Natural poisons in war

Natural poisons in war
N. Kochergin. Illustration for A. Pushkin's poem "Anchar"

В previous article we talked a little about the evidence for the use of natural plant poisons in biblical, legendary and historical sources, as well as the poison of the acocanthera and the famous curare. Today we will continue this story.


Now let's talk about our most famous poisonous tree - anchar. It is well known to everyone thanks to a poem by A. S. Pushkin, which states that anchar is able to kill even at a distance:

"... a black whirlwind ... will run up and rush away, already pernicious."

It also turns out that this tree is also dangerous for other plants - and therefore grows in splendid isolation. And in the note to the text of the poem, the anchar is called the "tree of poison." It must be said that Pushkin did not invent anything, but very conscientiously retold the information about the Anchar, which was widespread at that time in Europe and had already penetrated into Russia. Byron mentioned the Anchar in his famous poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Later, Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, Pelham Wodehouse and some other authors also wrote about this tree. The famous English physician, scientist and poet Erasmus Darwin (Charles' grandfather) placed a description of the poisonous tree Upas in the poem Botanical Garden. And in Russia, during the time of Pushkin, the story about the anchar was already published in Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind, published by Novikov. Moreover, the legend of the Anchar penetrated into Russian folk art, and some tales spoke of the deadly “upas-tree”.

But what is known for certain about this famous tree? The word anchar in Javanese has several meanings, one of which is "poison", and in a figurative sense it can be used in the meaning of "watchman". The first use of anchara juice for processing arrows was recorded in China among the Li people in the XNUMXth century AD. e. Later, as a poison for arrows and darts, the juice of this tree began to be used in Borneo and other regions of Southeast Asia.

In the 15th century, the Dutch authorities of the island of Java entrusted the study of the anchar tree and its poison to the botanist G. Rumpfu, who for XNUMX years interviewed local residents, many of whom had nothing to do with the manufacture of poison, but for an appropriate fee they were happy to pass on the stories of third parties . Rumpf managed to find out that the natives extract poison for arrows from the juice of the upas or anchar tree. It was from Rumpf's report that the Europeans learned about the exceptional poisonousness of the anchar:

“Neither other trees, nor shrubs, nor grasses grow under the very tree - not only under its crown, but even at a distance of a thrown stone: the soil there is barren, dark and as if charred. The poisonousness of the tree is such that the birds that land on its branches, having swallowed the poisoned air, fall to the ground in a stupefaction and die, their feathers cover the soil. Everything that is touched by its evaporation perishes, so that all animals avoid it, and birds try not to fly over it.

Rumpf's information was confirmed by the field surgeon of the Dutch army Foersch, who in 1783 published an article in the London Journal in which he claimed that during his journey deep into the island of Java, he even saw human sacrifices to the Anchar. He also said that the Aboriginal rulers send criminals sentenced to death to collect the poisonous juice of the anchar. Of these, allegedly only one in ten returns with poison - and receives a pardon.

A. Itkin. Illustration for A. Pushkin's poem "Anchar"

A. Smirnov. Illustration for A. Pushkin's poem "Anchar"

But in 1805, the French botanist Lecheneau de la Tour did not rely on other people's stories and investigated the “terrible tree” himself. It turned out that anchar is an evergreen tree from the mulberry family (a relative of figs and mulberries), which can be found not only on the island of Java, but also in West Africa, South China, the Fiji Islands, and the Philippines.


Anchar tree fruits

Anchar reaches a height of 40 meters, has large leaves (from 7 to 19 centimeters), flowers are collected in spherical heads of a greenish-yellow color and resemble ... toadstools. The fruits are similar to small pears: ripe red, then turn black. A cloudy, rapidly darkening milky juice - latex - is released from the damaged trunk. In some species of anchar, it is really poisonous and causes severe irritation upon contact with the skin. In addition, it contains the alkaloid antiarin, which is similar in chemical structure to digitalis and strophanthin. Therefore, when it enters the bloodstream, it has a cardiotoxic effect. To increase the effectiveness of the anchar poison, it was slowly and continuously heated for a week. The resulting product is called "upas" (hence the second name anchara - upas-tree). The result of this long process of distilling the juice of anchar was unpredictable, since the poison of this tree is unstable and easily destroyed at high temperatures. It is curious that modern toxicologists, as an experiment, by distilling anchar juice with alcohol, managed to achieve a high and life-threatening concentration of poison. But, as you understand, this technology was unknown and inaccessible to the Indians.

In addition to poisonous varieties of anchar, completely harmless trees grow in India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. And on Vitu Island in Papua New Guinea, you can see Bennett's Anchar, whose bark fibers are used to make fabric for bags, as well as rugs.

manchineel tree

With natives armed with poisoned arrows, Europeans also met in the New World - in the West Indies, in Central America and on the Florida peninsula. The warlike Indian tribes of the Caribs, from whose self-name the word “cannibal” originates (in their language it means only “man”), used the poisonous properties of the manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella), which can sometimes be seen right on the beaches of the Caribbean Islands.

Caribs in a painting by Agostino Brunias, circa 1780

Manchineel tree and its fruits:

The inhabitants of Europe first learned about this plant in 1553 from the book "Chronicle of Peru" written by Pedro Cieza de Leon. The Indians used either a thick liquid flowing from an incision in the bark or the juice of the fruit to treat arrowheads. Cases are described of poisoning water sources into which manchine leaves were thrown, as well as torture by tying the victim to a tree trunk. Contact with any part of the manchineel leads to the development of bullous dermatitis and keratoconjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is also caused by smoke from burning wood. In general, torment to a person wounded by an arrow moistened with manchineel juice is guaranteed. You can even bring him to suicide, like Hercules, who put on a shirt soaked in the blood of the centaur Nessus. But to kill, especially quickly, will not work. But in battle, one should not inflict pain and suffering on the enemy, but kill him or at least immobilize and make him unable to continue the battle. For this purpose, manchineel juice is not suitable.

bushman poison

This is a whole group of poisons, which may be of plant or animal origin. From plants, the Bushmen use the already familiar acocanteria, as well as spurge (Euphorbia) and Boehm's adenum (Adenium Boehmianum), to prepare poison.

Adenium boehmianum

And some tribes use the hemolymph pupae of leaf beetles. In this liquid, alkaloids of poisonous plants accumulate, the leaves of which these beetles feed on. LD50 diamphotoxin, which is contained in the lymph, is indeed a very strong poison that dramatically lowers the level of hemoglobin. But it does not act immediately, which again makes it unsuitable for use as a chemical warfare agent. A small mammal can die in a few minutes, and a giraffe only after 4-5 days.

Rattlesnake venom

Rattlesnakes are found in a vast area from southern British Columbia in Canada to central Argentina.


