"Now you're in the Army." Life is Beautiful and amazing

"Now you're in the Army." Life is Beautiful and amazing

Episode VI of the New Year's fairy tale with a sequel

The part is festive, humorous, kind, anti-alcohol.

The first half of this section of the tale goes under the motto:

In order not to repeat myself, let me briefly remind you that in our unit there were no problems with leave on weekends - there were problems with the leave forms, which were allocated strictly once a quarter. For example, we allocated 100 forms for a part for 3 months:

- in the first month, everyone who wished was issued a personal leave on the form,
- in the second month - already 2-5 people entered in one form,
- well, in the third month, up to 10 people were entered into the form, if such a form of leave could be obtained somewhere, but at least in the neighboring part.

Oh, if there was a copier then, everything could be completely different!

Situation... Saturday afternoon...

The senior sergeant somewhere found a form of leave through his channels, signed it with the company commander for 8 people. In terms of composition - a senior sergeant, two sergeants and 5 privates. All friends from the same company, in the local civil recreation center (house of culture) at 6 pm there was a premiere of some kind of comedy, and at 20:00 a festive disco dedicated to the upcoming New Year began there. Signed in advance, somewhere in 10 days.

The foreman, in order not to fool around with the issuance of the parade, waved a leave and fled to his beloved woman for the whole weekend (although he was considered responsible for the company and formally had to spend the day and spend the night in the barracks in the truest sense of the word). And before, as it was: whether you have a parade for going out into the city or not - you can’t see it under your overcoat, and boots and a hat - they are, as they say, in winter and in summer - one color.

Our guys got out of the unit, they were late for the bus, if you wait for the next one, you can be late for the film, so we went on foot, we went there for an hour and a half or two, we had time until 6 pm, and the buses then, in winter, and on weekends, went and not very often, and it happened with a violation of the schedule.

Almost reached, the commandant’s car slows down near them, the head of the commandant’s office comes out and asks to show documents. The senior sergeant unbuttons up his overcoat, takes out a leave of absence - all an honor in honor ...

But then the chief notices that there is no parade! He checks with the rest - no one has a parade. He puts them all in the booth of the commandant's zilka for transporting people and takes them away. But not immediately to the commandant's office - he gathered 5-6 people around the town and around 9 o'clock in the evening only began to deal with them all personally ...

... 22:00 - 8 people did not return with a leave ... 23:00 - they did not return ... The duty sergeant in the company sends a messenger for the foreman. They didn’t return at one in the morning, the foreman was on the spot - there was nothing to do, he called and reported to the company commander about the emergency. At three o'clock in the morning the company commander reports to the unit commander...

It was a national emergency! At that time, 8 Muscovites did not return from leave! (Well, like Muscovites ... 5 - called up from Moscow, one Jew from Tatarstan, a gypsy from Moldova and an Azerbaijani from Azerbaijan - so then they served together. And by positions in our AWP - a car mechanic, minder, storekeeper, blacksmith).

At 6 in the morning - there was nothing to do - they reported to the district headquarters ...

At 8 in the morning, the district headquarters reported to Moscow on the authority ...

They were put on the All-Union wanted list...

... And at 9 in the morning it turned out that they spent all this time in the commandant's office, the commandant's office had just prepared the documents and was going to report the flagrant violation of the form during the dismissal ...

Oh, what began here, what began ... Thunder and lightning flickered more often than in a storm and hurricane ...

Everyone got it ... Our foreman, the senior warrant officer, suffered especially ... They even wanted to put him on trial - he got off with a strict reprimand with entering into a personal file and deprivation of a quarterly bonus. Chapai himself stood up for him (I will tell you in a separate post) ...

Next comes "Repin's painting with engine oil."

Repin's oil painting

...About two months later, already at the beginning of spring, on Monday morning, the head of the commandant's office arrived at our workstation for divorce in the same car in which our children were taken away. The commandant's office had 4 zilka for transporting people - 3 ordinary ones, for soldiers, and one for transporting officers - "increased comfort", so to speak, on which the head of the commandant's office rode.

With all my negative attitude towards him, I can assure the respectable public - if everyone treated their duties the way he did, there would be no crime in that fairy-tale country as a class! “There was a plug in every barrel”, he controlled everything himself and kept everything in his tight iron. Yes, he was quick-tempered, yes, he was harsh - but he knew his business! The mouse will not slip, the mosquito will not fly by.

