the Normalization of Trade Relations with Russia and Moldova, part of which is the “Magnitsky Law” (Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act). For the adoption of this law voted 92 senator, against - 4. The decision to repeal the Jackson-Vanik amendment with respect to Russia was taken unanimously.

Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin said: “It has now become clear that violators of human rights can no longer visit the United States and use our banking system. This law creates an international precedent. ” And John McCain said that the “Magnitsky Act” is no anti-Russian law: “I’m sure that this is not anti-Russian, but pro-Russian law. This law was adopted in the interests of the people of Russia, which deserves a much better share. ” The result was summed up by Obama, who remained to sign the document. Mr. President said that America will continue to work on building democracy in Russia: “My administration will continue to work with Congress and our partners in supporting those who work for a free and democratic future for Russia, who support the rule of law and respect for human rights all over the world. "

The relevant Russian department in the person of Comrade Lavrov immediately on the adoption of the law reacted: “At the meeting with Clinton, I confirmed that we will also close the entry to the Americans, who are really guilty of violating human rights.”

Spoke out Alexei Pushkov, head of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, said: “In response to the so-called hard version of the Magnitsky Law, which was adopted by the US Senate, Russia can also respond by adopting the relevant law at the legislative level.”

Comrade Pushkov proposed two options for action on the principle of "an eye for an eye." The first option is the adoption of amendments to the already existing law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, restricting the arrival in Russia of some unpleasant foreign citizens, including Americans convicted of violating the rights of Russian citizens abroad.

The second option is to extend the action of this bill, extending it to those residents of the United States who noted their participation in human rights violations outside the country - that is, somewhere in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other countries. This includes the famous Guantanamo prison in Cuba, the secret CIA prisons in Europe and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

The Duma, of course, will vote. And, most likely, the law will be adopted by a majority vote. There is, however, one problem: Vladimir Putin recently invited Barack Obama to Moscow.

After all, if you start a scary list with someone, it's with him, with Mr. Obama. He did not close the prison at Guantanamo, although he promised to do this before the 2008 elections of the year, and Mr. Libyan president pushed into Libya without asking permission from Congress. And now, paying heightened attention to newspaper “ducks” about the chemical plans of Bashar al-Assad, he is also considering violations of human rights in Syria. Yes, it will be very difficult for deputies to make a list. After all, all other violators will be smaller - except that George W. Bush will overtake the current president in the number of atrocities. However, Bush is forgivable: they are said to not even know where it is on the map - Iraq.

Women are suing the Pentagon

They want to serve on a par with men

American women serving in regular military units — more precisely, those who were in “hot spots” filed a lawsuit against the US Department of Defense. They do not like the fact that women are not allowed to serve in units conducting ground combat operations in their own democratic army.

There are only four of these militant women, but there is case law in America: if they win the process, the ban will be lifted everywhere. The lawsuit filed in federal court in California.

Mary Higar, one of the friendly four, says: “My gender has never affected the performance of the tasks of my unit in hot spots. And it should not be a factor that determines whether I can serve in combat units. ” Mary went through Iraq and Afghanistan. She served 12 for years in the US Air Force. Three years ago, the Taliban shot down her plane in Afghanistan. Mary survived and received two top military awards.

Another of the four, Captain of the Marine Corps Zoe Bedell, believes that in the hot spots any fighter can be on the battlefield. And it doesn’t matter whether the man is a woman or a woman: “The very expression“ war zone ”means that there is no border between the battlefield and some kind of safe zone. Any soldier who finds himself in Iraq or Afghanistan, male or female, finds himself on the battlefield. ”

War correspondent Jennifer Brofer, who went through quite a few hot spots, said: “This, of course, is extremely dangerous. But these women understand the risks they take. They fight with the enemies on a par with men. America simply does not want to openly send mothers, daughters, sisters to war. But the truth is that women are already there, they are fighting on the battlefield. And many die. If a woman is able to pass all the tests and tests, I am sure she should be able to serve in combat units. ”

The Pentagon is still silent. It is known that more than 14 thousands of vacancies for women are now open in the army. Equality of the sexes, which in the military at the present times of tolerance to blue and pink, is a delicate matter. Male military believes that women will not cope with the physical. In the Marine Corps, for example, only two women managed to pass the test - in the entire history. In addition, the US military, as is known, is not sent to Afghanistan or Iraq to grow flowers (although Afghanistan can be called the exception). If America is destroying its guys who, after one or two trips to hot spots, commit suicide, drink, die from heroin overdose, sit on antidepressants or go crazy, then the Pentagon has spared the female half of the country.

Naked means free

About ass and tits

Nudists in the intolerant San Francisco are being persecuted. They are unhappy, do not give bare or breast, or even ass in public places. Hardly that - people run to them with sheets and there, in these sheets, wretched nudists are wrapped. A real nightmare, and no rights and freedoms for you.

In San Francisco, there is an active discussion of a ban to appear naked in public places. Six nudists showed up in the hall to the deputies - men and women. The provocation failed because the guards were quite ready to meet the protesters: they had sheets on hand that they threw on the nudists, and then brought the troublemakers out of the hall.

The public of San Francisco expresses outrageous ideas about banning asses and boobs: all nudists will be driven on reservation to private beaches. According to the law on the prohibition of nudity in public places adopted by the city authorities (it has not yet entered into force), children under five years of age are not considered to be nudists. Allowed special permission for the participants of "naked parades." All others will be considered infringers.

For the appearance of a nude in public, the nudist will have to lay out 100 dollars of a fine, if the parts are exposed again during the same year, the exhibitionist will lose two hundred dollars. Well, and who undress for the third time, will part with half a thousand.

In general, residents of San Francisco have long complained about the nudes - there is no passage from them. Around these same, I'm sorry, parts of the body come across. Nudists themselves believe that this is how they realize their human rights.

At first, the authorities forbade naked people to sit on public benches without bedding and go into restaurants without clothing. Such restrictions came into force last year, and they helped a little. Exhibitionists deliberately sat on the benches, and the restaurants were announced in droves. What will happen now is hard to say. Probably, nudists will start every day to organize "naked parades" - until the severe law is canceled.

By the way, San Francisco naturists are related to Russia. Headed the action naked in the meeting room Oksana Taub, a former Muscovite and a former stripper. She is now raising three children. Probably, they also do without clothes. By the way, in times of crisis, avoiding the cost of pants and blouses is a good savings option.

Nudist provokers who exercised their rights in the meeting room are unlikely to be punished. Unless one detained activist will be charged: she is suspected of scratching a deputy.

Difficult days of Berezovsky

Boris Abramovich has lost civil liberties

This week has come news from capitalist London: Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, a political figure very well known in Russia, and this year even offering to make her a monarchy, found himself in a difficult financial situation. Since no one really knows how much he has pounds, euros and dollars, we will not say: he went bankrupt. At least, he has not yet sold his "car" at the price of three hundred thousand pounds. And the huge bodyguard on his heels follows, as before.

However, the disgraced oligarch turned all legal litigation and sold a luxury mansion in county Suray. And most importantly: he stopped financing the civil liberties fund he created. He also did not give money to the widow of Alexander Litvinenko, a former FSB officer, who died under strange circumstances in England in 2006, and he had actively sponsored Marina Litvinenko before.

What did Berezovsky spend on? And it was ruined by elementary greed: Berezovsky ruined himself by staging a lawsuit against Roman Abramovich. The disgraced oligarch was going to get rich in this way with a sum of five (and a half) billion dollars. And the work of lawyers and other servants of the law in the bourgeois world costs nightmarish money - especially when lawyers and other servants of the law know who they are dealing with. That fucked up.

Now Boris Abramovich slowly pays legal fees, which amount to no less than one hundred and fifty million dollars.

In addition, Judge Elizabeth Gloucester very unpleasantly responded to the crystal honest man Boris Abramovich. Yes, even in writing - that is, hopefully, the decision of the court will remain in the annals of history. Henceforth, Mr. Berezovsky is branded as "not trustworthy" and "dishonest." His reputation was not just stained, she became wet, like water.

One of the three lawyers representing Marina Litvinenko, Ben Emmerson, сообщил to the Guardian newspaper: “Mr. Berezovsky made it clear that he is no longer able to finance the work of lawyers representing Ms. Litvinenko.”

Earlier, Boris Abramovich transferred some pounds to pay for legal expenses of Marina Litvinenko, but lawyers have already eaten this money, and work for some time for free, which is uncharacteristic for British lawyers.

Meetings of the coroner's court in the Litvinenko case will continue for two or three months, so Marina Litvinenko’s expenses for attorneys alone will be about 300 thousand pounds (about 480 thousand dollars).

Marina is trying to find a way out by collecting donations on the Internet. On the website of the Litvinenko Justice Fund, it is indicated that to those who transfer more 75 dollars, she will present a signed book, Sasha, Volodya, Boris. The story of the murder "(she's" Death of a Dissident ").

The widow aims to find out the truth: “I ask for help because I want to know the truth. For this, I need money to pay for expenses. I have a very strong team on this inquiry, which works great. I want to save her, because these people can help me find out who is behind this crime. Are people from Russia involved? ”

Previously, Mr. Berezovsky led a whole campaign to discredit the Russian authorities, and now his main hobby is to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

“Ironically, the decision of the English court did what the 10 years had failed the Kremlin: put an end to Boris’s anti-Putin activities in London,” - with a bitterness in his voice сказал one friend of Berezovsky, who wished to preserve anonymity.

In fact, Boris Abramovich knowingly refused to help Marina Litvinenko. In fact, he acted nobly (by virtue of his modest abilities and abilities). Imagine this: a hearing began in the Litvinenko case, when it suddenly turned out that the investigation was proceeding with money received from an “unreliable” and “dishonest” person. And this reputation is unflattering in writing fixed in the court ...

