Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service: Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service: Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

The director of the Foreign Intelligence Service confirmed earlier reports in the foreign press that he had met with the director of the CIA in Turkey. It was reported that issues of nuclear stability were discussed during the meeting. At the same time, it was stated on the Western platforms that the Ukrainian topic was not raised. Sergei Naryshkin's statements make it clear that this is not the case. According to him, during the meeting with William Burns, the most frequently used words and phrases in addition to "nuclear stability" were the following: "Ukraine" and "Kyiv regime."

In the interview RIA News the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service also stated that individual countries are already considering the possibility of territorial acquisitions at the expense of Ukraine. Poland is one of those countries.

According to Naryshkin, Warsaw wants to get the western regions of Ukraine, clearly not wanting to miss the option of annexing Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The head of the Foreign Intelligence Service noted that this is how Warsaw is going to compensate for the military and economic assistance provided to the Kyiv regime.

Naryshkin noted that Warsaw is ready to carry out the annexation of territories as quickly as possible, as it fears that in winter "senior NATO partners" may negotiate with Russia.

Earlier, information appeared that Poland had prepared ballots for a referendum on self-determination in western Ukraine. This information also flashed in the Polish media. Official Warsaw refutes preparations for holding a referendum on the territory of Ukraine.

It is also worth recalling that earlier in Kyiv a law was adopted on the possibility of using Polish security forces on the territory of Ukraine. Officially, the law states that such measures can be taken in case of destabilization of the situation.
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  1. +10
    30 November 2022 16: 14
    oh! brothers! I feel that the Poles will again "hit the horns"! And not only from Russia laughing
    Poland is a country of eternal censure))) Kicking!
    1. -1
      30 November 2022 16: 21
      According to Naryshkin, Warsaw wants to get the western regions of Ukraine, clearly not wanting to miss the option of annexing Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

      Well, I don’t know. How much do the Poles need if you figure it out? what What goodies are there in these 3 areas? How many people live there in general?
      Because of Farion, they will generally have to build a dairy plant so that the Poles will be given milk every day for free for harmfulness, since they decided to take it on their necks.

      As of November 1, 2022, the number of permanent residents of Lviv is 728 people.

      Lviv region 2 people (476).
      Ivano-Frankivsk region 1 people (350)
      Ternopil region 1 people (021)
      1. +2
        30 November 2022 16: 26
        Imperial ambitions of Poland. We have repeatedly used a convenient moment to squeeze a piece of land from a neighbor. Why not repeat. All the same, they blame the Russian Federation for everything.
        1. +5
          30 November 2022 16: 34
          And, then the Poles, as a rule, got "in the teeth" and Poland itself was merrily divided among themselves (I won't dig in ancient times), but:
          - Russia (Alexander I) and France (Napoleon) at the beginning of the 19th century,
          - USSR (Stalin) and Germany (Hitler) in 39))))
          - Po co jestemy? request (Polish - And why us?) Poor Poles shouted!

          1. +2
            30 November 2022 17: 13
            And why Western Ukraine of the Russian Federation? A hotbed of nationalists?
            1. 0
              30 November 2022 17: 27
              Quote: Normann
              And why Western Ukraine of the Russian Federation? A hotbed of nationalists?

              We are talking about Poland's desire to annex the Western regions of Ukraine. What does Russia have to do with it?
              1. +7
                30 November 2022 18: 18
                Quote from: neworange88
                What does Russia have to do with it?

                In principle, these areas within Poland will be safer for Russia than independent, Russophobic Galicians. And as part of the Russian Federation, they are clearly not needed.
                1. +1
                  30 November 2022 19: 13
                  Quote: man in the street
                  Quote from: neworange88
                  What does Russia have to do with it?

                  In principle, these areas within Poland will be safer for Russia than independent, Russophobic Galicians. And as part of the Russian Federation, they are clearly not needed.

                  That's it. Some problems from these Bandera.
                  Even Minister of Internal Affairs Durnovo warned that in no case should Galicia be annexed to the Republic of Ingushetia
                  All the states that included Galicia fell apart.
                  Stalin joined because there was no choice. Otherwise, these lands would have been seized by Hitler.
                  If Poland holds referendums there and the West recognizes them, then they will have to recognize referendums in the Crimea, the DPR, the LPR, and so on.
                  Otherwise, Russia will block the Polish referenda in the UN Security Council.
                  So let them do it if they want to get a headache for decades.
                  1. -1
                    30 November 2022 20: 50
                    Otherwise, Russia will block the Polish referenda in the UN Security Council.
                    So let them do it if they want to get a headache for decades.

                    Not serious. laughing laughing
                    1. 0
                      30 November 2022 21: 24
                      Quote from: neworange88
                      Otherwise, Russia will block the Polish referenda in the UN Security Council.
                      So let them do it if they want to get a headache for decades.

                      Not serious. laughing laughing

                      Unprovable.,,,,,,, laughing laughing
                      1. +1
                        30 November 2022 21: 54
                        Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service: Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine.

                        Yes, this has been happening for a long time!

                        At the same time, Poland wants to annex, if not all of Ukraine, then at least annex its western regions.

                        Yes, and Zelensky himself, with his Kyiv regime, has long been ready to lie down and has almost laid down under Poland!

