Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR: The true causes of the explosion in the Mariupol Drama Theater have been found out


In the Donetsk People's Republic, an investigation into a high-profile case - the fact of an explosion in the Mariupol Drama Theater - has been completed. Investigators concluded that the explosion took place inside the building, and the Kyiv authorities' assertion that an air strike was carried out by Russian troops was not confirmed.

March 2022 Mariupol Drama Theater Explosion Happened Inside, Russian Airstrike Claims Are Fake

- said the head of the investigative department of the Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR Alexei Kutsurubenko RIA News.

Investigators carefully examined the site of the explosion and did not find a single damaging element or parts of the bomb. Eyewitnesses were also interviewed, a number of examinations were carried out. Based on the results of investigative actions, law enforcement officers of the DPR came to the conclusion that “some kind of shellless explosive device” had exploded inside the drama theater.

A representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR also denied the statement of the Kyiv authorities that three hundred people died as a result of the explosion in the drama theater.

During the investigation, the remains of 14 bodies were found in the premises of the destroyed drama theater. No other remains found

- told about the true scale of the tragedy Kutsurubenko, adding that by now all the premises and the basement of the building have been examined.

As Vitaly Kiselyov, Assistant Minister of the Interior of the Luhansk People's Republic, said earlier, the explosion in the Mariupol Drama Theater on March 16 was due to the detonation of ammunition inside the building. The investigation has eyewitness testimony that on the eve of the tragedy, unknown persons in military uniform brought some boxes into the building. Presumably, it was the ammunition that detonated.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR believes that the organizers of the explosion were militants of the nationalist regiment "Azov" * (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) for the purpose of provocation.

Commenting on the statements circulated by Ukrainian and Western media that the Russian army is shelling civilian targets, Kutsurubenko once again stressed that the RF Armed Forces strike only at military targets. The same cannot be said about the Ukrainian nationalists, who have long since switched to the tactics of outright terror both against the civilians of Donbass and their own population.
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  1. +10
    19 July 2022 09: 35
    that the organizers of the explosion were militants of the nationalist regiment "Azov"
    That's why it was impossible to exchange them: neither lame, nor oblique, nor legless. The investigation for many episodes has not yet been completed, specific criminals have not been identified in all cases, so there should not be any exchanges for them
    1. +12
      19 July 2022 10: 22
      It was decided without us, the opinion of the people who escaped from Mariupol is of no interest to anyone, there were other priorities. I talked in the TAP with refugees stuffed with fragments and took them to the surgery to take them out. So all the women and men said one thing - there is no one to take prisoner .. .And you can’t tell what the “warriors of light” and “defenders” did without a mat.
    2. +1
      21 July 2022 03: 51
      Well, what kind of cries "shouldn't have been exchanged."
      They exchanged it not for a bag of potatoes, but for our people, I explain to those who were with these bastards and it was not sweet for them there. So it was well done.

      ps It reminds me of the "northeast" when, after the assault, they immediately rushed to accuse the special forces of being bastards, several people died during the assault. Forgetting that they saved a hundred and fifty people.
  2. +6
    19 July 2022 10: 20
    March 2022 Mariupol Drama Theater Explosion Happened Inside, Russian Airstrike Claims Are Fake
    Each time, documented, on the facts, we expose another Ukrainian fake about "Russian atrocities", and the West, of course, is like peas against the wall. The main thing is that they will croak about it in the UN Security Council, condemn it, collectively take measures, hammer it into the head of their layman, and then bring at least a hundred proofs. Bastard country, even more bastard sponsors.
    1. 0
      21 July 2022 07: 26
      Bastard country, even more bastard sponsors.

      This is rightly said!
  3. +2
    19 July 2022 10: 40
    In fact, in the report it was reported that the entire drama theater was mined. Something went wrong. And there was a detonation during mining. Out of 14 bodies, three volunteers and 11 dryers
  4. 0
    19 July 2022 10: 53
    All clear. We need a trial of specific leaders and executors.