Their venom has hemotoxic properties and causes tissue necrosis at the site of injury, and neurotoxins can cause temporary paralysis. The poison of these snakes was used by the Indian tribes of North America. The Apaches, for example, mixed rattlesnake venom with crushed red ants, centipedes, and scorpions. An arrow wound, the tip of which was smeared with the resulting poison, was very painful and resembled a real rattlesnake bite. However, if the arrow did not hit a vital organ, usually only people suffering from severe chronic diseases, children and the elderly died. In addition, the toxins of the resulting poison were very unstable, and its effectiveness decreased with prolonged storage.


This is the poison of three species of Colombian leaf frogs (Phyllobates terribilis - "terrible leaf climber"), which causes almost instantaneous paralysis due to the irreversible opening of the sodium channels of nerve cells (neurons). Another manifestation of the action of batrachotoxin is severe cardiac arrhythmias.

Phyllobates terribilis, "terrible leaf climber"

An adult who is hit by a poisoned arrow usually dies within 8 minutes, and there is no antidote. Interestingly, the frogs themselves do not produce poison: they get it by eating poisonous insects and arthropods. And therefore, these frogs are born non-poisonous and cease to be poisonous outside their natural habitat, which, of course, is very upsetting to criminal communities and special services, and is a boon for humanity.

"Ipritka" and hogweed

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about plants, the juice of which was not used for military purposes, but its unwitting victims could justifiably recall both anchar and manchineel.

In Japan, China and the Kuril Islands, you can find a shrub with the characteristic common name "mustard gas" (mustard gas or mustard gas is a chemical warfare agent first used by the German army on July 12, 1917). In fact, this plant is called oriental sumac (Toxicodendron orientale).


Its leaves contain substances that, a few hours or even days after contact with the skin, cause chemical burns on it, similar to eczema complicated by erysipelas.

And in the central and northwestern parts of Russia now, unfortunately, you can often see Sosnovsky's hogweed. It is now also growing in Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Scandinavian countries. In the post-war years, this plant, which grows naturally in the Caucasus and the Middle East, was decided to be grown as a raw material for the production of silage. On the basis of seeds collected in the vicinity of Nalchik, a new variety was even bred, called "Severyanin". But it turned out that the milk of cows eating feed made on the basis of hogweed acquires a bitter taste. Cultivation of hogweed was abandoned, but he no longer needed it. As a weed, Sosnowsky's hogweed shows amazing vitality. Incredibly quickly, he began to conquer more and more new territories, thickets of hogweed sometimes resemble the jungle (the height of individual specimens reaches 4 meters), and even an adult forest recedes under its onslaught.

Borshevik Sosnovsky

Upon contact with open skin, cow parsnip juice containing furanocoumarins causes severe, long-term healing burns that may appear only after a few hours, the sun's rays increase the effects of dermatosis.

It's hard to believe, but the variety of this hogweed "Severyanin" mentioned above was excluded from the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use only on April 20, 2012. Only from January 1, 2015, he was denied the status of an agricultural crop. And only in December 2015, Sosnovsky's hogweed was included in the Industry Classifier of Weeds of the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, in Europe and the United States, they are currently trying to stop the spread of a close relative of this plant - Mantegazzi hogweed, which also comes from the Caucasus. It differs from Sosnovsky's cow parsnip in that it looks like a bush.

Mantegazzi hogweed

How it got to Europe is not entirely clear, according to legend, a box with its seeds was presented to Metternich by Alexander I. As an ornamental plant, it was cultivated in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, in Norway they tried to feed cows. But he quickly settled in and went beyond the hedges. By the beginning of the 14th century, it was already growing in 1917 European countries. And in 12, it was brought to New York as an ornamental plant. As a result, Mantegazzi hogweed can now be seen in 2008 US states. The juice of this cow parsnip also contains furanocoumarins, which, when in contact with the skin and interact with ultraviolet light, cause severe burns. In XNUMX, the Hamburg Botanical Gardens named the Mantegazzi hogweed "Poisonous Plant of the Year".
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  1. +11
    8 August 2022 05: 12
    Now in Estonia, as they say, hogweed cannot be found during the day with fire, but along the roads in the Leningrad region it is visible - invisible.
    We are gradually moving away from military-historical subjects to botany!
    1. +2
      8 August 2022 06: 23
      Let's talk about chestnuts.
      Not the chestnut that is eaten, but the one that "for decorative purposes" is planted in cities.
      A plant so poisonous that microbes cannot digest its fallen leaves. And the soil under it is so saturated with poison that it oppresses the grass. Where a single chestnut tree is surrounded by other trees - the grass is noticeably lower under the chestnut tree, by about a third. And where the alley is planted in two rows - there the grass does not grow at all. Bare land.
      Everyone sees this, no one thinks about the harm the chestnut causes to the environment. And how much more cancer patients became as a result of such beauty.
      1. +8
        8 August 2022 09: 17
        I don't know about chestnut.
        But the walnut also does not like neighbors. Grass usually grows under it, and other trees shun it.
        And the photo above in the article about the manchineel tree, not only the leaves, but also the fruits look like a walnut.
        The last and this article are interesting. I hope there will be a continuation.
        1. Eug
          8 August 2022 11: 56
          With a walnut, everything is somewhat simpler - it is a "water drink" with a developed root system, and next to it there is simply no "free" water that other trees could "drink". Plus, the high content of iodine in the leaves, peel (especially), not every plant likes it. I saw a chic solution in the Crimea - an alley of trees with a trunk diameter of 50-60 cm, between them there is almost always a dry primer, even if it gets wet, it dries much faster, albeit constantly in the shade ...
          1. +3
            8 August 2022 18: 17
            Quote: Eug
            With a walnut, everything is somewhat simpler - it is a "water drink"

            Something is growing under the walnut.
            If you plant four chestnuts in a square so that their crowns almost touch, there will be bare ground inside the square.
            If you have a chestnut alley "in two rows" in the city, you can see for yourself. The ground of the alley is poisoned so that there is not a single blade of grass on it.
            I live in Kaluga. We have such an alley along Moskovskaya Street opposite houses 218, 230.
            You can look at the photo of this horror on Google or Yandex map.
            And I assure you, this is not a temporary/seasonal phenomenon. There has always been bare ground in recent decades.
            One chestnut in the alley did not take root, and this is the only green spot there.
            1. Eug
              9 August 2022 05: 44
              In Kharkov, where I lived until 2017, there is a chestnut alley under the cable car, and it seems like a lot of other things are growing there too. Maybe a lot depends on latitude? Kaluga is 700 kilometers north ... perhaps the whole thing is in the dense shade from the crown - grass does not grow under relatively densely planted maples, but I have not seen information about the toxicity of maple.
              1. 0
                9 August 2022 18: 40
                Quote: Eug
                maybe it's all about the dense shade

