At the ancient Egyptian table


Feast. Fragment of a fresco from the tomb of Nebamon. 1400 BC e. British museum

"Should we day-to-day
Carry grain and white spelt?
After all, the barns are already full,
Heaps of grain flow above the edges,
Full of ships
And the grain flows out
And we are forced to carry everything ...
Truly, our hearts are made of brass!”

Song of the Egyptian farmers of the time of the pharaohs

The kitchen and story. Today we again go to Ancient Egypt to get acquainted with its culture. We considered military affairs, the history of the pyramids - also, got acquainted with the design of the "solar boat", in detail - and with the ancient Egyptian fashion. What's left? The cuisine of the Egyptians remained, which is very interesting in all respects. Two circumstances can help us: the extreme bureaucratization of Egyptian society, where everything was recorded and taken into account, and the cult of death, when in order for the deceased to have everything in the next world the same as in life, he was given the appropriate supplies with him, and his life was depicted on the walls of the tomb.

At the ancient Egyptian table

Nakht and his wife are watching the work in the estate. XNUMXth century BC e. Painting from the tomb of Nakht. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

So, what do we know today about the cuisine of the ancient Egyptians based on all the sources that have come down to our time?

It is known that there were only ... two basic foodstuffs! Moreover, both for the poor and for the rich. These two products are bread and beer, with which they ate onions, garlic and other vegetables, but meat, fish and poultry were not always on the Egyptian table. Although it is clear that the higher the position in the social hierarchy the Egyptian occupied, the richer and more varied his table was.

Bird hunting and oxen plowing. Fresco from the tomb of Nefermaat and his wife Itet, c. 2700 BC e. Cairo Museum

There were not so many fruits and vegetables on the menu of the Egyptians, despite the favorable climate. Melons, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates, dates, apples, figs, olives, mimosa and sycamore fruits were grown and eaten. Legumes (peas, beans and chickpeas), onions and garlic, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, cabbage, and papyrus young shoots were prominent. And it's all. Because only in the first centuries of our era, cherries, pears, peaches and almonds were brought from Rome. It is interesting that, in general, the Egyptians knew such spicy greens as dill, parsley and celery. But for some reason they didn't eat. And parsley was a funerary plant at all: mourning wreaths were woven from it.

Bird smoking. Painting of the tomb of Nakht (large), XV century BC. e. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

To begin with, let's go to a feast in some rich house, since images of Egyptian feasts can be found on frescoes, both of the Old and New Kingdoms. They usually start in the afternoon. Men and women, if they were not married, sat separately. By the way, the social status was emphasized by the seat. Those guests whose status was high sat on chairs with a back, those who were shorter were given stools, and the most insignificant persons were located right on the floor. The room was decorated with containers with aromatic substances, special incense was burned to repel insects and give a pleasant fragrance. For the same purpose, flower collars were put on the neck of the guests and more flowers were sprinkled on the floor.

Vintage. Painting of the tomb of Nakht (large), XV century BC. e. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The feasters were entertained by professional dancers and musicians playing harps, lutes, drums and tambourines. There was plenty of food, as well as alcohol. Whole fried bulls were served on the feasting table (of course, not often and not for every feast!), And fried ducks, geese, pigeons, and sometimes fish caught in the Nile. Stewed vegetables and a large amount of bread, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits were served as a side dish for meat. The role of sweets was usually played by cakes stuffed with dates sweetened with honey.

Collection of honey. Painting of the tomb of Rehmir, 1479 BC. e. Metropolitan Museum. New York

The Egyptians knew such cooking methods as stewing, boiling, frying or baking. To keep the meat in the heat, it was preserved by salting, but the dates and raisins were dried. Honey was the main sweetener, although expensive. They collected honey from wild bees, but the Egyptians also knew beekeeping: they bred bees in clay hives. But the cheapest sweets were dates or carob. Animal fat was used for cooking, but also olive and sesame oil.

Sifting flour. Painting of the tomb of Rehmir, 1480 BC. e. Metropolitan Museum of Art

Egyptian bread was baked almost exclusively from emmer wheat, which was more difficult to turn into flour than most other varieties of wheat, since its grain does not separate when threshed, and the ears must be moistened and carefully rubbed with a pestle so as not to crush the grains inside. Then the grain had to be dried in the sun, after which it was also winnowed, and sieved, and finally crushed on grain grinders, in which the mill stone moved back and forth, and did not rotate in a circle.

Milking a cow. Wall fresco. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The Egyptians considered their bread a gift from the gods, and all because they had not known yeast for a long time, and yet they baked yeast bread. To do this, the prepared dough in containers opened from above was laid out along the road, covered with a thin cloth. Through it, very fine dust containing yeast fungi got inside, and ... the dough began to rise in a truly magical way.

Food stocks. Depiction from Menna's tomb, 1422–1411 BC e.

Baking techniques have changed over time. In the Old Kingdom, heavy clay molds were filled with dough and then placed on coals for baking. During the Middle Kingdom, high ceramic cones in square hearths served this purpose. In the New Kingdom, a new type of large clay oven was used, with an open top, cylindrical in shape, built of mud bricks.

The shepherds drive the owner's cattle to the estate. Model from the tomb of Maquetra. Cairo Museum

The dough was then slapped onto the heated inner wall and removed when the bread was ready, much like the tandoor oven is used today to make various unleavened dough flatbreads. In the tombs of the New Kingdom, you can find images of bread of various shapes and sizes. Loaves in the form of figurines of people, fish, various animals, and this is all from dough of different textures. As for the flavorings used for bread, they included coriander seeds and dates, but it is not known if the poor ever used them. For those who could afford it, there was always a wonderful dessert wheat bread and cakes baked from the highest grade flour.

