Update on the current situation in Ukraine from the American Institute


The Russian NWO in Ukraine continues. After the LPR reached its administrative borders, the allied forces began to liberate the DPR from Ukrainian paramilitary units, which daily shell the cities of the republic.

Experts from the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) analyzed the current situation in Ukraine and published a fresh summary.

Thus, according to analysts from the United States, the RF Armed Forces are changing tactics and at this stage they will not storm Slavyansk, but will focus on taking Bakhmut and Seversk.

This conclusion was made at the Institute for the Study of War during a meeting between the head of the Russian military department, Sergei Shoigu, and the leadership of the Eastern Group of Forces in Ukraine. In addition, according to ISW, allied forces carried out a number of attacks south of Bakhmut and east of Seversk.

Here it is worth clarifying that yesterday it was reported that our troops had established operational control over Seversk. Fighting was already taking place on the streets of the city.

In turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, suffering serious losses in manpower, are in no hurry to retreat from a settlement absolutely unsuitable for long-term defense (located in a lowland). Apparently, the Ukrainian command is trying at all costs to hold its positions at least until tomorrow's Ramstein-4 meeting, where their president will once again tell how the Armed Forces of Ukraine are "smashing" the Russian army thanks to Western weapons.

Also in the report from the American Institute for the Study of War, it is said that the onslaught of the allied forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the LDNR in the Avdeevka direction is intensifying.

This information is true, since yesterday it was reported about the capture of the settlement in the semicircle. Avdiivka, from where Ukrainian militants are conducting a massive shelling of Donetsk. However, it is too early to talk about any serious progress in this direction.

The supply of the Avdiivka grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has not been completely cut off. In addition, over the past 8 years, the city has been turned into one of the most powerful fortified areas of Ukrainian militants in the Donbass.

Finally, American analysts point to the continuation of the integration of the territories liberated by the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine into the Russian economic zone, which is also completely true. In addition, the day before, an agreement on economic cooperation was signed by the authorities of the LPR with representatives of the Kharkov State Administration.
31 comment
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  1. +7
    19 July 2022 09: 58
    Based on this summary, the American People concludes that Ukraine is winning. 70% of US Democrats are ready to tolerate high gas prices and inflation. Republicans are only 40%. This analysis is not for us, but for US readers initially.
    1. -8
      19 July 2022 10: 14
      Strange numbers of democrats 70%, republics 40% is the same 110% out of 100 ... it is not for us to put them on their analyzes to treat their insanity. But it is necessary to take out the trash that is nearby and is not treated.
      1. +5
        19 July 2022 10: 24
        And if we assume that Democrats and Republicans are equally divided, then it turns out that 55% of Americans are for the victory of Ukraine. In fact, of course, much less.
      2. +10
        19 July 2022 10: 48
        Strange figures democrat 70%, republic 40% is the same 110%

        If you strain, and purely laboratory, under ideal conditions, take 100% Democrats and 100% Republicans, without mixing them into an American cocktail, or mixing, but not shaking laughing That will all work out. But that's part of the math part.
        1. 0
          20 July 2022 00: 27
          I personally do not divide them, there that the Democrats and the Republicans are essentially the same thing. Whoever is at the helm is broken and going in one direction.
        2. +1
          20 July 2022 03: 49

          As a worthy paladin, you _And_ are polite in rhetoric! 5++

          “... Paladin (lat. palātīnus, lit. “palace”) is the name of the highest court, military and civil ranks at the court of Roman and Byzantine emperors; high class knight...
      3. +3
        19 July 2022 12: 26
        Quote from Mitos
        Strange numbers of democrats 70%, republics 40% is the same 110% out of 100 ... it is not for us to put them on their analyzes to treat their insanity. But it is necessary to take out the trash that is nearby and is not treated.

        It is rightly said that one must not only be able to read, but also understand what is written.
      4. 0
        19 July 2022 19: 30
        Very correctly wrote 1976 AG on your mathematical delights. Did you smoke your math textbook?
      5. 0
        20 July 2022 10: 00
        Oh, come on ... 110% ... I remember in Russia there were "elections" before the pension robbery. There, too, attentive viewers noticed and "screenshot" that the total percentage by region was 126 ... There was such a sign on the "first channel". Only the television people themselves did not bother to calculate the amount, or did not have time in a fit of "universal support". And - nothing, rolled.
  2. 0
    19 July 2022 10: 01
    In turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, suffering serious losses in manpower, are in no hurry to retreat from a settlement absolutely unsuitable for long-term defense (located in a lowland).

