Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine burst into tears, telling German journalists about the losses

Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine burst into tears, telling German journalists about the losses

It became known about a telephone conversation between the head of the Kyiv regime, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the head of the Italian government, George Meloni. Zelensky himself informed the public about this.

Ukrainian president:

I informed Italian Prime Minister George Meloni that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could become more active on the front lines in the coming months.

Meanwhile, the German media publish interviews with Ukrainian soldiers on the front line. In one of these interviews, the issue of the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces during the conflict was raised.

The Ukrainian serviceman, answering him, burst into tears in the dugout:

It's scary when you think about tens of thousands of dead colleagues. They are dying every day.

After some time, a statement by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar was released on the network, in which words were made with an attempt to smooth out the informational effect of the interview of German reporters with a Ukrainian soldier:

Unfortunately, losses are inevitable in war. It doesn't happen without them. One of the main tasks of any of the warring parties is the destruction of the physical strength of the enemy. I'll tell you that the loss of the enemy is still many times greater. This is despite the fact that they have an advantage in terms of the number of personnel and weapons.

At the same time, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine did not name specific numbers of losses, obviously fearing that if she again repeats the recent thesis about “no more than 9 thousand dead Ukrainian military since February 2022”, this will cause a flurry of indignation among the relatives of the victims.
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  1. +11
    30 March 2023 06: 59
    Wipe the cabin boy's snot .. Cap ordered everyone to the bottom ..
    1. +5
      30 March 2023 07: 12

      From some lyrical film: winked

      She: - Honey, do you hear me crying? crying Say a word...
      He: Don't cry!
      1. +6
        30 March 2023 09: 29
        On the video - - cries by nationality Russian soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Crying in Russian! Ukrainian MOBA is not his native language!
        There in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, about 90% of people of Russian nationality, exterminated at the front for the Russophobic Nazi Kiev regime, deceived by the Jewish Nazi government led by the drug addict Zelensky?
        There are no Ukrainian Jews themselves at the front.
        Kyiv will fight not until the last UKRAINIAN, as such, but until the last UKRAINIAN RUSSIAN!

        Maybe it's time for UKRAINIAN RUSSIAN at the front and in the rear remember that you are not some kind of Ukrainian by nationality, but by nationality - RUSSIAN! And that this war of RUSSOPHOBES Ukroreykha with Russia and against RUSSIAN in Ukraine and against Russia saving them is NOT YOUR war at all?

        Why do you - RUSSIAN Ukrainians - defend the GENOCIDE of the Russophobic Kyiv authorities against the RUSSIAN PEOPLE in this UKROREIKH and beyond? For what?!!!

        Isn't it time for you to turn your guns against THIS pro-American dictatorship of the Kyiv REGIME of the Russophobe-Nazi Jew Zelensky and his Ukroreikh? Or will you just keep crying?

        Yaroslav Dronov, Pelageya. "Not for Me" - Finale - The Voice - Season 3
        1. 0
          30 March 2023 10: 29
          Why do you - RUSSIAN Ukrainians - defend the GENOCIDE of the Russophobic Kyiv authorities against the RUSSIAN PEOPLE in this UKROREIKH and beyond?
          He also wants to drink coffee in Paris and be a European.
        2. 0
          31 March 2023 04: 53
          If the Jews are so disgusting to you, then how many of them are fighting on our side? Moreover, the main mouthpiece Solovyov, who is his nationality, do not remind me?
          1. +1
            31 March 2023 05: 42
            Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
            If the Jews are so disgusting to you, then how many of them are fighting on our side? Moreover, the main mouthpiece Solovyov, who is his nationality, do not remind me?
            And you do not put all the Jews in one row and do not comb them with the same brush! It is not right!
            Among Jews are full of Russophobic Zionists and enemies of Russia.
            Here's how you can MANAGE to compare Solovyov with Ziononazi Jews, see below ?! Namely.

            The last President of the USSR, M.S. Gorbachev-Garber, on June 15, 1992, stated in the Israeli Knesset:
            "ZIONISM fought against communism and ZIONISM won, and communism ceased to exist."
            In other words, according to Gorbachev, what Hitler fought in the Third Reich - against the Jews and communists in the USSR / Russia - the victory over the USSR in 1991 was eventually won by the "God-chosen" Ziononists.

