Serbian experts: West will not forgive Vučić for his question at the UN about the difference between the territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine

Serbian experts: West will not forgive Vučić for his question at the UN about the difference between the territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine

The undeclared war that Western political centers are waging against Serbia and personally President Aleksandar Vucic to force them to join anti-Russian sanctions and put pressure on Moscow is accelerating on all fronts. Now Belgrade is being threatened with a freeze on negotiations on the country's accession to the European Union.

The reason for the new threats from Washington and Brussels against Serbia was the meeting on the sidelines of the 77th UN General Assembly in New York of the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of Russia and Serbia, Sergey Lavrov and Nikola Selakovich.

The next attacks on the Serbian leader began on the eve of the summit of European countries in Prague on the occasion of the formation of the European Community. The event will be attended by 41 European countries, i.е. not only EU member states.

According to Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, it will be a 40-on-one meeting, as all other countries will attack President Vucic to join the anti-Russian bloc.

As a number of experts note, the West especially did not like the words of the Serbian president when he asked to explain to him the difference between the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Serbia.

Recall that due to the actions of the West in the 1990s, a large Balkan country, Yugoslavia, ceased to exist in the center of Europe. Not stopping there, the West continued to break off pieces from Serbia, supporting the secession of Kosovo.

Voices are already being heard in the European Parliament about the need to suspend negotiations with Belgrade on the country's EU membership if the country continues its contacts with Moscow. In particular, a similar opinion was voiced by the MEP from Croatia, Tonino Pikula.

According to the leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, the US and the EU are silent when the authorities of Kosovo and Albania violate any agreements and do more and more for the final separation of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia. But they only react when it is necessary to threaten Serbia because of its neutral position towards Moscow.

Serbia held out for seven months to avoid joining sanctions against Russia, but that doesn't mean it will be able to do so in the future because there is a risk of serious consequences, said Susana Grubesic, vice president of the Serbian Foreign Policy Center.

As the Serbian professor Dragana Mitrovic noted in Brussels and Washington, the speech of the Serbian President Vučić at the UN General Assembly caused great irritation, which was watched by a huge number of people in all parts of the world.

It is unlikely that the West will forgive Vučić for his principled position. Perhaps something will become clear after the meeting of representatives of European states in Prague in early October.
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  1. +15
    28 September 2022 14: 15
    Serbian experts: West will not forgive Vučić for his question at the UN about the difference between the territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine

    The West went nuts to the end. He bombed Yugoslavia, and when they say everything as it is, something else does not forgive someone.
    1. +6
      28 September 2022 14: 20
      Quote from: neworange88
      The West went nuts to the end. He bombed Yugoslavia, and when they say everything as it is, something else does not forgive someone.

      Not everyone can do that.
      It smells of gray.
      Devilish talent.
      1. +3
        28 September 2022 15: 05
        there are rumors about the possible entry of Serbia into the CSTO
        we don't even need to place bases
        1. +6
          28 September 2022 15: 08
          Quote: Romario_Argo
          there are rumors about the possible entry of Serbia into the CSTO

          You understand what awaits the CSTO country in such an environment.
          Suffocate in an embrace.
          1. -2
            28 September 2022 15: 10
            so we have only one chance to clear the perimeter of Serbia - Caliber
            immediately cool the ardor of any smart people in the EU
            1. +2
              28 September 2022 15: 12
              Quote: Romario_Argo
              so we have only one chance to clear the perimeter of Serbia - Caliber
              immediately cool the ardor of any smart people in the EU

              Calibers against economic sanctions will not fight much.
              1. +2
                28 September 2022 15: 18
                Medvedev when he said that you never know what could happen in the EU
                everyone thought - empty call
                SP-1 and SP-2 are covered, the Turkish stream is next,
                then 20 LNG plants in the US will blaze again
                Romania, Bulgaria - they will immediately come running to bow to the Kremlin
                here is at least a corridor to Serbia and the PMR - winter is coming soon
                see for yourself - who benefits
            2. +3
              30 September 2022 01: 24
              For some reason, in Ukraine they can’t clean up anything with calibers, as there were shelling, they go both at civilians and at our soldiers, but we are driving gas through Ukraine to the west in war conditions, from the west there is a stream of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, and we are blind, we don’t see anything, how they are transporting and how gas pipelines are blown up, they put their supreme tongues in one place and, as always, they express strong concern and want to conduct some kind of investigation, everyone has lost industry, electronics, satellites, machine tool building, only speculators around with Chinese goods , even though we are buying drones from the Chinese for the war, it’s already good, we don’t do anything of our own, even galoshes ...
              1. 0
                1 October 2022 13: 15
                No one declared war on us on the outskirts .. Therefore, we continue to pump gas in accordance with the agreements
                1. +1
                  1 October 2022 19: 22
                  No one declared war, but at the same time, our soldiers are dying from Western ammunition and weapons at the hands of ukrofashists, but at the same time there is no war, and mobilization was announced, nonsense, why then these special operations if the loot is more expensive ??? And our fighters shed blood for other people's grandmother in fact, and they are told this is an operation with ukrofascists. And what kind of agreements can there be if all of them are violated by the opposite side ???
                  1. 0
                    2 October 2022 03: 21
                    Those in the upper middle are just waiting for everything to return to normal ... This is both about gas and about surrendered cities ..
        2. 0
          28 September 2022 15: 13
          How can we help them? We don't have a border, they don't have seaports, their airspace is closed, no matter how hard they try, it won't work.
    2. +3
      28 September 2022 14: 20
      Quote from: neworange88
      Bombed Yugoslavia

