Ukrainian battalion commander: Under Bakhmut, we no longer even count the “two hundredths”

Ukrainian battalion commander: Under Bakhmut, we no longer even count the “two hundredths”

In the area of ​​Artemovsk (Ukrainian authorities call it Bakhmut), Russian troops continue their offensive against the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is becoming more and more difficult for Ukrainian nationalists to keep the fortified area. This follows from the information that periodically gets into the Western press.

The commander of the Ukrainian Svoboda battalion banned in the Russian Federation, which is part of the National Guard of Ukraine, Petr Kuzyk, says that his unit is defending Artemivsk, but this has to be done in very difficult conditions. The words of the Ukrainian battalion commander are quoted by the British edition of the Daily Express.

As Kuzyk told British journalists, they have to fight in trenches, from which there is not even an opportunity to remove the bodies. The soldiers stand knee-deep in water, the weather is very cold. When asked by the publication about the losses in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, Kuzyk did not deny and admitted their huge number.

They are colossal. Under Bakhmut, we no longer even count the “two hundredths”

- said the commander of the Ukrainian battalion.

By the way, Kuzyk has repeatedly given interviews to Ukrainian and Western publications. In the summer and even in the spring of 2022, his words sounded more optimistic than now. Interestingly, the Ukrainian command stubbornly does not disclose the numbers of personnel losses at the front. Many analysts suggest that they are such that they can make the most depressing impression on Ukrainian society and force the male part of the population to look for all possible ways to leave the country.
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  1. +13
    3 December 2022 13: 38
    Note that he is not talking to his Ukrainians. But to the Britons. Give me more!
    1. +7
      3 December 2022 13: 41
      For them, people are just expendable material.
      According to him, the Russian military found tanks, combat armored vehicles and armored personnel carriers, in which the Ukrainian military were welded from all sides. “That is, everything was done so that the crew could not leave the car. They forcibly made suicide bombers out of them,” the source said. “But they also want to live. ", they slowly drive to our positions and stop, turn off the engine. Shouts and blows are heard from the tank. Basically, they hit three short ones - three long ones - three short ones, that is, an SOS signal. Our technicians pull them out of there," the Russian intelligence officer added.
      1. -10
        3 December 2022 13: 55
        According to him, the Russian military found tanks, combat armored vehicles and armored personnel carriers, in which the Ukrainian military were welded from all sides.

        And that, as usual, the battery on the phone sat down to film it all.
        1. +4
          3 December 2022 14: 02
          And why burn the office ahead of time, posting such vidos on the network? They themselves give up.
          1. +16
            3 December 2022 14: 06
            What office are you talking about. You can only imagine the effect of the video, in which a Ukrainian tank with welded hatches is “boiled” and Ukrainian tankers are pulled out, and he tells the camera how they were “caulked” and sent to slaughter.
            The entire story of the “scout” is completely fictional from beginning to end.
            1. +13
              3 December 2022 14: 15
              What's stopping you from making a fake video? Nobody believes in anything anymore. Too long screaming "wolves! Wolves!" "Until I put my fingers in His wounds, I will not believe." It's been a long time
              1. +4
                3 December 2022 14: 21
                Well, it’s better to write a report about the alleged story of a scout who saw some photographs (where they are) and personally, it’s much more plausible.
                1. +4
                  3 December 2022 18: 33
                  I agree. If we are to write about something, especially military reports, we must provide documentary evidence. in the form of photos, videos, reports from the scene. Otherwise, it will look like fakes, or have discrepancies, and disagreements between the parties.
                2. +1
                  4 December 2022 08: 04
                  Go to telegram and you will have everything there. And photos. And video. The stories of our soldiers from the front line. What is most important, in real time and without censorship. why?) in favor of the enemy.
          2. +3
            3 December 2022 14: 17
            With the same success, you can mirror everything. But you wouldn't believe it without proof, would you? And here, even without checking, they believed immediately for the truth. Why is that?
            1. +1
              3 December 2022 15: 05
              Because the length of British ears, they are "light elves" (they can do anything (. And they fight against us, "bad guys." The result of fooling the audience on Shchapad. However, we are no better now
        2. 0
          3 December 2022 15: 14
          What do you not like when ukromif collides with the Russian Fairy Tale?

