What could be more instructive than a chivalric romance

What could be more instructive than a chivalric romance

King at the deepest sea,
He sees fish scurrying back and forth;
Because of the burning lamps they are so afraid
That they dare not approach, but return.
The biggest, the bravest - in the front row -
Grabbing a small one, they always swallow it,
And when she slips away, they set a trap for her.

"The Romance of Alexander"
translation from Old French by Marina Lushchenko

History and culture. With what only sources on the history of the Middle Ages, we have not met here. These are bibles, and psalters, and collections of popular poems - it's just right to make a real library. But... so far we haven't told anything about... medieval chivalric romances, yes, those same novels that Don Quixote of La Mancha, known to everyone, was a little crazy about. Meanwhile, this genre was extremely popular at that time! And he was born almost simultaneously with the knighthood of England, France and Germany, and these novels were written, both in verse and in prose. Their second name is “courtly novels”.

It should be noted that with its appearance, the chivalric romance marked the beginning of conscious fiction and individual creativity, and as a result, it became the pinnacle of medieval narrative literature. "Books about knights" embodied the medieval man's dream of happiness, gave him a sense of spiritual strength, strengthened his will in the fight against evil.

The French called the term "roman" arrangements into "Romance", that is, the Old French language, of various heroic and love stories. Such "novels" opposed literature in Latin, and the national heroic epic, and "songs about exploits", because there was too much fabulous and fantastic in them. But the “novel” was completely indifferent to the national past, and there was no question of any kind of historicity in these works.

Apparently, the very first chivalric novel is the Romance of Alexander, which was a medieval adaptation of the Greek History of Alexander the Great. The first works appeared at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, but little of them has survived to our time.

In 1180, an already significant work by Alexander of Paris appeared, telling about the life of Alexander the Great. It contains four parts, of which the first tells about the youth of Alexander and, in particular, about his knighthood, the second tells about the war with the Persian king Darius, the third is the largest, describes the victory over Darius and the Indian king Por, wonderful travels in the depths of the sea and the sky. It also describes the monsters encountered when crossing the Indian desert; the enchanted forest of flower maidens; prophetic trees of the Sun and Moon and encounters with various fantastic creatures, including the Amazons. The last part tells about the poisoning of Alexander and his death.

The novel is exceptionally multifaceted: it contains numerous epic motifs (initiation into knights, fights and battles), and edification in the “morality” style, and it is also, of course, a real adventure novel that traces the whole fate of such an extraordinary personality as was Alexander. It is very important that the novel was repeatedly rewritten and redesigned by miniaturists.

So, for example, a version of the novel of the first quarter of the XNUMXth century, written in French, has come down to us, which is currently stored within the walls of the British Library. Perhaps this is the most colorfully illuminated manuscript among all the others, and it is his miniatures that will serve as illustrations for us.

It is clear that although Alexander the Great is described in them, we will not see anything ancient Greek in them. But on the other hand, they depict the equipment of warriors of the early XNUMXth century very well and simply wonderfully draw all kinds of fantastic creatures with which Alexander supposedly had to deal.

Alexander throws King Porus to the ground. Miniature from the manuscript "The Book and True History of the Good King Alexander", 1400-1420. Paris. British Library, London

All the military scenes depicted in the novel are highly accurate, although the use of the "toad head" tournament helmet in battle raises certain doubts.

Alexander fights with the army of King Por

Alexander defeats King Pausanias

Battle with the Persians

Alexander's army in front of the city of King Darius. Draw attention to the bows in the hands of the archers. But that's just how they should have been at that time!

Alexander's warriors are fighting... a hippopotamus!

The great Alexander had to fight with lions in his campaigns. At least that's what the author of the novel thought.

In this miniature, Alexander is already fighting with one-eyed cyclops

Alexander burns the wild man

And here he has to fight sword-horned people, whose horn, like a steel blade, grew right in the middle of their foreheads. Needless to say, the fantasies of the author of the novel here can only be envied!

It is quite natural that the author in his narration could not do without monsters. However, it seemed to him that one head was not enough, and he provided them with two, and even with eyes all over the body!

Alexander and the elephants This is how a medieval artist imagined them...

