Syrian authorities report new Israeli airstrikes

Syrian authorities report new Israeli airstrikes

Military installations in Damascus were again subjected to airstrikes by the Israel Defense Forces. This was reported by the state news agency of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) SANA. According to the news agency, citing a military source in the Syrian capital, the strikes were carried out the night before, at 23:45 local time.

At the same time, according to official Damascus, Syrian air defense systems managed to shoot down part of the missiles, however, a number of military facilities were damaged.

It is noteworthy that no comments have yet been received from the Israeli authorities.

Also, according to information available to SANA, last month, due to air strikes near Damascus, 2 civilians were killed. The blows were delivered then in the direction of the city of Al-Kiswa, located south of the Syrian capital and the object in Jabal al-Maniya.

It should be noted that units of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, as well as parts of the Syrian government army and detachments of mercenaries controlled by officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran, are located within the boundaries of Damascus, as well as its suburbs.

Recall that since 2011, Syria has been subjected to periodic strikes by the Israeli army, since the war broke out there. However, both of these states have been at war virtually since Israel gained its independence. The parties never settled their territorial disputes, since in 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israel occupied part of the Golan Heights belonging to the SAR.
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  1. -8
    29 May 2023 18: 55
    And why would the Syrians not learn from the experience of the Ukroreich - 25 missiles out of 10 launched by Israel were shot down. Or do the Syrians have a sense of their own, dignity, and lying is not their method ?! The question is rhetorical.
    1. -6
      29 May 2023 19: 00
      Quote: Leshak
      And why wouldn’t the Syrians learn from the experience of the Ukroreich - 10 missiles were launched, 25 were shot down. Or do the Syrians have a sense of their own dignity and lying is not their method ?! The question is rhetorical.

      It's been adopted for so long. For many years they have been writing about intercepts, but the explosions still do not stop.
    2. +4
      29 May 2023 19: 41
      Quote: Leshak
      And why would the Syrians not learn from the experience of the Ukroreich - 25 missiles out of 10 launched by Israel were shot down. Or do the Syrians have a sense of their own, dignity, and lying is not their method ?! The question is rhetorical.

      It is we who need to learn from their impudent experience, Germany, Britain and Poland are helping with weapons from their territory against Russia, kindly receive an air or missile strike. Stop expressing concern. The enemy understands only force.
    3. -5
      29 May 2023 19: 52
      Quote: Leshak
      And why would the Syrians not learn from the experience of the Ukroreich - 10 missiles were launched, 25 were shot down.

      Actually, it was the Ukrainian who adopted the experience of the Syrians, who "shot down 20 out of 10", long before the NWO.
      Here in VO, there is even a duty phrase - "all missiles were intercepted, all targets were destroyed, everyone won, everyone is happy."
  2. 0
    29 May 2023 18: 55
    Why is it news that the Jews are doing something in this world?
  3. +11
    29 May 2023 19: 00
    Quote from: wanna
    Why is it news that the Jews are doing something in this world?

    Of course they do ... in Ukraine, the Jew Zelensky kills a bunch of people ... in Syria, Jews kill Arabs ... so there is not much creative work yet.
    1. +8
      29 May 2023 19: 05
      It turns out that the Holocaust did not instill peacefulness in the Jews?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +7
      29 May 2023 19: 06
      As a Chinese, I constantly saw legends on the Internet that the Jews in Ukraine left the country before the start of the military operation and that by the time the last Ukrainian died in battle, the Jews would return to make peace with the Russians, and Ukraine would become a new Jewish state. .
      1. -2
        30 May 2023 01: 11
        Quote from: wanna
        I constantly saw legends on the Internet

        In garbage sites, you can not find such nonsense yet. Some people advertise clairvoyant courses on serious soups. wassat
  4. +5
    29 May 2023 19: 05
    The parties never settled their territorial disputes, since in 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israel occupied part of the Golan Heights belonging to the SAR.

    It reminds me of something ... Oh yes, this is it:
    The parties never settled their territorial disputes, since in 1967, during the Second World War, the USSR occupied part of the Kuril Islands belonging to Japan.
    And nothing, there are embassies, Yes Before the sanctions, there were quite trade relations. Or "This is different"?
    1. +3
      29 May 2023 19: 11
      Israel should not now interfere with Zelensky with any help ... in any form ... otherwise it will backfire in Syria and Lebanon.
      1. -2
        30 May 2023 01: 16
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Israel should not interfere with Zelensky with any help now.

        You remember this hypothetical help more often than Israel itself. You have an obsession along the way. laughing

        Quote: Lech from Android.
        ... otherwise it will backfire in Syria and Lebanon.

        THAN?????? laughing
        Well, really? You don't have that much. lol
        Even Iran is more significant.
        1. 0
          30 May 2023 02: 58
          Israel is assisting Zelensky by supplying equipment and providing technical assistance in the modernization of military equipment.
          Comes around with surprises smile, the details modestly hold back.
          1. +2
            31 May 2023 19: 32
            Quote: Lech from Android.
            Israel assists Zelensky by supplying equipment

            Announce the list.