          In folk epics for thousands of years will remain ukry-ghouls, Idolishche filthy in Kyiv of the 21st century and other devils-shaitans-U.

          The Russian Fairy Tale will defeat both the lies of the Internet media and the scientific lies of pseudo-historians-grant-eaters!

          A fairy tale is an "atomic weapon" in the information war.
          1. 0
            3 December 2022 21: 22
            Well, if there is no other weapon left except for the "Russian Fairy Tale", this is tryndets
            1. -1
              4 December 2022 15: 06
              No kidding, the myth that takes over millions is worse than atomic weapons.

              Fairy tale "Earth - to the peasants! Water - to the sailors!" destroyed RI. The fairy tale "The German is the best man" claimed tens of millions of lives. Even more "infidels" were killed by the fairy tale "About a good god".

              The Russians are capable of actually destroying the U-country with a fairy tale at the level of a myth, as they destroyed, for example, Tartaria, replacing it with "Tatar", and the Mughals with "Mongols". They will replace Ukraine with "ukraDina", they will compose a fairy tale about the total theft and crime of the natives. And what's funny - not much and lie at the same time.
        3. -2
          3 December 2022 21: 20
          Propaganda. The reality is much more prosaic.
        4. +3
          3 December 2022 21: 31
          They threw the minuses ...... People don’t need the truth, people like fairy tales about welded tank hatches and chained suicide bombers ...... Chesslovo, like children ....
          1. 0
            10 December 2022 16: 44
            ... so you don’t have to interfere with yourself to live, "like in a fairy tale" ...

            All the same for distant descendants about our life, only "tales and epics" will remain ... "The Crimean Bridge of Vladimir", for example, will be attributed to the Prince from the epics, whom Ilya Muromets served, etc.;)
      2. +2
        3 December 2022 14: 54
        It is interesting to see how the lower evacuation hatch is welded.
        1. 0
          3 December 2022 15: 25
          It is no less interesting how ours (theoretically) pull up a generator or gas welding, and free the poor Svidomo.
          1. +2
            3 December 2022 15: 42
            If they weld, they hardly weld to death, a couple of blows with a sledgehammer are enough for the welding to break off.
            1. +1
              3 December 2022 16: 01
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              unlikely to be brewed to death

              recourse on glue "Moment" can plant?
      3. 0
        5 December 2022 11: 20
        xs what the one who invented it smoked, but let me sleep too
    2. 0
      3 December 2022 14: 27
      Quote: dmi.pris
      Note that he is not talking to his Ukrainians. But to the Britons. Give me more!

      Yes, everyone has already noticed for a long time .. Who and what has been counteracting against us since the beginning of the 90 = x

      They have always been like that .. It is worth giving Russia slack
  2. +11
    3 December 2022 13: 50
    We don't even count two hundredths anymore

    - Ursula Schwonder Leyen tried to count, they pulled her back ...
    1. +2
      3 December 2022 13: 56
      100 are the minimum estimates. There are more realistic numbers.
      Back in June, the former deputy head of the US European Command, Lieutenant General Stephen Twitty, said in an interview with Linke Zeitung that “200 fighters somehow mysteriously disappeared from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And no one will say where they are today ... Either we were misinformed about the mobilization, or they were defeated. Which, by the way, coincides to a point with the information of Ursula von der Leyen, with which the current scandal began.

      But much worse for our militant neighbors if what the American non-governmental organization OSINT insists on is true (Open-source intelligence or intelligence from open sources). Note for the incredulous: its history began with the creation in December 1941 in the States of the Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service (FBMS). With the help of which the leadership of this country during the Second World War received the lion's share of intelligence information about Nazi Germany and its satellites. ...... Taking as a basis the reports of funeral agencies, extracts from morgues, obituaries published in the press, as well as the results of an analysis of radio, cellular and satellite exchanges of forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this intelligence agency, as of October 20, 2022, insisted: military losses already then, a month and a half ago, amounted to 402 thousand people. Of which 387 thousand were killed.
      1. -30
        3 December 2022 14: 01
        Yes, all this is nonsense, no more than 20-30 thousand killed on each of the sides, well, there was nowhere to lose more, neither side organized boilers, defeats for the other side.
        1. +6
          3 December 2022 14: 06
          Quote from: filibuster
          Yes, all this is nonsense, no more than 20-30 thousand killed on each of the sides, well, there was nowhere to lose more, neither side organized boilers, defeats for the other side.

