Danish brigadier general reports worst situation for royal army in 40 years

Danish brigadier general reports worst situation for royal army in 40 years

Recently, the European countries that are members of NATO, one after another, complain about the deplorable state of their national armies. We are talking about both the lack of weapons, equipment and ammunition, mainly due to supplies to Ukraine and the weak military-industrial complex, and the understaffing of the armed forces.

The deputy commander of the Danish army, Brigadier General Henrik Lüne, believes that the country's Armed Forces are in the worst condition in the last forty years. An assessment of the state of the royal army, called “extremely critical” by the Danish commander, is given by the Norwegian online publication ABC Nyheter, citing TV2.

Worst of all is the situation with the staffing of the army. The Danes not only do not want to serve under the contract, but they are also massively dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces. As a result, Lune said, up to a quarter of the posts are now vacant.

Despite all the efforts of the Danish authorities to meet the expectations of NATO, for several years now Copenhagen has been criticized by the command and members of the alliance for not meeting the criteria for the armies of the countries that are part of the military bloc. According to the publication, the Scandinavian country fulfills only three of the 17 NATO goals.

One such requirement is that Denmark must have at least one combat-ready brigade of four thousand soldiers with heavy weapons by January 1, 2024. But it is already obvious that the Danish political and military leadership will not be able to cope with this task, since they cannot get one thousand people.

The brigadier general, who has served in the Danish Armed Forces for forty years, complains that in its current state, the Kingdom's national army is not only unable to meet NATO standards, but also unable to ensure the security of its own state. According to him, Denmark has several combat-ready units, many fighters are in training, but the army needs more soldiers. The general is convinced that it will take several years to create a combat-ready Danish army.

In Denmark, there is universal conscription for male citizens who have reached the age of 18. However, the call is more formal in nature, since 2020 the Danish army is almost 100% staffed with contract volunteers, which are becoming less and less every year. In order to somehow solve the problem with the staffing of the Armed Forces, Danish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Jakob Ellemann-Jensen proposed in January 2023 to introduce compulsory military service for women.
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  1. -4
    29 March 2023 12: 10
    Good news, more like this. The semi-blue army of the Danish Armed Forces will soon turn completely blue.
    1. -1
      29 March 2023 12: 13
      Yes, they even have nothing to wash with. Dirty from the inside too?
  2. -1
    29 March 2023 12: 15
    With whom you are going to fight, stop crying. It just smells of "kerosene" right away we are invalids, it hurts here it hurts, and we suffer from fecal incontinence from fear. Well, go out to battle! bully This is for you, not to cut defenseless animals in the Popenhagen Zoo in front of children. How fast, by the way, Denmark heroically resisted Hitler, half an hour or less.
    1. +2
      29 March 2023 12: 26
      Quote: tralflot1832
      With whom you are going to fight, stop crying. Slightly smells like "kerosene"

      Well, of course, during the Second World War, Denmark fought Hitler for 6 (six) hours. It is better to hang white flags all over Denmark at once.
      1. +1
        29 March 2023 12: 39
        Exactly six hours? Or the Germans drove for a very long time to Hamlet's castle, admiring the spiers and occasionally shooting.
      2. 0
        29 March 2023 12: 40
        during World War II, Denmark fought Hitler for 6 (six) hours.
        I might not have resisted at all. For ordinary citizens of Denmark, in principle, nothing has changed during the occupation, and someone even won by appeasing the Germans. So they doubt whether they need any kind of army at all? lol
    2. +1
      29 March 2023 12: 51
      European countries fought the Nazis so "courageously" that they capitulated in record time: Denmark - 6 hours, Holland - 5 days, Belgium - 18 days, Greece - 24 days, Poland - 36 days, France - 43 days, Norway - 61 day. soldier
      1. 0
        29 March 2023 14: 13
        Well, the Norwegians are straight animals, for comparison - the Germans took Kyiv about the same amount ...
  3. -6
    29 March 2023 12: 15
    They are just trying to make up their minds, this is nothing more than a smoke screen covering NATO's intensified preparations for a third world war.
    The NATO military-industrial complex is being revived, launched, the production of military equipment and ammunition is increasing.
  4. +3
    29 March 2023 12: 20
    Too shy to ask...
    And why the Danes "at least one combat-ready brigade of four thousand soldiers with heavy weapons"?
    Last time they fought against the Germans for 6 hours ...
    The last real warrior in Denmark was Rurik, and even he went to Rus'.
    With ends.
    1. 0
      29 March 2023 12: 41
      Trump will take Greenland when he comes. 100 billion as for the first time, there will be no such price.
    2. 0
      29 March 2023 13: 51
      The last real warrior in Denmark was Rurik, and even he went to Rus'.
      With ends.

      And where does Rurik and Denmark?
      Rurik comes from the tribes of the Polabian Slavs, the Obodrites.
      Which, from the XNUMXth century, settled east of the lower Elbe between the Gulf of Wismar and Lake Schweriner See.
    3. +1
      29 March 2023 14: 25
      The last real warrior in Denmark was Rurik
      This is a great honor for Denmark! I understand that the boundless trust in history textbooks and associate professors of the "historical faculty", brought up on the "immortal works" of Miller-Schlözer-Bayer, who created the only true history of Rus' and civilization, does not allow us to think otherwise ... If Rurik is "the last real warrior", then who in Denmark were among the "first"? And why, suddenly, was there a shortage of troops in this "great country of the Varangians"? Another inexplicable "mystery of history"?
  5. +1
    29 March 2023 12: 24
    European countries that are members of NATO, one after another, complain about the deplorable state of their national armies
    One already gets the impression that the GDP is directly hinting that in the event of a serious conflict, there is no need to beat us, we are already weak. But at the same time, they sing along with the Americans in unison about strengthening the eastern flank of NATO and confronting Russia.
  6. +1
    29 March 2023 12: 40
    Man sollte sich europaweit viel mehr Gedanken über den
    Zustand der Straßen, Brücken und Infrastruktur ganz
    allgemein machen, denn DIE sind es eigentlich, die seit
    Jahrzehnten in wirklich erschrecken zerstörtem und fahrlässig
    vernachlässigtem Zustand sind!!
    Von der europaweit zunehmend völlig verarmten Bevölkerung
    von Durchschnittsverdienern mit zwei oder mehr Jobs ganz
    zu schweigen...!!
    Dieses freche Gejammer nach immer noch mehr Waffen und
    noch besserer Ausrüstung für das Töten aller Art wider mich
    Aber das ist typisch für das ganze US-dominierte und zutiefst
    korrupte EU-Pack, dass man angesichts derartiger Zustände
    nicht zogert, durch einen immer wahrscheinlicheren Krieg
    gegen Russland das eigene Land und seine Bevölkerung
    Ohne jeden Skrupel noch tiefer ins Elend zu stürzen...!!!
  7. 0
    29 March 2023 13: 14
    For the last 40 years they have been yelling about bloodthirsty Russia and sawing $$$$, although they knew for sure that there would be no attack.
  8. +1
    29 March 2023 14: 02
    But why do they need an army, I even find it difficult to remember when this country last really fought. And somehow they seem to live well. This unwashed general will be enough, all the same, the remnants of weapons were given to Zelensky.
  9. 0
    29 March 2023 14: 17
    Who can recall the thread of the recent successes of the Danish army?