The Federation Council unanimously ratified the treaties on the entry of four new subjects into Russia

The Federation Council unanimously ratified the treaties on the entry of four new subjects into Russia

The Federation Council unanimously approved the constitutional law on the admission of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects within Russia - two republics and two regions. This was reported on the website of the Federation Council.

The upper house of the Russian parliament ratified the treaties on the entry into Russia of four new subjects and approved the relevant laws. Andrey Klishas, ​​head of the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, explained that the procedure for accepting the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions into Russia will end with amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the basis of the relevant decree of Vladimir Putin. They will be included in Article 65 of the Constitution, indicating the names of the regions.

Agreements on the entry of new regions into the Russian Federation as subjects were signed in the Kremlin on September 30 on the basis of referendums held in these territories. Then the Constitutional Court of Russia found them consistent with Russian law, on Monday, October 3, the State Duma unanimously ratified all four treaties.

The leadership of the new republics will be called heads of republics, regions - governors. Until the election, which will be held next autumn, all of them will be appointed by decree of the President of Russia with the prefix acting.

Citizens of the DPR and LPR lose the citizenship of the republics and acquire Russian citizenship from the moment they join Russia. Citizens of Ukraine, other countries or stateless persons residing in the territory of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions are recognized as citizens of Russia, unless they declare a desire to retain their existing citizenship. This must be done within a month.

The state language in the new subjects of Russia is Russian, while the use and study of other languages, including Ukrainian, is not prohibited.
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  1. +5
    4 October 2022 11: 44
    It becomes obvious that the concept of NWO has exhausted itself and outlived itself.
    The defense of one's own territory and its liberation from occupation cannot be squeezed into the framework of a special military operation.
    Speak, Kremlin.
    The people are waiting.
    1. 0
      4 October 2022 11: 46
      that the concept of NWO has exhausted itself and outlived itself.
      You were clearly told that everything was according to plan.
      1. +1
        4 October 2022 11: 49
        Quote: Trapp1st
        You were clearly told that everything was according to plan.

        So I'm all for planning.
        The entry of new territories into the Russian Federation was predictable.
        And it was hard not to plan such an event.
        1. -8
          4 October 2022 11: 50
          The entry of new territories into the Russian Federation was predictable.
          Are you talking about Lyman?
          1. -2
            4 October 2022 11: 53
            Quote: Trapp1st
            Are you talking about Lyman?

            About all territories and settlements that returned to Russia.
            1. +3
              4 October 2022 11: 56
              If these territories returned to the anti-Soviet Russian Federation, then when exactly did they leave it?
              1. 0
                4 October 2022 11: 58
                Quote: tatra
                If these territories returned to the anti-Soviet Russian Federation, then when exactly did they leave it?

                An interesting question from an interesting person.
                I am not a historian.
                But I will assume that it began with the Ukrainian SSR.
                And traditionally +
                1. +2
                  4 October 2022 12: 04
                  What does the Ukrainian SSR have to do with the Russian Federation created by the enemies of the USSR from the RSFSR they captured?
                  1. +2
                    4 October 2022 12: 06
                    Quote: tatra
                    What does the Ukrainian SSR have to do with the Russian Federation created by the enemies of the USSR from the RSFSR they captured?

                    Direct - all this (Ukrainian SSR, USSR, Russian Federation, RSFSR, etc.) is fragments / components of the Russian Empire.
                    1. +2
                      4 October 2022 12: 11
                      The USSR was a geographical, historical, cultural continuation of centuries-old Russia, and the enemies of the USSR, in their Perestroika, divided the USSR into their separate States. So what right then do the enemies of the USSR, who seized the RSFSR, have to other territories of the USSR?
                      1. +3
                        4 October 2022 12: 14
                        Quote: tatra
                        So what right then do the enemies of the USSR, who seized the RSFSR, have to other territories of the USSR?

                        Not enemies of the USSR.
                        The people of Russia have the right.
                        It is the true successor of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.

