What really happened in 1917?

What really happened in 1917?

The 7-8 of November (25 — 26 of October) during the armed uprising overthrew the Provisional Government, the October Revolution, which was of tremendous importance not only for stories Russia, but of all mankind.

The answer to the question of what happened in 1917 for over nine decades has been worrying researchers. To him give the most different, often the most opposite answers. Until recently, the tumor-stricken liberalism of Russia clearly dominated the opinion of the October 25 coup (November 7) as a fatal act of destroying Russian statehood, which in turn led to many dire consequences, such as the collapse of the empire and millions of victims of the Civil War. However, this is notoriously false, although it was actually approved by the Russian media as the only correct point of view. The citizens of Russia were deceptively talking about the consequences of the February Revolution - the horrors of the Civil War, famine, red terror, surplus, camps, rasskazivanii and other terrible results of the 1917 Revolution. In reality, the consequences eclipsed the causes and prerequisites of the October Revolution.

It is necessary to clearly realize that the death of the Russian state became irreversible as early as February - March 1917, when the "Februaryists" organized a coup, which led to the fall of the monarchy, the final power of which was centered on the great power. The Bolsheviks, by virtue of their small number, the almost complete absence in the political, military, and industrial-financial elite of the Russian Empire, were in fact not involved in the February revolution. The empire was destroyed by liberal-democratic Duma politicians (closely associated with the Freemasons and the West), industrialists and financiers, generals, part of the aristocracy, including members of the imperial family.

During the February Revolution, almost all of the most influential Bolsheviks were absent in the capital of the empire. During the First World War, they belonged to the defeatists, naturally, this caused their general condemnation. Prominent Bolsheviks by February 1917 were either in exile in Western Europe and the United States, or in distant exile, not having strong ties with Petrograd. Naturally, in such a situation, talking about the leading role of the Bolshevik Party in the February 1917 revolution of the year and the collapse of the empire is stupid. Of the 29 members and candidate members of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (B) elected at the VI Congress (August 1917), not one was in February 1917 in Petrograd. The leader of the Bolsheviks, Lenin, not only did not know about the impending coup, but did not even imagine that it was possible at all (it was believed that the bourgeois revolution in Russia was possible only years through 50).

The mass demonstrations and strikes that began on 23 in February 1917 in the capital were caused by a shortage and unprecedented high cost of food, especially bread in Petrograd. But the shortage of bread, as follows from the research, was artificially organized. Thus, in the study of T. M. Kitanina “War, Bread, Revolution (Food Question in Russia, 1914 - October 1917)”, it is reported that the surplus of bread (excluding consumption and allied supplies) in 1916 was 197 million. pounds. European Russia, together with the army until the harvest of the 1917 of the year, could be supplied with its own bread, without exhausting the remnants of stocks of previous years. The organizers of the February revolution "created" a food crisis (they will destroy the USSR in a similar pattern, creating a deficit in Moscow). The process was well synchronized: in the fall of 1916, the State Duma began strong attacks on the government and immediately collapsed the food supply, which angered the metropolitan population. Similarly, they created a negative attitude towards the authorities in the army. At the fronts and armies constantly experienced a shortage of shells and other supplies, equipment. However, by the year 1917 there were 30 million shells in warehouses - about the same as the total amount spent for 1914-1916. (!) This reserve was then enough for the entire Civil War, when enterprises almost did not work. If we consider the fact that the chief of the Main Artillery Directorate in 1915 - February 1917. A. A. Manikovsky was a freemason and close associate of Kerensky, the situation is becoming very clear.

When the unrest had already begun, the Februarylists did everything to inflate them, not to let them nip in the bud. In fact, the chief of staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General M. V. Alekseev, who led the army, not only did not do anything to send 23-27 of February troops to the capital to suppress the rebellion, but, in turn, used unrest in Petrograd to put tough pressure on the emperor . In addition, he created the appearance that the whole army is on the side of the coup.

Emperor Nicholas II could not organize resistance to these putrefactive processes and suppress the February uprising in Petrograd. On March 2, the emperor, under pressure from Duma leaders and the generals, decided to abdicate in favor of his son during the regency of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. Another comparable in significance to this act can be called the famous Order No. 1. This order was issued by the Petrograd Soviet late in the evening on March 1 (March 14), 1917. The order was aimed at the "democratization" of the armed forces: all soldiers of the guard, army, artillery and sailors fleet It was prescribed to create elected committees from representatives of the lower ranks. In fact, on all political issues, military units were now subordinated not to officers, but to their elected committees and the Council. In addition, the order provided that weapons were transferred to the disposal and control of soldiers' committees. This order violated unity of command in the armed forces, led to a sharp drop in discipline and combat effectiveness in the Russian army, which ultimately contributed to its collapse. It must be remembered that this order was issued under the conditions of a grandiose World War, when about 11 million people were under arms in the empire. One of the main authors and editors of Order No. 1, which actually destroyed the Russian imperial army, was lawyer and freemason Nikolai Sokolov.

It should be noted that the order came from the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of Petrograd, essentially All-Russian Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, where the Bolsheviks did not play the leading role until September 1917.

Just a few days after Alexander Kerensky became Minister of War and Navy (5 in May), he issued an “Order for the Army and Navy”, which was very close to the spirit of Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet. He began to be called the "declaration of the rights of a soldier." Subsequently, General Anton Denikin noted that the “declaration of rights” had finally undermined all the foundations of the Russian army. It must be said that Denikin allowed himself to harshly criticize the actions of the Provisional Government on July 16 1917, when speaking in the presence of Kerensky (he was already minister-chairman), he said: “When repeated at every step, the Bolsheviks served as the cause of the collapse of the army, I protesting. This is not true. The army was destroyed by others ... ". The general did not name the names of the perpetrators, but they are already known. According to Denikin: “The military legislation of recent months has collapsed the army” (and “Sokolov and Kerensky were the military legislators).

There were enough people like Sokolov and Kerensky (they were among the leaders of Russian Freemasonry) in the highest circle of Russia to bring Russian statehood to a catastrophe. For a long time the theme of the "Masonic conspiracy" was made to scoff, but now there are many serious studies that show the significant role of Russian Freemasonry in the events of the 1917 Revolution of the year. It can even be said that Russian Freemasonry was the decisive force of February 1917 of the year, since it was able to unite the forces of various parties and movements that appeared on the political scene more or less separately, but were generally focused on the elimination of autocracy. Bonded with an oath to their own and in charge of Western European Freemasonry, these figures, from Octobrists and Cadets to Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, began to perform one task in a disciplined and purposeful manner. Freemasonry cemented all destructive currents into a single force, which destroyed statehood, the army and the social structure of Russia.

On the role of Freemasonry in the February Revolution and subsequent events, the fact that 29 people who served as ministers of the Provisional Government for eight months, 23 were Freemasons, speaks well. We see a similar situation in the second center of power — in the Central Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet — all three members of the presidium — A. F. Kerensky, M. I. Skobelev, and N. S Chkheidze — were Masons. Of the four members of the Secretariat, two were Masons - KA Gvozdev and N. D Sokolov (the other two - KS Grinevich-Schekhter and G. G. Pankov, did not play the primary role). Therefore, in reality, there is no need to talk about the dual power of the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet, all power in Russia belonged to people who played in the same "team."

The masons, uniting the most diverse political forces, were able to destroy the Russian empire, but they could not create a new state, a “European” Russia (following the example of England or France). Destroyers can not be creators. In addition, they not only failed to create the foundation of a new statehood, but also proved powerless to retain power. The "fevralists", in fact, could not offer any resistance to the new, October, coup.

Russian masons, Westerners of the time, saw in the countries of Western Europe the ideal of a social and political system and measured Russia with purely European standards. It seemed to them that it was enough to destroy autocracy, to “democratize” the country, and Russia would become one of the members of the European club. They believed that the “element” that they woke up by bringing thousands of people to the streets would calm down as soon as they gained power. In Russia, the liberation of the crowd from statehood always leads to the birth of the “Russian revolt” (distemper) - the swamps, razinschina, Pugachevschina, Makhnovshchina, etc. The Russian empire had very serious contradictions, radical breaks, which were constrained by the clutches of autocracy, based on the presence of the sacred the authorities of the tsar and the Russian army, ready to suppress any rebellion with bullets and bayonets (since a small evil is obviously better than a big one). Fevralisty removed these clamps, and the building of the empire collapsed with a crater of chaos.

The Bolsheviks were able to seize power, or rather take the place of the “king of the mountains”, only because there was no real central authority. The Russian revolt, brought to life by the “Februaryists,” meant the elimination of power in general. The Bolsheviks, in essence, did not conquer, did not conquer, but only took the fallen power out of the hands of their predecessors. This fact is confirmed by the almost bloodless October revolution - on both sides there were 6 killed and 50 injured, and the initial triumphant march of Soviet power in Russia. Hundreds of thousands of victims were already caused by the fact that the new government (real, having goals, a program corresponding to the interests of the majority of the population) had to crush the resistance of the “fevralists”, “whites”, interventionists, “greens” (bandits of all stripes), religious separatists like Basmach, eliminate the consequences of "Russian rebellion." At the same time, the Bolsheviks had to solve the task of not only building a new vertical of power, but also of the horizontal direction - in fact, they had to solve the task of rebuilding the empire, mastering the giant space of Northern Eurasia. The collapse of statehood after February naturally also caused the collapse of this state (we observed this in 1991, when the collapse of Soviet statehood led to the automatic death of the USSR). The Bolsheviks (their “patriotic” wing) had to solve the colossal task of restoring the “one and indivisible” Great Russia.

Suffice it to recall how quickly the process of disintegration of the territory of Russia, which they had been building for centuries, was going. Under the Provisional Government, Finland, which had spontaneously emerged in Ukraine, the Central Rada, seceded, in the summer of 1917, announced autonomy and the formation of its government. In September, the North Caucasus began to secede, the "United Government of the South-Eastern Union of Cossack Forces, the Highlanders of the Caucasus, and the free peoples of the steppes" was established in Ekaterinodar. In November, the South Caucasus began to separate: the “Transcaucasian Commissariat” was founded in Tiflis; December - Bessarabia (Moldavia) and Lithuania. The processes of decomposition went like an avalanche. Some regions, provinces and even counties declared their “independence”. The formation of “independent states” inevitably led to bloody interethnic conflicts, especially in the Caucasus. Russian people who found themselves in “independent” state formations lost ground, they fell into the position of “foreigners” who were deprived of many rights subjected to discrimination. National councils and the press conducted a campaign of “de-Russification”, narrating about “occupation”, “slavery”, violence ”,“ seas of blood ”,“ cruelties of tsarism ”, etc. Naturally, for all this ( or greatly exaggerated), the Russians had to answer.

It is very important to understand that this catastrophic collapse of the state was caused by February, although it is clear that the processes of decomposition were going on after the October revolution. The Bolsheviks did not yet have the power, the strength or the resources to restore unity. The process of unification had to be carried out with “fire and sword”. Interestingly, both the Reds and the Whites fought against various “independent” authorities.

The revolt covered not only the national regions, but also the Russian provinces proper. Sources count hundreds of uprisings by month through the entire Civil War of the 1917-1922. In fact, it is difficult to find a province or county, where there were no uprisings and protests of the population against any government. The Soviet historian E. V. Illeritskaya noted that by November 1917, 91,2% of the counties were swept by the agrarian movement, which developed into a peasant war. The punitive policy of the Provisional Government did not bring any success; soldiers increasingly refused to punish the peasants for their arbitrariness and crimes. Thus, under the Democratic Provisional Government, the peasant revolt had already taken on an almost universal character (even before the policy of "war communism" of the Council of People's Commissars and the brutal actions of white governments).

The people tasted “freedom” and acted in principle against any authority. After the destruction of the statehood that had developed over the centuries, the people clearly did not want any authorities, “taxes” and “recruitment”. The Westernizers, who destroyed the Russian statehood, did not understand this (the smartest partially realized only after defeat and long life in emigration) that the very existence of Great Russia is possible only if there is a strong and tough state power. The power of the European type in Russia is unsuitable (this applies to modern Russia).

For a long time, the Bolsheviks "by submitting an application for power" were busy not at all building socialism and communism, but rather restoring state institutions, fighting for the consolidation of power and its retention. The period of “war communism” is this intense struggle. The Bolsheviks fought for the future united Russia, restored its statehood (in its own way). It is difficult for us to imagine the whole burden of this struggle, there was a battle for the future of Northern Eurasia. The question was the existence of thousands of years of Russian civilization. The Bolsheviks (except for the wing of the "internationalist Trotskyists") objectively fought for its restoration of Great Russia, its statehood. It is very characteristic that having won the civil war. having established more or less order, in 1921, the Bolsheviks switched to the New Economic Policy (NEP), which in effect returned Russia to the previous economic fundamentals (even foreign capital was allowed). They were able to start building socialism in the country only at the end of the 1920s, after a certain stabilization.
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  1. +19
    7 November 2012 08: 48
    Happy Great October Socialist Revolution!
    Recall the mighty country of the USSR and bow to those who created it!
    1. +2
      7 November 2012 08: 57
      Quote: Egoza
      Happy Great October Socialist Revolution

      And what of the Great in the revolution, the result of which was a civil warrior who drowned the country in blood? The socialist revolution made with German money, you congratulate us on this.
      Quote: Egoza
      Recall the mighty country of the USSR and bow to those who created it!

      The USSR was a great country, but Lenin has nothing to do with its greatness, it’s just a Judas who took advantage of the political situation in the country and took her 30 pieces of silver from German masters to seize power. In the swamp today, they also demand a revolution from the State Department for money.
      1. +3
        7 November 2012 09: 54
        Alexander Romanov,
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        but Lenin has nothing to do with her greatness

        you're wrong..
        1. +3
          7 November 2012 10: 21
          Quote: Forget

          you're wrong..

          Of course not, I call him a traitor
      2. Samovar
        7 November 2012 10: 20
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        political situation in the country and having received its 30 pieces of silver from the German owners seized power

        Alexander, the power by that time already belonged to no one, so Lenin just caught it, which fell out of the hands of the VP. He took over the country when everyone else abandoned it.
        1. -4
          7 November 2012 10: 29
          Quote: Samovar
          Alexander, by that time the power already belonged to no one, so Lenin just caught it

          And who was driving the boat and with whose money, who financed Lenin?
          Quote: Samovar
          dropped out of the hands of the VP.

          Those, too, were far from disinterested people, and some were in the United States.
          Quote: Samovar
          He took over the country when everyone else abandoned it.

          Yeah, he took and drowned the country in blood, destroyed churches - the young man was Lenin, there were more victims than the First World War. Not everyone refused power, if that was the case, there was no civil war. Kalchak and many others fought the plague until the last named Lenin. In hell let it burn !!! I don’t want another place for him.
          1. +3
            7 November 2012 22: 37
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            And who was swinging the boat

            The boat was rocked by Guchkov, Milyukov, Kerensky, Lviv and the like ...

            "During the February Revolution, almost all of the most influential Bolsheviks were absent from the capital of the empire."
        2. +1
          7 November 2012 17: 44
          power by that time already belonged to no one, so Lenin just caught it, which fell out of the hands of the VP

          Rather, Kerensky, as an obedient Masson, gently handed it over to the Bolsheviks, as the petty-shaven masters ordered.
      3. Mikado
        7 November 2012 10: 25
        Lenin is so bad, he took money for the revolution. But Stalin accepted the help of the State Department for the victory in the Second World War, and now you will not celebrate May 9? how can the vile State Department funded the Victory!
        1. +2
          7 November 2012 10: 36
          Quote: Mikado
          And Stalin accepted the help of the State Department for the victory in the Second World War

          But what, if it was free help, we paid for this help with gold.
          Quote: Mikado
          how can the vile State Department funded the Victory!

          No need to lie about financing.
          1. Mikado
            7 November 2012 12: 39
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            But what, if it was free help, we paid for this help with gold.

            Again you don’t know the story. They paid only for what remained intact after the war, destroyed materials and equipment were not paid. And your logic is lame, help was paid, so it was bad help and you can not count it. Then what do you persecute the swamps and Lenin, do you think the State Department helps the swamps free of charge chtoli? Or did Lenin not do what he took the money for?

            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            No need to lie about financing.

            Lies and complete non-knowledge, I see so far only with you.
            1. +3
              7 November 2012 12: 42
              Quote: Mikado
              They paid only for what remained intact after the war, destroyed materials and equipment were not paid

              I won’t even comment on this. For the rest, Urzul wrote a comment at the bottom, everything is written there hi
              1. Mikado
                7 November 2012 14: 07
                What are you going to comment on? Read the articles of the contract on Lend-Lease, kill yourself ignoramus:

                - delivered materials (vehicles, various military equipment, weapons, raw materials, other items) destroyed, lost and used during the war are not subject to payment (Article 5);
                - property transferred under Lend-Lease, remaining after the end of the war and suitable for civilian purposes, will be paid in full or in part on the basis of long-term loans provided by the United States
                1. 0
                  7 November 2012 14: 15
                  Quote: Mikado
                  property transferred under Lend-Lease property remaining after the end of the war and suitable for civilian purposes will be paid in full or in part on the basis of long-term loans provided by the United States

                  Until now, they have not paid for the "help".
                  Quote: Mikado
                  Read the articles of the agreement on Lend-Lease, kill the ignoramus in yourself

                  I will try, but not on you hi
                  1. Mikado
                    7 November 2012 15: 48
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Still not paid for "help"

                    So what? Is this some kind of argument? Probably the argument that you need to pay for destroyed property, right?)))

                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    I will try

                    Well done, praise!
                    1. 0
                      7 November 2012 16: 05
                      Quote: Mikado
                      Probably the argument that you need to pay for destroyed property, right?))

                      I did not say this, but you probably have not heard about the reverse Lend-Lease from the USSR ................. there were no payments in time for the soldiers, but there were pitfalls ... Another thing is that the USSR did send various goods to the USA (including 320 thousand tons of chrome ore, 32 thousand tons of manganese ore, as well as gold, platinum, hi
                      Quote: Mikado
                      Well done, praise!

                      Feel like a boss.
                      1. Mikado
                        7 November 2012 16: 21
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        I did not say this, but you probably have not heard about the reverse Lend-Lease from the USSR ................. there were no payments in time for the soldiers, but there were pitfalls ... Another thing is that the USSR did send various goods to the USA (including 320 thousand tons of chrome ore, 32 thousand tons of manganese ore, as well as gold, platinum,

                        And what does all this have to do with the fact that Stalin accepted the help of the State Department, that the State Department did not charge for destroyed property (which you did not even know)? Or, you want to say that this help was unprofitable, unprofitable, and the fool Stalin was deceived?)

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Feel like a boss.

                      2. Alexander 1958
                        8 November 2012 19: 33
                        For Alexander Romanov
                        Good afternoon!
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        there was no payment for the warriors
                        .. I think you heard about the rise in the 70s of several hundred tons of gold from the English cruiser sunk in the Second World War, these were exactly the land lease payments
                        Alexander 1958
                      3. Brother Sarych
                        8 November 2012 20: 19
                        Firstly, they raised a few tons, it seems 9 or so, from Edinburgh ...
                        Secondly, it is payment for simple deliveries, not Lend-Lease ...
                      4. Alexander 1958
                        8 November 2012 20: 56
                        Brother Sarych
                        Good afternoon! Tell me, what is the difference between Lend-Lease deliveries and "simple" deliveries?
                      5. Brother Sarych
                        8 November 2012 21: 54
                        Before the Lend-Lease Act came into force, military supplies from the UK were paid for in gold, and some separate deliveries were also paid that were not included in Lend-Lease supplies ...
                        Lend-lease is an American invention, they had the opportunity to organize this form of supply to the allies ...
                      6. Alexander 1958
                        9 November 2012 21: 42
                        For Brother Sarych
                        Good afternoon! For the answer - thank you, only it’s not entirely clear, do you think that the British deliveries were paid, and the Lend-Lease is a charity winked ? Or did I misunderstand you?
                        Alexander 1958
                      7. Brother Sarych
                        9 November 2012 22: 45
                        The United States did not enter the war immediately, so the Lend-Lease Act only came into effect after entering the war, most of the supplies went to the British Empire ...
                        British help began to come to the USSR earlier, and it was she who was paid for in gold, then the payment practically stopped ...
                        Payment for equipment supplied under Lend-Lease should have been made after the war, but partially paid off by mutual deliveries of some materials during the war ...
        2. +5
          7 November 2012 10: 55
          Russia still owes about $ 100 million for this "aid"
        3. +1
          8 November 2012 03: 06
          Lenin is so bad, he took money for the revolution. But Stalin accepted the help of the State Department for the victory in the Second World War, and now you will not celebrate May 9? how can the vile State Department funded the Victory!

          Lenin accepted financial assistance, not for a revolution, but for a coup (overthrow of the legitimate government with funds from abroad), which subsequently flowed into the civil war (not everyone liked this "disinterestedness" of the givers) from everyone. who gave money, including from Germany, which fought (strange concern for a better life for the Russian people) against our country in the First World War, the Anglo-Saxons simply wanted to liquidate the Russian Empire.
          The Commander-in-Chief Stalin, taking financial and material assistance (just do not exaggerate the importance of such), led the Great Patriotic War for the survival of many peoples, including those not part of the USSR, this is why Victory Day is holy and beloved by everyone !!!
          German trophies captured by our troops in battles are not voluntary deliveries, there were no others after the start of the war.
          Anglo-Saxons participants in the Second World War, and so to speak, were our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, and joint action against someone implies the concepts of help and mutual assistance.
          And yes, they still want the liquidation of the Russian Empire.
          1. 0
            8 November 2012 03: 28
            The first paragraph of the quote "Mikado", not correctly designed do not judge strictly
      4. +8
        7 November 2012 18: 38
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        And what of the Great in the revolution, the result of which was a civil warrior who drowned the country in blood? Socialist revolution made with German money, you congratulate us on this

        This is not entirely true, the Germans certainly helped by bringing Lenin in a sealed carriage from the ship to the ball, as they say, but Germany, which was on the verge of defeat, simply could not have the money to support the radical revolutionaries in Russia. More precisely, they were, but not only with German money, the activities of the RSDLP were carried out
        For example, at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, a mysterious well-wisher (individual or collective), encrypted in the documents of the RSDLP as “California Gold Mines”, gave money to the underground Iskra newspaper.
        In the opinion of some researchers, it is about the support of radical Russian revolutionaries by American Jewish bankers, mostly immigrants from the Russian Empire, and their descendants, who hated the tsarist government for its official anti-Semitism.
        During the revolution of 1905 - 1907, the Bolsheviks were sponsored by American oil corporations in order to eliminate competitors from the world market (namely, the Nobel oil cartel from Baku). In those same years, by his own admission, the American banker Jacob Schiff gave money to the Bolsheviks. And also - the Syzran manufacturer Yermasov and the Moscow-based merchant and industrialist Morozov. Then one of the financiers of the Bolshevik party was Schmitt, the owner of a furniture factory in Moscow (accidentally not an ancestor of Serdyukov smile )
        As for the Germans .. There was such a little-known character Alexander Gelfand aka Parvus who in January 1915. He acquainted the German ambassador in Istanbul with the plan of the Russian revolution, after which Kaiser Wilhelm decided to give significant amounts for the development of the national movement in Ukraine and Finland, as well as in support of the Bolsheviks. Parvus's proposals were accepted; according to Kaiser Wilhelm’s own order, he was given two million marks as his first contribution to the “cause of the Russian revolution”. Then there were the following cash injections, and not one. So, according to Parvus's receipt, on January 29 of the same 1915 he received a million rubles in Russian banknotes for the development of the revolutionary movement in Russia.
        Another amount from Germany, not so significant, came to the Bolsheviks through the Swiss deputy Karl Moor, but here it was only about 35 thousand dollars. Money flowed through the Nia Bank in Stockholm; according to the order of the German Imperial Bank No. 2754, accounts of Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev and other Bolshevik leaders were opened in this bank. And order No. 7433 of March 2, 1917 provided for the payment of the “services” of Lenin, Zinoviev, Kollontai and others for publicly promoting peace in Russia, where the tsar’s power had just been overthrown.
        Of course, German gold was not enough. Although the “poor” political émigré Trotsky, who returned from America to Russia in 1917, had customs withdrew 10 thousand dollars from the city of Halifax (Canada), it’s clear that he sent some considerable money from the banker Jacob Schiff to his like-minded people.
        But of course, not the money of the Kaiser and Jewish bankers played a major role in the collapse of the Russian Empire and led to the revolution. this is a separate story in which truth and fiction are so intertwined that it still causes heated debate. In any case, this is a great tragedy in the life of our people, but at the same time, the victory of the Bolsheviks prevented Russia from the final collapse, which their creditors and lenders hoped with good reason.
        1. +5
          7 November 2012 18: 38
          What would happen if the revolution of October 25 did not happen? Russia would have been approximately within its current borders not since 1991, but since 1917.
          . Of course, this would extremely hinder the concentration of forces and means - material, intellectual, technical - on the solution of great tasks: after all, the scale of the territory and the number of people on them would be much more modest.
          There is a suspicion that if Russia had remained democratic in 1917 (the power had been transferred to the Constituent Assembly), the same thing would have happened that happened in democratic Russia in 1991. As Lenin said, the revolution would have blabbed
          Only the collapse would have been taken from a point lower.
          1. +1
            8 November 2012 03: 17
            I always read your comments with interest, but let me disagree this time.
            Quote: "Only camber would be taken from a point lower."
            History does not know a conciliatory mood and does not at all endure reasoning as it would be, otherwise our grandfather or grandmother would lead us to misunderstanding.
      5. 0
        8 November 2012 22: 21
        Alexander Romanov.
        Judas is the name - is capitalized, but whose name is this for you: Judas - Maccabees, Judas - the apostle of Jesus Christ remained faithful to Jesus or Judas from the city of Cariota? Thinking narrowly respected and even reading? and whether they read it! they did not understand that any overthrow or revolution is prepared by the overthrown, through their cruelties with their own population, or by their unwillingness to lead the country. The bloody Nicholas himself did everything possible for the February coup, and the ministers of the Provisional Government did everything to bring to the October Revolution. To be consistent, think about who launched the satellite into space? Did Khrushchev come to Gothenka or Stalin, who received Russia with a plow, and on leaving gave it an atomic bomb and prepared it for space flights? If Khrushchev got the USSR without factories and army and without design bureaus, could he at least supply the country with plows? They do not demand a revolution on the swamp, but power, and they will not come up with anything new, they have been paid, but the power, unlike the bloody Nikolai, was not shaky but strong. And as even Zhirinovsky said: One percent of the population of Moscow is not yet a people, so that they would put forward demands on behalf of the people.
      6. Centaurus
        16 November 2013 19: 17
        Well, first of all, about blood and about the revolution in a different way and not perpetrated (Who will voluntarily give up power, or abandon their plans ???). And on the c4et of the German masters of Lenin ... Can you talk here for a long time? And then Germany only sponsored the revolution. And then she got close to our situation. Only instead of a powerful and strong USSR, oh, God forgive me, the Weimar Republic. Actually, it was a clear example of that the USSR was supposed to become at the request of "all others."
        But after Germany to the Revolution in Russia, I'm sorry for the thieves' slang, everyone was brazen. From the USA and Japan to Britain and France. So guess who Lenin is. In general, there is information that they prepared it for Great Britain. Although this is also unverified and is not 4% proven. But one thing I can say exactly: If the Russian Empire at the end of the 100th to the 4th century of the 19th century was only feared, and then not all. They were afraid of the USSR! They were all afraid! Including the fourth and freaking Hitler, who therefore attacked.
        I do not say, Russia before that was weak or weak in military and economic aspects. No I do not think so. But let's say after, for example, the Russo-Japanese War, many people thought that if Japan defeated the Russian Bear, then they would surely cope.
    2. boris.uryadkin
      7 November 2012 09: 34
      Lenin was brought to Russia in a sealed carriage with dolars in his pocket to bribe Krandstat sailors with the goal of overthrowing the Provisional Government, which they did without any noise. Having come to power, Lenin shot them.
      1. borisst64
        7 November 2012 10: 04
        Why then contemporaries of Lenin consider him an OUTSTANDING personality. And no one has yet convicted this man of money-grubbing and betrayal. And the country won the civil war (including against foreign intervention) under his leadership, and he defeated the devastation and homelessness. Just do not say that he created all this, the guilty parties are correctly identified in the article.
        1. -1
          7 November 2012 10: 21
          Quote: borisst64
          Why then contemporaries of Lenin consider him an OUTSTANDING personality.

