Republicans in the United States asked the regulatory authorities for a report on the provision of assistance to Ukraine

Republicans in the United States asked the regulatory authorities for a report on the provision of assistance to Ukraine

The Republicans, preparing for the fact that from the beginning of 2023 the House of Representatives will come under their control, sent a request to the relevant departments and supervisory authorities regarding the volume, rate of spending and effectiveness of assistance, including military, to Ukraine.

One of the requests is sent to the US General Accounting Office, which is actually controlled by Congress. It is worth noting that the submission of requests was carried out by the foreign affairs committees of both the lower and upper houses of the US Congress.

According to US congressmen who are raising questions about financial and military assistance to Kyiv, "it is important that the United States does not duplicate efforts, but send aid to where it is most needed and where it is most effective."
At the same time, it is noted that in the implementation of assistance it is necessary "to act in coordination with the allied countries and Ukraine itself."

In fact, this means that the Republicans are proposing to ensure that it is the allies who in the near future increase financial and military assistance to Ukraine, because, as the United States has repeatedly stated, it was the States that “more than others sent assistance for Ukrainian needs.”

As a result of the request, representatives of the Republican Party want to receive from the controlling body (and it is currently actually controlled by the Democrats) data on how the funds allocated to Ukraine were spent, "whether they reached the addressee directly, and in what volume."
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  1. +5
    9 December 2022 07: 17
    how the funds allocated to Ukraine were spent, “whether they reached the addressee directly, and in what volume”.
    The Republicans seized on a real opportunity to discredit the Democratic Party using the example of "assistance to Ukraine" by convicting them of corruption and fraud, so now they are hitting the most painful topic for the Democrats. We'll see how it ends. But the fact that American aid will somehow decrease after this is not a fact.
    1. +5
      9 December 2022 07: 23
      Quote: rotmistr60
      But the fact that American aid will somehow decrease after this is not a fact.

      Good morning everybody!
      Of course, help may not decrease, but you need to know how much you can put in your pocket, who to "greet" at home ....
      1. +2
        9 December 2022 08: 16
        Well, what to am report? The priest has no change. A significant part of the money that the United States allocates to Ukraine ends up in the pockets of American politicians and businessmen.
  2. +3
    9 December 2022 07: 30
    In fact, this means that the Republicans are proposing to ensure that it is the allies who in the near future increase financial and military assistance to Ukraine.

    And the states will control... wink Maybe something will stick to your hands...
  3. 0
    11 December 2022 01: 58
    And what they will find out is what the whole world has already guessed: nine-tenths of the "aid" remained in America itself, settled on the accounts of the Democrats. Three-quarters of the funds that nevertheless reached Ukraine were stolen by the native leaders there. No interest for these loans from Ukraine will ever go to the US budget, as well as the main part. Gone irretrievably.