The Czech authorities approved the deployment of their military police to Ukraine and the sending of military personnel to Africa

The Czech authorities approved the deployment of their military police to Ukraine and the sending of military personnel to Africa

The Czech government has approved sending its military police officers to Ukraine, whose tasks will include investigating war crimes.

According to the Czech news agency CTK, it is planned to send up to 15 experts of the military police to the territory of Ukraine, who will then be included in the number of specialists of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. It is reported that the number may end up being much higher.

The mandate approved by the Czech Parliament will be valid until the end of 2024. Police experts will also be able to conduct their activities in the Netherlands. Funding for this mission is expected to be 29,6 million crowns (approximately $1,3 million).

In addition, the Czech government approved the dispatch of its military personnel to Africa (the state of Niger). Up to 20 Czech special forces will go to this African country as military advisers and instructors. The amount of funding for this project will be 162 million kroons (about $7 million).

Previously, the Polish authorities sent their police officers to Ukraine. The goal of the secret mission was officially declared to be mine clearance of roads and other infrastructure facilities in the country.

Czech President Petr Pavel said in January of this year that he admits a scenario in which Ukraine will be forced to make territorial concessions in favor of Russia. However, Pavel added that the appropriate decision could be made exclusively by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the people of this country.
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  1. +14
    9 March 2023 10: 19
    Does the military police belong to the Czech Ministry of Defense? If so, is it a legitimate military target?
    1. +9
      9 March 2023 10: 27
      As if rockets and shells understand the legality of the target. Police officers from the Czech Republic don't bleed, do they? Another thing, what for such politeness - they want to help the Reich with manpower, so write it down as independent volunteers, like the Poles.
      1. +12
        9 March 2023 10: 35
        Well, they don’t want to help the Ukrainians, but they are preparing to send specialists to investigate the “crimes of the military of bloody Mordor” for the court of the Hague light elves.
        1. +9
          9 March 2023 11: 10
          I don’t understand who it is designed for, the Hague tribunals, and so on .. Which tribunal and The Hague? The funny thing is that the people who used to be called "fraternal" also believe that the GDP will be "judged by the GAaG" . It's a mental epidemic.
          1. 0
            9 March 2023 12: 15
            For GDP, for any good lawyer, they will write an appeal to begin with. It is possible to rethink what is happening by citizens in positions in the European Union. Our Constitution cannot contradict International Laws as amended in 1991. Well, they can try to call. But we also need to be aware of who is calling. Trap criminals. Or adequate people who realize that a busy person, as the president of the country, cannot be pulled like an unemployed homeless person. In extreme cases, a video conference will suffice. He is not touched by us even in retirement. We don't abandon ours. Legal battle? Purposefully collect material by the Military Prosecutor's Office. After all, the court can become a defendant.
          2. 0
            9 March 2023 12: 33
            Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
            I don’t understand who this is designed for, the Hague tribunals, and so on .. Which tribunal and The Hague? The funny thing is that the people who used to be called "fraternal", also believe that the GDP will be "judged by the GAaG".

            The West hopes for Putin's arrival in The Hague for their trial similar to that of Milosevic or similar to that of Saddam Hussein?! And they will pull everything white and fluffy over themselves?!
            So dragon fangs cannot be hidden behind a grin!
          3. +3
            10 March 2023 12: 02
            There are no fraternal and non-fraternal peoples. There are some and not. Well, could I have thought 20 years ago that the "Czechs" would be their own, but the Czechs would not)
      2. 0
        11 March 2023 06: 15
        The blood should flow from the Czechs for weapons for the Wehrmacht and for the current supplies.
        They just have to suffer a little.
    2. +4
      9 March 2023 10: 27
      It is ridiculous to ask such a question when neither the President of Ukraine nor the top of the Armed Forces of Ukraine feel in danger.
      They will come with only one, clearly distinguishable goal - "to find indisputable evidence of Russia's guilt." At the same time, the entire LS of this mission will die - in general it will be wonderful for the Western picture.
      They are only expendable material in the performance to give a beautiful picture to the work, in which everything is adjusted to a predetermined result.
    3. +3
      9 March 2023 10: 39
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Does the military police belong to the Czech Ministry of Defense? If so, is it a legitimate military target?

      Any power structure located on the territory of the host country is a legitimate target for the opposite side.
      Everything is like in WWII.
      1. +2
        9 March 2023 10: 44
        Quote: tihonmarine
        Everything is like in WWII.
        There is no need to compare the incomparable!
        1. +3
          9 March 2023 11: 41
          Quote: Serg Koma
          Everything is like in WWII.
          There is no need to compare the incomparable!

