Russians who did not pass the language exam are threatened with deportation from Latvia

Russians who did not pass the language exam are threatened with deportation from Latvia

Latvian Seimas

The authorities of the Baltic republics are already accustomed to making certain decisions directed against everything Russian. This time Latvia distinguished itself, from which thousands of Russians can be expelled.

In this Baltic republic, new rules regarding a residence permit (residence permit) began to operate. According to these rules, all residence permits of Russians will cease to be valid from September 1 this year. After this period, forced deportation of Russian citizens from the country may occur.

Russians, of course, can extend the residence permit if they can pass the Latvian language exam. In the absence of a supporting document on passing the exam, the Russians will probably be “asked” to leave Latvia.

The Latvian government explains the introduction of new rules for residence permits by a policy aimed at supporting the Latvian language and culture. In the opinion of many Russians living in Latvia, this looks like discrimination.

According to some data, more than 2020 ethnic Russians lived in Latvia in 520, of which more than 000 were Russian citizens. In 50, the number of Russians in Latvia has increased markedly, including due to the so-called "frightened patriots". Now the Latvian state makes it clear that it needs proof of loyalty, to the point that without passing the exam in the Latvian language, there will be no further opportunity to "fear patriotism" on the territory of Latvia.
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  1. +8
    30 March 2023 13: 23
    Well, actually, it’s wonderful .. Let these bulkheads teach Latvian .. Don’t just roam like that
    1. +7
      30 March 2023 13: 31
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      Well, actually, it’s wonderful .. Let these bulkheads teach Latvian .. Don’t just roam like that

      Looks like a population explosion in the Tribalts and the Russians began to take someone else's place !! But, I think those who still live there from 1991 and earlier already know the language... but here are the newcomers... I wonder if Chulpan Khamatovs and others will be returned to Russia? wassat
      1. +4
        30 March 2023 13: 34
        To be honest, the likes of Khamatova can buy citizenship. This applies to petty riffraff who decided to sit out the stormy times
        1. +2
          30 March 2023 13: 35
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          To be honest, the likes of Khamatova can buy citizenship.

          Yes, it's a holiday! Let them peel them to sticky...
        2. +1
          30 March 2023 13: 42
          They wrote that Khamatova had already faded away somewhere to the south. And it’s not a fact that now citizenship will be sold to someone.
          So the rogue will have to run. Somewhere in Estonia.
          1. +3
            30 March 2023 13: 44
            Quote from Aken
            So the rogue will have to run. Somewhere in Estonia.

        3. +1
          30 March 2023 17: 26
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          To be honest, the likes of Khamatova can buy citizenship. This applies to petty riffraff who decided to sit out the stormy times

          Previously, they had a residence permit for 10 years if you bought there dear real estate. Then they cut the term, then made it look like a paid one.
          Now they really want to eliminate it.
          Realtors there are sad - a lot of real estate is abandoned - the locals do not have so much money, and ours no longer go there because of tricks with a residence permit.
      2. +7
        30 March 2023 13: 48
        In Chulki, Khamatova is already studying Georgian in Georgia, it’s cheaper there. It’s hard without Russian money.
      3. +7
        30 March 2023 13: 49
        Quote: Smoker
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        Well, actually, it’s wonderful .. Let these bulkheads teach Latvian .. Don’t just roam like that

        Looks like a population explosion in the Tribalts and the Russians began to take someone else's place !! But, I think those who still live there from 1991 and earlier already know the language... but here are the newcomers... I wonder if Chulpan Khamatovs and others will be returned to Russia? wassat

        It is high time to deport all Latvians from Latvia somewhere to Rwanda. Peter the Great bought all the lands of Latvia for gold.
        1. 0
          30 March 2023 19: 58
          Peter the Great bought all the lands of Latvia for gold

          For silver.
      4. 0
        30 March 2023 15: 36
        Quote: Smoker
        Looks like a population explosion in the Tribalts and the Russians began to take someone else's place!