    In the previous article there was information about dozens of deserters, but these are only tens and not hundreds and thousands, and for the most part, the Ukrainian National Battalions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Terbyts do not want to retreat, although they will be mowed down by hundreds.
  3. Two
    19 July 2022 10: 07
    hi What are they based on? On the reports of the ukrovoyuvatel? Where is the comprehensive analysis? Evaluation of the operational situation?
  4. +10
    19 July 2022 10: 08
    I'm not very well versed in political and undercover games in general. Therefore, I do not understand in terms of military science. why we are at war with a thousand - the head of a hydra, cut down one head, and a new one grows. Already 5 months. (Tactics 1 MV) And you just need to demolish the bridges across the Dnieper, control the transportation along the railway road of the DRG and aviation, and not beat your head against the fortifications, at the same time firing 50 thousand shells a day. And suddenly the fortifications will run out of ammunition, food and personnel rotation. And they will run, they will run, as we have not seen yet, they will surrender, and a huge number of inhabitants will remain safe and sound, and most importantly, we will save the lives of our military and civilian locals. And the amers' forecasts - never trust them. They have their own goals in the information war. How they pulled us to Ukraine!!! And Kyiv in three days, and the electronic warfare will demolish everything and everything, and the Ukrainian army is not capable of anything .... If only we believe that everything will be easy and simple, as in the Crimea ...
    1. +1
      19 July 2022 10: 29
      If you are not versed in politics, are you probably a military specialist? For me, logistics and .... "theater" to change to "reverse" is not entirely competent.
    2. -3
      19 July 2022 10: 31
      Because the gladiolus
    3. 0
      20 July 2022 04: 03
      SIBIRYAK 66:

      — In what conditions do you think the West is more dangerous: in the current predictable slow war, or when Ukraine begins to crumble in collapse / inevitably dissolves like morning fog in the rays of the Sun…. in military, economic and information dimensions?

      - I think in the second case. And Russia does not need it in any way.

      —-This does not mean that Russia is dragging out the conduct of the war, or that breakthrough actions have been cancelled. But the West must come to terms with the inevitability of the defeat of Ukraine and must outline its position (I do not rule out that the West will be fragmented in this case). Then the acceleration of the collapse is desirable, including the methods you mentioned.

      —-Even assuming that the West will continue to act inconsistently, and Russia will NOW destroy bridges, etc….. this does not mean NOW the collapse of Ukraine. Due to the undeveloped first scenario in the spring, I believe that the python tactics are most effective in THIS PHASE of the war: Russia is fighting with a limited contingent and without air supremacy ... which means it will not be possible to harvest a quick crop NOW.
      1. 0
        20 July 2022 08: 42
        1 They pulled up about air supremacy. It is quite present. With focal opposition to enemy air defense. Lack of dominance is when enemy litaks frighten native infantry every day. This, I understand, is not observed.
        2 (my personal humble opinion) Perhaps, observing the effect of sanctions, the Russian leadership deliberately delays the situation until winter. Those. Initially, there was a fear that the sanctions would have a very negative effect. That's why everything was urgently forced. When it became clear what came of it, they decided to strangle not only Ukraine, but also Europe to the heap
        1. +1
          20 July 2022 09: 25

          - Perhaps this is a matter of interpretation: “... Air supremacy is the decisive air superiority of one of the belligerents in the airspace in the theater of operations. In terms of scale, it can be strategic, operational and tactical. The decisive role in gaining air supremacy belongs to the Air Force and Air Defense Forces ... "

          - Air superiority has certainly been achieved, but it is the presence of the remaining air defense systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the notorious Stingers and Co., that does not allow transforming superiority into dominance.

          “That is why the SU-25s… bomb with a pitch-up… fly at the lowest altitudes in order to reduce the processing time of the Russian Air Force by the enemy… with a high angular velocity increased due to the minimum altitude… loss of bombing accuracy… And of course, the lack of dominance is reflected in the narrowed range of use of helicopter aviation - a helicopter raid behind the front is still just as risky ... which reduces the effectiveness of reconnaissance ....

