It's getting harder for the Ukrainian regime to play the victim



Destruction of schools and hospitals

The summary of Amnesty International's report on the methods of warfare by the Ukrainian side: nationalists use civilian objects as shelters, which causes excessive civilian casualties. Numerous satellite images show that the military prefers hospitals, schools and residential buildings over forested areas and military installations.

Analysts of the organization have not documented a single case of the evacuation of women, children and the elderly from residential premises. It is a violation of international humanitarian law not only to place militants in peaceful buildings, but also to shoot from such positions. This, unfortunately, has become the hallmark of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Ukraine. The report writes:

“On April 28, two employees of a medical laboratory in the suburbs of Kharkiv were injured after Ukrainian forces set up a base on the compound. The use of hospitals for military purposes is a clear violation of international humanitarian law.”
Formally, no one forbids the military to be placed in civilian buildings (except hospitals), but for this it is necessary to follow the rules. First, institutions should be located away from residential buildings. Second, the military should warn civilians and evacuate. At least not interfere with this, as in Mariupol. But Zelensky's office needs effective propaganda, and saving the lives of the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine is not part of the Nazi plans at all.

By the way, Kyiv recently signed a declaration on security in schools, which allows the military to be placed in educational institutions only in the absence of alternatives. But in the vast majority of schools, foreign observers found either fighters in full gear or warehouses with ammunition. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have thoroughly become adept at the simple craft of using civilian objects for military purposes - for 8 years mortars, MLRS, howitzers, and even simple machine guns have been working from residential buildings.

Amnesty International did not limit itself to a simple statement of facts, and the general secretary of the office, Agnes Callamard, allowed himself to demand:

“The government of Ukraine must immediately ensure the deployment of its forces away from populated areas or evacuate the civilian population from areas where the military operates. The military should never use hospitals for combat and should only use schools or residences as a last resort when there are no viable alternatives."

Large-caliber stones flew from Kyiv in response - Zelensky himself accused the organization of supporting Russia, which is now akin to suicide in the West. The first public "suicide" was committed by the head of the Ukrainian office of Amnesty International, Oksana Pokalchuk, who left her post in protest. The international office publicly apologized, but did not retract its words.

What is surprising is not even the fact that a Western “human rights” organization recognized flagrant violations of all the rules, but the time it took to realize. Behind Mariupol, Severodonetsk and Lysichansk, where civilians have repeatedly become "human shields" for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, schools and hospitals have been completely destroyed, but only in early August did Amnesty International dare to publish a condemning report.

No less surprising is the absence in the report of facts about the use of anti-personnel Lepestki by the Kyiv regime in residential areas of Donetsk. Where are the links to the shelling of cities from Tochka-U? Where is the description of criminal artillery attacks on civilian objects? Where is the savage torture of Russian prisoners?

It's time to change Zelensky

The shifts that took place in Western consciousness after the report will help remove the false halo of sacrifice from the Ukrainian regime. If the Armed Forces of Ukraine allow themselves war crimes against their own citizens, then maybe Russia is not so wrong in its actions? The victim is not the same and the victim, if you look closely.

Only Amnesty International itself believes in the independence of Amnesty International, so the report can be considered the first step in a well-planned scenario. The West is tired of the conflict, the lack of Kyiv's victories and fears the coming winter. First of all, Europe, which is feverishly trying to find an alternative to Russian hydrocarbons. Of course, there is no talk of an immediate cessation of support for the regime, but the Amnesty International report gives certain signals to Zelensky. That is why both he and his courtier Podoliak reacted so nervously to criticism from the West.

It would be better to take an example from Arestovich, who commented on the report briefly and succinctly:

Everything is possible in Kyiv. Not to fat, to be alive.


An official censure is extremely dangerous for the president's office - it can really change the balance of power and opinion in the West. It is one thing when a retired American general talks about the useless resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and a completely different case with an “independent” office that has been fighting for human rights since 1961.

This is not the only anti-Ukrainian case - the CBS television channel prepared a documentary investigation into the loss of 60% of the weapons supplied by NATO countries and sympathizers. The material of the American investigators proposes a monitoring mission to control the use of considerable arsenals. A flurry of criticism forced CBS to remove the film from viewing, but the sediment remained.