The head of the AWP and the head of the commandant's office were not just friends - buddies, I would say so. And when it was necessary to wait while his cars were being repaired, they usually hung out for an hour and a half in the office of the head of the AWP - to play cards, drink tea there and all that ... Without alcohol on working days - to clarify the situation.

In general, on a divorce with the foreman, who brought us to the workstation and was supposed to have 2 days for a legal weekend after 2 days of duty in the company, the head of the workstation sets the task for the foreman: something is wrong with the car, troit, sneezes, look- it is necessary to fool around, in short, so that it becomes better than zero ... And they go “to numbers”. Our foreman is already calling a sergeant - the head of the shift of car mechanics (this is who 2 months ago was a senior sergeant - they were removed from each of them for their flight with a stripe):

Did you hear the order? Execute! I will personally check! So that the "fly does not sit" - this is how everything should be done!

... And wind away from sin away to his woman.

Two hours later, from the zilka, which was not even a year old yet - one booth for transporting people remained on the repair pit - and so it was dismantled to the ground and troubleshooting was carried out.

It turned out that the frame had a crack (the frame was scrapped), the cabin was rusted, the wheels were bald, the bridges were in the trash, the engine was jammed ... And all this was confirmed by papers ...

When the enraged head of the commandant’s office burst into my room, for example, the student and I were just finishing “pulling” everything that was elistrical from his car ... The student finished disassembling the starter, I drained the electrolyte from the battery, but there was no wiring anymore - I managed to remove it and to drive a civilian driver for 5 rubles with installation in a week, when he goes on vacation.

And I had troubleshooting reports for everything - of course, they could check - a couple of auto electricians from the neighboring parts ... But we had "mutual responsibility", and they would confirm any nonsense and heresy that I wrote there - because I'm next once, too, I would have waved without looking at their “essay on a free theme”, when they needed to ...

The head of the AWP promised that everything would be restored soon, new spare parts would be taken from the warehouse (yeah, they would take them three times - the storekeeper was also on that ill-fated dismissal at the same time) and sent the commandants to the city in a yard ...

By the evening, we were not able to drive with all the workstations only a booth with the inscription "Commandant's Office" - no one wanted to buy it, let alone take it for free. In order not to be an eyesore, they rattled it into the sump with a hoist, and we all together began to pretend that we didn’t sleep for days and nights - we were repairing the muffinka.

Well, so that my dear readers are imbued with the situation ...

In that ill-fated dismissal, there were 2 more vacant places in the dismissal note, the company commander, especially before signing, asked everyone if there were still those who wanted it - he would write it down. Some didn’t have money, some were on work orders, some were already planning on self-propelled for women... Therefore, as they say, God had mercy on me and my student - unexpectedly on Friday evening on a rigid hitch dragged KAMAZ with burnt wiring - and we, like two black miners, changed and repaired everything there until Tuesday morning.

Therefore, like locusts, we attacked this commandant’s zilok with all our arm and in an hour and a half did not leave a stone unturned from him - for everyone understood that he could then be in the place of the victims.

In two weeks

... Two weeks later, on Friday evening, when the head of the commandant's office got tired of riding to our workstation every day with a question about his zilka, he locked himself with the head of our workstation in his office with something jingling in a closed shopping bag, and they "talked" there about nature, weather and youth fashion. The approximate reconstruction of that evening was as follows:

- Hey, Vasya, and Vasya ... Can you honestly answer my question: when will my car be repaired?

– Hic... Petrovich... Do you want to be honest?

- Hic... I want...

- Never!


“You offended everyone greatly ... Especially the foreman!”

– And what to do?

- Reconcile!

- But as?

- Well, as always in Rus', they put up after they clean each other's faces ?! You are small, right?

- ... And when to put up?

- On Monday morning, the foreman will just hand over duty ...

... Monday, we are on a divorce, we are given tasks. Then the commandant’s car drives in and the VVs begin to carry something hard in closed bags and a lot into the change house for civilian drivers. When the divorce is over, the head of the commandant’s office pulls out our foreman and invites him to follow him ...

At about 12 in the morning, staggering, holding each other, the foreman escorts the head of the commandant's office to his typewriter, they almost kiss passionately at parting, the commandant's office leaves. The foreman calls “our entire criminal gang” to the security booth at the checkpoint and sets the task:

- Hic ... On Friday morning, he will arrive ... hic ... a red chauffeur for his null car! There, at the civilians, everything that is on the left in the corner is yours, on the right - to hand over to the company commander tomorrow ... Personally I'll check!

And he leaves on our company ZIL-157 to his woman ... With a couple of cars ...