          I see. #You're all right. And they lie all at once. Probably a worldwide conspiracy.
          1. -8
            3 December 2022 14: 11
            Of course, where where and in war, the truth becomes the first victim of war. In order for the losses to be 100 thousand in nine months of the NMD, some kind of huge defeats, boilers, even Shoigu was talking about 60 thousand killed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
            1. +8
              3 December 2022 14: 15
              Shoigu talks about the bodies found on our side, and since in many respects the remote SVO, where there are few small contact battles, they are mostly remote artillery, the Russian Army does not have access to the bodies of those struck at a distance and therefore does not take them into account. This is largely a war of artillery and drones, where there are a lot of shrapnel wounds from artillery and aircraft weapons.
              1. -9
                3 December 2022 14: 26
                This is a different war, and according to Prigozhin, he has the most losses among attack aircraft, and here there were videos of executions of prisoners and capture of prisoners and tank duels and videos of DRG collisions, etc.
                But I repeat, I believe that each side overestimates the losses of the enemy by at least 2-3 times, otherwise the parties would already be talking about at least a truce, especially when they say that Ukraine, according to your link, lost as many as 400 thousand people, you just look at the statistics of losses in the Second World War in 41 by quarters (and 400 thousand for 2-3 quarters is the level of losses in the Second World War) and find where in the NWO there were battles, defeats, encirclements of this magnitude.
                1. +2
                  3 December 2022 15: 30
                  Doesn't it bother you that hostilities have been going on for the tenth month in the high / medium intensity conflict mode? Look at the consumption of shells by the sides, it has been cited more than once. In addition, the strikes of the KR were delivered and continue to be delivered in the depths of the enemy’s territory, incl. in the barracks, at night. remember those shots? Now these are no longer available from the other side. Do you really think that this is all in idle?
                  The parties shot a monstrous amount of ammunition, the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO were so empty that they were already hitting them and transferring the military-industrial complex to military rails for at least some replenishment. Do these shells fly into white light in your opinion?
                  According to independent domestic sources (committees of soldiers' mothers, their groups in social networks) and according to their statements, only "missing" - from communication for 1,5 - 2 months, by the end of May / beginning of June, there were over 100 thousand! Without taking into account those officially recognized as dead. The American general who oversaw the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the same time called about the same figure. And he pointed out that the Ukrainian commanders hide the losses in order to appropriate monetary allowances for the dead soldiers. If these figures are extrapolated to today , then the figure of 400 dead no longer seems so incredible .
                  Yes, just take the average consumption of shells of the RF Armed Forces, divide by 10, 20, or at least 50, taking into account such an expense per one killed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine ... what will you get? And these are only artillery shells. Without taking into account MLRS, aviation ammunition, KR, BR, UAVs, tank ammunition, losses in small battles, who died from wounds ...
                  Without taking into account losses, now there would be over a million soldiers in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and there are at most 600 thousand of them. This is without taking into account the draft in the last couple of months.
                  And the losses (two hundredths) among foreign mercenaries have already stepped over 50 thousand. Publish, or admit such losses in Ukraine, now there would simply be a collapse there. What saves us from panic and social explosion is the secrecy and terror of the authorities.
                  1. +3
                    4 December 2022 07: 38
                    Nevertheless, it is wrong to consider losses from the consumption of ammunition.
                    1. +1
                      4 December 2022 08: 28
                      Quote: mmaxx
                      Nevertheless, it is wrong to consider losses from the consumption of ammunition.