Bread line and another truth about the West

Queuing is embarrassing, but people want to eat

The crisis added to the Finns in such a way that they did not have enough money even for their daily bread. Modern Finland is similar to the USSR Gorbachev times, but instead of drunken bursts there are bread.

One research center for the first time interrogated those Finns who queued in for free bread and other food. The survey involved 905 people - residents of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo. The study is part of a nationwide project.

Many Finns feel ashamed to get free food. 40% of respondents fear that "neighbors and friends will find out about this."

Almost all consumers of free bread (92%) said that they have a maximum of one hundred euros a month for food.

It’s not at all a fact that if you are smart, then rich. Nowhere is this famous opinion debunked like in Finland. The results of the study showed that a good education is not a guarantee of wealth. Half of the hungry respondents have completed secondary vocational education. Do not think that there are visitors for the bread. Immigrants in line only a quarter.

The economic crisis bakes and Britain. In this country, the number of “food banks” has increased significantly - charitable organizations that distribute food to the poor. Those who get up in the UK in hungry lines, over the past year has doubled.

New Soup Kitchens are opening up every three days. The number of Britons living below the poverty line will soon exceed 13 millions. The cost of food in the UK over the past five years has increased by 32%. Especially rising prices in this kapstrana before Christmas.

Since last year, there has been a jump in the food banks of hungry young people.

Anonymous says: “The first time I came here, I felt somehow embarrassed. I did not know anything about these centers. I even cried. But people met me affably and reassured. ”

The British picture is complemented by a survey conducted by the sociological center "Tesco". His results showedthat for every tenth family in the UK, hunger is an everyday reality. In order not to leave the children hungry, mothers switched to three meals a day: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is not a joke: many women eat every other day. 9% of the country's population over the past year was often left without food: children ate everything. Some families rely on friends or relatives. The queues in the "food banks" will grow.

However, the British, as well as the Finns, did not have long to starve. After all, coming ... the end of the world.

Julia Gillard believes in the end of the world

People may die from the invasion of zombies, the triumph of Korean pop music or the arrival of hellish demons

Armageddon is being prepared not only in Russia. Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, recorded dark and ironic appeal to fellow citizens.

“My dear compatriots! The end of the world is really coming. <…> It seems that the Mayan calendar was accurate, ”she said.

Promising the end of the world, Gillard noted that every cloud has a silver lining: she will die, but she will no longer have to give exhausting interviews to newsmen.

As for the causes of the universal catastrophe, it is not known to the Australian Prime Minister: “It doesn’t matter what the final blow will be. Whether it is devouring zombie brains, the invasion of demons from hell or the final triumph of Korean pop music, one thing you can always be sure: I will always be with you. Until the end".

Then Julia Gillard wished everyone ... good luck.

One of the commentators on the Internet expressed his attitude to the video premier as: “Julia - well done! You grew up in my eyes! And by the way, I personally hope for zombies ... "

Welcome to Hell!

Sometimes this phrase is written in charcoal at registry offices, but here, in my opinion, it is more appropriate.

* “It’s just the flu that everyone’s sick together, but they’re going crazy alone!” - the phrase from the movie “Three from Prostokvashino”
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  1. YARY
    8 December 2012 09: 10
    The American singer Lady Gaga, who arrived on a tour to St. Petersburg, thanked Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for not supporting the gay propaganda law.


    Moscow. December 7th. INTERFAX.RU - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev sees no need to legally regulate homosexual relations.

    See the original material at

    The ban on gay propaganda in the image of St. Petersburg has already been adopted in several regions of Russia, priests have approved, but are in no hurry to adopt in Moscow. Dmitry Medvedev is skeptical of lawmaking in the field of morality.

    “Not all moral issues, not all behavioral habits, not all issues of communication between people need to be turned into legislation,” Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with five channels, answering a journalist's question. - Because not all relationships between people can be regulated by law. This is my position, this is the position of United Russia.

    1. +13
      8 December 2012 09: 27
      Quote: Ardent

      Strengthens the electorate, now lovers of same-sex love will support him laughing
      1. YARY
        8 December 2012 09: 43
        Alexander with a compromise!
        Look, and among the members of the forum there are rotten ones!
        1. +14
          8 December 2012 09: 53
          Quote: Ardent
          Look, and among the members of the forum there are rotten ones!

          Mutually Andrei, here quite recently, alone, in all seriousness, admitted that he lives with a guy. So, even on a patriotic website there are agents of the blue army and today it will become clear how many of them laughing
          1. +41
            8 December 2012 10: 48
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Mutually Andrei, here quite recently, alone, in all seriousness, admitted that he lives with a guy. So, even on a patriotic website there are agents of the blue army and today it will become clear how many of them

            Bred like "orcs"
            Gays in the city of New York.
            But in ours in Adygea
            Hardly gay take root.

            Birth Permits
            Not given to them by nature.
            Why, since they don’t give birth,
            Are there more of them? It is amazing !!!

            Shemale lesbians
            Euro gay, yankee lesbian ...
            The ball rules among them, the demon himself,
            Rules to the peak of heaven.

            Daddy Gay Pride
            He has been waiting for a long time for hell steam.
            They will give them parades
            There they will be very welcome!

            Eduard Chernukhin

            Every day-every gay
            1. bask
              8 December 2012 11: 51
              I liked the picture with 4 ,,, Amer’s ,,, rangers ... photo montage of course ..... Amerov women are more terrible than atomic war, but here they’re just beauties ((Russians probably (((. Here they are, poor fellow, , from such a life and draws on ,,, a point ,,, comrade ... One Hiloriri or Albright are worth something. Look and not some Viagra does not help ...
              1. Verde
                8 December 2012 11: 57
                All Americans are as scary as all Russian alcoholics. There are of course, but far from all. The world you live in, although simple, is very limited and ugly. Patriotism instead of the brain is not the best formula.
                1. +10
                  8 December 2012 13: 42
                  Quote: Verde
                  The world you live in, although simple, is very limited and ugly
                  You put the picture in the avatar! Good one.
                  1. Verde
                    8 December 2012 14: 05
                    Thank you, set the image robot :)
                    1. Verde
                      8 December 2012 15: 12
                      It is interesting by what criteria the comment was taken:

                      Quote: Uncle
                      You put the picture in the avatar! Good

                      And they zamusunuyut:

                      Quote: Verde
                      Thank you, set the image robot :)

                      However, I am not greedy for epaulets, and it seems I know the answer to this question.
                2. +10
                  8 December 2012 13: 56
                  Well your brain seems to be in the ass wassat
                  1. Verde
                    8 December 2012 14: 04
                    Better than nothing. wassat But joking aside, insulting women, at the same time groundless .... All such statements demonstrate the obvious wretchedness of thinking. All "American women are scary", well, really ...
                    1. YARY
                      8 December 2012 17: 31
                      Empty and largely harmful gene pool.
                      Except for latino.
                      But a purely biological woman is not transmitting her genotype, so when we kill all the gay men SyShyA (and mine them there 99%) there will be only women
                      ugly to the laundry, the rest to the brothel!
                      1. Verde
                        8 December 2012 17: 41
                        An ardent, old robber .... drinks
                        PS women, of course, transmit their genotype, and they carry more genetic information than men (the human X-chromosome contains about 150 million base pairs, which is about 5% of DNA in women’s cells, 2,5% in men’s cells. It carries more than 1400 genes ( with the Y chromosome, which carries only 78 genes.) Women have two X chromosomes; men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. One X chromosome is inherited from the mother, and the second (only in women) from the paternal grandmother lines.) And that woman carries much more genetic information. By the way, the child inherits intelligence precisely on the maternal side. So, as one smart man said, to have smart children, you need to marry smart women. It's a shame, but such is the reality.
                      2. Odessa
                        8 December 2012 17: 45
                        Do not confuse Yaroy, he didn’t quite correctly write. Does the child inherit from his father and his mother, didn’t they solve the problems of genetics in high school?
                      3. Verde
                        8 December 2012 17: 53
                        Shalom Odessa woman, offending a modest Jewish guy from a family of doctors laughing Where am I confused Yaroy? At what point? It would be funny if the child did not inherit genetic information from both the father and the mother, but only along one line, this would already be a photocopier. belay
                      4. Odessa
                        8 December 2012 18: 20
                        At what point?

                        By the way, the child inherits intelligence precisely on the maternal side.

                        Shalom Odessa woman, offending a modest Jewish guy from a family of doctors

                        You offend everyone, everyone would be so offended laughing
                      5. YARY
                        8 December 2012 17: 54
                        Esther Miles sorry! But is everything determined in your diocese by mother?
                        But in Russia, we have Fatherland and not Motherhood.
                        Blame the nerds of bonanin nemae!
                      6. Verde
                        8 December 2012 18: 00
                        No, Yary, here you are wrong, comrade. It is they have there in the Deutscheland "Papa State" and Russia is mother, "Motherland". (Well, to whom and the stepmother, although kind)
                      7. YARY
                        8 December 2012 20: 42
                        You can see sho in Russian, having forgotten yak, to be honored "poor Evroyskiy mavlyuk"
                      8. yustas
                        17 December 2012 10: 37
                        Quote: Odessa
                        Does the child inherit from both father and mother, didn’t they solve genetics problems in high school?
                        In my opinion, now if something is decided in schools, etc., so this is where to stir up, and if something passes, then mostly by ... Personally, you can minus my opinion, but judging by the way that "our generation next "near the entrance there was just such an opinion.
                      9. 0
                        9 December 2012 22: 33
                        Sorry, no offense, but your words once again confirm that the Jews are right and that their Jews are maternal. If mother or grandmother is Jewish, the child will still be Jewish. Although I personally have nothing against the Jews, I got the Jews!
                    2. +3
                      8 December 2012 22: 52
                      But this is not an insult, it is a statement of fact, by the way. I traveled all over Europe, that's where the nightmare, well, maybe. Besides Poland, the Czech Republic
                3. 0
                  9 December 2012 00: 44
                  Quote: Verde

                  All Americans are as scary as all Russian alcoholics.