                No, even in a poorly lit place, at least something will grow.
                This is especially noticeable where there are several dense trees nearby, and among them there is only one chestnut. Directly clear dependence - under the crown of the chestnut grass is much lower, although the shadow is the same.
          2. +1
            10 August 2022 06: 18
            It’s funny, I live in this very Crimea, but I didn’t pay attention to such details, now I remember, but for sure, trees can grow next to a nut, but not in grinding.
    2. +9
      8 August 2022 06: 38
      We are gradually moving away from military-historical subjects to botany!
      Let's go back.
      His border guards at the checkpoint in Ivangorrd turn him back. This is a Russian cow parsnip, it is only for rubles!
      Hi Sasha!
      1. +3
        8 August 2022 07: 00
        Hello! You have everything for rubles, and now it is terribly expensive, so I can do without cow parsnip drinks
        1. +5
          8 August 2022 07: 41
          It's like who. A trip in the St. Petersburg metro is now more expensive than in Barcelona. Is it an expensive ruble or do I not understand something?
          1. +1
            8 August 2022 07: 44
            These are sanctions!
          2. +19
            8 August 2022 09: 39
            Greetings, Anton.
            I'll be bored.
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            A trip in the St. Petersburg metro is now more expensive than in Barcelona.

            Didn't believe it, googled it.
            A single trip by public transport in Barcelona is more than two euros. On a transport card - a little more than one euro.
            With the euro exchange rate of about sixty-three rubles.
            One-time travel in the St. Petersburg metro - 60 rubles, on the card 45.
            Not a damn thing is more expensive. In addition, the St. Petersburg metro is more beautiful. smile
            1. +5
              8 August 2022 10: 07
              I'll be bored.

              Sometimes it suits you so much, Michael... wink
              Not a damn thing is more expensive. In addition, the St. Petersburg metro is more beautiful.

              Completely destroyed our minnesinger's memories of Barcelona. laughing
              1. +3
                8 August 2022 12: 39
                Even now I won’t get confused in the Barcelona metro, and some can’t find the entrance to the Naval Museum!)))
                1. +5
                  8 August 2022 13: 04
                  Even now I won’t get confused in the Barcelona metro, and some can’t find the entrance to the Naval Museum!)))

                  And what? I've been there for the first time since it was moved.
                  1. +5
                    8 August 2022 14: 36
                    There was an announcement hanging with an arrow: "Entrance to the museum from the side of the Kryukov Canal" ...
                    1. +4
                      8 August 2022 14: 44
                      There was an announcement hanging with an arrow: "Entrance to the museum from the side of the Kryukov Canal" ...

                      Are you all so boring, nudist numismatist? tongue You suck and you suck. I made a mistake. Once - not Sir Elton John. Yes
                  2. +6
                    8 August 2022 15: 10
                    And what?

                    Did you notice nostalgia, or improve your qualifications? wink

            2. +5
              8 August 2022 11: 03
              In addition, the St. Petersburg metro is more beautiful.
              This is unconditional, but what is called: you with "checkers" or go?
              A ticket for 10 trips to the Barcelona metro costs 9,5 €, paid with a card at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
              Good afternoon, Michael!
              1. +5
                8 August 2022 11: 43
                Even if 9,5, although I read 10,2, 45 rubles is still less. smile
                And beauty, in your opinion, is worth nothing? smile
                1. +5
                  8 August 2022 12: 10
                  It is strange that you did not remember the "Petersburger's Card" ...
                  And in general, I did not deny you the right to be tedious, let me grumble!
                  1. +7
                    8 August 2022 12: 39
                    And who's stopping you? Scream to your health. I'll nudet, you grumble, for me it hurts so much pastime ... smile
                    1. +4
                      8 August 2022 12: 45
                      Let's sing!!!)))
                      1. +5
                        8 August 2022 12: 49
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Let's sing!!!)))

                        I can join: my wife calls me a gundos ...
                        Greetings Anton! hi
                      2. +4
                        8 August 2022 13: 07
                        Oh, it's a trio! And then some kind of "Modern toking" turned out.
                        Good day, Sergey!
                      3. +4
                        8 August 2022 15: 22
                        And then some kind of "Modern toking" turned out.

                        I am listing your composition, as the three of you yourself called yourself: nudist, gundos, grumbler. wink And the three of them - "Ivanushki International". laughing If you collect five annoying grunts, you get a tedious nasal "Backstreet Boys". bully Anton, although you can perform one - you will pass for "Crazy Frog" ... lol

                      4. The comment was deleted.
                      5. +4
                        8 August 2022 15: 48
                        The male team must be diluted.

                        "Factory of boring stars" will turn out.what Then we will announce a competition, and let the strongest win in it - the most gundos of the gundos! lol
                      6. +3
                        8 August 2022 15: 55
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        the strongest will win - the most gundos of the gundos!

                        Oh, this will be a real battle from the series "gunned to death by an opponent." laughing
                      7. +3
                        8 August 2022 15: 59
                        Oh, this will be a real battle from the series "gunned to death by an opponent."

                        You can all start to warm up... laughing It will be cooler than a duel of minions! winked
                      8. +3
                        8 August 2022 16: 08
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        You can all start to warm up..

                        According to my wife, I will obviously be in the favorites, however, I understand that the rest of the participants will have their own wives. wassat
                        Although I don’t understand at all why gundos is me?
                        According to my calculations, for one of my words, at least 18-20 follows in response, and this is along the lower border, and at the same time, gundos is me! I don't understand this "magic of numbers", maybe because my math is bad? wassat
                      9. +2
                        8 August 2022 21: 20
                        I don't understand this "magic of numbers", maybe because my math is bad?

                        Not with mathematics, with physics. Just compare the jew's harp with a flute by the frequency of the wave!)))
                      10. +2
                        8 August 2022 23: 41
                        Not with mathematics, with physics. Just compare the jew's harp with a flute by the frequency of the wave!)))

                        You are really boring. You suck and you suck. If I had known that you were such a petty bore, I would never have contacted you in 2017. No.
                      11. 0
                        9 August 2022 07: 15
                        Mde, well, okay .... Although it seemed to me that I never hid it.
                      12. 0
                        10 August 2022 06: 24
                        And I understand, because you take it, and you stop the stream of consciousness and start chewing, I say the same picture, and especially when you ruin some plans. lol
                      13. +6
                        8 August 2022 16: 17
                        I know who will win, but I won’t say, health is more expensive. laughing

                      14. +2
                        8 August 2022 21: 09
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        some kind of "Modern toking" turned out.

                        Okay, at least not "Bad Boys Blue" wassat
                        Hello from Vaska drinks
                      15. +4
                        8 August 2022 15: 21
                        I also regularly hear: "Cat, don't be boring." So I'm on the team. smile
                        Hello, Sergey! drinks
                      16. +4
                        8 August 2022 15: 28
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        Hello, Sergey!