                  2. +1
                    1 December 2022 17: 10
                    Stalin joined because it is a strategic outlet to Europe.
                2. +6
                  30 November 2022 20: 17
                  Quote: man in the street
                  Quote from: neworange88
                  What does Russia have to do with it?

                  In principle, these areas within Poland will be safer for Russia than independent, Russophobic Galicians. And as part of the Russian Federation, they are clearly not needed.

                  Just the opposite. Zapadentsev will not be taken anywhere from there, but they will be trained as proxies. It will turn out such a zone controlled by the West, such as Idlib, from where terrorists will constantly be sent in and hide from justice there. We don’t need to join the squad, but we need to take it under military control. In addition, from this territory it is possible to legally form a state that will repay debts for the whole of Ukraine to its sponsors.
                  1. +2
                    1 December 2022 07: 30
                    Quote: Resident of the Urals
                    We don’t need to join the squad, but we need to take it under military control.

                    And how will we formalize this control?
                    How about a long-term occupation, like the Anglo-Americans with the French in Germany? And who recognizes our control without being included in the composition?
                    Fauna bothers you?
                    Yes , a very unsympathetic and malicious environment , but who said that it is needed there ? If this territory is taken under control, then all criminals go to the Tribunal, and the road to the exodus is opened for the rest. Let's say Canada.
                    And give the territory to our people from the Caucasus for military settlements and as a reward for the upcoming valor. And let them live side by side with the Poles, teaching the Psheks to the Lezginka. In no case should the territory be ceded to Poland - this is the promotion of NATO infrastructure to the east and the strengthening of Poland against us.
                    You can give the Hungarians their former lands.
                    1. +2
                      1 December 2022 09: 14
                      Quote: bayard
                      You can give the Hungarians their former lands

                      I would not do this, there is nothing to squander the land, otherwise I agree.
                    2. 0
                      1 December 2022 20: 44
                      Quote: bayard
                      Quote: Resident of the Urals
                      We don’t need to join the squad, but we need to take it under military control.

                      And how will we formalize this control?
                      How about a long-term occupation, like the Anglo-Americans with the French in Germany? And who recognizes our control without being included in the composition?
                      Fauna bothers you?
                      Yes , a very unsympathetic and malicious environment , but who said that it is needed there ? If this territory is taken under control, then all criminals go to the Tribunal, and the road to the exodus is opened for the rest. Let's say Canada.
                      And give the territory to our people from the Caucasus for military settlements and as a reward for the upcoming valor. And let them live side by side with the Poles, teaching the Psheks to the Lezginka. In no case should the territory be ceded to Poland - this is the promotion of NATO infrastructure to the east and the strengthening of Poland against us.
                      You can give the Hungarians their former lands.

                      Control in the same way as the Americans exercised over the Japanese after World War II. I wrote that this is a better option than giving it to Poland. So these are the ancient Russian lands that Stalin, after many many years, was finally able to return to Russia. So there are only two options here - either to annex, or to establish occupation control like Germany, but in no case give it to the Westerners.
                      1. 0
                        1 December 2022 22: 12
                        Quote: Resident of the Urals
                        but in no case should it be given to the Westerners.

                        This is the main thing.
                        In no case should one leave a reserve of Nazism there, even under the guise of an occupied, but separate statehood. These are our lands - the historical lands of Chervona Rus, therefore it is necessary to put things in order there - to force out all alien elements outside (they themselves will rush to the same Canada), and the rest to TEACH internationalism, the brotherhood of the people under the strict control of the fighters of the Russian Guard (from the North Caucasus), dilute it the population comes from our Caucasian regions, providing them with land and real estate as a gift for valor and thereby removing the passionary pressure of the Caucasus on our big cities, where their youth leaves - channeling their energy in the right direction - border guards and maintaining order on the western borders of our Big Motherland.
                        The National Guardsmen from Chechnya have extensive experience in fighting gangs of "partisans" and foreign saboteurs, they know how to do it tough, and since they are Vainakhs (the military class of the former Great Empire), such a service is most welcome for them, it is organic to their mentality and upbringing. They simply love war and service, and there they will be able to realize their potential and energy in the best possible way.
                        And the order will be established quickly and efficiently. No threat of relapse.
                3. -1
                  30 November 2022 20: 54
                  Quote: man in the street
                  In principle, these areas within Poland will be safer for Russia than independent, Russophobic Galicians. And as part of the Russian Federation, they are clearly not needed.

                  Well, that's an obvious idea! All Western Ukraine without a trace in NATO - to Poland, Hungary and Romania! On the other hand, not a single projectile will arrive, and the common border with NATO without "rotten buffer zones."

                  I guess it will. First, we will take control of these territories, then we will hold a referendum and ... transfer them to bail. And the sheep are safe (our territories) and the wolves are full (Poland, Hungary and Romania).
                  1. 0
                    1 December 2022 09: 17
                    Quote: Damir Zakirov
                    and the wolves are full (Poland, Hungary and Romania).

                    You still give the "Kem region", they will trample on: give me a finger - they will gnaw it off up to the elbow.
                    1. 0
                      1 December 2022 11: 07
                      Quote from Egeni
                      Quote: Damir Zakirov
                      and the wolves are full (Poland, Hungary and Romania).

                      You still give the "Kem region", they will trample on: give me a finger - they will gnaw it off up to the elbow.

                      And you keep Western Ukraine at your own expense for another 46 years!

