Once again about the western mythology of "human rights"

Once again about the western mythology of "human rights"The confrontation between the West and Russia on the issue of “human rights” does not stop. This confrontation hampers the solution of many international problems, but the West here demonstrates violent stubbornness, not subject to any arguments. Even the abolition of the “Jackson-Vanik amendment” was connected by the American lawmakers with the adoption of the “Magnitsky law”, and now a new ideological offensive: Time, an American weekly magazine, included participants in the scary show “Pussy Riot” who were outraged in one of Moscow’s main Orthodox churches, the title of "Man of the Year", and Foreign Policy magazine identified these girls in the first hundred "world thinkers" 2012 of the year ...

Do not lag behind the Americans and the Germans. A week before the visit of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel to Moscow in the Bundestag, a plenary session was held, at which, among other issues, German parliamentarians discussed the domestic political situation in Russia and Russian-German relations. Of the 17 points of the resolution adopted by the Bundestag, almost half belong to the “human rights issue” and unambiguously push the German government to interfere in the internal affairs of Russia.

So, the German parliamentarians demand from the Russian authorities: to speak from the standpoint of European values ​​in assessing the “overly harsh” sentence against members of the Pussy Riot group, as well as Taisiya Osipova; seek an investigation into the circumstances of the arrest of Vasily Aleksanyan; seek a thorough and transparent investigation into the circumstances of the death of Sergei Magnitsky; to ensure that representatives of the political opposition can contribute to the development of the modern representative party system; ensure that the Petersburg Dialogue Platform is used for the free exchange of views between civil societies and so on.

On the whole, Russia, its authorities and administrations are under united, coordinated, systematic pressure. And all this looks like a grand scam comparable in scale with the mythology of the “global fight against terrorism.”

The fact is that the definition of the concept “human rights” is absent in international law. It is not in the national legislation of any of the states. Differences in ideas about good and evil, about moral and immoral, about fair and unjust, inherent in different civilizations of the Earth (Chinese, Indian, Muslim, Orthodox and others), make the imaginary universal concept of "human rights" into an ideological myth used by the West in geopolitical purposes.

For the first time, the concept of “human rights” was introduced in 1945 in the UN Charter at the initiative of the United Kingdom, the United States and some other countries. At the same time, in 1945, racism flourished in the United States, and “white only” tablets were common, and the United Kingdom was the largest colonial power to practice the inhuman exploitation of many peoples. In the Bill of Rights, its author Thomas Jefferson wrote that "all people are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights ... to life and liberty and to acquire and own property and strive for happiness and security," but Jefferson kept the factory, where he used the labor of slaves-children.

The concept of “human rights” created in the United States is literally imbued with such a duplicity, rooted in Protestantism, nourished the religion of money and the “double morality” triumphing in America. Where the UN Charter speaks of “natural and inalienable human rights”, it is not the rights of all those living on Earth that are meant, but only those administrative structures developed by the ruling classes of Western Europe and the USA. The principle of cultural assimilation of peoples was originally laid down in the UN Charter, and behind the parade sign of the Declaration of Human Rights is the same installation of the Western enslaver: we will impose the culture of relations that we want, whether you like it or not.

The function of the myth of the supposedly universal “human rights” is the political assimilation of the conquered peoples based on the cultural values ​​of the winners. Therefore, the provisions on “human rights” were included in the constitutions of West Germany, Japan and Italy. The same began to be practiced in relation to Russia, defeated in the Cold War.

The Western concept of “human rights” distinguishes the type of human individual formed by West European development from a community of people like him, equal to God, and imposes this type as a universal model for all cultures and civilizations. In terms of international relations, “human rights” understood in this way turn into subjugation of peoples belonging to other culturalhistorical types, through conquest, colonization, cultural assimilation. The same expansionism is the driving force of globalization.

“Human rights” in this interpretation are not universal human values, but the ideology of the West, aimed at subjugating the rest of the world to the West. In the modern world situation, “human rights” have become not only a tool of political and cultural assimilation, but also became, in fact, legitimized in the UN Charter a pretext for military aggression. A good example is the war against Yugoslavia in 1999.