                        Good afternoon Konstantin! hi
                        I also regularly hear: "Cat, don't be boring." So I'm on the team.

                        Looks like we're here easily choir them. Let's get Pyatnitsky! wassat
                      17. +5
                        8 August 2022 15: 37
                        Today seems to be Monday. bully drinks

                      18. +3
                        8 August 2022 21: 13
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        Today seems to be Monday.

                        Judging by the picture, it clearly started on Saturday laughing drinks
                      19. +2
                        8 August 2022 21: 15
                        It is as usual. wink drinks
                      20. 0
                        10 August 2022 06: 22
                        And me - a bore, an interesting team looms lol
                  2. +5
                    8 August 2022 12: 51
                    Quote: 3x3zsave
                    Petersburger's card "...

                    Well, I'm rural, I don't have it.
                2. +5
                  8 August 2022 12: 11
                  And beauty, in your opinion, is worth nothing?
                  Costs. Victims.
              2. +5
                8 August 2022 11: 51
                I have now checked the prices. As of May this year, the "casual card" cost 11,35 euros. Watched here
                1. +5
                  8 August 2022 12: 01
                  Quote: Trilobite Master
                  . As of May this year, the "casual card" cost 11,35 euros

                  And how much is the "card of the courtoise"? laughing
                  1. +6
                    8 August 2022 12: 48
                    Do they already give out cards?
                    Damn, what's going on with the world...
                    1. +5
                      8 August 2022 12: 58
                      Quote: Trilobite Master
                      Do they already give out cards?

                      This is so that they do not violate the courtesy of behavior, in our world everything needs to be regulated .... laughing
                    2. +3
                      8 August 2022 15: 24
                      Nothing is being done, Mir cards are not being issued to them.
            3. +2
              8 August 2022 15: 06
              In addition, the St. Petersburg metro is more beautiful.

              Everything native, as usual, is closer to the heart, Russian, Orthodox, own. crying

          3. +6
            8 August 2022 14: 16
            In Ryazan, the metro costs nothing at all. good
            It's just not there! laughing
            1. 0
              8 August 2022 19: 02
              “We decided somehow to build a metro in Ryazan. We made a project, allocated money from the budget, arranged a tender, hired contractors, carried out the work ...
              The day has come for the commissioning of the facility. The selection committee in bewilderment addresses the representatives of the contractors:
              - Where is the subway?
              - Yes, here it is!
              - It??? Did you think they buried two trams and that's it?!?!?
              - And what is wrong???
              - Crap! They must ride!
              Oh damn!!! Why didn't you warn me right away?!?!?! "
              1. +2
                8 August 2022 19: 36
                The Ryazan tram died safely in 2010. request I have been running since 1963. Perestroika ruined it. negative
                1. +3
                  8 August 2022 20: 15
                  And Moscow lost its last trolleybus line a couple of months ago ...
                  1. +2
                    8 August 2022 20: 27
                    Seriously? Did not know. I wonder what is now running along the Garden Ring instead of "B" and "Tens"?
                    That's it, I found out - the bus, the city ki completely stinks.
                    1. +2
                      8 August 2022 20: 38
                      I spoke with people who saw how the tram along the Nevsky was hard ...
                    2. +2
                      8 August 2022 20: 47
                      "Along the Garden Ring,
                      Like tears down my face
                      Watering machines,
                      They will flow at the seventh hour." (C)
                      Absolutely unfamiliar to me urban romance. Exciting, but not as affectionate as the predawn Neva.
                      1. +2
                        8 August 2022 20: 52
                        I remember Okudzhava.
                        When I can't overcome the trouble,
                        when despair sets in
                        I sit in the blue trolley bus on the go,
                        in the last
                        into random.

                        Midnight trolleybus, rush along the street,
                        circle the boulevards,
                        to pick up everyone, victims in the night
                      2. +2
                        8 August 2022 21: 00
                        "She ran away from me again,
                        The last train "(C)
                      3. +2
                        8 August 2022 21: 34
                        Maybe it wasn't worth the trip? bully

                    3. +1
                      9 August 2022 19: 58
                      It seems, all the same, an electric bus, but I will clarify one of these days, when I will be in the center
                    4. +2
                      10 August 2022 11: 02
                      Immediately reminded ...
                      All embraced by universal longing
                      And resignation to fate
                      Near Smolenskaya Square
                      I'll take the trolleybus "B".

                      Bitter tears, don't shed
                      Poor heart, shut up
                      You take me away, trolley bus,
                      Dash into the foggy distance.

                      For me to float weightlessly
                      By everyone you love
                      Past the mother-in-law’s house
                      Past grandfather's graves.

                      Past the orchard,
                      Past the Yauza gates,
                      Above the Statue of Liberty
                      above northern latitudes.

                      Above Manezhnaya Square,
                      Above the ancient Kremlin
                      To disappear in the gentle haze
                      This sinful earth.

                      To enter your chamber, O God,
                      Throwing off the burden of worldly shackles,
                      And see no more faces
                      These pesky bastards

                      (c) Igor Irteniev
                      Well, I changed the last words a little...
                      1. +1
                        10 August 2022 14: 06
                        Haven't read it before, thanks Misha. smile
                      2. +1
                        10 August 2022 14: 23
                        You can't read everything, Uncle Kostya. smile
                        You just remembered the trolleybus "B" and I immediately remembered this poem. Only from the forest, where I was at that time, I could not send the text - the Internet is weak, it was possible to receive information, but it was impossible to send it. smile
                      3. +1
                        10 August 2022 14: 32
                        And what did you do in the forest? Mushrooms, barbecue, or just resting from the bustle of the city? drinks
                      4. +3
                        10 August 2022 16: 21
                        Rather, the latter.
                        I got up in the morning, there were no urgent matters, called everyone back, got ready and went fishing with one overnight stay. At the same time, I wanted to see mushrooms.
                        It's good there!...
                        I caught a little fish (a pike and a handful of perches, enough to fry), I didn’t find mushrooms, only two white ones, but big ones. Interestingly, clean.
                        There are many animals in the forest, I even saw a fresh bear track.
                        At night, near my camp, about twenty meters away, someone must have crushed someone - there was such a crash that I jumped up as if scalded, even though I already wanted to fall asleep ...
                        In short, I had a good rest. One. In a dense forest, on the bank of a clear river. Bonfire, water, fresh tea, night darkness...
                      5. +2
                        10 August 2022 17: 40
                        Bonfire, water, fresh tea, night darkness...

