A former serviceman from the LPR told how Ukrainian militants torture Russian prisoners of war

A former serviceman from the LPR told how Ukrainian militants torture Russian prisoners of war

Russian servicemen who fall into Ukrainian captivity are subjected to bullying and torture by militants of Ukrainian formations. RIA told about it News a serviceman from the Luhansk People's Republic recently released from Ukrainian captivity.

The man was mobilized into the ranks of the People's Militia of the LPR. It so happened that he ended up in Ukrainian captivity. There, almost immediately, he, like other prisoners of war, began to be subjected to bullying. Ukrainian militants interrogated prisoners of war, beat them for no reason with either a pipe or a stick. They kept prisoners of war in the basement.

They took me to the second floor, stripped me down to underwear, tied my legs and hands with scotch tape... They tied some kind of insulators, or something like that. Well, I was electrocuted (shocked), I fell. Shocked strongly times two me so

- leads RIA News the story of a released prisoner of war.

This is far from the only evidence of the brutal torture that Russian prisoners of war are subjected to in Ukrainian captivity. Representatives of the power structures of the Kyiv regime violate international rules for the maintenance and treatment of prisoners of war. This is in stark contrast to the way Ukrainian prisoners of war are treated by Russian military and penitentiary personnel.

The West and international human rights organizations controlled by it deliberately ignore any emerging facts of abuse and torture of prisoners of war and arrested civilians by Ukrainian forces. This once again shows that the United States and the European Union are now ready to forgive their protégés - the Ukrainian Nazis - any crimes, regardless of their severity.
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  1. +39
    22 March 2023 20: 25
    I could not resist .... and after that we change the Nazis from Azov to Medvedchuk, ride them on a private plane of the ex-governor of the Russian region, he feeds them, gives them gifts?
    Does anyone else remember about Taira, how they exchanged it?
    And I really want to know - do we have at least one Azov citizen from Mariupol left in custody? And then they promised the trials of these Nazis, so much time has passed, but nothing is heard about how we judge them for the same crimes - publicly, openly! So that all these animals that torture our fighters know what awaits them!
    1. -16
      22 March 2023 20: 36
      What kind of vyser is this and not an article? I'll come up with more and more sophisticated torture in 3 minutes
    2. +9
      22 March 2023 20: 47
      Quote: Quote Lavrov
      and after that we change the Nazis from Azov to Medvedchuk, ride them on a private plane of the ex-governor of the Russian region, he feeds them, gives them gifts?

      “We have to deal with Ukrainian prisoners, and so, I have seen very little repentance in them,” Gennady Serbin, head of neurosurgery at the rehabilitation center in Donetsk, told the Donbass decides public. - I remember one whom we operated on, so he hissed before immersion in anesthesia: “I hate you so much,” and we treat, darn.
    3. +1
      23 March 2023 07: 42
      And I really want to know - do we have at least one Azov citizen from Mariupol left in custody?

      Who do you think our prisoners of war were exchanged for? Somehow, the captured fighters of the "dung" are more interested in them, they are ideological and not the mobilized meat of which they have in bulk.
  2. +2
    22 March 2023 20: 25
    The time will come, they (APU) will be rewarded in full for the crimes committed
    1. +19
      22 March 2023 20: 30
      I remember being the president of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev for the murder of our peacekeepers promised Saakashvili to hang in one place, more than 14 years have passed.
      1. 0
        24 March 2023 00: 28
        maybe they tried and released due to the lack of "one place" in this individual?
    2. +16
      22 March 2023 20: 41
      Once again I am convinced that all this “Ukrainianism”, like gangrene, cannot be treated. Only amputation!
    3. +11
      22 March 2023 21: 36
      Quote from: vorobejti
      The time will come, they (APU) will be rewarded in full for the crimes committed