                      Yes, it can be counted differently. Indirect signs give a good approximation to the desired variant.
                      At the moment, it is possible that a stable coefficient has formed (and it can be calculated) from the consumption of ammunition and the losses of the Ukrainian side.
                  2. +1
                    4 December 2022 11: 32
                    and given that a significant part of the conscripts simply scatter, and they are simply recorded as missing, then why not ...
                    1. +1
                      4 December 2022 12: 46
                      Quote: alex-cn
                      and given that a significant part of the conscripts simply scatter, and they are simply recorded as missing

                      This was considered by a US agency that specializes in open source analyses. But it was the number of dead and irretrievable that was taken into account. Most of them are listed as dead.
                      By the way, they counted up to fifty thousand foreign mercenaries, so even in the proportions of losses, everything looks very plausible. In addition, they prepared their analyzes not for the Russian public or for the Kyiv authorities, but for the American intelligence communities themselves, the Pentagon, Congress, and other government agencies. I don’t think that they are biased in favor of the Russian Federation, rather they simply keep records of the death of the Russian male population in the territory of the former USSR ... and quietly rejoice.
              2. 0
                3 December 2022 15: 01
                Shoigu talks about the bodies found on our side
                From our side, 60 thousand Ukrainian corpses were found? Why
                write nonsense?
                1. 0
                  5 December 2022 11: 28
                  like mice brothers - we wishful thinking. How long does it take to bury 60k corpses? I believe that it is considered something like this: intelligence reports that up to 10 people l / s are sitting in such and such a house. Half a day later, an artillery strike arrives there, intelligence reports on the hit. All 10 people are recorded as losses and reported to the top. In the General Staff, they simply add up such reports and receive 60. I think that the Khokloarmy would have fled long ago with such losses, and they not only successfully defend themselves, but also advance in some places.
          2. -14
            3 December 2022 14: 21
            OK then. Well, at least there will be half a lyama of those killed. What does it change??? They hurt us, not we them. It is a fact. The fact that we have been advancing on Bakhmut for a month now does not change the overall picture at all.
            1. -2
              3 December 2022 14: 31
              Quote from Nesvoy
              OK then. Well, at least there will be half a lyama of those killed. What does it change??? They hurt us, not we them. It is a fact.

              The Armed Forces of Ukraine are changing qualitatively and quantitatively, not for the better. The potential of the APU is falling. You can't train military specialists quickly. I'm not talking about draft meat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent to the next attack for slaughter. Remember Vysotsky and his song "I rushed ten thousand like five hundred and baked." The one who laughs last laughs. You can win the battle, but lose the war. Suvorov also said that it is not difficult to take the fortress by storm, it is more difficult to calculate the forces and win the war.
              1. -9
                3 December 2022 14: 39
                When we (God forbid, of course) have another goodwill gesture or tactical retreat, remember your song, maybe it will help.
              2. +2
                3 December 2022 20: 16
                Good day. Unfortunately, the quality is changing. Their infantry rose in level, the artillerymen were initially well prepared. Thank God that the Soviet artillery was well knocked out in the first months from them, but the American ones will not be supplied so much.
                But that won't help them.
                The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!
              3. 0
                3 December 2022 21: 26
                And the conscripts are only in the Armed Forces of Ukraine?.............
              4. -1
                5 December 2022 11: 29
                I have been hearing this tale since February, but since then the Xmen have learned to fight much better. Then they fled, leaving equipment and entire cities with their tail between their legs, and now it's our turn to give them equipment in working order.
            2. -2
              3 December 2022 14: 32
              Quote from Nesvoy
              They hurt us, not we them.

              No they, and x about xly + NATO, this is a long time ago and the child understands bully
              1. +1
                3 December 2022 21: 29
                She is! NATO aircraft carriers are just that. Plus Arly takes all sorts of ticonderogi plus a million tomahawks. Repulse for happiness
              2. -1
                5 December 2022 11: 30
                well, if x-hly and NATO, then ok, such a company is not ashamed to lose, because the main thing is not victory, but part))
          3. 0
            3 December 2022 17: 28
            Quote from: neworange88
            I see. #You're all right. And they lie all at once.

            No no! Ursula did NOT lie only once (about 100 thousand), and everything else from her shed lies and nonsense. So there is nothing to slander the lady, she did not plot, she just forgot to lie)))
        2. +2
          3 December 2022 14: 21
          Quote from: filibuster
          neither side organized for the other side boilers, defeats

          When boilers are organized, prisoners appear. But for destruction, they are completely optional - the constant work of artillery, plus missile strikes and UAVs, will do just fine.
        3. +1
          3 December 2022 15: 02
          neither side organized boilers, defeats for the other side.

