Ideology is illegal. Is it necessary

Ideology is illegal. Is it necessary

Who benefits?

When the collective West and the United States in particular supported the coup d'etat under Yeltsin in 1991, they set a condition for it - the adoption of a constitution on the model that they would provide it: the destruction of the ideology and self-consciousness of the peoples of Russia, state security and the education system.

And if something is being done now in the field of the security of the state and the people, then the current government supports Yeltsin's course in the field of education and ideology to one degree or another, if not completely. Vladimir Lenin wrote in 1913:

“There is such a Latin saying “cui prodest”, - “who benefits?”. When it is not immediately clear which political or social groups, forces, values ​​are defending certain proposals, measures, etc., the question should always be raised: "Who benefits?"

Let's put this question and we. But first, I suggest looking at the following postulates:

1. Honor God and serve Him alone.
2. Do not make yourself an idol.
3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Dont kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. Do not desire anything that your neighbor has.

1. Devotion to the cause of communism, love for the socialist homeland, for the countries of socialism.
2. Conscientious work for the good of society: he who does not work does not eat.
3. Everyone's concern for maintaining and enhancing the public domain.
4. High consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests.
5. Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one.
6. Humane relations and mutual respect between people: a person is a friend to a friend, comrade and brother.
7. Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and personal life.
8. Mutual respect in the family, concern for raising children.
9. Irreconcilability to injustice, parasitism, stupidity, dishonesty, careerism, money-grubbing.
10. Friendship and brotherhood of all the peoples of the USSR, intolerance of national and racial hostility.
11. Intolerance towards the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and freedom of peoples.
12. Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

If we compare both columns, we will see a lot in common, and at the same time, nothing in the listed rules is unnatural for a morally and mentally healthy person. Even if we remove the ideological components for those who are terminally ill with anti-communism, common values ​​still remain here and there (not to be confused with the values ​​for common people created by the European community). It was they who demanded to eliminate and destroy the Western curators of Yeltsin and his team.

It should be understood that the West is very well aware of the importance of the ideological and psychological war for the souls of people. And to my deep regret, while they win it. It is not for nothing that the authorities are doing their best to support the principle formulated in Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

"one. The Russian Federation recognizes ideological diversity.
2. No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory.
3. The Russian Federation recognizes political diversity, multi-party system.
4. Public associations are equal before the law.”

The second point is the Achilles' heel of Russia and its peoples, through which the West, led by the United States, can destroy not only the state, but the entire Russian people.

Fast forward 90 years. In Germany, Hitler came to power, who managed through total propaganda to corrupt the whole people, preparing them for robberies and murders. The role of the media in this crime against humanity was enormous, fatal. And this was in the years when there was no television and the Internet.

And how difficult was the process of curing society from brown plague bacilli. Of course, this process would have been faster if not for the United States, which retained the "best cadres" of the NSDAP, the Gestapo and the SS to fight communism.

“Yeah,” some reader will say, “this is the correctness of the absence of ideology, evon, what does it do to people!” And it will be fundamentally wrong. "Evidence!" the reader will shout again. Please, I have them.

The same 90 years ago, communist ideology dominated in the USSR. Some may not like it, but the fact is that this system has trained hundreds of thousands of specialists in various industries and cultures. It was this ideology that brought up the force that broke the back of the united Europe in the Great Patriotic War.

It was this ideology that helped people survive and rebuild the country. With the coming to power of Khrushchev, the ideological system began to purposefully emasculate, and by the beginning of the 80s the country was no longer a monolith, the moral and spiritual foundations were undermined, which allowed a gang of criminals to carry out a coup d'état in 1991 and open the way to plunder the wealth of the people and the country.

A holy place is never empty

The lack of ideology is inevitably filled. As soon as Ukraine destroyed the communist ideology and supported Nazism, our brotherly people turned into a kind of Third Reich. No wonder the Nazis, intoxicated by their Ukrainianness, continue to fight for the ideals of Bandera and Shukhevych. And this is a direct result of the indoctrination of people. 30 years is a long time.

The 90s had a crushing effect of the destruction of moral and spiritual values, the principle was openly implanted: rob your neighbor, otherwise your neighbor will rob you. The worst thing is that the official church also took an active part in this, openly supporting Yeltsin in his course to demolish everything old. People who caught that time remember the rampant advertising of vodka and cigarettes on TV screens. Endless series about cute oligarchs and harsh but kind bandits; beauty contests for prostitutes; absolute absence of restrictions.

And as a result, we have a lost generation. People have grown up for whom there is nothing sacred, the only thing that is sacred for them is private property and personal ego. But even the lights of Christianity warned of the perniciousness of private property. Why, Christ Himself spoke about it. Remember the parable of the young man who was greatly saddened by the words of Christ that he should distribute his riches to the poor and follow him?

And such people have not been translated so far. And how can they transfer, if we are constantly told that the most important thing is to live for ourselves, to snatch our piece of private property, to be an inhabitant, not a creator? And the Soviet system, for all its shortcomings, recognized the education of a human creator as the highest goal.

Take a look at two photographs of people taken in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia and compare them with some of today's youth with Botox lips and nose rings. It's a striking contrast, isn't it? But this is the result of ideology. In the first photo - Christian, in the second - communist. The result, forgive me for the pun, is obvious.

Photos taken from public access

From that and many troubles of our society that there is no ideology. There is talk about some obscure bonds that do not play a role in public life at all. From this "bulk" and other Kolya from Urengoy. From this and the mass exodus of young people to Georgia and other limitrophes at the beginning of partial mobilization. Citizen Fursenko, these are your fruits, it is you who are guilty of actively educating the consumer and destroying the creator. And we, with the exception of a few, silently ate it with a full spoon.

And only a few remained the voice of one crying in the wilderness, to which none of those in power listened. A herd of faceless, soulless consumers is easier to manage than smart and spiritually rich people. For the first will accept on faith everything that they are told. But the latter will begin to ask: why, for what, but is it necessary? And sometimes it's not easy to answer. Therefore, it is beneficial for her, the authorities, to educate moral degenerates who do not want to live for others, continue their family and protect their people in case of danger.

Hence these crowds of traitors to their people on the borders of the Motherland. Thank God, not everyone succumbed to the satanic approach. The proof is those people who defend the Russian world on the battlefields in Donbass. I am proud of these people, for they are the ray of set in the dark realm.

Why does the state not abolish the pernicious principle of the absence of an obligatory ideology?

As I said, it is not profitable in terms of management.

Secondly, the authorities still have nothing to offer as an ideology. Some of the braces didn't stick. The complete rejection of communist ideology does not allow us to take the best of it and adapt it to modern realities. The official church is also passive in terms of education. The main focus of the patriarch and the top leadership of the church is the complete approval of the course of the president and United Russia, the universal lamentation of Nicholas II and the endless accusation of the Soviet state of all mortal sins.

What is left for the consumer? But nothing. Endless "soap" on the TV screen, idiotic blogs on the Internet and the constant pursuit of wealth. No one remembers the riches of the soul. Thanks to Maria Shukshina, who is trying to do at least something.

Hack and predictor Aviator

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Only one. The state, like air, like bread, like water, needs a state ideology. The only question is what it should be. And this should not be decided by the president or the State Duma, it should be decided by the people themselves through a broad discussion.

And when the ideology is introduced into the minds of people, only then will there be a turn for the better. After all, the first preachers of Christianity in Russia, Peter I, Lenin and Stalin, managed to take possession of the souls of a Russian person, so why do we ourselves deny ourselves the courage to ensure our own existence in spite of the rotten West, mired in Sodomite vices? Everything is in our hands, we just need to want.

But do we want to - I ask myself a question. And I can't find an answer.
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  1. +4
    2 October 2022 05: 08
    "But do we want to - I ask myself a question. And I do not find an answer." Do we want to ensure our own existence? If the option to die does not suit you, then we want to. This choice doesn't really exist.
    1. +35
      2 October 2022 05: 09
      1. "Wars are not won by generals, WARS ARE WON BY SCHOOL TEACHERS ☝ ..."
      Otto von Bismarck
      2. "If you want to DEFEAT THE ENEMY, EDUCATE HIS CHILDREN ☝"
      1. +12
        2 October 2022 08: 38
        Only Otto von didn't say that. From the word at all. And he said this "Oscar Peschel. He was a geographer and anthropologist from Dresden, and a little later a professor at the University of Leipzig."
        It was a quotation from a July 1866 article published in the newspaper Zagranitsa, which he edited. It sounded a little different, since it did not refer to the Franco-Prussian, but to the Austro-Prussian war. Specifically - to victory at Sadov. The largest battle of the Austro-Prussian war took place near this Czech village. And it determined its further course. Here is that quote:

        ... Public education plays a decisive role in the war ... when the Prussians beat the Austrians, it was the victory of the Prussian teacher over the Austrian school teacher.

        And based on this statement, there will be some problems with victories.
        But do not forget that in addition to the so-called. ideology needs some more things. About which the sad people of the ideological front prefer not to talk about.
        Towers, you know, towers, and poverty is poverty. It is impossible to inspire a hungry person that he is full for a long time, the psyche cannot stand it, and to rule a crazy people is a small pleasure, especially when you consider that the insane do not succumb to radiation ...
        1. +5
          2 October 2022 15: 15
          Quote: frog
          But do not forget that in addition to the so-called. ideology needs some more things.

          Well, what do you want? When we have Dugin and Ilyin instead of Marx, the results are quite predictable.
          1. +7
            2 October 2022 16: 39
            Yes! In modern Russia, oddly enough, there is a state ideology. And it is based on a mixture of anti-Sovietism, monarchism, Februaryism and White Guardism. And it seems to me that most people in Russia understand where this ideology will lead us...
            1. +4
              2 October 2022 19: 04
              It can lead us to defeat. Tsarist Russia lost. Lost and History, and the People, and in the war.

              I personally - for the revival of the communist ideology. No atheism. A synthesis of pochvenism and communism is needed. It seems to me that it is possible.

              And all this White Guard .... brought us to the black baron.
              1. -2
                2 October 2022 20: 56
                Quote: Ilya-spb
                It can lead us to defeat. Tsarist Russia lost. Lost and History, and the People, and in the war.

