Musk responded to Ukrainian accusations of a “pro-Russian” position

Musk responded to Ukrainian accusations of a “pro-Russian” position

After Elon Musk published a number of posts on the social network on October 3 with his vision of ending the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, a flurry of criticism from Ukrainian users and, if I may say so, elites fell upon the billionaire.

Many users who read Musk's proposals were quick to accuse the head of SpaceX of a "pro-Russian" position. After all, one of the points of his settlement plan is the recognition of Crimea as Russian, as it was, literally, “before Khrushchev’s mistake.”

Some Ukrainian officials, as well as their wives, completely went over Musk with obscene posts, urging him to shut up (actually a much less literary word was used) and focus on supplying Ukraine with free high-speed Internet.

Zelensky went even further, published a post calling for a choice between a pro-Russian and a pro-Ukrainian Mask.

Today, the American billionaire published another message in which he responded to accusations from the so-called "haters".

Musk recalled that his SpaceX corporation had already spent about $80 million to provide the Armed Forces with Starlink wireless Internet. At the same time, the businessman stressed that he spent $0 on Russia.

Thus, according to Musk, accusations against him of a “pro-Russian” position are completely absurd.

In turn, the billionaire explained the position on the Crimea. He believes that an attempt by Ukraine to return the peninsula by military means can lead to irreparable consequences, ranging from huge losses in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to a nuclear conflict.

In addition, the businessman noted that today's escalation in Ukraine is harming the whole world. That is why it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. To this end, he published his proposals for de-escalation.

According to Musk, sooner or later it will be necessary to agree, and therefore it is better sooner than later, as this will save people's lives.
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  1. +26
    4 October 2022 12: 20
    At present, it is considered normal when any sane person immediately falls into the category of “pro-Russian”.
    1. +26
      4 October 2022 12: 25
      Some Ukrainian officials, as well as their wives, completely went over Musk with obscene posts, urging him to shut up (in fact, a much less literary word was used) and focus on the supply of FREE HIGH-SPEED Internet to Ukraine.

      Musk recalled that his SpaceX corporation has already spent about $ 80 million to provide the Armed Forces with Starlink wireless Internet. At the same time, the businessman stressed that he spent $0 on Russia..

      Musk doesn't know who he's messed with - the half-witted fat-eaters who dug up the Black Sea!
      1. +7
        4 October 2022 12: 43
        Elon Musk is an American, so he is extraordinarily smart that he knows where Crimea is. A few months ago, I myself did not know what achievements the Ukrainians claim for themselves, having only invented themselves a hundred years ago.
        1. +2
          4 October 2022 14: 20
          Quote from: Artillerieunteroffizier
          Elon Musk is American, therefore unusually smart

          I'll tell you - you're wrong.
          And don't speak German to me - I'll think even worse of you.

    2. +5
      4 October 2022 12: 40
      At present, it is considered normal when any sane person immediately falls into the category of “pro-Russian”.

      Being sane in the West is not fashionable now
    3. +5
      4 October 2022 12: 54
      Quote from: Artillerieunteroffizier
      At present, it is considered normal when any sane person immediately falls into the category of “pro-Russian”.

      And he correctly called Ukrainian netizens "haters".
      A hater is a person who hates something or someone fiercely (from the English hate).
    4. +14
      4 October 2022 13: 00
      Despite the fact that his shares sank by 10%, he did not refuse his words. I would have cut down the ungrateful Internet for reproaches.
      1. +2
        4 October 2022 13: 30
        Ego shares sank not from its publication, but a few before. Again, the mask is a derivative of the US military machine.
    5. +1
      4 October 2022 13: 37
      His unnatural, wary face .. are these traces of many plastic surgeries and botox? Maybe it's the consequences of a brain disease? Somebody knows ?
      Personally, I would not enroll this suspicious of all people in the category of "sane". Not all of my friends are in it, but here is a complete stranger, who immediately undertakes to write in his own way someone else's history of cultures unfamiliar to him, ignoring the problems of his own, if they have it there at all ...
      I would say - no, his thoughts are not full of health. Quite the opposite.
      And, you should not forget at all about who Starlink communication systems in Ukraine work for today - for sane people? ..
      And this is only on the one hand, there is another, Starlink is another information hose with a pro-American profile for filtering information flows. The enslaving plague of the brains of the Ukrainian people is also her merit.
      So - no, Elon Musk does not go into dandelion boys, neither sideways nor cancer. Definitely. Even if you don't dig deep.
  2. +3
    4 October 2022 12: 20
    Musk recalled that his SpaceX corporation had already spent about $80 million to provide the Armed Forces with Starlink wireless Internet.