                        This alluvial dirty foam, which you call the enemies of the USSR, will subside as it never was.
                        Russia and its people were, are and will be.
                      2. +3
                        4 October 2022 12: 27
                        Ha, how did you know that the entire Russian people want the SVO, want Russian men to die in Ukraine, want mobilization, joining the territories of Ukraine to the anti-Soviet Russian Federation?
                      3. -1
                        4 October 2022 12: 29
                        Quote: tatra
                        how did you know that the entire Russian people want SVO

                        I am sure that the people of Russia did not want this.
                        How the people of the USSR did not want to lose young guys in Afghanistan.

                        But the state is not an opinion polling organization.
                        And Russia is not an ancient Greek policy.
                      4. 0
                        4 October 2022 12: 15
                        Quote: tatra
                        . So what right then do the enemies of the USSR, who seized the RSFSR, have to other territories of the USSR?

                        And if the enemies of the enemies wanted to regain the USSR? - consider this option ...
                        It's like a liquid terminator, from the film of the same name - the droplets again gather into a single whole.
                      5. +2
                        4 October 2022 12: 30
                        And if the enemies of the USSR, who seized the national republics of the USSR, do NOT want to join the Russian Federation, and even Lukashenka does not want to, what will you do? Will you organize an NWO throughout the territory of the former USSR?
                      6. 0
                        4 October 2022 12: 34
                        Quote: tatra
                        And if the enemies of the USSR, who seized the national republics of the USSR, do NOT want to join the Russian Federation, and even Lukashenka does not want to, what will you do? Will you organize an NWO throughout the territory of the former USSR?

                        Lukashenka does not show hostility - why is there an NWO? Like the Uzbek leader or the same Kazakh ... they live their own lives and there is not any SVO there. It's time to move away from a simplified worldview ...
                      7. -1
                        4 October 2022 13: 05
                        Quote: tatra
                        And if the enemies of the USSR, who seized the national republics of the USSR, do NOT want to join the Russian Federation, and even Lukashenka does not want to, what will you do? Will you organize an NWO throughout the territory of the former USSR?

                        Enemies are one thing, peoples are another.
                        Enemies, there is hope, they will perish, the peoples will remain, and in many ways today they want not so much reunification as a return to socialism. The oldest generation anyway. Today, the ideas of reunification are brazenly used to replace and oust the ideas of socialist return. hi
                  2. 0
                    4 October 2022 12: 10
                    Quote: tatra
                    What does the Ukrainian SSR have to do with the Russian Federation created by the enemies of the USSR from the RSFSR they captured?

                    Russia is one and only.
                    Whatever it's called.
                    And under the Rurikovichs, and under the Romanovs, and under the Soviets.
                    Our ancestors did not choose times.
                    1. +1
                      4 October 2022 12: 32
                      Before the capture of the USSR, Russia was the enemies of the USSR. After the capture and dismemberment of the USSR, they immediately rushed to destroy both the Soviet and the Russian that was in centuries-old Russia and the USSR, including in the Russian Federation they created.
                      1. -2
                        4 October 2022 12: 41
                        Quote: tatra
                        Before the capture of the USSR, Russia was the enemies of the USSR. After the capture and dismemberment of the USSR, they immediately rushed to destroy both the Soviet and the Russian that was in centuries-old Russia and the USSR, including in the Russian Federation they created.

                        Excuse me, I'll ask you as an adherent of the enemy of the enemies of the USSR - where were you when you destroyed the USSR? How did you deal with it? I'm asking out of curiosity. And then you have enemies all around, and you seem to be a fighter with enemies ... please clarify how you heroically fought enemies in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. ?? you can write in private. I want to get to know the heroic personality better.. Like Pavel Korchagin or the hero is an artist. movie "Communist" ... understand, you are a phenomenon, no joke. Judging by your struggle, books can be written about you.
                2. 0
                  4 October 2022 12: 05
                  Now the war will be waged on an equal basis - both to the last Ukrainian and to the last Russian .... the Anglo-Saxons applaud standing ...
                  1. -4
                    4 October 2022 12: 16
                    And all this for the sake of joining the Russian Federation 4 regions of Ukraine? Will the Russian and Ukrainian peoples pay too high a price for this?
                    And conjuring about the "Russian world", after 30 years under the enemies of the USSR, Russians in the Russian Federation in many regions live in devastation as after the war, but unlike the period after the Great Patriotic War, they have no reason to believe that they will live better.
                    1. -3
                      4 October 2022 12: 23
                      Eh ... where were everyone when the USSR was divided? What claims to enemies when friends did not lift a finger in defense of the USSR ??????????? ..
                      therefore - the question of the battle for Ukraine is already in a completely different plane ...
                  2. 0
                    4 October 2022 12: 17
                    Quote: Smoker
                    Anglo-Saxons give a standing ovation