In the interpretation of the meanings of human existence that is free from Western myth-making, human rights are inseparable from his duties, and they are equal in relation to the rights of a collective protected by a particular cultural tradition of a community of people.

Human rights are not only the expression of a certain culture, but also a certain will. Churchill, one of the smartest haters of Russia in the West, once wrote: "As a result of its victories gained by it over fascist Germany, Soviet Russia became a mortal threat to the free world." Churchill demanded "to immediately create a new front against the rapid advance of the USSR." In 1946's Fulton speech, Churchill directly relied on the promotion of “human rights” as an integral part of the crusade of the West against “communism” (he spoke and wrote about “communism”, but always and only methyl in historical Russia). The followers of Churchill, though not distinguished by his mind, have achieved a lot. In 1990, the USSR government, using agreements on human rights to change the social system of the USSR, declared the Soviet state criminal (decree of the USSR President on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression of 30-50). This was quickly followed by the collapse of the USSR and the feverish “reorganization of life” in its expanses. The new stage of the ideological offensive against Russia along the line of “human rights” is an attempt to implement the plan for the ultimate destruction of that, two decades ago, it was not completely destroyed.
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  1. EW
    30 November 2012 10: 06
    Let the whole world howl and hoot. We didn't care about him. They’re not going anywhere. Will be respected. The strong are always respected. Or be afraid. Or respect and fear. We do not need their respect. We live without him. Better to be afraid ...
    Pavel Yakovenko
    1. YARY
      30 November 2012 10: 14
      But it is also necessary to show teeth !!!
      Why not cancel the German woman's visit? and not to submit to the Duma instead of the "GENDER LAW" -
      the law on those who s-ka you with these "Crazy pussy"?
      Enter your list of items - prohibited for any business with them!
      1. Kaa
        30 November 2012 10: 26
        Quote: Ardent
        the law on those who s-ka you with these "Crazy pussy"?

        Alas, to us, alas! crying How we underestimated and overlooked them! These are the "titans of thought, fathers mothers of Russian democracy, "and we poison them, put them in jail! They outdid the bulk-daring ones themselves, they wanted to" enlighten "us, but we ... and they ...
        "Foreign Policy magazine ranked 16th in its annual "Rating of the world's leading thinkers" three members of the Pussy Riot punk band - Maria Alekhina, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.
        As noted in this regard, the radio station "Voice of America", thus, the members of the punk group, convicted of a scandalous trick in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, “outstripped not only the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who last year took 24th on this list place, and in this it moved to 45th, but also the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi (20th place), American financier George Soros (21st line), writer Salman Rushdie (33), Nobel Prize laureate economist Paul Krugman ( 34), former US Vice President Dick Cheney (38) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (39) and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett (42). "
        "In the explanation of the compilers of the rating it is said that the 16th place was awarded to the girls from Pussy Riot for the fact that they" broke the glass cage with a letter of love for freedom. "Obviously, this refers to the glass cage in which the members of the group were during the trial in Moscow's Khamovnichesky Court, and their final appeals to the court, which Foreign Policy editors called "manifestos alongside the texts of Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King, and Vaclav Havel"
        Details: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1598447.html#ixzz2DgUvtq8E
        Thank you, even though the "voices" prompted us, the unreasonable, that their task is akin to Havel’s task of transferring the country to the western sphere of influence ...
        Now it’s at least clear what place the planet is thinking in the western view ... laughing
        1. bask
          30 November 2012 10: 36
          In the West, human rights, Not the rights of the Indians of S. America and hard workers. And the right of the ruling bourgeois-financial class of America and Europe. At the top of which is the ruling Sionan, elite, It dictates to the whole West, these same, rights ,, And ordinary amers and Europeans cannon fodder for them, for another war .. They don’t send their kids to defend democracy,, ......
          1. +2
            30 November 2012 19: 46
            Quote: bask
            In the West, human rights, Not the rights of the Indians of S. America and hard workers. And the right of the ruling bourgeois-financial class of America and Europe. At the top of which is the ruling Sionan, elite, It dictates to the whole West, these same, rights ,, And ordinary amers and Europeans cannon fodder for them, for another war .. They don’t send their kids to defend democracy, ..
            - here and here on Kazakhstani sites we discuss these very human rights: http://www.zakon.kz/page,1,5,4526768-daulet-zhumabekov-vse-nashi-milliardery.htm
            l # comment-1667337
            The author of SABZH - a former military man, a colonel, headed the SV BOMZH - servicemen without a fixed place of residence, fought for the rights of officers who did not receive a well-deserved apartment, now he took up political activity, he said very well here about human rights, you can not read about the behavior of our eagles, if not interested, it is about the same as that of your oligarchs, nothing interesting. But the comments are depressing, in Russia there are more people who have seen the light and already understand about these "human rights".
        2. +5
          30 November 2012 10: 59
          Porn magazine, Foreign Policy. To what has come, "mad caps", called "great thinkers".
        3. +5
          30 November 2012 11: 20
          Quote: Kaa
          "Rating of the world's leading thinkers" .... thus, the members of the punk group, convicted of a scandalous trick in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, "outstripped not only the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who last year took 24th place on this list , and in this he moved to 45th, but also the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi (20th), American financier George Soros (21st line), writer Salman Rushdie (33), Nobel Prize laureate economist Paul Krugman (34 ), former US Vice President Dick Cheney (38) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (39) and multibillionaire Warren Buffett (42). "