And during his campaign, Alexander met wild hairy women

Of course, The Romance of Alexander, for all its popularity, was not the only romance of chivalry. In fact, a lot of them were written, both in verse and in prose, so lovers of such reading had something to read at that time. In addition, many novels at that time were anonymous, in particular, such a novel as "The Daughter of Count Ponthieu" - the first French chivalric novel in prose, dating back to the beginning of the XNUMXth century, of a very, very curious content.

During a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, the heroine of the novel and her husband are attacked by robbers, and the woman is raped. Fortunately, the robbers did not kill anyone, but robbed and left them in the middle of the road. And here the heroine, instead of untying her husband, tries to kill him, because, in her opinion, he is disgraced. She, however, fails to do this, but her father and her husband throw her in a barrel into the sea.

Naturally, the Flemish sailors save her, and she herself ends up with the Sultan of Almeria and ... becomes his wife. In turn, Count Ponthieu, together with the husband of the heroine of the novel, are captured by the Saracens, but she saves them, flees from her husband, the Sultan, and all three of them return to France.

The fate of a woman who was slandered, but who restored her good name, is also the content of the poetic "Romance of the Rose, or Guillaume of Dole", the first half of the XNUMXth century, truver Jean Renard.

The main character of the novel is the poor "knight of one shield" Guillaume, that is, he is a knight who does not have land ownership. Emperor Konrad falls in love with his sister Lienora, about whose beauty and good nature he is told by his juggler Zhugle. However, the insidious seneschal convinces the emperor that he saw a mole in the form of a blossoming rose on Lienora's thigh, that is, he discredits her innocence. But Lienora sets a cunning trap for the vile seneschal and thus restores her good name. In the end, everything ends well for both Lienora and her brother, the poor knight.

"The Romance of the Castellan of Kusi" - a chivalric novel by a certain Jacquemes, also appeared in the 70s of the XIII century. In it, the poor knight and poet Renault falls in love with a noble lady, the wife of the noble lord de Fayel. He excels at tournaments, sings love songs to the lady of the heart, and she reciprocates. However, a certain lady from Vermandois, who, for her part, is secretly in love with Renault, but in vain seeking him, decides to tell Señor Fayel about everything, and thereby destroy both lovers. Having learned about everything, the seigneur declares that he is going to go on a crusade, and his wife should accompany him on this campaign (a very common phenomenon at that time when noble ladies accompanied their husbands on campaigns).

However, he then suddenly pretends to be ill and thus remains in his castle, and Reno goes to the Holy Land alone. There, in a battle with the Saracens, he is wounded by a poisoned arrow. Doctors are unable to save him, and he dies on the way to France. The faithful servant Renaud Gobert must hand over to his beloved the box containing the heart of his master and his message to her, and a strand of her golden hair, which adorned his knight's shield during the campaign.

However, the box gets to the jealous husband and he orders to cook an exquisite roast from the heart of the hero, which he presents to his unfaithful wife at dinner, and then tells her what exactly she ate. In response, his wife declares that from now on she will not touch any other dish at all. And then the lord immures her in a room where she dies of starvation. Only after that he goes to the Holy Land, where he also finds death in battle with the infidels.

“Zhegan and Blonda” is a typical chivalric novel by Philippe de Remy, ca. 1210-1262, in which everything ends well in the end, and everyone "lives happily ever after."

And the plot of this novel is as follows: the poor knight Zhegan is forced to pledge his property, since his father, participating in feudal wars, squandered all the family wealth. And he had a large family - four sons and two daughters. All of them are threatened with grief and poverty, and it was then that the eldest of them, Zhegan, went overseas to England, where he entered the service of the Earl of Oxford as a servant.

Naturally, he immediately falls in love with the count's daughter Blond, and she, in turn, reciprocates. True, there is already a contender for Blonda's hand - the Duke of Gloucester. A young man and a girl have to run away from him. However, Zhegan manages to defeat his rival and, having received a fortune, buy back his hereditary fief, and also marry his sisters, place brothers in honorary court positions and reward all his faithful servants well.

An even more intricate and fabulous story is brought out in the "Roman of the Violet or of Gerard Nevers". This medieval courtly novel was written between 1227 and 1229. trouveur Gerber de Montreuil, and in an ironic tone, ridiculing chivalric literature. There are two illuminated manuscripts of the 1467th century that belonged to King Philip III the Good. Both of them are written in Gothic script and were found during the inventory of the library of the Duke of Burgundy, carried out in 1469-XNUMX. Today one of them is in the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels, and the second, which appeared later, is kept in the National Library of France in Paris.