From the same clip, Steven Seagal's recent visit to the DPR, where he was going to shoot a film about the realities of the fight against Ukrainian nationalism. The actor can hardly be called an opinion leader abroad, but he performs excellently as the first anti-Ukrainian paratrooper. And this is another reason for Zelensky to think about the fate of the regime.

As always, the situation has several scenarios for the development of events.

First, the West sees the futility of the resistance of the Kyiv regime and understands that with each passing day, support will deplete reserves. Ukraine risks turning into a black hole devouring billions. The onset of winter threatens a humanitarian catastrophe for several million Ukrainians, whom Zelensky simply abandoned to their fate – the heating season has been postponed, pensions have been frozen, and everyone remaining on the liberated lands is now traitors. Unless proven otherwise, of course.

Through Amnesty International, import sponsors are signaling to the president that something needs to be done – a frozen front and a retreat in Donbas could leave Kyiv alone with the Kremlin. Moreover, they convey the idea to the nationalists only now, when the conflict enters the positional phase. That is why Amnesty International diligently did not notice the scale of Ukrainian crimes until August 2022.

The second scenario is that Zelensky is not ready for a diplomatic settlement of the conflict, which some Western sponsors have long hinted at. So it's time to change him to a more loyal leader. Critics will point to the complete lack of independence of Zelensky as president, they say, everything is decided for him by NATO. This is not entirely true - the president has a measure of independence, and he regularly demonstrates it with attacks on the West.

Apparently, this independence causes irritation, and the foreign countries are preparing public opinion for a change in course. That is why now there are no accusations of throwing "Petals", of torturing prisoners and barbaric shelling of the east of Ukraine. These cards remain up the sleeve in case the president's office becomes too uncompromising.

One thing is clear - the West is slowly but surely preparing to reformat its vision of Ukraine. With Zelensky it will be or not - time will tell.
21 comment
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  1. +8
    12 August 2022 05: 03
    Well, why is it difficult for them to make themselves victims. They are victims, victims of abortion.
    1. +3
      12 August 2022 05: 18
      I already wrote here that the Führer Ze can end badly. He knows too much about the joint distribution of military and humanitarian aid. Western accomplices, most likely, will not leave such a witness alive.
      1. +3
        12 August 2022 05: 49
        Quote: Black
        I already wrote here that the Führer Ze can end badly.

        IMHO .. We must be glad that they have Ze .. and not Arestovich! .. IMHO .. Arestovich is a thousand times smarter .. and more dangerous than Ze.
        1. 0
          12 August 2022 05: 57
          Quote: ammunition
          Quote: Black
          I already wrote here that the Führer Ze can end badly.

          IMHO .. We must be glad that they have Ze .. and not Arestovich! .. IMHO .. Arestovich is a thousand times smarter .. and more dangerous than Ze.

          The smarter and more dangerous he is, the second clown is a hollow and LGBT person.
  2. +1
    12 August 2022 05: 10
    Quote: 28st region
    abortion victims

    Expelled from the USSR ... wink
  3. +6
    12 August 2022 05: 13
    All this is good, of course. That's just how they built and will build. As the population was terrorized, it will continue. They will burn everything around because the main sponsors do not care. They live on the other side of the world. I would strongly advise everyone not to pay attention to these articles at all. In any case, we will be to blame for everything. And keep doing what you've been doing. Send everyone to Bandera. Once they are accused, they must comply.
    1. +1
      12 August 2022 07: 54
      I don’t know if I’m right or not, but it’s time to declare at a high level the recognition of the artosos of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, regardless of their ranks and positions, to recognize them as war criminals.
      Directly indicate that they will be destroyed anywhere without a statute of limitations.
  4. +7
    12 August 2022 05: 22
    The importance of this report is exaggerated. No one in the West will read it, and no one will do anything about it.
    1. +1
      12 August 2022 13: 48
      Quote: Popenko
      No one in the West will read it