                I personally - for the revival of the communist ideology. No atheism. A synthesis of pochvenism and communism is needed. It seems to me that it is possible.

                And all this White Guard .... brought us to the black baron.

                Indeed, communism has led us to a brighter future, in which Russia has lost more land than in the Republic of Ingushetia. Maybe we won't choose between two evils? What about something new? Democracy, right?
                1. 0
                  4 October 2022 14: 37
                  There is a big question, and in what borders would Russia remain without the USSR. Austria-Hungary fell apart even without the communists. Yes, and from the French and British empires there were pitiful scraps. Or do you think that if we had a people's president, they wouldn't try to milk us?
                  1. 0
                    4 October 2022 19: 59
                    Quote: Single-n
                    There is a big question, and in what borders would Russia remain without the USSR. Austria-Hungary fell apart even without the communists. Yes, and from the French and British empires there were pitiful scraps. Or do you think that if we had a people's president, they wouldn't try to milk us?

                    Austria-Hungary was divided among the peoples, if they had done this with the Republic of Ingushetia, then there would have been more than now. And there were no reasons for a sanction for the new Russian Federation, thus there was neither gold nor development restrictions. Maybe there were no problems with Germany. They milk everyone. But Japan does not interfere with being a conservative country with a strong economy and an army that has already overtaken (Navy), but somewhere on the heel, where there are their own values, their own culture. And something is not visible that the United States imposes on them.
                    1. 0
                      5 October 2022 10: 14
                      1. Well, after 1991 they were divided into nations. And How? Prosperity and goodness? Maybe more territory? Yugoslavia was divided into nations. Libya. Iraq.
                      2. The reason for sanctions is ALWAYS a struggle for resources. And do not care about religion, types of government and so on. If you have what they need and you yourself do not give, then they will take it away. in World War I, in general, three brothers of the king's cousins ​​fought. English, German and ours. And it never stopped him from wanting to fight. By the way, the general ideology of capitalism has never saved Denmark or France from occupation. But the fascist Franco calmly ruled Spain and the mocrats did not touch him with any crap. Just like the dictator Pinachet.
                      3. Japan is a semi-occupied country. She is allowed to build up a fleet to confront China. Try to give a hint, let's say about the return of not the Kuriles, but for example Korea, let's see how many hours later all the Japanese will again become yellow-bellied macaques that need to be burned out with nuclear bombs.
                      1. 0
                        5 October 2022 16: 17
                        1. Well, after 1991 they were divided into nations. And How? Prosperity and goodness? Maybe more territory? Yugoslavia was divided into nations. Libya. Iraq.
                        Yes, it has increased. The standard of living has risen, there is no shortage, you can safely go wherever you want, you can do business and so on. The Starns of the former Yugoslavia live well, they have open borders. Only Serbia is still kicking. Libya was not divided by nation, like Iraq.
                        The reason for sanctions is ALWAYS a struggle for resources
                        What resources? After 90 years, we have quietly integrated into the global market and received benefits from this. Sanctions are imposed against objectionable regimes. The First World War started because of the market business and thinking that it would end quickly. If the countries knew what would result, they would not.
                        By the way, the general ideology of capitalism never saved Denmark or France from occupation
                        Only especially in Denmark, nothing has changed under the Germans. As the Germans considered them brothers, the French were a little worse, yes, but on the whole it was fine.
                        But the fascist Franco calmly ruled Spain and the mocrats didn’t touch him with any crap
                        It is worth studying history better, yet he was not touched only because Spain was again on the brink of war and yet he left.
                        Japan semi-occupied country
                        Which country is not? RF? I think already under China. Why should the Japanese return South Korea? Stop thinking in imperial manners, the easiest way is to subjugate the country - to get hooked on culture and the economy, which is what the West did with the Russian Federation.
                      2. 0
                        5 October 2022 16: 54
                        1. The standard of living jumped so much that they began to die out. The shortage of goods was replaced by a shortage of money. Sense from 100 varieties of sausage if you can afford only the 5th grade from soybeans. Or can the quality of the products be comparable? What percentage will have access to natural products according to GOST USSR? And not this mixture of soy, combined fat and dyes. Although I admit that a certain order has been brought in the distribution system. As well as allowed small trade. This is a plus.
                        2. The Serbs live so well that a couple of months ago a war almost started there. About 1 million died in Iraq after the occupation and the fighting is still going on. Libya too.
                        2 Still as would become. Of course, everyone counted on a quick victory, but even after WWII the wars did not stop, as did the division of resources. Just the presence of nuclear weapons did not allow global wars to be waged. So they crushed every little thing.
                        3. But these Europeans considered our ancestors to be cattle, like most of the world. And perfectly milked the planet. The Holodomor was not only in the USSR. Far more have died in India. India has long entered the market. But that didn't save her much.
                        4 Yeah. Franco left. right up to 1973. and died 1975 at the age of 82. 35 years in power obtained as a result of a military coup!!! And all the fighters against dictatorships didn't care. While he was chasing the communists, they tolerated him. If he lived 200 years, he would rule now ..
                        5. The principle is possible and according to yours. To give everything ourselves and humbly fulfill the desires of the "white master". I kind of don't like it. However, it's up to you. You can sell yourself into slavery and fit into the market. For some reason, the United States thinks in imperial manners.
              2. +1
                3 October 2022 20: 52
                Quote: Ilya-spb
                I personally - for the revival of the communist ideology. No atheism. A synthesis of pochvenism and communism is needed. It seems to me that it is possible.

                Just give a hint about communism and Marxism! immediately get a discussion, and it’s not a fact that it will ever end smile and you will be understood laughing
                But to propose a progressive tax, a luxury tax, to develop and strengthen in the public interest those elements of Socialism (medicine, education, pensions) that have not yet been destroyed, calling it social justice and social necessity - everything will be clearer here.
                And one more thing: The purpose of Ideology is to reconcile palaces with squares, the people with the tops ... The people, in principle, everything is in order with the worldview, but the problem with the tops is how to force them to fulfill ideological requirements?
            2. 0
              3 October 2022 12: 29
              And it is based on a mixture of anti-Sovietism, monarchism, Februaryism and the White Guard

              It's not an ideology, it's bullshit. The ideology must be accepted by the majority of the people. What nafig monarchism - it is for urban madmen. Well, what is fevralizm no one even knows.
      2. +5
        3 October 2022 00: 14
        Quote: Aerodrome
        2. "If you want to DEFEAT THE ENEMY, EDUCATE HIS CHILDREN"

        But in Ukraine it really worked.
        1. 0
          3 October 2022 13: 08
          In our country, all these "Soros funds" were no less gay than there.
          1. 0
            3 October 2022 16: 13
            Well, in Russia they have achieved some success. Fortunately, they did not manage to achieve great success, otherwise Russia would no longer exist.
            1. -1
              3 October 2022 17: 57
              But to rake now for 10 years for sure. If not much more.
              1. +1
                3 October 2022 18: 09
                Well, if you take advantage of the current situation correctly, then it is possible to do it faster. All the same, military time, as part of the new territory is occupied by the enemy.
  2. +6
    2 October 2022 05: 10
    The state and obligatory ideology of the West is democracy and human rights. Under the guise of words about democracy and human rights, the West bombs countries and overthrows governments, arranges coups, does not recognize the will of the people (although what can be more democratic than a referendum?), applies double standards when it does not recognize referendums, this time hiding behind the alleged "integrity of the state ". If any government is objectionable to the Anglo-Saxons, it is immediately declared undemocratic, and a puppet is pulled out, who is called a "democratic president" by analogy with Guaido and Tupanovskaya. It is very convenient to use the state ideology, while in Russia the ideology is directly prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is why Putin’s policy is so toothless, since no one knows what goals should be pursued, what needs to be done to achieve these goals.
    1. +35
      2 October 2022 07: 10
      How to increase the terms of government for yourself and raise the terms of retirement, so there are teeth. And how to touch the whole frantic gang of enemies of the people and do justice in the country, so he has no teeth. You, comrade, think what you write, justifying any actions of the Sun-faced.
      1. +3
        2 October 2022 14: 00
        Yes, he is not a comrade, all this is the master's servants ... winked
      2. 0
        3 October 2022 20: 55
        Quote: Taimen
        .And how to touch the whole frantic gang of enemies of the people and do justice in the country, so he has no teeth.

        And who should he rely on? the financial capabilities of the Russian oligarch are comparable to those of the ruler of a not very small country ... including the military.
    2. 0
      3 October 2022 16: 14
      Quote: Belousov_Kuzma_Egorovich
      The state and obligatory ideology of the West is democracy and human rights.

      No, their ideology is a belief in their exclusivity and superiority over all whom they do not consider their own.
      1. 0
        4 October 2022 14: 49
        I communicated by correspondence with one inhabitant from the citadel of democracy. So he directly said. : "Why do these "savages" need so many things? One hell they use these resources incorrectly" The burden of a white man ....
    3. +1
      4 October 2022 14: 46
      The ideology of the "elite" of the Russian Federation is as simple as 2 fingers.
      1. Here, steal and squeeze to the maximum
      2. Take out and take out the family there. Then run when everything starts to fall apart.
      It's just that the West decided to stupidly eat our "elites". They destroyed their house (RF) and set it on fire, and they took away everything they took out and said that their place was at the bucket. Here they are rushing around not knowing what to do. It seems that they are puffing up to show how formidable they are, but they themselves broke everything and plundered. And they are trying to whine in hope, and suddenly, at least they will pardon him personally. Hence the political schizophrenia. Either they scream that crowds of fascists-cannibals-Satanists are rushing towards us, then they carry money / resources to foreign partners so as not to cause them inconvenience.
  3. +10
    2 October 2022 05: 30
    The ideology should be based on the creation and improvement of the life of not only the whole society but also the individual.
    The communist ideology in the USSR failed because the communists ceased to perceive the individual as a part of society ... and in the pursuit of universal equality, fraternity and happiness, they began to build a paradise separately for their loved ones ... special hospitals, special canteens, special products, special vehicles, special rations where the chosen ones were merchandised comrades from the special nomenclature of the CPSU ... some kind of deceitful ideology was obtained.
    It was a shock for me when, during searches of the leaders of the communist parties of the southern republics, they found gold coins, large amounts of money ... from that moment on, the ideology of the communists cracked for me ... it turned out that the late USSR was led by ordinary grabbers and thieves ... how so?
    It will be very difficult to restore the trust of the people to the communists.
    Now the ideology of the state, which will be accepted by the whole people, should be formalized on understandable, specific and promising postulates.
    An abstract ideology will not work in our pragmatic consumer society.
    1. +6
      2 October 2022 06: 57
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The communist ideology in the USSR failed because the communists stopped perceiving the individual as a part of society ... and in the pursuit of universal equality, fraternity and happiness began to build a paradise separately for yourself relatives ...