Baking bread. A set of figurines from the tomb of Meketre. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The tiger nut was eaten, the Egyptians used it to make a dessert from dried and crushed tubers, which were mixed with honey. Lilies and other aquatic flowering plants were eaten, such as lotus roots, which were eaten raw or ground into flour, using both the root and the stem. A number of pulses and legumes, such as peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas, were significant sources of protein. During the excavations of the workers' village in Giza, they found ceramic vessels, obviously brought from the Middle East, in which olive oil was stored and transported as far back as the 4th dynasty.

Halves of a container for a goose carcass, in which she recovered to the tomb of the deceased, so that he could get enough of him in the next world. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Dates, figs, grapes (and raisins), nuts for the Egyptians were the most common food. Moreover, dates were sometimes even used for fermentation and making "palm wine", and the poor ate them all the time, since honey was an expensive pleasure for them. Vegetables were grown all year round in Egypt, but fruits were a more seasonal delicacy. It was customary to put pomegranates and grapes in the tombs of the dead.

"Clarifier" for the deceased. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Greek historian of the XNUMXth century BC. e. Herodotus claimed that the Egyptians did not eat the meat of cows, since they were considered sacred because of their connection with Isis, and did not eat pigs - the animals of the evil god Seth. They sacrificed bulls, but they didn’t eat them, but buried them, having previously mummified them. However, excavations at the Giza Pyramid Village have unearthed evidence of mass slaughter, so researchers estimate that the workers who built the Great Pyramid were fed meat every day. Yes, and no wonder, with such hard work, which required a lot of strength.

Vessel for wine. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

So the Egyptians ate both bulls, and rams, and pigs, since their bones with traces of use were found by archaeologists among the garbage. Birds, both wild and domestic, and river fish were available to all Egyptians, well, except perhaps the most destitute. In addition to meat, protein sources were legumes, eggs, and cheese made from cow's milk. Mice and hedgehogs were also eaten, the latter being usually prepared by smearing the hedgehog with clay and roasting it in coals. When the clay was split and removed, thorns remained in it.

Vessel for wine. New kingdom. Walters Art Museum

Vessel for water. Tomb of Tutankhamen. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Foie gras, the delicacy we know today, was also invented by the ancient Egyptians. Mouth feeding of domesticated geese and ducks dates back to 2500 BC. BC, when the Egyptians were just starting to keep domesticated birds for food.
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  1. +11
    9 July 2022 04: 55
    hedgehogs also ate

    In-from. And these proto-Russians probably infringed upon the Sumerians, preventing them from digging the sea
  2. +14
    9 July 2022 04: 58
    Good morning friends and... it's good that I had a hearty breakfast! smile

    hedgehogs were also eaten, and the latter were usually cooked by smearing the hedgehog with clay and roasting in coals. When the clay was split and removed, thorns remained in it.

    Once we really cooked a hedgehog in this way, that's right, the needles remained in the clay. Thanks to Vyacheslav, although a bit late, I still found out that we used the recipe for cooking even the ancient Egyptians themselves. Who would have thought then. good laughing
    1. Fat
      9 July 2022 05: 18
      Good morning Konstantin.
      Quote: Sea Cat
      once we really cooked a hedgehog in this way, that's right, the needles remained in the clay.

      hi Konstantin! Good morning. I believe the Egyptians ate not only hedgehogs
      1. +6
        9 July 2022 05: 34
        Good morning Andrey!

        Mice ................ also eaten

        Although I am a cat, I refrained from such a delicacy. laughing Even the example of the Napoleonic army did not inspire. request
        1. +5
          9 July 2022 05: 38
          Quote: Sea Cat
          Mice ................ also eaten

          Enjoy your meal! laughing
        2. Fat
          9 July 2022 05: 59
          The Kingdom of Egypt is thousands of years old. They, the Egyptians, know how a ram tastes different from a rat even to Bonaparte.
          And cats ... Better not start smile Here the cat's offender and slaughter shamelessly ...
          1. +6
            9 July 2022 06: 05
            Here the cat's offender and slaughter shamelessly

            Yes, I myself can ... As the Cat says. Yes
            1. Fat
              9 July 2022 11: 15
              Yeah. I will be brief.
          2. +4
            9 July 2022 13: 21
            Borisych, you better shut up about the cats. It's the cat mafia. I suspect they have their own internet. If so, then they will notify all the cats and your cat is yours.
            They also have their own historiographer: our V.O.
            If I were V. V, I would have thrown V. O "government order" to write about dogs. There is about the cat Basya, but not about the dog Bobik.
            1. 0
              9 July 2022 20: 25
              It's the cat mafia.

              "Be afraid of cats in the night coming" (c)

            2. +1
              10 July 2022 13: 02
              Quote: vladcub
              but about the dog Bobik is not.

              It's hard to write better than Jack London about dogs...
              1. +1
                10 July 2022 14: 55
                Boom wait for Jack London
        3. 0
          9 July 2022 07: 34
          Quote: Sea Cat
          Although I am a cat, I refrained from such a delicacy.

          In vain, this is now a fashion trend in Europe.

          Well, more precisely, they are still learning to wash their tongue. But the mice are not far off, judging by the fact that magnets are already hanging on the butter so that they don’t steal it - a delicacy
          1. +7
            9 July 2022 07: 43
            "We are not Europe and not Asia,
            we are part of Israel rather
            because in our ugliness
            Jews are always involved." (c)
            1. +7
              9 July 2022 07: 49
              For all the Jews there is a judge.
              For liveliness. For the mind. For stoop.
              For a Jewess who shot the leader
              Because she missed
              1. +4
                9 July 2022 08: 00
                It has long been known who is to blame for the fact that there is no water in the tap. laughing
          2. +3
            9 July 2022 10: 06
            10 minutes of work on the minimum wage you can save up for a pack of butter Yes .
            1. 0
              9 July 2022 10: 30
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              For 10 minutes of work on the minimum wage, you can save up for a pack of butter

              In an hour:
              1. +3
                9 July 2022 10: 49
                Follow my link. If you live in Britain, they will also deliver to you for free (when buying a certain amount).
                1. +2
                  9 July 2022 11: 06
                  Well, it’s quite cheap, it’s also salty) It’s not a delicacy)
                  1. +4
                    9 July 2022 11: 19
                    But without a palm tree. Without salt, it costs the same, by the way. And it is produced at the same factory as the more expensive firm. By the way, it tastes the same.
                    The wife takes French for 5 pounds a pack. It tastes better, yes.
                    1. +2
                      9 July 2022 11: 32
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      But without a palm tree.