      The Kyiv regime is the "West". The UN is also "the West". If Moscow so insistently refers to the "West", then perhaps Moscow is also the West?
      After they told you: "You yourself are shelling Donetsk and the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant," and then destroyed the entire airfield, you finally need to take off your underpants and put on a cross.
  5. +1
    12 August 2022 05: 50
    Lying in its most cynical form is the epitome of American foreign policy. Nevertheless, despite the revelations after, the US always achieves its political goals before. Colin Powell with his test tube is a visual aid to this. The deception was revealed, but Iraq was already in ruins.
  6. +3
    12 August 2022 06: 13
    The Amnesty International report can be shelved, shelved. Which, in principle, they did. It did not cause the effect of an exploding bomb in the West. So, they shook their finger, no more.
    1. -2
      12 August 2022 06: 54
      But ours grabbed it, as if for a lifeline, and let's blow into all the mouthpieces.
      If I'm not mistaken, the latest assistance from Washington at the moment is larger than the previous one, and was it announced after the above-mentioned report?
      So it’s not much that the west of Dill turns away.
  7. +3
    12 August 2022 06: 29
    Quote: ammunition
    Quote: Black
    I already wrote here that the Führer Ze can end badly.

    IMHO .. We must be glad that they have Ze .. and not Arestovich! .. IMHO .. Arestovich is a thousand times smarter .. and more dangerous than Ze.

    You overestimate him. Arestovich is just a corrupt and cynical whore through and through, which he himself admitted more than once, but by no means a giant of thought.
    And he has no less narcissism than the under-fuhrer clown. Analyzing his statements, I am more than sure that he himself considers himself a much greater propagandist than Goebbels.
    Which in general is not surprising. A fool always thinks he is smarter than a wise man. And Goebbels, for a moment, was a man of rare education. And he consciously came to support Hitler's course, initially he was against him. Yes, and to convince the Germans in the days of only radio and newspapers is not at all the same as convincing raguli and skakuas in the days of television and the Internet. Goebbels had BELIEFS for which he lived and died.
    Does the opportunist Arestovich have them? And as for the mind - compare how many times Goebbels was caught lying, and how many - Lucy, and his own grunt.
  8. 0
    12 August 2022 06: 44
    A terrible cocktail of Nazis and decommunizers. Both of them consider their people as slaves. And nothing else. For the sake of their goals, they are ready for anything. Up to the destruction of peoples.
    1. +2
      12 August 2022 08: 53
      A terrible cocktail of Nazis and decommunizers.
      So this is the same thing. During the years of World War II, the Nazis, or rather the same bourgeois, also tried to "decommunize" the USSR with the hands of the Nazis.
  9. +3
    12 August 2022 07: 04
    Quote: nikvic46
    A terrible cocktail of Nazis and decommunizers. Both of them consider their people as slaves. And nothing else. For the sake of their goals, they are ready for anything. Up to the destruction of peoples.

    Clarification: not as serfs, but as just meat. "We are gathering meat", "They brought meat" - all this is quite common slang among the officers and generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    And yes, the compradors in the power of the Ukrainians do not consider their people and have never considered them. For the slogan "Vis West z us!" always meant that the West is definitely with the national traitors and fascists, but by no means with the meat-people ... ugh, Ukrainians.
  10. 0
    12 August 2022 07: 18
    A country that has betrayed its history, its heroes, is doomed to defeat and extinction. Yes, a victim. Victim of their greed and venality.
  11. +2
    12 August 2022 08: 50
    ] “Everything is possible in Kyiv. Not to fat, to be alive.
    [/b] And this is true. Kiev, they don’t particularly pull, weapons continue to arrive, the West, gloatingly waiting for the ZNPP to be shot, acting on the principle, let it be worse for everyone, maybe it won’t affect us. They live by their own interest. A simple example, Hungary and Slovakia paid for gas transit.
  12. +1
    12 August 2022 12: 52
    Therefore, they detonate a nuclear bomb.
  13. 0
    13 August 2022 15: 59
    What fabulous nonsense ... They shot in the back and will shoot because of their children.
  14. 0
    21 August 2022 12: 04
    Zelensky trampled on the memory of the dead Jews throughout Europe. He has no right to live, he is a murderer am