City-monument of the Battle of Stalingrad

City-monument of the Battle of Stalingrad

People keep memories. This name was given by the creators of a new documentary film dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad and tells how important it is not to forget about those already distant events.

It tells about the dramatic events in the city on the Volga, which later became known as the Battle of Stalingrad. Also, a significant part of the film is dedicated to the museum-reserve, which was created in Volgograd. The creators spoke about stories his appearance.

Many interesting and exciting details about that time in the film can be heard from the museum staff, who dedicated their lives to that era.

Very impressive shots taken on the Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, on top of which the monument "Motherland" is installed.

Actually, we can say that the whole of Volgograd is a city-monument to the Battle of Stalingrad. The names of streets, squares, specially preserved ruins of houses destroyed by the war, commemorative plaques remind of her here.

All these monuments, ruins and exhibits undoubtedly keep the memory of the Battle of Stalingrad and the Great Patriotic War in general, telling us about them. But it is much more important that people keep the memory of our glorious past, that they remember and be proud of their ancestors, who defended the country and the world from Nazi enslavement.

Many thanks to all, living and dead, who accomplished what seemed impossible in Stalingrad. Thanks to them, in May 1945, fascism was defeated, and in Berlin, the generals of Nazi Germany signed an act of surrender.

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  1. +4
    8 May 2023 21: 02
    So it can return the historical name to the city, huh?
    1. -2
      8 May 2023 21: 32
      Tsaritsyn? And there was another laughing before.
      1. +6
        8 May 2023 22: 29
        This city has gone down in history forever as Stalingrad.
      2. -2
        8 May 2023 23: 00
        Yes, there was nothing there until a fortress was built on an island near the Tsaritsa River ... at least the history of this fact does not confirm.
        And there is no island on the Tsaritsa River, on which the first fortress was laid ... and the Tsaritsa River, consider it not, so the small stream remained.
        1. +2
          9 May 2023 16: 00
          The island is on the Volga River where the first fortress was. And the river Tsaritsa was hidden under the ground in a collector and 8 m of sand was poured on top in 1967, because. the river demolished bridges in the spring.
  2. +3
    8 May 2023 22: 28
    It was the greatest battle in the history of mankind. Only the one described in the Mahabharata is comparable to it. The city will definitely be renamed Stalingrad, sooner or later. But it is better earlier, to raise the spirit.
    1. +1
      8 May 2023 23: 07
      Is it worth deleting some facts from our history? Yes, Tsaritsin, where Stalin fought in civilian life, yes, Stalingrad, which will forever remain in the hearts and memory of OUR PEOPLE, and Volgograd, as a reminder of the difficult times in our Soviet history !!!
      Everything must be remembered so as not to repeat previous mistakes ... otherwise, the monuments were worn, the mausoleum is bashfully covered, the names are changed for nothing and ... like, there was nothing like that.
      So we will lose all historical memory and start making the same mistakes in a new circle ...
      Is it worth it???
      1. +3
        8 May 2023 23: 36
        Costs. It is a city-symbol, and of global significance. The whole world knows him as Stalingrad. The rest of the history of the city is just an ordinary chronicle before and after the great event.
        1. -1
          9 May 2023 12: 05
          As an exception .... yes, yes, just start here. We have enough zealous ones, and more in abundance.
          There, here, back ... it may be pleasant for someone, but at the expense of benefit, it’s very doubtful.
          There are more important topics...
  3. +1
    8 May 2023 23: 05
    My hometown.
    My grandmother, along with her three-year-old daughter, survived in the courtyard of a destroyed house, which is located very close to the central entrance of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.
    My father and I finished school looking at those same gates.
  4. +3
    8 May 2023 23: 37
    Historical justice will be restored with the return of STALINGRAD. The feat was accomplished by the Soviet people in Stalingrad. And, modern pygmies, even now they are afraid of this name.
    1. 0
      9 May 2023 12: 08
      And what, the defense of Tsaritsin, in civilian terms, is not our history ???
      Me .... let's just say, I'm NOT happy when the MAUSOLEUM is closed for the holidays!
      Why, who decided this?
      Isn't it time to drive such people with a filthy broom from OUR COUNTRY!
      1. +2
        9 May 2023 19: 38
        And what, the defense of Tsaritsin, in civilian life, is not our history ??

        That was a civil war between one people, and the Great Patriotic War was still against an external enemy who wanted to destroy our people and our country. Is there a difference?