            At the same time, it suffices to recall that on the personal initiative of M. S. Gorbachev UN December 16, 1991 at the 74th plenary session by the resolution of the UN General Assembly A/RES/46/86 recognized resolution 3379 (XXX) VOID, in which ZIONISM is recognized by the whole world as a form of racism and racial discrimination (h_ttp://
            UN Resolution 3379, which categorizes Zionism as a form of racism, is NOT built from scratch - it is the SUMMARY OF A WHOLE SERIES OF RESOLUTIONS, adopted by the General Assembly itself. All of these resolutions DESCRIBE Israel's actions as RASCIST, starting with GA resolution 2546 of 1969, as well as other resolutions - 2727 of 1970, resolution 3005 of 1972, resolution 3092 of 1973 and resolution 3246 of 1974. All these resolutions condemn Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Arab territories. This is not the end of the matter, as many other resolutions have been passed condemning racism in Israel up to the present day.

            At the same time, it suffices to recall, among other things, 8-year-old GENOCIDE of the Russian people in Ukraine from the Bandera-Kyiv regime in face of Washington's henchmen - Nazi Russophobes and MILITARY CRIMINALS at the very top of the Kyiv regime in the person of the Jews: Zelensky, Reznikov, Shmyhal and other Jewish rulers of Ukraine, one way or another connected with the United States and Israel.
            1. 0
              31 March 2023 06: 48
              Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
              If the Jews are so disgusting to you, then how many of them are fighting on our side? At the same time the main mouthpiece Solovyov, who is his nationality, do not remind me?
              These horns are full on both sides!
              Now in Ukraine the SVO is a RESPONSE of the Russian Federation to the proxy war of the USA and NATO countries against Russia and its historically formed state of the Russian people and all Russians. The task of the SVO is to DENAZIFICATE the Bandera-Nazi Kyiv regime in the Ukrainian Reich of Ukraine.
              How can you, in fact, impose a taboo on consideration for understanding the essence of NATIONAL issues in this war, if it is being waged by the West precisely on NATIONAL SIGNS in multinational Ukraine? Well, how?!!!

              And the mouthpiece of the UKRAINIAN Jewry is not Solovyov, but the Ukrainian Jewish Zionist Igor Berkut (Gecko).
              In the project "Ukraine - Anti-Russia" the USA and their "Washington Regional Committee" stick out the ears of the Zionists with their projector "Ukraine - Heavenly Jerusalem" (Israel-.2). Wherein The West seeks to divide Ukraine not only between Poland, Hungary and Romania, but also in favor of Israel. At the same time, according to the Zionist plans, ethnic Russians should not exist in Ukraine in principle!
              But In a sense, the NWO violates these plans of Israel.

              It has long been known about the project "Israel-2" (also Heavenly Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, New Israel), The PURPOSE of which is the formation of a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its 5 southern regions: Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev. And also ORIGINALLY inclusive and now the Russian Crimea.
              The timing of the formation of Israel-2 is determined by the Board of Benevolent from 2014 to 2049. And even after 2060
              Ukrainian Jew-Zionist Igor Berkut (Gecko) - the author of the idea and executive director of the project "DESIGN NEW JERUSALEM '5 + 5 + 5'" - this is how he talks about the timing ... Namely:
              * Starting from 2014 — first 5 years will be rotting and decay of the existing system.
              * Next 5 years (after 2019) will take place destruction and fragmentation.
              * Next 5 years (after 2024) will begin reformatting.
              * 2029 - start fromthe existence of the New Jerusalem on the CLEARED site.
              * Until the end of 2029 outlined arrival in the New Motherland of about 5 million Israeli Jews for the construction of the New Jerusalem.
              The new JEWISH state will be governed by a "COUNCIL OF BENEFICIARIES" consisting of 12 leaders.
              In New Jerusalem planned to create 2 capitals.
              First, political and business capital, to accommodate in the current city of Dnepropetrovsk and will be called "New Jerusalem".
              Second cultural, will be located in Odessa and will call it "Adessa".

              The project received support from well-known public figures, political scientists and analysts. But despite the huge the scope of the project and its alignment with senior people (B. Netanyahu, D.A. Medvedev, V. Groisman, Jared Kushner, Leszek Balcerowicz) - he is not covered either in the world or in the local Ukrainian press (on the central channels). The exception is the Israeli press.
              At the same time, almost all information about the implementation of the Israel-2 project comes from its executive director Igor Berkut. Video interviews by I. Berkut, covering the progress of the project, are posted on the YouTube channel "Rassvet".