                      We have only Russian palm demons) And all sorts of Finnish Valios))) I get rzhach when I look at a pack of butter, oak on an open shelf in a store. Freeze at a temperature God forbid zero degrees - butter can not. Solid higher oleins, such as just based on PALMITIC acid - c16 for three plus glycerin - it is also at N.U. will be solid.
                      And the French ... I bought it for a while, then I threw it away - they are somehow tasteless ... But from the freezer - they are smeared, but not cut
                      1. +3
                        9 July 2022 11: 43
                        demon palms only russian
                        And the people do not know and bay belay .
                        some are tasteless.
                        Are they related to France?
                      2. +2
                        9 July 2022 11: 53
                        France is written on the label... There is one store nearby. So it is not in demand in the Russian Federation, but it comes across
                2. +4
                  9 July 2022 11: 50
                  You will also receive free delivery (when you purchase a certain amount).
                  The same garbage.
                  1. +2
                    9 July 2022 11: 52
                    I was talking about the price, not sky-high at all. I remember the times, a pack of a pound cost sad .
                    1. +3
                      9 July 2022 11: 54
                      And I'm talking about the service.
                      How do you like Montenegro?
                      1. +3
                        9 July 2022 11: 58
                        And hell knows. We have an emergency move.
                      2. +3
                        9 July 2022 12: 00
                        So you and Christelle didn't go?
                        Are you changing your apartment?
        4. +3
          9 July 2022 13: 32
          "Oh my god! This is fantastic. You should try it. [eating a hamburger]"
          “Just don’t ask them where the meat comes from.
          Huxley, what do you mean?
          Have you seen cows here?
          - Rat? [to the saleswoman in Spanish] Que es este carne?
          - Este carne es de rata!
          - Rats? So it's a rat burger? Not bad. At least it's the best burger I've had in years."
          Film "The Destroyer" 1993
          1. +2
            9 July 2022 19: 51
            It was a rat burger from an industrial line of rat breeding. Rats are promising in the meat and animal husbandry of the future (and therefore they are often shown eating in science fiction or post-apocalyptic films), and there, in a film shot decades ago, they showed our distant, not yet come, future. Although now they live for a long time and you can still see it in time.
            And in general - if they sell, fried rats are served on the table in the film, then this is probably an analogue of chicken tobacco and rats were bought from a farm.
            Therefore, if the heroes of the film dine on rats, eat the paws of frogs, fry crocodiles (here we mean cooking and not beauty contest scores, if anything), and consume salted locusts under syntebeer, then they live very well (although we, analog retrogrades , unusual) - they do not know the physiological deficiency of low-fat protein, and therefore are better suited to serve in the armies of the future (sic!).
            And grandmothers at all times sold chicken, pies at express trains - both in the time of Alexander the Liberator, and in the future, at the rocket station.
            1. +1
              9 July 2022 20: 42
              European movies will soon be eating burgers with human...
              "The Swedes came up with a vegan burger that tastes like human flesh"
              Anastasia Kukova
              30 2022 June
              "Swedish food company Oumph! has not only developed a vegan burger flavored with human meat, but also received a Silver Lion for its product at the Cannes Lions festival in the Brand Experience and Activation category."
          2. +1
            9 July 2022 20: 37
            Rats? So it's a rat burger? Not bad.

            1. +1
              9 July 2022 20: 43
              "The Swedes came up with a vegan burger that tastes like human flesh"
              Anastasia Kukova
              30 2022 June
              "Swedish food company Oumph! has not only developed a vegan burger flavored with human meat, but also received a Silver Lion for its product at the Cannes Lions festival in the Brand Experience and Activation category."
              1. +1
                9 July 2022 21: 06
                Are you serious? wassat

                You have to taste it to know the taste. laughing

                1. +1
                  9 July 2022 21: 16
                  There are a lot of historical descriptions.
                  And the vegan food company is trying to come out on a very bold black PR.
                  1. +1
                    9 July 2022 22: 15
                    Have you seen the 1973 film Soylent Green?
                    American. Based on the novel by Harry Harrison Move Over! Move over!"
                    So in the movie, everything is much "heavier" than in the novel!
                    1. +1
                      9 July 2022 23: 22
                      I read the book. But it is already clear that this version of the future will pass us by - humanity has a global demographic crisis, including Africans and Asians, and now it is more about eliminating global hunger and malnutrition of those already living.
                      More real are some mega-automated intermediate options from Asimov's "steel caves" to his small number of cosmites from Aurora: an acute democrisis, by the way, will not cancel developed megacities - people love them, they live longer, and in a high-quality urban environment, the elderly live and work until retirement in 100 years - longer and easier.
                      In general, in the future, a significant increase in the number of mankind is possible only by cloning with general editing - but this is already a tool for other tasks and a completely different story, as they say.
                      1. +2
                        9 July 2022 23: 30
                        Is it easy to work up to 100 years?
                        In what profession?
                        While Europeans are predicting products from "insects". Give up animal meat and eat tree beetle larvae...
                        Like Papuans on tropical islands!!!
                2. +1
                  9 July 2022 22: 09
                  How do you know the taste of pet food?
                  So they tested it on knowledgeable gourmets ...
              2. 0
                9 July 2022 21: 30
                This is a product designed for design and black PR - like high fashion model clothes, which are not used in practice. And shocking in the food industry is not uncommon.
                In 2010, Fanta for the French released a series called "Fanta's Grand Cru" and a bottle with a label that said "Château Trop trop ouf" - but a person who speaks the simplest French may not know that the inscription is verlan. And this is often neglected by our science fiction filmmakers. Although they could build interesting dialogues, at least for children's films in the "salty language" or in historical ones, use the "talk in a bursa" way.
                1. +1
                  9 July 2022 22: 16
                  The main thing is not to over-salt or over-pepper ...
                  And then it will not be an edible "dish"!
        5. +1
          10 October 2022 14: 10
          though a cat, but refrained from such a delicacy