                      They gave it away, crossed themselves and forgot about the "Westerners". Let Poland, Hungary and Romania contain them for the next 46 years and genocide them.
                  2. 0
                    1 December 2022 20: 45
                    Quote: Zakirov Damir
                    Quote: man in the street
                    In principle, these areas within Poland will be safer for Russia than independent, Russophobic Galicians. And as part of the Russian Federation, they are clearly not needed.

                    Well, that's an obvious idea! All Western Ukraine without a trace in NATO - to Poland, Hungary and Romania! On the other hand, not a single projectile will arrive, and the common border with NATO without "rotten buffer zones."

                    I guess it will. First, we will take control of these territories, then we will hold a referendum and ... transfer them to bail. And the sheep are safe (our territories) and the wolves are full (Poland, Hungary and Romania).

                    Not an option.
                    1. 0
                      1 December 2022 22: 16
                      Quote: Resident of the Urals
                      Not an option.

                      Your option?
                      1. 0
                        1 December 2022 22: 42
                        Quote: Zakirov Damir
                        Quote: Resident of the Urals
                        Not an option.

                        Your option?

                        Wrote above
                      2. 0
                        1 December 2022 23: 37
                        Quote: Resident of the Urals
                        Wrote above

                        I read it. How old are you?
                    2. 0
                      1 December 2022 22: 21
                      Quote: Resident of the Urals
                      Not an option.

                      I don't understand you guys, you still need to get to the Polish border. The Banderaites will flee, we will restore the bases, and we will re-educate the people, again, there is no industry there, let them live.
                4. +2
                  30 November 2022 22: 59
                  Quote: man in the street
                  In principle, these areas within Poland will be safer for Russia than independent, Russophobic Galicians. And as part of the Russian Federation, they are clearly not needed.

                  If they become part of Poland, then for Russia they will be lost forever. This must be understood. In any other case, there are options.
                5. +1
                  1 December 2022 21: 14
                  It is NOT necessary to scatter the lands that the fathers and grandfathers collected. It is necessary to educate the local population correctly, and harder!
            2. +1
              1 December 2022 07: 21
              Quote: Normann
              And why Western Ukraine of the Russian Federation? A hotbed of nationalists?

              The Poles need land - "eastern kresy", and not the fauna on it. And they will be able to squeeze out the unnecessary population - just remember the deportation of the entire German population from the Prussian lands inherited by Poland. Not a single (!!) German was left.
              They drove on foot, allowing them to take away only what was in their hands. And even these were robbed and killed along the way.
              If the Poles treated the Germans like that, then what will they do with the Bandera for the Volyn massacre?
              And if the Poles are really in such a hurry, then our command should not linger.
          2. 0
            1 December 2022 12: 43
            Let's split Poland in half
            like a sweet iceberg of Kyiv cake.
            Her, the child of the Versailles abortion,
            it's time to judge all her deeds.
            Let's divide Poland and eat it,
            drink it with vodka or fruit drink.
            You will be Friedrich, I will be Schors.
            And in the evening we will go to the hippodrome.
            Let's go watch the horses
            we'll steal the embassy's "Porsche" from the kondachka.
            There will be no more rhyme "Poland - more"
            and there will be no bigos, damn it.
            Forgive me, beloved dog krev,
            that I shared the wrong, wrong, with the wrong ones.
            But still we come to the central theme
            and divided Poland as adults."

            I. Karaulov
        2. +12
          30 November 2022 16: 35
          Quote: Volkov
          All the same, they blame the Russian Federation for everything.

          And on the other hand...
          They also have their own nishtyaki that they blame us for everything.

          The West creates absolutely thoughtlessly everything that it wants, and, in particular, what the Americans want. What do they have to be ashamed of? All the same, the Russians will be to blame.
          So after all, we can ABSOLUTELY from the word "completely" do what we need. Without any regard for what the West will say. Anyway, we will be "to blame" for everything.

          So why be ashamed?
          1. +1
            30 November 2022 17: 14
            Anyway, we will be "to blame" for everything
            but isn't that the case now.
            1. +1
              30 November 2022 17: 40
              Quote: Normann
              Anyway, we will be "to blame" for everything
              but isn't that the case now.

              And I about that.
          2. +1
            1 December 2022 12: 55
            GDP is very shy. He is a lawyer. And God forbid, he is officially recognized as an Imperial on paper! He doesn't want that label.
            1. 0
              1 December 2022 16: 24
              Quote: Anyuta Slavnaya
              GDP is very shy. He is a lawyer. And God forbid, he is officially recognized as an Imperial on paper! He doesn't want that label.

              But in a good way...
              Does he not give a damn in the current situation, what will they call him in the West? As soon as they weren't called.

              Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to fit...
              1. +1
                1 December 2022 18: 58
                What are you saying ... Everywhere and everywhere, always "dear Western partners, what did they say and what will they say in the West." The servility is total. Don't you see? GDP terribly loves Europe, especially Germany. Therefore, it is important to him what and how they say. This is disgusting.
        3. +1
          30 November 2022 17: 18
          Quote: Volkov
          Imperial ambitions of Poland. We have repeatedly used a convenient moment to squeeze a piece of land from a neighbor. Why not repeat. All the same, they blame the Russian Federation for everything.