    It's time for the mask to demand back its 80 million or by barter, but I just don't know what Ukraine can offer him request
    1. +11
      4 October 2022 12: 23
      Actually, nothing can. He can only sulk and answer with black ingratitude (as, however, happened more than once).
      1. +2
        4 October 2022 12: 43
        ... to answer with black ingratitude (as, however, happened more than once).

        He has no such experience. But we have a lot.
        1. +7
          4 October 2022 13: 30
          Well, that means with his initiative. Now he learns in his own skin how to do good for Kyiv.
    2. +4
      4 October 2022 12: 24
      We do not know the details, maybe he was reimbursed by the Pentagon for all costs.
    3. +2
      4 October 2022 12: 27
      Quote: 41 REGION
      I don’t know what Ukraine can offer him

      corvette "Hetman Ivan Mazepa"
      1. +2
        4 October 2022 13: 23
        Quote: Flood
        corvette "Hetman Ivan Mazepa"

        And let him launch it into space, in the manner of his Tesla! wassat

        In general, I respect Musk to some extent, at the expense of the state, to fulfill my own, real, childhood dreams, and to move astronautics!
        1. +5
          4 October 2022 13: 26
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          I respect Musk to some extent

          There is a reason.
          A person sets goals and successfully implements them.
    4. +5
      4 October 2022 12: 27
      Quote: 41 REGION
      It's time for the mask to demand back its 80 million or by barter, but I just don't know what Ukraine can offer him

      Matyuki, insults and swine ingratitude.
    5. +15
      4 October 2022 12: 27
      I just don’t know what Ukraine can offer him

      Try to give your drunk neighbor a "loan" for a hangover, and then refuse once.
      1. +11
        4 October 2022 12: 45
        Quote: dauria
        Try to give your drunk neighbor a "loan" for a hangover, and then refuse once.

        - Dear, for several years you have been giving me 10 rubles each, why today only 5?
        - Well, you understand, my dear, I got married, the expenses ...
        - Yes, I understand everything, you got married, but what do I have to do with it ?! Why should I feed your family?!
    6. +5
      4 October 2022 12: 29
      Quote: 41 REGION

      It's time for the mask to demand back its 80 million dollars.

      Yes, Starlink would not interfere with our troops ... otherwise there was a mess with communications, they relied on volunteers ..
    7. +9
      4 October 2022 12: 45
      I just don’t know what Ukraine can offer him

      Ukraine has never offered anything to anyone. There is only give, for him and hold on ..
    8. +2
      4 October 2022 15: 32
      Ukraine is the largest manufacturer of ukrobots. Can be reprogrammed and sold with teslabots at a good price
  3. +2
    4 October 2022 12: 21
    Many consider the mask a scammer, however, to some extent, I do too. But a talented person must be admitted. He knew perfectly well that the shares of Tesla and Twitter would drop decently after his statements, he probably shorted and earned decently.
    1. 0
      5 October 2022 05: 05
      What is he a scammer? If he had taken state money, and his rockets would not have flown, then yes, a scammer. Or the cars would not have gone, or the starlink would not have taken off. No, everything goes and flies. So why is he a scammer?
      1. 0
        5 October 2022 05: 35
        Musk can earn millions on the crypto he has invested in with just his tweet. I wrote, to some extent.
  4. +1
    4 October 2022 12: 22
    and focus on supplying Ukraine with free high-speed Internet.
    silently! wassat
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +11
    4 October 2022 12: 24
    Wow. Musk justifies himself to dill. This is the height of absurdity. wassat
    1. -1
      4 October 2022 12: 44
      Quote: Leshak
      Go nuts and Musk justifies himself to dill. This is the height of absurdity.

      He simply chewed his position in detail. Swearing, threats are effective in forcing Russian Untermenschians in Ukraine to work for the Ukrainian masters of Zelensky and Kolomoisky. But against the Mask behind which the US nuclear power threatens is complete nonsense.
    2. +2
      4 October 2022 12: 46
      Musk justifies himself to dill. This is the height of absurdity. wassat

      Otherwise, you will have to justify yourself to the State Department
  7. +1
    4 October 2022 12: 27
    Well, the serfs forced the rich Pinocchio to make excuses ...., tomorrow the can will apologize ..., he will once again blurt out crap, and apologize and say that they misunderstood the brownie-kuzya ....
  8. +1
    4 October 2022 12: 30
    "Sooner or later you will have to agree, and therefore it is better early than late," ...