        Russians will leave, non-brothers and Arabs will arrive with Africans, a holy place is never empty. Learn Latvian Quran.
        1. +1
          30 March 2023 16: 50
          Yes, Africans and Arabs have already arrived, but for some reason they leave rather quickly, for example, to Sweden there, here the benefits are not enough ... and without knowledge of Latvian, Russian and spoken English. you’ll find a normal job here, so it’s sad for the yellow-blue here too, they didn’t give up on anyone with their mother here ...
    2. +12
      30 March 2023 13: 42
      The Balts are Russophobes and bastards.
      But I would introduce this into the Russian Federation. Until you learn the language, no residence permit for you.
      1. +4
        30 March 2023 14: 08
        A sound decision, for any country. Examination in language, history and a brief introduction to the constitution, and only after that a residence permit
      2. 0
        30 March 2023 14: 10
        Even if I am a Latvian of advanced years,
        And then, without despondency and laziness ... laughing
    3. AAK
      30 March 2023 18: 28
      I would say a little differently ... these "Russian-speaking" 30 years ago, the vast majority were glad that they remained to live in "enlightened Europe", considered themselves "Europeans-not-a-match-unwashed-Russians" and until lately, they have consciously resorted to almost any humiliation and restrictions, if only to continue to remain in the EEC, at least as a carcass, at least as a stuffed one ... and once again they got "on the horns", earlier they were simply "put in stalls", and now from and will soon be thrown out of this stall ...
  2. +10
    30 March 2023 13: 26
    Sadness will happen to those who wish to obtain EU citizenship. Why should we worry about this? These citizens have nothing to do with Russia; moreover, they want to renounce Russian citizenship.
    Ps it is noteworthy how the sprats "threw" these donkeys, promising citizenship in exchange for investments and the purchase of real estate laughing
    1. +4
      30 March 2023 13: 36
      I deeply sneeze at those who dumped there, but I don’t give a damn about those who have lived there since the times of the USSR, and these are old people and their children. Children know Latvian, many have citizenship, but it was too late for the elderly to learn it, and they did not want to. And what about them?! I think a tough response from our diplomats would be on point! Up to the expulsion of their diplomatic mission in full force and leaving only the consular service! Plus, bringing all this disgrace to the UN, although it is biased by mattresses, the world should know!
      1. +1
        30 March 2023 13: 39
        The Tribalts deliberately raise such topics from time to time - Russia will react, and the "free" press will see the Kremlin's aggressive plans in the Baltics too ... what aggressors!
      2. +2
        30 March 2023 13: 41
        In 30 years, you can learn any language, especially if you live in a country where it is spoken.
        1. +1
          30 March 2023 13: 45
          I read about an American who lived in the Netherlands for 25 years and never learned Dutch request
          1. 0
            30 March 2023 14: 29
            in the Netherlands and never learned Dutch

            There is no Dutch, but there is Dutch. Apparently you wanted to say the opposite: he lived in Holland and did not learn the Dutch language. hi
            1. +2
              30 March 2023 15: 45
              Quote: Horon
              There is no Dutch, but there is Dutch.

              Officially it is called Dutch, but the names Dutch and Flemish are also correct: they designate groups of dialects in the provinces of North Holland (the capital is Haarlem) and South Holland (the capital is The Hague). Amsterdam is in North Holland, but is the capital of the Netherlands, not a region.
          2. 0
            31 March 2023 19: 53
            Quote from: nepunamemuk
            about one American who lived in the Netherlands for 25 years and never learned Dutch

            Almost everyone in Holland speaks English fluently.
        2. 0
          31 March 2023 18: 00
          Quote: razv35
          In 30 years, you can learn any language, especially if you live in a country where it is spoken.

          What do you understand by the words - learn a language?
          It is one thing to learn to speak this language, another thing to read it, and a third thing to write in this language without making three mistakes in a sentence of three words.
          It would be interesting to know what are the requirements for the exam?
      3. +3
        30 March 2023 13: 42
        Quote: Ady66
        I deeply sneeze at those who dumped there, but I don’t give a damn about those who have lived there since the times of the USSR, and these are old people and their children!

        Do you understand the difference between Russians and Russian speakers? This law is directed against Russians (if they can be called that) Russian citizens who have received a residence permit in Latvia in order to obtain EU citizenship. It is in no way directed at the category of Russian-speaking non-citizens of Latvia.
        1. 0
          30 March 2023 14: 14
          According to the amendments to the Immigration Law, former citizens or non-citizens of Latvia who have taken Russian citizenship must re-obtain a permanent residence permit by September 1, 2023. To do this, they will need a certificate of knowledge of the Latvian language at the basic level - A2.
          1. +1
            30 March 2023 14: 28
            A2 is at the level to tell about yourself, your family, work and hobbies. It is impossible not to be able to take out such a level. You may not want.
          2. 0
            30 March 2023 15: 19
            Quote: Waterways 672
            To do this, they will need a certificate of knowledge of the Latvian language at a basic level - A2.