          They will not accuse, but will give an example after the referendums, Russia did it, and we, too, citizens are FOR, and they will be FOR, because. they will be promised the European Union and a better quality of life.
        4. +2
          30 November 2022 21: 56
          Quote: Volkov
          Imperial ambitions of Poland. We have repeatedly used a convenient moment to squeeze a piece of land from a neighbor. Why not repeat. All the same, they blame the Russian Federation for everything.

          In this case, Russia will not be blamed, but to justify the introduction of troops, they use the factor of Russian "invasion" 100%, under the pretext that these territories would not come under the jurisdiction of Russia in the image and likeness of the LDNR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The trigger mechanism for the implementation of this plan will be the nearest major defeat of the ukrovermacht troops in the winter company. So they will not have to blame, but they will have to thank Russia. Moreover, in order for their "referendum" to become legal, they will have to recognize the results of the referendum held by Russia, tk. otherwise, the double standard will become obvious - here we recognize, here we do not recognize, under equal conditions. Looking at the Poles, we should expect a revival to satisfy the territorial encroachments from Hungary and Romania. In principle, NATO member countries with mattresses at the head will willingly support this option, since by including these territories in the countries already members of NATO, the territory of this bloc will be expanded "to the east" by several hundred thousand square kilometers AUTOMATICALLY, and without any obligations to the club, or through amendments to the charter of the organization. I do not rule out that somewhere in the Turkish backrooms at the level of intelligence heads this option was discussed under mutual guarantees that we would not greatly interfere with the smashing of the Ukrohunt along the line of contact towards Kuev, Nikolaev, Kharkov and Odessa, and you would not strongly prevent the return of historical lands to their rightful owners.
      2. +5
        30 November 2022 16: 27
        They will settle with Poles ... and these 728545 ... for scrap ... hi
      3. 0
        30 November 2022 16: 38
        The population is pretty decent. In the same Lviv region, it is comparable to that in the Crimea, for example. There are some minerals there. Yes, and since they have already decided to decommunize
      4. +7
        30 November 2022 16: 39
        Quote from: neworange88
        Well, I don’t know. How much do the Poles need if you figure it out? What goodies are there in these 3 areas? How many people live there in general?

        These are not very bad regions with developed agriculture, this is a territory, as such, and an opportunity to get an additional 5 million cheap car and toilet washers, a house for workers and girls with low social responsibility (as an option, and men) ...
        1. +1
          30 November 2022 17: 15
          And here it is too thick......)
      5. 0
        30 November 2022 17: 12
        Quote from: neworange88
        How many people live there in general?

        What will prevent most of them from being interned? The EU will not even choke.
      6. -1
        30 November 2022 17: 22
        Quote from: neworange88
        Well I do not know. How much does the Poles need if you figure it out

        Land in Europe has not prevented anyone yet. To restore this land, the Poles will ask the EU for a couple of hundred yards of euros. And in 30-50 years everyone will forget how it was, and you can start looking at new lands, for example, Odessa.
      7. +2
        30 November 2022 22: 26
        Quote from: neworange88
        Well, I don’t know. How much do the Poles need if you figure it out?

        So three areas are almost 50 thousand square meters. km., which is larger than the territory of Slovakia or the Netherlands, as well as over 5 million cheap labor. In addition, there are natural resources. Now for Poland, the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation is almost the only chance to snatch something.
    2. +1
      30 November 2022 16: 21
      Russia is shedding blood in the East and South of Ukraine, and these beauties will chop off three regions without bloodshed! Only for Poland it is a "Trojan horse". Russia does not need these regions for free with the Bandera population, but for Ukraine itself it will be a domino effect. Romania, Hungary, possibly Belarus will join.
      1. 0
        30 November 2022 16: 28
        Naryshkin "flint" of course ... chowshtam ...
        1. +7
          30 November 2022 16: 40
          Naryshkin probably knew more than the others at this meeting ... At least the fact that they would not meet us with flowers .... So he mumbled, did not know what to say to the boss
          1. +3
            30 November 2022 16: 45
            I knew I should have said it like it is. If he concealed something, he should be held accountable.
            1. 0
              30 November 2022 16: 56
              Quote from Kreta25
              I knew I should have said it like it is. If he concealed something, he should be held accountable.

              Well, I didn’t expect that it would come to this, but how did it come so as not to spoil the mood of the authorities.
              1. +3
                30 November 2022 19: 04
                The worst thing is that everyone wants to cover up the fifth point, and wanting this in matters of this magnitude is practically treason.
          2. +7
            30 November 2022 16: 55
            This, perhaps, is many of the problems of modern Russia, and Russia in general. Nobody wants to look pale when reporting to higher leadership. - "what did you do and why are you in this position." And then we have what we have. I sometimes encountered this at work, but it's not accepted out loud. hi
            1. +1
              30 November 2022 19: 02
              It seems to me that not even many, but the vast majority.
            2. +1
              30 November 2022 20: 05
              Quote: VORON538
              If only the bosses didn’t have questions - “what did you do and why are you in this position

              Alekseev lied to Nikolai 2
              Zhigarev lied to Stalin.
              And so on ...
          3. 0
            1 December 2022 10: 07
            what can Naryshkin know and not know GDP?
        2. +2
          30 November 2022 17: 18
          It can be seen that Naryshkin is ill, can hardly stand on his feet, because of his illness he is confused in his thoughts, but the position obliges him to be present.
          It's time for him to retire, and to put a deputy in his place.
          1. -1
            30 November 2022 17: 42
            What did you get sick with? Bear disease, chtol
            1. +4
              30 November 2022 17: 45
              Only Naryshkin knows this. I can only say by his appearance he is very old and it is time for him to retire, like Lavrov.
      2. 0
        30 November 2022 17: 18
        And what side is RB here? What territories of Ukraine has Belarus ever claimed?
        1. -1
          30 November 2022 17: 40
          Quote: Normann
          And what side is RB here? What territories of Ukraine has Belarus ever claimed?