Lizard de Forez spies on Orianta. Drawing from the manuscript of the work of Loise Liede and Guyot d'Augerance (and someone else once wrote to me in the comments that naked women were not depicted in medieval manuscripts. They also portrayed how! National Library of France

The content of the novel is as follows: Count Gerard of Nevers, being at the court of King Louis VIII in the Norman town of Pont de l'Arche, publicly speaks of the love of Lady Orianta, his chosen one, for him. Count Lizard de Forez offers him a bet that he can easily seduce Orianta, and Gerard agrees to this. De Forez goes to the castle of Orianta's father and seduces her in every possible way, but without success. But then her old maid Gondra comes to the rescue - for some reason, apparently, the girl did not please her. She makes a hole in the wall of the room where she takes Orianth's bath and thus enables him to see the birthmark on her chest in the shape of a violet flower.

A malevolent maid is making a hole in the wall... An illustration from The Romance of the Violet. Painter Jean Vavrin, 1451-1464 Belgian Royal Library, Brussels

Naturally, de Forez immediately declares that he seduced Orianta and won the bet. Gerard de Nevers loses his county by the condition of a bet and in anger lures his beloved into the forest to slit her throat there. In the forest, they are attacked by a dragon, whom Gerard immediately defeats, but repents of his malicious intent and saves Orianthe's life.

And this is how the pages of this novel look, by the way, with very original illustrations ...

Then Gerard manages to overhear the conversation between Lizard and Gondra, from which he learns that she is innocent and fell victim to a conspiracy. Then he goes to look for her, but falls ill, and recovering from his illness, he ends up in Cologne, which is attacked by the Saxons. Gerard helps to repel them and with his courage, courtesy and beauty captivates the daughter of the Duke of Eglantine, who decides to intoxicate the brave knight with a love potion so that he forgets Orianta.

At this time, Orianta loses the ring given to her by Gerard. He is carried away by a lark, and she herself rejects the harassment of the knight Melathir. He in retaliation accuses her of killing a woman. For which she is sentenced to be burned at the stake.

Lizard peeps on Orianta while bathing. For a noble knight and count, such an occupation should have been simply unacceptable!

Meanwhile, Gerard, who has forgotten his past, is going to marry Eglantina, but then he meets a lark with a ring around his neck, his memory returns to him and ... he finds another suitor for Eglantina, and he leaves Cologne. On the way, he defeats the giant Brudigolan and learns about the sad fate of his beloved.

He immediately gets to where she is imprisoned before execution, challenges her accuser to a duel, and he, being defeated, confesses to the slander. Now Gerard is looking for de Forez, also defeats him in the tournament and denounces him before the king.

As a result, Lizard de Forez was forced to confess his crime. For which, by order of the king, he was tied to the tail of a horse, and they drove it around the city until he died, after which his corpse was hung on a tree. The unfaithful governess Gondra was boiled alive in a cauldron, while Gerard of Nevers and the beautiful Orianthe were united by marriage!

Around 1230, a voluminous prose novel about Tristan and Isolde was also created, the action of which is already unfolding simultaneously in the court of King Mark, Isolde's husband and uncle Tristan, as well as in the court of King Arthur, with Tristan bred by one of the Knights of the Round Table and busy searching for the legendary Grail.

Very often, the theme of illustrations of medieval chivalric novels was tournament fights, and why this is so is quite understandable. Here, for example, is an image of one such fight from the "Romance of Tristan" 1410-1420. National Library of Austria, Vienna

Another anonymous French prose chivalric novel about tragic love, La Belle Magelona, ​​was written around 1438. Its plot is as follows: the son of the Count of Provence - Pierre learns about the beauty of the daughter of the Neapolitan king Magelona. He goes to Italy, captivates her heart and kidnaps, but an accident separates them. Here Pierre is captured by the Saracens, and they take him overseas, to the court of the Sultan, where he becomes ... his close and confidant. Magelona, ​​dressed as a pilgrim, arranges a hospice and a hospital for the poor in Provence. And now, many years later, sick Pierre ends up in this shelter, not even suspecting that it is here that he will find his beautiful Magelona.

Well, one of the last preprinted chivalric novels is The Romance of Jean Parisian, a novel by an anonymous author, which was created in France at the very end of the 1494th century between November 1495 and December XNUMX ...