“To the left in the corner” there were two boxes of Stolichnaya, about 20 packs of filter cigarettes (a terrible shortage at that time, we usually have Prima or Belomor) and 15 kilograms of all sorts of delicacies ... We divided “brotherly”: the storekeeper took half for himself, the rest was “scattered among the participants”. My share - 2 bottles of vodka, 2 blocks of "Java" Java and a kilogram of 2 delicacies I "shared honestly" with my student. He did not smoke, I took cigarettes for myself, poured him a glass of vodka - for drinking alcohol in the army is nizya! Well, from the products, I personally made the most luxurious dinners for the two of us for 3 days personally - because it would be easier to throw the products in the trash than to allow it to cook.

By Friday morning, we didn’t have time, of course - you know, to “give birth out of thin air” to a new zilok - we handed it in for dinner ... 70 percent of the parts and spare parts were “completely by chance” found in the warehouse, 20 percent each found in their “bins of the Motherland” , and the remaining 10 were capitalized. According to the electrician: the light bulbs and the starter were used, the rest - even the dry battery - was given to me by the storekeeper.

I did better than I would have done myself! I even wiped everything inside the headlights with alcohol! Since then, at least, when our company was caught AWOL, they were released in order to avoid it and so that, but if they didn’t even dig into it in the official leave, the lesson was learned for the future.


The second half of this part of the tale goes under the motto:

About a month before the order, Chapai himself - as an apology - drove the commander of the unit to which our company was seconded - the body of the general's UAZ plus wiring, headlights, light bulbs - but that's it. The commander of the unit called his driver and said as soon as he would go new Uzaik - immediately to the demobilization, since the changer was already there.

A zero frame with military bridges was found by a comrade major from my fairy tale, an engine with attachments - also zero - “quite by accident” ended up with our storekeeper, I adjusted the battery and starter, etc., etc. - so “from boron on the pine" everything was found. Naturally, everything is by barter and not just like that - but we will not talk about the prose of life, we have a fairy tale, after all.

Three days after the order, when the demobilization had already slept off, got drunk, received lyuli according to the full scheme, work began on assembling a part of the new commander's UAZ in the garage. To all of us - about 10 people - the commander of the unit issued an order for 2 weeks. To understand the situation - we could even send the chief of staff of the unit by forest if he interfered with our work.

Days 3-4 I just hung out in the garage, waiting for the UAZ to be assembled. Then my turn came. Collected everything elestricheskoe, everything flashes, everything burns - but! An ambush - there are 5 free contacts left in the wiring - and it’s not even clear what to connect them to, because it’s already full stuffing - and everything works. In agreement with the carrier, I carefully wrapped them with electrical tape and shoved them inside the wiring.

For about a day or so, we “knocked on the wheels, wiped the mirrors” - as a result, the unit commander accepted our work, signed the demobilization at the carrier, and he gave us all, well, just a gorgeous dinner - we started at 11 pm, finished at 3 am. For the demobilization, he prepared brews in such an aluminum barrel of 25 liters, where they usually delivered water, tea, or the first in the army.

Well, first they drank 3 bottles of Stolichnaya to the crowd - then they reached the brew. I drank a soldier's mug - not in one eye. I finished my barbecue, I already want to sleep, it's time to go to the barracks, and then I do something stupid - I ask you to pour another mug of "this lemonade" "on the staff". The driver looks at me so suspiciously, asks if I am confident in my abilities? And I told him - like, what's your “lemonade” to me. He poured, I drank, said goodbye in spirit, he handed me a three-liter jar of brew, went out the garage gate, I lit a cigarette... And this is the last thing I remember...

Then, already in colors, they told me a heartbreaking history with my involvement...

Life is Beautiful?

The beginning of the fourth morning ... A body tumbles into the barracks "drunk-on-piano" body, puts the jar on the bedside table of the orderly, says: "To the commander!" and trying to go to bed... Dembel slept on the second floor - to watch TV from 10 a.m. after lights out until it stops - and the rookies from below: because there was not a fig to be seen from there. Yes, I understand that this does not look right from the outside - but "being determines consciousness." In short, at the very least, I undressed, but I couldn’t climb up to the second floor even with several attempts ... And nothing smart came to my mind how to start waking everyone in turn from the first floor and digging into him with the question:

- Answer me honestly! Is life really beautiful and amazing?

And while they did not give me a positive answer, I did not lag behind ...