          Polissya.Historical dispute over Polissya.
          Belarusians, without advertising it, have territorial claims to almost all neighbors. For example, they consider the city of Bialystok with its surrounding lands to be theirs (in 1944, Joseph Stalin gave it to Poland as a gift from the USSR). Lithuanian Vilnius is generally an ancient Belarusian capital, and also a favorite vacation spot for Minsk residents on weekends. Alexander Lukashenko publicly announced Belarusian claims to the Smolensk and Bryansk regions, as well as to Pskov, although later he tried to reduce this statement to a joke.

          On August 8 of this year, the infamous Ukrainian gunner Nadezhda Savchenko did not say that "Kuchma, who signed the demarcation of the border back in 1997, handed over part of Ukraine to Belarus." So the problem surfaced and from that moment began to be discussed openly. Polissya is a region divided between Ukraine and Belarus, covered with impenetrable forests and swamps and famous for its natural wealth. Its residents, the Poleshuks, do not consider themselves either Ukrainians or Belarusians and from time to time raise the issue of their own independence, although not very actively.

          1. +1
            30 November 2022 18: 52
            I have been living in the Republic of Belarus for more than thirty years, and this is the first time I hear such nonsense.
            1. +3
              30 November 2022 18: 59
              I live even longer. Haven't heard anything like it.
    3. 0
      30 November 2022 17: 35
      Quote: Boniface
      oh! brothers! I feel that the Poles will again "hit the horns"! And not only from Russia laughing
      Poland is a country of eternal censure))) Kicking!

      Maybe, but maybe another option will be played. They will give the zapadenschina to the Poles, all the Nazis will run there and the zapadenschina will become a mine for the whole of Europe. Will explode in Poland and further along the chain.
    4. 0
      1 December 2022 11: 00
      The country of "division" of the eternal...
    5. 0
      1 December 2022 20: 34
      Rather, they would have already taken the Lviv region, the lair of the Nazis
  2. -11
    30 November 2022 16: 16
    Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

    You need to have time to put a Russian boot there. And stick the bayonet.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      30 November 2022 16: 30
      Why, on the other hand, then? There is clearly a Russophobic population there, there will be many problems with them. Ukraine will be torn apart by regions, leaving Kyiv as the official capital. Multibillion-dollar debts "for help" will then be repaid not by the squeezed-out regions, but by those who remain. But everyone understands that Kyiv will not be able to repay these debts. This results in a blow to their sponsors, which they cannot help but feel, given the volume of Kyiv's debt to the Western organized crime group.
      1. -1
        30 November 2022 17: 13
        Quote: Volkov
        What for

        And for the fact that the land is no longer produced.
        Quote: Volkov
        There is clearly a Russophobic population there, there will be many problems with them.

        Dissenting population to issue a hundred bucks and a ticket to Warsaw.
        1. 0
          30 November 2022 20: 10
          Quote: antiaircrafter
          Dissenting population to issue a hundred bucks and a ticket to Warsaw.

          And then who will populate this wasteland?
          Do you have 2-3 million excess population?
          1. 0
            30 November 2022 22: 25
            Quote: your1970
            And then who will populate this wasteland?

            Do you need to move in right away?
            You can wait until the women give birth.
            1. +1
              30 November 2022 23: 02
              Quote: antiaircrafter
              Quote: your1970
              And then who will populate this wasteland?

              Do you need to move in right away?
              You can wait until the women give birth.

              Clearly ... just to blurt out about the bayonet and the boot ....
              You don't have to think about it....
              1. 0
                1 December 2022 08: 13
                Quote: your1970

                Options for settling the sea, for example:
                - people are moving from the north, and the Krasnodar Territory is not made of rubber.
                - to build housing for warriors on new territories.
                - to provide housing for orphans in new territories, because the municipalities cannot provide them.

                Or do you think Potemkin and Richelieu settled these lands at the same time?
                1. 0
                  1 December 2022 15: 40
                  Quote: antiaircrafter
                  Options for settling the sea, for example:
                  - people are moving from the north, and the Krasnodar Territory is not made of rubber.
                  - to build housing for warriors on new territories.
                  - to provide housing for orphans in new territories, because the municipalities cannot provide them.