      And vague and illogical.
      Not in "pursuing", but hiding behind.
      That is, the reason is the emergence of the caste of "priests of communism" and the growth of the hypocrisy of this caste.
      To be honest, I don’t see any mechanisms for blocking such processes in the future.
      And they are needed because through caste any society, in my opinion, is doomed to disintegration. hi
      1. +9
        2 October 2022 11: 03
        To be honest, I don’t see any mechanisms for blocking such processes in the future.

        The mechanism is primitive, it has now worked - a state with a rotten gut is being destroyed by the blows of competitors from the outside.
        Ideology-ideology ... At the bottom it was simple - "Eat in moderation, but do not eat like a pig in three throats - this is shameful." People really thought so. They were not disinterested, but they were not pigs either. Then they changed it - "Eating three throats is a success, this is the pinnacle, we must strive for this."
        Moreover, they changed those for which "there is no mechanism" within the country. But on the outside, he didn't go anywhere. Now they run around like cockroaches in a frying pan.
        1. +1
          2 October 2022 17: 08
          Quote: dauria
          To be honest, I don’t see any mechanisms for blocking such processes in the future.

          The mechanism is primitive, it has now worked - a state with a rotten gut is being destroyed by the blows of competitors from the outside.

          I'm not talking about that. Not about the natural mechanism that destroys automatically, but about the mechanism that would prevent this death. I don't see him.

          PS Apparently. you need to look closely at the life of large biosystems such as anthills.
          At the same time, I would note that they live autonomously, almost without interacting with the same neighbors. hi
          1. +1
            4 October 2022 14: 47
            Smoke_in_smoke. The story worked. When the pseudo-communists decided to free themselves from the fetters and live as before, they automatically fell to the place that was under the king. And today's capitalists do not want to know a feudal country, which is only protected by the nuclear weapons of a highly developed country, which they have destroyed. If it were not for nuclear weapons and the desire to have a country that will work for capitalism, Russia would no longer exist. The feudal lords thought - once they managed to succeed a second time, but the time for success passed in 2014. They themselves did not create anything, but destroyed the old. And the ideology is "United Russia" it shouts to the people - do as we do, do it quickly and do it for yourself.
            1. -1
              4 October 2022 17: 23
              Generally agree, except for this:
              Quote: zenion
              And the ideology is "United Russia" it shouts to the people - do as we do, do it quickly and do it for yourself.

              The ideology of the neo-liberals and their message is now quite commissar: "do as I say," but not our Russian: "do as I do." hi
        2. -1
          2 October 2022 20: 38
          Quote: dauria
          Moreover, they changed those for which "there is no mechanism" within the country. But on the outside, he didn't go anywhere. Now they run around like cockroaches in a frying pan.

          It is so, only those who want to take away the stolen things are running away from their own kind, the theft of which they also contributed to. The robbed at the same time continue to "suck their paw."
      2. +1
        2 October 2022 13: 00
        Quote: DymOk_v_dYmke
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        The communist ideology in the USSR failed because the communists stopped perceiving the individual as a part of society ... and in the pursuit of universal equality, fraternity and happiness began to build a paradise separately for yourself relatives ...

        And vague and illogical.
        Not in "pursuing", but hiding behind.
        That is, the reason is the emergence of the caste of "priests of communism" and the growth of the hypocrisy of this caste.

        To be honest, I don’t see any mechanisms for blocking such processes in the future.
        And they are needed because through caste any society, in my opinion, is doomed to disintegration. hi

        Where else? Any government in any country, hiding behind slogans for the masses, manages its affairs in the name of its loved ones. Our late communists hid behind equality and internationalism and led the union to collapse. Mattress Democrats (Republicans), under the guise of freedom and democracy, are an example of their complete absence in the United States and stifle their rudiments in other countries, sliding into dictatorship. Having created the EU superstructure, having gathered European countries under one roof, under the guise of tolerance ideology, Eurohomics from Brussels have deprived these countries of sovereignty and will soon lead to the collapse of the union into national apartments, being absolutely intolerant of their neighbors. There is not and will not be a universal ideology, since it will always seem to society that somewhere it is freer, somewhere more democratic, somewhere equality is more equal, since the government, under any ideology, tries to use its fruits for itself and adapt it to itself until it loses the instinct of self-preservation and then the society demolishes this power. However, it must be admitted that a state completely devoid of ideology will be doomed because the people have no understanding of what they are building and where they are moving.
        The Chinese are great, they did not abandon the communist ideology, but after analyzing the mistakes of the USSR, they dragged elements of capitalism into it, creating a kind of hybrid of the two systems and nothing, buzzing to their delight to everyone's envy.
        1. -4
          2 October 2022 15: 22
          Quote: Nyrobsky
          The Chinese are great, they did not abandon the communist ideology, but after analyzing the mistakes of the USSR, they dragged elements of capitalism into it, creating a kind of hybrid of the two systems and nothing, buzzing to their delight to everyone's envy.

          These "some" elements have led to the fact that, in fact, communism in China has degenerated into capitalism. And immediately in political terms, into National Socialism. And now China has a lot of problems associated with capitalism. Demography, national question, economic crisis, wealth difference, wild exploitation of the wage worker. Well, and so on.
        2. +1
          2 October 2022 17: 22
          Quote: Nyrobsky
          The Chinese are great, they did not abandon the communist ideology, but after analyzing the mistakes of the USSR, they dragged elements of capitalism into it, creating a kind of hybrid of the two systems and nothing, buzzing to their delight to everyone's envy.

          That is it. The Chinese "sucked" from their neighbors (us) what they considered useful, took advantage of our support (including technical support) and managed to digest it by building it into their age-old traditions.
          Actually, we also have to rethink the turnover, compare it with our traditions of collectivism (partly due to the northern / harsh conditions of survival) and move on from this. hi
    2. AUL
      2 October 2022 07: 01
      If those in power themselves do not adhere to the ideology that they are trying to instill in the population, it is useless. If a thief from a high podium repeats "do not steal!" - who will listen to him? Ideology can be implemented only by a personal example of power!
      1. +10
        2 October 2022 09: 22
        Ideology can be implemented only by a personal example of power!

        And they put Deripaska or Potanin as an example, and they are (in all honesty) ordinary thieves, whatever you call them.
        Therefore, we get the output. . . . (make up your own mind.
        1. 0
          2 October 2022 15: 24
          Quote: user
          And they put Deripaska or Potanin as an example

          This is the Deripaska who wanted to throw workers out into the cold, as far as I remember a couple of cement plants, and the Potanin whose company staged an environmental disaster by saving on tanks.
          1. -1
            3 October 2022 18: 45
            Yes - yes, it is V.O. Potanin who is a citizen of Israel and other states.
            By the way, they write that with a wild cry “1917 is returning!” oligarch V.O. Potanin fled to Israel. True, having "earned" 30 billion dollars before that.
      2. 0
        2 October 2022 17: 32
        Quote from AUL
        If those in power themselves do not adhere to the ideology that they are trying to instill in the population, it is useless. If a thief from a high podium repeats "do not steal!" - who will listen to him? Ideology can be implemented only by a personal example of power!

        In the end (the time lag, of course, is open), it is not the commissars who win (“Do as I say”), but the commanders (“Do as I do”). hi
    3. +14
      2 October 2022 07: 13
      As I.V. Stalin was killed, so they began to grab. Khrushchev canceled responsibility. And then it went on increasing.
    4. -3
      2 October 2022 08: 26
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The ideology must be based on...

      The men gathered to decide on the topic of how we will live (concept).
      To attract supporters, they created different ideologies, everyone wants a lot of different things, therefore they wrapped their concept in a usable form - to whom communism, to whom capitalism, they created different parties for this cause, each with its own ideas (ideologies), implicitly promoting the concept to the masses, because as K. Marx prophesied: "Until the idea takes possession of the masses, it is dead." There can be as many ideologies as you like, but those that go beyond the concept will be destroyed in the bud. Created for this legislature, which adopts laws in the interests of the concept and the party that received the majority of votes in the elections. Created to promote laws executive power, to help her given judicial branch with all the repressive mechanism of the state.

      Hence the popular saying:Vote, don't vote, but the concept will remain the same".

      In order to radically change something, the peasants need to get together again and develop a new concept of living arrangements, and ideologies for this new life will appear themselves ...

      By the way. In Russia, a new Concept has been worked out in opposition to the Biblical Concept. This is the BER (concept of public safety). There is enough information on it on the Internet, including the enemy, which perverts it. No attempt to register a party based on the new concept was successful. The Ministry of Justice stands guard over the old...
    5. 0
      2 October 2022 08: 51
      It was a shock for me when, during searches at the heads of the communist parties of the southern republics, they found gold coins, money in large quantities ...

      Gee .... Southern republics ....
      Take an interest in the results .... events with quite a leader of the entire USSR ....
      EMNIP, Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
      1. 0
        2 October 2022 16: 50
        Quote: frog
        It was a shock for me when, during searches at the heads of the communist parties of the southern republics, they found gold coins, money in large quantities ...