In any case, all these novels, although naive in our modern opinion, for the people of the Middle Ages were the most interesting and in many ways instructive reading, while the miniatures helped readers to visualize their content.
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  1. +17
    4 March 2023 06: 33
    Thanks to the author for talking about chivalric romances of the Middle Ages. But these were not in school and city libraries, so they were not available to the general reader. But Walter Scott's novels "Ivanhoe", "Quentin Dorward" ..., which many read in childhood than not chivalric novels. By the way, they are not naive, captivating with their plot, giving the concept of nobility and honor.
    1. +13
      4 March 2023 07: 00
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Thanks to the author for talking about chivalric romances of the Middle Ages. But these were not in school and city libraries, so they were not available to the general reader. But Walter Scott's novels "Ivanhoe", "Quentin Dorward" ..., which many read in childhood.

      I greet everyone hi I join in gratitude to the Author, the article, as they say, has gone good
      I agree with the Rotmistr, from everything listed in the article - in childhood there was an opportunity to get acquainted only with Tristan and Isolde under the authorship of Joseph Bedier. By the way, the plot of this novel wanders (in its interpretation) among many different peoples. I was surprised to learn that Belarusians have their own version, the legend of Tryshchan!
      Great weekend to everyone !
    2. +11
      4 March 2023 07: 10
      Quote: rotmistr60
      But Walter Scott's novels "Ivanhoe", "Quentin Dorward" ..., which many read in childhood than not chivalric novels.

      These are novels about the Middle Ages, but written not at that time, but much later.
    3. +8
      4 March 2023 11: 39
      Thanks to the author for talking about chivalric romances of the Middle Ages. But these were not in school and city libraries, so they were not available to the general reader.

      Well, why, Gennady, are they not available to the general reader?
      Library of World Literature. Volume 22 "Medieval novel and story"

      HELL. Mikhailov. Novel and story of the high Middle Ages (5).
      Chretien de Troy. Yvain, or the Knight with the Lion. Abridged translation from Old French by V. Mikushevich (31).
      A novel about Tristan and Isolde. Translation by Y. Stefanov (155).
      Aucassin and Nicolette. Translation by Al. Deutsch (229).
      Wolfram von Eschenbach. Parzival. Translation by L. Ginzburg (261).
      Hartmann von Aue. Poor Heinrich. Translation by L. Ginzburg (581).
      Notes by A.D. Mikhailov (617).
      K. Muratova. To illustrations (638).

      For the first time in childhood, I accidentally took it in the village library - I liked the cover and the pictures smile , but the text is not "entered"
      In 1975 the state gave the state free of charge a tape recorder "Daina" and a subscription to order audiobooks in the central library of the VOS to my grandfather - a visually impaired child of the Great Patriotic War - then he listened to the whole book in one breath, and in 1985, together with his wife, they bought the book itself in the commission department of a bookstore.
      1. +5
        4 March 2023 12: 01
        Separate volumes of the BVL house. Published amazingly. I'll go at least in the hands of some hold.
        1. +5
          4 March 2023 14: 16
          Quote from Korsar4
          Separate volumes of the BVL house. Published delightfully

          Why separate? All volumes of this series were published on excellent coated paper! Even holding such a book in my hands was a great pleasure ...
          1. +6
            4 March 2023 14: 51
            At home there are separate scattered volumes. Shahnameh, for example, I read in this edition.

            And then I bought some books in the Eksmo publishing house in a similar series. For example, Remark.
            1. +2
              4 March 2023 21: 20
              Quote from Korsar4
              Shahnameh, for example, I read in this edition.

              What a score! Very good translation.
              1. +1
                4 March 2023 21: 28
                Yes. The turns of speech are literally mesmerizing. And as a child, I read a book of fairy tales "The Golden Chest". Rustam was there. So, to some extent, an old acquaintance.
  2. +10
    4 March 2023 06: 58
    Ivanhoe, although the novel is not medieval, gives a good idea of ​​​​those times. I read it when I was in school and enjoyed it. Knights, love, castles, Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood - everything a teenager needs...
    1. +13
      4 March 2023 07: 16
      Quote: Luminman
      good performance

      Scott got it wrong with the armor. At that time, there were no Milanese shells ....
      1. +8
        4 March 2023 07: 48
        Quote: kalibr
        Scott messed with the armor there

        It's not strong...
        1. +18
          4 March 2023 08: 57
          Knights, love, castles, Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood - everything you need
          I join! Thanks to the author for the memories of a happy childhood!
          What does childhood smell like? - we forgot.
          Butterscotch, laughter, milk...
          What do adults smell like? - trite
          Perfume, sadness, cognac.
          1. +10
            4 March 2023 09: 08
            Perfume, sadness, cognac.

