US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

US Congressman Jamie Raskin made an extremely Russophobic statement. He believes that Russia should be completely destroyed, and - "at any cost."

According to Raskin, he has specific reasons for such a statement. And they are rooted not in economic rivalry with the United States and the Western world as a whole, not in political confrontation or competition for spheres of influence in the regions of the planet. Even the events in Ukraine do not play a special role for Raskin.

As Raskin stated, Russia is "an Orthodox country professing traditional values." The congressman called Moscow "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hatred."

That is why it must be destroyed, no matter what price the United States pays for it. That is, if some Johns and Bills in Kansas or Texas are destined to die for the sake of destroying Russia, then so be it.

A little about Raskin - the 60-year-old congressman represents the US Democratic Party. His father was a staff assistant to John F. Kennedy, and Jamie himself chose a career as a journalist, then went into politics. He is known as a consistent supporter of the legalization of same-sex marriages, marijuana, and an opponent of the church. That is, this is a typical representative of the left-wing part of the American Democratic Party. Recently, it is this political wing that has prevailed in the party and has a huge impact on the politics of the White House.

Ruskin's statement should not be taken as the revelation of a political freak. In fact, he expressed the thoughts of so many of today's Western elites who are raised on "anti-values" and oppose traditional values.

The danger of Russia for them lies in the fact that all the forces of the world can consolidate around our country, unwilling to share the “anti-values” imposed by the West. Therefore, the confrontation between Russia and the West is really becoming more and more existential.
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  1. 54+
    31 October 2022 08: 30
    "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hate..."
    .....That is why it must be destroyed

    Well, wait, the global LGBT declared war on us belay
    I wonder if they announce mobilization for a war against sodomites, then how will the deviators be justified?)
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 21+
      31 October 2022 08: 39
      Deviators all as one will stand up for sodomites.
      1. 0
        31 October 2022 10: 03
        Deviators all as one will stand up for sodomites.

        Deviators will not even be able to defend themselves.
    3. +5
      31 October 2022 09: 00
      They will say that their hemorrhoids have worsened and they can’t do it at all ... otherwise they will suddenly be captured ...
      1. +9
        31 October 2022 09: 21
        We can say that Ruskin is a vicious hoopoe. In fact, he continues and applies the well-known Schwab theory. Expand and deepen, so to speak. After all, all those whom he extols are just another biological species. These are not the same people who have lived on Earth for so many generations. These are biological zombie robots, which will become more and more in the West. Those "values" for which johns and bills must die bring with them juvenile police, transhumanism, transplants and the like.
        That is, Raskin understands that Russia ---- is different, this is a different world.
        1. +4
          31 October 2022 10: 33
          Quote: Reptiloid
          We can say that Ruskin is a vicious hoopoe.

          Yes, the name is suggestive.
        2. +2
          31 October 2022 11: 54
          dmitry, the surname raskin refers to the Chukchi who meditate in black hats at the wailing wall, and this raskin female dog should not live this is my personal opinion
    4. +1
      31 October 2022 09: 07
      This question is not very worried about the runners! Here's how they will justify it later! Why did not participate in the battle against the gender majority in Europe? In Europe, right now, the majority of sodomites
    5. +3
      31 October 2022 09: 12
      "any" price for the destruction of Russia will mean the destruction of the United States, but as long as 0,1% of the destruction of the United States remains, they will not even twitch. An LGBT man can weave anything.
      1. 11+
        31 October 2022 09: 22
        No wonder Kadyrov called the NWO a war against Satanists and called for the unification of all confessions against world evil!
        1. 10+
          31 October 2022 10: 07
          Kadyrov is not alone: ​​the entire Arab East, China and Africa are with us.
        2. 0
          31 October 2022 10: 30
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          No wonder Kadyrov called the NWO a war against Satanists....!

          And what else to call, Vladimir Vladimirovich hi those who wear the symbols of Satan on their bodies? Or fascist? And for the states and geyropas, these are "sponsored".
          1. +2
            31 October 2022 11: 48
            Quote: Reptiloid
            And for the states and geyropas, these are "sponsored".