                        To everything, a rifle would not interfere, just in case. smile

                      6. +1
                        10 August 2022 21: 12
                        The gun is heavy, why carry it? Plus a hunting ticket, a license, a voucher, what else is needed there? Trouble alone. At one time I carried firecrackers with me, now I don’t even wear them.
                      7. +1
                        10 August 2022 21: 35
                        Like "Isn't the devil as scary as his little one?" smile

                      8. +1
                        10 August 2022 23: 34
                        You know, Uncle Kostya, if there's anything I'm afraid of in the forest, it's to meet some malicious inadequacy of the human race. The biggest troubles in the forest I had exclusively from people. smile
                      9. +1
                        11 August 2022 00: 58
                        Yes, I had them not so much in the forest as in the cities of our dear fatherland. request
                2. +1
                  10 August 2022 06: 27
                  I believe that a dying form of transport has not been in Simferopol since 1973, and perestroika, of course, has nothing to do with it. The only Crimean city where there is a tram is Evpatoria.
                  1. +2
                    10 August 2022 14: 10
                    There is no metro in Simferopol either, so this is not an indicator. request

                    Gavrilin began his speech well and simply:
                    “Building a tram,” he said, “is not buying a donkey.”
                    Ostap Bender's loud laughter was suddenly heard in the crowd. He appreciated this phrase.

      2. +5
        8 August 2022 07: 13
        Quote: Russian cow parsnip, it is only for rubles

        "Russia is a generous soul!" (from a chocolate ad) It can also provide humanitarian assistance. THIS IS A JOKE (or an attempt at a joke).
  2. +4
    8 August 2022 05: 25
    Informative, even very. capital labor.
  3. +2
    8 August 2022 05: 26
    The easiest way to get poisoned is to buy a bottle of burnt vodka in the store and go to another world... wink
    1. +7
      8 August 2022 05: 33
      So I see: "Do you have singed vodka? Yes. One dose for me!"
      1. +7
        8 August 2022 14: 27
        "Do you have singed vodka?

        "What is good for a Russian is death for a German!" (c) And the devil, as you know, is a German. wink

        1. +6
          8 August 2022 14: 43
          Kostya, hello!
          Burnt vodka is already from the area of ​​the distant past.
          Now it's still on the left. And the left one differs from the right one only for the state, but for us consumers it is purple.
          1. +3
            8 August 2022 15: 01
            Hi Sasha! smile
            Well, I’m not sure, we have familiar sellers here, they don’t advise taking some at all, so to speak, swill is only for drunks, and therefore there is no price.
            1. +1
              9 August 2022 10: 14
              Reply to email
  4. +12
    8 August 2022 05: 42
    Thank you Valerie for the info!
    I will smile comrades. In the distant 80s, a neighbor Faya decided to wean her husband from drinking "hot drinks" by adding wild garlic juice to the god. Dedok suffered for a long time, spat, but dug up a 25-liter bottle. After he went with a statement to the police on the poisoner! When asked by the investigator why, as soon as he felt “delivery”, he did not go to the hospital or authorities? Dedok replied that the former would have begun to heal, and the latter would have eaten a bottle of mash !!!
    1. +6
      8 August 2022 08: 23
      There was a method to wean from drunkenness - they insisted on vodka on hooves. Then, with any use of alcohol, vomiting was induced. The main thing was not to make a mistake with the dose.
      1. +4
        8 August 2022 09: 48
        Quote from Korsar4
        There was a method to wean from drunkenness - they insisted on vodka on hooves. Then, with any use of alcohol, vomiting was induced. The main thing was not to make a mistake with the dose.

        Purgen is our everything! lol
        1. +6
          8 August 2022 09: 51
          One person is always able to educate another.
          1. +6
            8 August 2022 09: 53
            Quote from Korsar4
            One person is always able to educate another.

            Uh-huh, though Sergey succeeds in this in one case out of ten !!
            1. +6
              8 August 2022 11: 43
              Very often the process is more important than the result.
          2. +7
            8 August 2022 14: 34
            One person is always able to educate another.

            Only the means and methods are different. smile

            1. +7
              8 August 2022 17: 02
              ,,, on one well-known channel they showed lol
              This is how the bullet flies. belay
              1. +3
                8 August 2022 17: 34
                This is how the bullet flies.

                Yep, along with the sleeve! laughing Jokers though...
            2. +2
              8 August 2022 17: 10
              Don Corleone was a master of persuasion.
              1. +2
                8 August 2022 17: 41
                Capone too, only mainly with the help of a bat. angry

        2. +6
          8 August 2022 10: 09
          Purgen is our everything!

          From the point of view of chemistry, it is more correct to call it phenolphthalein. And with the medical - yes, purgen. laughing can i chime in too? feel Michael infected drinks
          1. +4
            8 August 2022 13: 29
            Quote: Pan Kohanku
            Purgen is our everything!

            From the point of view of chemistry, it is more correct to call it phenolphthalein. And with the medical - yes, purgen. laughing can i chime in too? feel Michael infected drinks

            Pan is the owner, you can do everything that Anton - a dog owner, only every other time !!! laughing
            1. +4
              8 August 2022 13: 40
              Pan is the owner, you can do everything that Anton - a dog owner, only every other time !!!

              Thank you dear Man! drinks Laughed! good Although my cat Anton is very fond of! Yes
              1. +4
                8 August 2022 14: 21
                Mikado is a wise cat, making friends with a potential dog owner is far-sighted. Suddenly, a couple will show up for a visit.
                1. +2
                  8 August 2022 14: 28
                  Suddenly, a couple will show up for a visit.

                  Really what! Yes drinks
      2. +7
        8 August 2022 10: 04
        Hello everyone, have a nice day and a good week!
        In Japan, China and the Kuril Islands, you can find a shrub with the characteristic common name "mustard gas"

        At our school, the OBZH-shnik was a golden man, himself from military builders. soldier And, including, he also visited the Far East. He told a story about mustard gas - they say, a girl, the daughter of a soldier, went for a walk in the Kuriles, saw a flower, breathed in ... In general, she died, unfortunately. recourse
        Sergey, you probably also met her on your business trips for vegetation?
        How it got to Europe is not entirely clear, according to legend, a box with its seeds was presented to Metternich by Alexander I.

        Well, at least something "grandmother's pet" spoiled the Austrian bastard! bully
        1. +6
          8 August 2022 11: 58
          No. Didn't come across. Although there should be a lot of it on Sakhalin.

          Probably, the action is similar to the ash tree (dictamnus, or burning bush). Showing how essential oils can ignite with a match or lighter, a couple of times bubbles appeared on the skin.

          This is what the pursuit of external effects and red words leads to.
          1. +4
            8 August 2022 12: 05
            Quote from Korsar4
            ash tree (dictamnus, or burning bush).