          Nemtsov and Udaltsov are also some contemporaries called outstanding personalities.
          Quote: borisst64
          And no one has yet convicted this man of money-grubbing and betrayal.

          Like not, but didn’t they make a revolution with German money.
          Quote: borisst64
          And the country won the civil war (including against foreign intervention) under his leadership, and he defeated the devastation and homelessness.

          And whoever unleashed a civil warrior under the slogans for Soviet power is not Lenin. For the Soviet power with his own people.
          Quote: borisst64
          Just do not say that he created all this, the guilty parties are correctly identified in the article

          And who, name the article, proleninsky article, you can continue to drink for Judas fool
          1. Mikado
            7 November 2012 10: 33
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            And whoever unleashed a civil warrior under the slogans for Soviet power is not Lenin. For the Soviet power with his own people.

            You don't know history well. After the overthrow of the Interim Government, the Soviet power was established in a predominantly peaceful way on the entire territory of the country in a few months, at least google the term "Triumphal Procession of Soviet Power". And after that, all sorts of disaffected and interventionists began to riot, kill, cut, hang, so who unleashed the civil war is a big question.
            1. -1
              7 November 2012 10: 50
              Quote: Mikado
              And after that, all sorts of discontented and interventionists began to rebel to kill, cut, hang, so who started the civil war is a big question.

              When they realized what Lenin was, it started ........................................ ....... The greatest losses in percentage terms (in relation to their own numbers) suffered educated layers. However, in absolute terms, since the policy of the Bolsheviks aroused the discontent of the broadest sections of society, especially the peasantry, the majority of the victims of terror were just workers and peasants - they were mostly killed after the suppression of numerous uprisings (7983 people were killed in Izhevsk alone families of insurgent workers [?]). Among approximately 1,7–1,8 million of all those executed by the Bolsheviks during these years (these are the figures that were widely used in the emigrant press, although sometimes they are also significantly larger), only 22% (about 440 thousand )
              1. Mikado
                7 November 2012 12: 26
                So I understand that you have no objections to the one who unleashed the war? Very well.

                Your calculations don't agree with the result. Lenin was so bad, he terrorized the entire population, destroyed the workers, peasants, "educated population", while, from your words, everyone knew what he was. And the Bolsheviks took and won the war, how is that? Who fought for the Bolsheviks, if Lenin terrorized and killed everyone? Jews probably alone in the red army fought and forcibly driven?

                But why is water here? You list the victims of white terror?
                1. -2
                  7 November 2012 12: 34
                  Quote: Mikado
                  So I understand that you have no objections to the one who unleashed the war?

                  Lenin with Jewish kodla and unleashed destroying people by millions.
                  Quote: Mikado
                  You list the victims of white terror?

                  Yes, bring it, though it is written by Leninists most of their sins are blotted over to whites. And by the way, these are not my words, but only quotes from the numerous crimes of Lenin. There are thousands of examples. Those who brained their brains fought and shot people. They’re gathered in the swamp and sure of the crystal honesty of Navalny and others. for them .
                  1. Brother Sarych
                    7 November 2012 15: 29
                    Your ignorance is just killing!
                    1. -6
                      7 November 2012 15: 40
                      Quote: Brother Sarich
                      Your ignorance just kills

                      Since when did the truth turn into ignorance.? As for killing, you are right, the truth is killing.
                  2. Mikado
                    7 November 2012 15: 33
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Lenin with Jewish Kodla and unleashed

                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Who brained their brains, he fought and shot people.

                    I've heard it somewhere before. Ah, so this is Adik and his friend Doctor Goebbels sang the same song when they went to "liberate" Soviet citizens from "Jews, commissars and Bolsheviks." Your terminology is very similar. And here it is, how it happened that Lenin and the Bolsheviks, in a collapsed state, propaganda turned out to be much more effective than that of Jose Goebbels in an excellent military state, that Lenin was able to put the brains on people to kill themselves, but Jose did not succeed. Good logic, bravo!
                    1. -2
                      7 November 2012 15: 39
                      Quote: Mikado
                      Ah, so this is Adik and his friend Doctor Goebbels sang the same song when they went to "liberate" Soviet citizens from "Jews, commissars and Bolsheviks." Your terminology is very similar.

                      I have not yet been compared with Hitler, stunned. I understand that there is nothing more to cover than, understandably.
                      Quote: Mikado
                      And here it is necessary how it happened that with Lenin and the Bolsheviks, in a crumbling state, propaganda turned out to be much more effective than that of Jose Goebbels in an excellent military state, that Lenin was able to dirtied the brains of people to kill themselves, and Jose did not succeed. Good logic, bravo!

                      The Leninists' favorite tactic is to turn everything around and not answer direct questions. And such an abomination came to power in 1917. There will be no more of this.
                      1. Mikado
                        7 November 2012 16: 36
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        I have not yet been compared with Hitler, stunned. I understand that there is nothing more to cover than, understandably.

                        So once you have the same argumentation with Adik, who else can you compare with? You cover it up with "Jews" alone, but about foul brains, sooooo strong arguments)))

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        The Leninists' favorite tactic is to turn everything around and not answer direct questions. And such an abomination came to power in 1917. There will be no more of this.

                        That I put your logic in your face, do not like it? What can you do, such is your logic
                      2. -3
                        7 November 2012 16: 39
                        Quote: Mikado
                        ? You cover it up with "Jews" alone, but about foul brains, sooooo strong arguments)))

                        Those who came to power with Lenin, rinse them. If there were Russians, then they would get it.
                        Quote: Mikado
                        That I put your logic in your face, do not like it?

                        I would like to see logic and facts in your posts, but there are none, sorry hi
                      3. Mikado
                        7 November 2012 17: 08
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        then I came to power with Lenin, and I rinse them. If there were Russians, then they would have got it.

                        Bubnov Andrei Sergeevich, People's Commissar of Education, member of the Politburo since October 1917, waiting for a "rinse". Well, or your next excuses.

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        I would like to see logic and facts in your posts, but there are none, sorry

                        To see, you must at least read and delve into. I read it with a Lend-Lease, I understood right away, and the rest is lazy.
                      4. +2
                        7 November 2012 17: 34
                        Quote: Mikado
                        Bubnov Andrei Sergeevich, People's Commissar of Education, member of the Politburo since October 1917, waiting for a "rinse". Well, or your next excuses.

                        By the summer of 1917, city social councils of the largest cities in Russia were headed by Jewish socialists! In Moscow, Socialist Revolutionary O. Minor; in Petrograd, the Menshevik G.I. Schreider, in Minsk - Bundist A. Weinstein, in Kiev - Bundist A.M. Ginzburg-Naumov, in Saratov - Bundist D.K. Chertkov, in Yekaterinoslav - the Menshevik I. Polonsky.

                        Most Jews - workers, artisans, office workers, office workers, hairdressers, small shopkeepers, merchants and even small capitalists not only accepted the October Revolution, but also actively participated in it. As for the Jewish bankers, many of them were sympathetic to the actions of the Bolsheviks in the “collapse of the empire,” and some financed them (for example, a relative of L. Trotsky, the Stockholm banker Abram Zhivotovsky, bankers Dmitry Rubenshtein, Grigory Benenson, Grigory Lessin, Jacob Berlin, Boris Kamenka) Well, how is such a list against your ONE surname or add surnames and facts?
                      5. Kshatriy
                        7 November 2012 21: 19
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Most Jews - workers, artisans, office workers, office workers, hairdressers, small shopkeepers, merchants and even small capitalists not only accepted the October Revolution, but also actively participated in it. As for the Jewish bankers, many of them were sympathetic to the actions of the Bolsheviks in the “collapse of the empire,” and some financed them (for example, a relative of L. Trotsky, the Stockholm banker Abram Zhivotovsky, bankers Dmitry Rubenshtein, Grigory Benenson, Grigory Lessin, Jacob Berlin, Boris Kamenka) Well, how is such a list against your ONE surname or add surnames and facts?

                        Yes, the first thing that the animal with the nickname "Sverdlov" did ... its half-born brother from the USA ... (a supernumerary clerk in a filthy bank in Louisiana) ... - called and made the RSFSR finance minister ... Shut up kagal smelly ... your ancestors left the whole Great Russia on GOP-STOP ... well, repent at least the creature for the genocide of the Russian people from 1918 to 1924 - years ... ... "bella-kun" ..... how are you creatures..mrazoty with the Russian Lyudbmi in the Crimea rasspravlyalsya ..... Death to you and your family .... !!!!!
                      6. Mikado
                        7 November 2012 22: 46
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Who came to power with Lenin, those and rinse

                        Your words? Yours. Are you responsible for them? Apparently not.

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        By the summer of 1917, city social councils of the largest cities in Russia were headed by Jewish socialists!

                        And what does two Mensheviks, one Socialist-Revolutionary and three Bundists (of which one is a Volga German, the other Russian), have to do with Lenin and the Bolsheviks? Especially in the summer of 1917, when Lenin was not yet in power?

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Well, how is such a list against your ONE surname or add surnames and facts?

                        What surnames, what facts? You said that you blaspheme those who came to power with Lenin, there would be Russians and they would get your words? I brought you a Russian surname in power with Lenin, you began to write some nonsense again about the Jews, about some bankers. You answer for your words first, here is a Russian surname for you. start rinsing.
                      7. Kshatriy
                        7 November 2012 21: 10
                        Quote: Mikado
                        To see, you must at least read and delve into. I read it with a Lend-Lease, I understood right away, and the rest is lazy.

                        Hello ..... pretending to the title of "Born by the Moon" you cho learned to read in Russian ????? ... learn .....
                        Quote: Mikado
                        Bubnov Andrei Sergeevich, People's Commissar of Education, member of the Politburo since October 1917, waiting for a "rinse". Well, or your next excuses.
                        ....... EGE-GAY ... and who was the animal (such a hippopotamus ..) named BONCH-BGUEVICH ???????? Tongue dropout zaphni in your obscene place and bring me though - one RUSSIAN surname from SovNarkom "" Shidofskaga "spill ??????????????????????????
                      8. Mikado
                        7 November 2012 23: 30
                        do you communicate with a mirror, happy? Well, good conversation)

                        Bonch-Bruevich? I don’t know what kind of Bonch-Bruyevich you mean, Radna, but both of them were not Jews. For, radnaya, Mikhail Dmitrievich was a tsarist general, and in tsarist times, a Jew, not just a general, could not become an officer. So fuck you, with "BONCH-BGUEVICH"))
                      9. vovan1949
                        7 November 2012 19: 32
                        A. Romanov:
                        Here is what B. Shaw said about Lenin: -Till 1917, I never heard the name of Lenin in the same way as most people in England, where I lived and where I came from. We did not know much about Lenin. Other leaders told us about his works, discoveries, about his ideas that swept the whole world. It is curious that in other countries he made the same impression as he made in Russia. I don’t know why this was so, maybe it was some kind of mysterious magnetism. He was only a man, but a man superior to everyone else, a man who can be put on a par with only a few. But even among these few, he is a cut above the rest. He stood out not only in Russia, but also in Europe, where for a long time they did not know anything about him ...

                        You should not think that the significance of Lenin is a thing of the past, because Lenin died. We must think about the future, about the significance of Lenin for the future, and the significance of his future for the future is such that if the experience that Lenin undertook — the experience of socialism — fails, then modern civilization will perish, just as many civilizations have perished in the past. We now know from history that there were so many civilizations and that they, having reached the point of development to which Western capitalism has now reached, perished and degenerated.
                      10. Kshatriy
                        7 November 2012 19: 41
                        Jews are accused of rejecting Jesus. And these accusations will turn into a heavy burden of thousands of years of persecution, pogroms, and deaths. The highest apotheosis, which will be the most merciless, most unprecedented, most cruel, most organized in the history of mankind, the holocaust of the mid-twentieth century.
                        In this regard, I could never have thought that someday, from a scientific point of view, I will deal with the problems of the universe, anthropogenesis, and philosophical understanding of religion.
                        .... And so he said about ANIMAL --- Ulyanov-blank (the father of Russian Democracy G.V. Plekhanov); "Do not believe the Jews (shitds) ---- they will be deceived ... I have too much experience living together with this rabble !!!! "
                      11. 0
                        8 November 2012 22: 56
                        Good afternoon. I re-read your comment several times in order to understand what was written. At least a quote from Plekhanov Do not believe the Jews (shitdams) ... is that what Plekhanov literally says? Then this is the reasoning of an idiot who does not know the Bible. A Jew - according to Dyachenko's dictionary - is a person who does not violate the laws of Moses - tobish the Lord. It is not necessary to quote the ten commandments incorrectly, but I want to add one more commandment of Moses to them, do not lend at interest! and bail. if you took a deposit of clothes, then in the evening return it to the owner, for he may not have anything to sleep with. At the well of Jacob, according to a Church Slavonic text, a woman said to Jesus: - "How can you, a true Jew, ask me for water" - in the sense, a true Jew would never speak to a person who violates the laws of Moses. Jews and Jews are synonymous with Russian and Orthodox. And remember: "All power is from God!". History really does not know inclinations, since it is created from above. It had to happen and it did. Here, just like with a person, if a fortune teller tells him about impending changes, and he takes action so as not to suffer from this, then this is exactly what was intended from above. Kshatriya, dear, if you want to study the problem of the universe and religion, that is, in the Yandex of Revelation of Biblical texts - study. If you want to know the Codification of the Gospel in translation from Church Slavonic, give your email. hell on [email protected] I will send with pleasure.
                      12. Kshatriy
                        9 November 2012 18: 00
                        Quote: shasherin.pavel
                        to understand what was written. Although the Plekhanov quote doesn’t believe the Jews (shields) ... is that Plekhanov’s literally so?

                        ... Read G.V. Plekhanov ... maybe you will become wiser ... (the word "shitdam" is not only not clear to me, but also not interesting) ... The number of your mistakes in writing (Russian text) ... ., confirms the vain desire of my ancestors - to teach you something ...
                      13. +3
                        8 November 2012 06: 12
                        Quote: vovan1949
                        We must think about the future, about the significance of Lenin for the future, and the significance of his future for the future is such that if the experience that Lenin undertook - the experience of socialism - fails, then modern civilization will perish

                        Russia stood for 1000 years without Lenin and will stand another 1000 years without it !!! He will not have Russia in the future and will not. The Orthodox country will be and no one will destroy the churches anymore.
                      14. 0
                        8 November 2012 23: 02
                        Do you even think with your head when you are writing billiards !? How can Russia now stand without Lenin, if he is part of our history. Maybe in the history of his now they will write on the letter? Or in advance the hall to read and write his name? Now even Kerinsky made history.
                      15. Kshatriy
                        7 November 2012 21: 02
                        Quote: Mikado
                        So once you have the same argumentation with Adik, who else can you compare with? You cover it up with "Jews" alone, but about foul brains, sooooo strong arguments)))

                        However ... I look here "zhity-bears" are already ready to smash with baseball bats ... But isn't it too early to be SLEEPED ... ????
                  3. +5
                    7 November 2012 16: 16
                    Nonsense. Moreover, to the fullest. Even enter into a discussion, like that ...
                    If everything was so bad, how did the Lenin government fend off Anta (14 countries), from whites, from any new formations? Only by fighting a bunch of Jews? Turn on the logic.
              2. +12
                7 November 2012 19: 56
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                However, in absolute terms, since the policy of the Bolsheviks aroused the discontent of the broadest sections of society, and especially the peasantry, most of the victims of terror are just workers and peasants -

                In the first world war about three million Russian people died - And the Russian people did not know at all why the war started and why they were being killed. It was not the Bolsheviks who started this war at all, neither Lenin nor Marx - the respected in society started the war decent people, liberals in views. The tsar abdicated at the height of the war, while Russia was defeated and people died in tens of thousands; it was an extremely miserable act. The February Revolution and the Provisional Government, which came to power, were by no means going to stop the war - ministers fulfilled obligations to the allies. Incidentally, the arrest of the imperial family was by no means carried out by the Bolsheviks, but by the Provisional Government; personally arrested General Kornilov.
                In the Civil War, people died an order of magnitude less than during the World War. The figures of the irreparable loss of the Civil War are negligible than the figures of the irreparable loss of the First World War. It was also important that people in the Civil War perished (as many of them thought) for their freedom and for the freedom of their loved ones - and not because of an unknown to them.
                The ideology of equality soldered society: despite the repression against part of the population, people realized themselves as one during World War II and managed to defeat an invasion army of unprecedented size and brutality. Given the deplorable experience of World War I, this victory should be attributed to the October Revolution.
                Now The October Revolution was declared an act of barbarism and sabotage against civilization, and the Bolsheviks were called criminals
                Russia has returned to the host of civilized capitalist peoples. All the reforms carried out by the revolution were swiftly disavowed, the people's property was destroyed, and the fate of millions of people passed, as before, into the hands of the owners of mineral resources and corporations. This process was called the objective historical civilizational movement towards progress.
                They began to repeat the same speeches and read the same books as at the beginning of the XNUMXth century.
                Against this favorable background, it is customary to declare a socialist revolution a barbarism. So it is, if we keep in mind that where civilization leads us.
                And it leads us back to world war.
                1. +3
                  7 November 2012 20: 08
                  Well, not the topic. Finally it happened .. The new Minister of Defense finally took office. Shoigu received a portable subscriber terminal (code "Cheget") automated control system of strategic nuclear forces "Kazbek" Popularly known as the notorious "nuclear suitcase"
                  The system was put into operation in 1983. The first leader of the USSR, who began to be accompanied by officers with a "nuclear suitcase", was in 1984 the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Konstantin Chernenko
                  Combat "nuclear suitcases" (plus reserve) are in the possession of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Defense Minister and Chief of the General Staff. The key to them is kept by the operator-officer. The system can only be activated if coded confirmations are received from two of them. Back-up "nuclear suitcases" are stored in a designated location. According to the established tradition, the carriers of "nuclear suitcases" are naval officers, as a rule, with the rank of captain I rank.
                  Upon appointment to a new post, Shoigu was also reinstated in military service with the rank of army general.

                  My webpage
                  1. +2
                    7 November 2012 20: 15
                    Quote: Ascetic
                    automated control system of strategic nuclear forces "Kazbek" Popularly known as the notorious "nuclear suitcase"
                2. His
                  11 November 2012 12: 18
                  The ascetic civil war carried away at least 20 million of our compatriots through hunger, epidemics (the "Spanish woman" was worth what), direct fratricidal massacre, emigration. So about three million you are wrong
            2. -5
              7 November 2012 14: 57
              After the overthrow of the EaP, the Soviet government for several months was established mainly peacefully in the whole territory of the country.

              We heard about your peaceful ways of establishing Soviet power
              1. Mikado
                7 November 2012 15: 58
                Very smart. In my comment about the first months after the revolution, to throw Goebbels propaganda about the terror of the middle of 1918-1920. We are friends with logic, no? At least observe the time frame when responding to comments, otherwise you will soon begin to throw propaganda about the terror of the 37th year.
                1. -4
                  7 November 2012 16: 09
                  Quote: Mikado
                  In my comment about the first months after the revolution, to throw Goebbels propaganda about the terror of the middle of 1918-1920. We are friends with logic, no?

                  Open the search engine and there are a lot of facts of red terror, and I also cited it here, but you haven’t laid out the promised white.
                  1. Mikado
                    7 November 2012 16: 37
                    And you can not open a search engine and drive in the words "white terror"? Well, since he's so weak, on, read:

                    1. -2
                      7 November 2012 17: 47
                      Ahahahaha, a cool wiki reference, that's all. So I threw a stone at Lenin’s garden as well. + We read the article: lau A number of historians [1] [2] believed that the difference from the "red terror" proclaimed by the Bolsheviks as a means of establishing their political domination, the term "white terror" itself had neither legislative, nor even propaganda approval in the White movement during the civil war. White armies were not alien to the characteristic cruelty war, however, the “black pages” of white armies differed fundamentally from the Bolshevik terrorist policies:

                      whites have never created organizations similar to the Soviet Extraordinary Commissions and revolutionary tribunals;
                      the leaders of the White movement never called for mass terror, for indiscriminate executions on a social basis, for the capture and execution of hostages if the enemies did not comply with certain requirements;
                      the White movement participants did not see any need for mass terror: neither ideological nor practical. This was explained by the fact that the aim of the White’s military operations was not a war against the people or any particular social classes, but a war with a small party that seized power in Russia, taking advantage of the socio-economic and political situation, and also conjunctural changes in the mood of the lower classes of Russian society [1].

                      A number of researchers believe that the “white terror” feature was its unorganized, spontaneous nature, that it did not rise to the rank of state policy, did not act as a means of intimidating the population [3], and did not serve as a means of destroying social classes or ethnic groups (Cossacks, Kalmyks ), what was its difference from the Red Terror [4].

                      At the same time, a number of Russian historians indicate that orders issued by high-ranking officials of the white movement, as well as legislative acts of white governments, indicate that the military and political authorities have sanctioned repressive acts and terrorist acts against the Bolsheviks and the people supporting them, the organized nature of these acts and their role in intimidating the population of controlled territories ging:
                      1. Mikado
                        7 November 2012 22: 49
                        You, apparently, only read the first paragraphs and know how, and then through a line. The wiki encyclopedia is neutral, so there are all opinions, including "a number of historians". At the same time, no one refutes the facts, so feel free to read below.
                      2. +4
                        8 November 2012 06: 06
                        Read about the "exploits" of the Bolsheviks, and legalized crimes and narrow-minded they were Lenin, or you need to bring hundreds of facts that would see the light ..................... September 5 Council of People's Commissars issues a decree on the "red terror". But it was obvious that this was only a "legitimization" of the previous practice - only on a larger scale. And before, there could be no punishment for the murder of a "bourgeois" or "counterrevolutionary" by a Red Army soldier, but now such unjustified murders were given the highest sanction and the appropriate organization.

                        A member of the VChK collegium Latsis (Sudrabs) gave a printed instruction in the Chekist weekly Red Terror: “Do not look in the case for accusatory evidence about whether he rebelled against the Council with arms or words. The first step is to ask him what class he belongs to, what his background is, what kind of education he has and what his profession. These questions should decide the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror ”.

                        Immediately in Petrograd, hundreds of "class enemies" - tsarist officials, professors, and military men - were shot. A system of hostages from the civilian population (the bourgeoisie) is introduced, who are shot by hundreds after each murder of a Bolshevik. This is also becoming the usual method of management: on February 15, 1919, the Defense Council ordered "to take hostages from the peasants so that if the snow is not cleared, they will be shot" ... In combination with the policy of "war communism", predatory requisitioning and anti-church By the policy of the Bolsheviks, the Red Terror in the countryside led everywhere to mass peasant uprisings.

                        Another tool of mass terror is being used more and more: concentration camps. Against the background of mass executions of hostages, at first it looks mild, for Lenin applies it to the "dubious": “To carry out a merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; dubious locked up in a concentration camp outside the city. Then the decree on the "red terror" legitimizes this type of repression on the basis of an indiscriminate "class" criterion: "It is necessary to protect the Soviet Republic from class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps." Monasteries were often set aside for camps. The most terrible was the Solovetsky concentration camp, where dozens of bishops were tortured.
                      3. Mikado
                        8 November 2012 13: 53
                        And then what? Crimes of the Bolsheviks cancel white crimes? Or is there someone claiming that there was no red terror? I’m telling you about the first months after the revolution, you’re starting to paint me about February of the 19th year. Well, write more about the 37th year, it will be very according to your logic. You will download from a theme on the theme of a frog-traveler.
                      4. +3
                        8 November 2012 23: 19
                        Whites never created organizations like the Cheka ...
                        In the American army, the role of the Cheka or the Special Division is given to the sergeant ... you cut it. An American soldier can be shot by a sergeant, and only then his action will be considered by a high commission. And in all cap. armies as well.
                        In the tsarist army at a time when the death penalty by firing squad or hanging was prohibited, the commander could give the order to beat a thousand ramrods "Through side" read "After the Ball" was written before the revolution.
                        And in the Red Army trebunal, even with the appearance of considering the case, was made up of three people, or even a soldier’s committee.
                        White movement leaders never called for terror ...
                        They simply gave the order: These to shoot ...
                        Like in the cartoon: Sentinels! Cut off his head ... parasite.
                        This is possible!
                        Everything was possible there, knock out a soldier's teeth, put him on the breastwork of a trench for half an hour - this is not a shooting! This is a simple order: "To the parapet! 30 minutes."
          2. -1
            7 November 2012 10: 33
            What Mr. / Lantau / there is nothing to cover, only cons. You’ve taken the portrait of Lenin on the avatar, so say a word in defense of your ideal.
            1. Brother Sarych
              7 November 2012 15: 30
              Throw beads? What's the point?
              1. +3
                8 November 2012 05: 56
                Quote: Brother Sarich
                Throw beads? What's the point?

                That's it, only beads, not one did not provide the facts !!!
          3. +2
            7 November 2012 12: 41
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            And whoever unleashed a civil warrior under the slogans for Soviet power is not Lenin. For the Soviet power with his own people.

            Well, it is good that Denikin, Yudenich, Antonov, Wrangel, Kornilov each fought for their power against a stranger people. But the evil Bolsheviks for Soviet power for some reason decided to fight with their people.
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Like not, but didn’t they make a revolution with German money.

            Even if we assume that you are telling the truth, would it be bad now to restore great Russia with the money of the Amers, in order to later promote them?
            1. -1
              7 November 2012 12: 55
              Quote: revnagan

              Well, it is good that Denikin, Yudenich, Antonov, Wrangel, Kornilov each fought for their power against a stranger people. But the evil Bolsheviks for Soviet power for some reason decided to fight with their people.

              Not for his own, but for Russia.
              Quote: revnagan
              Even if we assume that you are telling the truth, would it be bad now to restore great Russia with the money of the Amers, in order to later promote them?