                  The drunken people are terrible all, regardless of ethnicity ...
              2. bart74
                8 December 2012 14: 42
                Yes, I agree. Here is the third on the left, which is the highest, generally super. Hot stuff. Yes, and the heroes also!
              3. 0
                8 December 2012 16: 08

                "Amerovskie women are more terrible than atomic war"

                And I read on a grand scale: "Amer women are slimmer than atomic war"
                Interestingly, but they have everything in place?
              4. not good
                8 December 2012 16: 47
                The terrible ones aren’t scary, they want to be shot in them — for health, that's just where to dig a separate sartir in the trench, but they will demand it.
                1. Verde
                  8 December 2012 17: 08
                  They will pour it while standing and will not blink an eye, (and they will not splash cowards), unlike many of the local wars, which will not be needed at the first shots, because everything will be in trousers.
              5. +3
                8 December 2012 22: 50
                And these four, what, beauties ??? They can’t even be called pretty, well, if only after a six-month voyage
              6. 0
                9 December 2012 00: 42
                Quote: bask
                ..Amerovskie women worse than nuclear war, and then just beauties

                Well, the taste and color .... In fact, among the Americans there are very pretty ladies, but the truth is that they are less common ... In Russia there will be more pretty girls ..
            2. +3
              8 December 2012 12: 44
              Such a good verse.
            3. +10
              8 December 2012 16: 00
              USA Recession.
              In the next financial office reduction.
              The boss summoned the workers and looks at them intently, who to "optimize"?
              The Negro is the first to catch the eye.
              -Mr. Blake, you are fired!
              -no sir, I can’t be fired. This is racial discrimination!
              “Then you, Miss Jane!”
              -No sir, I can’t be either-sex discrimination!
              “Toda, Mr. Harrison!”
              - No, sir, for me, 64 of the year is age discrimination!
              - Then, you, Adams! - the chief is already shouting, looking at the young fair-haired white guy.
              Adams nervously swallowing a lump in his throat:
              -Serr! I think I just became homosexual ...
            4. Ratibor12
              8 December 2012 20: 55
              There is a country on the planet
              Beyond the Atlantic River
              Evil and lust is full
              Threatens everyone with a war!

              From the dark night to dawn
              Plaguing the common people
              There are ghoul bankers
              Drive a gloomy round dance

              There is a lie and vice
              To the children of lies hell is not a brother!
              There is a false prophet mocking -
              Their crafty lawyer!

              Honest citizens swearing,
              Away discarding shame and fear
              Gay shame shaking
              Raging about in the squares !!!

              D. Matveev
              "Vyrvidub and unknown he ... rnya" (excerpt)
            5. scrack
              9 December 2012 10: 50
              advertisements printed on the printer appeared on the doorways of one of the apartment buildings with the text according to which the tenants of this house, in connection with the impending end, were asked to pay the rent arrears by 21.12.12/XNUMX/XNUMX.

              Kashchenko cries for them
            6. Alx1miK
              10 December 2012 12: 34
              Ahaha, great. Fagos will not pass!
          2. 0
            13 December 2012 16: 46
            I am against calling them blue. I personally like the color blue, it's the color of the sky. And I see no reason to dirty him about these pi .... you yourself know whom. Pi ... he is pi ... and no need to hide behind flowers.
        2. +8
          8 December 2012 13: 39
          Quote: Ardent
          Look, and among the members of the forum there are rotten ones!
          Precisely, when I wrote that in Moscow the court banned gay pride parades for the next hundred years, they minus !!! And why do these "handsome men" come to TopVar, what are they interested in?
          1. bart74
            8 December 2012 14: 47
            I agree with you. I also noticed such a thing how many such subtle subchiks dress in Military style. You sometimes look at such a handsome Bundeswehr dressed in uniform and ask yourself: Well, it’s understandable that it’s convenient, but if you had tried these clothes for a couple of years at the beginning of a garrison garment, I would have looked at what you would wear in a civilian uniform.
      2. +5
        8 December 2012 10: 13
        The widow aims to find out the truth: “I ask for help because I want to know the truth. For this, I need money to pay for expenses. I have a very strong team on this inquiry, which works great. I want to save her, because these people can help me find out who is behind this crime. Are people from Russia involved? ”

        Therefore, Berezovsky stopped funding, because there is a version that he is behind the murder of Litvinenko ..... Apparently, they got close to a solution ...
        As for the causes of the universal catastrophe, it is not known to the Australian Prime Minister: “It doesn’t matter what the final blow will be. Whether it is devouring zombie brains, the invasion of demons from hell or the final triumph of Korean pop music, one thing you can always be sure: I will always be with you. Until the end".

        What nonsense .... And it says the first person in the state ??? In my opinion, the diagnosis is obvious .....
        1. +1
          8 December 2012 16: 29
          And in my opinion she is smart. Just in this way discharged the situation. Apparently turned there unmeasured.
          1. Verde
            8 December 2012 16: 43
            The local "patriots" well ooooooooooochen bad with humor, unlike Gilard.
            Quote: BlackScorp
            And it says the first person in the state ??? In my opinion, the diagnosis is obvious ...

            The diagnosis of dementia is unequivocal in the commentator. To such an extent not to enter into a joke, this is without a doubt a diagnosis.
        2. not good
          8 December 2012 17: 04
          As for Litvinenko, what goes to Berezovsky, the proverb says: whoever goes after the wool comes back short-haired. I would like the oligarchs and traitors to test it more often in their own skin.
      3. Gorchakov
        8 December 2012 15: 40
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Strengthens the electorate, now lovers of same-sex love will support him

        His electorate has "cried out", but now only lovers of same-sex love and visitors to Bolotnaya Square will support him .... "ER" mostly has a negative attitude towards the self-styled leader, so he does not strengthen, but loses the electorate .... ...
    2. Rusich
      8 December 2012 12: 13
      He SAME MENDEL THANKS THE THIEF OF THE COUNTRY FOR GOOD WORK IN M.O. that characteristically he does not hide this and publicly declares; in a word GID traitor murderer Countries
      1. -1
        8 December 2012 12: 32
        K. Did the young man try to contact a neurologist?
    3. AK-47
      8 December 2012 12: 47
      Quote: Ardent
      ... thanked Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for not supporting the gay propaganda law.

      We, too!
    4. +16
      8 December 2012 18: 20
      No comment.
      1. 0
        8 December 2012 19: 04
        Is this a photo montage?
        1. Verde
          8 December 2012 19: 17

        2. Homer
          8 December 2012 19: 28
          Quote: Gennady
          Is this a photo montage?

          No ... This is a reform! .. what
          1. Vito
            8 December 2012 19: 35
            Homer . Good evening to you FRIENDLY! hi

            Quote: Homer
            No ... This is reform!

            Your phrase precipitated me!
            Respect to you from me for YOUR sense of humor! drinks
          2. MG42
            9 December 2012 00: 08
            Quote: Homer
            No ... This is reform!

        3. WW3
          8 December 2012 23: 03
          Quote: Gennady
          Is this a photo montage?

          This photo is definitely not editing ... lol
          1. Odessa
            8 December 2012 23: 23
            And this is not a montage or a photo-toad wassat
            1. Alex 241
              8 December 2012 23: 45
              1. +2
                9 December 2012 00: 53
                Alexander take a look here. True, my company walked better 30 years ago, but we didn’t have a YouTube ...

                1. Alex 241
                  9 December 2012 01: 07
                  here on your favorite tank topicsChina Research Institute of Transport Engineering (China North Vehicle Research Institute).
                  A story about history and achievements (in Chinese).
                  Historical personnel and modern developments of the type “Type 99A2” will interest history buffs of Chinese tank building.
                  1. +1
                    9 December 2012 01: 13
                    I said without any jokes, sometimes I had up to 30% of the staff on vacation. But the guys also knew that if at competitions or exercises ours fucked everyone, then the vacation would be201%. Be the best - bi hepi ...
              2. 0
                9 December 2012 22: 40
                Wah, especially the second one on the right. Obviously wants to use the bayonet for its intended purpose, eyes have already opened with impatience!
        4. 0
          8 December 2012 23: 50
          Quote: Gennady
          Is this a photo montage?

          No, this is the vision of the commander in chief. (from Yudashkin).
        5. +1
          9 December 2012 01: 06
          Her form from Yudashkin ...
      2. 0
        9 December 2012 22: 38
        I suspected something like that, but here are the photo facts!
    5. Captain
      8 December 2012 20: 21
      I didn’t like this anymore:

      “Everything will be fine there, don’t worry,” Medvedev said. “They are goats that come at eight in the morning. Well, it's just actually a set of habits. I have a lot of people who work in law enforcement, they really ... if they come at seven in the morning, they will receive ... everything. "
    6. orfo
      9 December 2012 02: 24
      and our prime minister also said that "Serdyukov was an effective leader" @
  2. +8
    8 December 2012 09: 15
    Do the communal workers really believe that they will be paid the money before the end of the world. I will pay the next payment for the loan, I won’t bear it before 25, and suddenly ..... it will grow together belay
    And in general, our government and Medvedev personally are going to celebrate the new year, they have already completely completed building their bunker, but what about the rest of the people? And, all remembered, the salvation of drowning, the business of somih drowning.
    And Rogozin, by the time he buys an armored car, sees that he knows something, but is silent.
    Here, according to Garland, I did not quite understand, she’s already everything, like saying goodbye to everyone belay

    Birch, where is your business talent, thanks to which you "earned" well in Russia, which prevents the authorities of England from doing your favorite thing. At this rate, we will soon see Birch in the queue for a free bowl of soup laughing
    1. +1
      8 December 2012 09: 32
      And why would you need the money if the end of the world still happens?
      1. +1
        8 December 2012 09: 42
        Quote: wolk71

        And why would you need the money if the end of the world still happens?

