Hillary Clinton shook the old days in the Balkans

On the eve of the US presidential elections, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to visit the Balkans. Political scientists began to guess for what purpose the head of the United States foreign affairs department decided to walk across the Balkan lands at the very moment when the pre-election glow in the homeland reached the highest degree. There are several judgments on this score, but on many points these judgments are consistent with each other.

So, the first judgment

Mrs. Clinton decided, as they say, to shake antiquity for last (the probability that Hillary will remain at his post even if he wins the election of Barack Obama is too small) and to show the world how much the representatives of the American Democratic Party as a whole did, and the Clinton couple in particular, for the “democratization” of the troubled Balkan region.

In fact, where else would the US Secretary of State have to go, if not to the Balkans. After all, today, with all the tension in the Balkan part of Europe, this is probably the only spot on the world map that the rink of the American democratic idea managed to take, and where a representative of the American authorities can then afford to fly not on an armored helicopter or even on military transporter. With her trip, Mrs. Clinton, as it were, demonstrates to all other states that have experienced the "joy" of eating democratic fruits from the United States, which, they say, should wait a little more, and your life will become as peaceful as, for example, in Croatia or Montenegro. Serbia and Kosovo in this case, Mrs. Clinton, for obvious reasons, it is better not to mention ...

Whether the Libyans, Iranians, Egyptians and others who knew the sword of the American democracy would be impressed, the Secretary of State knew before starting her trip to the Balkans. That is why this message was obviously one-sided: they say, I’m showing you how we managed to put out the fire in the Balkans by breeding our own “world fire”, and then decide for yourself ... More precisely, we are ready and once again decide everything for you ...

At the same time, Hillary Clinton appealed to the American voters. To them, perhaps, to a greater extent. The master's pitch of the “queen of diplomacy” over the states of the Balkan Peninsula was intended to show the American electoral field that the Democratic Party is bringing the matter to the end. It’s like, if we bombed Belgrade in 1999, now take a look at Belgrade now: almost with one foot entered the path of European integration. Unless average Americans will pay attention to the fact that such entry on the path is written with forks on the water. As the saying goes, the main thing is to properly serve the dish and arrange it beautifully, and if so, then at least cow cake will be accepted as a delicacy ...

In general, according to the first version, the trip of the head of American diplomacy to the Balkans is a kind of defile for the territories in which the Americans consider themselves masters. Something in that vein, when the feudal lord comes to visit and pat his vassals on the shoulder ... At the same time, some look at their "madam" frowningly and are not very happy to see her, piercing the asphalt of studs on city streets and trampling carpets of government offices.

Second judgment

Mrs. Clinton, at the end of her “dizzy” family career, decided to show that she still had enough powder in her old dog flasks, and she was ready to keep her powder dry. But this powder or material of another kind was impossible to check in advance. She implemented the proof of her progressive solvency, but never had time to reveal all the hidden diplomatic potentials, through Serbia, through rude intervention in the Kosovo issue.

Clinton, incidentally, who took with herself and Mrs. Ashton, who is the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and European Security, decided to show the planet and American voters that the US is ready to offer both Belgrade and Pristina a new program of “peace enforcement”. Here, Clinton, for the short time she had set for her tour, could well have suggested the idea of ​​which rails Serbia and Kosovo needed to move to the final destination called “EU membership”. And, apparently, the American “lady-dip” does not bother at all that Brussels today only in nightmares sees the very possibility of integration with both Kosovars and Serbs. Moreover, Belgrade (as well as the United Nations) does not recognize the existence of an independent state with a capital in Pristina, but also the economic background of accepting these Balkan territorial entities in the European Union looks as distinct as the horse from the Hedgehog in the Fog.

Brussels today is tearing up hair on its head, trying to find solutions to Greek, Spanish and other crises, and here on the threshold of it Hillary Clinton brings the Serbs with Kosovars to it. It should not be forgotten that if official Pristina uses both hands and feet for joining the European Union, NATO and other pro-American organizations, then with Belgrade everything is much more complicated. Because of the rather tough position of Serbia, Clinton in this country had to meet only with Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, but the dialogue with the president, who is not in the mood to lead the country in the EU, Tomislav Nikolic, did not take place. But Serbia, after all, is a parliamentary republic, Mrs. Clinton consoled herself, understanding that it was necessary to keep the reputation of a successful diplomatic worker.

As a result, it can be said that Clinton’s trip to the Balkans ended in the same way as almost all of the Secretary’s trips she had made in recent months. The same means nothing ...