              Go take money from a bank, and then try to throw it or from a gangster. They took it already, only all the money was in your pockets, and the country was in poverty.
              1. -1
                7 November 2012 20: 23
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Not for his own, but for Russia.

                Their views were too different, so each of them fought for their own Russia ..
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Go take money from a bank, and then try to throw it or from a gangster. They took it already, only all the money was in your pockets, and the country was in poverty.

                Item 1 But they did not fulfill it. And Russia was raised, brought together, and the Liberal-Masons "divorced".
                p.2 The country is in poverty, but only in a few years in an agricultural country to create a complex of heavy machinery is not two fingers to soak. Or did you need to eat all the loans? Now they prefer to do just that.
                And if, as you say, all the money in your pockets was torn apart, why did you build factories and factories? Yes, even in such quantity?
                1. +1
                  8 November 2012 05: 55
                  Quote: revnagan
                  Their views were too different, so each of them fought for their own Russia ..

                  You dumped everything in a heap, Yudenich appointed Kolchak as commander, Wrangel at Dinikin, etc.
                  Quote: revnagan
                  1 But they did not fulfill it. And Russia was raised, brought together, and the Liberal-Masons "

                  Just do not Juda Lenin did it and the price of this divorce, according to some reports, amounted to 20 million killed. Want to take another?
                  Quote: revnagan
                  Now they prefer to do just that.

                  You may prefer, but the ruling circles have a different opinion on money.
                  Quote: revnagan
                  And if, as you say, all the money in your pockets was torn apart, why did you build factories and factories? Yes, even in such quantity?

                  Well, can you tell me where did 2500 tons of gold reserves of the USSR go? What factories were built by those who have invested money in the West, well, at least one lousy factory? And how sideways is what Lenin built in the days of Stalin?
          4. vikontas56
            8 November 2012 00: 11
            Who started the civil war? Start counting! First, the assassination of Uritsky in Petrograd! Then the assassination attempt on Lenin by the Socialist-Revolutionary Kaplan! Then the right-eser rebellion in Yaroslavsavl, under the leadership of Savinkov and the British spy Sydney Reilly. Conspiracy of the Entente ambassadors, led by the British ambassador Lockhart, aimed at destroying government, in order to force Russia to continue the war with Germany! Financing and arming Britain and France of the Volunteer Army of Denikin and the army of Kolchak! (By the way, doesn’t it remind Syria?) The landing of the expeditionary corps of Britain in Arkhangelsk and the American in Murmansk, the French squadron in Odessa, the Japanese in Vladivostok! If you forget all this, it’s worthless to you!
            1. 0
              8 November 2012 05: 36
              Quote: vikontas56
              If you have forgotten all this - a penny to you!

              I remember a lot and don’t turn the facts around, dumping everything in a heap. First, try to figure it out yourself if you can, be surprised. Wonder how far you are from realities.
        2. +2
          7 November 2012 14: 52
          And the country won the civil war (including against foreign intervention) under his leadership

          The Brest peace treaty is that if not Germany’s pay for power?

          Why then contemporaries of Lenin consider him an OUTSTANDING personality

          Not opposed, because all who could speak were killed or imprisoned or on the run abroad. And people carried all sorts of rubbish and so some people still consider it to be a good grandfather (((
        3. Alexander 1958
          8 November 2012 19: 41
          Lenin really was an outstanding personality, it only remained to find out in what matters his contribution was positive, and in which not so much .. As far as I remember from history, Trotsky was the organizer and leader of the Red Army, whether someone likes it or not. Honestly, I do not remember, even during the Soviet Union, that propaganda rested on Lenin's merits in the leadership of the army during the Civil War, Lenin was a state builder, but not a commander.
          And regarding the fight against homelessness, the decisive contribution was made by Dzerzhinsky and the Cheka, there was such a government decree that the KGB would take control of this problem in the good sense of the word ..
          Alexander 1958
      2. Ferrum_34
        7 November 2012 14: 27
        There has always been and will be cannon fodder like sailors, they naturally get rid of this meat and disown it later.
        The trouble of Russia is that we ourselves produce a gopot and a bummer, ready for a bottle of vodka and * idea * (correctly, as it seems, interpreted by the media) to burn cars, houses and people with their fates. Russia begins ... well, or it should begin with a family and respect for people close to you.
      3. vovan1949
        7 November 2012 19: 22
        What a primitivism. Well, at least you need to know the story, at least think a little and not repeat what you heard on our anti-Bolshevik and anti-Soviet TV.
    3. GG2012
      7 November 2012 13: 18
      Quote: Egoza
      Recall the mighty country of the USSR and bow to those who created it!

      Is that ... and Leiba Trotsky bow ?! Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlov, ... and other Sruly and Forms?
      If you, Fidget, from the fanatical fans of the above ... comrade, then you are mistaken site !!!
      1. +4
        7 November 2012 17: 50
        Recall the mighty country of the USSR and bow to those who created it!

        Is that ... and Leiba Trotsky bow ?! Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlov, ... and other Sruly and Forms?

        These "comrades" did not create the USSR, but rather pulled it apart. The USSR was created by our grandfathers under the leadership of Stalin. It was Stalin's project - the USSR, while Bronstein and Co. - they only have a Permanent World Revolution, or, in simple terms, a New World Order.
    4. -8
      7 November 2012 14: 41
      Another ravings commie. God is your judge. Whether you like it or not, you can’t argue against facts. Lenin worked for Kaiser Germany and this explains a lot.
      1. vovan1949
        7 November 2012 19: 45
        Lenin fought for the common people, for workers and peasants. And therefore, those who have robbed this people, who have now become rich through the impoverishment of most of the population, are still afraid of him.
        Happy Great October Socialist Revolution!
        1. +1
          7 November 2012 20: 16
          Happy holiday!
        2. 0
          8 November 2012 05: 28
          Quote: vovan1949
          Lenin fought for the common people, for workers and peasants.

          Well, he fought with his own people, drowning him in blood.
          Quote: vovan1949
          And therefore, those who have robbed this people, who have now become rich through the impoverishment of most of the population, are still afraid of him.

          I’m not afraid of him, and I didn’t rob the people. Those who deny the crimes of Lenin against their people and do not want to see their bloody facts have something to fear. People will be ashamed to look into the eyes of people.
    5. -4
      7 November 2012 15: 30
      Quote: Egoza
      Happy Great October Socialist Revolution!

      Thanks, fucked up. Long live the autocracy! God save the Tsar!
      1. -4
        7 November 2012 15: 33
        Quote: Uncle
        Long live the autocracy! God save the Tsar!

        Vosche fly away, direct fire on rot in the mausoleum laughing Comment super +
      2. -2
        7 November 2012 20: 25
        Quote: Uncle
        God save the Tsar!

        Yeah, and good health in the afterlife ...
        1. +1
          8 November 2012 05: 25
          Quote: revnagan
          Yeah, and good health in the afterlife ..

          About the children who were brutally murdered, that you don’t remember or don’t feel like it? That was all of Lenin’s policies. To throw everything out of the mausoleum and wash it with chlorine, it stinks.
          1. -1
            8 November 2012 13: 19
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            About children brutally murdered that you don’t remember

            Are you talking about those who were shot at the Potemkin Stairs in Odessa? Or at the Palace Square on 09.01.1905? Why, I recall.
            1. +1
              8 November 2012 13: 54
              Quote: revnagan
              Are you talking about those who were shot at the Potemkin Stairs in Odessa? Or at the Palace Square on 09.01.1905?

              No, I'm talking about the children of Tsar Nicholas, who were brutally killed by the Bolsheviks, and about thousands of other children and women who were mercilessly shot by the Bolsheviks. How this order was carried out is evidenced by the official reports published in the Tambov Izvestia: 5 villages were burned on September 5; On September 7, more than 250 peasants were shot ... In one Kozhukhov concentration camp near Moscow (in 1921 - 22), 313 Tambov peasants were held as hostages, including children from 1 month to 16 years old. Among these undressed (without warm clothes), half-starved hostages in the fall of 1921, typhus raged.

              We find long lists of published hostages and hostages for deserters, for example, in The Red Warrior 27. There is even a special heading for some of the hostages: "conditionally sentenced to be shot."

              Both children and parents were shot. And we will find witnessed and such facts. Children were shot in the presence of parents and parents in the presence of children. Especially in this respect, the Special Department of V.Ch.K., led by the half-madman Kedrov, was in charge. He sent from the "fronts" to Butyrki with whole packs of young "spies" from 28 to 8 years old. He shot these little spies-schoolboys on the spot. I personally know a number of such cases in Moscow.

              What matters to anyone about some moral torture, which P. A. Kropotkin tried to talk about in his letter. In the Extraordinary Commissions, not only provincial, but also metropolitan, the very real torture and torture were practiced. Naturally, the letter of P. A. Kropotkin remained a voice glaring in the desert.
              1. -3
                9 November 2012 13: 58
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                . I personally know a number of such cases in Moscow.

                Wow, how old are you? No senile mental disturbances bother you?
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                And we will find witnessed and such facts. Children were shot in the presence of parents and parents in the presence of children.

                Where will we find them? And if we don’t find them, we’ll come up with?
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                What matters to anyone about some moral torture, which P. A. Kropotkin tried to talk about in his letter.

                And how, forgive me, did Prince Kropotkin find out about what was going on in the Cheka? Or did the Cheka arrange an "open door day"? Or Kropotkin also worked there.
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                No, I'm talking about the children of Tsar Nicholas, whom the Bolsheviks brutally killed

                "What measure you measure, this will be measured for you." This is to the fact that Nikolai Romanov began to engage in such a thing back in 1905. As it comes around, it will respond (folk wisdom).
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                How this order was carried out is evidenced by the official messages published in the Tambov Izvestia:

                And you can in more detail: the date, month, year of publication of this newspaper, but rather the document itself. Who published it?
  2. nickname 1 and 2
    7 November 2012 09: 03
    the very existence of Great Russia is possible only if there is a powerful and tough state power. European-style power in Russia is unsuitable (this applies to modern Russia).

    It's right! On this basis, languages ​​must be shortened. fool
  3. +9
    7 November 2012 09: 06
    Revolutionary Eras familiar to all profiles ...

    What they wanted:

    1. +5
      7 November 2012 09: 08
      Quote: Boris55
      Revolutionary Eras familiar to all profiles

      Well, according to tradition from the time immemorial of Judah hi
    2. 0
      7 November 2012 14: 41
      their pseudo-German friends should not be forgotten either)
    3. +5
      7 November 2012 14: 50
      Boris55The demotivator you quoted is the usual propaganda:
      It is sometimes claimed that this quote is given in Aron Simanovich’s book “Memoirs,” but it is not there. In the book of A. A. Smirnov, “Russian Atamans” (SP-b., 2002) on p. 197 as the source indicates the newspaper Our Way, published by the Central Committee of the Russian Fascist Party in Harbin (China) in 1933-1938. Explicitly aimed at the Nazi discredit of Zionism and all Jews. And here is what he really said: The requirement that on the stairs and in the corridors do not spit and do not throw cigarette butts is a “trifle”, a petty demand, but meanwhile, it has great educational and economic significance. A man who seems to spit on the stairs or on the floor in the room is a slut and a hell. One cannot expect a revival of the economy from him. He will not lubricate the boot either, and the glass will be knocked out due to inattention, and he will bring typhoid louse ...
      It may seem differently ... that persistent attention to such things is picky and "bureaucratic." Under the struggle against bureaucracy, we are willingly faked sluts and heaps. "What, they say, the importance of throwing a cigarette butt on the stairs!" But this is rotten nonsense. The untidy dropping of cigarette butts is disrespect for the work of others. And he who does not respect the labor of others, he also treats his own in bad faith. In order for communal houses to develop, it is necessary that every tenant or every tenant should pay full attention to order, cleanliness, and the interests of the house as a whole. Otherwise, it turns out (and often turns out) lousy, spit holes, and not at all communal houses. We must tirelessly and irreconcilably deal with this kind of sloppiness, uncivilization, sloppiness - fight with word and example, preaching and exactingness, exhortation and holding to account. "One who silently passes aside a side such facts as a spattered staircase or a crap yard, that poor citizen, that worthless builder." - L. D. Trotsky, “In order to rearrange life, one must know it” // Pravda No. 219, October 1, 1921
      1. -1
        7 November 2012 15: 14
        Jewish fascism (part of 5). About the goals of the biblical project and plans for the destruction of Russia - http://klin.ucoz.net/forum/15-82-1
        1. +1
          7 November 2012 15: 23
          Well, this expression was stupidly prescribed to Trotsky, like many others, but your opinion on the article that I laid out for you, I already know that Jews are to blame for all the troubles.
          1. Kshatriy
            7 November 2012 19: 48
            Quote: igor67
            Well, this expression was stupidly prescribed to Trotsky, like many others, but your opinion on the article that I laid out for you, I already know that Jews are to blame for all the troubles.

            Igor !!! Hare Include Primitivism ... Yes ????
  4. +5
    7 November 2012 09: 12
    All around Jews hi
  5. +7
    7 November 2012 09: 15
    Congratulations to all on the 95th anniversary of the Great October Revolution.
    Thanks to her, thanks to the CPSU, we grandchildren and children of miners could become officers, get higher education and give a backlog to our children and grandchildren.
    Long live the great Lenin. Long live the great Stalin Long live the CPSU.
    And let all sorts of kulak and earl counts bite themselves in the ass. And we children of workers and peasants today celebrate our HOLIDAY.
    1. -12
      7 November 2012 09: 18
      Quote: vlbelugin

      Long live the great Lenin

      Traitor Lenin, specify when you write.
      Quote: vlbelugin
      And we children of workers and peasants today celebrate our HOLIDAY

      I am from a simple family, but to you to Zyuganov, there’s a Sabbath today hi Yes, minus return, I do not like to be wink
      1. Kapitanyuk
        7 November 2012 11: 09
        Traitor? Bah, have I really found someone who speaks almost with my mouth? fellow
      2. +7
        7 November 2012 11: 23
        You have your own opinion about Lenin, I have mine. As a member of the CPSU since 1977, I do not see a party leader in "comrade" Zyuganov. Therefore, I do not need them. Lenin wrote about people like Zyuganov - political prostitutes.
        1. +9
          7 November 2012 12: 11
          Quote: vlbelugin
          About people like Zyuganov V.I. Lenin wrote - political prostitutes.
          Unfortunately, after the death of Stalin, in the Communist Party they multiplied like amoeba.
      3. +6
        7 November 2012 13: 47
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Traitor Lenin, specify when you write.

        It’s not for you to judge Sasha who he was. Who are you to judge?
        1. -3
          7 November 2012 13: 51
          Quote: baltika-18
          Do not you judge Sasha who he was

          Why is it possible to judge the drunk Yeltsin and the traitor Gorbachev, but not the traitor Lenin?
          Quote: baltika-18
          Who are you to judge

          A citizen of Russia, the country in which Lenin staged a bloody battle of the people. Lenin is a man who tried to destroy my faith, the history of my country. I have the right !!!
          1. +6
            7 November 2012 14: 21
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Quote: baltika-18
            Who are you to judge
            A citizen of Russia, the country in which Lenin staged a bloody battle of the people. Lenin is a man who tried to destroy my faith, the history of my country. I have the right !!!

            But I am a citizen of the USSR, and comparing Yeltsin and Gorbachev with Lenin is not correct, the scale of the personality is different, not one order of magnitude higher.
            1. -5
              7 November 2012 14: 26
              Quote: baltika-18
              to compare Yeltsin and Gorbachev with Lenin is not correct, the scale of the personality is different, not one order of magnitude higher

              I agree that both of them didn’t lie next to Lenin, so to fill the country with blood, as Lenin did, you need to be a complete scumbag.
              1. 0
                12 November 2012 19: 03
                So Nicholas II also poured blood over the country - and even got a nickname for it - and lost the most important thing in the finale, and Peter I also poured blood over his country - why don’t you throw mud on them then?
                Great things have never been done by weaklings and felts ...
          2. max-02215
            8 November 2012 19: 04
            A citizen of Russia, the country in which Lenin staged a bloody battle of the people. Lenin is a man who tried to destroy my faith, the history of my country. I have the right !!!

            Then, remember and Prince Vladimir, who brought "your" faith to Russia and drowned him in the blood of our ancestors, whose faith he almost destroyed. Well, in the destruction of history, VI is not in the forefront - the priests and Westerners did their best
      4. vovan1949
        7 November 2012 20: 05
        You zadolbal all Romanov hissing. People have a holiday today, and you are here with your evil comments
        1. -1
          8 November 2012 05: 20
          Quote: vovan1949
          You zadolbal all Romanov hissing. People have a holiday today, and you are here with your evil comments

          On the blood and bones of the Russian people celebrate, well done. they found a pancake a holiday and most importantly clearly not one says what the holiday is here. What Lenin did is good for Russia, what to celebrate is the betrayal of Russia, which led to the destruction of millions of our citizens. Here, understanding all this, a person will not talk about the holiday, it’s mournful date of our history.
          1. 0
            8 November 2012 23: 34
            Peter the Great, Monomakh, Yaroslav the Wise, Nikolai Palkin, and Nikolai the Bloody built on blood and bones. Continue? Only Peter is called the Great, because he did great things for Russia,
    2. boris.uryadkin
      7 November 2012 09: 37
      Where did you come from such a joyful Komsomolets?
      1. Kapitanyuk
        7 November 2012 11: 10
        He came from the Mausoleum ...
    3. +4
      7 November 2012 10: 14
      Quote: vlbelugin
      all sorts of kulak and count weaknesses let bite themselves in the ass. And we children of workers and peasants today celebrate our HOLIDAY

      it is a pity that with the shoulder straps of the Officer, no mind was added to the head.
      The idea of ​​communism took root in Russia because they are close in mentality to the Russians, but unfortunately the Elite was not created and lice stupidity about "counts and kulaks" stupidity is
    4. -2
      7 November 2012 15: 31
      Quote: vlbelugin
      Long live the great Lenin. Long live the great Stalin Long live the CPSU.
      Fortunately, your time is over, I hope forever.
      1. vovan1949
        7 November 2012 20: 08
        No, Uncle. The future is socialism.
        1. -1
          7 November 2012 21: 33
          Quote: vovan1949
          No, Uncle. The future is socialism.
          What do you call socialism? The destruction of millions of people during the revolution, called the "Red Terror"? And do not say that he was not, my family is from St. Petersburg, the cradle of the revolution, ours were on the list for destruction. What is called socialism is not such, it is Satanism, service not to society, but to the devil. This is clearly seen in the destruction of the Orthodox Faith, but as they say in Russia: Without God, not to the threshold. Without Orthodox Faith there can be no Russia, this is the ultimate truth. So either Russia is with Christ, or nothing will happen, perhaps the end will come.
    5. +1
      8 November 2012 23: 29
      Thank God that we have not yet thought of a capitalist holiday or thieves. After all, even the ancients knew that Mercury was the patron saint of trade and thieves.
      Happy November 7th! who made me an equal person.
  6. +6
    7 November 2012 09: 29
    The more interesting question is who was the organizer of the revolution (or coup, whoever you like)? And who really was at the helm of power in the country from November 1917 - in the early 1920s?
    No, of course, in the textbooks there is a canonical image of a certain Ulyanov-Lenin, who became a semi-mythical Soviet prophet, and even present in the mausoleum. But it’s not a secret for a long time that all power, at least during the civil war, was concentrated in the hands of Trotsky, and then Stalin was added, between whom the power struggle developed. There are also researchers who claim that Lenin's political testament was a fake slipped by the Khrushchev team. And the so-called collected works of Lenin is a collection of works of more than a dozen people (history did not know an example for one person to have enough life to write such a number of works). So who was Ulyanov-Lenin in reality?
  7. +10
    7 November 2012 09: 59
    -The empire was destroyed by the Duma politicians of the liberal-democratic persuasion (closely associated with the Masons and the West), industrialists and financiers, generals, part of the aristocracy, including members of the imperial family.
    nothing reminds me, the story repeated in the 90s. The great socialist revolution saved Russia.
  8. +15
    7 November 2012 10: 04
    I read the article with interest. I myself am a great lover of history. Of all the material, Starikov’s point of view is very interesting (I’m trying to find a refutation of his theory).
    Lenin - a great man, threw his curators on the 1 / 6 part of the land. For one Rappals 1922 treaty of the year is worthy of a monument. But the creation of the Russian state in the USSR format of the 1953 model of the year has little to do.
    Stalin is the best leader in Russia, not without flaws.
    1. Kapitanyuk
      7 November 2012 11: 08
      And for signing the Brest Peace, he is worthy of the hottest boilers in hell. : W
      1. +3
        7 November 2012 11: 38

        The Privislin provinces, Ukraine, the provinces with the predominant Belarusian population, the Estland, Courland and Livonia provinces, and the Grand Duchy of Finland were torn away from Russia. Most of these territories were to become German protectorates or become part of Germany. Also, Russia pledged to recognize the independence of Ukraine in the person of the government of the UPR.
        In the Caucasus, Russia was inferior to the Kars region and the Batumi region.
        The Soviet government ended the war with the Ukrainian Central Council (Rada) of the Ukrainian People's Republic and made peace with it.
        The army and navy were demobilized.
        The Baltic fleet was withdrawn from its bases in Finland and the Baltic states.
        The Black Sea Fleet with all the infrastructure was transferred to the Central Powers.
        Russia paid 6 billions of marks of reparations plus damages, 500 million gold rubles incurred by Germany during the Russian revolution.
        The Soviet government committed itself to stop revolutionary propaganda in the Central Powers and allied states formed on the territory of the Russian Empire.

        From Soviet Russia was seized territory 780 thousand sq. km with the population 56 million people (one third of the population of the Russian Empire) and on which were (before the revolution): 27% of the cultivated agricultural land, 26% of the entire railway network, 33% of the textile industry, 73% of iron and steel was smelted, 89% of coal was mined and 90% of sugar was produced; 918 textile factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco factories, 1685 distilleries, 244 chemical factories, 615 pulp mills, 1073 machine-building plants were located and 40% of industrial workers were located

        At the same time, Russia withdrew all its troops from these territories., and Germany, on the contrary, introduced and retained control of the Moosund archipelago and the Gulf of Riga there. In addition, Russian troops were supposed to leave Finland, the Aland Islands near Sweden, the districts of Kars, Argadan and Batum were transferred to Turkey. From the Narva-Pskov-Millerovo-Rostov-on-Don line, on which German troops were on the day of the signing of the treaty, they were to be withdrawn only after the signing of the universal treaty.

        In the appendix to the agreement, the special economic status of Germany in Soviet Russia was guaranteed. Citizens and corporations of the Central Powers were excluded from the action of the Bolshevik decrees on nationalization, and persons who have already lost property were restored in their rights. In this way, German citizens were allowed to engage in private enterprise in Russia against the background of the general nationalization of the economy at that time. This state of affairs for some time created for Russian owners of enterprises or securities the opportunity to escape from nationalization by selling their assets to the Germans.

        The Brest Treaty restored the 1904 customs tariffs of the year with Germany, which were extremely unfavorable for Russia. Besides, when the Bolsheviks renounced royal debts (which occurred in January 1918), Russia was forced to confirm all debts to the Central Powers and resume payments on them.

        After that, the really strange thing with the "plow" remained, in my opinion no one could work out the money invested in it even better.
        1. -2
          7 November 2012 14: 54
          The Privislin provinces were torn away from Russia ...
          so Poland was born. Thank you to Lenin for giving birth to Poland.
          1. Mikado
            7 November 2012 16: 04
            Poland granted independence to the Provisional Government
            1. -1
              7 November 2012 18: 09
              The Privislin provinces are Poland. If they were rejected under the Brest Treaty, then Poland appeared only thanks to the Brest Treaty, that’s all
              1. Mikado
                8 November 2012 14: 19
                How can one be such a historically and legally illiterate person. You still say that Veliky Novgorod granted the independence of Finland and Norway, because in the territories that he ceded to Sweden and Denmark, Norway and Finland subsequently formed.
                Lenin gave part of the territories that were under the Germans, the Germans did not think to give independence to Poland. Independent Poland came into being thanks to the Treaty of Versailles. And only a very naive person can believe that without signing the Brest Peace, the Entente would return to Soviet Russia everything that Tsarist Russia had, including Poland.
                1. 0
                  9 November 2012 13: 24
                  as for Poland, you fully confirmed my words, and to be precise, Poland was born more than once, but only thanks to the efforts of Lenin she was able to completely separate from Russia. And what promises of the Entente do you constantly assert? What are the promises of the Entente when we had an ARMY before 1917, and after the revolution it was gone? It was with the help of the army, and not the promises of the Entente, that we would expand our influence in our own and foreign territories!
            2. Kshatriy
              7 November 2012 19: 59
              Quote: Mikado

              Poland granted independence to the Provisional Government

              UGA-GA .... Vile Obscene Lousy Syphilitic Animal lying with a filthy belch on the surface of the earth - the scum "Lenin" (Ulyanov-Blank .... Evgei nationality on their mothers .. isn't it true ????) Being due to a misunderstanding of the Russian People, who was deceived by him, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars issued his most disgusting and obscene for any (even a pygmy state) "dekhkhret" ...---- "a world without annexations and indemnities" ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              1. Patton135
                7 November 2012 20: 07
                How much hatred))) I have not met so much even among the most inveterate liberals (and they hate the Communists more than anyone else). As I understand it, you dear, decided to break the record of Solzhenitsyn, Svanidze and so on. As far as I know, this level of hatred can indicate an extremely unhealthy psyche.
                And advice: hold on, do not let the inner Breivik get the better))
                1. Kshatriy
                  7 November 2012 22: 44
                  Quote: Patton135
                  And advice: hold on, do not let the inner Breivik get the better))

                  Quote: Patton135
                  decided to break Solzhenitsyn’s record,

                  I advise you to read A.I. Solzhenitsin - "200 years together" ... (maybe at least a small sprout of reason will appear in your head ...) .. With Breivik, not everything is so simple either .... A question for you, a connoisseur of my inner world ..... Try to find an answer to the question ... Why did Breivik not shoot at two boys "Caucasians" ... although they poured swearing words at him and threw stones ??????????? ????????????
                  Quote: Patton135
                  What level of hatred can indicate an extremely unhealthy psyche.