          And Michelle Pfeiffer, before filming the famous episode with stuffing a live bird into her mouth, first bit off her paws with claws and spit it out. What greatly shocked the film crew.
          1. +1
            10 October 2022 14: 55
            With a night like this, going to bed is dangerous, you never know what she wants to bite off so that she can crawl into her mouth. wassat

    2. +3
      9 July 2022 09: 15
      Good morning.
      I also had breakfast.
      If my memory serves me right, Maresiev also ate a hedgehog, like a dog gives away. So in the book.
      How to visit ancient Egypt.
      Many frescoes are in foreign museums, when the "civilized" peoples robbed Egypt. Naturally, no one wants to return. Now the Egyptians do not allow to export anything.
    3. +3
      9 July 2022 17: 57
      Quote: Sea Cat
      Good morning friends and... it's good that I had a hearty breakfast! smile

      hedgehogs were also eaten, and the latter were usually cooked by smearing the hedgehog with clay and roasting in coals. When the clay was split and removed, thorns remained in it.

      Once we really cooked a hedgehog in this way, that's right, the needles remained in the clay. Thanks to Vyacheslav, although a bit late, I still found out that we used the recipe for cooking even the ancient Egyptians themselves. Who would have thought then. good laughing

      Hi Constantine! hi I hawal porcupine))
      Only when he was skinned did the needles disappear.
      Then bake it in foil with tomatoes, close it in the ground and make a fire over it))
      1. +3
        9 July 2022 20: 44
        Raw eggs in the ground. Light a fire over them!
        Let the bone burn out, clear the ground, eat baked eggs!
        1. +3
          9 July 2022 21: 19
          Also good ))
  3. +7
    9 July 2022 05: 26
    Quote: Thick
    Good morning Konstantin.
    Quote: Sea Cat
    once we really cooked a hedgehog in this way, that's right, the needles remained in the clay.

    hi Konstantin! Good morning. I believe the Egyptians ate not only hedgehogs

    Guys! I was already scared at the thought that they were still ... eating. laughing
    Good morning!
    1. +8
      9 July 2022 05: 36
      Hello Seryozha! smile And the thought that they drank just makes you smile? wink drinks
      1. +11
        9 July 2022 05: 43
        Quote: Sea Cat
        makes you smile?

        Yes, actually, no. After our "Gorbachev" reforms? It's easier to ask:
        What didn't I drink?
        1. +8
          9 July 2022 05: 49
          What didn't I drink?

          And that is true. smile
          1. +6
            9 July 2022 06: 13
            Good morning!
            I thought about it ... And? Strange as it may seem, the "piano" passed by. Everything was there, but this "symbol of the nineties" passed by. It didn’t work out. "it's hard to refuse" there was something else. Here's the case. "When I served at the post office ...."
            So. I worked in the ZIL Palace of Culture, after the army. The people were creative, the people liked to drink. Morning?" Morning starts with a bottle .. "So. Gorbach's reforms. Lines in stores. We had a piano tuner, respectively, he had ... polish for them. He brought, bred and?
            1. Fat
              9 July 2022 06: 29
              Sergey! And what am I saying ... For you 20 years ago ... All the "Stars" are extras
              1. +5
                9 July 2022 06: 34
                Quote: Thick

                Vidal. Normal people. At least those who came to us.
            2. +9
              9 July 2022 06: 44
              "Royal" passed by.

              This is one of the most serious omissions in your life. laughing

            3. 0
              9 July 2022 20: 51
              So in the housing department, where I started my career, everyone was "creative individuals"!
              Technical spirits themselves did not "body up", but there was enough money for 0,5 "Three Heroes" from the nearest kiosk. And a bag of salted peanuts.
        2. Fat
          9 July 2022 06: 21
          Sergey, I think I disdained kefir, but in vain .... Do not be offended, I judge by myself ... No.
          1. +5
            9 July 2022 06: 41
            Quote: Thick
            squeamish past yogurt

            Well, it's all! Is this? The most, most extreme case. When in general ... a bummer. Everywhere and in the corners.
        3. +6
          9 July 2022 06: 54
          “- Here you ask ... ask why I'm not a bit! With a poker of a bit, with a log of a bit, about a stove of a bit, with a stove ... here, not a bit with a stove ”(c).
      2. +6
        9 July 2022 06: 30
        Quote: Sea Cat

        No. But I feel sorry for the hedgehogs. For?
    2. Fat
      9 July 2022 06: 04
      hi Serey, at the thought of garlic plantations, I feel sad and somehow incomplete ...
      This culture is growing badly in our country. request
      1. +7
        9 July 2022 06: 28
        Quote: Thick

        Borisych! I love garlic. And since you went on a well-deserved vacation? I'll drink it to ... a lot.
        Death to vampires! laughing
        1. Fat
          9 July 2022 06: 39
          I've had heads since last year! Let the local wolves and ghouls begin to self-destruct...
          They say that flowing water stops evil spirits.
          Myth! our waters are neutral and often hostile.
      2. +4
        9 July 2022 06: 40
        Don't tell me, it grows beautifully in our garden. good
        1. +4
          9 July 2022 06: 47
          And we are good.
          1. +6
            9 July 2022 07: 02
            Here it is, the famous Ryazan "Vampire Hunter"