            Nazi Germany + almost all of Europe was also sponsored by them!
            Dima hi
            1. +4
              31 October 2022 12: 03
              In 1945, the Russians won the Victory! Now it will be too.
              No matter what.
              1. +1
                31 October 2022 12: 05
                Quote: Reptiloid
                In 1945

                Soviet! The Soviet people defeated fascism!
    6. +5
      31 October 2022 09: 45
      Quote: Ka-52
      Well, wait, the global LGBT declared war on us

      Yeah. Although it would seem that we have a quite healthy attitude towards them. The way it should be. Being gay in Russia is not forbidden, after all. You are gay and gay, what can you do with you. It is only forbidden to agitate others to become gay. And that's all - "World LGBT Hate Center". Interestingly, traditional Muslim countries were bypassed.
      I think they are not afraid of traditional values, but simply a healthy attitude towards everything that Russia is trying to demonstrate in this stream of madness.
    7. 0
      31 October 2022 11: 15
      Well, the West has thrown off its masks in front of Russia ... Hitler himself nervously smokes in hell after these fascist statements by Ruskin in the USA ....
      1. +2
        31 October 2022 11: 50
        Hitler himself nervously smokes in hell
        Ruskin is also a vegetarian, by the way. And his ancestors are from Russian Jews.
    8. 0
      31 October 2022 14: 06
      In short, Mr. Ruskin, nervously acted as an ardent intercessor for the "buggers of the whole world." And others who "joined them", global perverts from "democracy and tolerance" ...

      Alas, Mr. Raskin's navel, from anti-Russian efforts, will be untied ... What "price", whomever you promise ...
    9. 0
      1 November 2022 00: 32
      He is known as a consistent supporter of the legalization of same-sex marriages, marijuana, and an opponent of the church.

      Well, naturally! This one is also "that one". Apparently, regular pains in one place do not allow Russia to be perceived calmly ... As soon as he sits on a chair, he remembers our country with a gnashing of teeth! wassat
  2. 13+
    31 October 2022 08: 32
    And you can destroy it yourself "at any cost" and it will not be necessary for John and Bill to die. This is the result of tolerance! We show tolerance for homosexuals, and then they us "at any cost."
    1. +6
      31 October 2022 08: 42
      That's right. They destroyed Soleimani. And nothing. Why not destroy this homo, save the world.
      1. +4
        31 October 2022 09: 04
        He is not alone, he just blabbed. Sodom and Gomorrah of our time ... "the impudent Saxon empire" ... perhaps the legends are not such legends, but quite a story that can repeat itself again. Sodom and Gomorrah were burned by fire with sky. With the first it is clear, but fire from the sky is a nuclear weapon?! Perhaps.
      2. +2
        31 October 2022 09: 11
        To understand this Ruskin, the first is the elections, the second is the elections from the state of Maryland, where a fairly large percentage of voters are Jews, the third is the granddaughter of Russian-Jewish migrants. There is a lot of material about him in the wiki. About religion in Maryland, quite interesting numbers and about composition of families. For some reason, a large percentage are not married.
    2. +2
      31 October 2022 09: 05
      It's too late, there are now, as it were, not a third of them. You must always remember that steam locomotives must be crushed while they are kettles.
    3. 0
      31 October 2022 09: 27
      It is forbidden. Ruskin is not some kind of John or Bill.
      Yes, and in the case of a nix, it is repatriated.

      As Raskin stated, Russia is "an Orthodox country professing traditional values." The congressman called Moscow "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hatred."

      He modestly kept silent about anti-fascist and anti-Zionist hatred.
  3. +6
    31 October 2022 08: 32
    Who would doubt what is really on their minds. "Thank you" to this amerigos for incontinence of ulterior thoughts.
  4. +5
    31 October 2022 08: 33
    US Congressman Jamie Raskin made an extremely Russophobic statement. He believes that Russia should be completely destroyed, and - "at any cost."
    Are there few of them, EVERYWHERE is found ...
    It's bad when they bunch up, concentrate in one place.
    Quite the trouble when they also come to power!!!
    Examples in history ... there are!
    1. +5
      31 October 2022 08: 39
      There are disadvantages of democracy. And why is it needed in this form.
      Our truncated version is better than such game. We let all the power blow in one tune. But this is better than representatives of the leadership would carry outright heresy.
      And dangerous for the whole planet.
      1. +4
        31 October 2022 09: 23
        It can also be said that nothing remains of the original meaning of democracy.
        The dictatorship of the elected minority / majority, this is where it happened.
        One defining one is ruled by a wealthy minority, and the rest is a tool / means in achieving their goals.
        Nothing new, in general, if the presenters had not become obsessed, they had gone crazy to the extreme.
        1. +1
          31 October 2022 10: 20
          Quote: rocket757
          .... nothing remains of the original meaning of democracy.
          Dictatorship of a Chosen Minority/.....