            As I understand it, this has nothing to do with the Cretan dictamus (Cretan oregano)? hi
            1. +5
              8 August 2022 13: 14
              No. They have something in common in the name, probably from the Cretan mountain range Dikti.
  5. +8
    8 August 2022 05: 51
    For alcohol producers, the name of the new drink is "Anchar on alcohol"
    1. +8
      8 August 2022 05: 56
      Anchar on alcohol, light
      1. +9
        8 August 2022 08: 24
        Hi Sasha! hi
        For now, this is the only option.
        Valery! Thanks for the mini-cycle! hi
    2. +5
      8 August 2022 10: 06
      For alcohol producers, the name of the new drink is "Anchar on alcohol"

      Under the brand name "Tamagnac"? wink
      1. +6
        8 August 2022 11: 25
        Quote: Pane Kohanku
        Under the brand name "Tamagnac"?

        Good afternoon Nikolai,
        will not be allowed on the market, Palyonushka may compete. drinks
        1. +4
          8 August 2022 11: 30
          will not be allowed on the market, Palyonushka may compete.

          Well, Anton and I know who we have the best producer in the country. wink But, alas, he does only for good people... lol
  6. 0
    8 August 2022 06: 31
    Nobody talked about mushrooms. Yeah, we don't care if it kills me, as long as it tastes good.
    1. +5
      8 August 2022 09: 20
      Nobody talked about mushrooms.
      But mushrooms were not used, except that the "berserkers" drank a decoction of fly agaric before the battle in order to enter into ecstasy. Moose also eat fly agaric during the rut, but what is remarkable, only during this period.
      1. +5
        8 August 2022 10: 20
        except that the "berserkers" drank a decoction of fly agaric, before the battle, in order to enter into ecstasy

        I immediately recall the drawing of Gorelik from the "Children's Encyclopedia" - the attack of the Vikings on the monastery. The character in the foreground, bottom right, is just engrossed in chewing on the shield...
        1. +3
          8 August 2022 11: 59
          What DE edition? There is no such drawing in mine, 1976 edition. Burgundy color, spiral of history, on the cover.
          1. +4
            8 August 2022 12: 19
            What DE edition?

            It's already in the 90s. One was for the entire school library. request I flipped through it already in adulthood, about five years ago. laughing
            1. +5
              8 August 2022 12: 26
              There, apparently, there are more pictures, and not articles, they simplified it. I didn’t see such a publication, I didn’t come across it. Although, in my opinion, the same volume 8 of the History of DE is more informative, but the 60s, the 70s are weaker.
      2. +7
        8 August 2022 11: 02
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        except that the "berserkers" drank a decoction of fly agaric, before the battle

        I saw such "berserkers" ... smile After taking such a potion, a person cannot say "shoo".
        I think about the fly agaric before the fight - this is a legend. After the fight maybe. smile
        1. +4
          8 August 2022 12: 01
          When it doesn’t matter anymore, we are discussing the use of poisons. And before or after a meal, it doesn’t matter at the time. Moreover, the topic of mushrooms arose. laughing
        2. +3
          8 August 2022 13: 07
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          After taking such a potion, a person cannot say "shoo".

          I suppose it's still a matter of habit. I didn't see it myself, of course. But people who had been to Chukotka before (including my father) said that the Chukchi used this business. Not all, essno, and not in the bucket, but still.
          1. +5
            8 August 2022 13: 42
            Not all, essno, and not in the bucket

            Something reminded "To whom in Russia to live well". There, it seems, the self-collected tablecloth also gave out alcohol - but only a bucket a day! sad
            1. +4
              8 August 2022 13: 58
              Quote: Pane Kohanku
              only a bucket a day!

              So... a bucket is about 12.3 liters. There were seven characters. 12,3 \ 7 \u1,75d XNUMX per day per snout. Well ... it's okay, sit down :)))
              1. +4
                8 August 2022 13: 59
                So... a bucket is about 12.3 liters. character

                Indeed, it was possible to "bring" a cup, if not to everyone, then to half of the bazaar - for sure.
                And if you divide it into seven main characters, it won’t seem enough. But, probably, vodka was weaker then, Ivan?
                1. +6
                  8 August 2022 14: 11
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  vodka was weaker then

                  Well, the great poet did not name the brand, however, if "polugar" then about 38 percent by volume.
                  Again, bread wine. Our God-saved fatherland has not yet known godless rectification columns ...
                  And if vodka was not driven from sawdust, then we would have ... from five bottles!
                  1. +5
                    8 August 2022 14: 12
                    And if vodka was not driven from sawdust, then we would have ... from five bottles!

                    Classic words. laughing Vladimir Semenovich knew how to write texts!
                  2. +4
                    8 August 2022 14: 50
                    Quote: Senior Sailor
                    Our God-saved fatherland has not yet known godless rectification columns ...

                    This is heresy overseas ... drinks
                    1. +1
                      8 August 2022 16: 02
                      This is heresy overseas ...

                      - Do you drink vodka?
                      - .... anise!

  7. Two
    8 August 2022 06: 42
    hi Poor! And where is the mark about palytoxins or "coral poisons", where is the classic of the genre - "curare"!? Well, you could remember about "aquatophane"! bully
    1. VLR
      8 August 2022 07: 00
      Curare was mentioned in the last article, which is recalled at the beginning of this one. And, once again, I draw your attention to the goal - a story about NATURAL poisons used specifically for poisoning military weapons. Moreover, the use of a systematic This was not considered: they say, poisoning of ten people was recorded in ... a year - and that's it, not a word more in world history. Therefore, sabotage with poisoning of wells, and the introduction of cooks into military kitchens, "pricks with umbrellas", hypothetical lubrication of door handles with poison, and so on, were not considered.
      1. Two
        8 August 2022 07: 06
        hi Sorry, but I beg to differ with your conclusions! The means I have listed are not related to WMD or BOV. In the same way, the natives used these "gifts of nature" in their daily activities! And the means you mentioned for "pricks with umbrellas", treatments for "door handles" have a completely different origin and belong to a different group of toxins!
      2. +3
        8 August 2022 23: 24
        Quote: VlR
        Curare was discussed in the last article, which is recalled at the beginning of this one. And, once again, I draw your attention to the goal - a story about NATURAL poisons used specifically for poisoning military weapons. Moreover, the use of a systematic

        I will allow you to break the rules and put a proposal and clarifications in response. For obvious reasons, the text will not have "academic accuracy", and will be blurred. I hope for the understanding of the author.
        Even in the middle zone of Eurasia, there are quite enough sources of pharmacological preparations that can be used on the topic. ..They were used exactly as the author "did not consider" this in his article.
        I will point out the most frequent and most important ... mistake or something in the description of these topics.
        I've never seen popular science articles discussing the synergistic use of poisons, which is the only possible way to put a serious risk to the health of any person on an arrowhead. Although in any thin film about various sorcerers and shamans, a method of brewing a potion from several components is shown.
        I will also point out that the methods of extracting substances from a source already in the times of ancient Greece and Rome made it possible to obtain fairly pure preparations, where the amount of the required material often amounted to half the "dose". (see Avicenna). And in general, Babylonian-Persian, and then Islamic medicine was the main "road" for linking the knowledge of poison-drugs in Europe and Southeast Asia (Ibn Dzhuldzhul).
        I will continue ...
        1. +2
          8 August 2022 23: 53
          Quote: haron
          I will continue