            Quote: Lech from Android.
            providing technical assistance in the modernization of military equipment

            Examples in the studio!

            Quote: Lech from Android.
            details modestly keep silent

            Is the fantasy over? lol
  5. +2
    29 May 2023 19: 12
    Apparently, Israel and Syria will butt heads for a very long time, how long - I don’t know, but I dare to assume that this will be until global changes occur. When they come, I don't know.
    1. 0
      29 May 2023 20: 06
      how long - I don’t know, but I dare to assume that it will be until global changes occur

      I think there will be enough local, purely local changes.
      Israel made peace with Egypt without any major changes in 1979.
      Israel made peace with Jordan without any major changes in 1994.
      Israel made peace with the UAE without any global changes in 2020.
      1. +1
        29 May 2023 21: 19
        In the first case that you give me as an example, changes have taken place, and very serious ones:
        Sinai returned to Egypt;
        Egypt was expelled from the League of Arab States for this treaty;
        Egyptian President Sadat, who signed the peace treaty, was assassinated in 1981 by Islamic extremists for doing so.
        But in the case of Jordan and the UAE, yes, I agree, without any major changes.
        1. +1
          29 May 2023 22: 11
          changes have taken place

          True, but these changes (the return of Sinai, the exclusion from the Arab League) took place already AFTER the conclusion of the peace treaty.
          By the way, after the signing of the treaty, Jordan also returned back its lands previously occupied by Jews.
      2. 0
        30 May 2023 00: 54
        Quote from: dump22
        Israel made peace with Jordan without any major changes in 1994.
        Israel made peace with the UAE without any global changes in 2020.

        How about no change??? The USSR collapsed. The Arabs began to seriously move towards peace with Israel after the collapse of the USSR and the disappearance of its influence on the Arabs.
    2. 0
      30 May 2023 01: 20
      Quote from Kojote21
      Israel and Syria will butt heads for a very long time

      Not with Syria, but with Iran in Syria.
      Until Iran got involved, there was nothing.

      Quote from Kojote21
      how long - I don't know

      Until Iran abandons the idea of ​​a foothold in Syria to attack Israel.
  6. +2
    29 May 2023 19: 20
    We are demilitarizing Ukraine. We are shelling Kyiv. Eliminate the "Right Sector"
    Jews carry out the demilitarization of Syria. Shelling Damascus. Eliminate Hezbollah

    I don't see much of a difference here. Why does the world see it?

    We need to find out this important secret from the Jews, how they have settled down so cleverly that no one reproaches them and no sanctions are imposed against them.
    1. -1
      29 May 2023 20: 32
      Quote from: dump22
      We are demilitarizing Ukraine. We are shelling Kyiv. Eliminate the "Right Sector"
      Jews carry out the demilitarization of Syria. Shelling Damascus. Eliminate Hezbollah

      I don't see much of a difference here. Why does the world see it?

      We need to find out this important secret from the Jews, how they have settled down so cleverly that no one reproaches them and no sanctions are imposed against them.

      The answer is obvious. Israel does not control 1/6 of the land on planet Earth. And there are no valuable resources. Is that phosphates and a drop of gas in the sea.
      1. +1
        29 May 2023 22: 23
        Israel does not control 1/6 of the land on planet Earth. And there are no valuable resources.

        It is not clear only then, why are the Americans climbing towards us?
        Why did you choose such a difficult goal?
        Next to them is Canada. This country with a small population (only 39 million) has huge valuable resources and occupies 1/12 of the land on planet Earth.
        It is much easier to conquer it, the Canadians have a very small army and no nuclear weapons.
        Let the Americans take over Canada!
        Or Australia. This is 1/20 of the land and also a huge pile of valuable resources.
        1. -2
          29 May 2023 22: 28
          Quote from: dump22
          It is not clear only then, why are the Americans climbing towards us?
          Why did you choose such a difficult goal?

          Because they are stupid. Yes
        2. 0
          30 May 2023 00: 57
          Quote from: dump22
          Next to them is Canada.

          Because they are practically one confederate state with Canada.
        3. +1
          30 May 2023 04: 00
          Quote from: dump22
          Let the Americans take over Canada!

          Why the hell should we take over Canada? It is already integrated into the American economy. Yes, and in foreign policy and defense, too. Much more tightly integrated than, say, Belarus into Russia. And so, let them mint the profile of Elizabeth on their coins. Or now Charles?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  7. -2
    29 May 2023 19: 27
    Bemerkenswert ist, dass von den israelischen Behörden bisher keine Stellungnahme eingegangen ist.

