Lebanese TV channel: Unidentified people launched a missile attack on two US military bases in eastern Syria

Lebanese TV channel: Unidentified people launched a missile attack on two US military bases in eastern Syria

American military bases in eastern Syria came under rocket attack, unknown people fired about 20 rockets at the US military. This is reported by the Lebanese TV channel Al-Mayadeen.

On the evening of Friday, March 24, unidentified people launched a missile attack on US military bases near the Omar and Koniko oil fields in the province of Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. In total, according to preliminary information, about 20 missiles were fired at two bases. A partial hit of ammunition on the territory of military bases is reported.

Two American coalition bases in the Konako and Omar fields east of the Euphrates came under rocket fire

- the TV channel said.

The Americans themselves have not yet commented on what happened, so there is no way to say whether there are any damage and casualties on the territory of military bases. There is also no information on who struck the Americans, although there is nothing to guess here, the confrontation between the United States and Iran continues. Recently, the US military in Syria launched a series of strikes against military formations associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The Pentagon announced that this is a response to the attack of the Iranian drone to a military base. Apparently, this time the "answer" flew to the Americans.

Recall that the forces of the American coalition are illegally in Syria, controlling the largest oil fields in the provinces of Deir ez-Zor, Al-Hasek and Raqqa. The United States does not intend to leave from there, since control over oil allows it to be illegally extracted and sold. As stated in Washington, the United States has "its own zone of interests" in Syria.
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  1. +4
    25 March 2023 07: 21
    About the "unknown" smiled. What hooligans fired twenty missiles. As in the case of gas pipelines, there is nothing to cling to. laughing
    1. +2
      25 March 2023 07: 32
      Unknown in the sense it is not known who specifically launched it, there is a patchwork quilt, today one grouping tomorrow another, today with Assad, tomorrow with ISIS, then in general on its own. The missiles are most likely homemade, since such an "accuracy" of hits. In Syria, probably every teenager on his knee can bung something flying and exploding.
      1. +2
        25 March 2023 07: 56
        Judging by the fact that "there are even hits", these missiles are homemade.
        And if according to homemade UAVs, the leader of ISIS, then according to homemade missiles, the leader is Hamaz. And they certainly now in Syria, too.
        We decided to help the Iranian brothers a little.
        These missiles cause more psychological than material damage.
        When the Iranians struck for their general, half of the base there was destroyed.
      2. 0
        25 March 2023 10: 16
        I want to hear: - Unknown people smashed the American military bases in Syria to pieces.
    2. +1
      25 March 2023 07: 33
      What hooligans fired twenty missiles.
      The key point here is, what kind of missiles are they? You can launch signal rockets towards the base, you can make homemade products like "Kasam" from water pipes .... Or you can seriously, like "Scud", then nothing would be left of the bases. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the damage after such attacks. winked
      1. +7
        25 March 2023 07: 37
        The United States is a criminal state, a bandit, robbing sovereign states for resources under the guise of democracy.
        1. 0
          26 March 2023 21: 43
          There are no sovereign states. So you say that Ukraine is a sovereign state.
    3. 0
      25 March 2023 08: 28
      20 missiles half a hail cassette. Does the city travel there? )))
    4. 0
      25 March 2023 10: 02
      Quote from Pharmacist
      ... Twenty missiles which hooligans fired ...

      More and more often "unknown" missiles from hooligans at American bases in Syria.
  2. +1
    25 March 2023 07: 21
    So pen dos is not necessary - do not feel sorry for them, bastard ....

    "Crimes must be held accountable" (c) Computer Zed, KF Tower.
  3. +6
    25 March 2023 07: 24
    Unidentified persons launched a missile attack on two American military bases in eastern Syria... Reported partial hit of ammunition on the territory of military bases
    The "unknowns" who were bombed by US aircraft the day before would like to be recommended to strike more accurately and with maximum damage to the Americans.
    1. +3
      25 March 2023 07: 28
      Exactly! Heap more, Muslims, pile pen dos not, more heap and more. good So that your land burns under their feet.
  4. +3
    25 March 2023 07: 26
    Our international policy is absolutely toothless. Every mongrel kicks us because we are trying to defend our original historical territory, and we are embarrassed to raise the issue of American aggression around the world. Yes, at any international event, at any meeting, American bandits should be denounced. And there are plenty of reasons...
    1. The comment was deleted.
  5. +2
    25 March 2023 07: 29
    In the USA, you are shocked - who else is shooting at us "white and fluffy".
  6. TIR
    25 March 2023 07: 29
    I think they did not hit the base itself, but nearby. If we wanted to hit, then 2-3 missiles only went into milk. And not vice versa. It's time to understand that only by driving out the interventionists from Syria, it is possible to restore the country. It is time for the Syrian authorities to create their proxy troops. And the more there will be, the more often you can hit the bases
  7. +4
    25 March 2023 07: 32
    our leadership must urgently help these Syrian patriots and provide better missiles to fight the American occupation!
    1. 0
      31 March 2023 00: 04
      Quote: Graz
      our leadership must urgently help these Syrian patriots and highlight better missiles to fight the American occupation!

      For what? The Americans taught their IS hybrids to make UAVs and missiles from shit and sticks. This is where they exploded. And what about Iran?
  8. +1
    25 March 2023 07: 42
    Whoever decides to beat out the maintenance personnel of the oil fields, they are served by the Americans. US air defense consists of Avenger systems. That is still air defense. Response shelling, the numbers vary. From 8 to 20 missiles.
  9. 0
    25 March 2023 08: 23
    Should have started a year ago. And not so much in bases, but in crafts. The Yankee has the most sensitive part of the body - a wallet
  10. 0
    25 March 2023 08: 26
    If the Yankees were not driven out of there, then at least the oil infrastructure would be smashed to them. So that they don't get anything.
  11. -2
    25 March 2023 10: 22
    A partial hit of ammunition on the territory of military bases is reported.

    US-Iran conflict continues

    Does anyone else want to buy partially hitting Iranian missiles for use in Ukraine?
  12. 0
    27 March 2023 14: 06
    if two - then ours, if six and with a woman - then Ukrainians. it's clear))