          It was the combined-synergistic effect of mono-drugs that made it possible to achieve the desired effect. The author is right that no one will ever know the number of people who can create the necessary music in a cauldron. Examples from Galen's work point to the possibilities of "combat toxicology" in ancient Rome (Mithridates for help).
          Paracelsus with his "everything is poison and all medicine, both determine the dose" - there is a cherry on the cake.
          Well, what about without our relatives, strong berserkers and their "mushrooms".
          Brew tea that will act on a person as described by "classical" sources (nibbled on a shield, cursed, tore trousers, beat everyone, did decapitation with his teeth, did not remember his mother, cried, slept standing up, then how lucky ...) ... yes still possible. Moreover, within the middle lane, it is possible even within the framework of the urban-type settlement with a fishing line, a trash can and a clearing near a muddy reservoir. Not at all times of the year, but yes, you can.
          And stimulants, and dissociatives, and gamk erki, and mu delta cap are non-selective .... all this is growing. Including the same raaznye mushrooms (but without them you can).
          I'll give you an example. The lethal dose of morphine (for a non-addict) is 1 mg/kg of body weight. And if it is served together with other "weeds", then the dose will decrease ... and significantly. In this case, the route of administration of that herb may be different from the administration of morphine.
          Well, etc.
          Good luck to the author.
        2. +3
          9 August 2022 18: 27
          The Ainu, for example, boiled aconite for harpoons. And the degree of readiness for insects was determined.
  8. +8
    8 August 2022 08: 39
    The conclusion is one of the cycle, weapons of mass destruction from poisonous plants, humanity has not been able to create. But it’s not clear, where does the Sosnovsky hogweed have to do with it? It seems that it was not used as a vegetable poison in hostilities. Or missed something.
    1. +5
      8 August 2022 14: 47
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      The conclusion is one of the cycle, weapons of mass destruction from poisonous plants, humanity has not been able to create. But it’s not clear, where does the Sosnovsky hogweed have to do with it? It seems that it was not used as a vegetable poison in hostilities. Or missed something.

      An interesting fact of human tyranny, for the general development!
  9. -2
    8 August 2022 09: 02
    In the last opus there was an "active substance - curare", in this opus - an alkaloid antiarin. Antiarin is not an alkaloid!

    Why snake venoms ended up in an opus about plant poisons is not clear. And if it’s about snakes, why is there no mention of the most dangerous of them? There is nothing about insect poisons, for example, diamphidium, or about the poisons of bacteria and dinoflagellate algae ... Such a thing.
    1. VLR
      8 August 2022 09: 08
      about insect poisons, for example, diamphidium, or about the poisons of bacteria and dinoflagellate algae

      Because, imagine, they were not used to poison arrows, darts or other edged weapons, which was immediately announced. And it was said that the toxins of bacteria in the absence of the concept of antiseptics and the absence of antibiotics. acted no worse than any poison.
      And rattlesnake venom was used for this purpose, but cobras or gyurz were not, at least massively and systematically. Maybe you should read more carefully?
      1. -4
        8 August 2022 09: 20
        Diamphidium larvae were not used to poison arrows? Is saxitoxin from dinoflagellates still not used by specialists from all over the world? Amotoxins were not used by special forces as sabotage poisons and murder weapons? Avtar confuses Bebel with Babel, and a male with a cable. Curare has an active ingredient, and antiarin is an alkaloid.

        A very mediocre murzil opus with pictures for a circle of pioneers at the Krasny Kochet Collective Farm!
        1. VLR
          8 August 2022 10: 01
          Diamphidium larvae were not used to poison arrows?

          Used as stated:
          LD 50 diamphotoxin, which is contained in the lymph, is indeed a very strong poison.

          Sorry, but maybe it's worth looking into the book to see not only a fig?
          And, again, we are talking about the massive and systematic combat use of natural poisons, and not about the operations of special services, but you, apparently, will not understand this even the third time.
          1. -2
            8 August 2022 10: 09
            And the operations of the special services cannot be massive, as in Afghanistan or Vietnam, for example? Or systematic? Not? And if you are talking about the mass use of poisons, then it took place only a few times in history, and all the poisons that were used in large quantities were synthetic. Well, okay, you have your own atmosphere there, your own concept of "mass character".

            Before engaging in writing, it was not superfluous to look at the terms in the explanatory dictionary. And before writing about poisons, you need to at least agree with yourself what belongs to plants and what to animals, like diamphidias or snakes. And also it would not be superfluous to read a textbook on pharmacology for vocational schools, and finally understand, at least for yourself, that "curare" cannot be an active substance, because. it is not a substance, but a mixture of substances. And antiarin is not an alkaloid, but a glycoside. Different things.

            I see it is useless to explain anything to you, since you do not have a base. Explain at least three times, at least thirty, the result is the same - Murzilka. As one of my very good chemistry teachers used to say: "The absence of any presence!"
            1. +4
              8 August 2022 10: 23
              Well, you are a bore! And stubborn. Several times politely pointed out your own inaccuracies in each message - it is necessary to be able to do this - so that right in each! They did not manage to point out one more inaccuracy - the article is called "Natural" poisons, not vegetable ones. But you stubbornly bend your line, according to the principle "But I want not one, but another"! I want to talk about poisons that are in special operations! I want a pharmacology textbook! I want synthetic poison! And be aware that this is not a site of professional chemists, toxicologists, pharmacologists, etc., but for people of different circles and different professions who are simply interested in history. And I, for example, don’t want a zaumi and a pharmacology textbook? Maybe. Are you just not here at all?
              1. -2
                8 August 2022 10: 28
                Yes, I read completely different branches mostly. I just came across this one by accident, and this is what I understand and understand well. And it is simply impossible to read such opuses of an illiterate author. Strictly speaking, natural poisons were not used in massive military operations. Bushmen or South American Indians, in 99% of cases, this is hunting, not military operations. Those. the substitution of concepts goes from the very beginning. Such opuses do not even pull on Murzilki. But if you like it and everyone else, I don't mind. Hunting is worse than captivity.
                1. 0
                  8 August 2022 10: 36
                  if you like it and everyone else, I don't mind.