              See in detail - "Battle for Paradise" -

              1. 0
                April 5 2023 17: 18
                . At the same time, almost all information about the implementation of the Israel-2 project comes from its executive director Igor Berkut. Video interviews with I. Berkut, covering the progress of the project, are posted on the YouTube channel "Rassvet".

                Oh don't watch so much TV and YouTube channels. I have a tower like that only after watching Ren-TV tears
            2. 0
              April 5 2023 17: 14
              And Klitschko is a Jew? belay.......................
    2. +14
      30 March 2023 07: 15
      Burn everyone. (C) Game of Thrones.
      Denazification is what it is. Or a prisoner to learn the International, or to Bandera for permanent residence. am
      1. +3
        30 March 2023 07: 50
        Quote: Bearded
        Burn everyone. (C) Game of Thrones

        Well, according to the game of thrones, there must be rebels - the Baratheons, the Starks Lannisters and finally Jemmy Lannister, the regicide, who justified his betrayal of the royal guard with the Targaryen's phrase "burn them all"!
        1. +9
          30 March 2023 08: 24
          Crocodile tears. Wanted Muscovites to gilyak? Welcome to Bandera.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. -2
        31 March 2023 04: 54
        And in our country, Soviet power has been established, so that in captivity to learn the international?
    3. 0
      30 March 2023 08: 56
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      Wipe the cabin boy's snot .. Cap ordered everyone to the bottom ..

      Sailor's toast. The ship sank in the ocean, the ship's cabin boy and boatswain survived. The boatswain prays to God - "God send me as many boards as my wife cheated on", God throw a bunch of boards to him, the boatswain built a raft and remained alive.
      Jung also decided to ask - "God throw me boards, how much my girlfriend has changed", not a single board fell, the cabin boy died.
      1. +1
        30 March 2023 12: 34
        Quote: carpenter
        the boatswain built a raft and survived.

        Quote: carpenter
        not a single board fell, the cabin boy died.

        After reading your anecdote, I had a question about the orientation of the boatswain. After all, if he is "far from traditional family values", then he would take the cabin boy with him on a raft for certain purposes. But he didn't. It turns out - like, as normal. But he sailed away alone, like the last ... laughing
  2. +23
    30 March 2023 07: 02
    Jew Zelensky takes revenge on Bandera for the Holocaust. The war will be until the last Ukrainian.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +6
    30 March 2023 07: 03
    Shaw grieve, they will see Bandera! Need to rejoice!
  5. +5
    30 March 2023 07: 10
    I informed Italian Prime Minister George Meloni that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could become more active on the front lines in the coming months.
    He encouraged the one who was hysterical in the Italian parliament, and naturally, and not figuratively, urging her to continue providing military assistance to Kyiv. This is probably in gratitude for the calls to continue the war. Relations between Europe and Ukraine have long become tragic-comical, and this is against the backdrop of the blood shed in the Donbass and the high losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Regarding the Ukrainian fighter, who burst into tears talking about the losses. Let the Germans see what it leads to, incl. and their help to continue the war. And here you can’t refer to Russian propaganda.
  6. +21
    30 March 2023 07: 11
    They'll downvote me now, but... It's clear that this is an enemy and it needs to be destroyed without any fuss. But I think there are really only fifty-fifty ideological people there. The rest are just ordinary Russian men with brainwashed brains and cornered. You watch videos, many of them don't even speak Surzhik, but pure Russian. And even those who speak Surzhik and Mova swear in Russian. I don't understand what's going on in their heads, how can they become so zombified? After all, most of them celebrated May 9th just a couple of years ago, most of their grandfathers fought and died during WWII. It's just wild.
    1. +6
      30 March 2023 07: 21
      Quote from: lukash66
      really ideological there fifty fifty. The rest are simple Russian men, brainwashed and cornered.

      Families are held hostage, and that's what we have. And no one will say a word against it. It's scary that those 50% (even less) who dug in in Kyiv will come to your house and deal with it.
    2. +8
      30 March 2023 07: 22
      Quote from: lukash66
      It is clear that this is an enemy and it must be destroyed without snot. But I think there are fifty fifty really ideological ones. The rest are simple Russian men, brainwashed and cornered.