      And the Chinese embassy got it! China is silent...
    3. +1
      28 September 2022 14: 28
      Quote from: neworange88
      ...Serbian experts: The West will not forgive Vučić for his question at the UN about....

      The West does not forgive Serbia for what it is. Wants to either subdue or continue his predatory plans
      1. +1
        28 September 2022 15: 02
        Quote: Reptiloid

        The West does not forgive Serbia for what it is. Wants to either subdue or continue his predatory plans

        "The whole village, it's always easier to beat a dad."
        They will devour Serbia and not choke, jackals. Chaos is sweeping the world. The world has become "September 1939".
        1. +2
          28 September 2022 15: 43
          Quote: tihonmarine
          .... Lawlessness marches through the world. The world has become "September 1939".

          The opposition to the Slavs has been going on for centuries. The Croats adopted Catholicism, and the Serbs - Orthodoxy. And immediately they became intolerant from Catholics of all nations, even the Balkans, even Europe. And the Muslims (Turks) conquered the Balkan countries and tried to subjugate both the Orthodox and others.
          Throughout history, the Serbs resisted and fought no matter what. True, there were relatively calm and peaceful years for them in the 20th century. Stopped with NATO aggression.
          Knowing the fate of Milosevic, Vučić is not afraid to tell the TRUTH.
    4. -2
      28 September 2022 15: 11
      He bombed Yugoslavia, and when they say everything as it is, something else does not forgive someone.

      Khazaria 2.0 was built in Ukraine - you need to understand the difference. This is not some kind of Serbia (Yugoslavia) for you, but Vucic does not understand .....
    5. GIS
      30 September 2022 08: 15
      impunity leads to permissiveness ... I don’t even know how else to overcome them in the short term in order to shut up their filthy lying mouths.
      all my options come down only to the physical destruction of yus and the British
  2. +2
    28 September 2022 14: 17
    The campaign will devour the EU, and Vučić, and Serbia ..... they won’t be able to resist for a long time ..., there is no common border ....., in a pack of wolves, or you become a wolf, or food ...
  3. -4
    28 September 2022 14: 18
    everything is simple - we set up several of our military bases throughout Serbia and form a separate army
    1. +1
      28 September 2022 14: 23
      Maybe we just cut a window for the Serbs to the sea, for example, the Baltic? laughing The channel is something to dig.
      1. +2
        28 September 2022 14: 33
        what the hell - penguins have placed a base in Kosovo - can they ?!
        We are on the side of all sorts of EU mongrels - Serbia is our glade !!!
    2. +3
      28 September 2022 14: 27
      Descend from heaven to sinful earth, under Liman they don’t press feebly ...., and we are talking about bases in Serbia ....
      1. +1
        28 September 2022 14: 38
        I agree, near Liman there will be a boiler for 2 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
        if the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Seversk hit Torskoye, there, too, 2 Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will fall into the boiler
        1. +1
          28 September 2022 14: 47
          It’s you guys who are there ..... tell me, they’ll be surprised ...., it will be ..., but if ...., but it’s different there now ....
          1. 0
            28 September 2022 14: 55
            an hour ago infa passed from RIA Novosti
            about the losses of the 66th and 93rd mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
            offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the north of Liman stood up - losses up to half of the battalion (-150)
            + irretrievable losses in the 14th and 92nd Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kupyansk - up to half of the battalion
            1. 0
              28 September 2022 16: 40
              It is we who count 200 of them, zelya - no.......................
    3. 0
      30 September 2022 01: 28
      Are you laughing? Who will allow us when the children of the supreme live in NATO countries ...
  4. +3
    28 September 2022 14: 20
    It is unlikely that the West will forgive Vučić for his principled position.
    He won't forgive. He will provoke the Kosovo Albanians.
    1. 0
      28 September 2022 14: 31
      even before such statements by Vucic, ours were taken under protection
      Zaslon SVR, MTR, PMC
  5. +1
    28 September 2022 14: 23
    Unfortunately, there are still bad times ahead.
  6. +1
    28 September 2022 14: 47
    What will Serbia's accession to the EU give?