                  I am extremely pleased to stand, on your qualification scale, on the same level as A.I.Solzhenitsyn ..... You are happy with me jerry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            3. Kshatriy
              7 November 2012 20: 39
              Quote: Mikado

              Poland granted independence to the Provisional Government

              ... Yeah ... kuvelstvo ... embarrassment and other insanity ...... ...... !!!! An animal - cheat ... a syphilitic and vile scum - it's all the fault !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Lenin --- called ....)
          2. sq
            8 November 2012 10: 05
            And also divided and divided Belarus
        2. Brother Sarych
          7 November 2012 15: 37
          By the way, Ukraine went to the Germans without Lenin’s help - the Ukrainians were the first to admonish to lie under the Germans, the Brest Peace consolidated this after the fact, the Baltic States were already under the Germans ...
          1. +1
            7 November 2012 16: 05
            Only one fact that Russia from all Entente countries has lost territory doesn’t bother you?
            1. Brother Sarych
              7 November 2012 16: 20
              And why should this confuse me?
              The country collapsed in the summer — the enemy had already seized vast territories of the country, Poland was already under the enemy, the Baltic states — almost all, in Ukraine, the separatists had already concluded an agreement with the Germans and did not recognize the central government, nor did the Caucasians — what was to be done?
              Do you know that military circles rendered great help in overthrowing the Provisional Government, because only the Bolsheviks retained any hope of preserving the country? The EaP was helpless, like the tsarist government a little earlier - not from scratch, everyone was dissatisfied with the autocrat ...
              Many people have no idea here that White didn’t fight for the tsar at all, and not for the great and indivisible Russia!
              1. 0
                7 November 2012 16: 39
                The interim government, because only the Bolsheviks retained at least some hope of preserving the country?
                Or rather, fearing for their lives, not leading the determination of the king, who did not want to start a civil war.
                not out of nowhere, everyone was dissatisfied with the autocrat ...
                this place is never empty. what rulers were not displeased with?
                The country fell apart in the summer - the enemy has already captured vast territories of the country,
                France was almost all captured and nothing like that. In the Second World War, too, it was not all that was sought in the USSR.
                Germany was beneficial in eliminating Russia from the war, immediately after the signing of the Brest Peace Germany made an attempt to turn the tide of the battle.
                1. +4
                  7 November 2012 18: 02
                  The fact of the matter is that Russia was spread not only enemies (Germany, Turkey, etc.) but also pseudo-allies (Brit, and France). Even without the Brest Peace, they would have thrown us, having come up with some excuse.
                2. Brother Sarych
                  7 November 2012 22: 14
                  After the February Revolution, many independent governments were formed almost immediately, the EP didn’t control anything in the country, few obeyed - even the army was falling apart before our eyes! If there is no army, who will fight? Ukraine has already become independent - there has simply been no front over a vast stretch, and the Germans have rightfully advanced right up to the Caucasus! And there already their local leaders were waiting with open arms, only the British actually held our front both in the North and in the South! And initially they and the Bolsheviks were in harmony ...
                  France almost all captured? It is when? Yes, the Boschs approached almost to Paris in 1918, but this is far from a large part of France ...
      2. +5
        7 November 2012 13: 49
        Quote: Kapitanyuk
        And for signing the Brest Peace, he is worthy of the hottest boilers in hell.

        Everything that Russia lost in the Brest Peace was returned in abundance. The Brest Peace is a tactical ploy that allowed us to stretch our time and gather our strength. For the Russian army was ruined by the liberal-shit-socialist-Masonic codena, and it saved Petrograd from occupation by the Kaiser troops was no longer capable. Time was needed to create a new army as air.
        1. +2
          7 November 2012 14: 05
          Letting Kaiser's troops into its territory? Nothing that the First World War ended half a year later and was delayed due to Russia's withdrawal from the war.
          was returned in excess.
          Remind you the price of return or ask your grandfather?
          And again, it was not Lenin who returned them.
          1. Mikado
            7 November 2012 16: 04
            Quote: urzul
            Nothing that World War I ended in half a year

            "Tomorrow any shoemaker will know how this battle could have been won."
            General Lee, the morning before the Battle of Gettysburg.
            1. +1
              7 November 2012 16: 31
              The offensive of the German armies in Picardy on the Somme on 21 of March - 4 of April (March offensive) and in Flanders on the river. Fox 9 – 29 April 1918
              But learn what made this attempt to turn the tide of the war possible. I understand that history does not tolerate subjunctive moods, but still I will say that in the event of a defeat of the Entente. Wir möchten Ihnen nun schriftlich in deutscher und würde auch Lenin gelobt.
              1. Mikado
                8 November 2012 14: 46
                I don’t understand what you want to say. What if Lenin did not sign the peace, if German troops seized even more Russian territory, even more of our resources, would the war end earlier? Or, if you think about it, still later?
          2. +1
            7 November 2012 20: 41
            Quote: urzul
            And again, it was not Lenin who returned them.

            Lenin, as an intelligent man, understood well, calculated that Germany, having bitten off more than it could digest, would still not hold on to everything that it grabbed, and it would not be too hard to bring everything back.
            Quote: urzul
            Remind you the price of return or ask your grandfather?

            Yes, you understand that in that situation, the Germans would have taken whatever they wanted in any way. There was nothing to give them hands on, nothing.
            Quote: urzul
            Letting Kaiser's troops into its territory?

            They were already on our territory without permission. The Germans only respect force and stick, and this, I repeat, unfortunately did not happen.
            Quote: urzul
            Nothing that the First World War ended half a year later and was delayed due to Russia's withdrawal from the war.

            But is it okay that the Russian peasant has already shed much more blood than all the soldiers of the “allies?” For those interests that were alien to him. Was it necessary to continue to die for the interests of the Entente capitalists?
          3. +3
            7 November 2012 23: 51
            Quote: urzul
            Nothing that World War I ended in half a year

            Most likely, that is why it ended that Russia emerged from this war. All the burden lay on the Russian soldiers.
        2. -4
          7 November 2012 14: 59
          revnagan PL Today, 13:49
          Brest peace is a tactical ploy
          Hrenasebe tactical ploy - unfasten the pants in front of the enemy and substitute him bare ass !! and far from all returned, and returned only because the communist octopus quickly shook Germany itself from within
          1. Mikado
            7 November 2012 16: 14
            And we stood with our pants open, not only in front of Germany, but in front of the Anglo-Saxo-Francs since 1914. When they needed help - we threw the army into a meat grinder, when we needed help - we saw a shish. They paid a lot of money for the supply of weapons, and a minuscule was supplied. In your opinion, so Lenin, echoing the tsar, was to throw the remnants of the army into another meat grinder for the benefit of the Anglo-Saxons from whom they saw nothing good? And for what? Do you still believe that the Entente would give Soviet Russia what it promised to the tsar? Galicia there, the Black Sea straits? What a naive person.
            1. 0
              7 November 2012 18: 13
              war is not a reason to betray the country
              1. 0
                7 November 2012 20: 46
                Quote: Sanches
                war is not a reason to betray the country

                By 1917, the country's interests had already been sold and betrayed.
                1. 0
                  7 November 2012 21: 17
                  revnagan Today, 20: 46
                  By 1917, the country's interests had already been sold and betrayed.
                  um, like the Brest Treaty can just be called a sale and betrayal, isn’t it? O.O.
                  It is interesting that there are opponents of the opinion that war is not an occasion to betray the homeland
                  1. Mikado
                    7 November 2012 23: 16
                    Lenin was a very flexible politician and was not afraid to go beyond the scope, as he did when he introduced the NEP in the country, in the first world of a socialist country he rolled back and returned capitalism, this was not conceivable for party comrades. He did the same with the Brest peace. He did not want to sign it, tightened negotiations in every possible way, but when the Germans occupied the Baltic states, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, they reached Rostov and were ready to move on, and the Turks occupied the Caucasus, what should be done? What would you do in his place? Once again, would they send to death a couple of hundred thousand Russian people in order for the Germans to ease the pressure on some kind of French village in champagne? But Lenin decided that let the Anglo-Saxons go to ... with their straits and Galicia, which you can’t even see, let the Germans deal with us, without us, get it, and we will sign a humiliating (on paper) world, wait until Germany bent (and she obviously did not have much left), and cancel it. By then, we’ll put together a normal army. And so it happened. We must be able to go beyond the system and stop watching cartoons about the Black Cloak, believe in the nobility of the enemy and beautiful words.
                    1. 0
                      8 November 2012 10: 56
                      hell, doesn’t it seem to you that if the Germans actually occupied these areas before the Brest Treaty, then there was no point in tearing them away with a wide gesture of the hand? Why should the Germans give them, if they are already under the Germans ?! it was the destruction of a healthy country and turning into a patient forever! returned? what have you returned ?! Poland and Finland were part of Russia, and how did you get them back?
                      1. Mikado
                        8 November 2012 13: 13
                        Didn’t understand

                        Quote: Sanches
                        do not you think that if the Germans actually occupied these areas before the Brest Treaty,

                        But the Germans did not take them?

                        Quote: Sanches
                        then there was no point in rejecting them with a wide gesture of his hand? Why should the Germans give them, if they are already under the Germans ?!

                        For example, in order for the Germans to stop attacking, and after another attack not to request even larger territories, after all, before the attack they asked for some territories, and when negotiations began to drag out, they went on the offensive and then they asked for completely different territories, much larger, would not sign the agreement , they would go further and ask for third territories already.

                        Quote: Sanches
                        ! it was the destruction of a healthy country and turning into a patient forever!

                        What nonsense, what healthy country, Russia was a healthy country by October 17th? Even white generals do not share your opinion.

                        Quote: Sanches
                        returned? what have you returned ?! Poland and Finland were part of Russia, and how did you get them back?

                        Crying in Poland and Finland? Baltic States, Western Belarus, Western Ukraine, Bessarabia, Bukovina, South Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Koenigsberg is a trifle of course and does not count. In general, the provisional government gave independence to Poland, and there are claims to it. Finland was semi-independent even under the kings, and by October 17th it had become virtually completely independent, hanging over Petrograd 30 km from it and sharpening knives. Having recognized its independence, Lenin secured Petrograd from the North, or you forgot what contribution Finland made to the blockade of Leningrad in the Great Patriotic War, and so Lenin did not allow this to happen at the time. Then, after the Second World War, the pieces that we needed were cut off from Finland and we created a buffer state, we traded and concluded contracts through it, it, as an independent state, was much more useful to us than as a republic.
                        Why are you crying for some kind of Finland, is it so dear to you? Well then, let the tear go through the Kara region.
                      2. +1
                        8 November 2012 13: 41
                        Quote: Sanches
                        Poland and Finland were part of Russia, and how did you get them back?

                        Firstly, not all of Poland, but part of its territory. Poles never considered themselves to be part of Russia and historically these territories were never Russian. They came to Russia as a result of the division of Poland into 3 parts between the European powers. So not all of Poland, but only a third. Yes, and the Russian people never considered these lands their own. In Finland, the conversation is special. Yes, it was under the protectorate of Russia, but the Finns did not serve in the Russian army, did not pay taxes to the Russian treasury. With the outbreak of war, the anti-Russian sentiments in Finland, warmed up from Germany, intensified. So that the territories of Poland and Finland could be kept only by completely destroying the entire population of these territories. The nationalist and anti-Russian sentiments were too strong there. Well, it’s frightening why Russia needed this hemorrhoid for centuries? Stalin in 1945, when it was possible to return these lands under the wing of Russia. Therefore, he did not return.
                      3. -2
                        9 November 2012 13: 34
                        actually, before the revolution, in Helsinki, then Helsingfors, there was a branch of the Petrograd factory for the production of car tires, and one can only guess what other enterprises remained there after the separation of Poland and Finland from Russia. Tatarstan, for example, recently also does not consider itself a part of Russia, but this does not mean that such an opinion has always existed. The fact that at some point the Germans crossed our border - so in a war, the border always tends to be shaky, the territories pass from one side to the other and vice versa, it’s not so scary to roll to Moscow itself in horror, as in 1941 oh. And in general, somehow since childhood, I was not used to trust Russophobic communist propaganda
          2. 0
            7 November 2012 20: 44
            Quote: Sanches
            Hrenasebe tactical ploy - unfasten the pants in front of the enemy and substitute him bare ass !!

            and so the enemy was already there! By the very "Netherlands". And they returned because even at the signing Lenin knew that Germany would soon collapse.
            1. -2
              7 November 2012 21: 13
              revnagan Today, 20: 44
              and so the enemy was already there! By the very "Netherlands". And they returned because even at the signing Lenin knew that Germany would soon collapse.
              naturlih, he Rosette Luxembourg whispered in his ear
      3. vovan1949
        7 November 2012 20: 13
        And if not for the Brest Peace, what would happen? Given the moral and psychological state of the Russian army.
  9. 8 company
    7 November 2012 10: 13
    Ah, the tsar with a revolutionary terrorist scum liberalized, referenced them to village grub and ruddy girls, so he was diberal: he was killed with his family, and then the fratricidal Civil War, dispossession, new serfdom in the form of collective farms, famine and repression. Only after the death of Stalin did the Bolshevik leaders treat the people not as an expendable set of cogs and slivers, but more or less humanly.
    1. -2
      7 November 2012 11: 18
      Quote: Company 8
      Ah, the tsar with a revolutionary terrorist scum liberalized, exiled them to village grubs and ruddy girls, that’s doliberal

      In, in today the tsar is also liberal, calls and does not even send to exile.
      1. Odessa
        7 November 2012 11: 45
        Alexander Romanov,
        In, in today the tsar is also liberal, calls and does not even send to exile.

        Yes, yesterday, by order of the boyar, Taburetkin was demoted.
        1. +5
          7 November 2012 11: 51
          Are there any other politicians?
        2. +2
          7 November 2012 15: 33
          Such a portrait is not a sin in the office to hang.
    2. vardex
      7 November 2012 15: 15
      8 chamber ha ha ha
    3. wax
      7 November 2012 15: 35
      Could you do more than Colonel Ming to pacify the "revolutionary terrorist scum"? And also the Black Hundreds?
    4. +1
      7 November 2012 17: 21
      Quote: Company 8
      Oh, the king was liberal

      I would call the policy of Nicholas II not liberal, but humanitarian, I avoid the word "humane". Nicholas knew his fate, these are the predictions of the monk Abel, Seraphim of Sarov, even his contemporary John of Kronstadt spoke about the collapse of Russia, that the country would lose its name, which happened. Simply put, he didn't want blood, knowing that everything was coming to an end. Others shed blood, you yourself know who and whose.
  10. merkel1961
    7 November 2012 10: 34
    It's time to pack your bags for Yeltsin’s accomplices, enemies of the young reformers: Chuba
    1. +4
      7 November 2012 11: 02
      Quote: merkel1961
      I don’t know who in the United States will win the election, but power fascists will solve their dollar problems by further destabilizing the situation in the world

      Obama won hi RIA Novosti, Maria Tabak, Denis Voroshilov. US President Barack Obama gains 274 electoral votes necessary to win the election, CNN News Agency reported.
      1. 0
        7 November 2012 15: 01
        URAAA !!!! fellow America at least will not be ashamed, otherwise the new Bush was outlined))))
  11. Evil Tatar
    7 November 2012 11: 04
    Happy Holiday, Comrades !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I celebrated this holiday from 1970 (at about 5 years of age, memory returns) until the beginning of the 90s ...
    He wore banners, sang songs, shouted cries ... Happiness was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not like now ...
    He was an Octobrist, a pioneer, a Komsomol member; he did not have time to join the party — I do not regret it, but ...
    I keep the Komsomol ticket and did not even think of tearing it off following the example of the half-wits of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin coup ...
    The history of the country is very important for all generations of its citizens, and my personal history is important for me, my ancestors, my children and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren ...
    My friends, classmates, classmates, colleagues, and acquaintances.
    Why should I stomp all of this with my own feet? Because of the thoughts of some wretched?
    Why should I blaspheme Lenin, Stalin whose ideals all the children of the USSR absorbed with mother’s milk? The country they created, I liked!
    And why should I suddenly support those some here and not only who call THEM enemies?
    "Those who are here and not only" - A LITTLE or the letter D is better to replace (well, lovers of exact associations will do it themselves) ...
    But the traitors are those who on the rulers used to throw a little hand to his forehead, and today they smear with shit not only themselves, but also those who are nearby ...
    Tomorrow they will surrender anyone to their enemies - the Chinese or the Americans, or to whom else, for the ideals they have found again by then.
    Well, if one of those who shoved a pen to his forehead here didn’t throw up a pioneer tie and never tied it to himself or his younger students, and he didn’t hold a pen in his chest, go rub the snot that the neo-politicians didn’t reach 90- x ...
    And even there, traitors think of it, and here they don’t know the way to the Temple ... Nehristi.
    In short, do not stir up the water, the upper eyes, it will still stand for a long time ...
    1. -1
      7 November 2012 11: 15
      Quote: Angry Tatar
      And even there, traitors think of it, and here they don’t know the way to the Temple ... Nekhristi

      Lenin knew the roads well to temples, destroyed most of them.
      1. Evil Tatar
        7 November 2012 11: 45
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Lenin knew the roads well to temples, destroyed most of them.

        Sasha Romanov, I don’t know what I am ....
        Therefore, do not go into the conversation of elders comrades.

        And then again you will want to ban me from nothing, now for many months.

        Well - such are your methods ...

        I do not see a big difference in the methods of eliminating dissidents to you, the moderator endowed with power, which were widespread in the nomenclature, during the repression of the "ghoul" Joseph Stalin and the "bloodthirsty" Ilyich Lenin (Lenin's grandfather) ...

        Revel in the voluptuousness of your power, train, and do not touch me!

        Engaging in discussions with you is unintentional. Truncated?
        1. -3
          7 November 2012 12: 39
          Quote: Angry Tatar
          Engaging in discussions with you is unintentional. Truncated?

          Saw you stupidly put cons.
          Quote: Angry Tatar

          And then again you will want to ban me from nothing

          Liar !!!
          1. Brother Sarych
            7 November 2012 15: 40
            In the mirror you will see a liar! And I put you as many cons as I could!
            1. -3
              7 November 2012 15: 41
              Quote: Brother Sarich
              In the mirror you will see a liar!

              I will return the minuses, do not worry. And the joke is that I did not lie hi
              1. Evil Tatar
                8 November 2012 06: 55
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                I will return the minuses, do not worry. And the joke is that I did not lie

                The fact of the matter is that the joke ...
                It's funny to have such a moderator on the site - "experienced", "wise", "honest" and "impartial" ...)))))))))))))))))
                Some direct Makarenko - Sklifosofsky, damn it ...

                How many times in a row they see "Heart of a Dog" on different channels - there are characters, just right - choose anyone ...
                Especially Schwonder and Sharikov)))))))))))))))))))))))))

                The main thing is not flood, but just in the topic of discussion ...
          2. Evil Tatar
            8 November 2012 06: 51
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Saw you stupidly put cons.

            This right was given to me by the site administrators ...
            I put the minuses on the case for both you and your bandeyka, with whom I have been trying for a long time not to support their floody vysery - stupidly minus what I consider to be appropriate for this sign ...
            And here you are using your position, inform the implicated, who, together with you, are falling upon you objectionable. Including and on me, drastically draining the rating. Of course, in the circle of such moderators, this is as it should be ...
            And the flag in your hands and a drum on the moderator’s neck - work hard.
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Liar !!!

            Well, that’s hardly ... Below Brother Sarych, I gave the right advice - use it.
        2. +2
          7 November 2012 18: 50
          But I agree with the Tsar’s namesake, according to Lenin’s personal order, the cross was destroyed at the site of the murder of Prince Sergey by Kalyaev, he interfered with Ilyich when he went to his Kremlin. So to say that the Communists did not destroy the temples, just a monstrous ignorance of their own history. I will also take mosques to temples so that the Evil Tatar is less angry.
    2. vovan1949
      7 November 2012 20: 37
      There is a very simple answer to all questions: how did people live before and after 1991? Those. under socialism and in the post-perestroika period.
      Compare, in any sphere of human activity, from birth to death (birth, pre-school education, education, labor activity, remuneration, housing, medical care, industry and agriculture, science, the army and so on ...). And most importantly - people do not have confidence in the future. People live in some kind of constant stress.
      Is something better? Absolutely nothing! There was a great country, the second in the world to be reckoned with. And it became a third world country, the second Honduras. And all this thanks to those who fiercely hate Lenin, Stalin, the Communists, the Soviet power, and the Great Strong and Indivisible Country (formerly the USSR, and now Russia) until they lose consciousness. Like Sasha Romanov and the like.
      1. +2
        7 November 2012 21: 36
        Quote: vovan1949
        Is something better? Absolutely nothing!
        I do not agree, I personally am developing in a direction that is pleasing to me, and no one indicates how to live, what to wear, to profess the Orthodox Faith or not.
  12. Kapitanyuk
    7 November 2012 11: 06
    The tsar did not abdicate the throne - in any case, there are no official documents that would confirm this, if there is, I will ask you to present it now, "or be silent forever."
    1. NICK
      7 November 2012 11: 32
      Quote: Kapitanyuk
      The king did not abdicate - in any case, there are no official documents that would confirm this

      Boy, run to school, finish your studies! Study well, maybe then something will settle in your head.
    2. +4
      7 November 2012 11: 54
      The last Russian tsar got what he deserved (it’s a pity for the children), but mostly fairly. Nicholas II can be easily compared with Gorbachev, but it's a pity that the "hump" is still alive
    3. Samovar
      7 November 2012 12: 10
      Quote: Kapitanyuk
      there are no official documents that would confirm this, if there is, I ask you to present it now, "or be silent forever."

      Especially for you found. hi
      1. Kapitanyuk
        7 November 2012 12: 26
        How sweet, yet I need evidence that he himself abdicated that it was not the generals who dashed off, and this document never confirms this. Where is the REAL evidence?
        1. Samovar
          7 November 2012 13: 07
          Quote: Kapitanyuk
          Where is the REAL evidence?

          Welcome here.
          1. Kapitanyuk
            7 November 2012 14: 53
            But this is the same thing, only written in a different form. -_-
            1. Samovar
              7 November 2012 16: 58
              Quote: Kapitanyuk
              But this is the same, only written in a different form

              The last option remains - to ask Nicholas II himself. But this is no longer for me ...
          2. 0
            7 November 2012 15: 17
            Samovar Today, 13: 07
            Welcome here.
            very convincing. Thanks for the link hi
  13. david210512
    7 November 2012 11: 07
    on NTV recently watched such shit show ...
  14. 0
    7 November 2012 11: 15
    Read more this
  15. +10
    7 November 2012 11: 19
    Vasilenko Vladimir,
    It’s not for you to determine my mind. My grandfathers, who created the Komsomol in the Donbass, invested it all the war, restored the mines.
    Yes, I am grateful to Lenin for stirring up a swamp called the Russian Empire. I am grateful to Lenin that he stood at the origins of the creation of the most socially fair state. The country that brought up great scientists, writers, poets, generals from among workers and peasants. Where social status was not determined by the amount of money, but by knowledge, skill and talent.
    You have a different opinion from mine. Express it. But without such ratings.
    In general, read Lenin. Not drawn phrases that can be used as anyone, but completely. A lot of relevant there and now. Not all of course, 100 years have passed, but many.
    By the way, by the level of corruption, bribery, corruption of society, we returned to 1917 .. And God forbid Putin not to let the country fall into the abyss.
  16. +9
    7 November 2012 11: 23
    HISTORY cannot be changed! There was a revolution of 1917. (who likes the coup), which changed the power and development of Russia - WAS. The life of the people in the USSR was bad or good - a moot point, everyone has their own opinion. During Owls. power, the USSR rose to 3 line in the development of industry, and in many ways to 1 place. This is all in the past, de facto the USSR has not existed for more than 20 years, WHAT the power of present-day Russia has achieved. 20 years have passed and there was no destructive WWII, WHERE is Russia in the world ranking now (not counting the achievements of the USSR), in what position is the people - the main producer of the country's wealth?
    Personally, I do not care deeply who is in power, I would even agree to YELTSIN and CHUBAIS, if they worked for Russia and its people.
    But now we need a “maxim” (water cooling of the barrel), a train of cartridges and water tanks, for trouble-free operation - for the return of stolen goods from the people and their country. I agree to work for this unit in a "Stakhanovian" way, so that in the future my and your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren live in a CIVILIZED, comfortable, cultured country.
    For 5 YEARS the RF Armed Forces were destroyed, everyone shouted, Mo is not competent and destroys the army and navy - "democracy" you can say everything "THE VOICE OF A CRINGER IN THE DESERT"
    1. +7
      7 November 2012 14: 06
      yes you say correctly, the Soviets worked much better than the current authorities. After the revolution, industrialization + electrification (among other things, Lenin’s plan), after the war, the country was restored in 5 years (the imperialists were in shock), flew into space, atomic reactors electronically created a nostril to the United States .... And what about the current authorities did, well, you know ... almost 0,01 from Soviet achievements. I do not like socialism, well, let's build capitalism, but only there is no desire to work and plow those who wish !!!!!!!!!!
      1. +6
        7 November 2012 14: 38
        Quote: Forget
        but it’s only elementary to work and to plow there are no willing !!!!!!!!!!
        In 1985 my salary was equal to the salary of the head of the shop. Now my salary is 10-20 less. "You pretend to pay - we pretend to work"
    2. vardex
      7 November 2012 15: 08
      I completely agree and support !!!
  17. Oles
    7 November 2012 11: 46
    "the Westernizers, who destroyed the Russian statehood, did not understand (the smartest partially realized only after defeat and long years of life in emigration) that the very existence of Great Russia is possible only with a powerful and tough state power. Power of the European type in Russia is unsuitable (this applies and to modern Russia). " true so
    1. Blat
      7 November 2012 19: 29
      he understood what Oles said? European-style power is built on a person. how each individual person relates to his state. on a lot of opinions, not on a herd. that is, such a power of Russia does not fit. Russia needs a shepherd with a whip based on your words .a people should be clogged and meekly listening to a shepherd. if so I wish good luck on your way. but I’m personally used to having my own opinion. And I’m not on my way. A person is not a material that is sacrificed towards achieving a goal
  18. +2
    7 November 2012 13: 42
    I’m not going to enter into discussions with those who hate the Great October Revolution, the memorable date of which is celebrated today. I just want to warn them that everything will return and they will have to accept socialism soul and heart, or perish.
    1. -2
      7 November 2012 13: 47
      Quote: baltika-18
      . I just want to warn them that everything will return and they will have to accept socialism soul and heart, or perish.

      This will not happen, they will not destroy the temples anymore. Erdogan also dreams of the Ottoman Empire, you won’t wait. It’s a pity there is no smilik with a fig laughing
      1. +1
        7 November 2012 14: 07
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        This will not happen, they will not destroy the temples anymore. Erdogan also dreams of the Ottoman Empire, you won’t wait. It’s a pity there is no smilik with a fig

        The course will turn in five years, I’ll be happy to meet with you then, you will take the course that will be offered to the country's population.
        1. 0
          7 November 2012 14: 12
          Quote: baltika-18
          The course will turn in five years, I’ll be happy to meet with you then

          And that the end of the world was canceled belay Do not flatter yourself, there will no longer be Lenin-like in power.
          Quote: baltika-18
          , You will take the course that will be offered to the population of the country.

          This is not a course, but a betrayal, and I will not become a traitor. hi
          1. +2
            7 November 2012 14: 16
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            This is not a course, but a betrayal, and I will not become a traitor.

            Do you consider the course on socialism a betrayal? And what then now?
            1. +1
              7 November 2012 16: 24
              Quote: baltika-18
              Do you consider the course on socialism a betrayal?

              I consider the course towards bloody revolutions a betrayal.
              Quote: baltika-18
              ? And then what now?
              Now, after the betrayal of your communists, we have just begun to protect our interests in the world, and this is precisely not happening thanks to Zyuganov and his party.
              1. +3
                7 November 2012 19: 04
                Here I completely agree with you. Whether the country is fucked up, and now uro * s go to church (the communist is baptized - *** no words)! Here is the expression "just started" - 20 YEARS PASSED and just started?
                1. 0
                  8 November 2012 05: 07
                  Quote: d.gksueyjd
                  Here is the expression "just started" - 20 YEARS PASSED and just started?