      And what to downvote? So it is, but since they were afraid of peddlers of subpoenas to raise knives, or at least raise their hands uphill, let them get what they get.
      Quote from: lukash66
      how can you be so delusional?
      If movies and books are to be believed, zombies don't heal.
    3. +7
      30 March 2023 07: 40
      For people with "brainwashed" this is a domestic war. They have been moving towards this for a long time and this is a natural result. Those who are 30 do not know about the USSR (except for the Holodomor), who are older do not want "back to the scoop and like" taiga union " .Then every day they say, just about, just a little bit more and Russia will fall. Information pumping is the most powerful from neighboring territories (Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and its own Ukrainian one (various Gordons and other unfinished ones). Plus overclocked successes on the fronts in the fall of the 22nd, the abandonment of Kherson again did not play on the side of Russia. Here are these reasons and they are on the surface. Well, Western weapons, support play a role. Everyone is waiting for their offensive and, as a result, some kind of agreement will apparently be signed. nowhere, he is definitely not going to give away new regions and Crimea.
    4. +5
      30 March 2023 07: 48
      I don’t understand what they have in their head there, how can they be so zombified?

      And what's better in Russia, the same situation, only on the other side of the barricades. Territories are emptying, people are leaving for big cities, you can count them on your fingers, because life is better there, the authorities don't care about anything else, and we are chasing other territories, the gap between rich and poor is only growing, at least one oligarch's son is fighting in the SVO? And why are people dying there, where is the guarantee that in forty years another EBN won't come from Gorby and give everything back, but everything is good on the federal channels, just hang in there.
      1. +2
        30 March 2023 09: 04
        does at least one son of an oligarch fight in the NWO?
        On TV they showed something like Prigozhin's son, sort of like on the front line of Wagner, but this is TV.
      2. +1
        30 March 2023 18: 18
        krops777 .... Territories are emptying people leaving for large cities, you can count on the fingers, because life is better there

        I think Russia can rise only through the village. Until the rural people and territories start living with dignity, nothing good can be expected.
        1. +1
          31 March 2023 05: 17
          Not a village, but a fair distribution of earnings. Now a worker, on average, according to Rosstat, receives 12% of what he has earned, and the remaining 88% goes to taxes and into the pocket of the owner
          1. 0
            31 March 2023 18: 14
            Not a village, but a fair distribution of earnings.

            It's funny. Proof is allowed. I even became interested in how Rosstat calculates "what it has worked out"
    5. +3
      30 March 2023 09: 15
      Quote from: lukash66
      After all, most of them just a couple of years ago celebrated May 9th, most of their grandfathers fought and died during the Second World War. It's just kind of crazy.

      “I was put on my feet by the state, which had 45 million orphaned children in 19. And it watered them, fed them, gave them an education, a profession, made me a quality professional. And what, you want me to spit in the grave of my father and my mother?"
      © Nikolay Gubenko
    6. +1
      30 March 2023 10: 03
      This fully applies to the situation in Ukraine. Even though it was written a long time ago.

      “The innovative practice of fascism in general played a very large role in attracting visual images to the manipulation of consciousness. Stepping over the rationalism of the New Age, fascism "returned" to the ancient art of connecting people in ecstasy through a huge shamanic action - but with all the power of modern technology. When words were combined with visual images, a language arose, with the help of which a large and judicious people were temporarily turned into a huge crowd of visionaries, as in the early Middle Ages.
      ... the worst kind of totalitarianism, which replaced the whip with a much more effective and more inhumane tool - the "mass culture industry", which turns a person into a programmable robot. As the German philosopher Kraus said about the current ruling elite of the West, "they have the press, they have the stock exchange, and now they also have our subconscious."
      ... during perestroika, it was precisely the intelligentsia that found itself most susceptible to artificial schizophrenia, and by a wide margin from other social groups.
      People who were trained in rational thinking by professional education and the nature of their work, and in whom traditional inhibitions were suppressed, turned out to be much more susceptible to manipulation than manual workers with a lower level of education. This especially affected people of relatively young generations, who during the years of perestroika were turned against the traditional norms of their fathers and grandfathers.