        Gee .... Southern republics ....
        Take an interest in the results .... events with quite a leader of the entire USSR ....
        EMNIP, Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

        The leaders of the regions were different ... The predecessor of Luzhkov, Popov and Yeltsin, the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU Viktor Vasilyevich Grishin, for example, died in line at the Social Security Service, drawing up his pension ...
        1. 0
          2 October 2022 17: 26
          Did I say that all bruliki were measured in kilograms? But Grishin's personal honesty correlates with his, sorry, professional ..... the vegetable knows how to put it better ...... wealth? Because we know the result. And yes, who was there more - the first or the second?
    6. +1
      3 October 2022 10: 01
      Unfortunately, Trotsky (no matter how we feel about him) was right in many respects when he spoke of the gradual degeneration of the party and the workers', socialist, state.
  4. +17
    2 October 2022 05: 33
    In the West, if the standard of living of the people is reduced, the head of state flies out of office. Political crisis! So there is democracy.

    In 1988, the USSR ranked 26th in the ranking of living standards by country. And the country fell apart. Now the Russian Federation is at a level next to Colombia, a place of about 70 and nothing. The king rules for 22 years.
    What is the "state-forming", such is the State. But everyone has a car and a smartphone!
    1. Mwg
      2 October 2022 13: 12
      "In the West, if the standard of living of the people is reduced, the head of state flies out of office." - common misconception. In the West, the head of state leaves when he has completed the short-term tasks that were assigned to him by the shadow masters. Well, if you have initiatively overfulfilled the assigned tasks and shown courtesy, then they can leave for a second term
    2. Alf
      2 October 2022 21: 23
      Quote: ivan2022
      But everyone has a car and a smartphone!

  5. for
    2 October 2022 05: 44
    Ideology is directly prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, like PMCs and much more, but it exists.
    When Kadyrov, Prigozhin, VO and their commentators are held accountable for the decredation of the Russian Armed Forces.
    There will be order in the country when we stop all troubles to blame the West, but we will correct them and punish them for them.
    1. -9
      2 October 2022 08: 09
      Quote: for
      Ideology is expressly prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation

      Have you read our Constitution? laughing
    2. +5
      2 October 2022 08: 59
      I'm surprised with you wink
      Who needs it when the whole kennel can be hung on the left uncle? A variety of reptilians, agents of the State Department, all-propellers, Judemasons, ukrobots .... If I missed anyone, sorry, you can add to the list.
      It is they who are to blame for the fact that the entrance is piled up, the district policeman - in three sections, the money was stolen and there is no storm water. And we ourselves are exclusively highly spiritual with a special path, naturally, goat. And in highly spiritual bonded activity, we forget to spoil where it is supposed to and remove the shit everywhere.
      It's better to forget yourself in a rough wigwam,
      Enduring inconvenience in Indian life,
      What to think about people who shit in the temple
      And praying to God to restore purity
    3. +1
      2 October 2022 17: 40
      Quote: for
      There will be order in the country when we stop blaming the West for all troubles, and we will correct them and punish them for them.

      The current government just does not blame the West for anything.
      She only writes off her own "punctures" to Western intrigues while continuing to follow the course prescribed by the West. A course alien to the interests of the people.
    4. Alf
      2 October 2022 21: 26
      Quote: for
      but she is.

      Formulate it.
      Quote: for
      When Kadyrov, Prigozhin, VO and their commentators are held accountable for the decredation of the Russian Armed Forces.

      If they write that the generals are mediocre, then this is called discredit?
      Quote: for
      There will be order in the country when we stop blaming the West for all troubles, and we will correct them and punish them for them.

      Who will be ? Who implements them?
  6. for
    2 October 2022 05: 47
    And when the ideology will be introduced into the minds of people

    It has been implemented for a long time, just not the same.
  7. +7
    2 October 2022 06: 17
    Ideology does not go to the people, but from the people. From popular ideas about what people need in life. Just as the "elite" of society is formed by society itself. Based on his ideas about who should be obeyed, who should be listened to and who should be respected. And who to send away ....

    If among the people the only truly popular movement is called an organized criminal group, and the word "authority" means a bandit, then it is clear what the people really need. No matter how it is covered up by journalists, writers and politicians.
  8. +12
    2 October 2022 06: 54
    And I remembered Hitler's words after he became the leader of Germany - "I need guys with strong fists, even with a faulty past." And this is also an ideology. As a result of which a monster has grown. We have an ideology. You can see it on TV screens, in the speeches of speakers. When the legal right is crushed, this is the most insignificant ideology. these guys are protected from tyranny. After all, this happened in the 80s. When the boys were sent to Afghanistan, and a month later the parents received a funeral. Not in three months, not in six months. Untrained children were thrown into the furnace of war. There were no legal laws, and still are not. When from places of detention, without a court decision, people are formed into detachments. It can NOT be that things were not going well in civilian life, but everything was fine in war.
  9. +11
    2 October 2022 07: 12
    As the stern sailor said, "Your sermon was not successful."
    Ideology by itself means little. Severe Christian kings, general secretaries and Fuhrers first established order by force and did things. Without power and real deeds, ideology is not worth even an hour of airtime.
    The experience of ancestors must be studied and taken the best. But now no one will understand the "code of the builder of communism" or "honor SATURDAY".
    Why invent something? Chapters 1 and 2 of the Constitution are more than a wonderful ideology. But who is doing them? First, the authorities, by their example, developed a total legal nihilism. And now the televangelists are trying to regain the authority of the authorities.
    ps The mention of Mozgovoy and the "Russian Spring" in the speech of the First speaks volumes. The authorities are trying to find supporters even from the persecuted "people's patriots". So the "fifth column" is very "baked". Students (and not only) be afraid to touch under mobilization. Millions of reckless "pacifists" can demolish any government.
    1. +6
      2 October 2022 08: 15
      ps The mention of Mozgovoy and the "Russian Spring" in the speech of the First speaks volumes. The authorities are trying to find supporters even from the persecuted "people's patriots". So the "fifth column" is very "baked".

      Yesterday on Russia 24 Mikhalkov showed his program of 1996. I looked out of the corner of my eye. The portrait of Nicholas 2 flashed again, Mikhalkov rode in a carriage ... So far, everything is the same as before ...
      1. +4
        2 October 2022 15: 28
        Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
        Yesterday on Russia 24 Mikhalkov showed his program of 1996. I looked out of the corner of my eye. The portrait of Nicholas 2 flashed again, Mikhalkov rode in a carriage ... So far, everything is the same as before ...

        Here is such a Russian spring. You rot in the trenches and go to bayonet machine guns, and they chat from a zomboyaschik, eat three throats and ride carriages.
    2. +2
      2 October 2022 18: 06
      Quote: samarin1969
      The experience of ancestors must be studied and taken the best. But now no one will understand the "code of the builder of communism" or "honor SATURDAY".

      In the outback, no one knows the "code of the builder of communism", however, this does not prevent us from living by it, because there is nothing in it that contradicts our traditions.
      Quote: samarin1969
      ps The mention of Mozgovoy and the "Russian Spring" in the speech of the First speaks volumes. The authorities are trying to find supporters even from the persecuted "people's patriots".

      Well mentioned.
      Such ideological as Brain bourgeois power as a bone in the throat.
      Whose DRG killed him will never be investigated.
      Hanged, of course, on ukrov, but it is hard to believe.
      And the name (without mentioning the views and position), yes, will be used to lure and fool.
  10. +17
    2 October 2022 07: 22
    What ideology can we talk about at the moment? After August 91, the Russian Federation ran by leaps and bounds back to "that Russia that it lost", to the raw material appendage of world capital, where it was until the age of 17. All forward, RF back. Instead of enlightenment, obscurantism. History put on the shelf appeared, some kind of noble families, heirs of the imperial court, etc. in the 22nd century then !? Instead of educational, professional institutions, all kinds of sects. The closure of entire branches of production important for the country, but all sorts of entertainment, window dressing, over the roof. And what is interesting, it is necessary at such events - pop, without it things will not work. HRV is mostly still breathing on the remnants of SA. As for the production of its own, it has already been said earlier, it is sad. Here we are back in the past. If the output is not known.
    The current system of power is not viable.
    1. +12
      2 October 2022 10: 13
      I recalled the recent Sabbath of the "marriage" of an overseas adventurer with the participation of the Kremlin company of the Guard of Honor ... Like, "heir to the Romanov dynasty" ... Have you seen the physiognomy of this "heir"? They say Shoigu was furious. Or pretended to be.
      And what about the rest. What ideology, and even more so, culture, are we talking about if
    2. +1
      2 October 2022 22: 08
      Instead of enlightenment, obscurantism.

      Instead of enlightenment - obscurantism.
  11. +11
    2 October 2022 07: 39
    The Soviet project was based, of course, not on socialist and, moreover, not on Christian ideas. His support was the deep collective worldview of native Russia, on which Stalin very wisely staked in the struggle for power with the foreign Bolsheviks.
    This topic has been studied in detail and embodied in the work "The Roots of Stalin's Bolshevism" by the remarkable historian (now deceased) A.V. Pyzhikov.
    1. 0
      3 October 2022 10: 16
      And what, under Stalin, even in the last years of his life, there were no representatives, as you write, "foreigners" in the top leadership? At the 19th Congress of the CPSU, were not Beria, Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Bagirov, Kuusinen, Tevosyan elected to the Presidium of the Central Committee? And what category did the half-Macedonian Malenkov belong to?
      1. +1
        4 October 2022 17: 28
        And what category did the half-Macedonian Malenkov belong to?

        Malenkov's father died when he was three years old. Malenkov was raised by her mother and grandfather, Nizhny Novgorod Old Believers.
  12. +8
    2 October 2022 07: 41
    The king is made by his environment. And such a situation is beneficial for the environment. Therefore, outsiders are not allowed into this environment. If we have an ideology, then the environment will have to be divided. In general, everything is written correctly, but as long as Putin rules, nothing will change!!
  13. +9
    2 October 2022 07: 45
    It seems to me that we live in a country of victorious servility and slavery.
    1. +3
      2 October 2022 14: 31
      we live in a country that may be called the Land of Liars (according to Rodari) or the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors (I don’t remember who wrote it).
  14. +12
    2 October 2022 07: 46
    What type of state, such an ideology. At least write 100 times in the Constitution:No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory. Russia is a bourgeois state and therefore the same ideology. In Ukraine, reactionary, chauvinistic, elements of financial capital came to power ... And, accordingly, the same ideology.
    1. -1
      2 October 2022 09: 08
      As for capitalism, I completely agree with you, although .... nationally oriented capitalism is known lol
      As for the "only true" ..... Real we know where it hobbled. And as soon as you propose a more or less working scheme for .... positive selection of personnel, we will talk. Before that, these are references to the fact that vodka was stronger, and the girls were more provocative .....
      1. +3
        2 October 2022 10: 41
        As for the "only true".
        Where is it written for me? What is the social formation of the state and ideology. The essence of the commentary. And no more. Yes, the cons are not mine. hi
        1. +2
          2 October 2022 11: 15
          Where is it written for me?