    1. +2
      4 October 2022 13: 29
      They didn't call it Liver Sausage, and that's fine.
    2. 0
      5 October 2022 22: 49
      You have to think what you think!

      Offtopic: makeweight comment length
  9. +10
    4 October 2022 12: 31
    Some Ukrainian officials, as well as from his wife, completely walked around Mask with obscene posts
    He gives them the Internet through his satellites, and they his mother. Ukrainian "gratitude" in all its glory - at first they will beg with outstretched hands, and when they receive it, they will also be accused of greed and hostility. No one knows how to call in full dictates its conditions.
    1. +1
      4 October 2022 12: 49
      Ukrainian "gratitude" in all its glory - at first they will beg with outstretched hands, and when they receive it, they will also be accused of greed and hostility.

      Well, that's right: they always owe everything ...
  10. Des
    4 October 2022 12: 35
    "Individual Ukrainian officials, as well as from their wives, completely walked around the Mask with obscene posts, ..." no, it's okay, everything is ours, in Russian))). And for this they will not "ban") the author-anonymous.
    But, if only, instead of excuses), I. Mask, well, for example, simply, would show what is really about the Russian position. For comparison.
    1. +1
      4 October 2022 13: 04
      Quote: Des
      Well, just for example, I would show what is actually about the Russian position. For comparison.

      I would turn off Starlink to Ukraine and provide my high-speed Internet to the Russian Federation. Then let the ukrovoyaks swear! )))
  11. -3
    4 October 2022 12: 41
    The Russian and Ukrainian enemies of the USSR have reached a dead end, and both the Ukrainian enemies of the USSR and the Russian enemies of the USSR will not agree to Musk's proposal.
  12. +2
    4 October 2022 12: 41
    Ukrainians even earlier demanded this Mask to Lyak for Gilyak.
  13. +4
    4 October 2022 12: 42
    Musk normally so ruffled the target audience!)) I think there is some kind of probing of the pain thresholds of the flawed undercountry. And the screech is worth it!))
  14. -5
    4 October 2022 12: 42
    And where is the citation of his "answer"?
    1. +3
      4 October 2022 12: 48
      I still very much support Ukraine, but am convinced that massive escalation of the war will cause great harm to Ukraine and possibly the world.
      I remain very supportive of Ukraine, but I am convinced that a massive escalation of the war will cause great harm to Ukraine and possibly the world.

      Hippie, what to take from him. :)))
  15. +4
    4 October 2022 12: 44
    Quote: ASAD

    For him, this amount is like drinking water from a tap.
    And the statement is significant.
    The West began to probe the soil, anticipating the "agreement".
    Throw a fat bone.
    It will be very bad if our people fall for this, and again they send the Jew Abramovich (a citizen of Israel) to decide the fate of the Russian people and Russia.
  16. +5
    4 October 2022 12: 47
    Elon Musk, please get acquainted with the good manners, hospitality and hospitality of your wards. A little more and head the list on the Ukrofascist site "peacemaker".
  17. 0
    4 October 2022 12: 47
    This is how it happens:
    live... work... build "spaceships at the Bolshoi Theatre"... develop your image of a deity...
    and one fine day... just answer Ukrainians. (
    The king is dead. (With)
    1. GIS
      4 October 2022 14: 12
      I had a great laugh. Thanks
      It would be even better if he closed Facebook for them)))
  18. +3
    4 October 2022 12: 50
    This businessman does not need a war. It is shrinking the market for his services. The US oil and gas business and financiers simply need it. The cost of production in US shale is much higher than with traditional methods.
  19. +2
    4 October 2022 12: 55
    Mask should remember the words of the Sermon on the Mount:
    "Do not give holy things to dogs, and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample it under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces. "Bible Mt. 7:6"
  20. -2
    4 October 2022 13: 06
    Where is Musk, where are the Ukrainian commentators, and why write about it at all?
    He doesn't care anymore. Surely there is an analytics department, advised and ....
  21. 0
    4 October 2022 13: 29
    Well, there is an assumption that Musk is "probing the soil" for politicians, expressing the weariness of Western society from this war they do not understand.
  22. 0
    4 October 2022 13: 37
    There is a normal inter-party struggle in the United States, it is not clear either the indignation of this move from the Ukrainian side, or the joy from ours.
    People have elections on the nose, and you are talking about some little things!
  23. 0
    4 October 2022 13: 38
    So, urgently, sanctions on the Mask, and smash all his Internet gadgets with a crowbar, they are also pro-Russian am
  24. -1
    4 October 2022 13: 41
    Ukrainians use a grouping of satellites of countries "not friendly" to us online, they wage a network-centric war, when a simple fighter marks on a tablet what needs to be hit and the target is covered with guided missiles. Right here. Our companionship of the campaign is inescapable. All NATO and European satellites over Ukraine and Russia must be shot down. And mask satellites must also be destroyed.
  25. 0
    4 October 2022 14: 05
    Musk recalled that his SpaceX corporation had already spent about $80 million to provide the Armed Forces with Starlink wireless Internet. At the same time, the businessman stressed that he spent $0 on Russia.