      When it comes. After the victory, our peace-loving president will say that he will give amnesty to everyone, and those who want to persecute the poor "soldiers" will be declared inciters of ethnic hatred. For the first time or what?
      1. 0
        24 March 2023 00: 29
        it means there will be a less peaceful president. language will bring to Kyiv, and gestures of goodwill to The Hague.
  3. +8
    22 March 2023 20: 27
    One word, nonhumans, savages and duped ducks
  4. -27
    22 March 2023 20: 35
    In our local district department of internal affairs, they are tortured, knocking out testimonies. Well, they beat him with a pipe in captivity, the main thing is that he is alive and there are no critical injuries. I doubt that Ukrainians in Russian captivity are fed with dumplings, for sure, they are also sold with a pipe. It's not March 2022
  5. +10
    22 March 2023 20: 44
    There is no adequate retribution, so they become impudent. It is not necessary to rely on Western human rights activists, but to wet them in the toilet as in the old days. A year has passed, and not one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Reich has been destroyed, with the captured Azov people, it turned out to be a theater of the absurd. The released mercenaries are fighting against us again, how is that even possible? There is practically no sabotage work in the deep, suburban rear. These are all links in the same chain.
  6. -17
    22 March 2023 20: 46
    I saw a video where the Ukrainians also cut off the eggs, put them in their mouths and shot them in the head, in the war different people fight, some for their homeland, some for pleasure
    1. AAK
      22 March 2023 20: 55
      A good Bandera is only the 200th Bandera and nothing else, but for the fact of not taking measures to avoid being captured by subordinates, one must most severely ask commanders ... what kind of commander are you, where were you and what did you do so that your soldiers would not were captured ... under the tribunal, to wrest shoulder straps with meat and to the penal battalion in the assault units ...
  7. +5
    22 March 2023 21: 33
    “The West does not notice, the West covers” ... well, as much as possible! The West invented torture and he is the architect of this infamy. And the Ukrainians use them just with the consent and approval of the West. Well, also because they are marked with Evil.
  8. +2
    22 March 2023 22: 21
    But I believe that in Russian captivity Ukrainians are not mocked (I admit isolated facts, but not in large numbers). We do not have this animal hatred that they feel for us. Yes, and the reason is known, they were always jealous of us and always strove to steal the best piece from the common table, or even steal ours under the guise.
  9. +2
    22 March 2023 23: 28
    Hmmm ... And we conclude grain deals with them, we negotiated and feel sorry for someone there, we draw red lines ... It's high time to work there as FABs and OFABs ...
    1. 0
      24 March 2023 00: 31
      I think those who concluded grain deals do not consider you or me as "we" at the same time as themselves
  10. +3
    22 March 2023 23: 53
    “The enemies are getting closer.
    Commands are heard, shout.
    Three last bullets in the clip
    And life remains - for a moment.

    And someone screams: I surrender!
    And - up with a white rag hand.
    Traitor - the first bullet!
    A traitor is worse than an enemy.

    Other people's shoulder straps are visible.
    And sharp stings of bayonets.
    Without a miss - your second cartridge
    In the screaming faces of enemies.

    You will keep the memory of us -
    We fell in an unequal struggle.
    Farewell! Revenge us!
    The last bullet is for yourself."
  11. 0
    23 March 2023 07: 32
    And I believe that any appeal to the West that the enemy is allegedly violating something, even in such articles designed for an internal user, is absolutely useless!

    And the reason for this WHINING (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, politicians, politolukhs) is, alas, our inability to conduct effective military operations at the front.
  12. +2
    23 March 2023 16: 16
    It is necessary to create an interpol of countries friendly to Russia, look for criminals, find and how to execute the Sword of Gideon in the film. The Kiev authorities came up with a website where they publish data, but we don’t need a website, they quietly put them on the wanted list, and that’s all.
    1. 0
      23 March 2023 17: 54
      With a court order, for the weight of the arguments. I would propose this within the framework of BRICS.
  13. +1
    23 March 2023 18: 47
    Today, almost the entire population of Ukraine is ideological Nazis. Even those who held pro-Russian views are now ardent patriots (I judge by my relatives). It is more expensive to re-educate such people. And it's dangerous to live with them. You won't envy the choice...
    1. 0
      24 March 2023 00: 34
      Well, there the brains were burned out for 8 years while the "non-alternative Minsk agreements" lasted. and those who were not affected by the burning were killed. what could go wrong in this beautiful plan for us?...
  14. 0
    24 March 2023 17: 49
    Quote: Clever man
    What kind of vyser is this and not an article? I'll come up with more and more sophisticated torture in 3 minutes

    Have you tried any treatment for sadism?
  15. 0
    26 March 2023 08: 20
    In a word, T.V.A.R.I!

    And we treat their prisoners of war, feed them, and when we change them, we give them dry rations for the journey. Which they demonstratively throw out.