          Some of them said that democracy is just a tool. They can also use other tools.
          1. +1
            31 October 2022 11: 06
            And there is no reception against LOMA!
            One hit and... their entire instrumental goes to waste.
    2. +1
      31 October 2022 09: 30
      Greetings Victor wink it's really good that he spoke so frankly.
      Quote: rocket757
      ..... Are there few of them, EVERYWHERE is found ...
      It's bad when they huddle...

      At the same time, the behavior of all sorts of domestic LGBT artists, directors already looks different. Or all sorts of biological women who surround themselves with LGBT "men"
      1. +2
        31 October 2022 09: 35
        Hi Dmitry soldier
        They, the film industry, and others, are different, not only a dream factory, they are also conductors of hatred in all directions, where they somehow disagree with them!
        1. +2
          31 October 2022 10: 12
          Here, domestic people can no longer have any chatter about freedoms, tolerance, multiculturalism
          Quote: rocket757
          ...... They, the film industry, .... not only a dream factory, they are also conductors of hatred ...
          1. +1
            31 October 2022 11: 03
            We have such nonsense, and so it is not in honor ... only for the "chosen / bullied".
            Conservatism, loyalty to traditional values ​​/ rules, our everything!
            1. +1
              31 October 2022 11: 09
              Quote: rocket757
              We have such nonsense and so it is not honored ... only for the "chosen ones! ....

              So they are trying to distribute for everyone else, for young people
              1. +2
                31 October 2022 11: 17
                So the eternal struggle... against Satanism.
                Fortunately, even the Almighty sometimes intervenes ... Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed once ... so be it, this time. There is no other way, it is unnatural to the universe itself!
                1. +2
                  31 October 2022 11: 40
                  Viktor, you remember the "face of Sberbank" that ran away.
                  How many young people tolerated him? Or to such variety LGBT people.
                  Quote: rocket757
                  ... Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed once ... so be it, this time. ....
                  1. +1
                    31 October 2022 12: 57
                    So we see, we know that in our "Kingdom of Denmark", there are all sorts of different things and not a few !!!
                    1. +3
                      31 October 2022 13: 03
                      Do you remember, Victor, how it began, they say, they are unhappy, nature created them like that, they should be pitied? And then ? They began to fool their own kind, they have become more and more aggressive over the past 20 years. Just combat.
                      1. +1
                        31 October 2022 13: 38
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Just combat.

                        Combat ... that's just against the Russian folk reception, called LO, a fist, in an easy version, all their militancy quickly ends.
    3. +4
      31 October 2022 10: 52
      One surname says a lot, including nationality. The fact that for the "value system" Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the face of the earth for the collective spreaders is apparently not a lesson. Here you will inevitably believe in all sorts of reptilians, because they reproduce through the cloaca. So all the mental atavisms of reptilian creatures are in their face.
      1. +1
        31 October 2022 11: 04
        Don't just stay away just hit if you get it, over and over again.
  5. +6
    31 October 2022 08: 33
    So let him go as a signalman to an aircraft carrier. A fucking threat.
  6. 14+
    31 October 2022 08: 35
    More and more facts are emerging that the United States is the embodiment of Evil. Satanism is just that.
    1. +3
      31 October 2022 08: 41
      It is obvious that Ramzan Kadyrov, who was the first to give a new trend to the SVO as a fight against world Satanism, became the first global goal-keeper of Russia. It is this meaning that interrupts all sorts of incomprehensible ones: decommunism, deoccupation and denazification, which the GDP invented.
  7. +8
    31 October 2022 08: 37
    Dear congressmen, when your bones turn white, Russia will continue to exist)
    1. +2
      31 October 2022 09: 24
      Yes exactly ! It is Russia that will defeat these sodomites! Their prophet Edgar Cayce said that the hope for the world would come from Russia!
  8. +4
    31 October 2022 08: 39
    And where will he go or does he have a ticket to the moon ???
    1. +3
      31 October 2022 08: 52
      To Mars. The feeling that everyone lives on other planets and lives in very distant galaxies. Well, hit us, even assuming the situation that nothing will take off from us in response and not shoot (which of course is unlikely, but there is a chance). Where the Finns will fly away, Norwegians, Balts, Poles, Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Romanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Kazakhs, Chinese, Mongols, Koreans and Japanese? will not stay at the borders, it will crawl to kill the whole ball. And all because of 3,14 x, trances and lesbians? The world has definitely gone crazy.
      1. +2
        31 October 2022 09: 25
        they just don't read books. and they are *On the last shore*. And they don't even watch movies. screen version of this book. but it was dashed off by a man from the west. his to them.
    2. +2
      31 October 2022 09: 34
      Quote: Ros 56
      And where will he go or does he have a ticket to the moon ???