                    In fact, that's what they were trying to achieve.
                    And it is unlikely that Russia had any other choice in February 2022.
                    1. 0
                      4 October 2022 12: 31
                      And there is no choice left, how to demolish Ukrainians in hell. Only how to do this with the available forces? The situation is leading to the loss of new subjects by the state
                      1. 0
                        4 October 2022 13: 25
                        Quote: dmi.pris
                        And there is no choice how to demolish Ukrainians in hell.

                        I'm tired of editing, it doesn't skip and that's it.
                        In short: the situation is mirrored.
                        Hope you get it right. hi
                      2. 0
                        4 October 2022 15: 00
                        Ukrainianism does not belong to the people. To individual representatives thereof. Something like this. This is a way of thinking or its absence hi
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. -1
            4 October 2022 13: 50
            Quote: Trapp1st
            The entry of new territories into the Russian Federation was predictable.
            Are you talking about Lyman?

            You are talking about Ivan, and you are a blubber ... There is a fence in the yard, and there is a bast on it.

            This song is good - start from the beginning.
        2. -1
          4 October 2022 11: 51
          Hmm, during these ratifications we have lost kilometers of territory. Here the T-bills and the rate are needed to maximize the passability of decisions and feedback.
      2. 0
        4 October 2022 12: 06
        That's what happens in the government of sycophants, when there was no brave person who would say, Vladimir Vladimirovich - don't do it. As a result, Russia is experiencing shame, comparable only to the shame of Tsushima. As a result, we have given hope to people in Ukraine who love Russia, who vote for Russia with both hands. But the very next day, for the first time after the Great Patriotic War, Russia not only lost its city, but also continues to give its people to the fascist bastards. Refugees from Donbass - that's what we got instead of returning to our harbor. They don't return to their harbor like that. It’s not for you, Mr. Putin, to speak beautiful words, not to conduct tank biathlons, and not to consider the beautiful legs of military ladies at parades. Here the enemy is ruthless, skillful, competent and armed to the teeth. That we will continue to engage in regroupings and make goodwill gestures. Your gesture of good will was not appreciated, and the summons to The Hague was issued.
    2. 0
      4 October 2022 11: 48
      You expect a lot from the Kremlin, everything was said on 30. The CVO will continue in the same format
      1. +1
        4 October 2022 11: 50
        Quote: Sergey V
        You expect a lot from the Kremlin, 30 everything was said

        I'm not the only one waiting.
        Exactly what should happen.
        Otherwise it can not be.
    3. -1
      4 October 2022 12: 55
      Quote: Flood
      Speak, Kremlin.
      The people are waiting.

      and what to say. The West has long understood or confidently knows for a long time that even strikes on the acceptance center in Kyiv with conventional weapons will never be inflicted.
      Do you think in such conditions the West will believe that Russia will use nuclear weapons even if it faces the threat of destruction?
      Yes, never. By the way, you can already now congratulate the Democrats on their confident victory in the November elections and state that their bet on Zelensky has played out and by the November elections the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be fighting in Kherson.
      If at the beginning of the conflict, Ukraine bombarded Russian troops with its cannon fodder, now Russia has decided to bombard the Armed Forces of Ukraine with Russian cannon fodder.
      And we don’t need to blame that we are at war with all of NATO, which is why the failures, because the West supplies only weapons, intelligence information and trains soldiers, and the NATO military group itself still has not set foot on Ukraine. Russia is now being smashed by Ukraine and we are retreating and will retreat surrendering cities and villages at least this month. But this does not mean that later we will go on the offensive, because then for several months we will defend what we have time to hold. The start of offensive operations should not be expected until next year for sure, and this is at best, and now we will retreat .
      1. +1
        4 October 2022 13: 11
        Quote: lopvlad
        we don’t need to blame that we are at war with all of NATO, which is why the failures

        who blames whom?
        I tell you what are you fighting?
    4. -1
      4 October 2022 13: 03
      Quote: Flood
      Speak, Kremlin.