                  Well, who led the country after the collapse of the USSR, the same communists, who threw away their party cards and began to tell everyone that they are now democrats. For beautiful words there was only lies and self-interest. The golden stock evaporated in the pockets of those who yelled about allegiance to the ideas of Marxism of Leninism . The repetition of this will not happen anymore, people already understood what was happening.
              2. +3
                7 November 2012 21: 42
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Now, after the betrayal of your communists, we have just begun to protect our interests in the world, and this is precisely not happening thanks to Zyuganov and his party.
                That’s for sure, even Zyuganov attached himself to the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos when they brought him in, even if the communist, even of a democratic spill, realized that there was no life without God, why didn’t people understand this?
                1. +1
                  8 November 2012 05: 00
                  Quote: Uncle
                  why don't people understand this?

                  And they simply do not have a place in life for God, everyday needs and vanity, material values, machines replace faith. There is no reason for them to have no reason. They will probably be remembered over the years.
            2. +1
              7 November 2012 21: 40
              Quote: baltika-18
              Do you consider the course on socialism a betrayal? And what then now?

              Russia has already stepped on the rake of socialism, socialism is a chimera, a fabrication, it does not exist and cannot exist, in Russia there can only be a monarchy and the Orthodox Faith, it is 1000 years old, and the Communists have only 70.
              1. +1
                8 November 2012 05: 01
                Quote: Uncle
                , in Russia there can only be a monarchy and the Orthodox Faith, it’s 1000 years old,

                And no other way !!! drinks
              2. Kshatriy
                8 November 2012 19: 14
                Quote: Uncle
                the monarchy and the Orthodox Faith, she is 1000 years old, and the Communists spent only 70.

                ... And here I am for Russian Nationalism, everyone who is involved in the Holocaust of the Russian people - 1918-1924 should bear a fair retribution for the crimes of their ancestors. !!!!! .. I watch the vile Russophobes breed like cockroaches in a Jewish gash ??? .... I have nothing else but animal malice to the Russian People from the side of the descendants of the Eugene gevolucioners of the Leninsky flood, I can not expect !!!!
        2. Blat
          7 November 2012 19: 34
          on the occasion of the centenary of the October Revolution, the Communists gathered to conduct another coup
      2. +3
        7 November 2012 14: 11
        I am not against temples, although I myself am a conditional believer. But when I looked at the provided official photos of the main temple of the country "Christ the Savior", believe me, it would be better if a swimming pool remained in its place! What faith in God can a priest (not a priest) speak when he himself violates the commandments that he preaches! (and there are most of them now)
        SHAME was to blow up the temples, but even more SHAME to build SUCH new ones! SHAME to demolish a monument to Dzerzhinsky, but even greater SHAME to erect a monument to Yeltsin
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        This will not happen, the temples will not destroy monsters anymore
        1. 0
          7 November 2012 14: 21
          Quote: d.gksueyjd
          But when I looked at the provided official photos of the main temple of the country "Christ the Savior", believe me, it would be better if a swimming pool remained in its place! What faith in God can a priest (not a priest) speak when he himself violates the commandments that he preaches! (and there are most of them now)

          Strange situation, say it yourself - Who am I to judge Lenin and judge the priests right away, as if you personally know everyone. This is precisely the kind of thing that leads to a deviation from the faith, that’s how a person loses himself. You look for healing photos, look for materials that are specially for you and spread. What should be the temple Well, certainly not for me and certainly not for you to tell.
          1. 0
            7 November 2012 14: 30
            I do not need to know, it is enough to see how most of them live and what they do (I emphasize that I am talking about priests). Personally, I know ONE priest
            1. +2
              7 November 2012 14: 36
              It is not a person who is holy, he is only a "tool", a holy place, temples were not built where they were, in places where they say there is some kind of anomaly or energy. And as far as I remember twice in one place, a temple is not being built, correct me if I not right, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is being restored for the third time?
            2. -1
              7 November 2012 19: 01
              Quote: d.gksueyjd
              Personally, I know ONE priest

              I emphasize only one priest from a whole pack of priests!
              1. +1
                7 November 2012 21: 46
                Quote: d.gksueyjd
                I emphasize only one priest from a whole pack of priests!

                Well enough for you, I have a better situation.
        2. +1
          7 November 2012 21: 44
          Quote: d.gksueyjd
          But when I looked at the provided official photos of the main temple of the country "Christ the Savior", believe me, it would be better if a swimming pool remained in its place!

          Yes, you do not judge by this Temple of Orthodoxy in general! Look at the village temples, where they barely make ends meet.
      3. vardex
        7 November 2012 15: 14
        Erdogan himself does not understand what makes the impression that his holoperidol was pumped up ...
      4. -1
        7 November 2012 18: 59
        you fool, though a marshal. Excuse me.
      5. -1
        7 November 2012 20: 50
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        do not wait.

        ... and we are not just waiting ...
        "The patient will achieve the fulfillment of desires ..."
        1. +2
          8 November 2012 04: 56
          Quote: revnagan
          and we are not just waiting ..

          Yes, I see, sitting on Sait instead of waving a portrait of Lenin glued to a wooden shovel. There will be no more than that, even in the predictions it is not. But there will be a monarchy and the Russian Empire !!! And Lenin in the future of Russia has no place and never will be.
          1. -1
            8 November 2012 13: 53
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            even in predictions there is none

            Eh, super duper marshal, "tacosin"...
            Tatyana believed legends
            Popular antiquity,
            And dreams, and card fortune telling,
            And the predictions of the moon.
            She was disturbed by signs;
            Mysteriously to her all the objects
            Proclaimed something
            Premonitions crowded the chest.
            A cutesy cat sitting on the stove
            Purring, pawing a stigma of soaps:
            That was an undoubted sign to her,
            What the guests are going. Suddenly seeing
            Young bicorn face of the moon
            In the sky on the left side

            A.S. Pushkin (not an ace pilot), the great Russian poet.
        2. Kshatriy
          8 November 2012 19: 22
          Quote: revnagan
          ... and we are not just waiting ...
          "The patient will achieve the fulfillment of desires ..."

          ..... "twice history repeats itself exclusively in the form of FARS" ....... so you won't wait ... the descendants of blukhar and tukachevsag ... bronstein and zilgetkh. ,,. well ... there is a lot of everything the trash was hanging around ...
    2. Blat
      7 November 2012 19: 33
      well, the socialists knowingly got out of one cloaca with the fascists. you must destroy the Communists as national socialists. you should only sacrifice so that millions do not die again for your crazy ideas. It’s better to die, but not to let people like you do experiments on nations again
      1. Patton135
        7 November 2012 19: 58
        And this is already a call for extremism. (You must be exterminated as communists as National Socialists.) Of course, I am not a lawyer, but remind me what this article is on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. (Or RB). Pay attention to the fact that none of the camp opposing you has called for violence. It says ... And, in my opinion, it’s clear what it says.
        1. Blat
          7 November 2012 21: 12
          Well, I’m not so bloodthirsty as you comrades communists))). I meant to destroy your ideas. Destroy your ideology. For example, I don’t see much difference between the crimes committed by the National Socialists and the Communists. Everything is built to destroy everyone who is not with you .and you did it. what are you Nazis
        2. Kshatriy
          8 November 2012 19: 30
          Quote: Patton135
          that no one from the warring camp has called for violence.
          ..... And for hell - call ... your vile ancestors .. did not call, but exterminated the Russian People ... (so shut up at the expense of calls .... For the Holocaust of the Russian People you are vile descendants of your even more vile ancestors - komunyakov (YES IT WILL CURSE ALL YOUR VILLY mouth to the SEVENTH ELBOW))
  19. +5
    7 November 2012 13: 49
    And the battle continues again,
    And the heart is anxious in the chest.
    And Lenin is so young
    And young October is ahead!

    this song is still relevant ... fellow
    1. vardex
      7 November 2012 15: 09
      get up country people - also relevant ...
  20. -3
    7 November 2012 15: 00
    And what's not clear. The Jewish coup and the subsequent destruction of the color of the nation by the Jews. The Jewish bankers did not spare money for this (they had not yet published them at that time) And then the "fiery gevolutsioners" robbed the people and the lost empire. But they found a scythe on a stone. I think a new pebble will appear soon.
    1. Patton135
      7 November 2012 19: 52
      The people and the perished empire were plundered by whites and interventionists, if that. And sorry:
      here everyone is talking about the "defenders of Russia" (whites). So I sincerely do not understand: how could people who accepted foreign intervention as assistance, promised the invaders to divide Russia, could be its defenders. The Entente is the NATO of that time. It does not matter that there is a revolution now, def. forces and invite NATO to help, in order to "protect Mother Russia."
      1. 0
        7 November 2012 23: 58
        Quote: Patton135
        here everyone is talking about the "defenders of Russia" (whites). So I sincerely do not understand: how could people who accepted foreign intervention as assistance, promised the invaders to divide Russia, could be its defenders.

        And just like that "makar" Kasparov and Nemtsov and others like them are now taking care of Mother Russ.
      2. +1
        8 November 2012 04: 51
        Quote: Patton135
        who accepted foreign intervention as help, promised the interventionists to divide Russia, may be its defenders.

        And here, dear, you are lying. Dinikin was offered help in exchange for the alienation and division of the territory of Russia. Dinikin refused, saying I will not divide Russia, almost verbatim. So there is no need to deceive and invent.
        1. Kshatriy
          8 November 2012 19: 55
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          And here, dear, you are lying. Dinikin was offered help in exchange for the alienation and division of the territory of Russia. Dinikin refused, saying I will not divide Russia, almost verbatim. So there is no need to deceive and invent.

          .... It is not often that I am with you --Alexander_I have such a solidarity point of view ... but here ... I am just in "AKUE" ..... Where are so many obscurantists ... living in another animal desire ... . to arrange "Hanukkah" in our sacred TEMPLE ?????
      3. Kshatriy
        8 November 2012 19: 50
        Quote: Patton135

        The people and the lost empire were robbed by whites

        .... Alee ...... My dear ... this is how MY ANCESTORS managed to rob themselves somehow ??????
        Quote: Patton135
        in what way did the people who accepted foreign intervention as help promised the interventionists to divide Russia

        That is, you now tell me commune fictions for real events .....
        ... Yeah "the Evgei Prapaganda is strong" ..... "A world without annexations and indemnities" Blank-Ulyanov ..... scammed, or maybe, according to your version, Denikin, Ali Kolchak ?????
    2. Kshatriy
      8 November 2012 19: 42
      Quote: dimyan
      And then "fiery gevolutsioners" plundered the people and the lost empire.

      .... Animal scum found a way and sponsors to put the RICHest country of that time on the "gop-stop" ... to put ...., Evgean raiders ... the coolest bandits .... (Stolypin ....- they snapped ... and there were no naval courts ..., and the Sovereign New Martyr Nikolai Alexandrovich --- ordered Kazakov to be brought to Kiev so that God forbid the Angry Russian People did not show simits "kuskin mother" .... probably for this the kindness of his (the Sovereign) in the Ipatiev basement with his family and faithful servants the Jewish scum with bayonets screwed up ????? Descendants of the Bolshevik animals and pissing scum !!!! you believe in the "great nothing" .... So be damned together with your LUCIFER .... for he is "nobody ... and ... nothing" ...... burn in a fiery "morning star" ... your Lucifer - Beelzebub the Antichrist ... and do not forget ...------ HELL your HARNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      1. Karish
        8 November 2012 20: 10
        Quote: Kshatriya
        -HELL is your HOLIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!

        Try Afobazole or Belataminal 6 tablets a day, although in your case you can also 7 wassat
        1. Kshatriy
          9 November 2012 22: 51
          Quote: Karish
          Try Afobazole or Belataminal 6 tablets a day, although in your case you can also 7

          It is a Jew for you --- a double dose of chlorpromazine, daily, in the softest place .....
      2. Brother Sarych
        8 November 2012 20: 12
        Ek sausages something! But something is not scary for me - a sense of disgust overcomes me ...
        1. Karish
          8 November 2012 20: 55
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          Ek sausages something! But something is not scary for me - a sense of disgust overcomes me ..

          Complete insignificance wassat
          1. Kshatriy
            9 November 2012 22: 56
            Quote: Karish
            Complete insignificance

            Not the insignificance of the Jews !!!!!!!! At least once in essence you can answer me ??????????? Live inside your STORIES and rejoice with colleagues in the kagal ........
  21. -7
    7 November 2012 15: 18
    in 1921, the Bolsheviks switched to the New Economic Policy (NEP), which, in essence, returned Russia to its former economic foundations (even foreign capital was allowed)

    This short-sighted, superficial author (or maybe he wrote it on purpose) Well, okay, his article, his business. The NEP's real goal was to confiscate from the population the gold they had hidden (gold coins were in great abundance among the population) and to take it abroad, that is, that they had not yet been robbed, then to pull it out by economic means. Do not wash, so by rolling. The "revolutionaries" love gold very much. Yes, and their owners need to give something back, for this they were installed.
  22. Brother Sarych
    7 November 2012 15: 46
    Lord, what a panopticon, what a terrific ignorance among the masses!
    Bravo, Fursenko, bravo, zombie creator with all his clowns and pi ... well, in general, colored ...
    1. -1
      7 November 2012 16: 10
      Are you talking about what or whom?
      If you are talking about my last comment about the NEP, then I dare to assure you that this is closer to the truth. Or do you think that the "gevolutsioners" had goals to restore the country. As one character says, “What?” And about education, I can say that Fursenko has nothing to do with mine. I have an old Soviet one. I don't know your age, but I can assume that the place of receipt and the quality is definitely better than yours.
      1. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 16: 12
        And about you - in particular ...
    2. Kshatriy
      8 November 2012 19: 57
      Quote: Brother Sarich
      Lord, what a panopticon, what a terrific ignorance among the masses!
      Bravo, Fursenko, bravo, zombie creator with all his clowns and pi ... well, in general, colored ...

      ... Panopticon and animal ignorance ... you will see in the mirror when you shave ..... (or Hasidim do not shave ???)
      1. Brother Sarych
        8 November 2012 20: 16
        You yourself are a Hasid illiterate - for .. al your foolishness on the topic of Orthodoxy ...
        I suppose it has no idea which way to be baptized - and there, holier than the Patriarch ...
        1. Kshatriy
          9 November 2012 23: 01
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          illiterate - for .. al

          I don’t suffer from bestiality ...... and even in a terrible dream you are not for ... al !!!!!!!
  23. wax
    7 November 2012 15: 48
    The Great October Socialist Revolution preserved the integrity of Russia and had a decisive influence on the whole world in the 20th century. The result of this revolution was the victory over fascism, including as ideology. Obscurantists still will not calm down.
    1. -2
      7 November 2012 17: 00
      Quote: Wax
      The Great October Socialist Revolution preserved the integrity of Russia

      Controversial statement.

      Quote: Wax
      had a decisive impact on the whole world in the 20th century

      There is no arguing.

      Quote: Wax
      The result of this revolution was the victory over fascism, including how ideology

      I don't see any connection. The victory was won by the people, not by the last survivors of the "revolution."
      1. wax
        7 November 2012 17: 13
        Soviet people.
        1. Evgan
          7 November 2012 19: 03
          Vaks, by 1923 the Soviet people as "a new historical, social and international community of people" had not even really taken shape. And the victory in revolutions (not only in this one) is usually won not by the people, but by concrete political forces.
    2. Kshatriy
      8 November 2012 20: 01
      Quote: Wax
      Great October Socialist Revolution

      .... a Jewish coup on the loot of a vile kagal from the United States .... designed to rob the richest country in the world at that time ...... you dare to call it "ideology" ......... Yes .. . obscurantism and terry Jewish FASCISM ---- bloom in a violent color ...
  24. -5
    7 November 2012 15: 58
    May this date be damned .... she took so much from her arrival. And thank God that modern children, for the most part, no longer remember what this day in history is connected with. We, the generation living in the USSR, are no longer destined to forget, and give our children, our grandchildren, GOD! If only we had not forgotten that cadetism, liberalism, democratic values, Zionism, tolerance - were - are - and will be the main enemies of our Motherland and its originality. With hot iron to burn Westernism !!!!
    1. +1
      7 November 2012 18: 53
      Quote: Chen
      With hot iron to burn Westernism !!!!
      Speak the truth! You give collegiality and nationality! Long live the autocracy !!!
  25. wax
    7 November 2012 16: 00
    http://www.battleships.spb.ru/RusCr/ochakov-vosst.html Восстание на крейсере "Очаков"

    “We in Balaclava heard the first sounds of the cannonade of the hour in three or four in the afternoon. At first they thought it was a salute ... But there were too many shots, more than forty. In addition, the first cab drivers from Sevastopol appeared with strollers filled with people who were stupefied with horror. It was said, and stupidly, that the fire at Ochakovo, that several ships were sunk, that they were firing machine guns from naval barracks. ” So wrote about the Sevastopol events in November 1905 A. Kuprin.

    In Sevastopol, the writer witnessed the reprisal of Admiral Chukhnin over the rebellious sailors of the Black Sea. “From Primorsky Boulevard - a view of a narrow and long bay ... In the middle of the bay there is a huge bonfire, from which eyes are blinded and the water seems black as ink. Three quarters of the giant cruiser is a continuous flame. Only a piece of the ship’s nose remains intact ... When the fire flames brighter, we see how small human figures stand out on the cruiser’s armored tower, on the round high balcony. They are one and a half miles away, but the eye sees them clearly ... And suddenly it became quiet, terribly quiet. Then we heard that from there, in the midst of darkness and the silence of the night, a long high-pitched scream rushes:

    - Bra-a-tts! ..

    And again, and again. Sheaves of flame flashed, and again we saw clear figures of people. The red-hot armor with its steel rivets began to burst. It was like a series of frequent shots ... There were no more screams, although we still saw people on the bow and on the tower. There was a lot to learn in the crowd. The fact that at the beginning of the fire boats were offered to Ochakov, but that the sailors refused. The fact that the boat with the wounded, falling off from Ochakovo, was shot with buckshot, that those rushing to the swim were shot with machine guns. "

    So tragically ended one of the sailor uprisings that rocked the Russian fleet in the first decade of the 1905th century, when for the first time in the history of Russia, the labor movement, peasant uprisings, uprisings in the army and navy began to merge. The unusually frequent armed demonstrations of sailors and soldiers after XNUMX, of course, were not an accident. The strategist of the revolution, Lenin, among the necessary conditions for the emergence of a revolutionary situation in the country, called the existence of a national crisis affecting both the exploited masses and the exploiting classes. The crisis in Russia at the beginning of the century caused the Russo-Japanese war ...
  26. MilaPhone
    7 November 2012 16: 17
    Lenin Lived Lenin Alive Lenin will Live!
    Tell him thanks - after all, he could have chosen the path of Hitler.
  27. MilaPhone
    7 November 2012 16: 21
    Very rarely in the world are people born capable of captivating such large masses of people as Lenin!
    Tell him thanks - after all, he could have chosen the path of Hitler.
    1. +1
      7 November 2012 18: 20
      ... or the path of Mussolini

      (on the video preview, it’s not Mussolini’s victim, but he himself and his wife, they put a scepter into his hands)
    2. +2
      7 November 2012 18: 54
      Well, a cake in the form of a corpse of Lenin, it's just some hell!
  28. dmb
    7 November 2012 17: 00
    The funniest thing is that they all who covet the great date of our history forget about one thing. If it weren’t for her, they probably weren’t what they could knock on the keyboard, they wouldn't be able to write. This fact is easily confirmed when reading comments. There are many writers with Russian surnames, whose Russian language, due to its illiteracy, was clearly not formed in the socialist era. And this is with the remnants of the old education system. And further - continuous Fursenki will go. And of course, it will not come to these gentlemen that the concessions that employers began to make to their workers in Europe and the USA are also a consequence of the revolution in Russia. They were just scared. And now there is nothing to fear. Therefore, chop on the nose. You will live more poorly than the Dutch and German workers, t. To. their employers have nowhere to run. And ours can blame at any time. Therefore, they will squeeze everything out of you, but pay a penny. And no Putin will help you, for he is the flesh of the flesh of this system. It is still very amusing when mediocrity is trying to give an assessment to the Genius. Lenin is a genius. And still the whole world is talking about this man. Some with anger, others with hope. Lenin proposed a path for the development of mankind. By and large, no one has proposed anything else so far. Everyone criticizes: from Chubais to Alexander Romanov, but, alas, they cannot offer the way.
    1. +1
      7 November 2012 17: 17
      This fact is easily confirmed when reading comments. There are many writers with Russian surnames, whose Russian language, due to its illiteracy, was clearly not formed in the socialist era.
      I never considered accent non-grammar a sign of a great mind:
      According to the rzelulattas, the ilseovadny odongo of an unly unquirtiset is not a part of the work, in cocoons the pumpkins in solva are roasted in cocoons. Galvone, chopping and slapping bkvuy blyu on msete. In the past, the bkuvs can be sealed in a completely bosom, all-torn text reads without a brem. Pichriony Egoto, it’s because we don’t make every single pumpkin separately, but it’s all solid.

      It is still very amusing when mediocrity is trying to give an assessment to the Genius. Lenin is a genius.
      There seems to be Genius V.I. No one disputes Lenin; the question is what guided him.
      And this with the remnants of the old education system
      It’s not strange, but I have many friends who work in science, including those abroad, who were educated not because of these remnants but in spite of them. He personally boycotted final exams, as this is pure imitation of knowledge testing.
      1. dmb
        7 November 2012 20: 40
        This last one is really strange. Do all your acquaintances from science share your views on the relationship between grammar and mind? But Lomonosov, an idiot tried, laid the foundation. I ruined my life for myself and tried to ruin you. But you are famously his. They boycotted along with literacy. A, propos. Are your buddies in science still infants? It seems to me that they did not receive their education according to the Bologna system. Yes, if not difficult. Enlighten, what was Lenin guided by? Or do you, along with your scientific friends, adhere to the deep thoughts outlined in the comments below about the Purim holiday, pedophilia with Zinoviev and the desire of the Jews to use Russian girls? Then there is no need better. You probably won’t tell?
        1. -1
          8 November 2012 09: 40
          Not humanities simply.
          Enlighten, what was Lenin guided by? Or do you, along with your scientific friends, adhere to the deep thoughts outlined in the comments below about the Purim holiday, pedophilia with Zinoviev and the desire of the Jews to use Russian girls?
          Well, now it’s clear that before writing your comments you did not bother to read the discussion thread. Read above, I have already described everything there.
          It seems to me that they did not receive their education according to the Bologna system.
          Only here the knowledge provided at school, by no means was enough. Especially after the closing of the Gymnasium and transfer to a regular school.
          1. dmb
            8 November 2012 15: 12
            You will not believe, re-read. I think, maybe I wasted, maybe you really discovered something new, and is it not a sin for me to reconsider my views on our history and on the meaning of education? And, after reading it, I realized that it was not worth changing my views. You have cited only the text of the treaty on the Brest Peace. To remind you, under what conditions it was accepted, and to what extent was it implemented for Russia? So what goals did Lenin pursue? There was another point of view regarding this world. I can remind you that promoted by her so beloved on the site of Trotsky. I understand that she, too, suits you more. My young friend. I understand that I demand a lot from you (well, what can be required from a person who believes that literacy is an excess, and that knowledge of the four actions of arithmetic gives the right to consider himself a philosopher), but I can only recommend trying to honestly answer myself when I argue with my opponent to his questions. Then the need may once again ruin the keyboard and fall into an awkward position.
            1. -1
              9 November 2012 11: 08
              I can remind you that promoted her so beloved on the site of Trotsky
              Who is interested in your favorite?
              I understand that she, too, suits you more.
              Diagnosed with average temperature in the hospital?
              Well, what can be required from a person who believes that literacy is an excess
              Re-read the comment again, before you probably need to chew everything.
              I never considered accent non-grammar a sign of a great mind:
              Where are the words that literacy is overkill? speculation? Oh yes forgot
              entering into a dispute with an opponent, trying to honestly answer his questions to himself
              As you can see, an amateur will talk to himself, if you wish for reality.
              I really hope that you are not a teacher.
    2. -3
      7 November 2012 17: 18
      Quote: dmb
      Lenin is a genius. And still the whole world is talking about this man.

      I wouldn't call him that. An extraordinary personality - I agree. The literate collapse of the empire at its final stage, too, must be able not to profuse. And it happened by "a strange coincidence" on the Jewish holiday of Purim. (by the way, like all the holidays of that time in the USSR, in particular, March 8 is actually the day of praise for the Jewish woman Esther - if you don't know, read about her)

      Quote: dmb
      Lenin proposed a path for the development of mankind

      About the way, too loudly said. He did not invent anything new. Slightly translated the Torah.
      And by the way, recall the words from the international:

      Get up cursed branded
      Hungry, oppressed people!
      Our mind is a hot crater
      Lava flows will flood the world.
      Knocking past shackles
      Slaves will rise and then
      The world will be changed at the core:
      Now nothing - we will become everything!
      The time of battle has come
      We all rally to battle.
      In the International
      The human race will merge!

      Not a bad translation of the Torah. The whole essence of "pegmanate gevolutsioners".

      Quote: dmb
      to Mr. Romanov Alexander, but alas, they cannot offer a way.

      Nothing will change on what you or he or I offer and put on the site. Nothing depends on us. Although I would honor your suggestion.
      1. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 17: 34
        Get up cursed branded
        The whole world of hungry and slaves!
        Our mind is seething
        And the mortal battle is ready to lead.
        The whole world of violence we will destroy
        To the ground, and then
        We are ours, we will build a new world, -
        Who was nothing, that will become everything.

        This is our last
        And a decisive battle;
        With the International
        The human race will rise! X2

        No one will give us deliverance:
        Neither god, nor king, nor hero.
        We will achieve liberation
        With his own hand.
        To overthrow oppression with a skilled hand,
        To win back your good, -
        Blow the hearth and forge boldly
        While the iron is hot!

        Chorus. X2

        Only we, the workers of the world
        Great Army of Labor,
        We have the right to own land
        But parasites never!
        And if the great thunder strikes
        Over a pack of dogs and executioners, -
        For us, the sun will become the same
        Shine with the fire of your rays.

        Chorus. X2

        Slightly different...
        1. Brother Sarych
          7 November 2012 17: 39
          I can see how some kind of man ... an eccentric under the nickname A. Romanov runs around all the posts and minus my posts in a row - cool down, ignoramus!
          I haven’t left so many posts, how many minuses only appeared in the last hour - ay, moderators, give the kid a paw!
          1. +3
            7 November 2012 17: 54
            Quote: Brother Sarich
            I can see how some kind of man ... an eccentric under the nickname A. Romanov runs around all the posts and minus my posts in a row - cool down, ignoramus!