          And Mariupol, where the Nazis kicked their buttocks, doesn't count anymore?
          Although after the surviving leaders were exchanged for a godfather and presented with an iPhone, you don’t understand what.
        4. 0
          4 December 2022 13: 20
          What a funny hukhlik you like to swallow cons up to the very tonsils.
  3. 0
    3 December 2022 13: 54
    Quote: dmi.pris
    Note that he is not talking to his Ukrainians. But to the Britons. Give me more!

    The next step will be "Give me a penny, Muscovites" (C)? :)
  4. +1
    3 December 2022 14: 00
    I think the losses are much higher than one hundred thousand killed. Losses are always underestimated.
    In addition, everyone they list as missing, deserters, etc., is also probably killed.
    Ukronenerals put insurance and benefits in their pockets.
    Because of the huge losses they have constant mobilization in an attempt to make up for the losses.
    1. +8
      3 December 2022 14: 29
      Quote: Ulan.1812
      I think the losses are much higher than a hundred thousand killed. Losses are always underestimated.

      These losses have long been understood and only disputes about this are incomprehensible. The irretrievable military losses of Ukraine - the Armed Forces of Ukraine, national battalions, terrorist defense and mercenaries have long been settled and have taken on the following values.

      1. 300 people who died on the line of contact. per day;

      2. Those who died during strikes on rear garrisons and training grounds, warehouses and accumulations of military equipment, on airfields and air defense systems, on marching columns up to 100 people per day.

      3. The missing make up 4-5% of those killed on the spot. These are military personnel whose death has not been recorded by anyone. Usually this is a direct hit, when nothing remains of a person. This is up to about 20 people per day from the above 400 per day.

      Of the wounded.

      4. Those who died in hospitals from wounds make up the ratio of five deaths on the spot to one death in hospitals, that is, about 80 more people per day from 400 deaths on the spot.
      5. Disabled persons (bullet and shrapnel wounds, shock wave, burns and frostbite) are determined from the ratio of two dead to one disabled person. Given that high-precision weapons are used, this ratio can be even lower and be approximately 1.7-1.8: 1. This is even up to 200 - 220 per day.
      6. We do not count prisoners of war and keep in mind another 10 thousand.

      Total by items:
      1 people
      2.100 people
      3 people
      4 people
      5 people
      Total per day of irretrievable losses: 700 people.

      For 280 days, on November 30, 2022, we get:
      700 people * 280 days = 196 irretrievable losses minimum.
      The minimum, since these are averaged data for stable periods, and during active periods, of which there were many, even higher.

      Therefore, the flashed figure of 174 thousand, which few people paid attention to, is the irretrievable loss of only the Armed Forces of Ukraine, that is, without the national battalions, terrorist defense and mercenaries.

      For those who are in the tank, Zaluzhny's data as of July 1, 2022:
      "In response to a request from the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine about the losses of the Ukrainian army since the start of the special operation, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine issued information about almost 130 people who were out of action. due to the injuries of 1 people, 2022 soldiers were captured and another 76640 were missing. The document notes that these are only the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the losses of other law enforcement agencies were not taken into account when compiling it. "

      I translate losses for 127 days, from February 24 to July 1:
      - killed and died from wounds (item 1,2,4) - 603 people per day;
      - - missing 22 people per day. (point 3);
      - disabled people 336 people per day (point 5);
      Total: 960 people per day.
      1. +3
        3 December 2022 14: 39
        Thank you. A very realistic schedule. About the report Zaluzhny in the course.
        Five months have passed since then.
      2. +2
        3 December 2022 14: 48
        By the way, how many thousand tanks have they shot down? How many Bandera people got burned there? How many different armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and some with infantry inside.
        More air defense systems with Bandera, hundreds of downed aircraft and just trucks with infantry pickups and the like.
        1. 0
          3 December 2022 14: 57
          Quote: Incvizitor
          By the way, how many thousand tanks have they shot down? How many Bandera people got burned there? How many different armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and some with infantry inside.
          More air defense systems with Bandera, hundreds of downed aircraft and just trucks with infantry pickups and the like.