        Well, someone will survive and the traders will not disappear. Why should I carry them to the bank, from which soon only dust will remain.
        By the way, buy stewed meat and all that, unless of course you have an invitation to the famous "ark" hi
        1. Sardanapalus
          8 December 2012 14: 48
          If people believed in the end of the world, all the banks would have been robbed. Going to the end is a holy thing! And from Budun, the end of the world is fearless! fellow
          1. +2
            8 December 2012 23: 16
            Quote: Sardanapalus
            If people believed in the end of the world, all banks would have been robbed

            The end of the world began in 1999 or 1991, only the end of the edge is not visible to him.
            1. 0
              9 December 2012 22: 46
              "Better a horrible end than endless horror!" from N. Fomenko's aphorisms
        2. 0
          9 December 2012 10: 33
          I do not panic about the end of the world, this is not the end of the world, this is the end of one era and the beginning of another, Just like the end of one year and the beginning of another, There’s nothing to be afraid of.
      2. AK-47
        8 December 2012 11: 50
        Quote: wolk71
        .... if the end of the world still happens?

        Do not happen.
      3. 0
        9 December 2012 22: 44
        He built his regiment of regiment, went out in front of the system and asked:
        - Eagles, do birds need money?
        In reply:
        “Not at all, Comrade Colonel!”
        - So, eagles, I drank your money!
    2. Cavas
      8 December 2012 10: 46
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      Do the communal workers really believe that they will be paid the money before the end of the world. I will pay the next payment for the loan, I won’t bear it before 25, and suddenly ..... it will grow together

      Sasha, you’re an optimist! laughing
      What is your nationality?? laughing laughing laughing
      I haven’t laughed for so long! good
      1. +8
        8 December 2012 10: 53
        Quote: Cavas
        Sasha, you’re an optimist!
        What is your nationality?

        Not Sergey, I’m serious, why should I bear the money for them? and why does the bank need money at the end of the world, let them think about their souls. And finally gentlemen, it's time to forgive debts laughing

        Russian I'm Sergey, a simple Russian is not Russian, namely Russian !!! hi
        1. Cavas
          8 December 2012 11: 03
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Not Sergey, I’m serious, why should I bear the money for them? and why does the bank need money at the end of the world, let them think about their souls.

          So why not earlier than the 25th, and not the 22nd, you think, but what if the numbers were wrong? laughing

          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Russian I'm Sergey, a simple Russian is not Russian, namely Russian !!!

          1. +2
            8 December 2012 11: 07
            Quote: Cavas

            So why not earlier than the 25th, and not the 22nd, you think, but what if the numbers were wrong?

            No, there’s something else. I’m not going to meet with a sober end of the world, and if you don’t get together, then you need to go sober to the bank. Until then, until just 25, not earlier laughing
            1. yustas
              17 December 2012 11: 05
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              No, there’s something else. I’m not going to meet with a sober end of the world, and if you don’t get together, then you need to go sober to the bank. Until then, until just 25, not earlier

              Alexander, and what will remain of something? drinks
          2. +7
            8 December 2012 13: 45
            It is only in RUSSIA that could be such a reaction! The West is hysterical, and we are laughing!
            1. bart74
              8 December 2012 14: 52
              And in the West they seriously believe in zombies. The United States even introduced such a variant of the danger as a "zombie attack". In all seriousness! Another thirty years of this kind of life and level of education, and our grown-up kid will also think that Napoleon was tied up in Washington, somewhere in the wild steppes of Menessota.
              1. +1
                8 December 2012 16: 06
                Ah-ah! Then it is clear why they buy Saiga from Izhmash and ammunition for them in huge quantities. They will shoot back from zombies. What? He killed a zombie and became a zombie himself, and so on until Duncan MacLeod is left alone. And then when the country of the mattress will not be in the world will come "Golden Age".
          3. +1
            9 December 2012 02: 30
            .................................................. ..............................
      2. bask
        8 December 2012 11: 28
        Hello Seryoga The End of the World is about to be a wonderful event for it to happen this year ... wink .Other Onishchenko with a finger in the sky, pokes, threatened, or something ????? .....
        1. Cavas
          8 December 2012 11: 33
          Quote: bask
          Hello Seryoga The End of the World is about to be a wonderful event for it to happen this year.

          bask, hello!
          How did your stuff start there?
          The guys here have already stocked up with alcohol, if only they would not start celebrating today! laughing
          1. Cavas
            8 December 2012 12: 04
            Already once the end of the world was! laughing

            1. +4
              8 December 2012 13: 46
              This is the end - of the Light!
              1. Sardanapalus
                8 December 2012 14: 46
                Quote: vezunchik

                This is the end - of the Light

                Sounds like a password; this is the end. Light. And the tip: no - it's a banana. Masha.
            2. mda
              8 December 2012 16: 22
              Quote: Cavas

              Already once the end of the world was!

              Spaisbo laughed
            3. 0
              8 December 2012 19: 08
              This is worse than the end of the world !!!!!!
            4. +1
              9 December 2012 20: 11
              Cavas. I do not know about you, but according to the Orenburg Region with 25.12.12. the poster is relevant recourse
            5. yustas
              17 December 2012 11: 18
              Quote: Cavas
              Already once the end of the world was!

              And you imagine this 01,01,2013 .... the scribe, so we can even reach Europe before the USA .... =))) wassat drinks
          2. bask
            8 December 2012 12: 05
            I agree Seryoga .. The end of the world with us, annually comes on January 1 .. So that, in principle, we’re used to it .... But after the new year, the prices for vodka will be “cosmic”, I’ll have to get my grandfather’s apparatus. Good from the stainless steel .And in Russian ,,, we drive ourselves, we drink ... Unfortunately, the liver does not allow us to catch a bell ... Says, all my brother :::::: poured my own. I’ll take the bottle to my chest ... and that’s it.
            1. +12
              8 December 2012 13: 32
              I recall a bearded anecdote about the end of the world or a nuclear winter, and how does this threaten us Russians

              + 10 C: Americans are shaking. Russian planted cucumbers in the gardens.
              + 1.6 C: Italians won't start cars. Russians ride down
              0 C: Water freezes in America. In Russia, water thickens.
              - 17.9 C: In New York, homeowners turn on heating. Russians
              last time in the season go on picnics.
              - 42 C: No transport in Europe. Russians eat ice cream on
              - 73 C: Finnish special forces evacuate Santa Claus from Lapland. Russians
              put on earflaps.
              - 114 C: Freezes ethyl alcohol. Russians are in a bad mood.
              - 273 C: Absolute zero, atomic motion stops. Russians
              swear: "It's cold,"
              - 295 C: Catholics in Hell freeze the devils. Russian national team
              football becomes world champion

              But seriously, when I was at school, we studied a subject such as astronomy, which I personally really liked, and a visit to the planetarium left an indelible impression. Now, as far as I know alas, there is no such thing in schools hence the obscurantism and faith in the tales of the shamans of the prophets and sorcerers about the end of the world.

              Live calmly and explore the world around you to be ready for anything.

              1. bask
                8 December 2012 15: 03
                Asket agrees. According to the zombie man, obscurantism and ,, flying saucers ,,, What TV programs do the kids learn ??? Yes, even in the public domain ,, House-2 ,,, With the slogan ...... and me ..... Full madhouse, ,, Soared a former alcoholic, materinka and seditious. You need to drink a triangle, for three, his give ,,, (Kanalchikova's cottage (((, V. Vysotsky 1976 .. As he looked into the water, a classic .....
            2. +4
              8 December 2012 17: 07
              Quote: bask
              But after the new year, the price of vodka will be “cosmic”, I’ll have to get my grandfather’s apparatus. Good from stainless steel. And in Russian ,,, we drive ourselves, we drink

              Throw Basque altogether. For three years I have not consumed any wine, or beer, or vodka, I feel great. With respect to the Baltic.
              1. YARY
                8 December 2012 17: 43
                And I respect the cognac, And I respect Zeir gut cognac for the New Year. And Dad taught me how to make young cognac. But I laid one barrel for the great-grandchildren.
                This is how it is.
                1. Verde
                  8 December 2012 17: 55
                  This is thorough. hi Great-grandchildren while drinking good brandy over the grave of ancestors will remember with kind words.
                2. yustas
                  17 December 2012 11: 22
                  Quote: Ardent
                  And I respect the cognac, And I respect Zeir gut cognac for the New Year. And Dad taught me how to make young cognac. But I laid one barrel for the great-grandchildren.

                  + I agree!
                  Do not skimp share your recipe, you can in PM.
              2. bask
                8 December 2012 19: 58
                I’m trying ,, baltika .... Well, as I see from the zombie man ... these ghouls who have billions of $$$$$$$$ stolen folk goods ... The hand itself reaches for the glass ... Otherwise, it’s like the roof is going gray .... It’s good to quit smoking. 10 years I don’t smoke .....
              3. +1
                8 December 2012 20: 06
                Greetings to baltika! Ready to confirm your words to all 100! I am on the same path with alcohol and noticed a lot of interesting things in my state, mind, body.
                Previously, he loved dry wine and beer, began to practice Taoism and qigong, and began to interfere. Six months later, I forgot about alcohol.
      3. +2
        8 December 2012 13: 43
        so who can be optimistic by nationality ...
        1. +10
          8 December 2012 14: 40

          Lived were Oh, Ah and Wow.
          Oh was a pessimist, lazy and constantly sighed.
          Ah was an optimist, joyful, actively participated in public life.
          Well, Wow-ho - just like women.
          1. Sardanapalus
            8 December 2012 15: 20
            And what was Yo-mine doing? ..
            1. mda
              8 December 2012 16: 27
              Quote: Sardanapalus
              And what was Yo-mine doing? ..