                  And many of you who want to voluntarily go to the territory where everything will be destroyed by that time will you find?
                  Where will the only job be - clearing debris?
                  In the days of Potemkin and the USSR, such resettlements were decided in a FORCED way - now this will not work ...
          2. 0
            1 December 2022 12: 24
            Do you have 2-3 million excess population?
            Whoa, just that? Not the largest district of Maskvabad. The Federal Migration Service will tighten up, and they will collect even more.
      2. 0
        30 November 2022 19: 04
        Historical fact. Alas, I can't provide a link. I read this before I even got a computer, on the 90th anniversary of the start of World War I, or the 1th anniversary of the end. At the very beginning of the 90st World War, one of the ministers of the Russian Empire advised Nicholas II. In case of victory, in no case should Galicia be annexed to Russia, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He justified it by the fact that the population of Western Ukraine is sharply hostile to Russia. As you can see, he was right.
    3. +4
      30 November 2022 16: 31
      Let them take it. Thus, they only more legalize the actions of Russia.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +2
    30 November 2022 16: 19
    If Poland has any plans, then before such ACTIONS it is necessary to make peace with ALL neighbors, except for the Russian Federation. And it's better with her, too. And do not be rude to Germany, and the rest. Otherwise, instead of annexing the remnants of U., you can run into the 5th section of the Commonwealth! Germany - oboma hands for!
    1. -4
      30 November 2022 16: 21
      Quote: Vadim Topal-Pasha
      Germany - oboma hands for!

      Yes, and Russia will not refuse to expand the Kaliningrad region.
    2. +1
      30 November 2022 16: 31
      Quote: Vadim Topal-Pasha can run into the 5th section of Rzhechi Commonwealth! Germany - oboma hands for!

      With the politically impotent Scholz, this is unlikely. recourse
  5. +9
    30 November 2022 16: 21
    Smart people do not believe in these fairy tales for a long time.
    1. +3
      30 November 2022 16: 33
      I agree, but the topic is interesting to puff up.
      1. +5
        30 November 2022 16: 43
        It doesn’t even pull on pobuhtetb, so, swell, swell, and until the next swell
  6. -6
    30 November 2022 16: 22
    The fact that the Poles are ready to annex part of Ukraine to Poland has been discussed for a long time, and we know about it. But what Russia is preparing in response, no
    1. -5
      30 November 2022 16: 30
      Quote: SKVichyakow
      The fact that the Poles are ready to annex part of Ukraine to Poland has been discussed for a long time, and we know about it. But what Russia is preparing in response, no

      Poland, once again, will be lost on the world map ... that's all. as always.
    2. +2
      30 November 2022 16: 33
      Something is being prepared against Ukraine, which is hostile to Russia, but this very Russia should prepare some kind of response to this? Wouldn't it be better to stand on the sidelines and watch how one nasty country beats another?
  7. -3
    30 November 2022 16: 23
    Khan's outskirts ... They rode The Poles will take half the country from them ...
  8. +10
    30 November 2022 16: 24
    Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service: Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

    However, for 10 months he has been pumping the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons

    Where is the logic
    1. +5
      30 November 2022 17: 51
      Where is the logic

      She went into hibernation, taking common sense with her. What's in the article, what's in the comments :((
    2. -1
      30 November 2022 20: 15
      Quote: Santa Fe
      Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service: Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

      However, for 10 months he has been pumping the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons

      Where is the logic

      The most important - the more the APU is beaten - the less obstacles there will be for the annexation of the Lviv region. And for this, minimal supplies of weapons are needed - so that the APU resists more and we gouge them more.
      For Poland, the ideal option is for the Russian Federation to destroy the Armed Forces of Ukraine and occupy most of Ukraine
      And the population will rush to the Polish part more joyfully - from the war.
  9. -4
    30 November 2022 16: 25
    Well, actually, it may well be. The recent successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (beginning with the Kharkov events) are to a large extent due to the participation of the Poles; consequently, Poland wants to get what is due to her for this participation as soon as possible; It will not work endlessly to fool her with the fact that "everything is about to happen" :) Well, or you will have to throw it away, but the Poles themselves will not understand this from the word at all - then the situation will look even worse for Ukraine.
  10. -5
    30 November 2022 16: 26
    Quote: antiaircrafter
    Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

    You need to have time to put a Russian boot there. And stick the bayonet.

    In Belarus, near Brest, for this, a group of Russian troops is standing, it has already been written about everywhere.
    1. +6
      30 November 2022 17: 04
      Quote: polinet
      In Belarus, near Brest, for this, a group of Russian troops is standing, it has already been written about everywhere.

      do you believe that the NWO will end on the western border of Ukraine? it seems to me that everything will end with negotiations, after the liberation of the DPR
    2. 0
      30 November 2022 17: 15
      Quote: polinet
      this has been written about everywhere.

      This is the fog of war.
  11. 0
    30 November 2022 16: 26
    The Zapadenschina has been lost to us for a long time and it makes no sense to try to annex it (an extremely hostile population) It is worth trying to agree on an exchange of territories (for example, after the war, Stalin and Poland did this and there are still no complaints!) They are Lviv, we are Bialystok (historically Belarusian ). So it’s good for them and for us (exit to Kaliningrad and close the Balts) This is my opinion
    1. +4
      30 November 2022 16: 39
      Now no one will share anything with Russia until we take it ourselves. It's not 1945 outside.
  12. +1
    30 November 2022 16: 26
    Do you remember those suckers from Russian talk shows?
    Alive and well...
    Well, I'm talking about physical health with mental everything is finally covered ...
    1. 0
      30 November 2022 16: 32
      Quote: Paul Siebert
      Do you remember those suckers from Russian talk shows?
      Alive and well...
      Well, I'm talking about physical health with mental everything is finally covered ...

