SCO Deputy Secretary General Logvinov: The West is dragging China into a hybrid war unleashed against Russia


Deputy Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Grigory Logvinov believes that Western countries have unleashed a full-scale information war against Russia. At the same time, other member states of the organization are beginning to be drawn into the media confrontation, primarily China, which is considered a strategic geopolitical adversary in the West.

Now it has become completely obvious that information technologies have received direct military use, and the media space has turned into springboards and battlefields.

- the diplomat believes and adds that the situation can be characterized by the old English saying "and the pen will be your sword," reports «РИА Новости».

Loginov noted that ever since its creation in 2001, the SCO has become "the object of openly hostile comments in the Western media." Every year this antagonism on the part of the Western mass media only intensified. The information war of the West against Russia and other countries of the Shanghai association entered a new wave after the SCO and the CSTO supported the legitimate government of Kazakhstan during the unrest in the republic in January of this year.

The diplomat recalled that the problem of information counteraction was identified in the final protocol at the consultations of the information services of the ministries of foreign affairs of the member states in April this year. The document specifically notes that the SCO members need to "pay attention to the problem of counteracting fake information."

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the consequences of Western countries' hybrid war against Russia would be felt by everyone without any exceptions. According to Lavrov, the Russian leadership took all the necessary steps to avoid a direct confrontation.

But once the challenge is thrown, we, of course, accept it. We are no strangers to sanctions, in one form or another they were almost always

- added the head of the foreign policy department of the Russian Federation.

The leaders of the anti-Russian Western coalition do not hide the fact that they are waging a hybrid war against Russia, motivating its beginning by the need to “protect the sovereignty of Ukraine.” Back in late February, US President Joe Biden said that Washington had "two options: start a third world war" or impose large-scale sanctions against Russia. In July, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said Europe "doesn't want war with Russia" and economic sanctions are the main response to the fighting in Ukraine.

China has not supported anti-Russian sanctions and is strengthening its strategic partnership with Russia, despite constant pressure from the Western coalition. Against the backdrop of aggravated relations with the United States over Taiwan, Washington and NATO allies openly call Beijing their strategic adversary. In such a situation, the opposition of the SCO and other political and economic associations of independent countries to Western pressure, including in the information space, reaches a new significant level.
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  1. +2
    29 July 2022 10: 44
    The EU and the US are digging their economies - the grave
    BRICS creates its own currency
    and this unties China's hands
    China could dump US Treasuries worth $1 trillion at once
    redirecting them to the new BRICS currency, which will create a negative balance for the dollar by 2-3 times
    1. -4
      29 July 2022 11: 02
      Quote: Romario_Argo
      China could dump US Treasuries worth $1 trillion at once

      How fast you are! And China is the largest "socio-economic" system. Only kittens are born there quickly (and even then, if the party allows).
      You have to think: China, the EU and the US are three sides of the same financial and economic system. That is why the Chinese will sit quietly while they can hope for the prospect of restoring the old world order. In addition, they themselves consider themselves unprepared for war. According to their plans, they should and will be able to prepare no earlier than 2030.
      But everyone knows about it, and the United States has a milestone - 2035.
      All these stories ("Ukraine" and "Taiwan") are calculated solely to destroy the power groups of Putin and Xi. This is not a hybrid war - this is a total war.
  2. +1
    29 July 2022 10: 44
    SCO Deputy Secretary General Logvinov: The West is dragging China into a hybrid war unleashed against Russia
    hechemon and his henchmen cannot and do not want to resist serious players in the international arena, because many, many will want to lean against whom, he is no longer sure!
    So you need to create a situation and expose your opponents as villains and enemies, if not all, then for most countries of the world !!!
    Question ... how to do it???
    1. +4
      29 July 2022 10: 50
      Quote: rocket757
      Question ... how to do it???

      A very good question. "The eye sees, but the tooth is numb." So they invent new nasty things / sanctions.
      1. +2
        29 July 2022 10: 53
        Quote: bouncyhunter
        So they invent new nasty things / sanctions.

        new.... with old holes.... wassat
        1. +1
          29 July 2022 12: 52
          Vasya soldier
          Quote: Mouse
          new.... with old holes....