          And what is the difference between the Czechs who were on the territory of the Union in 1942, and those who will be in 2023.
    4. 0
      9 March 2023 10: 43
      Do you lack goals in Ukraine? What's the use of these "goblins" being a legitimate target?
    5. +1
      9 March 2023 11: 03
      Apparently, the Slavs do not want to fight Ukraine. Well, well, not the first time. They already went to Russia in 18-19, but now, for sure, they won’t be able to steal anything. This is not 18, there is no gold in Ukraine for a long time. All stolen by previous and current thieves...
      1. +1
        9 March 2023 12: 34
        All stolen by previous and current thieves...

        the struggle is not for momentary values, but for the global influence of the overlord - the United States. Mongrel send a signal: we are with you, boss
    6. 0
      9 March 2023 13: 48
      Of course it does. This is the structure of MO ...

      By the way, Pavel, the former Minister of Defense, is a shtatovsky fosterling. So, in this regard, everything, in the context of the "military twitches" of Prague, is logical and natural ...

      Another thing is that all of them, including the "military policemen" on the territory of the former united Ukraine, for the forces of conducting the Russian NVO, NATO occupation forces ...

      This means that they will be killed, anywhere on the territory of the former united Ukraine, at the first opportunity...
    7. 0
      9 March 2023 14: 37
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Does the military police belong to the Czech Ministry of Defense?

      The military police is usually a structure of the MO. Therefore, in fact, the Czechs are going to send troops to Ukraine.
    8. 0
      12 March 2023 17: 34
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Does the military police belong to the Czech Ministry of Defense? If so, is it a legitimate military target?

      Now it's called that. The herding of Young European cattle to the slaughterhouse begins.
  2. +9
    9 March 2023 10: 22
    Well, then, without a doubt, if you return home in bags ......., the Poles are silent in a "rag" and the cemeteries are expanding. And there will be a trial, but I don't think it will be in The Hague.
    1. +14
      9 March 2023 10: 25
      The exact coordinates of the location of the Czechs in Ukraine and an unexpected bzdyn at night. I'm all for it and then let them squeal in The Hague.
    2. +1
      9 March 2023 10: 29
      Of course it will be! Abramovich will not let you lie.
      1. +1
        9 March 2023 10: 33
        And this unfortunate Abramovich surrendered - a rogue. In Russia, some money is many times more than Abramovich. These are really dangerous. Leave Roma behind, he keeps his fleet of yachts in Turkey, now he will have to restore Turkey.
        1. 0
          9 March 2023 12: 36
          Yes, in general, take pity on him, poor thing, and reward him for the inconvenience.
    3. 0
      9 March 2023 12: 41
      there will be a court, but it seems that not in The Hague

      we believe in our victory, and the winners always judge
  3. +6
    9 March 2023 10: 25
    What are crime investigations?
    To Bakhmut of all, the NATO homeland is in danger.
    Prigogine will then give the rest even in boxes, as expected, he will not even bill for carpentry work.
  4. +9
    9 March 2023 10: 26
    The case, apparently, will not end with the last Ukrainian. We'll have to wait for the last Pole, Czech and others.
    1. +3
      9 March 2023 10: 45
      Quote: Pavel_Sveshnikov
      The case, apparently, will not end with the last Ukrainian. We'll have to wait for the last Pole, Czech and others.

      From 1941 to 1945 this place was shallow. Bandera, Czechs, Poles, Norgs and Walloons lay in rows, we still find them under the mountains of Sinimäe (where the entire European SS gathered).
    2. 0
      9 March 2023 13: 28
      Can the Czechs fight? Something for the entire 20th century somehow imperceptibly it was! Yes, it was the same before...
      But the ass to Hitler / the Yankees is always welcome, but in a race with the Poles, Slovaks, Hohldeutches and the Balts with all the other Europeans ... am
      1. 0
        11 March 2023 06: 24
        Yeah, Czechs can fight! The thing is when our army broke the backbone of the Wehrmacht and the Germans began to hand over their weapons (this is about the territory of the Czech Republic after Prague), partisans showed up among the Czechs (they definitely showed up) and began to heroically shoot Wehrmacht soldiers who surrendered their weapons.
        Actually, to hell with them with the soldiers, somehow it’s not a pity.
        Well, besides this feat, Czech heroes began to rob the Germans leaving the Czech Republic for Germany and robbed, even ripping off their underwear. So, as we see, they can fight under certain conditions.
        1. 0
          4 December 2023 10: 33
          can fight under certain conditions

          Yeah, three armed big heads against one woman - that’s so tsessian!
  5. +4
    9 March 2023 10: 31
    The Czech government approved the sending of its military police to Ukraine
    Chekhov bears not to stop., but to hold back the opportunity to eat when the rocket arrives at their place of deployment and at night when everyone is assembled and in bed. They will not understand otherwise, just like the Poles.
    will then be included among the specialists of the International Criminal Court in The Hague
    Will they carry away the burden that they are trying to put on their frail Czech shoulders? And the tribunal will be sure, but not in The Hague, but for example in Donetsk.
    1. +1
      9 March 2023 10: 43
      Chekhov bears unstoppable