            Or a portrait of our Seryozha on a "well-deserved vacation". smile
            1. +5
              9 July 2022 07: 08
              Over time, Mukhin also began to use other cereals.
              Portraits of millet, wheat and poppy, bold sketches of corn and kernels, landscapes of rice and still lifes of millet were a resounding success.
              Now he was working on a group portrait. A large canvas depicted a meeting of the regional plan. Feofan prepared this picture from beans and peas. But in the depths of his soul, he remained faithful to the oats, which made him a career and knocked him out of the position of dialectical easel painters.
              1. +3
                9 July 2022 09: 40
                "The oats will suddenly sprout, your pictures will sprout, and you will never have to harvest again." (c)
                Grandfather Pahom and a tractor at night
            2. Fat
              9 July 2022 11: 59
              I wanted to cultivate raspberries, but on this basis .... A lot of things, nothing .... Except for horseradish - a lot
              1. +1
                9 July 2022 20: 39
                The rally read: "I wanted to cultivate Marina." All according to Freud. laughing
        2. Fat
          9 July 2022 07: 26
          hi Do I need to remind you that the garden is the glory of the owner. In my garden, even dill does not grow for nothing, but scrap metal, even without sowing, is a crop ... wassat
          1. +6
            9 July 2022 07: 30
            And for nothing, nothing grows anywhere, in the morning we start to grind, it’s good that it’s rained today from the night - goodbye to the watering can with a hose. good
    3. +5
      9 July 2022 06: 46
      Good morning, Seryozha!

      You can't do without protein. Take the Chinese, for example. They still eat what moves.
      1. Fat
        9 July 2022 06: 57
        hi Sergey, Garlic is normal, it's not a flower at all. Great spice all around! Garlic, that's not moving ...
        Well, it blooms beautifully. drinks laughing
        1. +6
          9 July 2022 07: 03
          The onions are blooming amazingly. And how varied.

          Linnaeus also said: "Stones grow, plants grow and live, animals grow, live and feel."
          1. +5
            9 July 2022 07: 17
            The stones are growing
            And how! Here I agree with Linnaeus.
            1. +4
              9 July 2022 07: 22
              Did you have to see?
              1. +5
                9 July 2022 07: 35
                Yes, all the time!
                I'm a builder.
                1. +3
                  9 July 2022 07: 41
                  There is such a name for growing stones - "trovants". But there was no need to see.
                  1. +4
                    9 July 2022 07: 47
                    Granite is much denser than the surrounding soil, giving the impression that boulders grow out of it.
                    1. +2
                      9 July 2022 09: 14
                      Selgi in Karelia is very beautiful.
                      1. +2
                        9 July 2022 09: 28
                        In my small homeland, this is called "moraine". In general, the Khibiny glacier pulled apart.
                      2. +2
                        9 July 2022 18: 56
                        Yes. Moraine remains after the glacier. This is a type of soil-forming rock. Ours is just a little deeper.
                    2. +2
                      9 July 2022 09: 43
                      Boulders are dead stones. In deposits - pay attention to the word (births)
                      living stones - they were born and live here.
          2. 0
            9 July 2022 20: 12
            The onions are blooming amazingly. And how varied.

            A little friendly humor, Sergey! drinks

    4. +7
      9 July 2022 06: 49
      Guys! I was already scared at the thought that they were still ... eating.

      Didn't live in that era. But one thing I can say for sure - they did not eat cats! wassat )))
      Good morning dear friends!)))
      1. Fat
        9 July 2022 07: 10
        Of course, because they didn't get caught. Meat is not enough from the cat, but what's the use?
        The benefits are far greater!
        Greetings, Lyudmila love missed you
        1. +1
          9 July 2022 07: 35
          Hello Andrey Borisovich! )))
          Hedgehogs have even less meat, but they did eat it! And now someone will come and angrily say: "How can you eat a sacred animal?" And call that sacred animal by name wassat )))
          1. Fat
            9 July 2022 08: 41
            Lyudmila! I can come up with a not so sacred combination .... For a long time, the lines between the shelling and the joke were erased
          2. Fat
            9 July 2022 08: 54
            "Name! sister!" and finish to the duke
      2. +6
        9 July 2022 07: 13
        But one thing I can say for sure - they did not eat cats!
        Good morning, Lyudmila Yakovlevna! For such sacrilege, they could feed the crocodiles. I wonder if they ate crocodiles? In the Cairo Museum I saw a huge dried (embalmed?) crocodile, 4-5 meters long. Why did they put him in the pyramid to the pharaoh, for food, or was it a domestic crocodile, brought slippers?
        1. +2
          9 July 2022 07: 45
          Good morning, Sergey!
          No, Sebek did not bring slippers, but was busy with the fact that in everyday life he personified Ra, Amon, Khonsu and Mina. He crawled and, you understand, besides himself, Sebek, personified them! wassat )))
          He ate a crocodile, consider that he dined with the gods - will the gods forgive, digesting in the stomach?
          Scary, already terrible!
          1. +5
            9 July 2022 07: 53
            It is clear that Sebek parasitized, therefore, he lived on unearned income. Here, the blacks of South Africa were deprived of such prejudices, and they themselves eat crocodiles, and treat guests. It turns out delicious. All current denominations (everyone ate - Russians, Chinese, Americans, Israelis) note that "a crocodile is not only a woman's handbag, but also a dozen kilograms of dietary meat."
            1. Fat
              9 July 2022 08: 13
              hi Sergey. Have you seen a white crocodile? More likely no than yes. And alligators are always "handbag", although they resist. When the grandchildren of Sebek tried to eat outside the temple of the villagers, the locals quite calmly let the reptile on the barbecue, mutually ....
              1. +3
                9 July 2022 08: 40
                Have you seen a white crocodile?
                Naturally, no. I believe that only Sebek, well marinated in wine, acquires a white color.
                1. Fat
                  9 July 2022 08: 58
                  hi Sergey you are a cynic and a pragmatist. I'm shy about the quality of the marinade ....
            2. +5
              9 July 2022 10: 03

              Very tasty
        2. Fat
          9 July 2022 11: 29
          hi Sergei... It's hard to say, the meat didn't exactly disappear, but the Egyptians managed to avoid a targeted hunt for Sebek's children.
          - Drink vinegar? Eat a crocodile? (With)
      3. +5
        9 July 2022 07: 55
        Quote: depressant

        Didn't live in that era. But one thing I can say for sure - they did not eat cats! )))
        Good morning dear friends!)))