            Show me how many minuses I put? And pay attention without rudeness. By the way, I’m not only minus, but THANKS TO GOD there are people on the site who are not afraid to speak openly about who was Lenin. drinks
            1. Brother Sarych
              7 November 2012 18: 24
              I put the minuses in cases where I do not like specific statements, because there is no other form for expressing condemnation here - and I really do not like your statements on this subject!
              I myself said that I promoted as many times as I could - because EVERY your post on this thread characterizes you extremely unflattering ...
              What, muderator, probably gives pleasure to poke at strangers, most likely older than you? Oh well...
              Rejoice at least for this ...
              1. +1
                8 November 2012 03: 52
                Quote: Brother Sarich
                What, muderator,

                Quote: Brother Sarich
                most likely older than you?

                Looks like he was a boor in his youth, and remained, these are in 17 and overthrew the king.
                Quote: Brother Sarich
                because there is no other form to express condemnation here

                Well, you found a way to be rude and rude again.
            2. Blat
              7 November 2012 19: 40
              Lenin was a fagot. But still found his love correspondence with comrade Zinoviev)))))))))))))) by the way chelvek immoral known in many brothels of Europe. I knowingly wrote below to read the theory of water flow. how they were going to grow Molodyozh.Stalin may have been forced to resort to such harsh measures after the corruption of the society that Comrade Koltay carried out
            3. 0
              8 November 2012 14: 04
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              there are people on the site who are not afraid to speak openly about who was Lenin

              Oooh, yes, the bravest of the brave, this is how much courage it takes these days to spit on a deceased person and a past great past. In reverence, I bow my head to the valiant "Iroi."
              1. +2
                8 November 2012 14: 16
                Quote: revnagan
                Ohhh, yes, the bravest of the brave, how much courage is required these days

                No, not manhood and courage, but honesty!
                Quote: revnagan
                to spit on a dead person and a great past.

                I can’t call a man who set up a private bath in Russia a conscience. Yes, and the past is not great, but bitter. Although those who shot women and children also considered this time great. It is strange when you consider the crime of destroying children and women of the ESES to the Second World War, and when your Bolsheviks did the same, call this time great. This is not even hypocrisy, you translate hundreds of facts, but you answer in the least, only minus and gloat. The truth is always the same and I, unlike you, bring its facts. Reading your answers, I understand that you do not need the truth !!! You can not answer, this is my last post in this thread.
                1. Blat
                  9 November 2012 12: 10
                  yes they are all pid ..... sy, like their Lenin. only a real pide .... art can say that love between a man and a woman is immoral. that’s how they pervert what is right and the same thing them both white and black
                  1. vardex
                    9 November 2012 14: 14
                    the word love was invented by the communists in order not to pay for sex, but in the sun in the West everything is for euros
                2. +1
                  9 November 2012 14: 22
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  , translate hundreds of facts to you,

                  What do you call "facts"? Excerpts from emigre newspapers? There are a thousand such "facts" that can be cited, nothing but irony, such "facts" do not cause.
                  1. Blat
                    10 November 2012 01: 47
                    well, as I said. you deny it. you were hammered. I just had enough that my family suffered. and there was no fault for them. as there was no fault for those others who were repressed with them. you are just survivals those who idealize that anti-human system. it is a pity that you didn’t get the dogs without fault. but your ancestors didn’t get there because they were accomplices of those crimes
        2. 0
          7 November 2012 17: 59
          Bonfire gas barrels - we are pioneers Georgians children wink
        3. -1
          7 November 2012 18: 22
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          Slightly different...

          It doesn't matter which version. The essence is important. And it is that there is only one known people "branded with a curse." A Russian would write such nonsense. Moreover, in the Russian Empire, Russians, as a state-forming people, lived better than now (for comparison). So it was also a sin for other people to complain, no one oppressed anyone. Internal graters do not count. But the Jews were not so much fun. (deserved). Think about the line of Jewish settlement, the prohibition of land ownership, etc. One of the first documents of the "new government" was the abolition of this very settled way of life (all this mashpukh climbed into the commissars from the townships) and the imposition of a ban on jokes about Jews on pain of death (think about it), ah, one more thing, "about the nationalization of women." The Jews really wanted Russian girls.
      2. +2
        8 November 2012 00: 04
        Quote: dimyan
        Not a bad translation of the Torah. The whole essence of "pegmanate gevolutsioners".

        Eugene Edine Pottier (Eugene Edine Pottier) was born on October 4, 1816 in the family of a craftsman. From the age of 13 he worked as a student in his father’s workshop, 13-14 hours a day. As a boy, he fought like Gavrosh on the barricades during the July Revolution of 1830.

        For your information...
        1. +1
          8 November 2012 01: 03
          I tell you about the essence of this vile song, and you tell me about the author. (by the way, the ideas of freedom of equality and fraternity are good on paper and even given to the masses by the masses) did not think for whom freedom, equality and fake fraternity do you really think for ordinary people. The school course in Soviet times told you about this - do not remember. Think at your leisure. A cook cannot control the state.
    3. +2
      7 November 2012 18: 27
      dmb RU Today, 17:00
      the funniest thing is that the western, so-soled, sinister capitalists adhered to the teachings of Marx much more diligently than our Marxist-Leninists, cramming the history of the party day and night. And yet, Lenin did not bring teachers from a parallel world, the best education system in the world was inherited from the Russian Empire:
      “Three days later, I suddenly canceled my entire morning program and demanded to be shown immediately to another school, any school nearby. I was sure that the first time I was misled and now I will end up in a really nasty school. everything I saw was much better - the building, the equipment, and the discipline of the students. Having attended the lessons, I was convinced that the teaching was excellent. Most of the teachers are middle-aged women; they give the impression of experienced teachers. I chose the lesson geometry, as it is presented in the universal language of drawings on a blackboard. I was also shown a lot of excellent drawings and layouts made by students. The school has a lot of visual aids, of which I especially liked a well-chosen series of landscapes for teaching geography. physical appliances, and they are undoubtedly well used.I saw how they prepared dinner for children (in Soviet Russia, children eat ole); it was deliciously cooked with far better quality ingredients than the lunch we saw in the local kitchen. Everything in this school made an incomparably better impression. In the end, we decided to test the extraordinary popularity of H.G. Wells among Russian teenagers. None of these children had ever heard of him. There was not one of his books in the school library. This finally convinced me that I am in a completely normal educational institution. "
      Herbert Wells. Russia in the darkness 1920
      You yourself understand that in 3 years you can’t create an educational system from scratch, especially in the conditions of bloody chaos, good teachers and good textbooks do not appear from the air, this was before Lenin
      1. vovan1949
        7 November 2012 20: 55
        No, we don't understand ourselves. H. Wells writes about Soviet Russia. Give specific facts that all this was before Lenin. Maybe the slogan "Study, study and study" was before Lenin?
        1. +1
          7 November 2012 21: 30
          it is difficult to find something before Lenin. even on the internet. this is where the problem is. it is easier to talk about "bloody tsarism", about "Russian bears" if you erase the history of these "Russian bears"
          1. +2
            7 November 2012 22: 03
            here's proof of my words about the erased history, because it doesn't sound very convincing. Fortunately, people have preserved something in their closets from "tsarist times", and only thanks to this I can give a concrete example. here is an ad from a pre-revolutionary advertising booklet:
            Cars of the Pobeda factory. And now try to find at least one museum, at least one site, at least a mention of this automobile factory and its cars!
            (here is the spread that was scanned: http://radikal.ru/F/s019.radikal.ru/i612/1211/3a/1915d9f65717.jpg.html)
            1. Brother Sarych
              7 November 2012 22: 21
              If I’m not mistaken, but this is an Internet fake, not a real advertisement ...
              1. +3
                8 November 2012 11: 01
                I personally scanned it. can you show all the turns of this book? I have. honestly, typewritten
                a piece of snow-white paper, where Nikolai abdicates, really looks like a fake, an advertising booklet
                in comparison with it, it is much more magnificent and official, it can no longer be faked in Paint.
                Damn the Communists for the destruction of the Russian state, for the destruction of the glory of the Russian people,
                for the destruction of Russian enterprises, for squandering lands, for constant betrayals, for the destruction
                Russian faith, for the destruction of Russian culture, and for the denial of Russian history, even when the facts are presented to you!
                1. Brother Sarych
                  8 November 2012 13: 07
                  I have no idea what and where you scanned, but here’s what smart people say about automotive in Russia:
                  http://wg-lj.livejournal.com/587711.html - как-то убедительнее звучит, остальное сами нагуглите...
                  1. 0
                    9 November 2012 13: 06
                    alas this page is not loading
                  2. 0
                    9 November 2012 13: 14
                    alas, this page does not load. but thanks to a search on it, I found another:
                    The car market in pre-revolutionary Russia

                    Until 1917, Russia had a well-established and well-developed system of selling cars, operating in a free market and without a shortage of automobile products. Then the concept of the automobile market included not only car trading, but also the sphere of automobile services, as well as everything related to the organization of sales and the popularization of automobiles. Looking back, we can say that the automotive market in Russia was organized according to all the rules of science, which many years later became known as marketing. Domestic automobile trading houses and representative offices made a significant contribution to the spread of motorism in pre-revolutionary Russia. One of the first, largest automobile trading houses in Russia, was the supplier of the Imperial Court Victory, opened on January 29, 1902 in St. Petersburg. Recently we visited, - wrote the magazine Scooter, - a shop of the Victory trading house, which has now been moved to a new vast and luxuriously decorated room. Trading House Pobeda was engaged not only in the sale of cars of the best brands, but also participated in their manufacture as a bodywork company, with significant production areas of 9000 m2. Documents that reached us - the announcements of the Pobeda trading house - testify to the wide scope of the commercial, industrial and organizational activities of the company ... ... Cars of this brand were at that time the most common in various competitions and achieved world records in their class.
                    1. Brother Sarych
                      10 November 2012 00: 03
                      It is a pity that it is not loaded - there, in principle, it was refuted that you bring, and with numbers ...
                      The entire Russo-Balt in its entire history has produced 700 cars, and this is a fact, but there are no references to the unknown Victory, but there are references that many, including eminent companies, failed to organize automobile production, the Lessner factory may still be mentioned, but even there was piece production ...
                      And what races there won those victories - in general a mystery ..
                      Most likely it was something like a homemade show of some enthusiasts of that time ...
                      1. 0
                        10 November 2012 14: 06
                        and where does such a desire to consider their homeland come from (and Uzbekistan is part of Russia,
                        although now no one thinks so thanks to the activities of the Communists) backward?
                        you can believe, 700 pieces of SUCH cars for all 70 years of its existence,
                        partial remnants of Russia, called the USSR, could not be released,
                        even in peacetime

                        Here's what Russo-Balt would look like nowadays:

                        "Cars of the brand" Russo-Balt "were, so to speak,
                        domestic Rolls-Royces. However, after the coup, this brand was gone.
                        The leaders of the Soviet Union also had “their” automobile factories, but they were different.
                        And the top of modern Russia prefers imported cars,
                        Mercedes-Benz brands. But now, almost 90 years after its disappearance,
                        The Russo-Balt brand is back. As before, she will build on
                        custom-made luxury cars bearing the same brand coat of arms. "


                        And because we don’t know the real facts about the development of pre-revolutionary Russia,
                        "thanks" gangsters communists who cleaned history
                      2. 0
                        11 November 2012 16: 41
                        "Russo-Balt was the personification of luxury. Powerful for those times engine, graceful,
                        unique design. And the cars were expensive. For "Russo-Balt" model C was asked up to 7,5 thousand rubles. For comparison: similar Opel and Renault cars cost 5 thousand rubles.
                        According to some reports, Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov acquired three Russo-Baltas,
                        Grand Duchess Maria Romanova acquired one car.
                        Russo-Balt cars have gained worldwide recognition. In particular, thanks to victories
                        in various competitions: for example, in the rally St. Petersburg - Monte Carlo in 1912 and 1913.
                        In addition, Russo-Balt was the first car to reach the top of Vesuvius.
                        During the war, the factory, on the orders of Nicholas II, was evacuated to Moscow, in the Fili district. And in 1918
                        the plant was nationalized and by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars renamed the First State
                        armored factory. In 1923 it was transferred to the Junkers concession and the company began
                        to produce aircraft Yu-20, Yu-21. "

                        Russo Balt S 24-40

                        "The first armored tank-automobile plant (BTAZ No. 1) of the Prombron association arose in 1916 on the basis of the evacuation of Russo-Balt from Riga. There were also three Russian factories producing tires -" Provodnik "(Riga)," Triangle "(Petrograd) , "Bogatyr" (Moscow) and its branch in Helsingfors (Helsinki) - Suomen Gummitehdas Their tires were successful all over the world.
                        The list of cars of production and assembly of the Russian Empire, including electric and steam but excluding locomobiles and tractors:
                        Aksai. Nakhchivan. 1903-1904, 1917
                        AMO. Moscow. 1916-1919
                        Bogatyr, (Chelyshev). Mytishchi. 1915-1917
                        Sides. Taganrog. 1910
                        Bromley. Moscow. 1901-1917
                        Bulakov. S. Petersburg. 1898
                        Dux, (Dux). Moscow. 1901-1910
                        Jaundice and price. Moscow. 1912
                        Izhora. Petrograd. 1914-1918
                        Ilyin, (Russo-Buire). Moscow. 1904, 1909-1912
                        International, (International). Warsaw 1903-1904
                        Case, (Case). Odessa. 1912
                        KZVS, (Becos). Mytishchi. 1917
                        Fist. Smolensk. 1910
                        Kuzmin. S. Petersburg. 1900
                        Swan, (Lebedev). Yaroslavl 1917
                        Leitner, (Russia, Leutner, Russia). Riga. 1901-1907, 1909
                        Lessner, (Daimler-Lessner). S. Petersburg. 1904-1909
                        Lidtke, (Union, Richard-Union). S. Petersburg. 1901-1902
                        Lindstrom, (Lindstrom, Korvensuu). Helsingfors. 1913
                        Sheet. Moscow. 1907-1910
                        Lundberg-Vasiliev. Moscow. 1902
                        Lucas, (Lucas). Petrograd. 1916-1917
                        Materikin, (Scooter). S. Petersburg. 1909-1910
                        MME. Moscow. 1914
                        Nobel, (Russian Diesel). S. Petersburg. 1910
                        Eagle. Eagle. 1909-1910
                        SNR, (MSSH). Oranienbaum. 1915-1916
                        Parviainen. S. Petersburg. 1911
                        Petunin. Upper Tour. 1914
                        Victory. S. Petersburg. 1902-1905
                        Polytechnic. S. Petersburg. 1903-1905
                        Puzanov. S. Petersburg. 1901 ...
                      3. -1
                        11 November 2012 16: 43
                        ... Bubbles. S. Petersburg. 1912-1914
                        Putilov. Petrograd. 1917-1919
                        Romanov, (Romanov and Frese). S. Petersburg. 1899-1901
                        RUPO, (Oldenburg). S. Petersburg. 1902
                        Russian Renault, (Renault Russe). Rybinsk. 1916
                        Russian-Baltic, (Russo-Balt, Russo-Balt, Russo-Baltique). Riga, Petrograd. 1909-1918
                        Self-propelled guns. Saratov. 1903
                        Sverdlov. S. Petersburg. 1911
                        Semevsky and Goh. Eagle. 1909
                        Strength and Light. S. Petersburg. 1885
                        Skavronsky. S. Petersburg. 1903
                        Scania-Vabis, (Truck, Scania-Vabis). S. Petersburg. 1914-1916
                        Starley Psycho. S. Pererburg. 1898-1901
                        Stasyulevich. Odessa. 1909
                        Tikhonov. S. Petersburg. 1910
                        Feitelberg, (Feitelberg). Riga. 1904-1909
                        Phoenix. S. Petersburg. 1914
                        Filippov. Moscow. 1913
                        Frese. S. Petersburg. 1896-1907
                        Chepurin. Blagoveshchensk. 1914
                        Schuckert, (Schuckert). S. Petersburg. 1903-1907
                        Yushkov. 1903-1907. Moscow. 1915
                        Yakovlev, (Yakovlev and Frese, Yakovlev and Lidtke). S. Petersburg. 1896-1898, 1902
                        Yakovlev, (Yakovlev P.D.) S. Petersburg. 1907-1910 "

                        Note that Russia had only 21 years from 1896 to 1917 to build and develop all this. Not 70.
                        And while racing cars of the USSR look rough axes, even compared to
                        rally cars of the very dawn of the global automotive industry:

                      4. Brother Sarych
                        11 November 2012 18: 14
                        Russo-Balt was a very good car for its time, but even it could not be launched into the mass series precisely because of the backwardness of the production base!
                        I had to import all the components for assembly in some cases! Therefore, it was not possible to establish mass production even for recognized manufacturers ...
                      5. 0
                        11 November 2012 19: 35
                        ha-ha, we produced the most luxurious car in the world at that time due to the backwardness of the production base))))))) isn't it funny ourselves? and are you sure that the mass production of simple cars (and Russo-Balt is not a simple car at all) has not been established? But yes, only Henry Ford with his "Tin Lizzie" was the first to establish mass production in millionth series, but look at the brands listed in the post above, there are how many, and who knows, maybe one of them could produce something like these "Tins" "until the Bolsheviks slashed with a sickle
                      6. Brother Sarych
                        11 November 2012 20: 51
                        Russo-Balt was not at all the most chic car! It was just a very good car for its time ...
                        The release of cars was not adjusted, WAS NOT !!!!
                        You are ABSOLUTELY uncritical about information - at that time the automotive industry was only taking the first steps, so the abundance of brands, it seems, does not speak of real production - some "homemade products" made one or two cars, maybe even five or ten, but this is not a series ! In many cases, they just made a car, then they just altered it, then further, further - is this a series? Of course not..
                        And when I pressed it, it suddenly became clear that we had to import cars from somewhere, we couldn’t do it ourselves, but you won’t create a plant right away ...
                        May be. by 1919 and their cars would have appeared in a large series, but even that is not a fact ...
                        By the way, at that time the world championship in wrestling was held in every big tent - you won’t take it seriously, similarly with participation in races ...
                      7. 0
                        12 November 2012 09: 53
                        You are right, but only partly. Of course, there were amateur enthusiasts, and a serious blow to the automotive industry - reorientation to military rails and the production of armored vehicles, and that is right that any competition where cars from different countries participated was called world, and that the automotive industry only did the first steps (and therefore the accusations of the Bolsheviks of backwardness are inappropriate here), but this is only part. Because rally St. Petersburg - Monte Carlo of 1912 and 1913 cannot be called a circus tent at all - time, the Pobeda automobile factory, the Puzyrev automobile factory are the names of industrial enterprises, which follows from the name itself, and tales of single lovers there’s no longer a ride, two. The Puzyrev plant was moved to Ulyanovsk, now called the Volga Motors, for some time it was called UMP. A fairly serious enterprise. And Russian Renault for a long time let out armored cars, but already for red leaders. If at least one of the enterprises from the list had a conveyor (some auto brands - factories and factories), and it could well have been, the communists' words about a XNUMX-year backlog, about dark and backward Russia will become not just an exaggeration, but ... I don’t even know how to say softer.

                        “The First World War revealed the urgent need of the Russian army for cars. Therefore, in 1916, the tsarist government allocated public funds in the amount of 11 million rubles [2] and the Main Military Technical Directorate signed contracts for the construction of six automobile plants in February-May 1916:
                        • In Moscow — with the Trade House of Kuznetsov, Ryabushinsky and K˚ — for the production of FIAT 15 Ter vehicles in the amount of 1500 vehicles per year.
                        • in Yaroslavl — with the Joint Stock Company of Aeronautics V.A. Lebedev — for the production of Crossley 20/25HP cars in the amount of 1500 vehicles per year.
                        • In Fili near Moscow — with a joint-stock company of the Russian-Baltic Plant — for the production of Russo-Balt C24 / 40 cars in the amount of 1500 cars per year.
                        • in Rybinsk — with the joint-stock company Russian Renault — for the production of Renault cars in the amount of 1500 vehicles per year.
                        • In Nakhichevan - with the partnership "Aksai" - for the production of cars in the amount of 1500 cars a year.
                        • in Mytishchi - with the "British Engineering Company of Siberia" Bekos "- for the construction of the "State-owned plant of military self-propelled vehicles" (KZVS) with a capacity of 3000 vehicles per year [3].
                        Thus, the total capacity of the new plants was to be 10500 cars per year. Due to the revolutions of 1917, inflation, high interest rates on loans, and finally, due to the collapse of the country's transport system, none of the above plants were completed. ”

                        The most interesting words in this quote are “3000 cars a year” and “because of the revolutions of 1917.” If we had such capacities, even if in a project (which, incidentally, is not a fact that only in a project) was in 1917, then why not even before 1917, it’s not hard to hide, given the artificial scarcity of information on this issue. It must be remembered that, producing at that time only 1000 cars a year, Renault supplied cars all over Europe, including its enemy Germany, and including immense Russia. This is a very large production capacity at that time.
                        From under a veil of darkness and silence, distortion of facts, the real level of the scientific and technical potential of the Republic of Ingushetia is in some places visible. It is perfectly logical that the usurpers tried to show their predecessors as backward as possible, and did a tremendous amount of work for this. Their descendants did the same in 1991.
                        By the way, there is one curious essay on the development of pre-revolutionary Russia -
                      8. -1
                        12 November 2012 16: 43
                        Perhaps you are right in some ways - but I don’t understand one thing if the scientific and technical potential of the Republic of Ingushetia was so high - why was Russia again not ready for the 1st World War? And this is after a humiliating defeat in Russian-Japanese !!!
                        The media constantly say that there were not enough guns, machine guns, rifles, shells, etc. So why didn’t the army be provided in the proper volume with these relatively simple things to manufacture (not to mention cars)? Why was Germany ready and lacked weapons despite the blockade and Russia did not have enough? If you didn’t have time to make it, then you could at least purchase it, for example, from the same ally of France !!! But some insanely expensive projects such as the construction of huge battleships or the manufacture of a giant tank with the height of a two-story house were actually realized :) This is nothing but a betrayal of national interests!
                        It seems to me that modern fashion to consider tsarist Russia as an advanced state is a powerful exaggeration and distortion of facts ... Yes, there were some separate organizations and companies that were undoubtedly advanced against the background of the rest - but it seems to me they did not make the weather in the country ...

                        And naturally, Russia looks better before 1917 than after - since in 1920 the country was in ruins and the Bolsheviks had to build everything from scratch ... And most importantly, the capitalist economy no longer worked and many valuable enterprises and personnel were either destroyed or taken out abroad ... But the scientific and technological achievements of the USSR between 1920 and 1941 are also impressive ... But this is only 20 years ... And tsarist Russia had the whole 19th century to make an economic breakthrough - a huge a time period that was incompetently missed ...
                      9. Brother Sarych
                        12 November 2012 19: 48
                        Yes, there were no these capacities! That's all ...
                        It seems that only one plant could more or less be completed in a couple of years, but it didn’t work out either ...
                        About 1000 cars a year and supplying almost the whole world - not even funny! There were only 600 Marne taxis, and soon only in the French army did they count tens of thousands ...
                      10. -1
                        12 November 2012 16: 29
                        Yes, Russo-Balt was probably a very good car for that era ... Only very few could afford it ... But in the USSR the mechanism of healthy competition was not created in the automotive industry, as in Germany, for example ... for example, in the defense industry and in the space industry, such mechanisms have worked successfully ...

                        Auto has always been considered a luxury item for us - and perhaps a good mass car was never created ...
                        And moreover, the entire road infrastructure was created with the expectation of public transport and not mass cars ...
                      11. 0
                        12 November 2012 19: 05
                        Selevc UA Today, 16:43, 16:29
                        There is only one answer to all your questions - the communist propaganda is so strong that it still powders the brains. In my youth, I myself was an ardent adherent of Lenin's ideas until I realized all the untimeliness and madness of the Russian and German revolutions. The propagated Russian soldiers could not end the war with dignity, for example, Lieutenant General of the Russian Imperial Army Mannerheim drove them out of Finland in disgrace. All infrastructure, including the road, of the Russian Empire, was destroyed by the Reds, and this must be taken into account. Their hatred of the intelligentsia, and engineers, scientists are the intelligentsia, has not cooled down to this day, in the "fiery years" this hatred prompted murders and eviction from the country. The shooting of the bourgeoisie, the destruction of enterprises - this is the destruction of the automotive industry, and not only it, about cars - this is only a part that is interesting to me personally.
                        Do not blame Russia for the mistakes of the USSR, the USSR is no longer Russia. Only the geographical name remained from Russia, already within completely different borders, and the Russian people, who suffered some troubles from the Red Terror. And it seems to me that there is no such fashion to consider "Tsarist Russia" (what a disdainful name for the Empire, it is difficult to think of a more vile formulation for such a state) an advanced state - either it was it or not, this is what the discussion is about.
                      12. 0
                        12 November 2012 19: 09
                        The point is that there was no infrastructure - read the writers of the contemporaries of those years Chekhov, Tolstoy, Kuprin and others ... They are certainly not communists ... Tolstoy wrote before the war - "Moscow - gold and dirt" - how modern it is ... I don’t understand them that Lenin also powdered his brains?
                        I don’t blame tsarist Russia for the mistakes of the USSR — I just tried to compare at least roughly the achievements of one country and another ... Tsarist Russia’s mistakes are more serious than the Soviet ones — otherwise it wouldn’t fall apart in such a tense historical period as World War I ... Talented engineers were in the union and there are a lot of them - and I will never believe that they all worked in their technical masterpieces in prisons ...

                        And Mannerheim drove the Russians out of Finland - because he was not Russian, and to put it bluntly, Finland at all times was never completely part of Russia but rather occupied by autonomy - like Poland ... And by the way, it enjoyed the broadest rights of autonomy to the detriment of the economy of tsarist Russia ...
                      13. 0
                        12 November 2012 19: 50
                        funny, but Mannerheim barely learned the Finnish language, he thought and spoke Russian from birth. I read these writers, both Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin. Well, then let's kill every ruler who has at least one critic of their power. "Moscow - gold and dirt", do you prefer the expression "Moscow - blood and dirt" ?! Petrograd at the time of the Red Bacchanalia describes the second expression exactly.
                        It’s not so interesting to argue with you as with Brother Sarych, he does not push the battered slogans of the Reds, but tries to sort out the issue. But the lie about a certain backwardness invented by usurpers to support their power also warms his soul
                      14. Brother Sarych
                        12 November 2012 20: 05
                        The thought of backwardness does not warm my soul at all - why should I rejoice and be touched? She, this backwardness really existed, it was this that led to subsequent upheavals ...
                        I had someone to listen about at that time ...
                      15. -1
                        12 November 2012 20: 25
                        I am not pushing anyone to anything - I just respect my history and accept it as it is ... And do not put everything upside down ...
                        Petrograd from the time of the Red Bacchanalia the second expression describes exactly

                        But who brought the country to this very bacchanalia - there can only be one answer - power !!! In their hands were all the levers of governing the country and the fact that they could not take advantage of them suggests that their time has passed ...
                        How simple is it - the tsar gave himself to be arrested by some troublemakers - but where were the forces devoted to him? What were they doing at that time? Can you imagine if Stalin let himself be arrested by some German shmions at a time when the Germans were near Moscow? Or did Peter let himself be arrested by the Swedes after losing the battle of Narva? This fact itself suggests that the king was useless as a person ...
                        There is no doubt that in tsarist Russia there was a very progressive stratum of people - scientists, writers, public figures, of course, that there was a progressive class of industrialists - this is not a matter of dispute ...
                        But it is indisputable that in that country it was necessary to change something - and to change radically, as Peter did at that time - if such a figure was at the helm at that time - I think that there would be no Bolsheviks - they would hang around the Kremlin and not hiding in huts ... And Russia would have gone through this bloody period of its history with difficulty but would have survived and won but it is a pity that the wrong people were at the head of the country ... And this is the main reason for the collapse of the country ...
                        That’s the tragedy of the situation that there were more people in power who didn’t want to change anything ... Who arranged the entire surrounding mess in which it is easy to build court careers, intrigue and engage in embezzlement ...
                        As one ancient historian said - "Great empires cannot be held back by weakness" - this can be said about Tsarist Russia and the USSR ...
                      16. -1
                        12 November 2012 20: 59
                        Oh yes - more ... Look at the buildings in the centers of our cities - how monumental and beautiful they are - built of granite, glass and marble - for centuries - and yet they were built by these, as you say, "bloody butcher communists" ... Now this is not the right democrats are building, but on the contrary, they demolished the monument to the Heroes of the Revolution ... It's already before my eyes that democratic vandalism is taking place ... And why should the communists be abused if they are like that?