          World has gone mad.... Among the leading thinkers are not philosophers, not writers, not great scientists who are moving forward technical progress ... but some kind of businessmen who know how to fool the whole world and boast about it, scandalous graphomaniacs who, for the sake of fame, revile someone's shrines, politicians, preaching double standards, vague and shallow "near-political" oppositionists ... Where are we going? You begin to involuntarily agree that the end of the world is the only way for mother nature to get rid of the results of another unsuccessful experiment to create a reasonable person.
        4. +2
          30 November 2012 11: 33
          Quote: Kaa
          Foreign Policy magazine placed three members of the punk band Pussy Riot - Maria Alekhina, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova - on the 16th line of its annual "Rating of the world's leading thinkers".

          This alone indicates the civilization of the West and their standards of values. If you are a complete pervert, respect for the Western world is guaranteed. Although the only thing I want to say to all the reproaches of the West regarding human rights in Russia is pah on you. And send to ....... what they like hi
          1. mda
            30 November 2012 14: 51
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            If you are a complete pervert, respect for the Western world is guaranteed.

            optional. main-lick one place to the west
        5. WAN
          30 November 2012 12: 49
          P: - What do you say about the sentence of Pussy Rayot?
          Q: - About what?
          P: - Regarding the sentence of Pussy Riyat?
          Q: - I do not understand what you mean?
          P: - What do you not know?
          Q: -No.
          P: - How so?
          Q: -What is so?
          P: - How do you not know that the sentence of Pussy Rayot!
          Q: - And what is Pussy Rayot?
          P: - Not what, but who!
          Q: - Who? Is that someone?
          P: - yes, this is someone! And not just someone, but these are girls! And they were sent to prison for nothing!
          Q: - In a sense, for nothing? How it is?
          P: - And so! Took and planted! And they can put us like that! And me and you, here!
          Q: - Wait, how did they take it and put it like that? What they just took on the street and imprisoned?
          P: - No, not on the street of course) but they put him in prison.
          Q: - And where were they detained?
          P: - In the Temple.
          Q: -In the Temple?
          P: - Yes, in the Temple! Imagine right in the Temple!
          Q: - And how is this possible, in the Temple? People came with God to talk to pray, and they detain them in prison. How so it is possible! But what about the priest? Where did he look when the police took his parishioners?
          P: - What father?
          Q: - Well, father. You say that the girls prayed in the Temple, and they were detained and I’m wondering how the priest reacted to this.
          P: - I did not say that they prayed.
          Q: - And then what?
          P: - They performed a punk prayer service!
          Q: - What did they do?
          P: - They performed a punk prayer!
          Q: - What is it?
          P: - Well, what? Punk Prayer!
          Q: - Excuse me, I do not understand you, I am a person who does not believe in church tradition, is not strong. So they prayed, right?
          P: - No, they did not pray, they performed a punk prayer!
          Q: - So they are punks?
          P: - Well ... Well, in a sense, yes.
          Q: - And where does the Temple?
          P: - How does this come about?
          Q: - Well, if the Temple is there, in theory, there are ordinary prayers, and if the punk is prayer, then in theory the punk temple should be, right?
          P: - No, not so
          Q: - And how?
          P: - It's simple. I wanted to fulfill a punk prayer and went to perform. I am a free man and no one should bother me.
          B: - Stop, stop, stop. Your Wishlist, this is your Wishlist. And others still have a Wishlist. People, for example, came to pray in a special institution, and here you and your prayer services do not let them do it. In my opinion, you are wrong. Go and open your punk church and do your punk prayers in it, Here the Satanists have opened their church and do not bother anyone. What prevents you from opening your own?
          P: - And why should I open something there? Why can't I go to the Temple and do what I want there !?
          Q: - Are you stupid?
          P: - In the sense of?
          Q: - yes, direct! And why you can’t go to a neighbor to visit and ... fuck him in a breadbasket?
          P: -Well ... Well, that ... Well, that ...
          Q: - And here! Because it’s not accepted. Well, you can’t go and cf..t to a neighbor in the breadbasket. Moreover, mind you, the law prohibiting cf..t - no, that in the neighbor’s breadbox, which in his own - no. Nobody forbids you to shit in the breadbasket, but for some reason you do not. Why? You are a free man!
          P: - I understand you.
          Q: - I hope so.
          1. +5
            30 November 2012 13: 58
            WAN - a masterpiece !!! "+"