            Russian obscene somehow correlates with the Latvian basic level A2? Well, in the sense, will a basic A2 level Latvian understand our great and mighty in a colloquial interpretation? Can I explain to him that "the semantics of etude in Prishvin's prose is ambiguous"?
        2. 0
          30 March 2023 15: 55
          Quote: ANIMAL
          It is in no way directed at the category of Russian-speaking non-citizens of Latvia.

          This requirement also applies to applicants who request a temporary residence permit for the purpose of family reunification, or the acquisition of citizenship. A residence permit can be obtained first for a year, then for four years, and then indefinitely.
      4. 0
        30 March 2023 17: 29
        Quote: Ady66
        Up to the expulsion of their diplomatic mission in full force and leaving only the consular service!

        That is, you propose to leave the citizens of the Russian Federation and Russians there - without any protection at all?
  3. +1
    30 March 2023 13: 38
    Does the Kremlin have no leverage on the Baltics?
    1. +1
      30 March 2023 17: 33
      Quote: Million
      Does the Kremlin have no leverage on the Baltics?

      After the suspension of the cargo railway and maritime communications, sanctions on fish, and the export of fertilizers from the Republic of Belarus through Ust-Luga, only military levers remained ...
      They will cut the "Latvian mixture" and the trade will be reset altogether
  4. +2
    30 March 2023 13: 38
    Soon only SS pensioners and parliament will remain in this country
  5. -6
    30 March 2023 13: 47
    I think that when the Russian army denazifies Latvia, then every Latvian who has not passed the express exam for knowledge of the Russian language in the field should be immediately deported, for example, to the tundra to clean the snow. At the same time, each deported Latvian will have to adopt (adopt) one patriot, frightened to the point of constant diarrhea, and take him with him. I believe it will be fair. And the vacated territory - to distribute to the veterans of the North Military District for summer cottages - the climate there is good.
    1. +3
      30 March 2023 13: 59
      The climate is not very good there. On me, who was born and raised in Koenig, all the sores and cuts healed like on a dog, but the guys from the central part of the country had infection and inflammation of even minor injuries.
      1. +1
        30 March 2023 15: 57
        Quote: agoran
        The climate is not very good there.

        There is a lot of tuberculosis, just as it was before the Second World War,
  6. +1
    30 March 2023 14: 05
    Democracy "European-style" in all its glory.
  7. +1
    30 March 2023 14: 19
    And who will work at the enterprises? Who will feed the leadership of the country?
    1. +6
      30 March 2023 14: 47
      Here is what they write on the Latvian website GRANI LV in the comments:
      Yes, to hell with it. The more Russians leave Latvia, the better. After all, who works for us? Right. Russians. Latvians sit in offices, scratching their asses. And plumbers, electricians, scavengers, builders, assistants, loaders and other professions belong to Russians. Well, the Latvian will not go to plow at the factory. This is not a royal business. And further. Iskanders fly for 400 km, but Western experts say that they can fly for the whole 1000 km. Exactly like calibers, onyxes and zircons. And it's impossible to knock them down. There is also fab-500, fab-1000, fab-1500. Su-57s, which have more sorties than the vaunted f16s. Well, the procession on March 16 hammered the final nail into the coffin. It remains only to take sanctions against God, since he helps Russia and the Russians. And the orchestra will give a concert in the Diet hall. Ta ka mes te sakam latvija: dievs, sveti latviju, mus dargo teviju. Sveti jel latviju, ak sveti jel to. The pug barks, and the elephant goes on. So do not anger the neighbor just so brazenly. Even the can shook his finger for that. And remember: in Ukraine everything is so long because Russia still considers them a brotherly Slavic people. But the whole Baltic region, and especially Latvia (as always, in the first place) is completely Nazi for Russia. And in the minds of the Russians it sits very firmly.
      1. +1
        30 March 2023 16: 03
        Quote: Waterways 672
        The more Russians leave Latvia, the better.