      From the book by S. Kara-Murza "Manipulation of Consciousness". Moscow, September 1998 - February 2000.
    7. The comment was deleted.
  7. +15
    30 March 2023 07: 16
    In Ukraine, they sincerely believe that for every Nazi killed, there are 10 Russian soldiers. At the same time, everyone acknowledges that Russia has a multiple advantage in artillery (90% of soldiers die from artillery fire), aviation, tanks and missile weapons. Truly, logic has left this land!
    1. -6
      30 March 2023 07: 48
      Well, so that they don't believe it, they could have said how many losses the Russians have. No one has any information. There are only lies from all sides. They can say whatever they want and they are believed.
    2. +2
      30 March 2023 09: 26
      Quote: Bodypuncher
      Truly logic has left this earth!

      Many people ask the question: "Why is the ukrovermacht dying?"
      If we discard through and through the false chatter about independence and independence, stories about "Russian aggressors" that hide the indestructible desire of the ukrorab to have his slaves, the bottom line will be the desire to die for the right of the Anglo-Saxons to steer the planet.
      In 1608, the Little Russian Cossacks, under the command of the Kievan Sapieha, with the same thoughts, under the leadership of the papal legates, furiously slaughtered their fellow believers under the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, knowing full well that they were fighting for the genocide of the Orthodox, to whom they themselves then belonged.
      Similarly, in 1708-1709, Mazepa's supporters fought for the right of the Swedish king Charles XII to panow on their lands, walling up the natives alive for the mere attempt to establish relations with the harsh Swedish trabants. In the same way, in 1941-1945, the SS Galicia division fought for Hitler's plan "Ost", the purpose of which is to exterminate and Germanize the Slavs, that is, including the Svidomites themselves.
      These are the criteria of limitrophs, their understanding, their actions. To the cries of national independence, both in the Baltic States and in Ukraine, after the collapse of the USSR, they enthusiastically demolished monuments to Lenin, who presented them with this independence on a silver platter, banned the Communist Party, which slaughtered the titular aborigines more than decent pieces of primordially Russian territories, and hurried to lick the shoe yesterday's herrams and lords.
      1. -1
        30 March 2023 10: 38
        in the Baltic States and Ukraine, after the collapse of the USSR, monuments to Lenin were enthusiastically demolished
        Monuments to Lenin and Lenin were demolished in Russia Stalin, without which Russia would simply not exist now.
        1. 0
          31 March 2023 05: 12
          Since 1991, more than 1200 monuments to Lenin have been dismantled in the Russian Federation. And at the end of 2013, the State Duma raised the issue of a more intensive dismantling of his monuments ... but the Leninopad began in Ukraine and it somehow became ugly to break the Lenins here
    3. 0
      30 March 2023 18: 24
      Bodypuncher ..... Truly logic has left this earth!

      They are cyborgs, descendants of ancient ukrov, damn it!
    4. -1
      31 March 2023 05: 04
      Don't you find that both sides are saying the same thing? Both sides say that the enemy's losses are many times greater than their own, both sides talk about the multiple superiority of the opposite side, both sides talk about enemy detachments. In a word, if you hear in our news something that disperses your emotions, be sure that practically one to one the same news will be in Khokhlatsky news, and vice versa .... The first victim of the war is true!
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +2
    30 March 2023 07: 21
    Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine burst into tears, telling German journalists about the losses
    . Hardened politicians can’t be fooled by anything .... they decided that the skakuas should lie in the ground, for their Wishlist, that’s the only way.
  10. -5
    30 March 2023 07: 30
    What is the point of this article? Pity "Ukrainian soldiers"?..
    1. +3
      30 March 2023 08: 01
      Actually, it was about an interview for the GERMANS! After all, they are told about the minimum loss of a vuk, and here - on you, vuki are crying!
      1. 0
        30 March 2023 18: 31
        aakvit....... and here - on you, vsuki cry!

        Yes, there was only one impressionable and sentimental one, the rest were “ideological”, many even turned away from faith.
        1. -1
          31 March 2023 05: 34
          What faith has turned away? In the song about Wagner, Vika Tsyganova, it is generally sung about the Valkyries and Valhalla, what faith does this refer to?
  11. +7
    30 March 2023 07: 32
    Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
    Jew Zelensky takes revenge on Bandera for the Holocaust. The war will be until the last Ukrainian.