      In the promised
      1. +1
        31 October 2022 12: 50
        Well, well, there won't be anything left of them. Everyone but us is in hell.
  9. +6
    31 October 2022 08: 40
    The danger of Russia for them lies in the fact that all the forces of the world can consolidate around our country, unwilling to share the “anti-values” imposed by the West. Therefore, the confrontation between Russia and the West is really becoming more and more existential.

    Quite right! But for this we need a military victory in Ukraine. Complete and unconditional.
    Only then will these countries find a center for consolidation in Russia.

    And secondly, without offering a social model different from the West, we will not go far, because we will remain a copy of it. Just something like conservative Poland, Hungary or the Arab countries - religion, traditionalism, and so on.
    But it cannot unite for long. Only a completely different model of social structure and relationships.

    And to portray the confrontation between Russia and the West in the form of a struggle for gay rights and marijuana is extremely superficial and stupid. It is unfortunate that VO sees this fight that way. Since these reasons are just external tinsel to divert the attention of the population from the actions of the authorities, the oligarchy.

    The West is afraid of only one thing - that Russia can again become an example for other countries, like the USSR once did. And then it is far from certain that the entire West can withstand this struggle.
    1. +1
      31 October 2022 08: 56
      Quote: Quote Lavrov
      The danger of Russia for them lies in the fact that all the forces of the world can consolidate around our country, unwilling to share the “anti-values” imposed by the West. Therefore, the confrontation between Russia and the West is really becoming more and more existential.

      Quite right! But for this we need a military victory in Ukraine. Complete and unconditional.
      Only then will these countries find a center for consolidation in Russia.

      And secondly, without offering a social model different from the West, we will not go far, because we will remain a copy of it. Just something like conservative Poland, Hungary or the Arab countries - religion, traditionalism, and so on.
      But it cannot unite for long. Only a completely different model of social structure and relationships.

      And to portray the confrontation between Russia and the West in the form of a struggle for gay rights and marijuana is extremely superficial and stupid. It is unfortunate that VO sees this fight that way. Since these reasons are just external tinsel to divert the attention of the population from the actions of the authorities, the oligarchy.

      The West is afraid of only one thing - that Russia can again become an example for other countries, like the USSR once did. And then it is far from certain that the entire West can withstand this struggle.

      I agree with this 100%!
    2. +1
      31 October 2022 09: 44
      Quote: Quote Lavrov
      without offering a social model different from the West, we will not go far, because we will remain a copy of it.

      Already offered once. 4 generations worked.
      Quote: Quote Lavrov
      The West is afraid of only one thing - that Russia can again become an example for other countries, like the USSR once did.