    In my opinion, nothing but problems.

    Yes, it will be easier to leave Serbia for the EU and work there, but because of this, most of the youth and professionals will leave Serbia, because the income is higher in the EU.

    Loans and subsidies are unlikely to go to Serbia in any significant quantities to somehow contribute to the development of industry. Rather, on the contrary, the EU will introduce a bunch of restrictions and limits.

    Membership in the EU implies the abolition of duties and European goods are likely to displace Serbian ones even from the Serbian market.

    Well, why is Serbia aspiring to the EU?!
    1. +2
      28 September 2022 16: 13
      Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
      Well, why is Serbia aspiring to the EU?!

      The EU is the dream of any Russophobe, there are such "outstanding" European values ​​as gay parades.
  7. 0
    28 September 2022 15: 04
    The Serbs will not forgive us, the states of Western Europe are in NATO. We left them completely without hope, and this will not be forgotten. Just as France and England abandoned us in 1938 and then gave us no hope of self-defence, this will not be forgotten. Do not trust Western countries. am
  8. 0
    28 September 2022 15: 05
    Alexander Vučič by byl velmi hloupý, kdyby chtěl se Srbskem vstoupit do fašistické EU!! Byl by blázen.., můžou být šťastní, že nejsou členy EU!!
  9. AAC
    28 September 2022 16: 02
    Vučić needs to resolve the issue with Montenegro. This is first and foremost access to the sea. There you need to either loot or force to resolve the issue with a couple of dozen local mafia. The Russian Federation could well participate. A base in Kotor, a base would be quite normal. Second moment. Serbia and Montenegro feed poleuropes. Having relatively cheap gas and demanded products can greatly boost the economy. A very simple formula. And then you can avenge the bombs.
  10. -1
    28 September 2022 16: 09
    But he didn't even ask the main question. What is the difference between NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and Russia's mythical aggression against Ukraine?
  11. 0
    28 September 2022 17: 55
    Serbia has never had a chance to prove itself. It may even grow into some region that previously belonged to them.
  12. 0
    28 September 2022 19: 13
    Serbian experts: West will not forgive Vučić for his question at the UN about the difference between the territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine

    So write: Serbian bulk predicted a kirdyk to his president, BUT give more money and he will tell fortunes on the cards better.
  13. man
    28 September 2022 20: 03
    Recall that due to the actions of the West in the 1990s, a large Balkan country, Yugoslavia, ceased to exist in the center of Europe. Not stopping there, the West continued to break off pieces from Serbia, supporting the secession of Kosovo.
    Thanks for the reminder! Everyone understood what awaits us if ....
    1. +2
      30 September 2022 01: 44
      All the same was done with our country, without military action, but they simply rolled off the dough and three drunks in Belovezhskaya Pushcha signed a paper on the collapse of the USSR, and other Chubais, some still at the helm, created the illusion that after the division of industry for vouchers we will all become rich and live on dividends from shares, but in fact everyone was thrown and sold, and the peoples of Russia no longer had a bright faith in a beautiful future, and only a thirst for profit remained in any way, the time has come for thieves, speculators, scammers elevated to the rank of state policy, corrupt officials they give state awards, prostitutes become generals, what has become better than it was in the USSR, food from chemistry and palm oil, medicine, industry, what ??? Nothing has become better, there is no stability, normal work, no faith in the future, there is only fear for the children, for the country, as we will be betrayed and sold once again, there is nothing personal in business - only money ...
      1. man
        30 September 2022 09: 23
        All the same was done with our country, without military action, but they simply rolled off the dough and three drunks in Belovezhskaya Pushcha signed a paper on the collapse of the USSR, and other Chubais, some still at the helm, created the illusion that after the division of industry for vouchers we will all become rich and live on dividends from shares, but in fact everyone was thrown and sold, and the peoples of Russia no longer had a bright faith in a beautiful future, and only a thirst for profit remained in any way, the time has come for thieves, speculators, scammers elevated to the rank of state policy, corrupt officials they give state awards, prostitutes become generals, what has become better than it was in the USSR, food from chemistry and palm oil, medicine, industry, what ??? Nothing has become better, there is no stability, normal work, no faith in the future, there is only fear for the children, for the country, as we will be betrayed and sold once again, there is nothing personal in business - only money ...
        Yes, I remember everything and I agree with you in EVERYTHING, I’m afraid for the youth that I would not succumb to their hellish propaganda, as I once did ... (((
  14. 0
    29 September 2022 01: 41
    I do not understand such experiences because of Serbia. When did Russia not get into trouble because of them? Suffice it to recall who started the First World War. It is high time to understand that the topic of Serbia for Russia is always an invitation to the scaffold
  15. 0
    30 September 2022 01: 45
    Let's watch the video. YouTube still does not allow colorful videos on this topic. But they sometimes allow some light video on this topic from the news channel-