Attacks were made on enemy targets in Zaporozhye, officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were taken prisoner near Kherson

Attacks were made on enemy targets in Zaporozhye, officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were taken prisoner near Kherson

Illustrative photo

At night, Russian troops attacked the accumulation of enemy troops and equipment in the enemy-controlled part of the Zaporozhye region. Recall that earlier there were repeated reports that Ukrainian troops were increasing the concentration of forces and means with a clear eye on the possibility of striking in the south - with a breakthrough to Melitopol and Berdyansk. After the explosion on the Crimean bridge, this probability has increased significantly, since it is extremely important for the Kyiv regime against the backdrop of certain problems with traffic on this infrastructure facility to try to cut the land transport corridor to Crimea.

At night, strikes were also made against enemy targets directly in the city of Zaporozhye. The Ukrainian side is retouching photos of objects that were hit in the city. This usually means that we are talking about military facilities in Ukraine.

As a result of one of the strikes, electricity was lost in at least one of the districts of the city of Zaporozhye.

Meanwhile, reports are coming in about the capture by Russian troops of two officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the Kherson direction. According to some reports, this happened in the Andreevka area, where Ukrainian troops have been active lately. A video of the preliminary interrogation of intelligence officers is expected to be released soon.
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  1. -14
    10 October 2022 06: 50
    All according to Remarque. "All Quiet on the Western Front"
    1. 0
      15 October 2022 06: 31
      if you find out exactly the places of concentration of the Ukronazi troops and inflict rocket-artillery-bomb strikes on them, then you will get good moves.
  2. Two
    10 October 2022 06: 57
    hi Maybe they will say what GURovtsy then? Or maybe there's nothing to say...
    1. +32
      10 October 2022 06: 59
      What will they say? I am the cook of a musical autobat, I didn’t hold a machine gun in my hands, they planted a video of torture, and drew swastikas while I was sleeping ...
      1. +23
        10 October 2022 07: 02
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        What will they say? I am the cook of a musical autobat, I didn’t hold a machine gun in my hands, they planted a video of torture, and drew swastikas while I was sleeping ...

        We will feed, drink, hold in the sanatorium and exchange for our exhausted guys.
        1. +1
          10 October 2022 07: 12
          Quote from ARIONkrsk
          We will feed, drink, hold in the sanatorium and exchange for our exhausted guys.

          Two for more than two hundred?
          Of course, we don't mind. Ukraine, I think, will object ...
          1. +2
            10 October 2022 07: 25
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            Two for more than two hundred?

            Alas, they have already run out of Medvedchuks ...
    2. +8
      10 October 2022 07: 03
      This is how and who will ask. Pears on the front line are quite interesting fruits for counterintelligence.
    3. -5
      10 October 2022 08: 01
      Truly, some kind of dummy bums to fool our heads.
      1. 0
        10 October 2022 14: 44
        You are right, all their GRU have long been homeless. NATO advisers and inspectors have long pushed them out of their offices in Kyiv onto the street.
  3. 0
    10 October 2022 07: 04
    there are reports of the capture by Russian troops of two officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
    The officers of this organization must know a lot of interesting things...
    1. -3
      10 October 2022 07: 14
      You forgot about the iPhone as a gift from our grateful oligarch.
    2. 0
      10 October 2022 08: 41
      There is no need to exaggerate. In their field - they know. But nothing more. Who would trust them with non-core secrets?
      1. 0
        10 October 2022 12: 05
        Quote: Pereira
        There is no need to exaggerate. In their field - they know. But nothing more. Who would trust them with non-core secrets?

        So they will be "pricked" in the profile direction, whom they supervised, who from the NATO special forces supervised them, what goals and tasks they carried out at the forefront.
        It is unlikely that our specialists are interested in their knowledge of cooking (just kidding).
  4. 0
    10 October 2022 07: 12
    Were these officers taken with their uniforms? With military documents? If not, then these are saboteurs, only one sentence is possible, by the way, this is how our enemies so adored by the Ukrainians acted in the Great Patriotic War.
  5. +1
    10 October 2022 07: 24
    Meanwhile, reports are coming in about the capture by Russian troops of two officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the Kherson direction. According to some reports, this happened in the Andreevka area, where Ukrainian troops have been active lately. A video of the preliminary interrogation of intelligence officers is expected to be released soon.
    It’s strange, usually they try not to advertise this and they don’t give out such specialists, well, you need to look and listen to what it is and who it is, and what they said there
  6. 0
    10 October 2022 07: 43
    Why advertise the detention of saboteurs and other crap ... They took it, gutted the information. They split - to the swans for life ..., no - quietly strangled while trying to escape ....
    1. 0
      11 October 2022 14: 15
      Quote from uprun
      They split - to the swans for life ..., no - quietly strangled while trying to escape ....

      And why will I or you feed these non-humans with our taxes? This is not a stupid forced theo-defense meat - these are ideological and very cruel enemies who laid down their lives to destroy us.
      With regard to these Nazis, the alternative should be different: split - a quick bullet in the back of the head ... no - for a stake. Somewhere I read that the Bandera people provided approximately a similar choice to our valuable foam for important information. So everything is in their Bandera traditions.
  7. -1
    10 October 2022 07: 50
    It would be better if we put out the art that is naughty in Donetsk! In my opinion, another trifle that should cover our trampling!
  8. -5
    10 October 2022 07: 54
    Quote: svp67
    Meanwhile, reports are coming in about the capture by Russian troops of two officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the Kherson direction. According to some reports, this happened in the Andreevka area, where Ukrainian troops have been active lately. A video of the preliminary interrogation of intelligence officers is expected to be released soon.
    It’s strange, usually they try not to advertise this and they don’t give out such specialists, well, you need to look and listen to what it is and who it is, and what they said there

    I was also surprised - what kind of GRU officers are on the front line and in battle formations?
    1. -3
      10 October 2022 08: 25
      Quote from monetam
      what kind of GRU officers are on the front line and in combat formations?

      The most interesting thing is, where did you get this info, that it was specifically on the front line and exclusively in combat formations? And even the GRU...winked
      1. -3
        10 October 2022 08: 45
        We have the GRU, they have everything reshaped anti-Soviet - GUR.
        1. -2
          10 October 2022 08: 54
          Quote from Drotro
          We have the GRU, they have everything reshaped anti-Soviet - GUR.

          Here's what I'm talking about....
  9. -4
    10 October 2022 08: 28
    At night, strikes were also made against enemy targets directly in the city of Zaporozhye. The Ukrainian side is retouching photos of objects that were hit in the city.

    Just saw it on Varoline. I don't quite understand what's been retouched.

    I looked in Telegram - there are other photos and videos.
  10. 0
    10 October 2022 21: 53
    Quote: lithium17
    It would be better if we put out the art that is naughty in Donetsk! In my opinion, another trifle that should cover our trampling!

    I read that it takes 15 minutes to fly from the Russian military airfield Millerovo, what prevented them from launching a couple of missiles at Ukrainian artillery?
  11. 0
    10 October 2022 22: 35
    Very powerful blow! A worthy response to undermining the Crimean bridge!
  12. 0
    11 October 2022 22: 59
    The officers will try to escape... tired