          In this place, nowhere))) In others - you did mention. Actually, I'm not against, even, one might say, for feel From just a question, about personnel, it’s not going anywhere, unfortunately.
          And yes, for the cons, it’s like a lamp for me. But anyway, merci hi
          And so, these silent, familiar letters who saw, there are enough here. As, however, everywhere wink
          1. +2
            2 October 2022 12: 09
            Where in others? laughing I have one comment on this topic. laughing When they talk about ideology, I adhere to the following: What is the social formation of the state and what is the ideology.
            1. +2
              2 October 2022 13: 50
              Fuck for tongue-tiedness request . I didn't just mean this thread. feel
              And, in general, I agree with you. From just the aforementioned damned question ..... Yes, and the active shirgarmasses do not want to step on their necks, their loved ones))
              True, everything is also hard for ..... competitor. Dead end-s conceptual. And they are not going to get out of it .....
              In general, a sad disposition ....
              1. +3
                2 October 2022 14: 07
                In general, a sad disposition ....
      2. 0
        2 October 2022 15: 33
        Quote: frog
        nation-oriented capitalism is known

        Nationally oriented capitalism is in any case capitalism oriented towards the ruling class. And since the ruling class is the capitalists, then the conversation on this topic can be completed. If somewhere the ass is smaller, from this it does not cease to be an ass.
    2. +1
      2 October 2022 19: 25
      Quote: parusnik
      In Ukraine, reactionary, chauvinistic, elements of financial capital came to power ... And, accordingly, the same ideology.

      In Ukraine, and Russian capital robustly represented. Yes, and with the state-power interweaving. As a classic example, it is enough to dig (at least on the wiki) the trajectory of M.Yu. Zurabov) - lastly, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ukraine and at the same time the owner of the largest network of pharmacies there.
  15. +2
    2 October 2022 08: 03
    Ten Commandments:
    Written to Moses for the Jewish tribe (Old Testament, Pentateuch of Moses)

    1 commandment:“I am the Lord your God ... May you have no other gods before My face” (Exodus 20: 2-3).

    "If your relatives urge you to worship other gods ... then kill them ... stone them to death" (Deuteronomy 13: 6-10).

    2 commandment:“Do not make yourself an idol or any image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth. Do not worship them and do not serve them ”(Exodus 20: 4-6)

    Only it seems to me that the first commandment contradicts the second?

    3 commandment: “Do not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain ”(Exodus 20: 7).

    Is this a direct indication of the ban on direct communication with God without intermediaries?

    4 commandment: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days, and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord your God: do not do anything on this day neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter ... For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything that is in them; and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it ”(Exodus 20: 8-11) ..

    Whoever does a deed on the Sabbath day shall be put to death (Exodus 31:15).

    5 commandment:“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged on the land which the Lord your God gives you” (Exodus 20: 12).

    If your loved ones call you to worship other gods… then kill them… stone them to death (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).

    6 commandment:“Do Not Kill” (Exodus 20: 13).

    And in the cities of these peoples, which the Lord your God is giving you as a possession, do not leave a single soul alive, ... as the Lord your God commanded you. (Deuteronomy 20:16-17).

    … do not be afraid of the people of this land; for it will be ours to eat (Numbers 14:9).

    7 commandment: “Do not commit adultery” (Exodus 20: 14).

    ... and leave all female children who did not know the masculine bed alive for themselves (Numbers 31: 17-18).

    8 commandment:Do Not Steal (Exodus 20: 15)

    ... your God will bring you into the land that He swore ... to give you with large and good cities, which you did not build, and with houses filled with all good things, which you did not fill, and with wells hewn from stone, which you did not hew, with vineyards and olive trees, which you did not plant, and you will eat and be satisfied (Deuteronomy 6:10-11).

    9 commandment:“Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor” (Exodus 20: 16).

    If you hear about any of your cities, which the Lord your God is giving you to live in, that wicked people have appeared in it ... saying: "Let's go and serve other gods that you did not know," ... then ... strike the inhabitants of that cities with the edge of the sword, cast a spell over it and everything that is in it, and strike its cattle with the edge of the sword; Gather up all its booty in the middle of its marketplace, and burn the city with fire and all its booty as a burnt offering to the Lord your God... (Deuteronomy 13:12-16).

    10 commandment:“Do not desire your neighbor's house; do not desire your neighbor's wife ... nothing that your neighbor has ”(Exodus 20: 17).

    And they cast a spell over all the cities, men and women and children, left no one alive (Deuteronomy 2:34).
    1. 0
      2 October 2022 09: 10
      Naturally. And before leaving Egypt, the Creator advised to take redheads from the pharaoh there, pebbles ..... Like, in debt. One shish, bring down the ends, you don’t have to give back. A wonderful example, in a word
      1. 0
        2 October 2022 14: 33
        And then they are surprised and we are always and everywhere for what.
    2. +1
      2 October 2022 10: 40
      Moses wrote the Pentateuch, but they minus me laughing
      1. +3
        2 October 2022 15: 35
        And you still quote Mein Kampf ..... You will be surprised at the result lol
      2. +3
        2 October 2022 16: 25
        Moses wrote the Pentateuch, but they minus me

        Respect! Laughing until he was hoarse... wink
        1. -1
          3 October 2022 12: 27
          Laughing until he was hoarse...

          You're laughing in vain. It is very sad. This shows that there will be no discussion of ideology by the people - there will be srach. Therefore, we need a leader who will formulate this ideology and force the MINORITY to accept it, or lie low
  16. +11
    2 October 2022 08: 20
    There is an ideology in Russia, "Get the dough!" It's called. hi
  17. +8
    2 October 2022 08: 42
    They wanted a new ideology! I think to warn the supporters of the new state ideology. Those who are now in power will drag in EXACTLY THEIR IDEOLOGY. Not only me, but also others do not inspire confidence in the "elite" that is now at the helm. We live in different countries - the elite (and hangers-on) and the "plebs", serfs. The ratio is 1: 10 (pr.) And we will live in a "bright future" built on principles, the majority are completely incomprehensible and unnecessary! hi
    RS. Sorry, not a publicist, but thinking people will write better, but the direction of thoughts is clear!
  18. -2
    2 October 2022 08: 43
    Hello Andrei.
    You see, this topic has been of interest to me personally for more than half a century, I have answers to the questions you posed. Not to be unfounded: the communist ideology failed because they put forward the slogan: "Religion is the opium of the people." Instead of raising the Spiritual component of EVERYONE to a new level, creating a synthesis of Science and Religion through EDUCATION, they created an idol for the population of the Country. In general, if you are interested in a deeper consideration of this information space, then let's talk in the mail. All the best and good luck.
    1. +5
      2 October 2022 14: 34
      But she is still the opium of the people. """"
      1. 0
        3 October 2022 09: 43
        Hello, Imyarek (I don’t know how else to contact you).
        In my opinion, you are confusing Religion with the false dogmatic ideas of religious leaders about the place of modern Man in the Universe. By the way, these ideas are hopelessly behind the achievements of modern Science, which is why there are skeptical people like you. You simply do not give yourself the trouble to penetrate deeper into the processes of the Universe, therefore you do not understand that Religion is based on the most ancient conclusions of the Initiates and is the ROOT from which ALL religions of Mankind have come. In order not to be unfounded, I will give you one of the timeless Wisdom (timeless because Time has no power over it - millennia have passed and tens of thousands of years will pass, but It will remain unchanged):
        ==="True without any falsehood, certain and supremely true. That which is below is analogous (correspondingly) to that which is above. And that which is above is analogous to that which is below, to bring about the miracles of the one thing .

        And similarly to how all things came from the One through the medium of the One, since all things were born from this one essence through adaptation.
        All the best and good luck with your research.
  19. +4
    2 October 2022 08: 43
    Now the old people who were born immediately after the war are leaving. Those who were born in 1970-1980 are entering the stage, who declare with aplomb that they lived in the USSR. And they say that what is happening now was before. How old were they when the USSR collapsed? 21-11 years old. In a peaceful life, this is not age. And they say that both pedophilia and drug addiction were. As was the case with drug addiction. If a thief got hooked on a needle, he was offered to be treated for about a year. He doesn’t want it, then for theft. And as was the case with pedophiles. to offend the child with something. There were dog boxes. But, the one who was engaged in animal husbandry enjoyed the contempt of the entire neighborhood. They were not even greeted. There were many unpleasant things, but there was no inhumanity. And this is already a big plus for the former society.
    1. +6
      2 October 2022 11: 15
      I totally agree with you Nicholas. I'm already "under 70", let's say so. I don't just remember, I lived in that time. I went to kindergarten, to the senior group, alone - now I meet my granddaughter-schoolgirl at the door of the school ... What kind of pedophilia, what are you talking about?!!! We boys ran until dark, you can’t drive home ...
      According to "117" (rape), sitting down is a "cockerel" until the end of the term, and it's not a fact that you will live ...
      Hockey "boxes" - at each school ... (they helped the supply manager fill in the ice, and even clean it from snow - no questions asked). At the city stadium, the football field was poured under the skating rink. Every evening - spotlights, music, locker room (change shoes). Free admission. Oh, yes - sharpen the skates "under the groove" - ​​10 kopecks ... if you ask - they will sharpen the kid for free. The New Year's tree was set up with a garland .. There were also fights - where would we be without them. Especially on the summer dance floor, in the park. But in a crowd of one ... or in front of a girl - never (“zapadlo”) ... even in a foreign area ... And pull out a knife during a fight - they will “cut down” their own from behind ...
      The end of the 60s, the middle of the 70s, a district town in the Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod). Then I went to study...
  20. +4
    2 October 2022 09: 02
    And this should not be decided by the president or the State Duma, it should be decided by the people themselves through a broad discussion.