      Speak Moscow, speak Russ...
  2. -1
    4 October 2022 11: 44
    I have a question about these 10% missing and preferably by last name and the reasons for the absence.
    1. 0
      4 October 2022 11: 52
      Quote: tralflot1832
      I have a question about these 10% missing and preferably by last name and the reasons for the absence

      The only valid reason for the absence is in the Donbass.
      1. 0
        4 October 2022 11: 59
        There is a process of reassignment, also an option. Being in the Crimea. Good reasons. In addition to yours.
      2. +2
        4 October 2022 12: 01
        The only valid reason for the absence is in the Donbass

        Well, they overdid it .... Illness, family circumstances (for example, the death of relatives), vacation in the end. Holidays like no one canceled? You will gain 10% at any enterprise and even a military unit with a "permanent" combat readiness level.
        1. 0
          4 October 2022 12: 06
          Quote: dauria
          Well, they overdid it .... Illness, family circumstances (for example, the death of relatives), vacation in the end. Holidays like no one canceled?

          I always respect your words.
          But in my humble opinion, this event is one of those that cross out most of the good reasons.
          Sick, near death - come in a wheelchair, stretcher, deer and benefit the Fatherland before the last road.
          1. +1
            4 October 2022 13: 53
            The Federation Council has already reported on the reasons for the absence.
        2. 0
          4 October 2022 12: 11
          But it’s impossible to check, maybe it’s of a systemic nature, Narusova probably wasn’t present, I didn’t find her photo report from the Federation Council, maybe I got a pen from under the table. into desire.
    2. +1
      4 October 2022 12: 03
      I think Narusova Sobchak was definitely not there.
      1. 0
        4 October 2022 12: 08
        Quote: ASAD
        I think Narusova Sobchak was definitely not there.

        One mention of a surname is a fly in the ointment.
        Is she still in the Federation Council?
        1. 0
          4 October 2022 12: 10
          Unfortunately, the commander-in-chief does not abandon his own, and some are long overdue.
      2. 0
        4 October 2022 20: 39
        From a different angle, NTV showed that Narusova was there. And what happened?
    3. 0
      4 October 2022 13: 33
      Quote: tralflot1832
      I have a question about these 10% missing and preferably by last name and the reasons for the absence.

      Perhaps this can be unearthed on regional or party sites.
    4. -1
      4 October 2022 13: 39
      And yet, within what boundaries, or did they leave excuses for themselves?
  3. -2
    4 October 2022 11: 45
    The Federation Council unanimously ratified the treaties on the entry of four new subjects into Russia
    Well done, now go ahead, help carry out the decision, there are few infantry ...
  4. 0
    4 October 2022 11: 47
    We will wait for the occurrence of the following areas according to the already worked out scheme.
  5. -4
    4 October 2022 11: 49
    I'm waiting for 100 missiles per day on UG
    1. -2
      4 October 2022 11: 52
      Oh, these waiting ones. Are there any prerequisites that the Kremlin will finally decide on this? Yes, and judging by the fact that we haven’t heard about calibers for a long time, we also strained with them
      1. -3
        4 October 2022 11: 55
        about calibers have not been heard for a long time

        And should they regularly report on what kind of missiles they strike?
      2. 0
        4 October 2022 12: 54
        Are you a prankster? Every day there are rocket strikes, but you drop your hands and don't hear about it. Every night there is an air raid in UG. Explosions every night. You seem to generally only follow the defeats. And yes, there were prerequisites for doing this. And if you do not understand this, I'm sorry
  6. -1
    4 October 2022 11: 53
    Well, finally people got certainty who they are and whose they are.
    And then they hung in the air and even our authorities in unison, like a mantra repeated everywhere, yes, this is the territory of Ukraine, just give these regions greater autonomy.
    And even now Russia will have to specifically protect new areas, because according to the constitution, the rejection of our territories is not possible.
    1. +3
      4 October 2022 12: 08
      because according to the constitution, the rejection of our territories is not possible.