                  Thank you sir, thank you very much lol
  10. +8
    8 August 2022 10: 52
    "Meanwhile, offhand: 1. Poisoning of the Pleistos River, a source of drinking water for the city of Kirra, by military units of the Delphic Union with hellebore extracts, which contain a number of toxins with a cardioactive and spastic effect (hellebrine, ranunculin). 2. Poisoning of a source of drinking water with a hemlock in during the war of Florence and the allies against Verona in the 14th century 3. The poisoning of food by the Scots in the camp of the invading Norwegian army with belladonna juice (XI) century."©
    1. +6
      8 August 2022 11: 50
      Hellebore is now used by women for weight loss. It belongs to buttercups. You can get seriously poisoned.
      1. +4
        8 August 2022 11: 54
        Quote from Korsar4
        Hellebore is now used by women for weight loss. It belongs to buttercups. You can get seriously poisoned.

        EMNIP, in the late 90s, some bioadditives from hellebore were actively advertised, as they usually help with everything. hi
        1. +4
          8 August 2022 12: 02
          He is still relatively popular.
          And the principle was formulated long ago in the cartoon by Mrs. Beladonna: "Children cry, parents pay."
    2. +3
      8 August 2022 12: 07
      Or the simplest, during the Great Siege of Malta, the Maltese, in places where there were wells and where the Turks were supposed to land, threw them with the corpses of animals, this is not flora, fauna, but still, probably there was no "necessary" grass, and apparently and did not grow. smile
  11. +5
    8 August 2022 12: 36
    Strychnine is an alkaloid, aconitine is an alkaloid, and antiarin is a glycoside. All of them were used as hunting poisons, smearing arrowheads with concentrates. Alkaloids are more convenient, they can easily be concentrated from water and even isolated in the form of crystalline salts, but other organic poisons, as a rule, cannot be obtained without modern knowledge and methods.
    Wolf bast toxins (daphnetoxin (LD50 0,3 mg/kg mouse orally) and meserein) are more dangerous than related toxins from the marcinella tree.
    1. +6
      8 August 2022 14: 06
      One of the names of the wolfberry is "chew-bast". So village children scoffed at inexperienced strangers.
      1. +5
        8 August 2022 14: 58
        Sergey, hello. smile Here you explain to me how it is possible to smoothly move from plant poisons to the prices of the St. Petersburg metro, singed vodka and the Viking attack on the monastery? wassat What is this, Monday Syndrome?
        1. +2
          8 August 2022 17: 12
          Hi Konstantin! On our forum, you can easily go anywhere. Whoever says that singed vodka is not Poison, let him throw a stone first.
          And the Petersburgers always speak with their own. Why is the subway worse than the other!
          1. +2
            8 August 2022 17: 39
            Why is the subway worse than the other!

            As in the joke:

            "Georgian is better.
            - Better than what?
            - Better than the Armenians "(c) laughing
            1. +3
              8 August 2022 20: 04
              “And in parrots I am much longer” (c).
              1. +2
                8 August 2022 20: 14
                Below is an anecdote, I wrote to you, but clicked on myself. The brains are completely boiled away from the heat. negative
            2. +4
              8 August 2022 20: 11
              The man was given a parrot. Expensive, beautiful. But… he swears a lot. - And your wife, and your mother-in-law, and you yourself, the owner ... tram-taram-taram! The man persuaded and persuaded, covered the cage - there is no trouble with the parrot. I thought about it and put it in the fridge. For about ten minutes the knocking and terrible curses continued, and suddenly - silence. The man opens the door - the parrot is quiet from the refrigerator:
              - Sorry, I was wrong, I repent terribly, and your wife and mother-in-law, and you yourself are wonderful people, did not figure it out, Sorry !!!
              A man, touched: - Well, whoever does not happen, forget it!
              Parrot, even quieter: - Excuse me, but can I ask a question?
              1. +2
                8 August 2022 20: 54
                Reported to the KGB about a parrot, cursing the Soviet regime. Gobists are coming:
                - Do you have a parrot?
                - There is.
                - Where is he?
                - In a refrigerator.
                They took him out of the refrigerator, provoked him, provoked him, but the parrot did not say a single bad word about the Soviet regime. Gone. The parrot sits, is silent, ruffled. Master:
                - So I knew that only Siberia would correct you!
                1. +3
                  8 August 2022 21: 37
                  He opens the freezer, and a parrot, blue from the cold, jumps out. The lady asks in amazement: "Who are you?" And the parrot replies: "I'm a penguin, damn it!"
      2. +2
        8 August 2022 15: 28
        Yes, I remember something like that. But those children were distant relatives, and we never tried, although we really wanted to).
        1. +2
          8 August 2022 17: 13
          Sometimes a sense of self-preservation awakens in a person.
  12. +1
    8 August 2022 14: 43
    Quote: Senior Sailor
    Our God-saved fatherland has not yet known godless rectification columns

    Why do you think the columns are "blasphemous?" I have been using this one since 2014 and thanks to it I drink soft and pure vodka that goes like water!
  13. +1
    9 August 2022 14: 56
    LD50 diamphotoxin

    LD50 is a dose that is lethal with a 50% chance. Not the name of the connection.

    Snake venom in battle is nonsense, just where to get so many snakes, and if it hasn’t been stored for years.
    1. +1
      10 August 2022 18: 29
      I read the recipe how the Indians used the poison of rattlesnakes, slaughtered a bison, cut out the liver, caught a large rattlesnake. Pressing the head of the snake with a slingshot to the ground with twigs, they drove the snake into a frenzy, either tickled or whipped, I don’t remember. After that, the snake was released and she stung a warm liver. And so several times. Then the snake was killed and the liver quickly turned black and began to smell bad, then arrowheads were immersed in the smelly liver. They wrote that up to 500 arrows could be poisoned with this substance. the author rightly noted that the poison did not act immediately, but the warrior himself or one of his relatives could accidentally prick himself on the poisoned tip. In general, it is dreary, dangerous, and the result is not predictable.
  14. +2
    9 August 2022 21: 04
    Well, the cow parsnip has long since triumphantly stepped beyond the Arctic Circle, there are a lot of them in Vorkuta and to the north ..
  15. 0
    10 August 2022 06: 16
    The thought came to mind that these poisons were worn as a ritual. Well, it's like putting an icon around your neck, so that the Lord saves.
  16. 0
    12 August 2022 07: 05
    I used eleutherococcus (alcohol tincture), ginger (well, here you need to cut it with a sharp blade). As adapters, they work quite well. "Lead sugar" for the adversary .. Now I understand that it's pointless ... "Tooth poison" (yes, there is an effect) and "hornet venom" for mining a position ..
  17. 0
    14 August 2022 00: 15
    They forgot to add Cerberus, a fiercely poisonous plant
  18. 0
    19 October 2022 16: 36
    Upitsya)) Well, the author and lit. The theme choice is amazing! Yes, I know natural poisons, before which anchar (I understand Pushkin. On the one hand, I wanted to write beautiful poems, on the other, I did not want to paint real technologies) and did not stand close. But it is absolutely not necessary to write about it! It's stupid to talk nonsense, you can't write the truth. I don’t even know what more crazy and wild topic the author could have chosen for review ...