    After all, the first preachers of Christianity in Russia, Peter I, Lenin and Stalin, managed to take possession of the souls of a Russian person.

    Everything is in our hands, we just need to want.

    But do we want to - I ask myself a question. And I can't find an answer.

    So in our hands or someone should lead?
    1. +4
      2 October 2022 09: 19
      First - "broad discussion". The one who worked hard - will work hard, no one will arbeiten for him, who did not work hard - will discuss wink
      Well, later, when the discussants come in, one of the listed ones will show up. Or, say, Pinochet, or Pol Pot, or someone else ..... And some .... equidistant, and some - equidistant ..... Well, and so on ......
    2. +1
      3 October 2022 00: 15
      Hi soldier
      An ideologue is always created / written by some kind of "wise men".
      That's how they create it, there are options. They can suck it out of your finger, to order, but it also happens that they transfer to paper what is in the air, which is in demand in society.
      Therefore, different options have different fates.
      All history shows this.
      1. +4
        3 October 2022 19: 34
        Good time! hi

        That's something you can't see those who can pick up the mood of society without a revolution ...
        1. +1
          4 October 2022 11: 53
          Hi soldier
          We still have many people who remember the USSR, with nostalgia, somewhat idealizing. But even such cynics as I, knowingly, who have seen more than others, without idealizing the past, remember MUCH things that we unambiguously consider to be much better than the present.
          The question is ... what can the current ones offer us that would be of interest to us, but the foundations of their WEALTH, this did not shake ???
  21. 0
    2 October 2022 09: 48
    The USSR already had an ideology that ended in a blatant violation of human rights, most of the country's citizens suffered. They said everything correctly, but only words often disagreed with deeds. Western democracy is also a model of hypocrisy. In order to stop all speculation on the topic of ideology, everything must be simplified.
    1. Man is born to live. Life is provided by human activity and the consumption of the fruits of activity.
    2. Each person is free in his actions, but personal freedom is limited by the freedom of other members of society, i.e. all citizens.
    3. The framework of freedom is established by the existing moral and ethical standards and legislative acts of the state.
    4. The basis of the state is the people living in a certain territory with established boundaries. The name of the state, the flag, the anthem, the authorities are the attributes of statehood. The main tasks of the state is to protect the citizens of the country, to ensure the life and work, freedom of all citizens of the country.
    Tired of speculation on the history of the country.
    The revolution happened because the above principles were violated. A significant part of the population engaged in the production of goods was deprived of them, and the goods created were consumed by those who did not create them. But nobles and landowners are only the central part of the country. There was a lot of land in the country, the climate is worse, but quite suitable for agriculture. Therefore, the peasants suffered from the revolution, who provided their income with their hard work, and everything was successfully taken from them.
    The Soviet government took care of people, there was a turning point in people's minds. People became literate, got the opportunity to study, get a specialty, the country developed. Socialism was a progressive society. The USSR became the leader among the countries of the world. The communist ideology, despite its reasonableness and positive results, was defeated. The personal consumption of the citizens of the country has lagged behind the roof of the consumption of Western Europe. It was easier for the small countries of Western Europe to recover after World War II, which did not bring them such significant damage, destruction, human losses as the Soviet Union. The vast territory, the lack of roads and high-speed vehicles, the diversity of ethnic groups played a role. In the Caucasus and Central Asia, traditions remained the basis. Starting from the 2s, the purge of the ranks of the CPSU began, when party cards were deprived of inconvenient communist activists, and functionaries who were engaged in personal well-being and did not solve the problems of the regions came to the leadership. The realities of life won over a good ideology. Food supply problems began. These were solvable problems. In our city, the industry was predominantly defense. The problems of food supply were solved by creating additional subdivisions at the enterprise - subsidiary farms, from which meat and vegetables were supplied to canteens and social facilities. And in large cities, discontent of the population is ripening. And the result was a revolution.
    The people were deprived of accumulated financial resources, were not allowed to privatize and became a source of well-being for individuals who became owners of enterprises. The country's economy works for the well-being of the West, while the people suffer. For the problem is to find a job, not the fact that the work will be paid, the more decent wages are only for a small part of the workers. Power structures work in the interests of business, protecting their not always legitimate interests and violating the legitimate rights of ordinary citizens. And everything seems to be correct: there is a Constitution, laws on the rights of citizens, but in reality the people are used as a source of well-being for near-power groups of people. At the heart of the infringement of the rights of ordinary citizens lies the financial system of depreciation of the ruble.
    Ideology has not saved and will not save, because you can say one thing, think another, and do the third.
  22. -1
    2 October 2022 10: 03
    Quote: olimpiada15
    The USSR already had an ideology that ended in a blatant violation of human rights, most of the country's citizens suffered. They said everything correctly, but only words often disagreed with deeds. Therefore, the peasants suffered from the revolution, who. Socialism was a progressive society. The USSR became the leader among the countries of the world. The communist ideology, despite its reasonableness and positive results, was defeated. The personal consumption of the citizens of the country has lagged behind the roof of the consumption of Western Europe.
    Ideology has not saved and will not save, because you can say one thing, think another, and do the third.

    Some dancers get in the way of eggs, not just ideology. Ideology will not save cretins who cannot accept any ideas other than "grab the bags, the station is leaving", that's how it will be truer.

    Personal consumption in the USSR, even in 1988, corresponded to 26th place in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of quality of life. And they supported the division of the country! And the indifference that the "Soviet deficit" suddenly disappeared at the beginning of 1992, "Gaidar saved the country" and what "was not in the USSR," suddenly miraculously appeared, is evidence of the complete idiocy of society.

    And now the place of the Russian Federation in the ranking of the standard of living is after 60. And nothing, our society is satisfied with the level of consumption. There is grub, everyone has a car and a smartphone ....... 21st century in the yard!
    1. 0
      2 October 2022 19: 44
      Quote: ivan2022
      Personal consumption in the USSR, even in 1988, corresponded to 26th place in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of quality of life. And they supported the division of the country!

      Do not confuse.
      The division of the country was not supported.
      None of the republics.
  23. 0
    2 October 2022 10: 13
    Ideology, the author, is not born in large offices and comfortable sofas. Ideology is born in the rivers of blood in the fields.
    It is being born now and will definitely be born, but it is unlikely to have anything in common with the strained fabrications of the author.

    Ideology is people who have been fighting for more than eight years and collecting everything necessary for this war, this is a performance with a skull, this is the editorial staff of the "Black Hundred" in full force gone to the front.

    People have an idea and they consistently fight for it, regardless of losses and hardships.

    Do you know what kind of youth we have? Oooh, we have cool youth. They are very capable of a lot and are doing a lot right now in the fields. The author reflects on what kind of ideology we need. And they do all this, oddly enough, for the idea and at their own expense.
    1. 0
      3 October 2022 08: 52
      And I did not write that the ideology will be imposed. On the contrary, I am for it. for the people to choose. You must read carefully. And as for strained statements - were you looking through the keyhole as I pushed in the closet, squeezing out the phrases of this article?
      1. 0
        3 October 2022 09: 26
        Why strained is not clear?
        Let me explain. Because the owl is stretched on the globe.
        The state, like air, like bread, like water, needs a state ideology.

        Taki is needed. But the state could not even give birth to her shadow in 30 years.

        And what is being proposed?
        The people themselves must decide through a broad discussion.

        These are masterpieces!
        - People, we urgently need an ideology, you get together and give birth to it quickly!

        How will the people, not possessing any theoretical knowledge, give birth to an ideology?
        Why did the author take that this born ideology will meet the needs of the state?

        The people have already, having consulted, gave birth to an ideology of consumption that is dear to him and has been happy with it in recent times.
        Is the author satisfied with such an ideological choice?
        1. 0
          3 October 2022 11: 10
          People are so stupid, in your opinion, that they are not capable of anything?
  24. +5
    2 October 2022 10: 40
    It is naive.
    In fact, there is an ideology. It's just that it's better not to speak out loud.
    Capitalism. Imperialism.
    I didn’t check it, but I met an observation on the Internet that the word “Capitalism” is not pronounced on TV ..
    And remember: go into business, extra people, live on pasta. There will be no raising of the PV, there will be no change in the Constitution, there will be no attack, there will be no mobilization, Ukraine will remain Ukraine.

    What ideology does it match? Imperialism. And the reference on TV to the authorities of the country of Ilyin and others like him, as an example, also confirms this.
    And Old Man's sayings in case of difficulties: he manages poorly, it is necessary to "attach and optimize" - too
    And a private PMC from ZEKA is just what was introduced into the USSR as an example of Imperialism .....

    Only it’s inconvenient to say this out loud ... so there is no official ediology ...
    1. 0
      2 October 2022 19: 55
      Quote: Max1995
      I didn’t check it, but I met an observation on the Internet that the word “Capitalism” is not pronounced on TV ..

      The term "socialism" is even more taboo.
      And the president of the USSR associates only with galoshes.
      It is naive to wait for any achievements until this changes.
  25. +3
    2 October 2022 11: 13
    The same 90 years ago, communist ideology dominated in the USSR. Some may not like it, but the fact is that this system has trained hundreds of thousands of specialists in various industries and cultures.

    And I thought it was all an educational program, workers' faculties and schools created by the Soviet government with universities did. And it turns out how it is - not educational institutions trained specialists, but an ideological system. Oh well.
    It was this ideology that brought up the force that broke the back of the united Europe in the Great Patriotic War.

    Honestly, I thought that the heavy and military industry created in record time was the force that allowed us to win the war. It just doesn't need to be raised. Made it and it works. And what about the ideology?
    It was this ideology that helped people survive and rebuild the country.

    Another ideology? But what about the economic system corresponding to just such tasks and the leadership already having experience in resolving crises and difficult moments (do not forget that the Soviet elite of that time had experience: civil war, famine of the 20s, collectivization and industrialization). Yes, I do not argue that the planned economy, which turned out to be effective for waging war and preparing for it, was proposed within the framework of the communist ideology, but it itself does not require either a communist or any other ideology. A planned economy is the same faceless and unprincipled tool as a market economy. We do not have communist gas keys and liberal gas keys, right? The key is the key. You just need to know how to use them.
    Take a look at two photographs of people taken in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia and compare them with some of today's youth with Botox lips and nose rings.