            But not everyone smells of cognac now, they smell more of others. request

            Hi Aleksey! drinks
      2. +6
        4 March 2023 11: 10
        In 1180, an already significant work by Alexander of Paris appeared, telling about the life of Alexander the Great.

        What is the real name of this French poet of the second half of the XII century, unfortunately, is unknown - history has preserved only his nickname - Alexander of Paris, aka Alexander de Bernay (fr. Alexandre de Paris, Alexandre de Bernay). Nicknamed Parisian by place of residence and de Berne by place of birth (Bernay in the Ayr department)
        1. +6
          4 March 2023 16: 03
          ... history has preserved only his nickname - Alexander of Paris, aka Alexander de Berne

          Good day Comrades!
          Now I will know who inspired Tolstoy and Volkov who wrote Pinocchio and the Wizard of the Emerald City.
          However, both in their works surpassed the originals, which cannot be said about the Parisian.
          By the way, consider their work plagiarism? The same Pushkin, in his Golden Fish, translated into Russian a German fairy tale with the same name.
          1. +3
            4 March 2023 16: 10
            By the way, consider their work plagiarism?
            Hello, Vlad!
            In world literature, there are only three main plots. And all of them were used by Homer. It turns out that all other writers are plagiarists?
            1. +2
              4 March 2023 17: 23
              Muse visited me today -
              I visited, so I sat for a bit and left!

              She had good reasons
              I have no right to whine
              Imagine: Muse ... at night ... with a man! —
              God knows what people will say about her.

              And yet I'm annoyed, lonely:
              After all, this Muse - people will confirm! —
              I stayed for days at the Block,
              She lived with Balmont without going out.

              I rushed to the table, all - impatience,
              But, Lord, have mercy and save,
              She's gone - inspiration gone
              And three rubles, should be in a taxi.
          2. +1
            5 March 2023 12: 48
            Hello Vladislav!
            The same Pushkin, in his Golden Fish, translated into Russian a German fairy tale with the same name.

            In the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "About the Fisherman and His Wife", a man caught an enchanted flounder.
            Pushkin's work - "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".
            And the great Zinovy ​​​​Gerd called it the Tale of Love! Mikhail Kazinik spoke about the same. Highly recommended, very well said!

            Thanks to Vyacheslav Olegovich for a good mood!

            Best regards,
      3. +2
        4 March 2023 18: 35
        Well, at the time of Walter Scott, history, as a science, was in its infancy - therefore, in terms of historicity, his novels are really medieval.
  3. Fat
    4 March 2023 07: 00
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich. Gorgeous illustrations, the story about the content of the "chivalrous" novels is very interesting. Read with care and pleasure. Unfortunately, this article ended up in a place not intended for it, in the "opinions" section, although this study is directly related to history request
    1. +12
      4 March 2023 07: 15
      Good morning, dear Andrei Borisovich! Glad you liked the article. Worked on it for a long time. Well, as for the "hit" - I'm not the one who puts the materials into sections.
      1. +18
        4 March 2023 07: 53
        Good morning, Vyacheslav! smile
        Thank you, after modern reading, such naive, sweet tales are like a balm for the soul, even the "villains" are not scary there. And yes, the pictures are awe-inspiring. Yes
        1. +12
          4 March 2023 10: 14
          Yep, here it is:

          As a result, Lizard de Forez was forced to confess his crime. For which, by order of the king, he was tied to the tail of a horse, and they drove it around the city until he died, after which his corpse was hung on a tree. The unfaithful governess Gondra was boiled alive in a cauldron...

          What naive-savage forms justice acquired in those days under the applause and tears of tenderness of the reading public! wassat )))
          'Cause it all ended so well
          Gerard Neversky and the beautiful Orianta are united in marriage!