        So the law does not apply to all Russians, but to those who have a temporary residence permit, that is, not those who have lived all the time, but those who left the Russian Federation up to 5 years ago, all the rest have a permanent residence permit. So those who left it will return to the Russian Federation, only if you need them.
        1. 0
          31 March 2023 18: 11
          Quote: carpenter

          So the law does not apply to all Russians, but to those who have a temporary residence permit, that is, not those who have lived all the time, but those who left the Russian Federation up to 5 years ago, all the rest have a permanent residence permit. So those who left it will return to the Russian Federation, only if you need them.

          In fact, this is a law on the language, and not on the mode of residence in the territory and the "categories" of residents.
          I understand this - all those who do not know the Latvian language will be deported. And nationality, time of residence, a citizen - not a citizen, does not matter.
      2. -2
        30 March 2023 22: 32
        And remember: in Ukraine everything is so long because Russia still considers them a brotherly Slavic people.

        Therefore, near Ugledar, Maryinka and Avdiivka, Russian generals send Russian soldiers to clear the fields with their own feet so that the fraternal Ukrainians, God forbid, do not suffer?
  8. -3
    30 March 2023 14: 19
    It will be funny when after some time (and this is 100%) when Latvia enters Russia, everyone who wants to work in the administration, courts, police will have to take an exam on knowledge of the Russian language. laughing fool
    1. 0
      30 March 2023 15: 08
      You don't have to. On the contrary, Latvians at all levels except hard workers will be welcome. I know I served in the Baltic States in the 80s
      1. +1
        30 March 2023 17: 36
        Quote: notingem
        You don't have to. On the contrary, Latvians at all levels except hard workers will be welcome. I know I served in the Baltic States in the 80s

        Now there will be a reverse situation - now no one will make a showcase from the Limitrophes
    2. +1
      30 March 2023 16: 06
      Quote: V.
      everyone who wants to work in the administration, courts, police will have to take an exam for knowledge of the Russian language.

      And the most interesting thing is that they will pass the language proficiency exams, no doubt about it.
  9. -1
    30 March 2023 14: 19
    Look how many Tribaltic geek bastards ran to minus .... wassat
  10. +2
    30 March 2023 14: 21
    This is an internal matter of Latvia and the personal problems of persons with a residence permit, what do we care about this?
  11. +4
    30 March 2023 14: 26
    And those who escaped and threw poop from spratland, who will suddenly decide to be expelled, not to be allowed back under any circumstances. And to deprive the citizenship of the Russian Federation, if any. Let them roll where they want.
  12. +2
    30 March 2023 14: 28
    They write that Russia terminated the agreement on customs agreements with Estonia. I understand this - well, live yourself as you want ....
    1. 0
      30 March 2023 16: 10
      Quote: Nexcom
      They write that Russia terminated the agreement on customs agreements with Estonia.

      The agreement on customs cooperation between Russia and Estonia was signed by the governments of the states in 1999. The document provided for the simplification of customs formalities, various forms of mutual assistance (provision of information, exchange of experience, technical support, etc.), as well as the common struggle of customs departments with various violations.
      And the customs clearance of both citizens and goods has not changed.
  13. +2
    30 March 2023 14: 30
    The funniest thing of all is that the "political relocators" will not stop loving democratic Latvia and hating totalitarian Russia.
    Especially those who are not in Latvia. Yes, and there, most likely, they will exchange permission for recruitment.
  14. +3
    30 March 2023 14: 33
    Why be surprised if a party with a Nazi bias runs there, and it is not alone there, but all of them. Not long ago, after torture and with great difficulty, Kirill Fedorov escaped from there, at the beginning of the war he did military reviews, until he was arrested for treason and support for the SVO.
  15. 0
    30 March 2023 15: 29
    I visited Riga many times in Soviet times. The driver on the bus is Latvian - announces in Latvian, Russian - in Russian. And everyone understood. Children in the yards, in general, it is not known what language they spoke - one word is Russian, the other is Latvian. So these are purely political games. But if they survive the Russians, then who will work for them? The ratio in production was 8:2 (Russian-Latvians), and in the "humanitarian" sphere and in leadership, on the contrary, 2:8.
  16. 0
    30 March 2023 17: 11
    Maybe this will teach them to love the Motherland, Although only the grave will correct the hunchbacked one.
  17. +1
    30 March 2023 17: 38
    This is unthinkable! Call the UN leadership immediately!