          That's it! The car, armored personnel carrier, tank and MLRS were destroyed, but you can’t identify people! And after a strike on the rear - on the barracks, on the column on the march, on ammunition depots and on hangars with equipment - you can’t identify people either.! Ours count only those who are in the field and in plain sight, but you don’t count these hell!
        2. +1
          3 December 2022 15: 02
          In total, approximately 7000 tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been destroyed to date. I read somewhere that the ratio of destroyed tanks to the rest of the armored vehicles is about 1 to 4 or 1 to 3,5. Well, that is, to date, about 1500 tanks have been destroyed and 5500 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, MTLBs.
      3. +2
        3 December 2022 14: 58
        Zakirov DamirToday, 14:29 
        "... These losses have long been understood and only disputes about this are incomprehensible. The irretrievable military losses of Ukraine - the Armed Forces of Ukraine, national battalions, territorial defense and mercenaries have long been settled and assumed the following values ​​..."

        Thank you, you are one of the few who substantiate their point of view and provide links to sources.
      4. +2
        3 December 2022 15: 00
        There are dozens of such photos a day, no one considers them even as a technique, and even more so the charred carcasses inside.
      5. -1
        5 December 2022 11: 33
        I would like to like your comment, but this, alas, is pulling an owl on a globe.
        1. 0
          5 December 2022 13: 10
          Quote from Kriso Sborshik
          I would like to like your comment, but this, alas, is pulling an owl on a globe.

          I got very upset! Pull the owl on "your globe".
  5. -8
    3 December 2022 14: 01
    Interestingly, the Ukrainian command stubbornly does not disclose the numbers of personnel losses at the front.
    well, yes, but our command tells everything honestly - about human losses, how many armored vehicles they lost, aircraft, everything, everything
    1. 0
      3 December 2022 14: 26
      And why should our Defense Ministry give you information constituting a state secret? No country in the world does this, so why should the Russian Federation?
      What kind of intelligence are you working on?
      1. -2
        3 December 2022 14: 29
        and why the hell in the articles constantly resent that
        the Ukrainian command stubbornly does not disclose the numbers of personnel losses
      2. -1
        3 December 2022 15: 04
        Diana IlyinaToday, 14:26
        ... What intelligence do you work for?

        To the sofa.
        The text is short but informative.
      3. -1
        5 December 2022 11: 34
        so why then drive on the Khokhlyat MO? Their losses are the same military secret as ours.
  6. +1
    3 December 2022 14: 07
    They literally want "until the last Ukrainian" I think the Britons and the Amers should be happy with what they have done!
  7. -1
    3 December 2022 14: 08
    Losses can be on average, in the region of 150 thousand, these are people who will no longer be able to fight due to injuries or death. On the part of the Russian Federation, LDNR, volunteers, somewhere on average, there may be losses, in total as for both Chechen companies. Many times less than the APU, but also unpleasant. If you draw logical chains and compare all the available information from different sources, you can roughly imagine the situation.

    Even if the Armed Forces of Ukraine suddenly, for some unexpected reason, want to overthrow the insane regime, there are no more forces. A dead end of a large number of foreign soldiers and the country's gigantic debts. There are two ways out, die or surrender.
  8. +2
    3 December 2022 14: 13
    Who cares how many heroes die? Nobody counts slaves. The EU is clearly counting on 7 million ukroidiots ready to die for the glory of their master.
    1. 0
      3 December 2022 14: 18
      Among Ukrainians there are also not stupid people who do not want to die. As a rule, you volunteer to fight roughly rounding 1 out of 100, out of 1000 thousand, you will volunteer to die 10 people. The rest will try in every possible way not to get into the war zone and hide. So talking about millions is nonsense. The figure is impressive, but almost everyone wants to live laughing
  9. -5
    3 December 2022 14: 16
    Quote from: filibuster
    According to him, the Russian military found tanks, combat armored vehicles and armored personnel carriers, in which the Ukrainian military were welded from all sides.

    And that, as usual, the battery on the phone sat down to film it all.