I went around, that means, the first floor, lifted everyone ... Then again I tried to climb to my second floor - again it didn’t work, I even fell, so specifically ... Then, I started to wake up the demobilizers from the second floor ... On the third demobilization they tired, six people tied me up and nevertheless put me to bed - they say, as soon as they threw me on the bed, and my head touched the pillow - I fell asleep instantly.

The next morning, the junior sergeant on duty in the company, perhaps, would have hidden the entire night incident from the company commander - and this was not the case at night - but here a three-liter can of mash was at stake. I had to give the brew for its intended purpose, and lay me down according to the “full scheme”. At the same time, he didn’t have to invent where the two demobilizations got black eyes and one broken nose at the greenhorn (well, not completely broken - smashed to the ground). Still, my three years of boxing in front of the army for the “cheerleading group” were not in vain.

The company commander ordered me not to touch me for another week - well, and then he promised to "talk to me heart to heart."

Well, I didn't wait a week...

How I woke up in the evening, how I learned everything from a hangover, ran to the garage, got drunk there, ate the remnants of dinner, overslept, the next morning put myself in perfect order, closed my order-outfit with the chief of staff, caught our company commander myself and reported:

- Comrade Captain! Allow me to report! Private Korolev has arrived at your full disposal to fulfill his demobilization chord!

I got off with just duty people - for the company commander was imbued that even in an unconscious state, but I respect him, just like in this joke:

A man wakes up the next day after drinking, his head is splitting, a black eye flaunts under his eye ... He gets out of bed, and there the slippers are carefully lined up. He looks - everything is cleaned in the apartment, everything shines. He goes to the kitchen - he sees a glass of brine on the table and breakfast is cooked, next to it is a note: “Beer in the refrigerator. Gone to work, love. Your wife".
The man does not understand anything. The son is returning from school.
- What happened yesterday?
- You crawled drunk at night, with a black eye and vomited everything around.
- Yes, I'm not talking about that, where did breakfast, beer come from? ..
- Ah ... It was your mother who took off your dirty pants, and you told her: “Leave me alone,
IM married!"

Well, I covered the injured boys with such a normal clearing as an apology - all claims were removed from me.

Once again, everyone from February 23! Health, happiness and success! And don't forget the classics:

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  1. +15
    23 February 2023 04: 39
    Author's addition to the article

    Do you still remember from the first part that this is a fairy tale? Was there really nothing like that? feel

    About two or three weeks after the "world" it happened like this:
    - the chip did not work on the AWS, the saleswoman went to the base for the whole day, I went on a self-propelled vehicle to the nearest civilian store - because it turned out to send my student-salaga using the "experimental poke" method, it was easier to throw money away than to trust him even with something - then buy in the store. This is how "Electronics" could even grow cooler than I - but as a "bytovik" - I already mentally expressed condolences to his future wife (who so far did not even exist in theory) - a classic version in everyday life of "Scattered from the street Basin"
    - half an hour later, a ZIL-131 arrived at our workstation from the commandant's office with a broken headlight and a light bulb in it - they caught a fugitive with a weapon from the guards of the Strategic Missile Forces point in the forest at night - they caught it - but crashed into a tree - and they wanted to at least urgently insert a new light bulb - figs with her, with a broken headlight

    A senior warrant officer arrived on a zilka - a "hardened bison" about 45 years old + a driver + a senior sergeant of centuries ... We found my Student in our closet - he honestly went through the wiring.

    - We need to replace the light bulb in the headlight!
    - There are no light bulbs and are not expected! (which was true - not once in 2 years of service did the storekeeper give us a single light bulb)
    - I see... Where is your Teacher?
    - To the "cemetery" - he makes out what else is there!
    - ... understandable ... (for the sake of simplicity of the moment - the salaga is sitting in the warmth - and almost a demobilization is lying around in the mud with fuel oil - it’s easier to assume that crocodiles fly)))) Well, find me - even if it were true - on the territory of the "cemetery" of cars - one and a half by two kilometers - one could search until the third coming and not find it)))

    3 people were placed in the cockpit of the zilka - the starprapor says to the senior sergeant approximately the following:
    - The chip is closed. Judging by the "honest eyes" of the rookie - an auto electrician on a self-propelled to the nearest store. You don’t have to drive on asphalt - it’s about twenty kilometers there, he will have time to return back before you get there. You leave the gate, to the right, about 300 meters on the left you will see a path among the dirt in the field - you move out and you don’t drive in first gear. You'll catch up in 15 minutes. Time has gone! And instantly back!

    And go to the change house to civilian carriers ...

