Western press: EU cohesion around Ukraine could quickly disintegrate

Western press: EU cohesion around Ukraine could quickly disintegrate

The existing unity of the European countries regarding Ukraine is still preserved, but the current cohesion of the Western countries may quickly disintegrate.

An article published in the Bulgarian edition of Dnevnik says that while the Ukrainian crisis directly affects the interests of countries such as Poland or Estonia, it does not affect the people of Spain and Portugal in any way. Despite this, the emerging signs of disunity that were beginning in the EU continued for a relatively short period of time.

According to a recent study by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), residents of the European Union over the past year have shown convergence rather than divergence.

The thesis prevailing in the public opinion of residents of the EU countries in May last year, according to which the armed conflict in Ukraine should end as soon as possible, even if Ukraine loses part of its territories, has now changed to the opposite opinion. Most EU citizens believe that the Ukrainian authorities should regain all the lost territories, even if this will drag out the conflict for a long time.

This was facilitated by factors such as some successes of the Ukrainian army in the fall of 2022, a mild winter and a successful EU transition in terms of energy, as well as the determination of US President Joe Biden to prevent an unconditional victory for Russia.

However, the EU's current cohesion could quickly unravel if the Russian military succeeds on the battlefield, the cost of living rises, or the Ukrainian refugee crisis intensifies. Also, a change in US foreign policy as a result of the victory of the Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election could also disrupt the unity of the European Union.
31 comment
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  1. -2
    31 March 2023 12: 37
    So it will be good, every man for himself and the urine of the weakest. By the way, in England there was talk of raising the retirement age at 70, and maybe at 72. And this says that all is not well in Europe.
    1. -5
      31 March 2023 12: 40
      England started talking about raising the retirement age at 70, and maybe at 72. And this suggests that Europe is not doing well.
      Average life expectancy in England is 81.3 in Russia 70. Where are things worse?
      1. 0
        31 March 2023 12: 42
        in the Sverdlovsk region - 67 years. Recently, a 65-year-old employee died suddenly.
        1. -3
          31 March 2023 12: 45
          in the Sverdlovsk region - 67 years
          Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 62 years old
      2. -1
        31 March 2023 13: 16
        Quote: Trapp1st
        Life expectancy in England 81.3

        It's like our average salary))) The poor there live much less than the rich.
        Those people who are now 80 were born during the war years. Yes, Great Britain was bombed, but there was no famine there. And do not forget that then the same India was part of the empire, which was mercilessly robbed. If we average over the entire empire, then I'm afraid the numbers will be lower than ours.
        PS We do not support raising the retirement age. I can hardly imagine how I will finish up to 65 at my job.
      3. 0
        31 March 2023 13: 56
        I have been retired for 12 years and nothing, but I suspect someone does not like it.
    2. -1
      31 March 2023 12: 55
      In Russia, there are so-called "early pensions"! And no one canceled them! In Russia, mothers with children will retire earlier! wink There is no such thing in Britain! And even under current UK law, pensions are not charged to people who earn less than 490 pounds a month, 113 pounds a week and 452 pounds in 28 days. That's it!
      1. -2
        31 March 2023 13: 08
        In Russia, mothers with children will retire earlier!
        No one in their right mind will voluntarily leave for 19-20k pension rubles. You can talk as much as you like about how everything is very good in Russia, how the state helps single mothers, how doctors are ready to treat us for free, how soldiers are equipped with everything necessary, well, continue to rave in a fever ... Numbers Carl, numbers speak better than any deputy.
      2. -2
        31 March 2023 19: 47
        under current UK law, pensions are not charged to people who earn less than
        Pensions are accrued even to those who have spent their entire lives on benefits. Do not forget about free medicine with medicines and social housing.
    3. +2
      31 March 2023 12: 57
      And it says that veuropach is not doing well.
      England, France, like Ukraine and Russia, are members of the IMF, the pension fund is raised at the behest of the fund's management. Everything is in the same team, but in Europe, it's not good. laughing
    4. +4
      31 March 2023 12: 59
      Quote: tralflot1832
      So it will be good, every man for himself and the urine of the weakest. By the way, in England there was talk of raising the retirement age at 70, and maybe at 72. And this says that all is not well in Europe.

      Do not take to heart this publication in VO or in other publications and on TV about how bad it has become for the average European to live at home.
      And before the NWO, someone in the EU countries lived poorly and poorly, and someone lived well and comfortably, someone went on strike, and someone basked on the Canary and Italian beaches, the retirement age was rising everywhere, prices for resources grew, and not fell, someone left the country, and someone came for permanent residence and work.
      Everything is as usual in the EU - growth is followed by a decline and this is the normal course of things.