          I would be glad to be wrong, but the fact remains that the Russian Air Force cannot work where and when it IS NECESSARY ... and where and WHEN it is possible. And this significantly reduces the ability to neutralize the same HIMARS ...

          I'm sure - ✌️for now!

          Good article on the topic: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gospodstvo-v-vozduhe-istoriya-i-perspektivy/viewer
          1. -2
            20 July 2022 23: 00
            Maybe it's a matter of interpretation

            Something, it seems, I have already read this bileberdu. I don't remember the author. Are you not repeating your spell to the place and out of place? Calm down, it's not working...
            1. 0
              20 July 2022 23: 33

              Wrong address.
              What caused your irrational spasm?
              HIMARS is a clear and present threat. The Russian Air Force works where and when it is POSSIBLE.
        2. -1
          20 July 2022 09: 54

          Here is the latest news about “... the shelling of the Antonovsky bridge / the only bridge across the Dnieper in Kherson ... Unfortunately, by the notorious HIMARS.
    4. 0
      20 July 2022 10: 52
      I have always wondered why every "average" layman certainly believes that he knows better than specialists: how to play football/hockey, fight, govern a country/region/city, heal, etc.? Maybe because they don't understand the issue at all?
  5. +2
    19 July 2022 10: 08
    Quote: tihonmarine
    ..do not want to retreat,
    although they are mowed down by the hundreds.

    Or they don’t give it, from detachments to taking relatives hostage.
    It's like a small trickle of water in a rotten dam - a breakthrough is inevitable.
  6. 0
    19 July 2022 10: 17
    here is the summary from the USA
    telephone scammers have become more frequent, they extort money under the guise of our police, prosecutors, the Investigative Committee, the UBEP
    me, my wife, relatives - they have already called everyone and more than once. phones from regions
    but the feeling that the Ukrainians are calling
    this is such legalized extortion and undermining confidence in our state. structures from the state of Ukraine - and of course with the permission of the United States
    + money for the war and collect in your pocket - allowed at the state level
  7. -3
    19 July 2022 10: 32
    So they haven't taken Seversk yet, have they? Strange, yesterday there was news only on VO. And in the comments they congratulated each other. Someone even drank to the capture of the city. How uncomfortable it was.
  8. -1
    19 July 2022 11: 19
    And why do we need an "American institute": again there is no prophet in his own country? Or maybe an author from another country?
  9. -1
    19 July 2022 12: 05
    In addition, the day before, an agreement on economic cooperation was signed by the authorities of the LPR with representatives of the Kharkov State Administration.
    To whom is war, and to whom is economic cooperation, our locomotive flies forward without stopping. fellow
  10. +3
    19 July 2022 12: 07
    Quote: Paladin
    in ideal conditions, take 100% Democrats and 100% Republicans
    It will be even worse, it will turn out 200% of Americans.
  11. +2
    19 July 2022 13: 26
    2024 year. Bandera stands at the gates to hell, meeting the sinner.
    - Who are you ?
    - The last Anglo-Saxon.
    - And where is the last Ukrainian?
    - So Arestovich again deceived everyone by changing sex, now it's Lucy.
  12. +1
    19 July 2022 14: 49
    Any public analytics, in any area, should be treated with a very large share of skepticism, since any public analytics (military, financial, industrial) is written in the interests of one side and in order to mislead the other side. A vivid example is Bloomberg LP or this very ISW /
  13. 0
    20 July 2022 09: 18
    Quote: Paladin
    Strange figures democrat 70%, republic 40% is the same 110%

    If you strain, and purely laboratory, under ideal conditions, take 100% Democrats and 100% Republicans, without mixing them into an American cocktail, or mixing, but not shaking laughing That will all work out. But that's part of the math part.

    Mathematics... There is no way to figure out such mixing without half a liter! drinks
  14. -1
    20 July 2022 09: 53
    Thus, according to analysts from the United States, the RF Armed Forces are changing tactics and at this stage they will not storm Slavyansk, but will focus on taking Bakhmut and Seversk.

    ExpertD could look at the map and see that in order to get out to Slavyansk from the east, you need to take these n / a, but it is inconvenient to go to Slavyansk from the northeast.