    Well, literally nothing was left before the store - 100 meters, well, maybe 200 at the most ... behind "fa-fa" (and this is in an open field !!!) I turn around - the commandant's office ... The first thought was of course to escape - and would problems, on a spring field, I would give any all-terrain vehicle a head start - but the sergeant’s face was too familiar ... they smoked more than one pack of cigarettes in the smoking room while he was waiting at the AWP for the completion of the repair of his cars ... they didn’t smoke together in the sense - just a smoking room there was one for all ... although he was decent with a wolf ...

    - Queen!!! So you and so! Quickly into the cockpit, we urgently need to change the light bulb in the headlight, the starprapor tears and flies!!!
    - Bug! (Short for his last name - Bugailo (you can laugh - but that was his real name)) What task did you set? Change the light bulb in half an hour or in the next five years?
    _ ... silence - playing with the jaws
    - Let's do this - in one fell swoop throw to the store and instantly back - I'll even show you the way shorter! And in half an hour everything will be ok!
    - To hell with you - but only quickly!

    I drove "like a white man" to the store, well, if by car - I bought not for 3 rubles, but for all 10 rubles of food - it’s not possible to drag it back on my own - we drove to the AWP - in 15 minutes, together with my Student, even a headlight for them replaced by zero - not like a light bulb !!! They treated you kindly - and you didn’t remain in debt))) I even treated the VVs with gingerbread at my own expense))) We parted ways, so to speak =) Then I only bought potatoes 10-12 kg = one thing all this wealth to drag yourself back through impassable mud - and another thing, with comfort on a muffin)))

    Once again, everyone from February 23!!!

    1. +12
      23 February 2023 06: 35
      Sergey, thank you!!! Write, you have a light pen and a wonderful flight of thought and facts! 5+++
    2. +11
      23 February 2023 06: 35
      Thank you for the story, a fairy tale, Something like this in our rem company. Happy holiday dear forum users, health to you!
    3. +15
      23 February 2023 06: 39
      They treated you well - and you didn’t remain in debt either
      A good life rule - I try to stick to it!
      Happy Holidays, people!
    4. +5
      23 February 2023 11: 54
      Oh yes ... I remembered))) As for my student ... when I already handed over to him all the affairs, my stash and caches, I began to make my demobilization chord - just then my student’s inability to reality manifested itself in all its glory))) There where I asked for 10 rubles. for work - he agreed for 1 rub. - half of the civilians literally carried him in my arms for this ... On the other hand, where I asked for 1 rub. - less than 10 rubles. he did not agree))) But it was like in that joke "The mice cried, pricked themselves, but continued to eat the cactus")))))))) the second half of the civilians still had no choice)))

      Peter!!! Oh yes, already Peter Ivanovich !!! good If you suddenly read my Tale - give KAMAZ starter for 5!!! rubles - I have no words !!! am

      On the other hand ... To drive a cheap turn signal relay for 15 rubles with the "here and now" setting - I take off my hat hi I hope your wife doesn't hit you with a rolling pin every day. feel Two days a week, then she should have the same days off laughing

      Happy holiday to you !!! drinks
      1. +2
        23 February 2023 23: 45
        Quote: Corona without virus
        Happy holiday to you !!!

        Thank you for the memories!
        And here I am from the commandant's office, May 86-88, Leningrad military district.
        Security of warehouses, guardhouses, bringing those arrested to work - in the daily guard (3 regiments of the construction battalion, company BB, auto company, 12 frontier posts, marine coast guard were kept at our guardhouse).

        Patrolling around the city (closed city), VAI posts, the "interception" plan, escorting military collectors in parts, firing took place on the day when they were in the unit. All the guys were tall, athletic, without a criminal record.

        So they served - a day on guard and a day in a unit. It should be noted, not more boring than you had.

        In wartime, my VUS is a shooter, a black chauffeur, a combined arms officer, although they served in the commandant's office! Our function in wartime was to take pillboxes, block all roads to the city, hold out for 30 minutes. Further, after our death, a company of explosives along the perimeter of the Leningrad NPP (Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant) entered the business. During this time, the Pskov paratroopers and tank units were supposed to approach.

        Happy Holidays everyone, guys! The warmest memories of the USSR, the SA and our youth!
        1. +2
          24 February 2023 12: 07
          My uncle himself served as a security guard in the BB - he even received a medal when he himself caught a runaway prisoner in one face good Therefore, at first I learned about the explosives from the stories of my uncle, and then I met myself in the army, and I know for sure that the service there was not sugar))
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +11
    23 February 2023 07: 30
    Excellent storyteller! +++
    Happy Day of the Soviet Army and Navy!
  4. +4
    23 February 2023 08: 43
    Thank you!
    It's nice to read and remember your urgent.
    Happy Holidays!
    1. -1
      23 February 2023 12: 05
      Quote from Fangaro
      It's nice to read and remember your urgent.