      The main thing for us is not to rely on the recession and collapse of the EU or the USA, but to take care of our country and our economy.
      1. -1
        31 March 2023 14: 02
        It’s good that I didn’t stay in England and Spain, I have to plow there to make up for everything. I know the price of living there, especially in England.
  2. -1
    31 March 2023 12: 38
    Everyone around Nenka wants to make money with might and main, why will they refuse her then? As long as there is an opportunity, they will plow.
    There, the Bulgarians and Czechs in three shifts are repairing Mil's helicopters with sharovar figachat, and the EU unfastens them from the Peace Fund for this. Shells also rivet - only on the way.
    1. -1
      31 March 2023 12: 47
      As long as there is an opportunity, they will plow.
      The political line will resolve itself and the agreement, the road to nowhere.
  3. +3
    31 March 2023 12: 39
    You will do what you are told.. Period..
  4. +6
    31 March 2023 12: 47
    The great science fiction writer of our days has diedlaughing
    1. +3
      31 March 2023 12: 54
      Thank you for the news. Tonight I'll get drunk in honor of the dead man. It's a pity that I can't pee on his grave
    2. +1
      31 March 2023 13: 16
      Quote: Incvizitor
      The great science fiction writer of our days has died

      Rather, another patient of the Kashchenko clinic died.
      1. 0
        April 2 2023 06: 13
        another patient died

        Heroes die, but this one just died, I would say so ..
        1. 0
          April 4 2023 20: 11
          Quote: Ilnur
          another patient died

          Heroes die, but this one just died, I would say so ..

          You are wrong - Kashchenko's patients see themselves as heroes. Napoleons and so on
    3. +1
      31 March 2023 13: 36
      Yes, he also has the appearance of a rural fool)
  5. +4
    31 March 2023 12: 48
    However, the EU's current cohesion could quickly unravel if the Russian military succeeds on the battlefield, the cost of living rises, or the Ukrainian refugee crisis intensifies. Also, a change in US foreign policy as a result of the victory of the Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election could also disrupt the unity of the European Union.
    Some empty hopes. I remember that they already wrote that General Frost would come, the whole of Europe would fail, but he didn’t come. It’s better to wait and then write that the unity of Europe in the Ukrainian issue happened for one reason or another. And it’s best not to hope , to the crisis and the influx of Ukrainian refugees. And hope for the Russian army.
  6. +2
    31 March 2023 12: 48
    They came up with it themselves, dispersed it themselves .... like striped ones ... New fresh infa - according to the results of polls by one competent Western agency, 70% of ordinary EU citizens spoke out for fatigue from the conflict on the ocarina and the negative impact of sanctions imposed on Russia, 29% expressed indifference, 1% of citizens supported the supply of weapons to the outskirts, wangyu, which is the Poles. Something like this. (I came up with it myself, I'm trying to overclock ....)
  7. -3
    31 March 2023 12: 52
    a change in US foreign policy as a result of the victory of the Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election could disrupt the unity of the European Union.

    Our fools are getting richer with their thoughts.
    The USA said: "it is necessary!", the EU answered: "there is!"
    The orders of the sovereign are not discussed by his Vassals.
    And at the top of the United States, there is a complete cross-party consensus between Democrats and Republicans about the need to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia in Ukraine.
    Maybe it's enough to give out the Wishlist of the elite of the Russian Federation for reality?
    The escalation of the war in Ukraine will only grow and go beyond its borders.
  8. +2
    31 March 2023 12: 54
    in the Bulgarian edition of "Diary"
    Bulgarians actively providing military assistance to Kyiv decided to speculate about the cohesion of the EU on the Ukrainian issue. Why talk about Spain and Portugal when it is enough to look out the window and understand that the opinion of the people does not in any way affect government officials who are ready to fulfill any EU requirement that came there from the United States, regardless of their costs.
  9. 0
    31 March 2023 12: 57
    From which forest brother does Estonia appear here? There is only a desire to give a shit ... to your neighbor. Poland, Hungary, Romania: they have territorial interests. Germany, France, England business, well, the desire to weaken Russia.
  10. -1
    31 March 2023 13: 03
    "successful EU transition in terms of energy". Here niponel. Where did they successfully go? From cheap Russian gas to expensive American? From cheap nuclear electricity to expensive windmills? Or was something breakthrough discovered there, but we don’t know?
  11. 0
    31 March 2023 13: 18
    From the creators of Europe will freeze and so on.
  12. 0
    April 1 2023 07: 49
    Looks like fortune telling
    maybe rain, maybe snow,
    maybe it will, maybe not
  13. -1
    April 1 2023 10: 27
    The closer our tanks are to Berlin, the less the cohesion of the European Union will be. And the French and some others will most likely come over to our side out of habit.
  14. +1
    April 4 2023 10: 56
    It may fall apart, or it may not. Guess further in the thick, predictable muses and wangs. By the way, winter has passed, and Europe, as predicted all autumn, has not frozen.

    This is from the category "is there life on Mars."
    There are no normal themes or something, than to cherish stupid hopes?