The UN Security Council did not adopt a resolution proposed by Russia on an international investigation into the explosions at Nord Stream

The UN Security Council did not adopt a resolution proposed by Russia on an international investigation into the explosions at Nord Stream

There will be no international investigation into the sabotage at Nord Stream, the UN Security Council did not accept the resolution proposed by Russia and China, although no one voted against it.

The UN Security Council did not support the Russian resolution, which proposed an independent investigation into sabotage on Russian gas pipelines. Russia, China and Brazil supported it in the voting, the other members of the UN Security Council abstained, no one opposed, not even the United States. At the same time, US Deputy Representative Robert Wood criticized the resolution in every possible way and urged other countries not to accept it, and also tried to prove that the United States was not involved in the sabotage.

Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya, commenting on Wood's statement, said that "a thief's hat is on fire," judging by how he tried to shield the United States, despite the fact that the resolution itself did not even hint at the involvement of the Americans in sabotage. The document proposed the creation of an independent commission for an international investigation under the auspices of the UN.

I have a question for the US representative: what did he find predetermined in our resolution? We, as you know, have such a saying: on a thief and a hat is on fire

- said the Russian permanent representative.

At the same time, the Russian side noted that pressure was put on a number of members of the Security Council by the United States. China spoke in the same vein, saying that a number of countries hide the data they know about sabotage on the Nord Stream, apparently out of fear of the United States.

Earlier, American journalist Seymour Hersh conducted his own investigation and concluded that the United States was the customer and perpetrator of the sabotage on gas pipelines. Washington denies all charges.
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  1. +16
    28 March 2023 06: 57
    The UN Security Council did not support the Russian resolution, which proposed an independent investigation into sabotage on Russian gas pipelines. Russia, China and Brazil supported it in the voting, the other members of the UN Security Council abstained, no one opposed, not even the United States.

    The UN finally turned into a useless farce, like the League of Nations in the 30s of the twentieth century before the Second World War.
    1. +4
      28 March 2023 07: 03
      Quote: Flibuster
      The UN has finally turned into a useless farce
      Talking shop.
      (We sat, talked, parted ...)
      1. +1
        28 March 2023 07: 19
        Quote: Victor_B
        [Talking room.
        (We sat, talked, parted ...)
        Well, not only that. Some even jumped on any rake, apparently the forehead from constant bumps no longer feels pain, it only itches. Found a suitable closed gate))
      2. +5
        28 March 2023 07: 39
        Even Switzerland, the country that owns the Nord Streams, did not support the UN resolution proposed by Russia on an international investigation of this sabotage ...
  2. +7
    28 March 2023 06: 58
    There will be no international investigation of sabotage at Nord Stream, the UN Security Council has not adopted the resolution proposed by Russia and China
    Did anyone doubt it?

    A generation of Americans has already grown up, brought up on a fairy tale about the terrible Bin Laden. More than one generation has grown up on an American bike about the crazy pro-Soviet loner Oswald. The entire American system of values ​​rests on the "anti-slavery fighter" Lincoln, "a meanly murdered unfinished vile Southerner."

    So why would they now want to tell the whole truth about another act of state terrorism they have committed? They said - "pro-Ukrainian activists on a pleasure scow", which means that the affected Europe will sing along in unison: "Pro-Ukrainian activists on a pleasure scow."
    What we and China think - America is not interested. And their citizens and colonies in Europe will say what the American media will say, which can freely and without any censorship lie from the sheet what they are told from Washington.
    1. +1
      28 March 2023 07: 54
      Quote: Zoldat_A
      And their citizens and colonies in Europe will say what the American media will say, which can freely and without any censorship lie from the sheet what they are told from Washington.

      but they do not lie ... they scoff.
      1. 0
        28 March 2023 11: 41
        Quote: Aerodrome
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        And their citizens and colonies in Europe will say what the American media will say, which can freely and without any censorship lie from the sheet what they are told from Washington.

        but they do not lie ... they scoff.

        Well, that's too perverted then... feel
  3. +2
    28 March 2023 07: 03
    The UN Security Council did not accept the resolution proposed by Russia and China
    As expected and what many of the site's participants wrote about yesterday. The United States and their "allies" did their best, which indirectly confirmed the involvement of the Americans in the international terrorist attack.
    on the thief and the hat is on
  4. +2
    28 March 2023 07: 04
    It's time to disband this talk shop. 0 sense from her. So, a club of interests.
    1. +1
      28 March 2023 10: 34
      Quote: 2112vda
      It's time to disband this talk shop. 0 sense from her. So, a club of interests.