    Some Ukrainian officials, as well as from his wife, completely went over Musk with obscene posts, urging him to shut up (in fact, a much less literary word was used) and focus on supplying Ukraine with free high-speed Internet.

    This is what Ukrainians look like. I'm glad Musk got a feel for what their gratitude looks like.
    According to Musk, sooner or later it will be necessary to agree, and therefore it is better sooner than later, as this will save people's lives.

    Apparently he is not yet aware that the price of human life has been overtaken by inflation and humanity is flying at full speed towards self-destruction. I doubt that the mask itself has not built a comfortable bunker for himself and his close associates.
  26. GIS
    4 October 2022 14: 07
    and you can all say that THIS DOES NOT KNOW that its equipment has contributed and continues to contribute to the killing of civilians ???????
    so to all of you who ranked him among the sane, I’ll say that this “parsley” (a doll put on a hand), as they rightly said, sits on the Pentagon’s hand, and opens its mouth only by his order. do not call the enemy "pro-Russian".
    it is an enemy working to kill our soldiers and citizens.
    1. 0
      4 October 2022 19: 25
      Quote: GIS
      Pentagon, and opens his mouth only at his command. do not call the enemy "pro-Russian".
      it is an enemy working to kill our soldiers and citizens.

      Actually, they called him "pro-Russian" in UKRAINE .... NOT in Russia.
  27. 0
    4 October 2022 14: 11
    Quote: Trunk
    when a simple fighter marks on the tablet what needs to be hit and the target is covered with guided projectiles

    Has anyone ever told you that you understand military affairs like a pig knows oranges?
  28. +1
    4 October 2022 14: 14
    The immortal comrade Mask was mixed with such dirt, it's a pleasure to look at. It is strange that he did not recall all the starlink terminals after that and did not block access to the free Internet. In truth, a nation that shits in the hand of the one who feeds, and it’s not the only case in which he expressed quite reasonable thoughts.
  29. 0
    4 October 2022 14: 41
    Quote: 41 REGION
    Musk recalled that his SpaceX corporation had already spent about $80 million to provide the Armed Forces with Starlink wireless Internet.

    It's time for the mask to demand back its 80 million or by barter, but I just don't know what Ukraine can offer him request

    Like what? Figo will be shown to Ilona Max, and even put on the "Peacemaker" list as an undesirable type for "404". wassat
  30. +1
    4 October 2022 14: 44
    You need to go to the peacekeeper website for the mask ... maybe he sees a familiar face there.
  31. +1
    4 October 2022 15: 03
    The moment when an American billionaire counts the killed Ukrainians, but the Ukrainian authorities do not count.
    Very revealing.
  32. The comment was deleted.
  33. 0
    4 October 2022 18: 46
    Zelensky and K will crap him like the last bum!
    BUT Musk is Musk for that, so that he can get out of every shit without any problems
  34. 0
    5 October 2022 07: 46
    In turn, the billionaire explained the position on the Crimea. He believes that an attempt by Ukraine to return the peninsula by military means can lead to irreparable consequences, ranging from huge losses in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to a nuclear conflict.

    the author, it would be better if he presented a screenshot of the screen with Musk's statement: he said the following - Crimea has been Russian since 1783 (not discussed), and let Donbass hold a referendum again - with the question - in Russia or Ukraine they should be ....
  35. 0
    5 October 2022 22: 43
    "Kobyaka" - the war of the sane with the law-abiding.
    RF-people-U - the battle of the possessed with the crazy.

    It is necessary and should not beat each other, but those who set these dilemmas! Jesuit globalists are just bad people...