        Their cats are... a god!!!
        Although at night it’s tempting to give this "beloved by the gods" on the neck. Meow!!! Communication requires a bastard!
        1. +1
          9 July 2022 08: 09
          Greetings, Sergey Vladimirovich! )))
          Good friends - they are like that, they are medicine for the soul and body, so appreciate Filya from this point of view, and not just as a CSKA fan)))
          After all, he is your male hypostasis of the goddess of beauty, love, fun and fertility - Bastet)))
          M-dya ... These Egyptians ... They made up gods ...
          1. Fat
            9 July 2022 08: 34
            There is no need to wrinkle Seryoga. He is his own analyst and a bicycle, he often has to agree with Sergey ....
            And how do you, Lyudmila, to the avatars...?
            1. +1
              9 July 2022 09: 02
              An excerpt from a work on alternative history:
              "Ancient avatars were real people. In the modern era, avatars have degenerated into movie characters..."
              1. Fat
                9 July 2022 11: 44
                And I, and I have ... Yes, I'm a wonderful person
                Astrid Lindgren in Carlson's words. All points for aviators wassat
                Avatars. I very often imagine myself completely healthy. I'll wait a couple of years - I'll become a cyborg.
                But the "avatar" ... It's hard for me to judge, not a Hindu god. If you look ahead, I would help Yama
                1. 0
                  9 July 2022 12: 02
                  Borisych, no... Who is healthy now? I saw crowds of young people in the polyclinic. A cyborg is good. Brains are human!
                  And what was Yama's avatar so interested in? I think they were all there ... not really.
  4. +6
    9 July 2022 06: 51
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich! Interesting.

    They still eat the rhizomes of the lotus.

    And the fruits of the carob tree are the very ones that the prodigal son ate.
    When this happened in gymnasiums before the revolution, the gymnasium students thought that he did not live so badly. They were considered a treat.
    1. +5
      9 July 2022 07: 14
      carob fruit
      What’s this all about?
      1. +6
        9 July 2022 07: 19
        A small tree, up to 10 meters tall. Bean family.

        By the way, the seeds were used as a measure of weight. From them the carat was seduced.
        1. +5
          9 July 2022 07: 28
          From them the carat was seduced.
          1. +5
            9 July 2022 07: 29
            The world is generally wonderful, no matter what thread you pull.
            1. +4
              9 July 2022 07: 58
              Quote from Korsar4
              The world is generally wonderful, no matter what thread you pull.

              No! Where is the guarantee that the world will not pull you?
              Sergey! My respect!
              1. +3
                9 July 2022 08: 03
                Good morning, Seryozha! You can't hide from the world.
                I will go forward. With a smile.
                1. +3
                  9 July 2022 08: 13
                  Quote from Korsar4
                  I will go forward. With a smile

                  Bravo buddy!!!
                  My approach to life!
            2. +1
              9 July 2022 08: 11
              Don't pull the string, the carats will fall! )))
              1. +2
                9 July 2022 09: 12
                The simpler, the better.

                Although some may think so:
                “Yes, in your place, not only in a scarf, but in a arshin, I built a hat, fell apart in a stroller, and roll! On, they say, look! (With).
      2. Fat
        9 July 2022 10: 43
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        carob fruit
        What’s this all about?

        LSD, ergot.
    2. +4
      9 July 2022 08: 11
      Quote from Korsar4

      Read the comments.
      And cool we are sitting ... at this "ancient Egyptian table.".
      Bravo to the author!!!
      For the article! For the meeting! hi
      1. +2
        9 July 2022 09: 09
        Yeah. It doesn't take much to make a party.
  5. +8
    9 July 2022 07: 07
    I read the article, read the comments, looked in the refrigerator: it's like on Mars, it's cold and dusty...
    I sit and think, either to catch a hedgehog, or to roll vodka ...?
    Or hungry and sober to go to work?
    1. Fat
      9 July 2022 07: 17
      hi Similarly! ... I didn’t go to catch a hedgehog. millet formed in the closet. I will tweet wassat
      1. +4
        9 July 2022 07: 23
        You can go to Peter and Paul. If fishing did not take place.
        1. +4
          9 July 2022 07: 31
          Apostle Andrew was fishing from the pier,
          And the Savior walked on water "(C)
          1. +4
            9 July 2022 07: 35
            To a clear fire, my joy, to a clear fire.
            Go to the fire, my joy, you will find it without difficulty
          2. Fat
            9 July 2022 07: 46
            "You see, there on the mountain, a cross rises - there are a dozen soldiers under it, Go hang on it, and then come back ...
            wander on the water with me ... "(c)
            Anton, don't offend me, and don't be offended yourself. Not everyone has a simple fate.
            1. +3
              9 July 2022 08: 20
              Quote: Thick
              You see, there on the mountain, a cross rises - under it a dozen soldiers, Go hang on it, and then come back ...

