The French National Assembly was several votes short of a vote of no confidence in the government on pension reform

The French National Assembly was several votes short of a vote of no confidence in the government on pension reform

In the French National Assembly, most of the deputies did not vote for the proposal of the opposition group LIOT to pass a vote of no confidence in the current government because of its pension reform. The news about raising the retirement age, and even without the consent of Parliament, caused a wave of mass protests in France.

Representatives of the centrists and former supporters of President Emmanuel Macron, who are part of the LIOT (Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-mer et Territoires) faction in the lower house of the French parliament, called for a vote of no confidence in the government of Prime Minister Elisabeth Born due to pension reform, but the majority of parliamentarians did not support this initiative. 278 deputies voted for the vote of no confidence, but 9 people voted against, and thus, it was not possible to get the required number of 287 votes.

French parliamentarians consider the actions of the government, which did not coordinate the pension reform with the deputies, an attack on the foundations of democracy. The government invoked article 49.3 of the French constitution to pass a bill to raise the retirement age. If the Cabinet of Ministers resorts to this article, then the opposition has the right to announce a vote of no confidence within 24 hours, and if the vote is supported by the majority of MPs, the government must resign.

At the same time, the French media note that the gap between the number of votes required for a vote of no confidence and the number of those who voted is not so large. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, we can expect further actions of opposition-minded deputies against the government. In the wake of mass protests that began in French cities, the opposition has a great chance to remove the government of Elizabeth Born. The current situation also affects the political positions of the President of the country, Emmanuel Macron.

The opposition lacked only nine votes to get an absolute majority - 287 votes. Despite this, this vote will leave an indelible mark on the president's camp. This finally confirms the illegitimacy of the government

- emphasizes the French publication Politique, referring to the words of one of the deputies of the French parliament.

Protests against pension reform are taking place in France in parallel with protests against military aid to Ukraine. The French rightly wonder why, if there is no money for pensioners, the country's government spends billions of euros on armaments and sends colossal military and financial assistance to Ukraine. The French are also irritated by the policy of anti-Russian sanctions, thanks to which Europe is faced with an energy crisis and food price inflation.
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  1. +5
    21 March 2023 08: 38
    The one who tried to click when voting last lost his finger)
    Insidious capitalism!
    1. +11
      21 March 2023 08: 49
      Damn capitalism!!! Not like we have, where all the deputies (the vast majority of them) unanimously voted "for" a similar pension reform. At the same time, in France the retirement age for men will be even less than ours.
      1. 0
        22 March 2023 23: 56
        laughing - ... Well, "here" - FSE "just like 5 kopecks" - In France, "IMF recommendations" CAN ONLY BE ACCEPTED BY THE PEOPLE'S PARLIAMENT ("pasta" "it" LEGALLY "jumped" ... - it will be "burned" like De Golya ... - .. don't you play chess?).
        And in the Russian Federation -
  2. +4
    21 March 2023 08: 39
    It means only one thing, most likely the unrest among the population of France will continue ..
    1. +8
      21 March 2023 08: 50
      Savages!!! No, in order to accept the increase in the retirement age with understanding and a feeling of deep satisfaction from the care of the authorities for the population ...
      1. +2
        21 March 2023 09: 45
        Well, Macron didn't ask the French to be understanding, did he? what
      2. 0
        22 March 2023 23: 58
        ... - I accept your sarcasm. Agree.
    2. +4
      21 March 2023 08: 50
      And, perhaps, according to the new European tradition, the shortest path to peace (the Borrell-Stoltenberg recipe) may be the supply of weapons to one of the parties to the conflict to strengthen the negotiating position. And so conflicts should always end at the negotiating table
      1. 0
        21 March 2023 10: 09
        and according to the legislation of Storage, "foreign legion" can be used within the country?
        1. 0
          23 March 2023 00: 02
          ... - In addition to "Google", "Yandex-corrupt", you were also banned in "Bing" 8 - O
  3. +5
    21 March 2023 08: 47
    The French National Assembly was several votes short of a vote of no confidence in the government on pension reform

    Swamp! They can’t even make a decision by an overwhelming majority ... Learn, weaklings:

    1. +8
      21 March 2023 08: 51
      Colleague, you are extremely unfair!!! Officials, by their own example, show that they are ready to serve the people - how many times have they already raised the limit of being in the state service by age!
      One faithful Zorkin is worth something - 80 years, and everyone is working for the good of the country as head of the Constitutional Court.
      Everyone thinks about Russia!
      Probably, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU of the Brezhnev era were boys in comparison with the current ones. And after all, they work, taking care of the people! And then everyone will also plow for the good of the fatherland.
    2. 0
      21 March 2023 09: 12
      In vain you cut off the distribution of votes by factions.
      It is more significant than the general interest. hi
  4. -1
    21 March 2023 08: 52
    One was not enough or 101 votes, what's the difference - supported?!
    These are the games of democracy, i.e. love it!
    1. +8
      21 March 2023 08: 58
      Huge!!! It is necessary to look, of course, the legislation of France - whether they can vote again. But the difference lies elsewhere - whether the deputies listen to their people or not. So compare .... above, a colleague just cited an interesting diagram for comparison.
      Macron's anti-rating has reached 70%, and this will come back to haunt him in the elections, and perhaps adequate forces will come to power in France.
      And you say nalyubilovo .... nalyubilovo - this is when you raise the retirement age without asking the opinion of the people, and the deputies, who seem to be supposed to defend the interests of this people, sit and unanimously vote "for". And you can't even change them. Because electronic voting, and everyone who can protect people like Bondarenko or relatively independent people like Grudin, Rashkin, is simply cut out of politics (this, of course, is not the main reason, but a tool). This is what I love.
      1. +1
        21 March 2023 09: 39
        Quote: Quote Lavrov
        Rashkin is simply cut out of politics (this, of course, is not the main reason, but a tool).

        I remember he threw an elk into his car, and a butchered one at that.
        1. +3
          21 March 2023 09: 51
          Well, not even funny, to be honest. If among all the deputies the moose in the trunk would be the most important crime, I would not even say a word against it. And it’s very convenient - as soon as he dared to say something against it, as soon as he began to gain popularity - then right away, if not an elk, then collective farm shares, not shares, it’s not at all clear what claims (as in the case of Bondarenko), etc.
          And how an 80+ year old mother suddenly becomes a billionaire, like one top deputy from the United Russia - everything is fine, like firing a pistol in a hotel - it’s normal, the son knocks a person to death, but by lunchtime the SC says that they just didn’t understand everything - Fine. And there are no such stories. Therefore, let's either find moose among all deputies and others like them (who has them in the closet), or understand the reasons for such selectivity
        2. 0
          23 March 2023 00: 14
          ... : ) ) ) ) - ... You FORGOT to remember... - DRINKED (... straight into the "throat of lila") to the state of rice ... - you can see on the video "CHOTKA"!
          ... - and for "a video about" a "similar person" to the admiral-general" you will NOT "move out" in any way! (
      2. 0
        21 March 2023 13: 25
        and perhaps adequate forces will come to power in France.

        Which I personally doubt very much. Where, tell me, will adequate forces come from in this France of yours?
  5. +1
    21 March 2023 09: 27
    It's romantic in Paris right now laughing How are our runners doing? Vasiliev, the daughter of a man with a mustache, and many others
    1. 0
      21 March 2023 09: 30
      Therefore, Shoigu has a question, where to shoot in which case ?!
      1. -1
        21 March 2023 09: 40
        The main thing is not to Dubai, where my daughter was resting on NG!
  6. +1
    21 March 2023 09: 45
    the majority of parliamentarians did not support this initiative. 278 deputies voted for the vote of no confidence, but 9 people voted against, and thus, it was not possible to get the required number of 287 votes.

    Deputies, as always, are against the people.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  7. -1
    21 March 2023 10: 19
    A performance for the poor - so we tried to throw off the hated president and cancel the increase in the retirement age, but there were black sheep in our herd, but we tried, by God, I give a tooth .... And we will still try, just wait a bit ....
  8. 0
    21 March 2023 11: 01
    The French National Assembly was several votes short of a vote of no confidence in the government on pension reform
    . It is clear that the desire of various political groups to advance to the first roles in politics, government, on the wave of popular indignation ... and then what??? How are they going to solve pressing problems? Type everything back ... but they will succeed and what will come of it if they manage to return it?