                        What beautiful, wide avenues, buildings, monuments in Moscow and in other large cities - were also built under Stalin in the 20s and 50s ... In Kharkov, for example, the Gosprom building was built using the most advanced technology of those years, just in The 30s of the last century - the hallmark of the city so far ... I wonder - who built it all - if everyone was in prison, swollen from hunger or suffered from repression? :)))))))))))

                        And under the tsar, Moscow was a huge mostly chaotically built-up city with mostly wooden buildings ... There are programs devoted to the reconstruction of Moscow - look - in the 20s Moscow was reconstructed according to the latest avant-garde fashion at that time - and by the way, we were at that time trendsetters in architecture for the whole world ... And I deeply doubt that these same architectural masterpieces designed convicts on plank beds ... And under Khrushchev and Brezhnev they built already whole microdistricts ... I doubt that something like this would be under Tsarist Russia ... It is not necessary to demonize the USSR - in our country there was a lot of good and not so scary as it is customary to consider now ...
                      17. -1
                        12 November 2012 21: 23
                        Well-known Churchill's famous phrase - "Stalin accepted Russia with a plow and left with an atomic bomb" ... And this speaks precisely of the economic successes of the union ... A man like Churchill, an enemy of the USSR, probably knew about the real economic state of tsarist Russia and the USSR .. ...
                        The very fact of the existence of the USSR as a system of alternative to capitalism still does not give rest to many in our country or in the West, and therefore this period of our history is so painstakingly screwed up, distorted and hushed up ...
                      18. +1
                        12 November 2012 21: 32
                        a nightmare, do you think Germany is also backward? That same mighty German Empire. In fact, she also went through land sailors, red flags, and the street massacre. Hitler's movement began as one of a myriad of parties that proliferated as harmful bacteria after the revolution in the newborn Soviet German republics.
                        Here is a fact for you - neither Germany, nor even Russia was backward before the revolutions, they became such only AFTER the revolutions. And not a single person in the world will be able to challenge it with argument
                      19. -1
                        12 November 2012 21: 42
                        [quote] Hitler's movement began as one of a myriad of lots that proliferated as harmful bacteria after the revolution in the newborn Soviet German republics. / quote]

                        Hitler’s movement is in no way connected with the Communists - on the contrary, it is a product of capitalism - namely, the Treaty of Versailles ... Naturally, a country brought to its knees - all the more economically strong - seeks to get rid of them ... It’s ridiculous to make analogies between Russia and Germany because it’s too much different history of these countries, mentality, and their geopolitics ...
                        Many of the Germans in private conversation will tell you now that Hitler did a lot for Germany and especially in the economy - to take only the autobahns, BMW and Wolkswagen - this is all the Führer’s direct heritage and this is only the tip of the iceberg ...
                      20. -1
                        13 November 2012 12: 22
                        Selevc (1) Yesterday, 21:42
                        Hitler’s movement is in no way connected with the Communists - on the contrary, it is a product of capitalism - namely, the Treaty of Versailles ... Naturally, a country brought to its knees - all the more economically strong - seeks to get rid of them ... It’s ridiculous to make analogies between Russia and Germany because it’s too much different history of these countries, mentality, and their geopolitics ...
                        Many of the Germans in private conversation will tell you now that Hitler did a lot for Germany and especially in the economy - to take only the autobahns, BMW and Wolkswagen - this is all the Führer’s direct heritage and this is only the tip of the iceberg ...
                        You absolutely do not own the question. Hitler was an ardent hater of the Communists, and what kind of progressive Germany has become again, partly the merit of this hatred. His political career began in the Bavarian Soviet Republic, and very quickly helped form a united front out of opponents of the new government. In fact, this could happen anywhere in the vast scattered regions of the republics from France to the Far East, at least in the Bavarian Soviet Republic, even in the Bashkir Soviet Republic. The Germans were very lucky that the Prussian soldiers (Prussia is one of the provinces of Germany), notice the soldier, and not just the officers, the red propaganda did not manage to bring to a manic-anarchist state, and they were able to gradually free Germany from the red yoke. But it was precisely during the destruction of Great Germany by the Communists that Hitler and other home-grown politicians were able to gain leverage.
                        Further. Find 10 differences between American propaganda and Khrushchev propaganda. If you begin to study this issue in more detail, you will notice that Soviet and American propaganda almost always coincided. Horror stories about Stalin were invented by none other than the chief communist Khrushchev. On other issues, the USA and the USSR also always cooperated, and people were just gasped. The Soviet Union rose at the expense of American engineers, they shot their own. Ford is GAZ and Soviet tractors. Read the Soviet writers Ilf and Petrov, "One-Story America", where the issue of cooperation is covered, although incompletely, but for a thinking person, brief information is enough. The secret of penicillin was not stolen, it was legally bought, and so is the other tales of allegedly stolen secrets. Without the United States, there would be no USSR.
                        In previous posts, you try to refute what I did not say, and I consider Khrushchev’s inventions. It would be better to try to refute what I said, and provide links.
                      21. Brother Sarych
                        11 November 2012 18: 09
                        Do not carry nonsense! Your persistence in upholding obvious nonsense deserves a better use!
        2. +1
          12 November 2012 11: 00
          vovan1949 7 November 2012 20: 55
          No, we don't understand ourselves. H. Wells writes about Soviet Russia. Give specific facts that all this was before Lenin. Maybe the slogan "Study, study and study" was before Lenin?

          "At the beginning of the twentieth century, only 25% of the population were literate - but this is again the average for the Empire; in the cities of European Russia, the number of literate reached 50%; and among young people there were even more of them; moreover, at that time, literacy for women of the lower estates was considered optional - and this worsened the average numbers; the male population had a higher percentage. In 1908, a general free elementary education and 10 schools were opened annually (as early as 000 there were more than 1911, of which 100 were parish), as a result, by 1922, the illiteracy of the younger generation was supposed to disappear. (In 1920, according to Soviet data, 86% of youth from 12 to 16 years old were able to read and write, and they learned this before the revolution, and not during the years of the Civil War). Grammar schools were available in all district cities, which many European countries could not boast of. As regards secondary and higher education of women, Russia went ahead of Western Europe: in 1914, there were 965 girls' gymnasiums and higher women’s courses (in fact, universities) in all major cities. On the eve of the war in Russia there were more than one hundred universities with 150 students (in France - about 000 students). Many universities in Russia were created by ministries or departments (military, industrial, commercial, spiritual, etc.). The training was inexpensive, for example: at prestigious law schools in Russia it cost 40 times less than in the USA or England, and poor students were exempted and paid scholarships."

          "Come on, children, let's start learning
          And knowledge is the brightest thread forever
          We will weave into our grateful memory! "
          Ybray Altynsarin (20.10.1841 - 17.07.1889)

          "But you have to study, study, study"
          M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (27.01.1826/10.05.1889/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
          1. -1
            12 November 2012 19: 32
            Facts speak of the economic backwardness of tsarist Russia and the Bolsheviks have nothing to do with it - starting from the Crimean War, Russia was constantly losing to competitors ... Why, for example, did the British and French have a steam fleet and Russia still sail? Why did the enemies have rifled rifles and the Russians had smooth-bore rifles? And it was because of the undeveloped infrastructure that the country was defeated by the relatively small expeditionary forces with a huge army ...
            And the victory in the Russian-Turkish war of the 1870s neither brought Russia any territorial or economic dividends ...
            And why, then, in the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian fleet was obsolete and the Japanese fleet modern? Who or what prevented Russia from creating a modern fleet and army? But since Russia has not changed economically or politically radically, the 1st World War became its ending ... Alas, the fateful ending !!!
            And the authorities are to blame for this - no matter what they are called kings, general secretaries or presidents ... For it is they who are obliged to create in the country an economic, social and political climate of rapid progress and not fading and decay ...
            1. -1
              12 November 2012 19: 47
              And I forgot - and most importantly - the Russian tsars did the most terrible thing - even the Soviet leaders did not dare to do this - they sold part of their country - moreover, a huge part and moreover for a penny and at a loss !!! But what about the slogan "One and indivisible"? This is a historical outrage at their own discoverers, industrialists and other people who laid down their lives in the name of the development of Alaska ...
              This is just a mockery for the chickens - no economically developed country has ever done this ...
              1. -1
                12 November 2012 21: 39
                ahah, and Alaska was recalled. But nothing, that because of the difficult conditions of navigation in that area, we only lost ships? Your arguments about the weakness of the Russian army, about smooth-bore guns (from a fairy tale about Lefthander, which are not a fact) are easily overlapped by a mosin and a Fedorov assault rifle.
                Before your eyes, the Communists sold the land, pressed Russia to the size of the RSFSR, and then abandoned its allied countries. Everything that was not related to military technology, they brought to the cave level. And at the same time, you are still trying to protect them, those who betrayed our common Motherland, constantly betrayed the whole of the XNUMXth century, and still betray, remaining at the helm of power, albeit under different colors. This is a startling achievement of the US ideological machine.
      2. +2
        7 November 2012 21: 57
        Quote: Sanches
        Herbert Wells. Russia in the darkness 1920
        The name speaks for itself. There is one more telling name, Yesenin, "Country of Villains".
    4. Kshatriy
      7 November 2012 21: 47
      Quote: dmb

      The funniest thing is that they all who covet the great date of our history forget about one thing. If it weren’t for her, they probably weren’t something to knock on the keyboard; This fact is easily confirmed when reading comments.

      Listen to me carefully and remember forever !!!!!!! My ancestors did not agree with your great date, not ours, (understand yes?) And your HISTORY ..... !!!!!!!!!!! !!!
      1. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 22: 23
        None of the Vlasovites are unfinished? It’s a pity that the Soviet government was sometimes too humane ...
        1. dmb
          8 November 2012 15: 14
          You see a colleague, this case of clinical rudeness once again speaks of our innocence.
        2. Kshatriy
          12 November 2012 18: 24
          Quote: Brother Sarich

          None of the Vlasovites are unfinished? It’s a pity that the Soviet government was sometimes too humane ...

          : Cockerel with high knitting needles,
          began to guard its borders "
          A bird with no clear sex orientation - "cock ???" ...
          And how does Vlasov relate to the Russian elite before 1918-1924 ????? .. That "a rooster -parchy" --- got entangled in Rams ??????
  29. 0
    7 November 2012 17: 15
    This fact is easily confirmed when reading comments. There are many writers with Russian surnames, whose Russian language, due to its illiteracy, was clearly not formed in the socialist era.
    I never considered accent non-grammar a sign of a great mind:
    According to the rzelulattas, the ilseovadny odongo of an unly unquirtiset is not a part of the work, in cocoons the pumpkins in solva are roasted in cocoons. Galvone, chopping and slapping bkvuy blyu on msete. In the past, the bkuvs can be sealed in a completely bosom, all-torn text reads without a brem. Pichriony Egoto, it’s because we don’t make every single pumpkin separately, but it’s all solid.

    It is still very amusing when mediocrity is trying to give an assessment to the Genius. Lenin is a genius.
    There seems to be Genius V.I. No one disputes Lenin; the question is what guided him.
    And this with the remnants of the old education system
    It’s not strange, but I have many friends who work in science, including those abroad, who were educated not because of these remnants but in spite of them. He personally boycotted final exams, as this is pure imitation of knowledge testing.
    1. +3
      7 November 2012 17: 28
      Quote: urzul
      Never considered a sign of a great mind accent not grammar
      Literacy is not an indicator of intelligence, but of culture and personality development. Although I agree with you that good thoughts and correct conclusions are made by people who write with errors. One should not be proud of illiteracy or carelessness, but "catch up in Russian."

      Quote: urzul
      He personally boycotted final exams, as this is pure imitation of knowledge testing.

      Is it cool, that is, just did not go to school? And they gave you a certificate instead of a certificate? I think it's just ridiculous.
      1. +1
        7 November 2012 17: 39
        I DIDN'T APPEAR, I took the Unified State Exam, which, after applying to the RONO, was accepted as a final exam. It's funny when they don't give a medal, because "You have too many medalists in the class," he studied with the school principal's son and daughter.
        1. Brother Sarych
          7 November 2012 17: 45
          And I took my graduation more than 30 years ago ....
          It is not surprising that those who passed the exam state that literacy is trifles ...
          1. +3
            7 November 2012 18: 48
            Quote: Brother Sarich
            It is not surprising that those who passed the exam state that literacy is trifles ...

            I fully support here.
          2. 0
            8 November 2012 09: 28
            The exam, in the form that I passed, was too tough for most graduates. You apparently about him only through the pages of the yellow media that form your opinion, you know. And the fact that you donated 30 years ago doesn’t mean anything at all, then why are there so many illiterates at the age of 40 years?
        2. 0
          7 November 2012 18: 56
          Andrei, still write correctly, put commas.
  30. wax
    7 November 2012 17: 28
    “One must have the courage to look straight into the face of the unvarnished bitter truth. We must measure, to the bottom, the whole abyss of defeat, dismemberment, enslavement, humiliation, into which we are now pushed. The clearer we understand this, the more solid, hardened, steel our desire for liberation will become, our desire to rise again from enslavement to independence, our unshakable determination to achieve at all costs that Russia ceases to be miserable and powerless, so that it became in the full sense of the word powerful and plentiful. ”
    IN AND. Lenin 1918

    “We must build our economy so that our country does not become an appendage of the world capitalist system, that it is not included in the general system of capitalist development as its subsidiary enterprise, so that our economy does not develop as an auxiliary enterprise of world capitalism, but as an independent economic unit ”Relying mainly on the domestic market, relying on the link between our industry and the peasant economy of our country.”
    I.V. Stalin 1925
    1. +3
      7 November 2012 18: 28
      Quote: Wax
      so that Russia ceases to be miserable and powerless, so that it becomes in the full sense of the word powerful and abundant. "

      And before that, she was worse than ever. Look online about the pace of development in the Russian Empire. Just not that g .... that Khrushchev’s and current liberalists show you. Facts are a stubborn thing.
      1. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 22: 01
        The facts are very stubborn - that's for sure, and they say that Russia was lagging behind developed countries more and more (and this is not Khrushchev’s invention, it’s not at all for his filings) ...
        1. +2
          8 November 2012 01: 09
          Again for the old. Somewhere and lagged behind, but insignificantly. And in many ways it was ahead. Yes, and the development of the Russian Empire, do not let yourself be drawn into the war (by the way, the tsar became cowardly and the masons helped), would have gone much further than "civilized" countries.
  31. wax
    7 November 2012 17: 46
    Yeltsin B.N.

    “Our country is on the edge of the abyss, but thanks to the President we will take a step forward!”

    “Take sovereignty as much as you can swallow. I do not want to be a brake on the development of the national identity of each republic. ”

    "If prices become unmanageable, exceed more than three to four times, I myself will lie on the rails."

    “Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin lived a great life, visited both above, and below, and below, and above.”
    1. +4
      7 November 2012 18: 58
      Quotes class, you can dry out. And this character led the country, communism, by the way.
      1. +1
        8 November 2012 00: 07
        Quote: Uncle
        Quotes class, you can dry out. And this character led the country, communism, by the way.

        Rather, CAREER ...
  32. +5
    7 November 2012 17: 57
    The October Socialist Revolution was the beginning of the end to the chaos and collapse into which the organizers of the February Revolution and the monarchy threw it.
    This is the great merit of the Socialist Revolution.
    People had a goal and the opportunity to create a new just socialist Russia, without the exploiting classes for centuries plundered the people.
    Against this, all exploiting classes, from landowners and manufacturers to village kulaks, came out with weapons in their hands.
    What was 90% of the population to do with these armed enemies, defending their rights to exploit the people? Only one thing to defend and not give up and not lay down weapons to kill. There was no other way.
    What to do with the current collapse and destruction of Russia in the 21st century? Will it be possible by peaceful means, through elections, to fulfill this task, or will the Socialist Revolution against the power of the captured oligarchs and capitalists be needed again?
    1. 0
      7 November 2012 20: 24
      Quote: vladimirZ
      What was 90% of the population to do with these armed enemies, defending their rights to exploit the people? Only one thing to defend and not give up and not lay down weapons to kill. There was no other way.

      What a stupid thing. It was you who taught a Khrushchov lie at school in Soviet times. Do not be lazy to study those times better.
  33. Blat
    7 November 2012 18: 52
    read the theory of a glass of water, it may become clear to you who such Marxists-Leninists are)))))))))))
  34. Evgan
    7 November 2012 18: 57
    Here I read the comments. Not all, I confess - the first half. And it became scary. Because in my opinion, all those who raised their hands to their fellow citizens are criminals. I don’t know who committed the most atrocities during the Civil War - white, red or other green, if only because there was never a single army of whites and because many units of the reds turned white repeatedly and vice versa. How and what to consider here? I am sure of only one thing - the Civil War (and its companions - famine, devastation, homelessness) became one of the most important geopolitical disasters in Russia in the 20th century and the most disgraceful page in our history. Its reasons are the February and (I emphasize - and) the October Revolution. And for this reason, celebrating the anniversary of the last event is unacceptable to me.
    What would happen if the coup did not happen in October 1917? I dont know. But I’ll say carefully: it would probably be better if he weren’t. They will object to me: but then a weak Provisional Government would destroy the country! I will answer: you know, if the country was not destroyed by the Civil War, no Kerensky could have done this. They will object to me: but then there would be no USSR in its best form. I will answer here: how do you know what would be instead? Relatively speaking, if the Bolsheviks had not seized power in 1917-1923, this does not mean that subsequently a politician of the scale of Stalin would not have come to power with all the ensuing consequences — positive and negative.
    We need to agree, people. And do not throw thunder and lightning in their own. It is fraught with fire. New civil.
    1. +4
      7 November 2012 19: 23
      instead of a small, divided into separate republics of Russia, there would be a large and monolithic, washing machines in every house would appear in the 30s, as it was in the USA, domestic products could compete with the western, and not only the one that shoots, the elite in Russia would be Russian, our cars would participate in Formula 1, our inventions would be ahead of the West, and not in vain try to catch up with them, and millions of people on our land each died at one time from old age, and not all at once from a bullet or from hunger, that’s what it would be. In the history of mankind there was no more powerful, huge, richer and more technically developed state for its time than pre-revolutionary Russia
      1. Patton135
        7 November 2012 20: 02
        Come on! Dear, do you have a historical education? Just, as far as I know, even professional historians do not risk making alternative historical assumptions. And about inventions: until 1983 the USSR was on a par and even overtook the West in terms of electronic technology.
        What's the use of talking with the brainchild of the universe "Crunch of French buns"
        1. +2
          7 November 2012 21: 00
          Patton135 Today, 20: 02
          Come on! Dear, do you have a historical education? Just, as far as I know, even professional historians do not risk making alternative historical assumptions. And about inventions: until 1983 the USSR was on a par and even overtook the West in terms of electronic technology.
          What's the use of talking with the brainchild of the universe "Crunch of French buns"
          A respected professional historian, without going into lengthy discussions, I can only ask: do some historical facts seem to you as convincing proof that the then Russia was stronger than the USSR? for example, the war with Germany - where the USSR was losing enormous territories and millions of lives, in pre-revolutionary Russia it was possible to save both territories and people (please do not attribute the Brest Treaty to the losses of the Republic of Ingushetia, this is already the loss of the Bolsheviks). There, in the cities of pre-revolutionary Russia, a calm course of life was maintained, competitions were held on bicycles and the latest Russian cars, the sky was peaceful, and Petrograd was not subjected to blockade for three whole years, as happened in the USSR, moreover, it was even possible to maintain normal trade relations with all Europe, including with its enemy - Germany, and our scientists continued to visit Europe even during the war. Or do you think that the First World War, a war of deadly gas, machine guns, tanks, bombs and howitzers and mortars sweeping houses, was not as dangerous as the Second?
          ZY: I don’t like this stupid song, I just love Russia, even though I’m not Russian, excuse me
          1. Brother Sarych
            7 November 2012 21: 57
            It’s all in your fantasies - and the calm course of life very soon turned into a revolution, which TWICE almost in six months swept away the ruling regime with extraordinary ease ...
            1. -2
              7 November 2012 22: 20
              Brother Sarych Today, 21: 57
              It’s all in your fantasies - and the calm course of life very soon turned into a revolution, which TWICE almost in six months swept away the ruling regime with extraordinary ease ...
              These are not fantasies, this is history, and what relation did some super-cunning individuals, who conceived a revolution, have to war? They did not even serve at the front. I’ll tell you really my fantasy, but very believable. It consists in the fact that without Lenin, without the Oktoberrevolution, without Novemberrevolution, without the destruction of Russia by the red, without the destruction of Germany by the red, there would have been no Hitler leading a mass of vengeful red people!
              1. Brother Sarych
                7 November 2012 22: 34
                From what sources did you draw this dregs, I would like to know? So dump everything in a bunch - you need to be able to ...
                1. 0
                  8 November 2012 11: 12
                  have you ever heard of the German revolution? didn’t even pass it at school ??
                  1. Brother Sarych
                    8 November 2012 12: 52
                    You know, I heard something - only it is such a connection with Hitler that exists in your imagination! To put it mildly, everything is completely wrong ...
                    1. -2
                      9 November 2012 13: 40
                      then you should read more about this event
          2. Patton135
            7 November 2012 22: 34
            I also love Russia, although not Russian. And I also love Belarus (this is my homeland). And which of this?
            Let's in fact:
            To begin with, it is not worth comparing the two world wars: they are different not only by the means of warfare, but also by the tactics of conducting the aforementioned war. (As for me, the tank wedges of the Wehrmacht are much more effective than tactics
            "stupidly straight to machine guns"). These are completely different eras.
            As for the peaceful life in the cities, in all the countries participating in WWI such a thing persisted (there was a completely different era), as for trade with Germany, well, you yourself are pierced: trade with the enemy, the bourgeoisie's extraction of monetary benefits from the blood of its soldiers suggests that no one except the aforementioned bourgeoisie needed this war, Russian soldiers were used as cannon fodder (and not only Russians). And I don’t want to talk about a peaceful sky - learn materiel (aviation was not so effective, and, in truth, in WWI all German forces were concentrated on France (the first point of the Schlieffen plan) and Russia bravely threw its sons on machine guns when the "allies" demanded it)
            PS And yes: it seems to me that the February Revolution and the strikes and demonstrations that preceded it are the signs of not very great calm in the cities of the Republic of Ingushetia.
            PSS. And yes, by the way, I really have a historical education.))
            Best regards hi
            1. -1
              8 November 2012 11: 16
              Patton135 Yesterday, 22: 34
              I also love Russia, although not Russian. And I also love Belarus (this is my homeland). And which of this?
              Let's in fact:
              To begin with, it is not worth comparing the two world wars: they are different not only by the means of warfare, but also by the tactics of conducting the aforementioned war. (As for me, the tank wedges of the Wehrmacht are much more effective than tactics
              "stupidly straight to machine guns"). These are completely different eras.
              As for the peaceful life in the cities, in all the countries participating in WWI such a thing persisted (there was a completely different era), as for trade with Germany, well, you yourself are pierced: trade with the enemy, the bourgeoisie's extraction of monetary benefits from the blood of its soldiers suggests that no one except the aforementioned bourgeoisie needed this war, Russian soldiers were used as cannon fodder (and not only Russians). And I don’t want to talk about a peaceful sky - learn materiel (aviation was not so effective, and, in truth, in WWI all German forces were concentrated on France (the first point of the Schlieffen plan) and Russia bravely threw its sons on machine guns when the "allies" demanded it)
              PS And yes: it seems to me that the February Revolution and the strikes and demonstrations that preceded it are the signs of not very great calm in the cities of the Republic of Ingushetia.
              PSS. And yes, by the way, I really have a historical education.))
              Best regards
              PS And yes: it seems to me that the February Revolution and the strikes and demonstrations that preceded it are the signs of not very great calm in the cities of the Republic of Ingushetia.
              the activity of the Fifth Column is possible both in conditions of war and in conditions of peaceful life. so who else but you should know about it.
              about the bloody bourgeois - go to any boss and tell him in person what you think about the bloody bourgeois. I think he considers this opinion not entirely fair.
              about prying on machine guns - this important historical information obviously you got from the movie "Chapaev". the war was a trench, and only because of this it was possible to keep the enemy away from their borders. well fortified positions with machine guns were fired upon by artillery, because if you walk on machine guns, not a single person will survive. Russian officers should not be considered headless idiots
          3. +1
            9 November 2012 14: 32
            Quote: Sanches
            for example, the war with Germany - where the USSR lost colossal territories and millions of lives, in pre-revolutionary Russia it was possible to save both territories and people

            The comparison is not entirely correct: more precisely, it is not at all correct, since in the 1st World Germany it was waging an ACTIVE war on 2 fronts, and enormous resources were spent on the confrontation with England and France.
            In the Great Patriotic Germany, with the tacit consent of our allies, it was able to concentrate all its resources and forces in only one direction-east. Plus, the entire industry of conquered Europe. We, in fact, had to confront ALONE, NOT ALL, but EUROPE. (About military actions in Africa will not even speak because of the insignificance of the forces used there by the parties).
            1. -1
              9 November 2012 16: 45
              revnagan Today, 14: 32 ↑
              The comparison is not entirely correct: more precisely, it is not at all correct, since in the 1st World Germany it was waging an ACTIVE war on 2 fronts, and enormous resources were spent on the confrontation with England and France.
              In the Great Patriotic Germany, with the tacit consent of our allies, it was able to concentrate all its resources and forces in only one direction-east. Plus, the entire industry of conquered Europe. We, in fact, had to confront ALONE, NOT ALL, but EUROPE. (About military actions in Africa will not even speak because of the insignificance of the forces used there by the parties).
              and thorough bombardment by England of Germany in World War II - is that so, butterflies fluttered ?! Comparison of two wars with a difference of 21 years is absolutely correct
              1. -1
                12 November 2012 17: 39
                thorough bombardment by England of Germany in World War II - is that so, butterflies fluttered ?! Comparison of two wars with a difference of 21 years is absolutely correct

                If they had bombed so carefully, the Germans by 1943 would have had nothing to fight and the equipment would have been without fuel ... And so while the Red Army did not occupy Romania, the Germans didn’t feel the interruptions with fuel ... Of course, Germany and its satellites were bombed - but these events and most importantly their effectiveness seem to be very bloated !!!