            This needs to be translated into all languages ​​of the world, and those who blather about these fools should be allowed to read. Although we all know that if this story would have been in another country, they would have forgotten about this for a long time, or no one would have paid any attention at all, but girls a female person would shut up silently.
          2. YuDDP
            30 November 2012 22: 49
            I’m not allowed to put the pluses yet. Young yshsho.
            Therefore, in this way: "Plus!"
        6. Nose
          30 November 2012 12: 53
          I personally do not touch these ratings. Fuck on them. I wonder why rabid pussy took only 16th place ?! According to all the canons of Western philosophy, in the ranking of the leading thinkers of the planet, they should be the first !!! wassat
          1. MilaPhone
            30 November 2012 14: 04
            The girls played out to the dungeon.

        7. Van
          30 November 2012 15: 54
          Quote: Kaa
          Now it’s at least clear what place the planet is thinking in the western view ...

          The problem is that the "Means of Mass Hysteria" played an important role in all this. All this freedom of speech moves the world to Chaos, (You can kill even with a word, as well as heal).
          Therefore, I believe that mankind, gaining too much freedom, should at the same time gain wisdom, responsibility for all its deeds, but it all turned out yes, the person received freedom but did not learn to answer for his actions (Man As a small child who was guilty, but not pleads guilty). what hi
        8. 11Goor11
          1 December 2012 14: 49
          "Foreign Policy magazine has placed three members of the punk band Pussy Riot - Maria Alekhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova on the 16th line of its annual" Rating of the world's leading thinkers ".

          If perverts are their "mind, honor and conscience", is it time to reintroduce the Inquisition?
          They know the righteous judgment of God that those who do such things are worthy. of death; however, not only they are made, but also those who approve are approved.
          Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 1,32.
    2. mda
      30 November 2012 14: 49
      Quote: EW
      Let the whole world howl and hoot. We didn't care about him. They’re not going anywhere. Will be respected. The strong are always respected. Or be afraid. Or respect and fear. We do not need their respect. We live without him. Better to be afraid ...