          Good morning friends! And good mood to all! )))
          Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, for a wonderful article! I haven't read the novels, but I don't judge.
          wassat )))
        2. +8
          4 March 2023 11: 56
          A dragon named nightmare
          He killed a hundred knights,
          And for me he is like a mosquito
          Killed him with a snap.
          Although the mountain was the size,
          When he met me
          I killed this bulk with a click.

          Like an oak my hand is strong,
          When I fight the dragon
          And so I'm terrible in battle,
          That I'm afraid of myself.
          When I start the fight
          Raise your sword above your head
          Honestly, I'm afraid of myself.

          But just get off the horse
          You can't recognize me
          Because, in essence,
          I am very tender at heart.
          Let the enemies run away
          And you run to me
          Don't be afraid of me
          My love.
    2. +6
      4 March 2023 11: 29
      Unfortunately, this article ended up in a place not intended for it, in the "opinions" section, although this study is directly related to history
      "Yeah!" (WITH)
      On the "history" today is full of trash, waste and sodomy!
      1. +7
        4 March 2023 11: 37
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        On the "history" today is full of trash, waste and sodomy!

        It seems that neural networks now not only draw, but also write. hi
        1. +6
          4 March 2023 11: 54
          "... "swearing will not make the cards good, and the wind will be fair."
          - Is it from Scripture, holy father?
          - Holy Father in Rome! No, it's from Jack London." (C)
        2. +6
          4 March 2023 12: 03
          No. You will not dare to identify some passages either as a human creation or as a neural network.
          1. +6
            4 March 2023 12: 30
            [/ quote] [quote = Korsar4] Some passages do not dare to be identified either as a human creation or as a neural network

            However, there are no complaints about the geese, everything seems to be fine with the geese. hi
            1. +3
              4 March 2023 22: 51
              However, there are no complaints about the geese, everything seems to be fine with the geese.

              The inscription on the panic button: "In case of fire - steal, kill, fuck geese, wait for a response signal." laughing
          2. +6
            4 March 2023 13: 06
            And I like this joke
            And during his campaign, Alexander met wild hairy women
            okay, there are monsters, dragons with elephants, they are already used to it, but here are “wild women”, and besides, they are also “hairy”. What a nightmare!!! wassat And how did Alexander manage to get out?!
            1. +7
              4 March 2023 15: 00
              The Argonauts from Lemnos nevertheless fled. Even though it wasn't easy.
              1. +5
                4 March 2023 22: 54
                The Argonauts from Lemnos nevertheless fled. Even though it wasn't easy.

                The cunning Odysseus delivers more - sail the seas for ten years, so as not to see his wife. wink At the same time and have fun! fellow
                1. +5
                  4 March 2023 23: 37
                  The ten years were busy. That not all of Odysseus' companions went through this “quest” to the end. One cave of Polyphemus is worth something.
                  1. +2
                    5 March 2023 12: 52
                    One cave of Polyphemus is worth something.

                    It's true. And how they ate a comrade enchanted into a pig - too.
              2. 0
                5 March 2023 10: 07
                Quote from Korsar4
                Argonauts from Lemnos still escaped

                There is a similar creation "Pontarch Island" by Kaminsky. An attempt to write a story in the medieval style of chivalric romances.
  4. +13
    4 March 2023 08: 06
    she is rescued by Flemish sailors, and she herself ends up with the Sultan of Almeria and ... becomes his wife.

    Wait: this is "Angelica and the Sultan"? laughing
    1. +12
      4 March 2023 09: 28
      Wait: this is "Angelica and the Sultan"?

      I confess, I watched all the parts. Poor woman - she was raped in almost every episode. Except for the Sultan.
      1. +15
        4 March 2023 10: 19
        Poor woman - she was raped in almost every episode. Except for the Sultan.

        So-to be with the Sultan came a bummer, the poor thing was unlucky. laughing

        1. +14
          4 March 2023 11: 26
          So-to be with the Sultan came a bummer, the poor thing was unlucky.

          Duc, this Sultan was not lucky! sad All without exception adventurers, counts, and even her rural peers fucked her a bunch of times in a film, but the whole Sultan did not! stop I already shed a tear - I feel sorry for the Sultan! request Too bad! angry Damn piglets! crying
      2. +7
        4 March 2023 10: 23
        she was raped in almost every episode. Except for the Sultan.

        What, the same sultan?! belay
        We urgently need to download the film and buy beer with crackers.
        Everyone, for now hi
        1. +6
          4 March 2023 16: 08
          Quote: Richard
          she was raped in almost every episode. Except for the Sultan.