                The main events of the 2nd World War (the battle for Moscow, the battle for the Caucasus, the battle for Stalingrad) took place against the background of a lull on the western front - so we can confidently say at a decisive moment that our Western allies did nothing to us (except for the supply of weapons). .. We can say simpler - the outcome of the 1st World War was decided on the Western Front and the 2nd on the Eastern Front - and this is a fundamental difference
                1. 0
                  13 November 2012 13: 13
                  Selevc Yesterday, 17: 39

                  If they had bombed so carefully, the Germans by 1943 would have had nothing to fight and the equipment would have been without fuel ... And so while the Red Army did not occupy Romania, the Germans didn’t feel the interruptions with fuel ... Of course, Germany and its satellites were bombed - but these events and most importantly their effectiveness seem to be very bloated !!!
                  The main events of the 2nd World War (the battle for Moscow, the battle for the Caucasus, the battle for Stalingrad) took place against the background of a lull on the western front - so we can confidently say at a decisive moment that our Western allies did nothing to us (except for the supply of weapons). .. We can say simpler - the outcome of the 1st World War was decided on the Western Front and the 2nd on the Eastern Front - and this is a fundamental difference
                  The outcome of World War I was decided by the murder of one Emperor (king) and the expulsion of the second (Kaiser), and this was done by traitors in their own country. In the 1st World German boot, he stamped the whole of Western Europe in the same way as in the 1nd. And if you face the facts, and not just listen to subjective opinions, the November revolution happened after Germany won.
            2. 0
              12 November 2012 17: 34
              Just about guys - in 41 all of Europe went against us and not only Germany !!! A kind of European Union under the control of Hitler ... I read somewhere a curiosity - during the 2nd World War the French died more in battles with the Soviet army than in that famously promoted resistance :))) They don't like to remember this - of course it's like it does not fit with the modern "angelic face" of the European Union ...
              In general, this De Gaulle is most likely a British-American project - his "great military merits" are greatly exaggerated so that France can be among the victorious countries and claim a piece of post-war Europe.
      2. dmb
        7 November 2012 20: 44
        If you want to read more than just slogans, read V. Pikul "On the outskirts of the empire". He wrote historical novels, not fiction. And the memories of his contemporaries about that period are even worse.
      3. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 21: 59
        Yeah, no matter how! There would be NO Russia, just a piece of cake ...
        1. Kshatriy
          10 November 2012 13: 32
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          There would be NO Russia, just a piece of cake ...

          ..... It's in your head with the brain of a reptilian psitsa --- some scraps ..... and quotes from: "a short course in the history of the VKPB" ......
    2. +3
      7 November 2012 21: 54
      Quote: EvgAn
      I don’t know who committed the most atrocities during the Civil War - white, red or other green, if only because there was never a single army of whites and because many units of the reds turned white repeatedly and vice versa.

      The devil needs blood, no matter whose, if only more. Revolution is a general rage.
      Quote: EvgAn
      We need to agree, people. And do not throw thunder and lightning in their own. It is fraught with fire. New civil.

      Speak the truth !!!
  35. -1
    7 November 2012 19: 07
    just the facts


    Yes, and I want to say a little about Stalin. What do you think, dear forum users, a person could get into a closed organization of Jews, if, let’s say, he had not pretended to be his own for them. He understood that the Jewish coup could not be stopped, but one could not sit idly by either. That he was not his own for them, they understood, but late. The train left. They got what they deserved, sorry not all.
    1. +1
      7 November 2012 20: 04
      Quote: dimyan
      They got what they deserved, sorry not all.

      Stalin should erect a monument only because he destroyed the entire Leninist party, all, or almost all of the revolutionaries. The revolution devoured their own children, or fathers, to anyone as they please.
  36. 0
    7 November 2012 19: 37
    the shortage of bread, as follows from research, was artificially organized.

    The gap is 70 years, and the same habits. What habits - snouts are visible similar
  37. vovan1949
    7 November 2012 20: 46
    There is a very simple answer to this whole discussion: how did people live before and after 1991? Those. under socialism and in the post-perestroika period.
    Compare, in any sphere of human activity, from birth to death (birth, pre-school education, education, labor activity, remuneration, housing, medical care, industry and agriculture, science, the army and so on ...). And most importantly - people do not have confidence in the future. People live in some kind of constant stress.
    Is something better? Absolutely nothing! There was a great country, the second in the world to be reckoned with. And it became a third world country, the second Honduras. And all this thanks to those who fiercely hate Lenin, Stalin, the Communists, the Soviet power, and the Great Strong and Indivisible Country (formerly the USSR, and now Russia) until they lose consciousness. Like Sasha Romanov and the like.
    1. 0
      7 November 2012 21: 13
      Quote: vovan1949
      There was a great country, the second in the world to be reckoned with. And it became a third world country, the second Honduras. And all this thanks to those who fiercely hate Lenin, Stalin, the Communists, the Soviet power, and the Great Strong and Indivisible Country (formerly the USSR, and now Russia) until they lose consciousness.

      Do not put together Lenin and Stalin. Different personalities, things are different. For example, I don’t hate the Communists, but I don’t have much love for them either. The crazy ideas of universal equality and fraternity, internationalism are so far from reality. But the Soviet Union collapsed just the very top of the CPSU, sharply changed color, became shit-democrats, oh sorry, democrats. And a strange thing - they all have one nationality, you can not confuse anyone.
      1. +2
        7 November 2012 21: 50
        Quote: dimyan
        The crazy ideas of universal equality and fraternity, internationalism are so far from reality.

        Precisely, Christ did not call for revolution, for the redistribution of property, only for love for one another. The Communists did the exact opposite, showing that they were enemies of the living God!
        1. +2
          8 November 2012 04: 28
          Quote: Uncle
          The Communists did the exact opposite, showing that they were enemies of the living God!

          And not just showing, but opposing him. Plus Dmitry !!!
      2. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 21: 53
        Internationalism, equality and fraternity are not delusional ideas at all and never were!
        1. +1
          7 November 2012 22: 18
          So fraternize with blacks, the Chinese, and your descendants will speak their languages. Equality is swept away by the objective laws of society, they do not need to be written to be executed. Internaciolism is generally beyond the reasonable. Yes, read Shulchan Aruch you will immediately understand who is hiding behind this word.
          1. Brother Sarych
            7 November 2012 22: 27
            Until now, I have only used Russian - and almost everyone was rolling! And with the Cubans, and with the Sudanese, and with the Mongols, and with the Germans, and with the Czechs, and with many others (these are with those who can be considered exotic in general), I am generally silent about the peoples of the USSR ...
            You see, I grew up in an international environment, studied in an international environment, worked in the same team ...
            1. 0
              7 November 2012 22: 35
              Well so it is not an internatsiolizm. This is just good neighborliness. But what would you say when you would be forced to build one state with them, to choose a ruler in it? I would sympathize with you. Convince me.
              1. Brother Sarych
                7 November 2012 22: 40
                And what are the special problems? It seems to me that you do not have much experience communicating with representatives of other nations, the problems that usually arise are related to specific individuals, and not to their nationalities ...
                1. -1
                  7 November 2012 22: 54
                  You are mistaken. I had a chance to chat with different people of different nationalities and I can tell you. that we are with them (not with all) out of the way. Neighborhood is possible when they are at home and do not climb into someone else’s monastery with their own charter. And genetics proves that the mixture of unrelated peoples does not lead to anything good.
    2. 0
      8 November 2012 04: 27
      Quote: vovan1949
      And all this thanks to those who fiercely hate Lenin, Stalin, the Communists, the Soviet power, and the Great Strong and Indivisible Country (formerly the USSR, and now Russia) until they lose consciousness. Like Sasha Romanov and others like him

      Well done, all in a bunch. What did Lenin do for the country? In addition to the rivers of blood of the Russian people, in addition to the destroyed Churches, what else did he do? You can clearly answer the question. Besides the words cheers, do you know others? Stalin made more followers for the country, and talking about the predecessor by the name of Ulyanov is sickening. Hypocrisy is a denial of truth. The truth is that Lenin destroyed the people and the faith of the Great Russian people. It’s only Lenin who burns in hell, and the bells of the Church ring. cremate, dust in a cannon and shoot, so that there would be no dust left.
  38. Kshatriy
    7 November 2012 20: 48
    To all the question ??????? Why do you so stubbornly lick the memory of the VILIOUS BEAST OF THE KILLER OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE .... hive-blank ?????? Why such an incomprehensible "love" for an animal subhuman not even worthy of a memory from the outside Russian (Christian, Muslim ....) ?????
    1. +1
      7 November 2012 21: 03
      Quote: Kshatriya
      To all the question ??????? Why do you so stubbornly lick the memory of the VILIOUS BEAST OF THE KILLER OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE .... hive-blank ?????? Why such an incomprehensible "love" for an animal subhuman not even worthy of a memory from the outside Russian (Christian, Muslim ....) ?????

      Apparently some have Jewish roots or descendants of the Trotskyists. By the way, not all Trotskyists were Jews, every people came across.
      1. Kshatriy
        7 November 2012 21: 38
        Quote: dimyan
        . By the way, not all Trotskyists were Jews, every people came across.

        Yeah, I wonder what nationality ....... udaltsov-tyutyukin ...... if his cunt had the nickname "fellow countrywoman" ..... bring a Jewish nasty khvamileyu, if you know ??????
        1. +2
          7 November 2012 21: 47
          Yes, somewhere I read about the name of Udaltsova grandmother, but I don’t forget these Jewish "nicknames". And about the activation of the Jews on the site, so I confirm - in my comments (where even a little used the word Jew, Jew) the cons in the last hour are growing by leaps and bounds. Looks like it hurt the bastards.
          1. Brother Sarych
            7 November 2012 21: 49
            About the fact that the Zemlyachka of his great-grandmother is a bad duck ...
            1. Kshatriy
              7 November 2012 22: 07
              Quote: Brother Sarich
              About the fact that the Zemlyachka of his great-grandmother is a bad duck ...

              Oyyy .... how interesting ..... but he himself does not deny this "duck" .... here is such a blah proclamation .. !!!!! ...... (or you from afar to Moscow as you see in the palm of your hand, but I'm a fool in "I can't see" .. ???????? ..
              1. Brother Sarych
                7 November 2012 22: 29
                Yes, actually it’s even known who let it in first ...
    2. Brother Sarych
      7 November 2012 21: 51
      Because this is not so at all - Lenin is not at all the kind-hearted grandfather from the old Primer, but also not at all the fiend of hell with whom you are trying to imagine him ...
      1. Kshatriy
        7 November 2012 22: 10
        Quote: Brother Sarich
        but also not at all the fiend of hell with whom you are trying to imagine it ...

        ... So I do not imagine him a fiend of hell .... he just was --- scum and syphilitic ......
        1. Blat
          8 November 2012 00: 25
          that’s what the Bolsheviks did. Decree of the Saratov Provincial Council of People’s Commissars on the abolition of private ownership of women

          Legitimate marriage, which took place until recently, was undoubtedly the product of the social inequality that must be uprooted in the Soviet Republic. Until now, legal marriages have served as a serious weapon in the hands of the bourgeoisie in their struggle against the proletariat, thanks to them all the best specimens of the fair sex were the property of the bourgeois imperialists and such proper property could not be disrupted by the proper continuation of the human race. Therefore, the Saratov Provincial Council of People’s Commissars, with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Council of Workers, Soldiers 'and Peasants' Deputies, decided:

          § 1. From January 1, 1918, the right to permanent possession of women who have reached 17 years of age is canceled and up to 30 liters Note: The age of women is determined by metric statements, passports, and in the absence of these documents by the quarterly committees or elders and by appearance and testimonies.
          § 2. The effect of this decree does not apply to married women with five or more children.
          § 3. For the former owners (husbands) the right is reserved for the extraordinary use of his wife. Note: In case of opposition of the former husband to the implementation of this decree in life, he is deprived of the right granted to him by this article.
          § 4. All women who are fit for a real decree shall be withdrawn from private permanent possession and declared the property of the entire working people.
          § 5. The distribution of the institution of alienated women is provided by Sov. Slave Soldier and the cross. Deputies to the Gubernsky, Uyezdnom and Selsky by affiliation.
          § 7. Muscovite citizens have the right to use a woman no more than four times a week and no more than 3 hours, subject to the conditions specified below.
          § 8. Each member of the working people is obliged to deduct 2% of their earnings from the national generation fund.
          § 9. Every Muschin wishing to use a copy of the national heritage must present to the Workers' Committee or the trade union a certificate confirming that he belongs to the working class.
          § 10. He who belongs to the working class acquires the right to use alienated women under the condition of a monthly contribution of the amount indicated in § 8 to the fund 1000 rubles. § 11. All women declared by this decree as a public domain receive an aid of 280 rubles from the fund for the generation of the people. b month.
          § 12. Women who become pregnant are relieved of their duties of direct and state duties for 4 months (3 months before and one after childbirth).
          § 13. After one month, the babies born are given up to receive the "Nursery", where they are brought up and receive education up to the age of 17 years.
          § 14. At the birth of twins of the parent, a reward of 200 rubles is given.
          § 15. The perpetrators of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases will be held legally liable in a court of revolutionary time.
          1. vovan1949
            9 November 2012 17: 44
            blat, where did you download such nonsense from?
    3. +1
      8 November 2012 04: 10
      Quote: Kshatriya
      Why are you with such obstinacy lick the memory of the NASTY CREATURE OF THE KILLER OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE

      Michael, I would give you a hundred pluses, but I can only one, but deserved drinks
  39. Kshatriy
    7 November 2012 21: 35
    Kagal doing a manifestation .... Give me a rebuff to such an ugly and vile anti-Semite .... Get out ... manifest .... Let's see what razor sharpening (otherwise my ass is not shaving) your communal language has ..... ?????
    1. -1
      7 November 2012 21: 57
      Quote: Kshatriya
      Kagal make a manifestation .... Give me a rebuff to such an ugly and vile anti-Semite

      By the way, an interesting thing - I press the green arrow for you and in theory it should turn out to be a plus, but no, everything happens exactly the opposite.
      To the moderator - note that something is wrong here!
      1. Kshatriy
        7 November 2012 22: 19
        Quote: dimyan
        To the moderator - note that something is wrong here!

        Do not worry .... when it comes to the genocide of the Russian People on our forum .... Any "Miracles" are possible ... it is so accepted here .... Russophobes "rule the show" ........ but always remain "behind the scenes" ..., and when they appear (though there are almost no such "heroes" left) I spread rot with complete Russophile ruthlessness ...
      2. Brother Sarych
        7 November 2012 22: 30
        You are not the only one viewing the forum, just with you, almost simultaneously, and others have rated the article ...
        1. 0
          7 November 2012 22: 39
          I have doubts about this and this is why - at the time of my evaluation of the comment there were no ratings at all. And the amount after does not leave room for other judgments.
          1. Brother Sarych
            7 November 2012 22: 43
            No, everything is fine, the page is not immediately refreshed, it is generally partially refreshed, and such incidents pop up ...
  40. 0
    7 November 2012 23: 41
    Quote: Sanches
    instead of a small, divided into separate republics of Russia, there would be a large and monolithic, washing machines in every house would appear in the 30s, as it was in the USA, domestic products could compete with the western, and not only the one that shoots, the elite in Russia would be Russian, our cars would participate in Formula 1, our inventions would be ahead of the West, and not in vain try to catch up with them, and millions of people on our land each died at one time from old age, and not all at once from a bullet or from hunger, that’s what it would be. In the history of mankind there was no more powerful, huge, richer and more technically developed state for its time than pre-revolutionary Russia

    I liked the statement, I completely agree +
  41. yuri_dashkin
    8 November 2012 02: 46
    Though late, but, with the Feast of all, all health and all the very best !!! No matter what anyone says - and the USSR - it was (and, I believe, it will) - the best country, where money didn’t solve everything, where there wasn’t such a rampant crime, where the children walked on the street, and their parents were not afraid of any perverts .. .. You can continue for a long time .... Happy holiday, dear comrades !!!
    1. +3
      8 November 2012 02: 57
      And you Yuri with a significant holiday! Remember, today is the second day of the celebration! The country of the USSR is a unique country, and I, for example, am very proud that I was born, raised and received an education in the USSR that helps us survive in the vast expanses of the modern world. (I do not want to quote the classics of Marxism-Leninism, because even they would probably have turned over in the grave from the modern interpretation of their theory).
  42. Konrad
    8 November 2012 06: 41
    The article is another nonsense! Massons, Februaryists, Russophobia and other and other ....
  43. sq
    8 November 2012 10: 30
    Any revolution raises all the dirt from the bottom of society. The idea is like a bone that each dog chews in its own way. From here all sorts of discrepancies appear. A revolutionary idea is one thing, and its implementation runs into quite objective difficulties; building a state on the basis of a new idea cannot be instantaneous. Each state entity has its own laws, customs, etc., etc. and it is impossible to change them at once. It was relatively easy for the Bolsheviks to take power, even in the vastness of the Republic of Ingushetia, but very quickly it becomes clear that you cannot go far with naked slogans and the most elementary question arises - "WHAT WE WILL BE TOMORROW?" And away we go .... As a result, for a long time the first violin is played by the heroes-hats, who have at the forefront of the destruction of everything that the left heel did not like, respectively, there is resistance and here it is, in all its glory of its disgusting appearance - CIVIL WAR - THE WORST OF EVERYTHING THAT COULD BE.
    and then for many years the accumulated dirt is scooped up, and the one who scoops up is smeared more than those who created it.

    I do not pretend to be absolute truth, I just expressed my opinion.
  44. +2
    8 November 2012 16: 59
    It is strange somehow in the article that the authorities did not belong to anyone, but went to the Bolsheviks who, moreover, came from behind the hillock as soon as they learned what was happening in Russia. Please! How can I take something that is not? (power) If there is no power, how did they take it? Surely there was agitation and communication to command the process from behind a hill. And if, as described, we just arrived and we are so beautiful to be your power, then they would be sent to hell right away.
    1. +3
      8 November 2012 18: 03
      Quote: Roland
      It is strange somehow in the article that the authorities did not belong to anyone, but went to the Bolsheviks who, moreover, came from behind the hillock as soon as they learned what was happening in Russia. Please! How can I take something that is not? (power) If there is no power, how did they take it? Surely there was agitation and communication to command the process from behind a hill. And if, as described, we just arrived and we are so beautiful to be your power, then they would be sent to hell right away.

      They brought the money for which they were given weapons, in turn, they distributed it to all those who wanted to rob and kill. You can always find such ones; there are plenty of plebs everywhere (Sharikovs and Shvondera). Plus false speeches about land to the peasants, factories, workers. Well, where and who did it all turn out to be in the end.
      1. +1
        8 November 2012 19: 06
        Yes, it’s this and so it’s clear, powerful financial assistance + active promotion of gingerbread for everyone = success. All the same, it means that everything is much deeper ..... the network is the network ..... and then and now it doesn’t matter where you are now, if you can coordinate the actions of your lobby remotely, you can also succeed. evidence of this is now the United States, sitting there and blazing at their command here.
      2. 0
        9 November 2012 13: 43
        they handed out weapons to the landless peasants - the tramp - the freest, but also the poorest citizens of Russia, ready to kill anyone for a piece of bread. One of these tramps incidentally became a great writer.
        1. Kshatriy
          9 November 2012 19: 22
          Quote: Sanches
          they handed out weapons to the landless peasants - the tramp - the freest, but also the poorest citizens of Russia, ready to kill anyone for a piece of bread. One of these tramps incidentally became a great writer.

          .... "! Komsomolets - pay the fee and fuck any Komsomol member of your choice" ...... Such morality is animal-degenerate ... !!!! .. (homosexual and lesbian consolation of feminists ---- here quintessence: Jewish-Masonic-communal morality !!!!!)
  45. +3
    8 November 2012 19: 07
    One of the big losses after the collapse of the USSR I consider the loss of the ideological machine of the CPSU. This is not enough for us now. It was she who hammered into the brain for all of us - the Great Revolution, the Great Lenin, etc.
    If you sweep away the ideology, then any revolution (revolution) is done with money thrown from the side and entails great bloodshed.
    No need to recall the story, we can judge it only by the materials that palm off on us.
    Look at the color revolutions that have passed before your eyes. Draw your own conclusions. hi
    For nationalists, I am Russian.
    1. Kshatriy
      9 November 2012 19: 09
      Quote: rapid1934
      For nationalists, I am Russian.

      Any of more than 150 nationalities living on the territory of Great Russia has the RIGHT to call themselves RUSSIAN ..... This I tell you as an ardent nationalist ... For we all HAVE HAVE SUFFERED from the vile kagal and its beastless animal (for connoisseurs of the Russian language - the prefix "demon" does not exist in the Russian language !!!!) hatred and its desire to exterminate ALL OF US by ANY means available to them (terror ..., mass executions, ripping off a living person's skin, imprisoning ...- - this is not a complete list of the disgusting attitude towards our people on the part of the Jewish kagal in -1918-1924 !!!!) ..... And I don’t need to breed here fucking revolutionary propaganda ... ( name at least one non-Evgean surname from the government of BLANKA - TROTSKAG ??????????????? ... Learn to answer reasonably - kagal .... Maybe it will be for you "Live you live "?????
    2. 0
      10 November 2012 07: 49
      In Russia there were two revolutions in the 20th century in - in 1917 and in 1991 ... A revolution is not a coup - a coup is just a change of the ruling elite and a revolution is a change of order and this event affects everyone and everyone ... And you need to clearly understand this fundamental difference ... The revolution plows countries, people and destiny and has no reverse ... It’s hard to imagine the 20th century without the USSR, and one thing would be clear if not for the events of 1917, our history would go completely friend script ...
      The Great October Revolution can be treated differently, but those who call these events simply a coup just don’t understand a damn thing in history ...
  46. -1
    8 November 2012 21: 13
    I have never been against the USSR, it does not matter to me what my homeland was called - RI or the USSR (even though I live in Belarus, I was born in Russia). The fact is that the USSR is the merit of Stalin I.V. and certainly nothing of this ubl .... ka Blanca with his Caudal (the animal planted a bomb under Russia by writing in the Constitution that every nation has the right to self-determination). And the fact is that this Caudla killed exactly Russian people, not Jews (he washes his hand). Millions were destroyed by a bunch of humanoid animals. Stalin saved the Russian people when he called L. Beria to the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD of the USSR. Then Lavrenty saved 1,5 million Russian souls (more than a million criminal cases were terminated), sentenced by Jews such as Yagoda (Yehuda), Lev Mekhlis (one of these mr..zei had a saying "if I did not kill 10 Russians a day , he lived in vain ") and other Trotskyist shortcomings .. This is a little-known FACT, oh, how they do not like to remember his current shortcomings. Some, out of ignorance or unwillingness, which is worse, consider this day a holiday, then I can say one thing, these are not Russian people. So think "tovagischi", reckoning is close!
    1. Kshatriy
      9 November 2012 18: 51
      Quote: dimyan

      I have never been against the USSR, it does not matter to me what my homeland was called - RI or the USSR (even though I live in Belarus, I was born in Russia). The fact is that the USSR is the merit of Stalin I.V. and certainly nothing of this ubl .... ka Blanca with his Caudal (the animal planted a bomb under Russia by writing in the Constitution that every nation has the right to self-determination). And the fact is that this Caudla killed exactly Russian people, not Jews (he washes his hand). Millions were destroyed by a bunch of humanoid animals. Stalin saved the Russian people when he called L. Beria to the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD of the USSR. Then Lavrenty saved 1,5 million Russian souls (more than a million criminal cases were terminated), sentenced by Jews such as Yagoda (Yehuda), Lev Mekhlis (one of these mr..zei had a saying "if I did not kill 10 Russians a day , he lived in vain ") and other Trotskyist shortcomings .. This is a little-known FACT, oh, how they do not like to remember his current shortcomings. Some, out of ignorance or unwillingness, which is worse, consider this day a holiday, then I can say one thing, these are not Russian people. So think "tovagischi", reckoning is close!

      In vain YOU are talking to animals with reasonable words ........ !!!! They have lived together for 250 years ......, and have not learned Russian grammar .... (in the word cow - 4 they make mistakes ..) ...... animal level of HISTORIES, what the rabbi will say is true ...... "Do not pour pearls in front of the PIGS"
  47. vovan1949
    9 November 2012 18: 16
    I am amazed at the ignorance of some opponents, such as Kshatriy, DimYan, Alexander Romanov and the like. They seem to compete who will pour more dirt in the name of a genius. ... scum, syphilitic, rot, etc. For some reason, I think that these never in their life would have studied or even read Lenin, Marx or other classics and judged them by all sorts of myths broadcast on TV, paid by oligarchs and all kinds of NGOs from abroad . They viciously, with bile spew out their own mouthfuls, striking with their primitiveness, inventions, not even bothering to read the history of the revolution, its premises and generally the situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
    1. Kshatriy
      9 November 2012 19: 15
      Quote: vovan1949
      novels and the like.

      In Russian (a wolf --- your profile picture ???) .. Surname of the Russian Man (ignoramus and undergrowth) You should always highlight in Capital letter .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      ....... Romanov --- that’s how it is defined in words !!!! Moved ..... or how ????
  48. Kshatriy
    9 November 2012 18: 46
    Let’s summarize .... Kagal .... fell into full swing .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote: vovan1949
    striking in its primitiveness, inventions, without even bothering to read the history of the revolution, its premises and the general situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    I’m not interested in your STORY ..... I’m interested in the Holocaust of the Russian People ..1918-1924 ... Do you have something to answer ?????? The answer is intelligible ... !!!! ...
    ........ "For the beautiful spring of nature,
    Summer is running red
    Red dancing
    And "YID" plays in "DUGU" ..........
    Your time is over ....... (The German people have the word "order" !! We do everything with great Russian enthusiasm .... "Forget all hope who comes here" ..... !!!!!! !!!!!!! ... ". Ours gave the right - the victory will be ours !!!!!"
    ....... "Moscow is the Third Rome, and the fourth is not to be" ....... shut up and live in a quiet place .... do not touch the Great Russian people .... !! !! Then maybe we will not touch you ???????????
  49. SIT
    9 November 2012 22: 46
    Yeah ... I mastered the whole topic ... Terrible takes. One thing is clear - the civil war in Russia has not yet ended ...
  50. Almaz_Shakirov
    12 December 2014 17: 40
    The main mistake of everyone and everything in assessing the Great Socialist October Revolution is that everyone evaluates it from the point of view of the tsar, the royal family, generals and officers, the intelligentsia, aristocrats, the nascent oligarchy then, but not from the common people, peasants and workers, always constituting the backbone of any state. This is not a coup, rebellion or rebellion. This is a great revolution that led to the establishment of a just, popular, sane state, which, from the very first days, has earned itself a great many enemies.