      you are right. It is better to be feared. In the 90s they hated us because they despised us, but now we disobey.
  2. +4
    30 November 2012 10: 08
    they have the right to fuck each other in the priests, let them do it ... and we will figure it out ourselves)
  3. -1
    30 November 2012 10: 10
    With such thoughts, yes to a high school in Russia would!
  4. MilaPhone
    30 November 2012 10: 13
    Democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others that humanity has tried in its history. Winston Churchill
    1. +3
      30 November 2012 11: 19
      The old man was cunning, a "good" way never existed!
    2. bart74
      1 December 2012 03: 53
      Somehow I can’t believe that there is such a way of government as democracy (where is the rule of the people?) This is cunning. I feel democracy, even by smell. In general, democracy was only in Veliky Novgorod, and then something like a bazaar open vote, on the principle of who screamed whom, he was right. Here was an article about the continuity of power in the Communist Party of China, and about insurance so that such people as Yeltsin and humpback would not crawl to the top. That is right. What power is such a life!
  5. +7
    30 November 2012 10: 23
    the American weekly Time included the participants of the steamy show “Pussy Riot”, who committed atrocities in one of the main Orthodox churches in Moscow, among the candidates for the title “Person of the Year”

    Thus, the West clearly makes clear who SAME IN THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF PEOPLE.
    He who hears ... yes hears .... he who sees so he sees .... and the blind and the fool are all on the drum.
    1. +4
      30 November 2012 10: 49
      By this, the West showed that in its development it did not go far from monkeys. They are more interested in pipiski than ordinary human values.
      1. +5
        30 November 2012 11: 47
        And they have everything through this place!
  6. +1
    30 November 2012 10: 37
    Not long left Europe to do it. In 30-50 years it will begin to live
    under the "sheriat" laws And to talk about human rights in Russia, first get rid of the American military bases on your territory.
    1. mda
      30 November 2012 14: 59
      Quote: askort154
      Not long left Europe to do it. In 30-50 years it will begin to live
      under the "sheriat" laws And to talk about human rights in Russia, first get rid of the American military bases on your territory.

      No, they will die out after a maximum of 2 generations. They will play with the rights for perverts
  7. +2
    30 November 2012 10: 49
    The main thing for us is to fight off all sorts of liberal homosexuals, psek, juveniles and neo-"historians". And then there is such an attack on our brains and souls that sometimes you are amazed at the energy of some "common people". We must oppose all this rag-tag with our glorious history, traditions and faith.
  8. IlyaKuv
    30 November 2012 11: 21
    Maybe we’ll destroy their industry and energy with targeted missile strikes, without their income, they will quickly be re-certified as cavemen, and due to their anger and envy, they will slaughter each other without our help.
    1. 0
      30 November 2012 11: 43
      Quote: IlyaKuv
      Maybe point missile strikes destroy their industry

      And the Persian Gulf at the same time. wink Or first, Saudi Arabia with its oil - then they themselves, like the pretty ones, will crouch and bow.
      1. mda
        30 November 2012 15: 01
        Quote: Drednout
        And the Persian Gulf at the same time. Or first, Saudi Arabia with its oil - then they themselves, like the pretty ones, will crouch and bow.

        and then protect Venezuela. Because there are discovered the largest reserves in the world
  9. +5
    30 November 2012 11: 28
    The bugbear of human rights has long been a weapon in the struggle against Russia. This does not mean that everything is fine with us, but we ourselves will figure out over time what rights we need and how to achieve them. The main thing is that these technologists of the struggle for human rights continue to use various kinds of schizophrenics such as grandmother Alekseeva for their own purposes. Personally, I am pleased with the hysteria of the West about our rights. This means they once again trembled at the thoughts that we are. In this sense, Old Man Luka did well, spat on them from a high bell tower and that’s it.
  10. +9
    30 November 2012 11: 29
    If you travel on a tour to the states and, excuse me, n.a.s.r.p.a.t. on the lawn near the White House, and then urinate from the observation deck of the Statue of Liberty with shouts - you give rights to the indigenous people of America, return the Aztec gold, etc. .................... ...... then, as I understand it, you can become on a par with thinkers of the level of Gandhi, Socrates, Plato ....?
    1. Nose
      30 November 2012 12: 57
      If you travel on a tour to the states and, excuse me, n.a.s.r.p.a.t. on the lawn at the White House

      No, this is not by the rules! Another thing is a Russian temple or Red Square ... Here the glory will break off and the dough will be rolled away ...
  11. Glory
    30 November 2012 11: 40
    Quote: Begemot
    In this sense, Old Man Luka did well, spat on them from a high bell tower and that’s it.