    Do you think during the fight, there is nothing else for everyone to do, how to pretend to be reporters under bullets and shoot everything on their phones?
    Go there as a volunteer and show us the class, flood us with your videos.
  10. +5
    3 December 2022 14: 18
    Commander of the Ukrainian battalion "Svoboda", banned in the Russian Federation,
    Forbidden battalion ... this is something new
    1. 0
      3 December 2022 14: 37
      Quote: svp67
      Commander of the Ukrainian battalion "Svoboda", banned in the Russian Federation,
      Forbidden battalion ... this is something new

      How can it be banned. But this is not even a battalion, but an article appeared on the VO dated May 1, 2022:
      New nationalist battalion spotted in Donbas calling itself "Russian Liberation Army"

      Soldiers of the so-called Legion "Freedom" fight against Russian troops under a blue and white flag and wear the same chevrons on their sleeves. They call themselves the "new ROA" - the "Russian Liberation Army", hinting at the historical connection with the army of General Vlasov. It is stated that the legion consists exclusively of Russians who have gone over to the side of Ukraine.
      Such people were not taken prisoner during the Second World War, they were destroyed.
      1. +3
        3 December 2022 14: 43
        And these need to be wiped out, outlawed and hunted down.
        Let them go to Vlasov.
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +2
    3 December 2022 14: 24
    make the most depressing impression on Ukrainian society and force the male part of the population to look for all possible ways to leave the country.

    Who is smarter, has long been "screwed" from Ukraine, only the Selyuks and ideological Bandera remained.
  13. -2
    3 December 2022 14: 49
    This, of course, is wonderful, soul-saving, and generally patriotic and strong, but if you find the original interview with a minute of searching, the Ukrainian battalion commander really says that they have lost count of the dead ... Russians. He talks about his losses there only about the wounded, shell-shocked and patients with pneumonia. And he talks about the huge numbers of those killed, describing fields and forests before their positions.
    1. -2
      3 December 2022 15: 12
      So confirm your words with this video. Weak? Although, to believe the words of dill after the words of the zeli about a little more than 10000 dead in 9 months (despite the fact that there is already some, 4, if not more, wave of mobilization, where are they mobilized?) - such to yourself. hi
      1. -3
        3 December 2022 15: 19
        What words? The author of the article dragged the Ukrainian battalion commander here as a source, but in the process he cut the quote so that the meaning changed vice versa. Well, something like Nebenzya quoting "Medusa" in the UN.
        1. -3
          3 December 2022 15: 21
          if you find the original interview with a minute of searching, (c) Barmaglot_07
          Will you show a video about this battalion commander? hi
          1. +1
            3 December 2022 15: 27
            No video. The interview in the Daily Express referred to by the author is here:

            Inside Bakhmut frontline 'littered with corpses' and 'colossal' losses

            Ukrainian soldiers on the front line in the city of Bakhmut are fighting Russian attacks in dreadful conditions.

            The Ukrainian commander of the Svoboda battalion, Petro Kuzyk, whose unit is one of those holding Bakhmut said his soldiers are fighting in fields "littered with corpses", fighting in extremely cold conditions and in knee-deep water against Russia's attacks.

            Asked by NV news how big the human losses are so far, he replied: "They are colossal. They don't even count bodies.

            "The fields, the woods in front of the positions are all littered with corpses. I watched them: they dragged their people back to bury them, take off their warm sweaters, and start to put it on themselves. But, consequently, each assault group has a grenade launcher, a machine gunner, and their machine guns more or less perform their tasks.

            "I apologise for speaking slowly now, because I'm very cold – it's making me dizzy. I've now left the first line (since I was called). I'm warming up in the car, I'm almost falling asleep , because I haven't slept all this time. They charged yesterday, quite seriously. They felt a weakness in our defense, because (I will not name the numbers of the units, so as not to spoil their honor) there are units that are less motivated than ours. And yesterday they weakened our defense a little in the area just around the Bakhmut. Some units could not withstand this artillery onslaught and retreated.

            "This is our principle: we, the Svoboda Battalion, do not retreat. And because of that, we found ourselves in a semi-surrounded situation, and we had a lot of work to do. In addition, it is a swamp full of mud. It is very difficult to evacuate the wounded or to deliver ammunition. The trenches are constantly deteriorating, and in this swamp they must be constantly rebuilt."