      It is immediately evident NOT SERVED!!!!
      1. 0
        25 February 2023 01: 30
        exactly. given that the leave forms at my headquarters were like g ..... I came in charge on Sunday and the entire battery (from which I left for headquarters) was in the city. who goes where: cinema, wine and dominoes. he himself led the most deserving to dances-mantsy-embracing at the medical school = there was a hostel next to the unit, and 15 minutes before the evening formation, everyone stood ready at the front. someone else fastened his fly on the go in 3-5 minutes already in the unit. no one was late - they knew that they would be late = next Sunday there will be no .... kisses wink
  5. -7
    23 February 2023 12: 04
    The senior sergeant somewhere found a form of leave through his channels, signed with the company commander for 8 people
    In reality, the author, he is a writer, heard the ringing but does not know where he is. Not only was there a layoff schedule. which could change according to the schedule. BUT the list of those dismissed was signed by the commander of the platoon, and not by the new sergeant, but by the commanders. On the basis of which the dismissals were issued. or individual (wife / mother came here document) or collective. The senior is responsible for all.,.
    And before, as it was: do you have a parade for going out into the city or not - you can’t see it under your overcoat, but boots and a hat - they are, as they say, that in winter, that in summer - one color.
    We went to the ridge in BOOTS - remember this loshara.
    1. +4
      23 February 2023 12: 23
      “Loshara” remembers something - then he never saw winter boots when he was born - he didn’t even hear that such ones exist! bully

      Happy Holiday !!! drinks

      This is a fairy tale!!! and there, in these fairy tales, what just does not happen ... feel fellow wink
    2. +4
      23 February 2023 12: 28
      BUT the list of those dismissed was signed by the commander of the platoon, and not by the new sergeant, but by the commanders.

      But I clearly wrote that - the senior sergeant - he also signed the command post - and approved the commanders !!! What's wrong again?! )))))))))
    3. +4
      23 February 2023 13: 50
      Quote: Fitter65
      The senior sergeant somewhere found a form of leave through his channels, signed with the company commander for 8 people
      In reality, the author, he is a writer, heard the ringing but does not know where he is. Not only was there a layoff schedule. which could change according to the schedule. BUT the list of those dismissed was signed by the commander of the platoon, and not by the new sergeant, but by the commanders. On the basis of which the dismissals were issued. or individual (wife / mother came here document) or collective. The senior is responsible for all.,.
      And before, as it was: do you have a parade for going out into the city or not - you can’t see it under your overcoat, but boots and a hat - they are, as they say, that in winter, that in summer - one color.
      We went to the ridge in BOOTS - remember this loshara.

      There is no need to insult! All who served are judged from their bell tower!
      Eg. I served three years. What are boots in the army, I don’t know and don’t know! All three years in kirzachs, if you do not take into account the flight uniform. So are socks. Our footcloths are everything! laughing . Not if I bought it at my own expense, for God's sake! Wear it! Hazing? I haven't seen it and I don't know what it is!
      Did you have it?
    4. +1
      24 February 2023 14: 01
      The layoff schedule was not even close - after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the part was framed to the point of obscenity. In one of the divisions (on the D-1), 50% of the personnel were on a business trip (a fighter was at the utility yard), and 50 on the road - led the commander.
      Leaves were written for both 10 and 1 person - according to need, employment and the desire of the battery commander.
      On dismissal, they went exclusively in khbshki and berets - the paradox was the wildest shortage. There was only one battery - which was issued for 1 post to the banner at the division headquarters.
      And so in all parts of the division .. The officers drank or drove those parades during the withdrawal - I don’t know
      1. +1
        24 February 2023 16: 22
        Quote: your1970
        The layoff schedule was not even close - after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the part was framed to the point of obscenity. In one of the divisions (on the D-1), 50% of the personnel were on a business trip (a fighter was at the utility yard), and 50 on the road - led the commander.
        Leaves were written for both 10 and 1 person - according to need, employment and the desire of the battery commander.
        On dismissal, they went exclusively in khbshki and berets - the paradox was the wildest shortage. There was only one battery - which was issued for 1 post to the banner at the division headquarters.
        And so in all parts of the division .. The officers drank or drove those parades during the withdrawal - I don’t know