Naturally, Kosovo cannot join the European Union at least for the reason that it is not a full-fledged subject of international law. And if the UN gives Pristina such a right, then he will immediately receive a low blow in the form of recognition requirements from Palestine, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Northern Cyprus, Nagorno-Karabakh and, as they say, down the list ... Obviously, the United States itself is not ready for such a “parade of sovereignties” and the universal acceptance of the unrecognized and partially recognized republics.

And Serbia will not get into the European Union in the near future, because Brussels "seems to hint" Washington that it is better not to rush into this matter. Economic problems, territorial disputes and a smoldering military conflict in northern Kosovo territories populated mainly by Serbs are the worst set of prerequisites for European integration. Europeans and Cyprus have enough problems ...
In general, Mrs. Clinton with a sense of formal duty fulfilled returned to Washington and posted photos on her album about how she conquered the Balkans ...
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  1. sv-sakh
    6 November 2012 08: 53
    Not much has been heard about her lately ...
    I already thought, the possessed one calmed down ... And here On you!
    1. +9
      6 November 2012 09: 05
      Such as they say only the grave will correct. bully
      1. +2
        6 November 2012 09: 31
        Quote: sergo0000
        Such as they say only the grave will correct

        Hi Sergey, I think even hell will not fix it. hi
        1. +4
          6 November 2012 09: 47
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          I think even hell will not fix it.

          Her home is there, there she rinses her wrinkled butt in boiling oil laughing
          1. bask
            6 November 2012 21: 17
            This terribly beautiful lady is still alive .. She would have been to the Amer’s contest, an American model, B ... I’m the first for
            Hilori .. Because the local Amerian women are even worse ... the USA tongue
        2. YARY
          6 November 2012 10: 54
          I think it will not fix even hell

          Like all SyShyA !!!
          1. +4
            6 November 2012 21: 08
            Like all SyShyA !!!
        3. +1
          6 November 2012 16: 43
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          I think even hell will not fix it.

          She will begin Hell to democratize with carpet bombing ....
    2. +14
      6 November 2012 09: 09
      She (Clinton family) has something to remember

      NATO military operation "Charity Angel".
      On the bombs of NATO planes leaving for the bombing of Yugoslavia, the inscriptions were visible: "Happy Easter", "We hope you enjoy this", "Do you still want to be a Serb?"
      On the cover of the American Time magazine - "Taming the Serbs. Massive bombing opens the doors of the world."

      Hitler is resting
      1. +5
        6 November 2012 09: 34
        Quote: Vadivak
        "Happy Easter", "We hope you enjoy it", "You still want to be a Serb

        Hi Vadim, what else can you expect from the Sodomites, only people who have turned away from Aere can write this completely. God is patient, but punishment is not inevitable !!!
        1. +4
          6 November 2012 09: 59
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          only people who have turned away from aer can write this completely.

          Hello Sasha. And she considers herself a believer, which is probably why, according to the testimony of the Belodomites, she threw herself in a vase, then the Bible
          Well crazy what do you take?
          1. +2
            6 November 2012 10: 46
            Quote: Vadivak
            And she considers herself a believer, which is probably why, according to the testimony of the Belodomites, she threw herself in a vase, then the Bible

            I don’t know about her, but Bush even published a book where he described how he believed in God and unleashed a couple of warriors wassat
      2. Kaa
        6 November 2012 11: 00
        Quote: Vadivak
        She (Clinton family) has something to remember

        So this is with Bill a family row, in the Balkans, the bombing of Serbia, the introduction of "writers" in Kosovo, "merry-go-rounds with refugees", Albanian UCHeKists .... Cleans up after hubby. As it was said there earlier - what the fathers did not finish - we will finish, what the husbands did not bomb - we will destroy. And a scout salute. The curtain.
    3. WW3
      6 November 2012 09: 10
      Quote: sv-sakh
      I already thought that the possessed had calmed down ...

      ... please joke smile
      1. ughhh
        6 November 2012 10: 58

        Well, how can you not love this cheerful aunt? Angry you ...
        1. DIMS
          6 November 2012 10: 59
          Ten pluses.

          But however, how does power age ...
          1. 0
            6 November 2012 20: 03
            But the teeth are good. laughing
        2. WW3
          6 November 2012 19: 03
          ughhh, ... and where did you dig such a crazy photo laughing ... The klintoshnu is clearly pinned up here, she needs urgent help from a psychiatrist!
          1. +2
            6 November 2012 20: 04
            Quote: DIMS
            But however, how does power age ...