          What, the same sultan?! belay
          We urgently need to download the film and buy beer with crackers.
          Everyone, for now hi

          It is better to read a book, or rather a book. If I do not confuse their 7 novels, an order of magnitude deeper than the film adaptation.
          1. +3
            4 March 2023 22: 48
            It is better to read a book, or rather a book. If I do not confuse their 7 novels, an order of magnitude deeper than the film adaptation.

            Vladislav, you're scaring me! drinks In the books she was fucked by three times as many people?? belay
      3. +8
        4 March 2023 11: 23
        Why repent?
        I also watched all the parts of "Angelica" and was still surprised - the hairstyle was modern, the makeup, again ... They didn't know how to make films on retro topics then. I experienced the same feelings, akin to irritation, looking at Natasha Rostova in Bondarchuk's epic War and Peace.
        And I liked Geoffrey in "Angelica"! )))
    2. +7
      4 March 2023 10: 27
      Wait: this is "Angelica and the Sultan"?
      "Everything is standard with her: kids, her husband is legal
      And day-to-day worries do not let her sit down,
      And at night, sex is familiar, dull, monotonous
      Back and forth, back, 14 seconds.

      And she, poor thing, was not at all up to orgasm
      What kind of orgasm is there, the laundry is not washed
      Daughter has chicken pox, grandmother has insanity,
      Such a fun life.

      In a free moment in the subway, in the kitchen, in the bathroom
      She read women's romance novels.
      In them women are goddesses, men are supermen
      And their life is wonderful and extraordinary

      He doused her with the heat of a hot young body
      And she was already sweating, so she wanted his body
      Oh take me all, oh love me, in every way
      I'm young, I'm gentle, I'm clean, and not contagious at all

      The kiss intoxicated, and something sang in the thorn bush
      Her chest tightened with desire, her nipples hardened.
      Silver fountains above them, dragonflies flew
      "Mom, I want to poop." Eh, kids, they broke off the whole buzz

      Her husband is capricious, a tyrant in fact,
      Either you give cold borscht, or you go to curlers.
      Yes, it would be better if you showed your ambition in bed
      The goat is still hornless, but it is ahead.

      An old unlucky woman, everyone has it:
      Suddenly, an ironing board falls on your leg.
      And "Indesit" is broken, and "Tide" does not launder,
      And the Levante are torn, and there is longing in the soul.

      And then she goes to a cozy sofa,
      The cure for depression is romance.
      Let the pizza burnt and the husband managed to get drunk,
      But what happens on the one hundred and seventh page.

      The padishah shouted: "You, girl, reject me,
      I will give you to the servants, and you will know humiliation."
      Ten tall mulattos seized her and undressed her.
      Her chest tightened as usual, her nipples hardened.

      Ten tall mulattos without a word immediately took possession of her,
      Why don't the mulattos really take possession of it?!
      Then suddenly the prince galloped up, killed everyone and opened his arms to her.
      "To phone you" - ugh, when will I be able to finish reading.

      The boss at work grabs his knees,
      He shakes his drooling lip with lust.
      And in this regard, it’s easy for Verka’s friend
      Here she has a boss - a blue man.

      Years fly like a train - with a frightening acceleration.
      Where are you, hero-lover, in what forest are you stuck?
      Where are you, with a relief body, with a mobile phone?
      Where the hell are you, menopause is on your nose.

      Let them say that it is a surrogate, that it is vulgar and vulgar,
      But life is sometimes a greater farce than all these novels.
      Let critics and snobs squeamishly wrinkle their faces,
      But how he fell in love with her on the one hundred and seventh page.

      Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress,
      Through thorns, I got into the circle of Hollywood bohemia.
      The director is a drug addict and the producer is a slutty ca.
      This is not Mosfilm for you, but the rotten insides of Hollywood.