          Very symbolic and ambiguous, especially about "old holes" ... lol
      2. +1
        29 July 2022 10: 58
        Well, yes, if you carefully understand, then nothing new.
        Everything fits into the old, colonial concepts and Wishlist ... remember how the impudent people said - If the aborigine did not understand what the white master told him, then YOU SHOULD SAY LOUDER !!! - and the fact that an aboriginal in arrogance is neither be - nor me, the white gentleman should not worry in any way!
        1. +1
          29 July 2022 12: 55
          Well, the arrogant Saxons cannot refuse and wean themselves from the colonial policy. Here they should dig the root of the problem. But no - the ram will beat his forehead against the new gate. And the result is a dead ram with a broken skull and a whole gate ... bully
          1. +1
            29 July 2022 14: 47
            Old habits and no one is in a hurry to give them up.
    2. 0
      29 July 2022 11: 05
      Everything is already being done by their own hands. Pressure on countries to support sanctions against the Russian Federation is causing the opposite effect. Internal unresolved problems are only getting worse due to the incompetence of the politicians whom the United States brought to power. The decisiveness of the Russian Federation and China does not allow the enemy to maneuver and intimidate, this is called a crisis.
      1. +1
        29 July 2022 11: 13
        It is clear that the confrontation did not even begin yesterday ... but it will not end tomorrow either.
        There are intermediate results, of course... but the Western coalition is quite large, strong, rich and has not yet squandered all its potential in any area.
        The fact that it seems to us that they are flying down will have to be fixed realistically and definitely. Those. the time has not come yet, we will wait, see, but for now let's do our own, important things !!!
        1. +1
          29 July 2022 11: 43
          The Western coalition has exhausted itself, as part of civilization, they would have to draw conclusions and carry out real reforms, and with or without war, the sunset comes. war only speeds up the process.
          1. 0
            29 July 2022 14: 46
            I don’t even consider the socio-political meaning of their civilization ... br r r disgusting. But besides that, there are also military and economic resources ...
            If about the geyrop, one can say that they are rolling down, almost all in a crowd, but in addition to them there are also them, so far, not all the trump cards have been laid out on the table. Behind those it is worth watching carefully, so that some suddenly does not appear.
  3. +1
    29 July 2022 10: 49
    Quote: rocket757
    So you need to create a situation and expose your opponents as villains and enemies, if not all, then for most countries of the world !!!
    Question ... how to do it???

    As always...they will shoot down a Boeing chock-full of passengers from a distant country and put all the blame on the enemy.
    The methods of provocation of the Anglo-Saxons are primitive and outrageously stereotyped.
    We are trying to fight them according to humane rules and invariably fall under attack.
    1. +1
      29 July 2022 11: 18
      The minke whales and their henchmen swung at ... many.
      The more there are MANY who will be put on minke whales, the less effective will be the old, primitive methods of provocation ...
      For Boeing, for Skripals, and so on and so forth, they support / authorize the same list of countries ... and it is unlikely that this list will be expanded.
      So we also need to accept and finally designate those who are included in that list - they are the ENEMY. That's it, nothing more to talk about.
  4. 0
    29 July 2022 10: 52
    Western countries unleashed against Russia a full-scale information war

    “Western community, as I called it in my speech "empire of lies"...", -
    — V.V. Putin...
    "The West is not the whole world -
    West is sunset...
  5. +1
    29 July 2022 10: 52
    The West is dragging China into a hybrid war unleashed against Russia
    How this can be effectively done by calling China the main adversary and arranging provocations around Taiwan is probably only known to the Americans.
    The leaders of the anti-Russian Western coalition do not hide the fact that they are waging a hybrid war against Russia
    So today, even if you want to, you can’t hide it. When Russia is cursed from every iron, and a Russian may appear from the toilet bowl at any time, and it is difficult to keep a conspiracy to seize a “civilized” by one place.
  6. 0
    29 July 2022 11: 05
    The document specifically notes that the SCO members need to "pay attention to the problem of counteracting fake information."
    Here, the SCO countries would not interfere with a joint television and radio broadcasting corporation ..
  7. -3
    29 July 2022 11: 22
    When people talk about the PRC, I always remember the operation of the British and German intelligence services before the start of World War II, when the leadership of the USSR, thanks to the skillfully presented disinformation by British and German spies, was sure that the Germans in 1941 would attack Britain first of all, and not to Russia. I would be glad to be deceived in relation to the Chinese comrades, but logic says that the "production shop" of the US and the EU can become some kind of "antagonist" to itself, it defies description. Crow does not pick out the crowsays a Russian proverb. China somehow implements the so-called "Western sanctions". There is nothing to expect from this country for any technical assistance, since no one will cancel or violate existing patents. And the lion's share of these patents belongs to American corporations. With science, or rather its organization and the introduction of scientific developments, we ourselves should figure it out properly so that we can attract the same Chinese to help. And so on and so forth.
    1. 0
      29 July 2022 14: 33
      they cut the forest - the chips fly, while the forest then remains a forest, albeit not so big and green, and the chips are already in dust. And if our forest tans, then the neighboring forest will definitely tan from a vigorous club. China cannot become our antagonist, but it will not merge into a single union with Russia. They will not be able to achieve a unipolar Chinese world in the foreseeable future, therefore they will drown for the multipolar world offered by Russia, but at the same time, realizing that the transition from the unipolar (American) world to the multipolar one is impossible by peaceful means, they must weigh all the risks of a quick and slow transition to multipolar world, that's why they pull the cat by the balls. However, betraying Russia to the Western jackal is unacceptable for them in any case, because the United States does not like the multipolar world, this is their essence.
      And we are Russians - God is with us, and our mission on this planet is sacred, victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated!
  8. 0
    29 July 2022 12: 41
    Bidon "squatted" a little in front of Xi in a telephone conversation, but his "curtsy" is deceptive, which means that the issue with Taiwan should be resolved as soon as possible.
  9. GNM
    29 July 2022 12: 55
    ...In such a situation, the opposition of the SCO and other political and economic associations of independent countries to Western pressure, including in the information space, reaches a new significant level...