            But the teeth are good. laughing
            1. MG42
              6 November 2012 20: 59
              laughing As a rule, the horse’s teeth are looked only to determine its age. fellow
              1. +1
                7 November 2012 06: 34
                That's just not enough fangs
                1. +1
                  7 November 2012 09: 31
                  The proverb was remembered.
                  Two constipation - lips and teeth, but I can’t hold my tongue.
                  Fathers, this is about Hillary! laughing
                2. MG42
                  10 November 2012 03: 50
                  That's just not enough fangs

                  Fangs all erased - gritting his teeth in Clinton's dream. On her face are all the signs of schizophrenia.
        3. Shmel
          6 November 2012 20: 49
          I began to read the headline, instead of a word I was shaking, I thought I “fucked” (I apparently worked), by the evening the voice was not the same. And then I thought; in her position yes for the last time why not! Why only again in the Balkans? Although the Balkans would probably have been glad "... t", her Kosovo there to the fullest ... Yes, and her husband something ....
    4. +4
      6 November 2012 09: 45
      It’s so easy not to calm down frail Clitor, belated menopause in a compartment with chronic nedoyop will not give rest to this old urdalksh ... She judging by her snout and will not be able to fall asleep until she looks at a dozen especially bloody executions.
      1. +2
        6 November 2012 09: 57
        Welcome all. There are no more interesting topics, therefore, I also want to wash the bones of an aging mrasmatik. laughing Dachtob to hell brought water to hell, so that the balkans hiccuped 50 times, but she is to blame for all the troubles of the world .......................... ............................. Well and so on in the text. laughing
      2. +1
        6 November 2012 20: 12
        Quote: Sakhalininets
        Hilaya Clitoris is so easy not to calm

        But it makes no sense. Her position is this: what the President is worthless to say or do, the Secretary of State will help in this matter. Well, there wouldn’t be her, would there be another clowness or a clown with the same manners that had been previously agreed upon. Although, I agree, it is painted on her face, the lady is simply delighted with all these nasty things that are happening around the world at the direction of star-striped.
    5. 0
      6 November 2012 22: 06
      she shook old times !! The old man fell apart !!!
  2. +9
    6 November 2012 08: 55
    What the hell is dry gunpowder, it has been pouring sand from one place for a long time. And insanity overpowered.
  3. +8
    6 November 2012 09: 02
    I don’t know what she’s shaking there, but as I imagine, it’s getting nasty! FUUUU ..., ......
    1. +2
      6 November 2012 11: 05
      I support your FUUUUU !!! three vomiting smiles laughing
  4. Ferrum_34
    6 November 2012 09: 08
    Hila Clitters has already lifted the whole world with her insanity, I’m even afraid to imagine that these desperate housewives (such as Chocolate Gondolysis sRice) can fool with the world against the background of their aging ass
    1. 0
      6 November 2012 18: 41
      Especially in relation to Russia. I do not want to discriminate, but in my opinion women have no place in global politics.
  5. Septugian
    6 November 2012 09: 12
    It would be better if they called her, an article, called: Hilary Trukhanulo!
  6. thorstein
    6 November 2012 09: 18
    First, arrange a war in the middle of Europe, and then say how it became good to live? !!! It smacks of hypocrisy.
    1. zz2003_1974
      6 November 2012 09: 33
      This sting surprised me only in one case, and the whole world, too, if she repeated the flight of Baron Munchausen, flying to the moon at the core ........
  7. dusha233
    6 November 2012 09: 24
    No matter how America’s next prez would spend a new Cabinet with **** like Hilary Clitor!
    1. +4
      6 November 2012 09: 36
      Quote: dusha233
      No matter how America’s next prez would spend a new Cabinet with **** like Hilary Clitor!

      It will be so, they have such a fashion. The Secretary of State's post is occupied by an aging amoeba hi
    2. mamba
      6 November 2012 10: 40
      Quote: dusha233
      How would America's next prezik hold a new bitch like Hilary Clitor!

      Worse, if instead of this outright fool, a smart witch like Condoleezza appears. Amers have no specialist in Russia, but a vile Russophobe.
      1. +2
        6 November 2012 10: 48
        Quote: mamba
        It’s worse if, instead of this outright fool, a smart witch like Condoleezza appears