            He added: "Today is the first day without rain, but then and yesterday when it fell, all the water flowed into the trenches. And the shelling was such that it was impossible to get out of the trench, so the guys were constantly wet for a day or two. Plus the temperature is like this. Many are contused, many with pneumonia. But we hold our ground, and we defend. I see young guys standing with their teeth clenched. I would really like someone to write about their achievements, because few people in the country know about it."

            Do you read English or need a translation?

            And yes - let the battalion commander Kuzyk lie. But why then drag him here, and add his own lies to his, and more clumsy?
            1. -4
              3 December 2022 15: 38
              That is, did you generally believe in some kind of writing from the Anglo-Saxons on the Internet? In the conditions of an undeclared war between Russia and the arrogant Saxon empire? English propaganda? Well, your right. The Germans also believed Hitler.
              1. +3
                3 December 2022 15: 48
                An article on the respected resource "Military Review" refers to "some kind of writing from the Anglo-Saxons on the Internet" as a source.
              2. +4
                3 December 2022 15: 55
                And the fact that the author, who wished to remain anonymous, wrote an entire article based on the writings of the Anglo-Saxons, how is that? And this is in the conditions of an undeclared war between Russia and the arrogant Saxon empire?
              3. -1
                3 December 2022 16: 18
                Quote: VORON538
                .The Germans also believed Hitler.

                And Goebbels was even more trusted than Hitler.
    2. +2
      3 December 2022 15: 29
      This often happens with links to foreign sources. You find the original article, do you really think? And there ... I understand, of course. Propaganda and all that. But the sediment remains.
      By the way, in the same Daily Express it is written about a big movement at the airfield in Engels. They say that a new strike is being prepared.
  14. NSV
    3 December 2022 14: 49
    The more Ukrainian soldiers now remain in these trenches forever, the less problems we will have in the future!!!
  15. +2
    3 December 2022 14: 51
    What did you think before? So the two hundredth are still called missing!
  16. 0
    3 December 2022 14: 56
    In the summer and even in the spring of 2022, his words sounded more optimistic than now.
    Why should he rejoice like that now?
  17. +1
    3 December 2022 15: 15
    Under Bakhmut, we no longer even count the “two hundredths”

    The war is not won by winning in local skirmishes. The war is won by rout, by the complete rout of the enemy's army...
    They knocked out 100-200-1000 reptiles, in a day - two - a week they will send 1000 new ones, etc. The Anglo-Saxons do not feel sorry for Banderlogs, Poles and all sorts of other tribalts ... Let's knock out these, send new ones from somewhere in Africa, the East, Latin America, etc.: you never know the natives in third countries ....
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. 0
    3 December 2022 17: 48
    Listen to this guy's war analysis::::::::::::::::::::
  20. 0
    3 December 2022 19: 51
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ukrainians themselves leaked the figure of 100 killed by the Germans through private channels. It is necessary to promote the impressionable Europeans for the supply of weapons. And not the fact that this figure is true. What can you not say, if only they would give money ...
  21. +1
    3 December 2022 19: 54
    Nothing changes in the info field. Nobody. Information is provided without reference to the source, users begin to discuss who knows what. And it would seem - find an article in the original source, translate it through the same Yandex or Google, and then write what you think about it. It is clear that there is an information war going on, but not to the same extent ...
    1. +1
      3 December 2022 20: 11
      reference to the source
  22. 0
    3 December 2022 19: 55
    I express my modest and cautious hope that Petr Kuzyk will say the same thing near Kyiv, unless, of course, he himself escapes the fate of "200" ....
  23. 0
    3 December 2022 22: 17
    Under Bakhmut, we no longer even count the “two hundredths”

    Whose "two hundred"?
    So the shots from there I will say superlight, very expressive.
  24. +1
    3 December 2022 23: 58
    They do not even remove them from the trenches, well, of course. Then our rear troops will simply fill the trenches with a bucket and level the terrain. And no one will know where his grave is.
  25. -1
    4 December 2022 05: 19
    The Chubat army is accustomed to beating the unarmed "golden eagle" on the Maidan. Serve them, Judas.