      Let's hope it does. hi
  10. 0
    31 October 2022 08: 41
    Two people can also play this game. However, there are three of us.
  11. +5
    31 October 2022 08: 42
    US Congressman openly calls for genocide? For me personally, there is nothing surprising in this. Their ancestors on the US continent started with this...
  12. +9
    31 October 2022 08: 42
    Jamie Ruskin seems to have a falling out with his husband..... wassat
    1. +1
      31 October 2022 10: 56
      Jamie Ruskin seems to have had a fight with his husband...
      Yeah, because he has PMS.
  13. 0
    31 October 2022 08: 43
    Everything is correctly stated, the dog, on the eve of Halloween, he was drawn to frankness.
    1. HAM
      31 October 2022 09: 15
      "Halloween" - Satan's holiday is already collecting its bloody collection. No, I'm not gloating about the tragedy in Seoul, but this is a wake-up call (even alarm) to idiots, who may not openly support Satanism, but do not think about the consequences, but follow Western "fashion" out of their stupidity ... so the "fighting buggers" raised their heads, and they also don't care how many people die for their "values" .....
  14. +1
    31 October 2022 08: 43
    US Congressman Jamie Raskin made an extremely Russophobic statement.
    He is not the first, nor is he the last, to make such statements.
  15. +5
    31 October 2022 08: 43
    Putin recently in his speech said the most important word in the history of his reign - SATANISM! Everything ... that says it all. this henchman of the adherents of darkness and Satan ... who unleash wars ... probably when he came to power, he was initiated into a secret sect of Satanists in power in the United States. Maybe even drank blood from a newborn. I would burn this creature in the guise of a man at the stake .. alive. The Inquisition must be revived.
    1. 0
      1 November 2022 05: 09
      It was not Putin who said it, but Kadyrov. Do not attribute "genius".
  16. +6
    31 October 2022 08: 44
    I am proud that this mug listed! As for the destruction,only after you!
  17. -8
    31 October 2022 08: 44
    As always, there are no links to the text. So guess if the translation is not crooked.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      31 October 2022 10: 27
      Quote: AlexeyEg
      As always, there are no links to the text. So guess if the translation is not crooked.

      What bothers you? This is not the first mattress pretzel statement from Russian policy when we are declared enemy No. 1 and are offered to be wiped out with nuclear bombs. Are you still hoping to read somewhere that mattresses wish Russia peace and prosperity? Naive.
      1. -1
        31 October 2022 19: 57
        I am confused by the fact that I myself, with my own eyes, cannot read the text in English.
        1. 0
          31 October 2022 20: 06
          Quote: AlexeyEg
          I am confused by the fact that I myself, with my own eyes, cannot read the text in English.

          This is a Russian resource, maybe it makes sense for you to move your mind to the English-speaking segment and not suffer here with the translation? One hell, for two years of being in VO, you didn’t even knock down pluses to the ordinary, and you see, with your anti-Russian goniometer, you would already be a generalissimo. Think about it, maybe it makes sense to change the site of your free time application? Or is it because they don’t pay money and you are forced to use a hated service that doesn’t give you an English version?
          1. -1
            31 October 2022 21: 10
            1) The source of information is always indicated on sane resources. If it is not, it means that anyone can write any nonsense. 2) NOT you advise me what to do. 3) "anti-Russian .." Are you sure you're not an idiot? 4) It looks like you are the one.
            1. +1
              31 October 2022 21: 28
              Quote: AlexeyEg
              1) The source of information is always indicated on sane resources. If it is not, it means that anyone can write any nonsense.

              Well, here, listen, what you want to hear, in your native English language and on the mattress resource -
    3. +1
      31 October 2022 11: 04
      A brief search leads us through the telegram account to Tucker Carson, who reveals the delusional thoughts of not the first activist in Congress. [media=]
      But I categorically agree that on the responsible sites db there is a link to the stuffing root. Not on the "line", which cannot be reached through the blocked from the desktop, but directly "who was the first". And we know that VO is not a site made for that, but actually for a fan.
  18. 0
    31 October 2022 08: 51
    US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

    This is a normal statement from the US, considering who they are.
    In this situation, we only need to do a number of simple things. Limit the US dollar within the borders of the AUKUS military bloc, and then expose THE MOST price
    There are no brave and worthy people in America. And there won't be any more. And the notion "AT ANY PRICE" they are not even close to familiar. It cannot be familiar to those who live at the expense of others, who are not even able to understand that it's exactly like that.
    Further, what they will do will determine a very simple concept - cost. In every sense of the word. From the scientific and economic to the moral and aesthetic, through the socio-political.
    They are, on pure water, completely bankrupt, and for a long time - there will be nothing to pay them with, neither, now - nor, later.
    For them, "any price" is whatever. And for us, she is always alone. Therefore, we will continue to live, but they will not.
  19. +2
    31 October 2022 08: 53
    The eternal journalist exaggerates. The modern Russian Federation bears little resemblance to "anti-American". The Russian Federation is not Iran, and not China. And the Federation is full of abominations.
    The Russian Federation generously distributes its resources and there is still a lot left. And the US wants to establish control over Russia in a less indirect way.
    Those who are strong in "hindsight" are just a propaganda tool.
    ps It is possible to call our country Orthodox only conditionally.
  20. +1
    31 October 2022 08: 53
    Yes, it’s not a question ...... just where will he spend his loot, wang, that in the swamps in Australia ... if the natives don’t eat .... There will be no Russia, there will be no states .... we are at a price let's not stand ..... Something like that.
  21. +2
    31 October 2022 08: 53
    US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