    His spits do not fly beyond the borders of Belarus.
    1. anchonsha
      30 November 2012 12: 07
      Spitting may not fly from Belarus, but they appear in the press. And the Germans, in their understanding of super race, but always respected strength. Hitler is nonsense in history, which declared war on Small Britain and, if not open a second front against the USSR, Germany would have dominated outside Europe. And now the Germans remained the same, but even more sophisticated, having found in the United States a faithful friend against Russia. So we should prepare for even more pressure from the West. Russia will be a tidbit for them.
  12. cool.ya-nikola
    30 November 2012 11: 44
    So, German parliamentarians demand from the Russian authorities: to speak from the position of European values

    Eh, gentlemen, your energy, but for peaceful purposes! Well, please, leave Russia alone for a moment! Well, at least for a while, turn your enlightened gaze to the West! I assure you, there you will find a much greater field for your educational activities! First, try to influence your "big brother" - the USA! Pay attention to the chaos and chaos in legislation and human rights (and not only human rights!) In the most "democratic and free" country in the world!
    In Indiana, it is forbidden to open cans with firearms
    In Connecticut, the police are not allowed to stop you from cycling if you are traveling at a speed of more than 65 mph (approximately 104 km / h)
    In Cleveland, the law forbids catching mice without a hunting license, women are forbidden to wear patent leather shoes, as men can see in them the reflection of their underwear
    In Chicago, you can not explode a nuclear bomb within the city, otherwise fined 500 bucks
    In Colorado State Sterling, cats are allowed to run freely only if they have rear taillights
    In Washington - Any driver who has a criminal intent is obliged to stop at the entrance to the city and report to the police chief by phone
    In Iowa, according to the law, a kiss can last no more than 5 minutes, and one-armed pianists are required by law to play for free.
    In Oklahoma, it is considered illegal to bite off someone else's hamburger, and people who make faces to dogs will be fined a large amount, or even put in prison.
    There, dogs are required to have a permit signed by the mayor of the city in order to gather in groups of three or more individuals within a private property.
    In Oxford, it is contraindicated for women to take off their clothes in front of a portrait of a man, while in Polding, a policeman has the right to bite a dog to silence her.

    Well, gentlemen, German parliamentarians, in all the above, nothing bothers you? Or to raise the tail on the "big brother" is the gut ?! Or, in your opinion, it is only necessary to attach Russia to "universal human values?"
    Summarizing and taking into account your indestructible desire to poke your nose where you are not asked, you can only draw one conclusion: Yes, guys, it's hard for you to live without the Fuhrer! ...
    1. Nose
      30 November 2012 13: 01
      Quote: cool.ya-nikola
      In the same place, dogs are required to have a permit signed by the mayor of the city in order to gather in groups of three or more individuals within a private property

      I would like to look at the jurist who came up with this! wassat
  13. 0
    30 November 2012 12: 27
    I also have a dream to urinate in the synagogue or at worst from the statue of liberty
  14. georg737577
    30 November 2012 12: 54
    When the West speaks of human rights, it seems to me first of all a child from another small country, torn apart by a NATO bomb. Explain to him and his mother ...
    1. +2
      30 November 2012 14: 02
      And note, most shout about human rights. who violates them the most, it’s as if the thief will scream the loudest than the thief .. and point to the one whom he robs!
  15. Brother Sarych
    30 November 2012 14: 24
    Well, now again, cons cons!
    And what is so bad about the concept of "human rights"? Do you like the current state of affairs?
    What good is it that these prostitutes were convicted? And for the nonsense? Should they have been punished? Of course, but for ordinary hooliganism! And all - these fools are no longer interested in anyone - they exercised their right to speak, but chose the wrong place, for which they were punished, punished for misconduct ...
    The Magnitsky affair? Why is it good that someone died in prison? And he was actually killed! Understood - punished the guilty and that's all, everyone forgot! But there is an aspect - we must remember for WHAT exactly they killed Magnitsky ...
    And so on almost all counts ...
    1. bask
      30 November 2012 14: 37
      Sarych. The case in the concept of ,,,,, human rights ,,,,,, This is a purely Amer’s agitation. And the SOCIAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE should be smoking. In which the rights and duties of citizens and the state should be equal ... And the state should be SOCIALLY-ORIENTED .. And not stand guard of officials and thieves ....
      1. Brother Sarych
        30 November 2012 23: 43
        The fact is that this is not an American propaganda at all ...