      Are they also LGBT now? Found each other.
      1. 0
        30 November 2022 16: 35
        Quote from: neworange88
        Are they also LGBT now?

        Party candidates... wink
    2. +2
      30 November 2022 16: 35
      Quote: Paul Siebert
      Do you remember those suckers from Russian talk shows?

      I see for the first time. Honestly, they don't care about their health at all. They want to paint themselves in something and walk with the Ukrainians - please.
      1. +2
        30 November 2022 19: 34
        Quote: Plate
        They want to paint themselves in something and walk with the Ukrainians - please.

        So they are - xoxly!
        They made money on TV with Bandera propaganda.
        Wandered from channel to channel. Hanging out nicely.
        And during covid, they disappeared. I thought they were dead.
        An, no - shit does not sink! And not even in the trenches.
        Faces are painted in Qatar... angry
        1. +1
          30 November 2022 22: 15
          How good, it turns out, not to watch political talk shows. And my heart is calmer.
    3. +3
      30 November 2022 17: 16
      Quote: Paul Siebert
      Do you remember those suckers from Russian talk shows?

      Who are they?
  13. +3
    30 November 2022 16: 27
    Let's wait and see, but there are doubts why Poland is not the right territory and population to annex it, there are more minuses / costs than possible profit.
    1. 0
      1 December 2022 12: 32
      why is it not for Poland this territory and population to annex it,
      Because the Poles do not give a damn about the population of these territories, they will drive them under the racks so that they will even be afraid to blather from there. And the entire "civilized west" of course will not notice this. And there will be another Kosovo, only with Poles instead of Albanians.
  14. -2
    30 November 2022 16: 27
    Warsaw is ready to carry out the annexation of territories as quickly as possible, as it fears that in the winter "senior NATO partners" can negotiate with Russia

    Arrogant people, those proud Poles. You are in NATO and in the European Union, but the mind must always be present, you can yell everywhere and at everyone, but remember that Russia divided you four times and must be treated with respect. We would live with Russia not as friends, but as neighbors respecting each other, then Russia could afford not to notice the accession of Eastern Kresy to Poland.
  15. +1
    30 November 2022 16: 31
    If this is so, then what exactly can we oppose them in this situation, according to garlic? Options to scold, to express concern, to announce a very red, straight burgundy line is not to be offered.
    1. 0
      30 November 2022 16: 48
      There are always options
      Dig up that shaman that Putin was going to expel and send with a new task.
      Call aliens.
      Sit silently and pretend that it was meant to be
  16. +2
    30 November 2022 16: 46
    And now something like that, they themselves showed an example. Why was it necessary to hurry up with the reception without knocking out the dill from the territories? Like they hoped that they would get scared and leave on their own? Well, yes, they left ... But the dill is not shy to fight on Russian territory and take cities, and we will take the Poles of the territory, we will be very shy to bomb anything there and even think about it, the program will find a million excuses reasons.
  17. +2
    30 November 2022 16: 52
    Naryshkin is funny and cowardly))) his fantasies cannot influence the course of events. And even if he guessed right (although anyone knew it without his hints), no one will stop Poland from doing it
  18. +1
    30 November 2022 16: 55
    Poland has prepared ballots for holding a referendum on self-determination in western Ukraine.

    The situation with Western Ukraine strongly resembles an old joke:
    Night. It's time to sleep, but Moishe doesn't sleep and sighs heavily.
    Moishe, why aren't you sleeping?
    -I have to give Iza $ 100 tomorrow, which I feel sorry for
    -And it's all? Then it's nonsense.
    After that, the wife picks up the phone, dials Easy's number and says:
    - It's true that Moisha has to give you $100 tomorrow
    - Truth
    - So he won't give them to you tomorrow
    and hangs up.
    - Moishe! Sleep well. Now let Izya not sleep and sigh

    So Poland, having received the entire Bandera region for itself, will get such a headache that it will not have to sleep for a long time, just sigh.
    Grandma with a cart
    It's easier for the mare
    (Folk wisdom)
  19. +2
    30 November 2022 17: 03
    People who understand this no longer believe.
    Neither the Poles nor the Romanians will be allowed to do this by the United States.
    They won't allow it!
    They need to maintain and leave Ukraine as a whole in order to further complicate life
    Otherwise, it would have been beneficial for the same Poles to initially agree with Russia on the division of the Ukrainian
    territory and not to swell mountains of weapons there.
    That did not happen.
    And after the surrender of Kherson will not be - they will not talk to us.
  20. -2
    30 November 2022 17: 18
    Quote: Vadim Topal-Pasha
    If Poland has any plans, then before such ACTIONS it is necessary to make peace with ALL neighbors, except for the Russian Federation. And it's better with her, too. And do not be rude to Germany, and the rest. Otherwise, instead of annexing the remnants of U., you can run into the 5th section of the Commonwealth! Germany - oboma hands for!