              He was constantly falling a brick on his head lol
            2. not good
              8 December 2012 17: 06
              Built Yo-mobile. laughing
            3. +4
              8 December 2012 17: 16
              Quote: Sardanapalus
              And what was Yo-mine doing? ..

              The reforms in the army are mainly ..
      4. +3
        8 December 2012 16: 03
        The end of the world will come soon to the liberals and geyropeytsam, and dawn will come to us Russians.
        1. YARY
          8 December 2012 17: 45
          What Chubais at the Kremlin wall shoot ??? !!!
    3. Odessa
      8 December 2012 17: 50
      Alexander Romanov,
      . At that pace, soon Birch will see in line for a free bowl of soup

      It is desirable together with Chubais, and in striped robes.
      1. 0
        8 December 2012 19: 14
        Yes, take off your robes. Do not foolishly. Just to be shot.
    8 December 2012 09: 33
    the triumph of Korean pop laughed heartily! although I’m thinking of learning this YouTube hit anyway, as the people are really sausage under it! a review of 5 +++++++ there really is something to think about and your life too! to the author ++++
    1. fern
      8 December 2012 12: 04
      Well gangnam style is our everything. laughing
  4. Atlon
    8 December 2012 09: 38
    I’ll also manage ... There is no bunker, but I stocked up with fuel! ;) One champagne 10 cloakrooms in the cellar are ... And also, vodka, pepper, cognac, martini, cahors .... You will not list in total. So, while the zombies burst in, I'll be dead drunk! wassat
    1. +4
      8 December 2012 09: 56
      Quote: Atlon
      One champagne 10 cloaks in the cellar are ... And yet, vodka, pepper, cognac, martini, cahors .... All you can’t list.

      Oh oh yeah you really Respected man,sober and visionary wink Say the address, I agree to meet the end of the world and zombies in your company, support the company laughing
      1. Atlon
        8 December 2012 10: 57
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Oh, oh you really Dear person, sober and far-sighted Speak the address, I agree to meet the end of the world and zombies in your company, support the company

        By the way ... I don’t know where, but in our region (Tambov) the sale of alcohol after 21:00 and on holidays is FORBIDDEN! so zombies, zombies, and the holidays are long, without reserves in any way. laughing
        1. +5
          8 December 2012 11: 04
          Quote: Atlon
          . I don’t know where, but in our region (Tambov) the sale of alcohol after 21:00 and on holidays is FORBIDDEN!

          With your reserves you are not afraid of restrictions. So Tambov what Okay, I went to book a ticket, I’m going to file a zombie meat snack laughing
        2. Sardanapalus
          8 December 2012 14: 52
          Quote: Atlon
          I don’t know where, but in our region (Tambov) the sale of alcohol after 21:00 and on holidays is FORBIDDEN!

          We are also prohibited. Well, so what? .. They trade 25 hours a day! This is Russia !!! The ban was never a reason for refusal! drinks
          1. Paratov
            8 December 2012 16: 09
            Quote: Sardanapalus
            The ban was never a reason for refusal!

            But Dimon Medvedev is completely sure that it is enough to write some "short story" and that's it, the world will change!
          2. Atlon
            11 December 2012 00: 41
            Quote: Sardanapalus
            We are also prohibited. Well, so what? .. They trade 25 hours a day!

            No, it’s unrealistic to buy from us. At least in the stores.
          3. yustas
            17 December 2012 11: 45
            Quote: Sardanapalus
            We are also prohibited. Well, so what? .. They trade 25 hours a day! This is Russia !!! The ban was never a reason for refusal

            + We are also prohibited!
            BUT!!!! It can now be rented, in case of non-return, just the money remains with the seller. Russia is ... drinks you cannot measure it with an arshin, you cannot understand geyrops with your mind ... wassat
    2. GG2012
      8 December 2012 11: 05
      Quote: Atlon
      I’ll also manage ... There is no bunker, but I stocked up with fuel! ;) One champagne 10 cloakrooms in the cellar are ... And also, vodka, pepper, cognac, martini, cahors .... You will not list in total. So, while the zombies burst in, I'll be dead drunk!

      I read you, and could not resist.
      It seems that the December holidays, the people will celebrate on a special scale.
      Supplemented by an unofficial schedule.

      fellow fellow fellow
      1. Sardanapalus
        8 December 2012 14: 56
        Quote: GG2012
        Supplemented by an unofficial schedule.

        And also the end of the world according to the Chinese calendar, then according to Malay, and according to the calendar of the Papuans of New Guinea! So, the end of the world is a long thing! fellow
        It is necessary to correctly distribute your strength!
        1. Paratov
          8 December 2012 16: 10
          Quote: Sardanapalus
          It is necessary to correctly distribute your strength

          In order not to sleep ahead of time ...
        2. +6
          8 December 2012 19: 15
          Yes, and then suddenly a war - and we are amsam.
        3. +1
          9 December 2012 23: 01
          Quote: Sardanapalus
          So, the end of the world is a long thing!

          Not only long, but also thin. Therefore, you need to approach this matter thoroughly, like Atlon.
  5. +6
    8 December 2012 09: 39
    This aunt from hot Australia in my mind has already eaten smile
    1. +1
      8 December 2012 12: 58
      Olegovi4 Today, 09: 39 ↓ 3
      This aunt from hot Australia in my mind has already eaten
    2. Felix200970
      9 December 2012 23: 36
      Quote: Olegovi4
      This aunt from hot Australia in my mind has already eaten

      Most likely the goblin journalists got so tired that a friend agrees to the end of the world. But maybe she messed up;)
  6. +4
    8 December 2012 09: 58
    Guys, thanks for the review!

    As for our response to the Magnitsky List ... I think it is high time to take very tough counter measures. And it turns out, as in these poetic lines:
    "The country can't get out of shit.
    Since many years stubbornly.
    Ivan nods at Peter.
    And both together on Abram! "
    It’s time, after all, to show a strong political will!
  7. +10
    8 December 2012 09: 59
    America has banned the use of the word "woman" as an insulting allusion to gender.
    Now they say "Vagi_American". belay
    1. +3
      8 December 2012 12: 41
      Just laughing quietly.
    2. +6
      8 December 2012 12: 43
      And how are men? member american? laughing if there is still allowed to walk down the street, it will be something laughing Democracy laughing
      1. +7
        8 December 2012 14: 49
        Quote: Joker
        And how are men? member american?

        Since it has been scientifically proven that the word "man" is a statement of male chauvinism, then politically correct men should now be called "dildo-American" laughing
        International Women's Day will be called THE INTERNATIOMNAL VAGINOAMERICAN DAY Americans checked out - the words mom mom dad were canceled. The words Parent No. 1 / No. 2 Phallo and Vagino American are entered wassat
        1. Sardanapalus
          8 December 2012 15: 22
          Quote: Ascetic
          Phallo and Vagino

          And between them, apparently, an amerinenus! wassat
    3. +7
      8 December 2012 13: 48
      Quote: igordok
      America has banned the use of the word "woman" as an insulting allusion to gender.
      Well, in England there is no concept of father and mother, there is parent 1 and parent 2. And we are pushing the law on gender law, that is, there is not only male and female gender, but also homosexual, transsexual and indefinite. So laughter with tears, such a shnyag comes to us ...
      1. Karish
        8 December 2012 16: 27
        Quote: Uncle
        Well, in England there is no concept of father and mother, there is parent 1 and parent 2.

        Uncle, do not distort. If you are talking about the court, then yes, but this is the court - there are no personalities. There is a plaintiff and a defendant. This is a legal language. You do not claim (I hope) that they are called by children at school, etc.
      2. +4
        8 December 2012 16: 34
        Hmm, not quite right - here everyone is called "partners"
    4. +8
      8 December 2012 14: 00
      What about a man? H ..- man?
      Comrade Pushkov proposed two options for action according to the Old Testament principle of "an eye for an eye." The first option is the adoption of amendments to the existing law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”,
      This is the worst punishment you can think of! Do not let Americans back! Clintonsha came to us - but to her - no, we will not let him go back, you will live with us .. In the wilderness of her, in Saratov!
      1. Sardanapalus
        8 December 2012 14: 59
        Quote: vezunchik
        Clintonsha came to us - but to her - no, we will not let him go back, you will live with us.