        Condos smart belay oh well don't joke like that laughing
  8. predator.2
    6 November 2012 09: 32
    Yes, the slut has grown old, not to be her secretary of state, they will not engage in diplomacy with such a mug, but to play witches in Hollywood! laughing
  9. +1
    6 November 2012 10: 00
    A vile individual, nothing else comes to mind at the sight of this worthy representative of SU diplomacy.
  10. +3
    6 November 2012 10: 06
    At this age, all women are the same, constantly someone is to blame and they all have something missing, in short the syndrome ..
  11. +3
    6 November 2012 10: 16
    What is the reaction of a person when a guest in your house would goat? my opinion --- comes and says: Everything will be here as I said! and give the shed (Kosovo) to the neighbor (Albanian Muslims) whom we have already brought there, but we’ll just burn and demolish your junk (churches), it’s not your shed anymore. And in return, keep an immoral miscarriage of US domestic life (democracy) seasoned with napalm, for better absorption .....
    It is a pity for the Serbs brothers ... they couldn’t help anything, and even Chechnya .... I would love to let Amer go to build democracy there ....
    1. orfo
      6 November 2012 16: 46
      Recently there were reports (the TV channel Russia seems to be) about how the United States controls the border areas with Serbia, blocking roads to Serbian villages, as a result the Serbs build their own and protect them. They also showed how democratic s drive Russian journalists away from their post (about ~ 30), the argument there is my car is not an argument. They also showed Kosovar Serbs with bullet wounds in the back, and a bullet hole in the ambulance above the driver's seat.

      The local population, to put it mildly, against the NATO block of posts, recently one was burned to x * pits. If the Albanians didn’t have NATO support, they would have come full P ..

      Everything is sad, the Albanians are quietly allowed to oust the local Serbs from their own land with the full support of NATO, and the Uchk militants settled in the regional administration. It’s time for the Serbs to unite their lands until they have trampled completely, and I hope this time the Russian Federation will help.
  12. Tamerlan225
    6 November 2012 10: 38
  13. Skavron
    6 November 2012 11: 11
    No, what are you all about Hilary, this aunt doesn’t solve anything herself. It just faithfully serves its masters and all. A bug barking at the pointer ...
  14. +2
    6 November 2012 11: 19
    poor old billy how he lives with her belay
    1. 0
      6 November 2012 16: 35
      Probably a shitty thing.
    2. 0
      6 November 2012 18: 44
      Well, he also had Monica Lewinsky laughing
  15. +2
    6 November 2012 11: 22
    Hillary Clinton? This is not for us, this is for Freud.
  16. +1
    6 November 2012 11: 22
    Oh, to the bonfire would her witch yes on Red Square
    1. +1
      6 November 2012 16: 37
      Well, why immediately on Red Square? Is there a landfill for burning garbage?
  17. -1
    6 November 2012 12: 21
    ominous voyage ...
  18. GG2012
    6 November 2012 12: 29
    Finally, the inner content has acquired its external form.
    Hilary Clinton looked like a pale toadstool. And it was always poisonous.
    !!! The face of Shit democracy !!!
  19. 0
    6 November 2012 13: 01
    Someone would shake her there so that his head fell off from this damn doll
  20. 0
    6 November 2012 13: 37
    The elections will be held, the old woman will leave ... What if someone smart sits in her place? After all, there are not many such insane Clintons, even in the States.
    1. Region65
      6 November 2012 17: 01
      but in my opinion in the US administration after John Kennedy in the United States was not smart politicians)))))) Bill Clinton - a fan to suck sekritutki (nor any political achievements besides him nebylo) Two Bush clown old and mladshiy..teper this nigger monkey from a palm tree ....... as it is not visible there are signs of intelligence on the faces of politicians
  21. TekhnarMAF
    6 November 2012 15: 29
    Yes, menopause is in full swing!
  22. Region65
    6 November 2012 15: 39
    brothers ..... uh ... I probably went over with the note of the resignation of Perdukov ... well, how can I not spoil the clauses of the article .... "Herlitam Clitor fucked an old man on a cormorant" ???? yes ... eeeee? :)))
  23. +2
    6 November 2012 16: 58
    Condoleezza Rise, Hillary Clinton ... Who is the NEXT of the diligent pupils of Brzezinski?
  24. +2
    6 November 2012 21: 15
    "She shook the old days" It was said succinctly and very accurately! There is nothing more to shake with.
  25. Mr. Truth
    7 November 2012 00: 51
    "Hillary Clinton shook the old days in the Balkans"
    She shakes others completely ...
  26. +3
    7 November 2012 01: 03
    Any grandmother sees in herself all the same girl of 18 years old ...
  27. stroporez
    7 November 2012 11: 56
    Interestingly, these creatures in skirts have been specially grown for the last 30 years, or they are selected from the finished contingent using the secret method ??????????????
  28. 0
    8 November 2012 00: 06
    Everything! Hillary will now be removed from office! Already stated this. Well, there she is dear. Who is next?