American journalist: German Chancellor helps the US hide the truth about the sabotage at Nord Stream

American journalist: German Chancellor helps the US hide the truth about the sabotage at Nord Stream

Since autumn last year, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been providing comprehensive assistance to the attempts of the US government to hide information regarding sabotage on the Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines. This was reported by the famous American journalist Seymour Hersh.

In an article published on the Substack platform, Hersh recalled that in early March, Scholz came to the United States. During the trip, the German chancellor attended two public events, while neither Scholz nor US President Joe Biden held any press conferences with members of the press.

However, according to information received from his sources, Hersh became aware of the meeting between the leaders of the states, which lasted 80 minutes. At this meeting, most of the time, the heads of state talked in private, even without the presence of their aides. After this meeting, neither Scholz nor Biden made any official statements.

According to Hersh, American intelligence agencies and German intelligence were instructed to prepare an alternative version for the press. historyconcerning sabotage on gas pipelines. Hersh also added that even if Scholz was not aware of the impending sabotage, since last fall he has been supporting the US authorities in hiding information.

Earlier, Hersh voiced a version according to which the explosion on gas pipelines was arranged by US intelligence agencies with the assistance of allies in the NATO military bloc. According to the journalist, American divers installed explosive devices on gas pipelines, which three months later were activated by Norwegian intelligence officers.
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  1. -1
    22 March 2023 16: 02
    American journalist: German Chancellor helps the US hide the truth about the sabotage at Nord Stream
    . And who really needs it? It didn’t even work out smartly to appoint the perpetrators ...
    So it will, in short.
    1. +3
      22 March 2023 16: 16
      The American concern General Electric continues to service turbines in Russia, including those manufactured by Siemens...

      text can be read here:
  2. +1
    22 March 2023 16: 03
    American journalist: German Chancellor helps the US hide the truth about the sabotage at Nord Stream
    This is one of his "holy duties", otherwise he will become unemployed...
    1. 0
      22 March 2023 17: 12
      Quote: svp67
      This is one of his "holy duties", otherwise he will become unemployed...

      Being unemployed is a small thing.
      The truth can be buried along with his carcass at 1,5 meters.
  3. +1
    22 March 2023 16: 14
    Berk Scholz was just in business and the award was received! ... but the secret cannot be hidden and there will be retribution! ... a matter of time wassat
  4. +1
    22 March 2023 16: 22
    Did the bad boy get a barrel of jam from a can? Will you still live out in your homeland? No?
  5. +2
    22 March 2023 16: 23
    And why are their cable networks in the Atlantic still intact..!!?? Why is Norway pumping gas through the Germans without hindrance...!!?? We are dragging something for a long time with an answer.
  6. +1
    22 March 2023 17: 24
    All the dirty tricks of the USA and NATO must be answered in kind. Found a mare ride. Urgently liquidate the turbo-wire with Norway.
    1. 0
      22 March 2023 22: 00
      Quote: nikolai55soot
      All the dirty tricks of the USA and NATO must be answered in kind. Found a mare ride. Urgently liquidate the turbo-wire with Norway.

      Do you think that only one of your (our) desires is enough to undermine the Norwegian hot wire? Yeah. It's as easy as running to the bakery.
      They prepared for this explosion of gas pipelines for several months, conducted naval exercises, dragged deep-sea equipment with various stray, attracted aircraft, etc., etc. A bunch of nuances. In addition, they were assisted by the same Denmark and Norway + the deaf-blind-mute Scholz.
      How long do you think the group of our ships will be able to imperceptibly cluster in the place where the pipe runs in neutral waters and carry out work on deep-sea preparation for "revenge"? I think it won't take long and NATO ships will be drawn in the line of sight in a matter of hours. Here it is necessary to act more subtly, with imagination. Revenge is a dish best served cold. So we will answer, but a little later and far from the fact that it is through the pipe.