        We will teach her to plaster and carry sleepers! In general, it will not be lost! ..
    5. bart74
      8 December 2012 14: 59
      What about men there now? phallo
      1. Paratov
        8 December 2012 16: 14
        Quote: bart74

        What about men there now? phallo

        But no way. This is atavism. Which should be destroyed at the root, that is, under this same phallus! Democracy phallus is not what.
  8. +7
    8 December 2012 10: 12
    The senility epidemic reaches its climax, it is interesting that these patients will do the thirteenth. And this one that is Berezovsky and with money but a clown, without them inconsolable Pierrot. I invite nudists from San Francisco to our village, we have snow above our knees now, we’ll sit naked on benches in front of the village council, I promise we won’t twist our fingers with our fingers, but simply that we would not applaud our hands. Dear Alexey and Oleg, your laughter is the most powerful weapon, its use is welcomed in all environments: on the ground, under the ground, above the ground, on the water, under the water, hammer them at their mother, and solitary and in one gulp and carpet bombing. Good luck to you.
    1. yustas
      17 December 2012 11: 57
      Quote: Jura
      I invite nudists from San Francisco to our village, we now have snow above our knees, sitting on benches in front of the village council naked
      The namesake, and I hope you have old, Soviet iron shops ?! if not then let them go to us in Krasnoyarsk! we have -35, humidity 76 and wind, and I will show them iron shops!
      So Wellcome then ve Saibir EPT =)))
  9. Vito
    8 December 2012 10: 13
    And I would be the most tanned GIRL from the Pentagon army would surrender without a fight. I agree, let her be on TOP !!!
    1. Verde
      8 December 2012 11: 28
      They are lesbians (for sure) (in Israel there is such a battalion of Caracal, almost all lesbians are violent, my good friend serves there, I know the girl from childhood) And if you are ready to be from the bottom, then thoroughly lubricate v * jelly with Vaseline, because their strap-ons are no less brutal than themselves. Finish so that you will have a cowboy walk for a long time. Do not ask where I have such knowledge of the subject. crying But take a word, it's better not to go to girls.
      1. +6
        8 December 2012 11: 54
        Quote: Verde
        almost all lesbians are violent, my good friend serves there, I know the girl from childhood) And if you are ready to be from the bottom, then thoroughly grease v * jelly

        You have good friends and you have someone to follow laughing
        Quote: Verde
        Do not ask where I have such knowledge of the subject

        This is unnecessary and so everything is clear wassat
        1. Verde
          8 December 2012 12: 11
          Well, if I even managed to smile at you .... fellow As far as I took out of your posts man you are serious and not worth joking with you. My acquaintances are different, excuse me, life shook countries.
          1. 0
            8 December 2012 13: 50
            Quote: Verde
            My acquaintances are different, excuse me, life shook countries.

            Fine ... I read you with interest ...
            1. Verde
              8 December 2012 14: 22
              I try to somehow entertain, serious men, with serious faces ...
              1. +2
                8 December 2012 14: 37
                Quote: Verde
                I try to somehow entertain, serious men, with serious faces ...

                It turns out pretty good with humor. I learn with interest some aspects of life in Israel ...
          2. yustas
            17 December 2012 12: 00
            Quote: Verde
            Sorry, life shook the countries.

            + and apparently based on knowledge of the subject, not only by country, but smiled ...
      2. Vito
        8 December 2012 16: 00
        Green (1)/ Greetings.
        Quote: Verde
        But take a word, it's better not to go to girls.

        Where does the young man in you have such insecurity about the female gender?
        Looks like you really need the help of a sex therapist!
        And do not forget the petroleum jelly.
        I, as a handsome MAN, moderately well-fed and in full bloom of strength, unlike you, know what a WOMAN wants and what to do with her!
        IF in doubt, feel free to contact, I will understand you!
        1. Verde
          8 December 2012 16: 57
          laughing As a young man who visits the gym three times a week and twice a week the pool, and therefore does not need quotes from Carlson, I will answer that I do not really need the help of a sex therapist. I just know this audience well. It is impossible to say about all, but basically "violent lesbians" are selected for combat units and come forward with similar demands. And of course, every dense and dark man is sure that the girls became lesbians only because they did not meet the right men like them, but when they meet them, they will immediately melt and give up their "nonsense". God, this is very cute but beaten and primitive, I will not quote the girls themselves about this, otherwise you will have sexual dysfunction for a long time.
          1. Vito
            8 December 2012 17: 04
            Quote: Verde
            As a young man who visits the gym three times a week and two times a week, a pool,

            That's why you have no strength left on BAB! crying

            Quote: Verde
            You can’t say about everyone

            But I'm not talking about everyone, I liked the long-legged one! Our man is immediately visible! Believe your trained eye! hi
            1. Verde
              8 December 2012 17: 15
              All four girls from the picture are good, but the third number is, yes, luxurious. To be honest, at the very eyes of the "experienced" in such matters, but from this photo I do not presume to make a diagnosis. But since you are older, well, I have no choice but to accept your position, so be it. drinks
  10. +1
    8 December 2012 10: 15
    The article is normal, but why Rogozin and the Tiger why dragged on, too small like that. At the gossip level at the entrance. Well, so what does it cost three lyamas and above. And the cars that the high-ranking bureaucrats drive in - are they worth three copecks? Moreover, a person bought for his money. I also have a Chrysler, the price is 98 tons of green, so what, am I also a corrupt man and a thief? How much money can be counted in someone else's pockets.
    1. bask
      8 December 2012 11: 18
      Hello everyone ..Averians. You can’t forbid to live beautifully. You know how to earn boblo-earn. I have pockets and what the fuck is in them ... ... My bro is spinning too and also earns. MOST IMPORTANT IS NOT to plunder STATE MONEY .. . Designated for defense, education, education .. I WANT THE COUNTRY AS POSSIBLE AS LESS POOR POOR PEOPLE AND AS MUCH MORE RICH !!! .But honestly earned your money ...
    2. +3
      8 December 2012 12: 46
      Yes, it seems to me Rogozin will not pay a penny, this is what kind of advertising, they will give for free wink
      1. not good
        8 December 2012 17: 11
        On a personal example of Rogozin, all officials and politicians on the products of the domestic automobile industry and at their own expense.
        1. 0
          9 December 2012 23: 09
          Quote: Negoro
          -all officials and politicians on the products of the domestic automobile industry and at their own expense.

          It already happened under Ben Nemtsov: “All civil servants should be transferred to the Volga!” And how many of them go to the Volga? Even at their expense? When you look at the government procurement website, you get overwhelmed.
    3. AK-47
      8 December 2012 13: 02
      Quote: Averias
      Why Rogozin and the Tiger were dragged, it’s small

      Why not tell a person about mistakes: firstly, you need to be more original, secondly, the Tiger has weak mine protection, let it consider this option, though it’s English, and it covers well and no one else has.
    4. AK-47
      8 December 2012 14: 24
      Quote: Averias
      here Rogozin and the Tiger why they were dragged, it’s rather small.

      Well, well, one must point out to a friend mistakes: firstly, the Tiger mine defense is rather weak, and secondly, it is necessary to be more original. Let him consider this option - although English, but no one has, and his ass is well covered.
      1. Verde
        8 December 2012 14: 34
        In my opinion, this is a ship's box.
      2. Sardanapalus
        8 December 2012 15: 10
        On our roads, the best is a bulldozer!
        Firstly, cross-country ability. Secondly, you will never exceed speed. And thirdly, you can rake traffic jams with a bucket! wassat
        1. Paratov
          8 December 2012 16: 20
          Quote: Sardanapalus
          On our roads, the best is a bulldozer!
          Firstly, cross-country ability. Secondly, you will never exceed speed. And thirdly, you can rake traffic jams with a bucket.

          Fourthly, the monstrous growth of domestic bulldozer construction; fifthly, fantastic savings on road construction; and sixth - defense, not a single aggressor will be able to call on us! drinks
          1. Verde
            8 December 2012 17: 01
            And if it comes in, then directly with buckets and we will roll them into mass graves. The Israelis had already thought of this:
            1. Homer
              8 December 2012 19: 37
              The one on the caterpillar perched, I hope not a brutal lesbian ???
      3. 0
        9 December 2012 23: 10
        Quote: AK-47
        Yes, and the back cover well

        In-in, the main thing is a well-covered ass!
  11. 0
    8 December 2012 10: 32
    Quote: Ardent

    But this is not a fig happy! In my opinion, it's time to start collecting signatures against peeders on the Internet! In the end, we say democracy, that is, the power of the majority. And for now, most want to see homosexuals in the zone. They are needed there, after all
  12. sevl
    8 December 2012 10: 38
    Gennady Onishchenko has been delirious for a long time and resembles the expelled Serdyukov and others like him. When will the boot get to his priests?
    1. +8
      8 December 2012 10: 41
      Quote: sevl
      When will the boot get to his priests?

      Yours, never! laughing
      1. Atlon
        8 December 2012 10: 59
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Yours, never!

    2. +8
      8 December 2012 13: 53
      Quote: sevl
      Gennady Onishchenko has been delirious for a long time
      Onishchenko is our secret weapon against amers and their sloths. Amer raised the excise tax on our steel, and Onishchenko said there was dioxin in Bush’s legs! And that’s all, khan legs, and this is full, so do not touch it.
      1. Paratov
        8 December 2012 16: 21
        Quote: Uncle
        Onishchenko is our secret weapon against amers and their sloths.

        I would supplement; the most effective weapon! Every word is gold! hi
  13. Cavas
    8 December 2012 10: 57
    For the first time, one research center interviewed those Finns who stood in lines for free bread and other food. The survey involved 905 people - residents of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo. The study is part of a nationwide project.

    Many Finns feel ashamed to get free food. 40% of respondents fear that "neighbors and friends will find out about this."

    Almost all consumers of free bread (92%) said that they have a maximum of one hundred euros a month for food.