      Unfortunately, the constitution is not Ohm's law ... It can move if someone needs it.
    2. 0
      4 October 2022 13: 41
      Quote: Retvizan 8
      because according to the constitution, the rejection of our territories is not possible.

      This is where the "zakovyka" comes in: is it possible under the constitution of Ukraine?
      Even taking into account the fact that they themselves spread rot in their own areas.
  7. -1
    4 October 2022 11: 53
    Well, now you can hit on Bankovaya? Or again something was not signed there?
    1. -1
      4 October 2022 11: 57
      Or again something was not signed there?
      I wonder if the city of Khasavyurt was in Ukraine, what would it be called?
    2. -1
      4 October 2022 12: 01
      Our new territories must also be ratified, but this is not long. A couple of hours.
  8. -1
    4 October 2022 12: 00
    Still, actions are more important than declarations.
    The war is already formally on our territory, shelling has been going on for more than a month, and there is no question of any martial law.
  9. +2
    4 October 2022 12: 04
    I'm shocked .. what does power use for breakfast?
  10. -3
    4 October 2022 12: 07
    Strelkov about mobilization in Saloreich:
    Announced in time, she solved two problems en masse. The first is meat. All those who were driven to the slaughter in February-August in senseless attacks, and who were thrown to defend hopeless positions. Meanwhile, they were preparing reinforcements for the old brigades and the new brigades. TRO is dead, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine now have reserves and press quantitatively. And even if these offensives do not give the desired result, the mechanism is set up and ready to accept another million people
  11. +4
    4 October 2022 12: 21
    Oddities continue, the SVO has not been transformed into a CTO, and if all hope is for 300 thousand mobilized, then the leadership of the Moscow Region must be brought to justice
    1. -1
      4 October 2022 12: 34
      They dispose of the means of warfare, not the methods .... And these are two different things ....
    2. 0
      4 October 2022 12: 46
      What did you get this SOMEONE ? What should it change, please tell me?
  12. -1
    4 October 2022 12: 26
    Even Narusova voted "for"?) She seemed to be, judging by the report of "Russia-24", was present at the meeting.
    1. 0
      4 October 2022 12: 37
      Something I can't even believe. The princess, damn it, believed in her untouchability with her daughters.
  13. +3
    4 October 2022 12: 42
    I cannot get rid of the obsessive feeling that some kind of catch is hidden behind the entry into Russia of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, behind all the solemn events and speeches. It all looks strange. And the events at the front are also very strange. Someone is being pushed too hard. I understand that this is the whole essence of the war, and I want to believe that we are not being swindled. Or at least the enemy is being tricked more than us.
  14. -2
    4 October 2022 12: 49
    It would be better not to produce new regions-republics, but to set the task of forming a unitary state, albeit not quickly, starting with 4 new regions. This will reduce threats, give more natural optimality.

    Time requires social creativity, the elimination of "mistakes" and losses from the Belovezhskaya conspiracy has begun. It would be right to start developing the NEP in these territories, in which it is fundamental to change the main economic actors - to prevent "big business" from privatizing natural resources and strategically important enterprises. This is not a utopia, the deck of players of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin batch does not lead to development - it is retrograde. It is necessary not to hide, but to study and make widely available the experience of Belarusians, Chinese, North Korea, and Iran.
    1. -1
      4 October 2022 13: 54
      It will be better not to produce new regions-republics
      There must be some kind of profit, otherwise the masses will boil with the question of why they suffered such huge sacrifices.
  15. 0
    4 October 2022 13: 55
    Everyone has been waiting for this for so long. That's what I've been waiting for too. Happy holiday, Russian people!
  16. 0
    4 October 2022 14: 40
    It would be surprising if the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the senators of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation did not accept this accession and did not approve it. All these officials in a couple of hours would have been kicked out and fired in the neck .... ALL ..... the people would have eaten them alive.
  17. 0
    4 October 2022 15: 40
    Citizens of Ukraine, other countries or stateless persons residing in the territory of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions are recognized as citizens of Russia, unless they declare a desire to retain their existing citizenship.

    Whether they declare or not, they cannot lose their citizenship from the fact that they are recognized as citizens of Russia, it will not go anywhere.