              Don't! I don't like it. For? Too philosophical and? Lacking optimism.
              "Goodbye America! Oooooh ....."
              Well, Goodbye, and? Jeans and America are gone? Have you lost faith in the all-powerful and single-right America? Oh, come on! In a word?
              "Don't play the fool, America!" (c)
              Joking and playing the fool. Although? Well, no, right? wink
              My word, the wise and vigilant moderator has changed. Why? I'm talking about myself, sinful.
              1. Fat
                9 July 2022 09: 04
                Old! If you like the text .... Does not mean consent. Somewhere, Somehow... The guard is tired.
        2. Fat
          9 July 2022 08: 25
          Day of the fisherman, day of the fisherman, day of the "fool" .... You can beat the hell out of it.
          That joint of sardines and deceive.
          In matters of fishing, sorry, superstitious request
      2. +4
        9 July 2022 07: 24
        Not a bad option.
        1. Fat
          9 July 2022 11: 08
          Bullshit! in the same cabinet, rice and cumin in a bag, I'll last until retirement No.
    2. +4
      9 July 2022 07: 20
      And the count gets up, the alarm clock beats with his palm,
      Takes dumbbells, looks at houses
      And hopelessly climbs into the refrigerator,
      And it's winter, desert winter.
      1. +5
        9 July 2022 07: 37
        "He will go out into the city, remember the previous evening:
        Where he was, what he ate, who got the drink.
        At the crossroads he will meet a friend,
        At the stop will wait for her. "(c)
        1. +5
          9 July 2022 07: 43
          He firmly decided that he would start on Monday
          Your real life:
          Charging, work, contempt for money,
          The absence of any lies.
          But he still stayed on Sunday
          And felt with a wet back:
          The era of bad luck, the star of bad luck
          Work on weekends too
          1. +6
            9 July 2022 07: 48
            "Oh, this feeling of flying,
            When you soar without remembering
            Who are you, what are you
            Why did you end up in this world
            And you just want to be loved
            And they never forgot about it.
            You are the best, you are the only one
            You are someone's half
            And the thought is pure, beautiful and innocent,
            Like a cloud, like a song, like a dream!..

            And sober up - darkness and emptiness -
            Hangover Monday, rain, work,
            Where is the feeling of flying?
            1. +4
              9 July 2022 07: 59
              "Wings laid down tents - their flight is over,
              The wings were spread by the seeker of partings - the plane,
              And the ladder slowly moves away from the wing,
              There really is an abyss between us" (c).
              1. +4
                9 July 2022 08: 55
                "Our plane took off,
                Dreary heather pressed to the ground,
                The co-pilot waved his hand
                To this uncomfortable shore. "(C)
                1. +3
                  9 July 2022 09: 07
                  “That's all adventure. Yes, and remember - what is there?
                  The steamboat splashed, the wave passed.
                  But the helicopter commander sighed very strangely,
                  Philosophically remarking: “These are the things” ”(c).
                  1. +3
                    9 July 2022 09: 29
                    The steamboat splashed, the wave passed.

                    "That's it""
                    1. +1
                      9 July 2022 19: 23
                      “Isn’t it better to lie modestly
                      to the bottom among the gloomy
                      deep sea fish
                      with a poisoned tail?
                      After all, gold lies
                      at the bottom in pirate holds,
                      And floats on top
                      meaningless plankton "(c).
                      1. +1
                        9 July 2022 20: 33
                        "It's better to lie at the bottom,
                        In the blue, cool haze,
                        Than to suffer on a harsh,
                        Cruel, cursed land.
                        The water will roar
                        The years will fly
                        And in the white mists will hide
                        Black cities." (c)
                      2. +1
                        9 July 2022 21: 31
                        “What do we need children, what do we need farms?
                        Earthly joys are not about us.
                        All that in the world we live now, -
                        A little air and - the order.
                        We went to sea to serve the people,
                        Yes, there is something around people.
                        The submarine goes into the water -
                        Look for her who knows where ”(c).
                      3. +1
                        9 July 2022 21: 36
                        "The upper hatches are battened down,
                        The helm wheel glitters.
                        The mind of a long-term separation
                        All issued Abrau-Durso.

                        Farewell, beauties, farewell sky,
                        The submarine goes under the ice
                        Submarine - Sea Thunderstorm,
                        Under the black cap steel eyes.

                        To the sad music of Verdi,
                        Compasses are intermittent
                        Hungry bears roam
                        At the navigator's head.

                        Farewell, beauties, farewell sky,
                        The submarine goes under the ice
                        Submarine - Sea Thunderstorm,
                        Under the black cap steel eyes.

                        For all known reasons
                        We women are all good.
                        Girls are standing on the pier,
                        And there is not a soul on the pole.

                        Farewell, beauties, farewell sky,
                        The submarine goes under the ice
                        Submarine - Sea Thunderstorm,
                        Capital vodka - steel eyes. "(c)
                      4. +1
                        9 July 2022 21: 52
                        "Grey eyes - dawn,
                        steamboat siren,
                        Rain, separation, gray trail
                        Behind the screw of the running foam "(c).
                      5. +2
                        9 July 2022 22: 04
                        "How ships are escorted
                        Not at all like trains
                        Sea slow waters
                        Not like rails in two rows "(c)
                      6. +1
                        9 July 2022 22: 48
                        "No, comrades, not in vain
                        There are rivers and seas
                        Because without water
                        And neither there nor here ”(c).
                      7. +1
                        9 July 2022 23: 59
                        "Ships were entering our harbor,
                        Large ships from the ocean.
                        Sailors had fun in the tavern, oh,
                        And they drank to the health of the ataman. "(c)

            2. +4
              9 July 2022 08: 02
              Quote: Sea Cat
              And sober up - darkness and emptiness -
              Hangover Monday, rain, work,
              Where is the feeling of flying?

              But this??? laughing
              The feeling of flying? Every day! Everyone!
              - Yes, grandfather, what are you smoking today?
              Joke. About myself. laughing
              1. +4
                9 July 2022 09: 00
                The feeling of flying? Every day! Everyone!

                Yeah, to each ... and in his own way. laughing

            3. +2
              9 July 2022 08: 18
              Hangover Monday, rain, work,
              Where is the feeling of flying?

              Well... it's always like this...

              Caught up with melancholy with a premonition of bad luck -
              Sorrow away! Don't blow me in both ears!
              wassat )))
              1. 0
                9 July 2022 08: 34
                Quote: depressant
                Sorrow away! Don't blow me in both ears!