    God forbid!
    1. +1
      9 December 2012 23: 13
      I looked at the photo carefully, the 30 people in the frame of them 18 didn’t pull on the Finns in any way, these are just the ones that they managed to consider. So it’s not so simple with Finland.
    2. yustas
      17 December 2012 12: 06
      Quote: Cavas
      one hundred euros per month.
      we live so half of the country, and nothing and no kitchens are free ... so cottage and colomas =) in general, on our land, we will not starve to hunger, as a last resort and in the taiga you can live without shops ... knife, ax , a shovel - all that is needed for a soldier .... drinks
  14. merkel1961
    8 December 2012 11: 04
    What do Britons crack if they have a panic due to a 5% increase in food prices over 32 years? It is necessary to bring the growth rate to 100% in 3 years, as we have under liberal Medvedev, do gentlemen from Foggy Albion want to take Dima’s team for permanent residence? You look, and there will be more blue supporters there!
  15. anchonsha
    8 December 2012 11: 19
    Laughed, thanks for the review. But why was Rogozin dragged here with the "Tiger"? It seems that now no one can do anything and speak to persons from among the state persons. Journalists will present everything in their own way, proceeding from their notions of “like a person or a political bias.” The same applies to the cohort of people who own Tigers - Mikhalkov, Shantsev, Zhirinovsky. They have money, but let them buy. Or do we need us all to be equal and wear torn trousers?
    1. 0
      8 December 2012 13: 54
      Quote: anchonsha
      Or do we need us all to be equal and walk in torn pants?

      Well said...
    2. 0
      8 December 2012 17: 16
      Quote: anchonsha
      the same with respect to the cohort of persons who own the "Tigers" - Mikhalkov, Shantsev, Zhirinovsky. They have money, but let them buy. Or do we need us all to be equal and wear torn pants

      Everyone doesn’t need to be torn. The question is who earned it and how.
    3. 0
      9 December 2012 23: 17
      Quote: anchonsha
      But why was Rogozin dragged here with the "Tiger"? It seems that now no one can do anything and speak to persons from among the state persons.

      And that's why the goslitsa should be outside of everything, as they say: “Caesar's wife should be beyond suspicion!” Because everyone has already become so bad in the eyes of the people that, as they say, you have to be more modest, comrades!
  16. +5
    8 December 2012 12: 08
    Yes, no one bothers - let them buy if there is money. Only in the reports on the ratio of income and expenses also need to purchase this kind of indicate. And then Zhirinovsky, judging by the declarations, has nothing of his own - only gifts from fans. I want to believe that people honestly earned their whims. As it is now fashionable to say: nothing personal. Earned - buy, not earned - do not buy.
    1. +2
      8 December 2012 13: 56
      Quote: Volodin
      Yes, no one bothers - let them buy if there is money

      Alexey, this is 3 lyamas for us - money, and at that level - little things, for pocket expenses ...
  17. +5
    8 December 2012 12: 08
    "Mr. President said that America will continue to work to build democracy in Russia."
    The United States is building democracy around the world: in Yugoslavia, in Iraq, in Libya. In Russia, they are failing to build democracy. Are there few bombs? Not enough money? Or they hope for information technology and will continue to try to ignite "people's anger" in Russia, they want to undermine the situation like in Syria, but in my opinion, even in small Syria, they do not succeed.
  18. +6
    8 December 2012 12: 39
    The girls in the photo are really nothing like that. It will be a bit of a pity when some Taliban or someone else first "squeezes" them and then cuts off their heads.
    1. Sardanapalus
      8 December 2012 15: 24
      Quote: dimyan
      when some Taliban or someone else first "squeezes" them,

      That's when they are beaten, then morale will disappear from them.
      Have seen enough of the militants and let's tear the caps for equality! fool
  19. +6
    8 December 2012 13: 35
    Review plus. I only doubt that Berezovsky's "hard days", And even if difficult, it is necessary to bring to CRITICAL, i.e. eggs in a vice and until the remnants of the dough itself transfer to the Russian budget.
    1. +2
      8 December 2012 16: 19
      What can you say about Birch - "greed has ruined the fraer," "For a cunning one. Well ... and there is a hell of a screw" but you never know we have Russian folk sayings that cunning Jews do not perceive! wink
      The results of the week at 5 with a plus!
      Thank you!
    2. donchepano
      9 December 2012 06: 02
      Quote: Garrin
      eggs in a vice and until the remnants of the dough itself transfer to the Russian budget.

      And so all who unjustly enriched themselves, or rather plundered or exported
  20. +5
    8 December 2012 13: 53
    The creative employees of housing and communal services and homeowners associations, who also decided to announce the frailty of everything, do not stand aside. In particular, at the entrances of one of the apartment buildings there appeared ads printed on the printer with the text, according to which the residents of this house, in connection with the looming end, are asked to pay their rent arrears to 21.12.12.
    There is no limit to the truth of greed! THIEF THIEF AND ALL IS SMALL!

    This time, Dr. Onishchenko complained that Russian children are too early to stop believing in Santa Claus. “They are getting old early in our country,” the chief sanitary doctor said, glancing at the ceiling, apparently referring to Russian children (well, not Santa Clauses). Gennady Grigorievich, it turns out, is literally outraged by the fact that many children, having barely learned to speak, already question the existence of one of the main fairy-tale characters.
    another naive child in our government! needless to say - what is pop, such is the coming ....

    Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin said that in the near future he intends to transfer from BMW to the domestic Tiger car.
    And saving - no need to spend money on road repairs ...
    1. MG42
      8 December 2012 14: 57
      In response to the residents, and such warnings about the impending end of the world and the requirement to pay off the debt for housing and communal services, it is advisable to write receipts - to whom I must forgive everyone! Yes
      After December 21, December 22 will come - they have already found another Mayan calendar.
  21. +1
    8 December 2012 14: 53
    Article plus unread, I will read on Monday morning, thanks to the authors in advance! hi
  22. bart74
    8 December 2012 15: 02
    It seems that the end of the world has come. And it began in Australia. I’m glad for Medvezhonkov’s, here’s Dima, what a son wants. The little son himself will choose to be n * dorom or not. The main thing is dad does not mind.
    1. not good
      8 December 2012 17: 18
      Now it’s clear why Medvedev Luzhkov kicked out, that fag ... fie to non-traditional people over the hill did not shake hands and banned the gay parade. Now, Mitya has a hope for the realization of hidden desires.
      1. Verde
        8 December 2012 17: 23
        In Austria, on the other hand, Luzhkov will still march his own march with the "right guys", in Austria they will teach him tolerance, they will not be fooled by this matter. He will remember all his bees.
        1. +1
          8 December 2012 23: 59
          Quote: Verde
          In Austria, on the other hand, Luzhkov will march with the "right guys"

          Ilya, you underestimate Yuri Mikhailovich. Here Yuri Mikhailovich teaches Austrians Russian dances.
  23. +7
    8 December 2012 15: 08
    Great review good .
    1. Who is like, but the end of the world - without me! 21-th I celebrate the birthday of Stalin drinks soldier love bully as I wake up, tell me what happened wink .
    2. Mikhail Fedorovich Ghimpu wants to Romania, a member of the European Union? Right here?

    the wind in the back!
    3. “They are getting old early,” the chief sanitary doctor said, with a look in the ceiling area / i] Maybe there is something to do with it?
    Gennady G. proposed to amend the law on public procurement and introduce ... food cards. / I] Here comrades I, as an experienced person, started belay he blew overeat?
    4. Need a consultation of knowledgeable comrades:
    in the photo of "Tiger" I see that the chair does not move back much and the pot-bellied brow will not be very comfortable to turn the steering wheel (if I am mistaken, please correct it).
    The question is as follows:
    - it means so, I now wear clothes according to season, body armor, front and rear pouches with gear and equipment are attached to the body armor --- can I finally get in there ???
    5. Hmm, for a long time, for me personally, that the Duma that the US Congress is a cross between a circus and a zoo; the moment is captured in the photo --- the toad is about to lay an egg.
    6. I have been in the states for a long time, who is more familiar with the situation, tell me: - is it really so bad that even women are ready to tick for war?
    Maybe someone remembers the saying of my youth: - DND, at least not at home lol .
    7. What is there to say what I propose to offer help to the San Francisco authorities, if they are so bullied by holoopics, we (for a fee) can help. I directly see advertising brochures - "Elite resort for free people" and in the middle with beautiful letters - Come to us in Kolyma!
    8. The rich cry too wassat !
    9. But they warned bully .
    10. you can always be sure of one thing: I will always be with you. / i] God forbid! if it comes close to me, I can’t vouch for myself angry .
    1. 0
      8 December 2012 16: 10
      ++++ Big plus, with humor and to the point.
  24. MG42
    8 December 2012 15: 23
    Here in the United States, everything is being done to withstand possible disasters.

    Hollywood is especially prepared, how many films are made fellow , mom, do not worry! starting with Bruce Willis blowing up an asteroid with a nuclear warhead movie "Armageddon".

    In the United States, you can order a similar bomb shelter for $ 10 million.

    The principle of such a rich amers will be saved - the poor at a cost.
    1. +6
      8 December 2012 15: 32
      Quote: MG42
      In the United States, you can order a similar bomb shelter for $ 10 million

      This is a scam, not a shelter .. The walls are too thin and why is there no havchik and where to store it?

      I will not buy thanks hi
      1. MG42
        8 December 2012 15: 36
        Here are all the photos>
        I don’t think about it, I don’t have that kind of money crying
      2. +1
        8 December 2012 15: 58
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        This is a scam, not a shelter .. The walls are too thin and why is there no havchik and where to store it?
        And how to run along the pipe, knocking down bushes along the road in the corridor or something? smile
        1. MG42
          8 December 2012 16: 10
          Quote: Uncle
          And how to run along the pipe, knocking down bushes along the road in the corridor or something?

          This is the layout of one of the blocks. Here's more>
          Yes, let the amers freak out-the money is buried in the ground> Preparing means really scary. I saw a film about American shelters during the Cold War, now they are also being reanimated.
  25. 0
    8 December 2012 15: 36
    And "Tiger" is good for a zombie apocalypse ...
  26. MG42
    8 December 2012 15: 50
    “It doesn't matter what the final blow will be. Whether it is devouring zombie brains, the invasion of demons from hell or the final triumph of Korean pop music, one thing you can always be sure: I will always be with you. Until the end".