    Actually ... not even an argument. Just empty. Forgive me, but there were vulgar actresses at the beginning of the 20th century and the photographs there are appropriate. Certainly not pouty lips (because they didn't know how to pout, I guess), but also not those cute pictures that you give out. And yes, no one in my social circle has nose rings and Botox lips. Maybe I'm not talking to the right people? request Well, if so, then I'm sorry, I didn't go with a ring and lip scanner on purpose.
    From that and many troubles of our society that there is no ideology.

    "An old Soviet remedy! You just need to..." winked
    After all, they managed to take possession of the souls of a Russian person ...

    I do not have the right to speak for all people, so I will put forward only as an assumption. Do you admit that people may not want someone to own their souls? No preachers, no Peter, no Lenin, no Stalin. Yes, it is very difficult to make your mind independent. To do this, you need to think a lot, maintain a firm mind, not allowing any religions and ideologies to soften it with the temptation of simple answers, replenish the baggage of knowledge from different areas. This, of course, is hardly achievable by a weak human mind, but this does not mean the need to cut off such a right in the bud, right?
    You do not be offended, but, as for me, trying to consecrate everything with ideology is the same as spraying rockets with holy water. What does religion have to do with rocket science? None. What does ideology have to do with it? Yes, none too. Good rockets were obtained by either the communist Korolev or the Nazi (and then the liberal :)) von Braun. And when preparing the drawings, neither Lenin, nor Hitler, nor anyone else has ever condescended to help me, frankly speaking.
    I am not against ideology in principle. This is a good way to explain to the population their program in the elections, at least. But against mandatory. Above I expressed all my doubts, but now I'll just ask. Here, for example, we will establish socialism as a state ideology, and I am a neoliberal in my views. So what, am I a traitor or what? Or, let's say, they establish fascism, and I'm a communist. And who am I this time in terms of the ideological state?
    You don't need an ideology. You need tools and the ability to use them.
  26. +3
    2 October 2022 11: 22
    What is an ideology of any kind suddenly dropped from the sky? It is dictate, violence and coercion. Ideology is more or less tolerable when its layers come from the depths of centuries, pouring out into traditional and religious ideas. In this case, a person at least knows that he lives "according to the precepts of his ancestors", maintains continuity. This does not bring special bonuses, because the world is changing rapidly and many views or even cascades of views on things are completely inapplicable in modern times - and moreover, they are directly regarded as religious and national intolerance, caste, militarism, fascism, suppression of human rights and freedoms already officially designated. More-less.

    Let's imagine a situation - tomorrow a group of some people came with a bunch of ideas that came from nowhere, showing a frank homunculus from "sort of like traditional" (but not necessarily for the inhabitants of a particular ethnoregion and not necessarily for the descendants of those who fought this traditionalism), they personally added (based on their own collective-compromising vision of how "should be"), what no one really likes, but what needs to be "soldered" as an additive, so that the stream of consciousness is not only "like moral" but also "kind of useful for the state and its top functionaries". Here, they come all so-in-white and begin to pose as Moses each, despite the fact that each of them will not obviously be something qualitatively a cut above the average man in the street - they will rub the opposite in every possible way, because only THIS will give them the right in the eyes of the majority to some kind of mentoring. These people will shove a complex of their ideas, this "homunculus" into everyone's tail with the stubbornness of a maniac. They stuff this garbage in general with everything that surrounds - culture, art, life, education - everything will be filled with empty praise and demagogy.

    Tell me, will you like that someone will decide FOR YOU what to believe in? It won't even be the choice of your ancestors inherited from their ancestors - it will be the choice of some guy in a jacket with a damn smart face and a million dollar watch. He will show you how! And you will chew, putting your own thoughts to hell, as if you are still a slave of the 1860 model, and then completely pass the baton to your children.

    You know, modern society is a society of free choice. Who wants to be servile - you are welcome, this is your choice. Believe at least in the sandman and the tooth fairy. But you do NOT have the right to rub it into others as the ultimate truth, as some kind of SuperIdea. We have not reached communism, we have not even reached current socialism, we have not built a normal healthy capitalism, and the plan for 2020 has not worked out - enough of these empty sexual experiments from above. Leave people's values ​​to them, build them just a good environment for development.
    1. +1
      2 October 2022 14: 40
      Well, to be honest, in about a year, 988 for us once decided who to believe in.
      1. +2
        2 October 2022 15: 25
        Exactly. And God knows how many people were flunked to establish common faith. Or in the same split. And so on. People have been trying for centuries to get away from these planting practices, to leave them in the past - and now we are seeing attempts by individuals to reverse this process under the pretext of what? Security ? well-being? There are already quite effective and prosperous models on the planet without ideology - we work with what we have, there is no need to invent another gloomy vanderwaffe.
        Ideology is always bad - people should not be brought together by ideology, but by an Idea that is simple and accepted by the majority because it is formed from uniquely beneficial things - everyone wants to do what they love without unnecessary frills, eat delicious food and live in a comfortable environment. To organize all this, you don’t need to pour rose water into their ears at all - you just need professionals in their places who are able not only to do well, but also to explain why they do it this way and not otherwise.
        In the case of Ideology, a wildest hook appears in the direction of this simple construction, which involves people in empty movements "corresponding to the canon" even where they do not bring benefits.
  27. +2
    2 October 2022 11: 47
    Calmness, only calmness... Everything is going according to plan... What's what? Whose plan is it? Just like children, honestly! Well, of course not for YOU!!!! And the constantly flickering face of the “Portuguese Jew” is proof of this. A class state has been built in the country and the upper class consists of organized crime groups of the 90s who have changed crimson robes for respectable suits of oligarchs. They make decisions and do not bear any responsibility for it. Putin voices them. Therefore, it is repeated over and over again that there will be no return to the USSR. IT'S TIME to understand this and build OUR plans with YOU, because our boat is planned to go .... not where WE need to. That's it, that's how it means. And about the ideology of sho to say? The ideology of the militant sofa tradesman has won ... until ... until petro pecked.
    1. +1
      2 October 2022 12: 06
      The ideology of the militant sofa tradesman won

      The militant couch philistinism is not an ideology, and even it has ended, just not everyone has understood it yet.
      The ideology of consumption has also ended (not everyone has understood this yet)
      What ideology will grow in the bloody chaos of the coming decade is unknown, but it is clear that it will be quite tough, others are not born out of chaos.
  28. +1
    2 October 2022 12: 05
    We formally have an ideology (the absence of an ideology is also an ideology), the problem is that it simply does not work. In general, ideology in Russia will be just another attempt by the elite to sit on the hump of the people and manipulate the masses of the people, but what is needed is just a competent mechanism for the work of the state, so that at least specialists sit in the right places, and not as they are now selected on the principle of loyalty.
  29. -1
    2 October 2022 12: 38
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    What is an ideology of any kind suddenly dropped from the sky? This is ..... Leave the values ​​​​of people to themselves, build them just a good environment for development.

    This is the basis for the unification of the people's movement, which does not "fall", but is born in the people themselves. And which can take shape in a political party. If the people are generally able to give birth to any idea, except as "every man for himself."

    And what you write .. Heh .. Heh ... This is a serf's serf's scribble to a good master, so that he "built" for the serfs ... So it already is .... You have ALREADY been built. Take what they give you. The good gentleman in parizhiks was late and will not arrive until he arrives.
  30. +4
    2 October 2022 14: 43
    Until then, it's kind of like this. """"
  31. -4
    2 October 2022 16: 01
    From that and many troubles of our society, that there is no ideology

    something did not help the ideology of the commies in preserving the USSR - because it has become obsolete at the very top - it was from there that the rust went ...
    which proves the failure of their ideology - as soon as the fans who promoted it with terror were exhausted, everything collapsed ...
    moreover, the collapse was carried out by the very tops, in which the "raspberries" of traitors and opportunists "bloomed in riotous color" ...
    even under Stalin, in the 50s, even a third did not comply with the listed "12 commandments" ...
    they stole "privileges", but they could not pass them on by inheritance - so they worked on the destruction of the country, for the sake of robbery and transfer to children ...
    which they successfully did in the 90s ...
    Trotsky warned about this for a long time
  32. 0
    2 October 2022 16: 21
    But do we want

    The people may want to. Only now the vile anti-people power of the home-grown bourgeoisie does not need any ideology, except for "money at any cost and in any way." And that the people and the country may perish is the twenty-fifth matter for this government. The main thing is to snatch here and now. Here is their creed.
  33. -1
    2 October 2022 16: 38
    Quote: 16112014nk
    But do we want

    The people may want to. Only now the vile anti-people power of the home-grown bourgeoisie does not need any ideology, except for "money at any cost and in any way." And that the people and the country may perish is the twenty-fifth matter for this government. The main thing is to snatch here and now. Here is their creed.

    You yourself brought to power such demons that first corrupted your children, and now forced them to kill each other. All conflicts in the post-Soviet space are a consequence of the collapse of the USSR.
    1. 0
      3 October 2022 08: 54
      I do not remove the blame from my generation. So maybe avoid the next error? The silence of the lambs will do no good.
  34. +1
    2 October 2022 22: 31
    Ideology is created by reality, not school programs.
    This is the reason for the collapse of '91 - reality and ideology came into conflict.
    But reality teaches - successful people are thieves and bribe-takers. And they live well, and are not subject to jurisdiction. And they teach others, like "you were not forced to give birth."
    Proud Instagram accounts of the daughter of a thief in law, the owner of several casinos and even mountains with gems, all sorts of dogs, etc. - what, to believe any school curriculum, or your own eyes?
    "We can repeat" - and repeat the capture of Berlin in order to obtain a residence permit.
    How not to zombify at school, the contradiction with reality will lead not to "ideology", but to cognitive dissonance.
    1. 0
      3 October 2022 09: 57
      Ideology is written, not "ideology".
  35. 0
    3 October 2022 00: 08
    A holy place is never empty
    Oh no, that's what people say?
  36. 0
    3 October 2022 10: 23
    Yes, it's a no brainer that we need a state idea and a state ideology. Clearly and clearly articulated. No logical inconsistencies. But she is not. And the current government will not. However, it is not visible and those who could change it, presenting the appropriate arguments and attributes. There are no fools: there is a goal - there will be someone to scatter tasks by stages. But there is no goal!
    1. 0
      3 October 2022 11: 14
      The goal is ideology. Which? We must decide. Just like that, no one will give a solution. Remember the phrase: no one will give you deliverance, neither God, nor the king, and not a hero? We need people. I agree, there are no such people in power. But you can’t mumble and do nothing either. There will be a person whom the people will believe, then there will be support forces, and then the support of the people. Ideally, this could be Putin. But they will never be
  37. -1
    3 October 2022 11: 48
    Slaves are definitely not needed .. In fact, you need to decide on your status! It makes no sense to speak into the void.
  38. 0
    3 October 2022 12: 24
    And this should not be decided by the president or the State Duma, it should be decided by the people themselves through a broad discussion.