    You are not the first, you are not the last, nit. Look, don't die
  22. +3
    31 October 2022 09: 13
    Here is p..daassy. crushed. Probably even in the midst of the Cold War, few people allowed themselves such statements.
  23. +1
    31 October 2022 09: 14
    The congressman called Moscow "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hatred."

    Well done Congressman! He directly named the main goal of "not people" from the US leadership.
    The rest of mankind must make a choice - to remain human beings with fathers, mothers and children with Moscow, or turn into a herd of animals and die out naturally due to violation of the rules of evolution with Washington and London.
  24. +2
    31 October 2022 09: 23
    As far as I understand, all ice ax factories are closed. But there are private forges...
  25. 0
    31 October 2022 09: 26
    And what do you want from this Palestinian muzzle. They are busy with this. Holocaust victims
  26. 0
    31 October 2022 09: 28
    That is, this is a typical representative of the left-wing part of the American Democratic Party.

    One thing is incomprehensible, why do American Democrats strive to write everything down as "leftists"?
    The left stands for social justice, for equality. But these guys have nothing to do with such things. Faithful lackeys of big capital, which, through the reformatting of mass consciousness through the destruction of traditional values, is preparing a technotronic totalitarian dictatorship, in which the "tops" and "bottoms" will share the same abyss as between shepherds and sheep.
    1. 0
      31 October 2022 15: 21
      Quote: Illanatol
      One thing is incomprehensible, why do American Democrats strive to write everything down as "leftists"?

      Not to the left, but to the left. The difference between them is like between the Bolsheviks and Zyuganov. smile
      Leftists are those who, using left-wing rhetoric and methods, push through the agenda, which in the end is beneficial to big capital.
      1. 0
        2 November 2022 09: 12
        Zyuganov is not a leftist, what are you talking about. It is like an apple - red on the outside, and quite white on the inside. Western "leftists" are, for example, Marcuse or Gramsci.
        American Democrats have little in common with them. And not leftists and not leftists.
        The key issue is the question of private property. If you are "for" in this matter, you consider it a boon - there is nothing left in you. And not left and not leftist ... just right.
        It's hard for me to imagine that Biden or the Clintons were against private property.
        So they are all right.
        US political palette - 50 shades of brown. Right versus right.
  27. +1
    31 October 2022 09: 29
    Satanist wants to destroy?
    And he apparently does not plan to die.
    In vain he excludes such a possibility.
    As Sharapov says, you uncle apparently intended a century for himself.
    You will all die if you twitch.
  28. -1
    31 October 2022 09: 36
    He is known as a consistent supporter of the legalization of same-sex marriages, marijuana, an opponent of the church

    Why not organize a situation for him when this congressman is raped by a stoned devil?
    Maybe after that the American congressman will begin to see clearly ...
  29. 0
    31 October 2022 09: 37
    "Well, crazy - what can you take! .." - V. Vysotsky.
    And they have a lot of those. One of the signs of the degradation of the empire.
  30. +2
    31 October 2022 09: 43
    US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

    Only through the corpses of all Americans ...
  31. +1
    31 October 2022 09: 43
    As Raskin stated, Russia is "an Orthodox country professing traditional values." The congressman called Moscow "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hatred."

    Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not because perverts ruled there, but because they were aggressive perverts. sad
  32. -4
    31 October 2022 09: 50
    Well, what kind of Ruskin does not dream of becoming Zhirinovsky? ..
  33. 0
    31 October 2022 09: 58
    "At any cost" is insanity in the highest degree. The whole world is in ruins! Do not sit behind a puddle. Well, we are in heaven, and they just die.
  34. -2
    31 October 2022 09: 59
    It would be nice to have an original link to the source of information. I couldn't find anything about this in the English version.
  35. +2
    31 October 2022 10: 11
    Russia is an “Orthodox country professing traditional values”.
    Indeed, obscurantism and Satanism are sweeping the planet. And these people still talk about some of their own values, invented by them, which "democratic" countries are obliged to adhere to? Hitler modestly smokes into a fist in the corner.
  36. +1
    31 October 2022 10: 13
    A serious statement from a serious man. And that is what their policy is based on. We do not share their values. And thank God! But these immoral representatives of liberalism and tolerance will not improve, so they need to be destroyed. All to hell and into one cauldron. And we will not stand behind the price.
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  37. -1
    31 October 2022 10: 14
    US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

    Well, I can’t take the nonsense of gray geldings and mares seriously.
    I remembered:

    Music from "Melnitsa", lyrics (added and replaced) are mine:

    The red sun sank
    Capercaillie fell silent in the forest
    We went out into the field to fight with Rasseyushka
    Ghouls and bats.

    The hatches in the mines are already ajar,
    "Yars" hastily go to the districts,
    And since April "Sarmat" is produced,
    And kaput will come to the enemies of all!

    Don't twist, pederast, I'll drink my booty,
    To whimper later did not have to.
    Let's deal with you and with Europe,
    Let's break the satanic axis.

    Let our wives not worry
    After all, we told them more than once:
    Let the enemies multiply at least a hundred times
    Kerosene is poured into Tu-shek tanks.

    The heroic force behind the fees
    Not visible to them, apparently, yet.
    Let's deal with rotten "partners"
    If they come out, they will get a kick!

    "Petushki" with painted faces!
    You will be afraid in our land!
    It's not for you to shake loose skin
    With a rainbow flag on the defile ...
  38. Two
    31 October 2022 10: 24
    hi Jamin Ben Raskin[2] was born on December 13, 1962 in Washington, D.C. to a Jewish family of Barbara (née Bellman) Ruskin and Marcus Ruskin. His mother was a journalist and writer,[7] and his father was a former National Security Council aide to President John F. Kennedy, co-founder of the Institute for Policy Studies, and a progressive activist.[8][9] Ruskin graduated from Georgetown Day School in 1979 at age 16. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College and Phi Beta Kappa in 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration with a concentration in Political Theory. In 1987, he received his Juris Doctor degree summa cum laude from Harvard Law School, where he was editor of the Harvard Law Review.[10]
    What is there to wait? Sidecuts? am
  39. 0
    31 October 2022 11: 13
    He is not the first, and he will not be the last.
    As the unforgettable Alexander Nevsky used to say: whoever comes to us with a sword, we will plow him into a plowshare! ..
    Well, or something like that
  40. 0
    31 October 2022 11: 22
    Recently, it is this political wing that has prevailed in the party and has a huge impact on the politics of the White House.

    Ilya, this is frankly "not so." To begin with, the BLM is not an independent phenomenon, but serving the interests of globalists. But can they be conditionally called supporters of the "golden billion" idea? Some are about money, while others are about populism for the sake of a momentary seizure of power. The BLM idea has no constructiveness for the society on which it parasitizes - they do not carry an economic component in their agenda at all, except for "take away and divide." On the other hand, the true motives for driving the plague of the BLM into the politicians of the states were and remain in the control and terrorization of the rational population. And here Tucker Carson plays against the globalists, because he rationally analyzes an idiotic statement. In fact, this is finishing off the outgoing agenda in the ass.
    The current context of the debate "before the elections" is about the economy, not about foreign policy. And Raskin said, but only that he was ready to receive funding on the subject of "BLM" as a stubborn mouthpiece of propaganda.
  41. 0
    31 October 2022 11: 55
    US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