    And it says the Prime Minister of Australia belay , it seems she reconciled with fate and is waiting end. Inspires optimism to its fellow citizens.
    That's just what this one will be end she has not decided yet. bully
  27. -1
    8 December 2012 16: 11
    With the fact that in Finland there are only a quarter of immigrants in the queue for free bread, I looked at the picture and wanted to find the remaining 75 percent:, Finns, but something really painful they all look like afrophins
    1. not good
      8 December 2012 17: 23
      I visit Finka regularly, there really come across afrophins regularly, but I haven’t seen the starving Finns, but when I stop in the roadside cafe for a bite to eat, they surprise me with the portions that they eat. I have enough lunch for three days.
      1. Homer
        8 December 2012 19: 43
        Quote: Negoro
        Afrophins really come across regularly, and

        Afrophins! This is really cool! Oh my god, what's going on with the world! drinks
  28. WW3
    8 December 2012 16: 36
    The greed of the frayer (Boris Abramych) was ruined, he was tempted by other people's billions ... if he goes bankrupt, then London will become less of one attraction ....
    1. 0
      8 December 2012 21: 31
      Fuu, I would rather!
  29. +4
    8 December 2012 16: 43
    Something I'm not sure about the "starving" Finns or, say, the British. Another question is that they are, how to put it politically correct, great freeloaders. When something is handed out for free, the human appearance is simply lost - I have watched such scenes dozens of times and is always disgusting.
    1. Verde
      8 December 2012 17: 19
      My relative, Uncle Fima (read as Izya) in St. Petersburg, drives a Citroen to a charity to dine. wink
      1. Homer
        8 December 2012 19: 45
        Quote: Verde
        My relative, Uncle Fima (read as Izya) in St. Petersburg, drives a Citroen to a charity to dine

        Drive, dear! .. Or, for the sake of a red word, Uncle Izya did not want to, huh ?! good
        1. +1
          8 December 2012 21: 39
          Well, fullness, and I willingly believe - I am familiar with such types
  30. cool.ya-nikola
    8 December 2012 17: 35
    Let me quote you from Professor Zenkevich:
    “We live in ridiculous conditions in which no one but the Russians can survive. The apocalypse can come to us at any time. We may or may not love Americans, but we must admit that the United States has created a whole system to protect its territory from cataclysms. We are not doing this. ”

    Well, I don’t know, I don’t know, I personally care: - will they manage to bring me a pension until the end of the world?! ...

    (Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act)

    Here it is, scary! Our answer should be no less scary! Let’s draw up our list, which must include all indigenous people involved in the genocide - the Indians! Everyone, including their direct and distant descendants to the tenth generation! Secondly, include all the bastards from the San Francisco administration that infringe on the rights of nudists! Well, there and on trifles it will be possible to scrape, for example Guantanamo, or Abu Great ...
    The rights of women and the US Army, this is generally a nightmare!
    In the Marine Corps, for example, only two women managed to pass the tests - in the entire history.

    One of the two, I suppose, is Dami Moore from Soldier Jane? Weaklings! Learn from Mr. Serdyukov! His women's team breaks off such "feats" that mom do not cry!
    And yet, very sorry for poor Boris Abramovich! Maybe he should also sit down to write a book, for example, with the provisional title: "How I Fought the Bloody Regime" I suppose, with the appropriate promotion, such a book could be a good success! Well, at least for gasoline for a "wheelbarrow"! ...
  31. -1
    8 December 2012 18: 08
    The guards missile cruiser "Moskva", large landing ships "Novocherkassk" and "Saratov" are returning from the coast of the Gaz sector to their permanent deployment points in the Black Sea, RIA Novosti reports on Saturday, December 8, citing the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry. ...

    The purpose of this strange expedition has not yet been clearly explained by the Russian military.

    Recall that on November 23, a day after the end of the anti-terrorist operation "Cloud Pillar" in the Gaza Strip, the Russian Interfax news agency reported that Russian warships were placed "on standby" in the Mediterranean in case the situation in the Gaza Strip again will heat up and will require the evacuation of Russian citizens (according to Russian media, there are about 400 of them in the Gaza Strip).

    At the same time, with reference to an informed source in the main command of the Navy, it was reported that a detachment of warships of the Black Sea Fleet was sent to the Mediterranean as part of the guards missile cruiser Moskva, the patrol ship Smetlivy, large landing ships Novocherkassk and Saratov, sea ​​tug MB-304 and large sea tanker "Ivan Bubnov".

    The decision to send an "evacuation team" came against the backdrop of relatively low Palestinian casualties during Operation Pillar of Cloud and following the conclusion of a ceasefire. At the same time, the Gaza Strip remains under a naval blockade, and it is unclear how the Russian warships intended to approach the shores of the Gaza Strip.

    On December 8, RIA Novosti cites the following version: "A detachment of warships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was heading for the Somali coast, where ships of the Pacific Fleet were to join it. It was planned that, as part of a joint grouping, the ships of the two fleets would fight piracy in the African However, in connection with the aggravation of the situation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the detachment was ordered to be in the Gaza Strip coastline in readiness to carry out the evacuation of Russian citizens from the Palestinian Authority. As a result, the passage of the Black Sea Fleet ships of the Suez Canal was postponed to a later date. ".

    "The command of the Russian Navy has made a decision to return some of the ships to their permanent deployment points to ensure the retirement of the conscripts on board," the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry said.

    The press service of the Russian Defense Ministry also reports: "The rest of the ships from the tactical group will continue to solve tasks in the eastern Mediterranean. The question of the need and timing of the return of ships to the tactical group of the Black Sea Fleet is currently being worked out."
  32. Verde
    8 December 2012 18: 18
    In the RF Ministry of Defense they act on the principle that there is a scarecrow, it should scare.
  33. 0
    8 December 2012 19: 17
    The author's wit is life-affirming, the author is very talented!
    And I expect similar articles from Voenniy Obozreniye in the future.
  34. 0
    8 December 2012 19: 21
    The review is specifically cool. Absolutely not annoying.
  35. 0
    8 December 2012 21: 01
    One of such people is a doctor of military sciences, professor Zenkevich

    I didn't think I would have to treat a doctor. But he turned out to be the chief in one of the "offices" in Kashchenko. No ee, the doctor is cool, but no one wants to understand him. Byada !!!

    N e e! Actually ! Kashchei in comparison with Onishchenko kid! I feel that Onishchenko’s student will surpass Chubais’s teacher.
  36. 0
    9 December 2012 00: 57
    Bread line and another truth about the West

    I'm thinking here. As if due to unemployment and hunger, the geyropeytsy would not flood to us for bread. The GDP is breaking through the visa-free regime with the EU, but I think it's too early. Again, migrant workers from Central Asia have something to grudge when instead of them all sorts of Gomez and Juanes vestorbeiters come into the "rubber" to drive them through the fence.
  37. +1
    9 December 2012 07: 20
    At the expense of the grain lines in Finland. Guys, read carefully "from the salary no more than 100 euros remains for food." Especially for 8th Rota I advise you to read it. And then fans of the Western lifestyle write about Western salaries of $ 4000. And in the question whether they do not whip a shit, they deliberately mislead them.
    Surely these finns on paper also receive several thousand euros, but, after paying taxes, insurance and other mandatory bills, really 300-700 euros per month on life. But their foreign statistics well sparkles with huge salaries!
    There are no big salaries. Ponty is all naked. It was with us that we got the money, and apart from the communal apartment you owe nothing to anyone. There it is not so. And I do not want us to be like them. Because the these debts (taxes, insurance, obligatory accounts) just very real. And having lost your job, you do not care to pay these debts! Otherwise, you lose your home, car, medical care, etc. etc.
    1. Antistaks
      11 December 2012 20: 10
      I just did a simple leg operation on my father. Paid 150 thousand. My salary is 15 thousand dirty. So shut up and don’t talk about paradise life in our country. I spent two weeks among the old people who, because of GANGREN, were cut off to whom fingers above whom. And all because their relatives could not find the money for the operation in time. At the surgical department, one swing seat. I took my father on a gurney to a nearby diagnostic building so that he could go around for the most part. And this is not a village, this is Rostov - on the Don.
      Well, now remove and minus - you really need to revive the carrier forces.
  38. WW3
    9 December 2012 21: 09
    If America destroys its guys who after one or two trips to hot spots commit suicide, drink too much, die from heroin overdoses, sit on antidepressants or go crazy

    On Veterans Day, which is considered a national holiday in the United States and is celebrated annually on November 11, human rights activists recalled that in New York the number of homeless people has reached a record level. According to the National Coalition for Helping the Homeless, in late October, more than 40 thousand people spent the night on the city streets and in shelters.
    And in total in the USA there are more than 730 thousand homeless people. And these are only official figures registering those who turned to shelters. There are more and more people left homeless every year. And increasingly, veterans of military conflicts in which the US Army is involved are on the street.
    In a continually belligerent country, veterans make up a quarter of all homeless people. There are more than 150 thousand of them throughout the country: veterans of Vietnam, World War II, the Gulf War, those who returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, Vesti reports. Those who survived battles, injuries, death of friends, it is difficult for them to return to a peaceful life without qualified help. But the authorities allocate less money to lend it every year. And the bright future, with which recruiters are lured into the army, increasingly looks not the best.
    Only young homeless veterans, those who returned from unfinished wars, are already 75 in the United States.
    Now, veteran cards in the hands of those who stand in line for free food are already commonplace. The veteran certificate officially gives the right only to free medicine, but in practice - not everyone can take advantage of this benefit.
  39. 0
    10 December 2012 11: 06
    Nightmare! Fighting fagots are coming! That's where the end of the world lurks!