    Clear stump. Only this is Manilovism, the people themselves will not invent anything. He can accept or reject, but the LEADER must formulate the ideology.
    1. 0
      3 October 2022 12: 57
      For reference, the commandment to which it is customary to refer today
      "6. Do not kill" from the ancient Aramaic language is translated incorrectly as the ancient Jews distinguished between murders for various reasons
      1 kill in war
      2 murder by court order
      3 killing a tribesman (for example a neighbor) .... and so on
      each type of murder was called differently and displayed differently in writing, so the correct translation would be - "6. Do not kill a fellow tribesman"
      By the way, the Eskimos distinguish three dozen states of snow (more than scientists glaciologists) and each has its own name
  39. +2
    3 October 2022 13: 24
    Quote: Dartik
    Quote: Ilya-spb
    It can lead us to defeat. Tsarist Russia lost. Lost and History, and the People, and in the war.

    I personally - for the revival of the communist ideology. No atheism. A synthesis of pochvenism and communism is needed. It seems to me that it is possible.

    And all this White Guard .... brought us to the black baron.

    Indeed, communism has led us to a brighter future, in which Russia has lost more land than in the Republic of Ingushetia. Maybe we won't choose between two evils? What about something new? Democracy, right?

    Communism led us to victory over fascism in 1945, otherwise what you are writing about is the result of the work of specific individuals - traitors and traitors. Well, the result of the work of the US intelligence services, as they themselves loudly announced in 1991. So your post is a primitive, simplistic approach to this problem. This approach has been cultivated for more than 30 years by those who are now in power, those who are in charge of education, and you are only repeating it. sad
  40. 0
    3 October 2022 13: 52
    Amendments to the Constitution of Russia in 2020 proclaim solidarism in the Russian Federation at the level of the Constitution (Article 75-1)
  41. 0
    3 October 2022 15: 26
    Great term - consumer! Bravo to the author!
    The article is absolutely on point!
  42. +1
    4 October 2022 12: 36
    the Achilles' heel of Russia and its peoples, through which the West, led by the United States, can destroy not only the state, but the entire Russian people.
    Yes, this is the Achilles' heel of all such reasoning. There is NO "Russian" people, and there cannot be one, no matter how the ideologists bought by the West puffed up. These arguments on the topic of a dead duck, which actually never existed, only cloud the brain.
    This country is called, suddenly, Russia. I understand that the author lives in some kind of Russian that his paid mind created, but there is no Russian in the world, and it will never appear in reality. Russia was created by the Russian people. Russian. And our only chance is also Russian. Not Russian.
    All the other 185 peoples and nationalities that joined Russia, the Russian project, joined this project because they were satisfied with the Russian Law. Russian understanding of the world. Russian Truth, remember this?) The country will be alive as long as we are united by RUSSIAN.
    Russians, Russian Armenians, Russian Jews, Russian Germans and others who have become Russian. They began to move away from the Russian vision of the world - the end of the country. We are all covered.
    It's also funny that all those who escaped will die. They will be destroyed as soon as Russia weakens. Just in case, and to rob. Take the iPhone away. Pray for Russian! As long as it keeps us in this world...
  43. 0
    6 October 2022 08: 51
    Quote: frog
    But do not forget that in addition to the so-called. ideology needs some more things. About which the sad people of the ideological front prefer not to talk about.

    Well, how coolly the supporters of de-ideologization fought against poverty in the 90s are well known.
    And the analogy with the novel "Inhabited Island" is more suitable for the democratic RF.
    And the truth is that just the ideology, read more broadly, a clearly defined worldview, is very conducive to material well-being and geopolitical success. The West has it, or rather it was... now the West itself is destroying its ideological basis, preparing its own collapse. Well, okay.

    What about us. Do we have a dominant ideology. Yes there is. Moreover, it was promoted at the state level. This is a philistine-petty-bourgeois ideology of individualism and consumption.
    It quite effectively allows you to keep society under control without the use of harsh measures. The best gag is a piece of sausage. But even those in power realize that on such an ideological basis a truly great and strong power capable of withstanding external challenges cannot be created. And now our rulers are experiencing a sickly cognitive dissonance. Either they spit on the Soviet experience, or they appeal to it ... but for a long time one booty in two trains will not work and you will have to make a choice on which trajectory our country should move ...
  44. +1
    6 October 2022 09: 00
    Quote: Dartik
    Maybe we won't choose between two evils? What about something new? Democracy, right?

    US experience?
    It should be remembered: the United States is not a democracy, but a republic (it is written in their constitution).
    Republic of estates ... aristocratic and oligarchic.
    Republic and democracy are two different forms of political organization.
    Democracy is Athens. The Republic is Rome. Athens for Rome is a piece of cake. This is why the US is so promoting democracy in other countries (making them more edible for itself).
    Do we need it? To be a piece of the pie for the USA?
  45. 0
    7 October 2022 08: 09
    Without ideology, neither the people nor the state can exist.
    500 years ago, under Ivan the Terrible, who created a strong centralized Russian state, the ideology of Russia was Orthodoxy, the equivalent of patriotism in that scale of values.
    In the Time of Troubles, when the Poles, with the connivance of the traitors of the boyars, were in charge in the Kremlin, Russia was saved by the patriotism of the Russian people.
    In 1918-1921, Russia was saved from dismemberment by the patriotism of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who relied on the Soviets of People's Deputies.
    Why not make patriotism the ideology of Russia, only without any tolerance, political correctness and regard for the opinion of foreign countries, even if they are addicted to drugs and homosexuality, this should not be in Russia.
    The unity of the US states is based not on a bunch of multinational regions, but on the same for all, regardless of race and nationality, American patriotism. Russia is not a zoo for the conservation of small and endangered species of peoples, enough to give them benefits and privileges at the expense of the Russian people, the laws should be the same for everyone.
  46. 0
    7 October 2022 19: 16
    The author, I think you have a mess in your head: you easily interfere with ideology and morality. The Lord does not have the word ideology - only morality. One for all. This is what we really miss.
    The immorality of our society is such that its examples hurt the eye and ear almost every day. With indecent regularity, confirming the pattern, facts of betrayal, theft, lies, swagger, liberalism, insults to national feelings, insulting reservations and direct insults to the people and state become known.
    What else needs to happen for society to finally understand that society must be based on a solid single moral foundation, and all personal, public and state actions, structures and relationships must clearly correspond to this single moral foundation.
    Morality - a set of requirements for the individual and for its interaction with society - should be the same for everyone, like traffic rules on our roads, which are deliberately violated only by written moral ones.
    I am convinced that Russia needs to develop, adopt and implement the Unified Secular Moral Code of the Russian Federation for:
    - moral harmonization of society;
    - creating conditions for the emergence of a scientific worldview (and only then - ideology);
    - synchronization throughout Russia of upbringing, education, selection and placement of personnel;
    - determination of national interest, direction of domestic and foreign policy;
    - strengthening the friendship of the peoples of Russia on this common moral basis;
    - demarcation of our moral boundaries and disengagement from the West on the basis of a fundamental difference in the understanding of justice: in Russia, only that which is MORAL is fair; in the collective West, only what is FAVORABLE for the collective West is fair, by any means and at someone else's expense;
    - exclusion from everyday life of lies for the sake of profit;
    - exclusion of all relations and trade with unfriendly, hostile countries.

    It is necessary to include in the EUMC of the Russian Federation known, ordinary, undeservedly forgotten well-known sacred principles:
    - do not harm anyone that you do not wish for yourself;
    - do not deceive yourself and people;
    - do not wish and never take someone else's;
    - do not put your personal morality above public - do not be a traitor (remember that the truth differs from your personal opinion in that it does not contain anything personal, serve the truth, not your own pride);
    - do not change your morality for profit, do not trade in conscience and do not ruin your soul;
    - only earned property is legal;
    ... etc.,
    recall, collect and bring them into a single document and discuss it publicly. The smart will understand, the believers will support, the wise will complement.
    Adopt it publicly as part of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and strictly comply with all. Then, after three generations, there will finally be a Country of Worthy People, that "you don't have to die."
  47. 0
    8 October 2022 14: 00
    It's not about ideology, it's about attitude. Does Norway have an ideology? In Sweden? How does the state apparatus work there, and what standard of living can I think not to write. So it is precisely the high standard of living that guarantees that the people will go to defend their lives, their way of life, their state. And this brings us to the second moment - now people don’t see at all what and from whom to protect, the Kremlin oligarchs from the Ukrainian mobilized in the KHARKOV region?
    Right now, as among the masses, the question is, and this will not change, either until the war moves to our territory, or until the entire state apparatus is replaced and the POSITIVE aspects of its change become visible. That is, I think never. NATO does not just not allow Ukraine to cross the border with Russia, because then the war will become a people's war for liberation from the invaders, and Putin could take advantage of this. I think from the point of view of the United States and NATO it would be more logical to destroy the maximum of poorly motivated manpower and equipment on the territory of Ukraine, regardless of future plans for Russia
  48. 0
    8 October 2022 19: 16
    Ideology and religions are objectively harmful. Unfortunately, the understanding of the need to ban them comes gradually. in 1918 it worked out, they drove out the priests and got a technological breakthrough.