    Unfortunately, Bandera, who make up the detachments, (mostly) together with the Jew-Bandera Zelensky, are destroying the Ukrainian people.
  12. +2
    30 March 2023 07: 55
    Ukraine, embarking on the path of Nazism, chose its own destiny.
    The path of Nazism = the cult of death.
    So there is no need to feel sorry for them - they freely and voluntarily chose exactly what they wanted.
    They spit on the graves of their Russian ancestors, trampled on the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
    The Nazi nation should not be on primordially Russian soil, it should be erased from it.
    They all have a road there, Russia does not need convinced, formed, adult Nazis, but primordially Russian cities and lands are needed.

  13. +1
    30 March 2023 08: 13
    "No one is sorry, no one." They were seduced by the whisperings of Western demons, they jumped, they wanted lace underpants, they considered close neighbors to be enemies - so sip with a full spoon. Who has not thrown the weapon - all to Bandera.
  14. +9
    30 March 2023 08: 15
    First, the war is inherently unfair in everything! Each of us is on the couch, and one of the mobilized freezes in the trenches or dies in battle. Is it fair? I don’t think so. Second. Based on the previous one, who is dearer to us, our mobilized or mobilized Ukrainian? Barrel to barrel, in a simple way? It is better that ours remain alive and unharmed, and the Ukrainian one perishes. Because a wounded Ukrainian, IF we occupy at least part of the left-bank Ukraine, will need to be supported, treated free of charge, etc., etc. The economy, however. Third. There is no place for empathy in war. Empathizing, in battle, seeing a Man in front of you, your hand may tremble and you will not have time to kill the enemy. The enemy will kill you faster. There is no place for sentimentality and philanthropy in war! Yes, the Ukrainian fighter is crying. He is even Russian, even mobilized, but does this mean that he will not kill any of ours? He will kill. Just to survive, at least. Somehow it turns out that way. Or rather, it always turns out like this in a war.
  15. 0
    30 March 2023 08: 24
    Oh, what an artist is missing! And let him hang someone on a gilyak, so he will immediately dance a hapak with pleasure. The interview seems to have been done as an excuse - bring in NATO troops as soon as possible, the sharavarniks are running out.
  16. +2
    30 March 2023 08: 45
    The problems of the Indians of the sheriff do not concern. He has a fridge full of chocolate chip ice cream.
  17. +4
    30 March 2023 08: 50
    According to the US itself, they alone have provided military assistance to Ukraine, so far (in just a year of the NWO) for 113 billion dollars, plus European jackals for another 35 billion euros! All the money went to the war, to the murder of Russians by Russians! And if before the Maidan they would have simply poured that kind of money into the development of Ukraine, it would have been the most prosperous country in the world! This fact clearly demonstrates the real goals of the West and the ruling Bendery elite of Ukraine! Everything is aimed at the destruction of Russia! There are no other goals for the supply of any weapons, the same Mirages, from the West! Happiness, well-being of the people inhabiting the current territorial formation under the guise of Ukraine does not interest them! Most of the warring Russian-speaking Svidomo are Russian people fooled by Western and liberal-Bendera propaganda.
    1. +4
      30 March 2023 09: 08
      And if before the Maidan they would have simply poured that kind of money into the development of Ukraine, it would have been the most prosperous country in the world!