    Was ist daran denn noch bemerkenswert...?!?
    Es ist doch schon sehr lange israelische Praxis, die permanenten,
    völkerrechtswidrigen Überfälle auf Syrien und den Libanon jeweils
    NICHT zu kommentieren, si wie dieser ganze Staat seit nunmehr
    über 70 Jahren tagtäglich arabische und palästinensische Menschen
    ermordet und UN-Beschlüsse ignoriert und sich einen Dreck um
    die Meinung Anderer, geschweige denn anderer Staaten schert...!!

    Dieses ständige Morden wird erst aufhören, wenn diese US-Metastase
    restlos beseitigt wurde...!!
  8. +2
    29 May 2023 19: 29
    interesting event in Iran - presentation of the new ballistic missile "Khorramshahr-4" (aka "Khyber"). The Khyber has a range of 2000 km and is capable of carrying a 1500 kg warhead.
    According to Iranian state media, the speed of Khaibar outside the atmosphere can reach Mach 16, inside the atmosphere - Mach 8,
    Probably Israel will soon have no time for Syria.
    1. +2
      30 May 2023 04: 03
      Quote: Ascetic
      Probably Israel will soon have no time for Syria.

      No, this ayatollah will not be up to spreading the ideas of the Islamic revolution.
  9. +4
    29 May 2023 19: 31
    Everything is tied with a simple knot. The Jews will never leave the Golan Heights for two reasons: there are sources of water for their agriculture and these heights are the key to the safety of the settlements in the valley (Bekaa, if I am not mistaken). At one time, Syrian gunners fired on Israeli tractors tilling the fields below until the Jews ran out of patience. Now they smash hostile fireteams at the slightest move. I do not blame them for this: politeness to Allah when it comes to the safety of their citizens. It is high time for the Syrians to recognize the status quo of this territory and sign a peace treaty with their neighbor, but the Syrian politician who does this can be guaranteed to lose not only his career, but also his life from fellow countrymen. Therefore, there are no applicants. In addition, peace obligations will oblige Syria to point out to the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranians, and such obligations are heavy, dangerous and simply not profitable. So this state of non-standing continues - neither peace nor war - and there is no way out of it.
    1. 0
      29 May 2023 20: 50
      Back in 2009, the CIA drew a report for the US Congress, which talked about the disappearance of the state of Israel for 20 years - by 2029! Let's see!
      1. 0
        30 May 2023 01: 02
        Quote: Vicontas
        Back in 2009, the CIA drew a report for the US Congress, which talked about the disappearance of the state of Israel for 20 years - by 2029! Let's see!

        And by that time, either the donkey will die, or the padishah. laughing
        This is already the 1001st forecast, all the previous ones are overdue.
        1. +1
          30 May 2023 04: 08
          Quote: And Us Rat
          And by that time, either the donkey will die, or the padishah.

          There has been no padishah in Iran for a long time, there are ayatollahs instead of him. If they do die (or, even better, they die by introducing foreign objects into the body), a few tears will be shed over them. But it’s a pity for the donkey, the animal was not guilty of anything.
    2. -1
      30 May 2023 01: 00
      Quote: Galleon
      the Syrian politician who does this can be guaranteed to lose not only his career, but also his life from fellow countrymen

      Not from fellow countrymen, but from the owner in Tehran, ordinary Syrians are quite ready for peace with Israel.
  10. +1
    29 May 2023 19: 32
    Israel will receive a painful blow from the Persian Gulf. Suddenly? Yes, unexpectedly for the uninformed. For Israel, it is quite expected.
  11. -1
    29 May 2023 19: 35
    Iran says they've built a hypersonic missile! If Israel does not stop throwing its missiles at Syria, the Persians can test their hypersound in the Israeli direction! Otherwise, America says that it doubts Iranian hypersound. And Tehran will try to convince her!
    1. -1
      30 May 2023 01: 05
      Quote: Vicontas
      Iran says they've built a hypersonic missile! If Israel does not stop throwing its missiles at Syria, the Persians can test their hypersound in the Israeli direction! Otherwise, America says that it doubts Iranian hypersound. And Tehran will try to convince her!

      There are no idiots sitting in Iran, they are well aware that a retaliatory strike will cause them more harm than they will inflict.
    2. +1
      30 May 2023 04: 12
      Quote: Vicontas
      Persians can test their hypersound in the Israeli direction

      They won't dare. Because the ayatollahs know that then a lot of things that they know about, and some things that they don’t even know about, will be tested in the Persian direction. And they, for all their volochism, want to live.
  12. +1
    30 May 2023 06: 12
    Quote: Nagan
    Quote: And Us Rat
    And by that time, either the donkey will die, or the padishah.

    There has been no padishah in Iran for a long time, there are ayatollahs instead of him. If they do die (or, even better, they die by introducing foreign objects into the body), a few tears will be shed over them. But it’s a pity for the donkey, the animal was not guilty of anything.

    There, instead of the padishah, donkeys
  13. +1
    30 May 2023 10: 00
    Israel is the Ukraine of the Middle East.