    Do they divide the Zeliboboy path into a couple or is it a "supplier of happiness" to Ukraine?
  42. +2
    31 October 2022 12: 53
    What suffers is not clear. "At any price" ? Kill yourself against the wall - and there will be no Russia for you personally. Simple and effective))
  43. +1
    31 October 2022 13: 35
    US Congressman Jamie Raskin made an extremely Russophobic statement. He believes that Russia should be completely destroyed, and - "at any cost."
    You can claim anything. Donalt also threatened to wipe North/Korea off the face of the earth. They drove a couple of aircraft carriers with a caudle, let bubbles into the water and the fuse disappeared. And Russia is more serious.
  44. 0
    31 October 2022 13: 46
    George Orwell:
    "The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.
    Hierarchical society [= Feudalism] is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.
    This new version is the past [= Faketine realized only since 1917 AD]
    and no different past can ever have existed [= Ottoman Judea & Galilee since deep-antiquity].
    In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation."
    Orwell also wrote about the generations-long (perpetual) war between Oceania (Anglo-America) and the continentals (Eurasia) and about the false-interception of false-launched missiles between those parties, a-la Gaza's enveloper.
  45. 0
    31 October 2022 13: 56
    What did you think? They don't have a choice. And they won't stand up for the price.
    The congressman just told the truth. Why he did it is another question. But this is true. Even truth.
  46. 0
    31 October 2022 14: 47
    Quote: iouris
    What did you think? They don't have a choice.
    Do you want to die?
  47. 0
    31 October 2022 15: 24
    so I said for a long time that now the Russian Federation will have to save the world from tridvaras, along with fashuli and other joys of the West
  48. CYM
    31 October 2022 15: 46
    Congressman called Moscow "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hatred"
    IMHO As for the anti-feminist, anti-gey center, there are blatant lies and feminists and gays in our country, even in the highest power structures. With public transgender people, we really lag behind progress, there is nothing to hide here. request But seriously, as I understand it, we are persistently offered to lead a crusade - a jihad against sodomites and other perverts. Christians and Muslims ~ 55% of the world's population, there is something to think about. winked
  49. +1
    31 October 2022 15: 54
    The thing is, it's not just Johns and Bills in Kansas who will die to achieve this goal... after all, all those Jamie Ruskins will be sawn out in Congress the same way. Is he ready for this?
  50. +1
    31 October 2022 15: 55
    Inhuman. And it looks like a person. A very dangerous mutation.
  51. +1
    31 October 2022 16: 17
    This statement is a cry from the heart of a neo-globalist. Who immediately understood everything on the topic))
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  54. amr
    31 October 2022 19: 43
    Quote: Tatiana
    this, according to medicine, is precisely the biological DEGENERATES who have declared war on HEALTHY people.

    According to medical statistics, due to the nature of psycho-physical deviations, sexual degenerates are born and number no more than 6% of the population. If there are more than 6% of them in the country, then this is already the result of the SATANIC education of youth by the “tops” and those in power in a given country.

    Grigory Klimov???

    His books on this topic are very interesting!
    but these books send us and our government into the same abyss))
  55. +1
    31 October 2022 19: 48
    believes that Russia should be completely destroyed

    Do they not have bricks falling from above, or some kind of truck that doesn’t lose control?!
    If it is not possible to destroy them all together, then they must be destroyed one by one...
    These are dangerous for Russia and humanity!
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  57. 0
    1 November 2022 01: 42
    Now it’s clear what kind of idiots sit in the US Congress
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  59. +1
    1 November 2022 15: 04
    Commentators don't worry! You yourself or your children will witness the physical disappearance from the surface of the Earth of this last evil empire in the history of mankind - the USA! Everything will happen in a matter of minutes - first, a monstrous earthquake with a magnitude of more than 12 points, and then two tsunamis 600 meters high from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, followed by the lowering of the continental plate (USA) under water! Only the Appalachians and the Cordilleras will remain above the water! And as a bonus, the same thing will happen to Japan, England, Indonesia, the Philippines, Hawaii and all of lowland Europe! "LIE liberal-democratic" civilization is doomed to destruction! The story of Sodom and Gomorrah will be repeated only on a larger scale!!!
  60. 0
    1 November 2022 15: 25
    US congressman called for the destruction of Russia "at any cost"

    Even at the cost of destroying the rest of the world, including Pin Dossiya? belay
    Dare! fellow
    Their fellow citizens will hang them from the nearest lamppost. Yes
    They, unlike you, have probably not yet been given life. lol
  61. 0
    1 November 2022 17: 23
    And what place does this ghoul assign to himself in the event of the “destruction” of Russia? Moreover, which one is not in the figurative sense, but in the geographical sense? Does he live on another planet?
  62. 0
    1 November 2022 19: 53
    It would be nice to take this idiot to Russia and have him repeat these nonsense in a prelude, for example on Red Square.