        As I understand it, each locality had its own dress code. good Lchino, I have never seen berets in the Army in my life !!! But we were given felt boots to everyone when they switched to winter clothing. If it was below -15 degrees - you can go to the ridge in felt boots - it was allowed. Well, if it is lower than -25 degrees - ONLY !!! in felt boots released on leave laughing Yes, there are soldiers! We also had generals in felt boots cut through in winter - and this was considered the norm wassat bully hi
  6. +2
    23 February 2023 12: 44
    Thank you! Everything is like in youth! Happy holiday everyone!!!
  7. +2
    23 February 2023 13: 10
    "Drunk like a piano" sounds correct, but the author's version is also acceptable.
    1. +2
      23 February 2023 13: 41
      The author still has nightmares from time to time - "And we have trouble again - the essay again" laughing wink feel If you read the Tale from the first part - it is clearly and clearly written there - with a silver medal at school 4 in Russian and a liter in "big connections" with me))))

  8. +1
    23 February 2023 14: 21
    Quote: your vsr 66-67
    Quote: Fitter65
    The senior sergeant somewhere found a form of leave through his channels, signed with the company commander for 8 people
    In reality, the author, he is a writer, heard the ringing but does not know where he is. Not only was there a layoff schedule. which could change according to the schedule. BUT the list of those dismissed was signed by the commander of the platoon, and not by the new sergeant, but by the commanders. On the basis of which the dismissals were issued. or individual (wife / mother came here document) or collective. The senior is responsible for all.,.
    And before, as it was: do you have a parade for going out into the city or not - you can’t see it under your overcoat, but boots and a hat - they are, as they say, that in winter, that in summer - one color.
    We went to the ridge in BOOTS - remember this loshara.

    There is no need to insult! All who served are judged from their bell tower!
    Eg. I served three years. What are boots in the army, I don’t know and don’t know! All three years in kirzachs, if you do not take into account the flight uniform. So are socks. Our footcloths are everything! laughing . Not if I bought it at my own expense, for God's sake! Wear it! Hazing? I haven't seen it and I don't know what it is!
    Did you have it?

    Happy Holidays! drinks
    1. Shoes were given to us in the summer on leave - I won’t lie good As for winter boots - I didn’t even really hear that there are such)))
    2. Socks - even the best ones - have not been worn in kirzachs for more than 3 days laughing Or rather, how - if you are Rich Pinocchio and you don’t feel sorry for buying new socks every 2-3 days - yes, it’s not a question))) But in the end, footcloths were worn in kirzachs - flannelettes in winter - and it was a voluntary choice of everyone)))
    3. of course, there were elements of hazing even in our company ... but !!! in a mild form, so to speak))) for example, to run into my rookie is to consider that they ran into me (well, or when I myself was a rookie - an attempt to run into me was regarded as a personal challenge to my Teacher - it came to scuffle between demobilizations))
    1. +2
      23 February 2023 15: 41
      Quote: Crown without virus
      Quote: your vsr 66-67
      Quote: Fitter65
      The senior sergeant somewhere found a form of leave through his channels, signed with the company commander for 8 people
      In reality, the author, he is a writer, heard the ringing but does not know where he is. Not only was there a layoff schedule. which could change according to the schedule. BUT the list of those dismissed was signed by the commander of the platoon, and not by the new sergeant, but by the commanders. On the basis of which the dismissals were issued. or individual (wife / mother came here document) or collective. The senior is responsible for all.,.
      And before, as it was: do you have a parade for going out into the city or not - you can’t see it under your overcoat, but boots and a hat - they are, as they say, that in winter, that in summer - one color.
      We went to the ridge in BOOTS - remember this loshara.

      There is no need to insult! All who served are judged from their bell tower!
      Eg. I served three years. What are boots in the army, I don’t know and don’t know! All three years in kirzachs, if you do not take into account the flight uniform. So are socks. Our footcloths are everything! laughing . Not if I bought it at my own expense, for God's sake! Wear it! Hazing? I haven't seen it and I don't know what it is!
      Did you have it?