      They probably cannot forget 1968! laughing
      1. 0
        9 March 2023 12: 44
        Chekhov bears unstoppable

        conscription of a NATO vassal country
  6. -7
    9 March 2023 10: 33
    The Czech government approved the sending of its military police to Ukraine

    Of course, armed with tanks, planes.
  7. +2
    9 March 2023 10: 41
    Citizens of the Czech Republic will also be given equal rights with the citizens of Ukraine? And then only the Poles are such a lafa, it's a shame.
  8. +2
    9 March 2023 10: 41
    in total, it is planned to send up to 15 experts of the military police to the territory of Ukraine, who will then be included in the number of specialists of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. It is reported that the number may end up being much higher.

    And who are you going to judge? Really Russia? So she puts on your courts with the device! laughing good
  9. +3
    9 March 2023 10: 42
    Now Western Slavs will go to waste. Everything is going according to the plan of the Anglo-Saxons.
  10. 0
    9 March 2023 10: 44
    The Czech authorities approved the deployment of their military police to Ukraine and the sending of military personnel to Africa
    . There are enough zealous people in geyrop ... the whole difference between them, someone is chatting, and someone has decided and does, can do, will do.
  11. HAM
    9 March 2023 10: 56
    It seems that everything is much simpler --- the Czechs are afraid to "get behind the train", the Poles, the Hungarians have already looked after themselves a piece of Ukraine, the same Romanians and those drooling ..... now 15 policemen, more tomorrow ..... the main thing is to stake out a place in time ...
  12. 0
    9 March 2023 11: 11
    Choi the Czechs are so excited. You'd better go and make your own beer.
  13. +1
    9 March 2023 11: 17
    An interesting situation. Most of all, the countries of the former CMEA are fussing about war crimes. Germany or Belgium, Denmark, not a word at all, but jumping out of their pants, mostly former allies
    1. +2
      9 March 2023 12: 39
      Quote: APASUS
      An interesting situation. Most of all, the countries of the former CMEA are fussing about war crimes. Germany or Belgium, Denmark, not a word at all, but jumping out of their pants, mostly former allies

      Allies? Yes, they were never allies! They just ate in three sips from the table of the USSR, while they themselves looked askance at Uncle Sam! I had to serve with the Baltic states in the 60s of the last century. I know what kind of "friends" they were! It seems that the Balts did not belong to all sorts of gay Europeans from the CMEA or the Department of Internal Affairs, but the essence is the same! Hatred for everything Russian and for Russians!
  14. +1
    9 March 2023 11: 32
    In their place, it is worth thinking about the fact that nothing lasts forever! Everything flows and everything changes. Today is one thing, tomorrow is another. Or - everything passes, and this too will pass. And they themselves will have to answer as accomplices in the criminal activities of the official West! In a sense, they can be understood! Small and subordinate peoples of the limitrophe countries. They perceive "today" - it will always be!!! And nothing can be done about it, until the moment when the situation and circumstances begin to turn in the wrong direction at all in which they expected.
  15. 0
    9 March 2023 11: 36
    The jackals circle around the dying animal, preparing to eat what is left.
  16. 0
    9 March 2023 11: 40
    Do Czechs still use UAZs in the army? No matter how more than 30 years have passed since the last deliveries from the USSR ....
    And on the part of their experts - they would have walked through the forest, empty fuss ...
    1. 0
      9 March 2023 11: 43
      Duc and the Poles in 2014 still used UAZs, I personally saw it. I really don’t know how many UAZs they have left, but I saw them on the streets a couple of times.
  17. 0
    10 March 2023 01: 15
    Rushed pussy on the benches.
    At first, non-lethal weapons were supplied.
    If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not announce that the presence of any power structures on the territory of Ukraine means the entry of this country into the war, we will reach the "limited" NATO contingent!
    Mr. Lavrov, isn't it time to work on the language?
  18. 0
    10 March 2023 02: 35
    The Czech government has approved sending its military police officers to Ukraine, whose tasks will include investigating war crimes.
    1) The war crimes committed over 9 years by the Kyiv neo-Nazi regime, of course, need to be investigated.
    2) Only now I doubt that "employees of the Czech military police" will be engaged in some kind of investigation of war crimes.

    In addition, the Czech government approved the dispatch of its military personnel to Africa (the state of Niger).
    I hope that the employees of PMC "Wagner" will meet them properly ...
  19. 0
    12 March 2023 19: 54
    But they will not notice such war crimes as throwing petals on Donetsk, shooting the inhabitants of Donetsk from Ukrainian-NATO guns ...