        Human rights - the rights that form the basis of the legal status of an individual.

        They form the core of the constitutional law of legal states (the so-called rights and freedoms of man and citizen). The specific expression and scope of these rights in the positive law of different states, as well as in various international legal treaties, may differ. In international public law, the most famous document fixing them is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

        Personal rights usually include:

        Punishability only in court - prohibition of emergency courts
        Personal integrity
        The inviolability of the home
        Correspondence of correspondence
        The inviolability of property (some jurists relate to economic; in France it is recognized as one of the basic personal rights since the time of the French Revolution [5])

        Political rights, as a rule, include:

        Equality before the law - lack of estates
        Freedom of conscience - the right to profess any religion or not to profess any;
        Freedom of speech and press - prohibition of censorship;
        Freedom of assembly - the right to hold meetings both indoors and outdoors
        Freedom of union - the right to form unions without asking permission
        Freedom of Strikes
        Petition law
        Social and economic rights include:

        Labor rights (the right to work and freedom of labor)
        The right to the protection of the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood
        Right to social security
        The right to housing
        Right to health and medical care
        The right to an eight-hour working day, to fair working conditions, equal pay for work of equal value, etc.

        Well and so on - are you against it? And doesn’t this make the state guaranteeing the observance of these rights socially oriented? And what have officials and thieves to do with it?
        1. 0
          1 December 2012 04: 56
          Personal rights usually include:

          Punishability only in court -
          Personal integrity
          The inviolability of the home
          Correspondence of correspondence
          Property Inviolability

          Political rights, as a rule, include:

          Equality before the law -
          Freedom of conscience - the right to profess any religion
          Freedom of speech and press - prohibition of censorship;
          Freedom of assembly - the right to hold meetings both indoors and outdoors
          Freedom of union - the right to form unions without asking permission
          Freedom of Strikes
          Petition law
          Social and economic rights include:

          Labor rights (the right to work and freedom of labor)
          The right to the protection of the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood
          Right to social security
          The right to housing
          The Right to Health and Medical Care ............................... And which of these rights is respected in the USA?
    2. Rezun
      30 November 2012 17: 49
      You rake everything ... and still in the generals ... It’s good to cry!
  16. +2
    30 November 2012 14: 33
    You see what's the matter, first you need to decide on the definition of the word - man. According to the Western concept, any individual outwardly similar to a person is already considered a person. On the face of a purely materialistic definition. That is, any monkey that just came down from a palm tree (well, or from the mountains as it is more convenient to count) and put on clothes, a person has already learned to mutter something. Although they are cunning here, they themselves know very well that the animal instincts of such individuals prevail over human qualities, and therefore we are "sniffed" by such a human-like mass. It is not difficult to guess for what purpose all this is being done. There are many of them, but the most important thing is the destruction of a person as such. In my opinion, a person is a creative, multifaceted, highly spiritual being (not to be confused with religious ideas), etc. ... In this matter (the destruction of a person) we are very much in the way of them, well, they also really need our resources, they have already "pissed away" their own, in general, the term "their resources" is very conditional for them.
  17. vikruss
    30 November 2012 15: 03
    At the beginning of the USSR, they were not used up, they said the "Iron Curtain", well, let's give it a ride. But in China there is still communism and everything is in order, China is the number one country in terms of trade with the United States. It seems ... but what about human rights ... there are no questions, you know why ... because China with all its "manners" and population cannot be a gigimon of authority and power in itself. And without Western influence and the same USSR, in the 20th century, there would still be shouting earth on oxen there. But even in the past, Russia was the leader and gigimon of global influence. And she is in reality a contender for what the Western Shawks consider their future. That is why, no matter how Russia did not yield to "these human rights lovers", they will continue to find new poverty dermis to make claims against Russia. Moreover, as it happened with "Pussy Riot's nasty chatter", they themselves will send their Cossacks to authorize such incidents and then inflate them all over the world. Russia should simply ignore 100 percent of these demonic claims, and it can also present ... Why shouldn't they in Germany allow such acts of debauchery in public places, for example, in museums, in galleries, or right in the hall during a conference on rights man ... to arrange public orgies. And if not, if they have it punished by law, then there is nothing to talk to and Judas. These double or triple standards are already nauseous. Close the gas pipe to idiots for a week and everyone will immediately forget about human rights. Or raise the price, it's time for Russia to develop the right reflexes for a certain behavior of the "dog yard" and their beaters.
    1. bart74
      1 December 2012 04: 02
      China is pursuing the right foreign policy. He just screams from the West on his side. But if something doesn’t suit them, they make a hard note so that they don’t get into their internal affairs through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We should learn from them, and not chew snot, pretending that everything is fine. We must immediately put in place the Germans and all of their ilk.
  18. 0
    30 November 2012 15: 07
    It’s the same as in the proverb - to spoil the air in a full bus and to be most indignant
  19. +1
    30 November 2012 15: 21
    They talk to us so much about "human rights" and force everyone to fulfill them that I am beginning to form an opinion that they want to replace all religions of the World with these "rights". And to make "Human Rights" the Main Religion ... What horror (((
  20. +2
    30 November 2012 16: 50
    "The function of the myth of the supposedly universal 'human rights' is the political assimilation of the defeated peoples based on the cultural values ​​of the victors."
    The right thought. Explains everything. He even explains why they are stupidly trying to push, and we are not going to listen.
    They just think they won. But we do not see anyone and in what.
    They think that they won the war, and we see only an unsuccessful battle for us.
    The loser is the one who said to himself - I am defeated. I'm afraid they won’t wait from us.
  21. +1
    30 November 2012 18: 59
    The German parliamentarians, and it seems that Mrs. Merkel herself, had something to remember. They very quickly forgot that Hitler had already come to us at the head of a practically European crusade in order to impose his European values ​​on Russian barbarians. Before him, in 1812, Napoleon, also at the head of the European horde, tried to impose the European values ​​of Russia. The Germans know more than anyone THAN this is all over. You can’t be so stupid that you don’t even get it that, according to the values ​​of the European GAYMOCRACY, Russia has repeatedly given a CONVINCING answer, it DOESN'T NEED them !!! If the West has nowhere else to put them on (the world is already full of these values), then let them shove them in their own .... !!!
  22. 0
    30 November 2012 20: 52
    A person has a current one right ... this is the right to live, and everything else is already politics !!!
  23. igor12
    30 November 2012 22: 40
    No, they would have called themselves, for example, I don’t know, well, Drunken Hedgehogs, but to be called like that in a direct translation "Riot p..dy", God forgive me, well, this is a masterpiece. : Today the girls from "Riot pi..y have pronounced a sentence. They have no idea about moral education in the west.
  24. +1
    30 November 2012 23: 56
    The confrontation between the West and Russia on the issue of "human rights" does not stop. This confrontation impedes the solution of many international problems, but the West here demonstrates fierce perseverance, not subject to any arguments.

    Again, the substitution of concepts. The confrontation is not between Russia and the West, but between the allegarchical "elite" of Russia and their counterparts in the West. And the Russian people do not oppose anyone, the people are above that, the people live their own lives.
  25. Lich
    1 December 2012 23: 38
    Absolute freedom cannot be obtained. There are always rules and responsibilities if there is no chaos, anarchy will pour out of it, where freedom will be lost, which will result in a dictatorial regime with harsh laws to pay off unrest, and voila, we go around again.
  26. +2
    2 December 2012 12: 12
    All these human rights have long been an instrument of pressure on unwanted states! Back in the 60s, all the United States were pasted with signs ONLY FOR WHITE, probably forgot ?? In other matters, and now, US CITIZENS live in Indian reservations as third-class people, and their only fault is that they are Indians !!

    And this is not Afghanistan, not forgotten by God in the sands of Egypt - this is the modern US reservation of the ACOMA Indians !! Human rights in the states themselves are simply fictitious, and trying to impose them looks silly !!!!