    Poland has never been distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity. During World War II, she was going to attack the USSR with Hitler, but Hitler considered that it was easier to gouge these inadequate people.
  21. 0
    30 November 2022 17: 21
    A backup plan - that Ukraine could not (at the moment, and so the result is clear to everyone), they will try the RP, and there a member country, but they can also throw it for slaughter.
  22. +1
    30 November 2022 18: 01
    Let them take it.
    Even after the Second World War, it was still restless for 10 years.
    Zapadentsy never considered themselves Soviet people.
  23. -1
    30 November 2022 18: 19
    If the Poles are preparing to seize territories in western Ukraine, then why does Naryshkin interfere with them by voicing these plans?
  24. 0
    30 November 2022 19: 03
    Well, the director spoke out, so what?
    "Accession" or the annexation of parts of the USSR to Poland will mean that Russia is coming from the fair.
    Poland is NATO. Not only the expansion of NATO to the East, but also NATO's persistence in the West is the failure to fulfill the "Ryabkov ultimatum", i.e. nuclear war with NATO.
  25. -2
    30 November 2022 19: 35
    Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

    The hyena of Europe has prepared for the division of the carcass .. But this time the Russian bear will not give the prey to the jackals
    We need a buffer in front of NATO (where you can shoot, etc.), so that there is nothing special there .. the western outskirts is just right for this hi
    1. 0
      1 December 2022 12: 29
      Quote from godzila
      But the Russian bear will not give the prey to the jackals this time

      What "booty"? This is his lair.
  26. -1
    30 November 2022 20: 04
    I wouldn't be surprised if someone is making similar plans with respect to Russia.
  27. -3
    30 November 2022 20: 33
    The Poles were ready to share Ukraine with the Russian Federation and the Magyars back in 2014, but one person from the Russian Federation was sharply against it. If this happened at 14, there was not much that was unnecessary and superfluous.
  28. -1
    30 November 2022 21: 57
    Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service: Poland is preparing the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine

    So what... :)
    by the way, and thanks to your department too ...
  29. 0
    30 November 2022 22: 42
    Well, it’s clear that the clairvoyants on these lands have long been salivating. But here is a sad nuance for the wide fauna there .. this fauna is unnecessary for the Poles. And they are great specialists in de-Jewishing, de-nemesis and de-Ukrainization of their lands ..
  30. +1
    30 November 2022 23: 36
    Quote: your1970

    And then who will populate this wasteland?
    Do you have 2-3 million excess population?

    I have been a West German officer for 23 years and have great sympathy for the special operation. But I have repeatedly pointed out the demographic problem in other materials. Not only in this issue, but also in the Donbass and Crimea, we have the same picture: Russian women give birth to too few children. Since there are about 1,7 children per woman, Russia's population is decreasing by about 25% in every generation.
    In Ukraine, for many years, a woman gives birth to an average of 1,45 children (the same as in Germany). This means that the number of the Ukrainian people is decreasing by about 33% every 30 years (also and especially in the western part of today's Ukraine).
    Therefore, the most important campaign takes place in Russian bedrooms and in the minds of Russian women (the idea of ​​career, individualism, nationality, etc.).
  31. 0
    1 December 2022 08: 29
    Someone should remind the Poles that Western Ukraine region they want to annex is actually the main reason why entire Ukraine suddenly become so russophobic and nazi. I certainly neither recommend to Poland or Russia to annex Galicia, because it would have really devastating consequences for any of these countries. Both Russia and Poland would do better without Galicia. Let those Nazis rot as independent micro state isolated from anyone else. Galicians are the reasons why we have digusting war crimes committed against ethnic Russian in present time, and committed against ethnic Poles, Jews and Russians during World War 2. When it comes to that, i will never understand why Poles support Neo Nazi Kiev regime Ukraine so much, when Ukronazis murdered poor polish children during world war 2, this is well known as Volhynava massacre. That doesn't make sense to me at all. That makes the same amount of irrational logic as if Serbia would worship Croatia and Albania that brutally murdered ethnic Serbian children. It just doesn't make sense. Poland shall be more like Serbia, Russia and Jews, and never forget their own victims. But sadly, Poles rather hate Russia which never did anything wrong to them then Ukronazis that sadistically murdered Polish children. Russophobia is disease, very heave disease.
  32. 0
    1 December 2022 08: 53
    Yes, many states already have mock-ups of the newly annexed ("squeezed out") ukroterritories, with the names of the regions in their own way and the heads of these ukroterritories appointed by their own ... the ukroterritories have already, in dreams, been divided between states for a long time))
  33. 0
    1 December 2022 10: 13
    We do not need the native places of Bandera, but we need to bargain to the last. For example, an exchange for the Suwalki corridor winked
  34. 0
    1 December 2022 15: 19
    Quote: antiaircrafter
    Quote: Vadim Topal-Pasha
    Germany - oboma hands for!

    Yes, and Russia will not refuse to expand the Kaliningrad region.

    Well, this is an internal affair of the Russian Federation and Germany. Austria-Hungary can only claim other territories. :)
  35. 0
    1 December 2022 15: 38
    Quote: Proxima
    Quote: Vadim Topal-Pasha can run into the 5th section of Rzhechi Commonwealth! Germany - oboma hands for!

    With the politically impotent Scholz, this is unlikely. recourse

    Yes, fuck, with whom and on whom he does not have to! Have you heard of the Chancellor Act?

    The situation can change only if Germany withdraws from the treaties on the end of WWII. She can do this only if ALL of her territory is covered by the best air defense / missile defense in the world. But it is the Russian Federation that must first go through U. and Poland.
  36. 0
    1 December 2022 17: 08
    Lviv is a strategic outlet to the center of Europe. Stalin understood this.