      Russia "tumbled" 200 billion dollars into the economy of Ukraine before the Maidan. This territory did not flourish, for some reason we received Maidan, contempt, hatred and meanness. Now Europe pays them, but not so that they begin to live better, but so that they continue to hate, do meanness and despise Russia in general and Russians in particular.
      1. 0
        30 March 2023 09: 18
        Russia's assistance to Ukraine amounted to approximately 250 billion dollars from 1991 to 2013, that's right! And I'm talking about something else! Our goal was the prosperity and independence of this state, and the military assistance of the West is aimed at its destruction! Feel the difference in the approach of the two civilizations!!! That is the question! Russia has always helped everyone disinterestedly! Wherever we come, everywhere we only build and create, and the West destroys! Well, if it happened that the money spent by the West during the year would be spent on peaceful purposes and under the control of Ukraine would be a truly prosperous state!
        1. +2
          30 March 2023 10: 13
          Well, not exactly ... Our help "went" to grow the Ukrainian oligarchy and enrich ours. Remember the "ambassador" in Ukraine, Mr. Chernomyrdin, who is he by education? Well, not a Foreign Ministry employee with a specialized education. Or a bet on Medvedchuk with generous funding Did this person work? Neither did it. The results of such a policy, the guys and men on the front line pay for the second year with their lives and health. but it was done (I mean "Streams-1,2"; port of Ust-Luga) But the "Streams" are destroyed and what will happen next, what is Russia's response? Alas, we are waiting for "Putin's passport" left near the blown pipe and fingerprints Medvedev...
        2. 0
          31 March 2023 05: 25
          Do you believe in what you write? In Ukraine, the interests of Western and Russian financial capital clashed. Western is clearly toothier and richer. Therefore, there is no need to tell that someone wanted an "independent and prosperous Ukraine." Each side wanted to put her under their control, and said that the opposite wanted to enslave her. And in light of the fact that our side denies Hochland's right to exist in view of the fact that it never existed and this is primordially Russian land, leave the fantasies of a strong and independent Ukraine for someone else. We need a strong and independent Russia!
      2. 0
        31 March 2023 05: 20
        Don't you want to calculate how much the Russian Federation has poured into the economy of Western countries? What if, according to official statistics, the annual outflow of capital amounted to 150-200 billion dollars a year? Someone was responsible for such a policy that they financed enemies in such volumes?
  18. +2
    30 March 2023 09: 21
    These fools would at least stop putting flags in cemeteries ...
  19. +3
    30 March 2023 09: 27
    Content for a Western audience, from the same topic, reports with correct photos with wounded sushniks in the hospital, everything is staged in such a way as to arouse pity among the Western audience and that Ukraine needs support.
    1. -1
      30 March 2023 10: 43
      reports with correct photos with wounded sushniks in the hospital
      The New York Times, in its report from a hospital with wounded dill, wrote that a kitten wounded by shrapnel lives in their ward, whose mother cat was killed by a Russian shell laughing Compassionate Vushniki took the kitten with them Yes .
  20. 0
    30 March 2023 09: 29
    Give up Khokhlyatsky fat, no more add, no more. He started to fight, so fight, if you don't want "henhe hoh", then go with a gun to Zelya, just wipe your snot.
  21. 0
    30 March 2023 11: 00
    A Ukrainian Wehrmacht soldier burst into tears while telling German journalists about his losses
    1. 0
      31 March 2023 05: 26
      Sitting on the couch is really funny when the trenches are crying
  22. +3
    30 March 2023 11: 02
    For more than 30 years, young people have been stuffed into the head about the "supermen" of the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe who exterminated the Red Army as a hunt and about the Soviet "genocide" of Ukrainians. And many Russians did the same. Quite naturally, these children of today's young Ukronazis grew up. So I feel sorry for them. They are also victims of the collapse of the USSR.
    1. +1
      30 March 2023 11: 18
      That's right. And in our Russian schools they stopped talking about the atrocities of the Nazis, not paying due attention to the younger generation, which our president was "suddenly" surprised when he saw a history textbook. The result was not long in coming.
      1. 0
        31 March 2023 05: 27
        And the fact that for decades films were shot with state money, where the Nazis are not such bad guys, not like non-humans from the NKVD
    2. 0
      31 March 2023 05: 28
      But don’t we feel sorry for them when they fill their heads with supermen, and different white fascists?
  23. 0
    30 March 2023 22: 44
    An American science fiction writer (perhaps R Bradbury - I don’t remember) speaking about the extinction of mankind (on behalf of a robot) says: "I'm all crying inside!"
    And this is not extinction, but murder !! Not a robot, but a human!
    And he cries, both inside and out!
    Don't touch him and ours with your propaganda hands.
  24. 0
    31 March 2023 06: 39
    Sorry guys. Loss, loss. But they chose their own fate. They would remember how they lived in the Donbass for 8 years. Then they galloped well, now they have arrived. For do not anger God
  25. 0
    31 March 2023 06: 54
    Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
    Not a village, but a fair distribution of earnings. Now a worker, on average, according to Rosstat, receives 12% of what he has earned, and the remaining 88% goes to taxes and into the pocket of the owner

    I will tell you a terrible secret. Under Soviet rule, it was less than 10%, depending on the territory where the production was located. In justifying the Soviet government, we can say that taxes went to the state budget and were used in the interests of the country's population. So in numerical terms, little has changed, but now the profits go into the pockets of the oligarchs.