      And she lay naked in the director's bed,
      Her chest tightened, well understandable, her nipples hardened.
      In voluptuous excitement he tore off her veil.
      "Listen, wife, did you read it? Again, the milk ran away." "(C)
      1. +6
        4 March 2023 11: 50
        What was it? wassat belay

        1. +3
          4 March 2023 12: 10
          What was it?
          Timur Shaov "Love novels".
          1. +3
            4 March 2023 12: 55
            Well, well ... Do not continue further, and so everything is clear. stop

            1. +3
              4 March 2023 14: 09
              Do not continue further, and so everything is clear.
              And I generally thought: is it worth it to continue here.
              1. +7
                4 March 2023 15: 48
                It's as you want, but it will be boring without you. smile drinks
                1. +2
                  4 March 2023 22: 57
                  I will take into account your recommendations, Uncle Kostya.
  5. +12
    4 March 2023 08: 48
    Stevenson's "Black Arrow" can also be attributed to this genre. There are also contemporary authors, such as Boris Konofalsky. "The Way of the Inquisitor. 1. Something from Rutte" - a fascinating story. Weapons, armor, life - everything is described in detail there. A little fantasy - in moderation.
    1. Fat
      5 March 2023 09: 05
      hi Yuri.
      Quote: Waterways 672
      captivating storytelling. Weapons, armor, life - everything is described in detail there. A little fantasy - in moderation.

      I must say, on reflection, that almost all fantasy is largely modified "chivalric novels" Yes
    2. +2
      5 March 2023 10: 18
      Quote: Waterways 672
      and contemporary authors

      Then the "Antique Drug Mafia" by the author "Reckless" should also be a chivalric novel - "Weapons, armor, life - all this is described in detail there." The period of the end of the Roman Empire, the territory of Spain and beyond everywhere.
      And the "escape for the Styx" too, because there the slandered and vilely murdered witch restored justice through the centuries. As she could, she even seduced Trump's daughter. And Colonel Mattis is quite recognizable there.
  6. +5
    4 March 2023 10: 18
    All the military scenes depicted in the novel are highly accurate, although the use of the "toad head" tournament helmet in battle raises certain doubts.

    Because this is not a "toad head" helmet, which is still a century away, at least. This is a bougiver, a separate element of armor, attached to a cuirass, which became widespread at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Used with all types of helmets.
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
  7. +4
    4 March 2023 11: 04
    The fate of a woman who was slandered, but who restored her good name, is also the content of the poetic "Romance of the Rose, or Guillaume of Dole", the first half of the XNUMXth century, truver Jean Renard.
    I will clarify. There are two "Romances of the Rose" and one sequel. The content of the latter has been a field of gender-philosophical battles for seven centuries.
  8. +2
    4 March 2023 20: 38
    At the end of the day, I will add a little objective criticism, I, naively, expected to see the opinion of more sophisticated colleagues, but alas ...
    The theme of the "knightly romance" is vast and multifaceted, however, like all medieval fiction. And it is not clear to me why the author focused his attention on such a motley selection of works. Apparently, "the stars converged so" (or the "pictures" got closer) ...
    1. +3
      4 March 2023 21: 17
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      on such a diverse selection of works

      Did you have to repeat? Can uniformity be the goal of this? Diversity is a virtue, not a disadvantage.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        4 March 2023 23: 11
        Oh, Vyacheslav Olegovich! You and I are fond of different types of "sports" in history. You "surf", I "diving"...
  9. +2
    5 March 2023 08: 45
    Quote: rotmistr60
    But Walter Scott's novels "Ivanhoe", "Quentin Dorward" ..., which many read in childhood than not chivalric novels. By the way, they are not naive, captivating with their plot, giving the concept of nobility and honor.

    But those who were extremely far from real historicism, and even under the nobility and honor in the Middle Ages, they meant something else.
    The series "Game of Thrones" is fantasy, in some respects not very believable and absurd, but the spirit of that era is partly true. These aristocrats, kings, knights... essentially differed little from the current criminal authorities.

    "Honor, Nobility... Concepts!"
  10. +2
    5 March 2023 13: 06
    And there is a novel about the victim of chivalric romances...

    Bought in a second-hand bookstore, 1917 edition.
  11. +1
    6 March 2023 09: 46
    Quote: Konnick
    And there is a novel about the victim of chivalric romances...

    A real masterpiece, full of subtle irony.
    But I do not consider Don Quixote a victim, just as they do not consider Che Guevara a victim.
    Esse homo!
    Don Quixote would become a victim if by a miracle he was transferred to the 13th-14th century. How ruthlessly his illusions would be shattered if he faced real knights.

    The novel about Don Quixote is an example of how the most beautiful flowers of Ideals grow from the spiritual garbage of reality.