      Happy Holidays! drinks
      1. Shoes were given to us in the summer on leave - I won’t lie good As for winter boots - I didn’t even really hear that there are such)))
      2. Socks - even the best ones - have not been worn in kirzachs for more than 3 days laughing Or rather, how - if you are Rich Pinocchio and you don’t feel sorry for buying new socks every 2-3 days - yes, it’s not a question))) But in the end, footcloths were worn in kirzachs - flannelettes in winter - and it was a voluntary choice of everyone)))
      3. of course, there were elements of hazing even in our company ... but !!! in a mild form, so to speak))) for example, to run into my rookie is to consider that they ran into me (well, or when I myself was a rookie - an attempt to run into me was regarded as a personal challenge to my Teacher - it came to scuffle between demobilizations))

      And you with the holiday! drinks .
      Yes, I then served in 1966-1969. What boots then! It seems that in 1967 or 68 Grechko added oil, they began to give 20 g, and before that 10 g. In 1968, he definitely added monetary allowance. The air gunner began to receive 7-30, he added a good amount to air radio operators. If memory does not change the order of 15 rubles with class 3, for each subsequent class + 2-50. This is if memory serves! And so it was 4-80, 3-80 soldiers + ruble for the post! laughing . And nothing! There was enough for everything! True, there were not enough socks. laughing . Yes. After we changed the uniform. Unas tunic with cotton trousers. The ceremonial tunic was fastened under the throat. No turn-down collars! He was demobilized in a black-and-white tunic and trousers, since the commander adjusted his field uniform, and the navigator used his lame men, but they were still cool! Caps for us, the flight crew, and so relied not on cotton, but on black and white. That's how they served. Three years without a vacation, and did not cry!
      1. +2
        23 February 2023 16: 58
        And here some people think that then, in that fabulous country, we were served oysters in wine sauce for breakfast !!! wassat laughing tongue
  9. +4
    23 February 2023 15: 26
    Hmm yeah. The quintessence of chaos and disgust. Why be surprised that the system died. When even now the smell of its decomposition for many participants in those events is the best aroma. Are these the same people who are now shouting about corruption, nepotism in the top leadership, personal squabbles, and calling on all "parquet generals" to an inevitable response? Wonderful are your deeds, Lord. Although there is nothing to be surprised at - the most irreconcilable of all a person relates to the manifestation of those sins that he himself has not got rid of, but cannot admit it to himself. So he fights with them "at a distance". "Your" is seen everywhere.
    All a happy holiday.
    1. +2
      23 February 2023 16: 11
      That's life. She is always contradictory.
  10. +2
    23 February 2023 17: 02
    Quote: Fitter65
    Quote from Fangaro
    It's nice to read and remember your urgent.

    It is immediately evident NOT SERVED!!!!

    Actually served. Urgent. Just because we didn't have it doesn't mean that memories don't arise.
  11. +2
    23 February 2023 17: 08
    Quote: Fitter65
    The senior sergeant somewhere found a form of leave through his channels, signed with the company commander for 8 people
    In reality, the author, he is a writer, heard the ringing but does not know where he is. Not only was there a layoff schedule. which could change according to the schedule. BUT the list of those dismissed was signed by the commander of the platoon, and not by the new sergeant, but by the commanders. On the basis of which the dismissals were issued. or individual (wife / mother came here document) or collective. The senior is responsible for all.,.
    And before, as it was: do you have a parade for going out into the city or not - you can’t see it under your overcoat, but boots and a hat - they are, as they say, that in winter, that in summer - one color.
    We went to the ridge in BOOTS - remember this loshara.

    I now gave you a minus not because you wrote about shoes, but because the interlocutor at the VO, to which no one called you, was called names.
  12. +2
    23 February 2023 17: 23
    Quote from cpls22
    Hmm yeah. The quintessence of chaos and disgust. Why be surprised that the system died. When even now the smell of its decomposition for many participants in those events is the best aroma. Are these the same people who are now shouting about corruption, nepotism in the top leadership, personal squabbles, and calling on all "parquet generals" to an inevitable response? Wonderful are your deeds, Lord. Although there is nothing to be surprised at - the most irreconcilable of all a person relates to the manifestation of those sins that he himself has not got rid of, but cannot admit it to himself. So he fights with them "at a distance". "Your" is seen everywhere.
    All a happy holiday.

    Are you screaming about corruption? Do not Cry.
    How many of those who write articles on VO, comment - shout about corruption?
    Different. Those who occupy significant places in the economy, politics, in the Moscow Region, and those who work in the economy, in politics at the level of the City Duma, in the Moscow Region up to the colonel - these are people from different strata. Yes, from different layers since the times of the USSR.
    And I agree that while I could not force myself to work for my own good (a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness), it is difficult to demand from others to work for your good.

    Happy Holidays!

    Despite disagreeing with you.
  13. 0
    27 February 2023 02: 47
    !February 23! (In reading this is an ancient deep fairy tale. This is the strictest holy accounting, holy control with financial maneuvers and again holy accounting control!)