      Gaddafi said this back in 2009, but things are still there. UNO is a pocket toy of mattresses.
      1. +1
        28 March 2023 11: 53
        Quote: Nyrobsky
        Gaddafi said this back in 2009, but things are still there. UNO is a pocket toy of mattresses.

        It is interesting to fantasize, looking at North Korea, on the topic: "What would happen if Gaddafi had nuclear weapons?" I think he would still be alive and well. Even if the Americans of the fleet would have stuffed so much into the Mediterranean Sea that it would not have been possible to pass on the Andromeda.
  5. +4
    28 March 2023 07: 06
    Well, exactly what was expected happened. The UN has completely discredited itself
  6. +1
    28 March 2023 07: 10
    And rightly so - everything you need to achieve yourself.
    Faith in the ideals of humanism will finally officially die in our hand-pokers.
    Maybe people will come to the feeder who will "help" Norway and the Britons to start first developing the deposits of the northern and Norwegian seas.
    And the Gulf of Mexico?
    The victory of 45 in Berlin was not the end of history and suffering and overcoming.
    And now life goes on.
    But... All by yourself, by yourself... With your own mind and with your own money.
    For your country, not for Monaco and Zuriha
  7. 0
    28 March 2023 07: 10
    in the UN, you have to start chirping in your own way))) what for the sayings of jokes would say to this Voodoo hey you striban filter the grunt, this would be a passage, and so the empty people are chasing the truth Bablishko for these empty people they leaf out good
  8. +1
    28 March 2023 07: 10
    The UN has finally turned into a useless farce

    She (the organization) has always been a farce, at all times. US tool to legalize various NATO incursions. One test tube with chalk shook in front of the members, the members condemned and rushed
  9. +3
    28 March 2023 07: 12
    The UN is not a completely useless organization, but its only usefulness to us is to veto the US. As soon as we leave this organization, they will immediately turn the UN into an instrument for legalizing their shares. Resolutions and mandates will fall down on any lawlessness against us.
    1. +2
      28 March 2023 08: 01
      From our veto in the UN sense as from the UN itself. History shows that when the Yusovites needed something, and the opponents were incomparably weaker, Tabaki howled in unison.
      The only real purpose is the ability to speak out officially to the whole world.
  10. +2
    28 March 2023 07: 21
    The UN Security Council did not adopt a resolution proposed by Russia on an international investigation into the explosions at Nord Stream
    Expected ...
  11. +1
    28 March 2023 07: 33
    The fewer clear successes at the front, the more often this UN will turn its back on Russia ...
  12. +2
    28 March 2023 07: 35
    expected. Double standards everywhere, even where there is allegedly no politics (sport)
  13. +2
    28 March 2023 07: 41
    There will be no international investigation of sabotage at Nord Stream, the UN Security Council has not adopted the resolution proposed by Russia and China

    It's time to blow up their gas pipeline and see how quickly the UN initiates an investigation.
  14. +1
    28 March 2023 07: 47
    So why would they investigate it? They already know who did it.
  15. +4
    28 March 2023 07: 47
    Russia no longer intends to put this issue to a vote in the Security Council, said Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya.

    We know the results. But a negative result is also a result. We were expecting something like this as it revealed several things. You saw our dialogue with the US representative today, he just couldn't answer simple questions, he accused us of propaganda, they [the US] were trying to shift the focus to Ukraine
    , - Nebenzya emphasized

    At the same time, the Americans seemed to lose their nerve and their representative tried to find in our text something that was not there - a "predetermined result" of the investigation. We immediately pointed this out to him, at the same time asking how we should interpret President Biden's confession that Nord Stream would be destroyed, made a few months before our gas pipeline was blown up. The American chose to simply remain silent, and his silence was more eloquent than any confession.
    - Dmitry Polyansky
  16. +1
    28 March 2023 08: 48
    Russia, China and Brazil voted for, Albania, Great Britain, Gabon, Ghana, Malta, Mozambique, United Arab Emirates, USA, France, Switzerland, Ecuador, Japan abstained.
    Mozambique has a Kalashnikov assault rifle on its coat of arms, because the USSR helped free itself from the Portuguese yoke, make Mozambique free. Well, such is black-assed gratitude.
  17. -1
    28 March 2023 08: 59
    The empty ...
    Why investigate to discover the cause of the daily sunrise?
    Why investigate what EVERYBODY KNOWS.
    The issue is that no one has the courage to blame and punish.
    And an attempt to entrust this "honorable mission" to another (to an insignificant UN) does not look worthy.
    This only says that the world has not changed at all this year, and refutes what the propaganda is trying to convince us of.