                Both Yes hi
                1. +4
                  9 July 2022 08: 49
                  Quote: Repellent

                  Oops! And Roman came up. hi
                2. +1
                  9 July 2022 08: 54

                  Hello Roman!)))
                  Actually, the neuter ear...
                  But if you mean hot fish soup in your plate and in the neighbor's plate, then yes, "both". But in this case, the rhyme will not work. Yes, and the neighbor frowns in bewilderment)))
                  1. +1
                    9 July 2022 08: 59
                    Quote: depressant
                    Don't blow me in both ears

                    I prefer the "both" option. I can't explain why, purely intuitively.

                    Quote: depressant
                    It's actually a middle ear.

                    That is, it would be correct - "wallpaper"? belay winked
                    1. +3
                      9 July 2022 09: 04
                      Quote: Repellent

                      Intuitively does not mean that the action was wrong.
                    2. +1
                      9 July 2022 09: 14
                      That is, it would be correct - "wallpaper"?

                      Why are all programmers so boring?
                      No, “both ears” would be correct, but “both ears” is a playful vernacular.
                      Don't miss Roman! While we all still have a chance to have some fun...
                      However, programmers will always have it, Saint Isidore knows his business very well! wassat )))
                      1. +1
                        9 July 2022 09: 25
                        Quote: depressant
                        No, it would be correct "in both ears", and in "both ears" - a playful vernacular

                        Quote: depressant
                        Why are all programmers so boring?

                        IMHO not only programmers. And even not so much wassat
                      2. +3
                        9 July 2022 09: 31
                        Quote: depressant
                        Saint Isidore knows his business very well! )))

                        Come on. Please ask for details. Who is this?
                      3. 0
                        9 July 2022 10: 41
                        Isidore is the patron saint of the Internet. And without the Internet, a programmer does not exist. For! For just a little, he rummages through the software libraries in order to find how his programming problem is solved. Either he goes to a programmer's forum and shouts: "People-and-and! Help! Here's how to get around this?!? How to solve the problem?!? What to do about it?" And there are always well-wishers - they will prompt. Purely out of altruism...
                        So, Isidore rules. And he was Isidore of Seville, the founder of the medieval encyclopedism - a movement that unites people who are inclined to study all the sciences in a row. Pope John Paul II named him the patron saint of the Internet. And although in this capacity Isidore has not yet been officially recognized by the Vatican, this does not bother the programmers, because they are a crazy people.
                      4. Fat
                        9 July 2022 10: 52
                        Fuck the Vatican. All normal programmers come from the Land of the Soviets belay
                        It happened...
                  2. +4
                    9 July 2022 09: 03
                    Quote: depressant
                    neuter ear

                    Lyudmila Yakovlevna! Well, just "bingo"! I went to the doctor during the week. And to the otolaryngologist. Why? I got some water from Pakhra. Now?
                    1. +3
                      9 July 2022 09: 15
                      Ears should be washed with alcohol through the throat. And you go to this I can’t pronounce without a glass. negative
                      1. +3
                        9 July 2022 09: 54
                        Nevermind! You have to go to the doctor!!! In a word, a doctor!
                      2. +3
                        9 July 2022 09: 56
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        flush with alcohol

                        Do not even think about it!!!
                      3. +4
                        9 July 2022 10: 18
                        Fine! Remedy for all diseases - tested! wink
                    2. +1
                      9 July 2022 09: 21
                      Voditsa from Pakhra got. Now? Class!

                      Sergey Vladimirovich....
                      To say that I sympathize is to say nothing. If it does, then glory be to God!
                      And if not? If Meniere's syndrome? This is for life - betahistine. This is how I live now.
                      May it be different for you, dear friend! love
                      1. +4
                        9 July 2022 09: 35
                        Quote: depressant
                        And if not? If Meniere's syndrome

                        Yes, what is Meniere ??? Everything is trite. I came. I looked. I saw. I said. .
                      2. +3
                        9 July 2022 10: 27
                        Good morning, Luda. smile
                        My friend picked up this damn syndrome while working underwater in Sevastopol. He worked in a "three-bolt" in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol, dragging a bridle to a degaussing station and was too hasty. Urgently on our VRD we went to Strelka, where he was immediately taken to the pressure chamber on the "Kazbek" (rescuer) under the supervision of a doctor, and in the morning to the Navy hospital. We came to visit him a day later and no more dizziness. A week later he was discharged and again under water. There, the naval has some kind of its own method of treating Meniere's syndrome.
                        What am I talking about - maybe you can contact them?
                      3. +1
                        9 July 2022 12: 39
                        . what is it for - maybe you can contact them?

                        Yeah. She put her hand with a visor to her head, looked around and ... "Field ... Russian field ..." But it should be "Water, water ... Water all around ..."
              2. +4
                9 July 2022 09: 13
                Quote: depressant
                a premonition of trouble

                No need to blame me for this, like him ... in "depression" in short. Life is multifaceted. Today is bad, tomorrow? Let's talk, it's not all that bad.
                1. +1
                  9 July 2022 16: 26
                  "what will happen the day after tomorrow?"
                  "What was will not return, what will not be known. Today remains" (c)
            4. +1
              9 July 2022 09: 26
              Quote: Sea Cat
              sober up - darkness and emptiness -

              Eee, brother! This is a whole philosophy! You can just stupidly "repeat", or you can ... approach gracefully.
              1. +2
                9 July 2022 09: 58
                gracefully. Have a drink, feed a cat, go to the store, buy bread and cheese and other things. Look! And everything is in place.

                That is, spiritual food (a bottle and cat food) is always prudently stocked. But contemptible bodily food is the tenth thing ...
                Yes, you are a saint! wassat )))
                1. 0
                  10 July 2022 12: 13
                  Quote: depressant
                  Yes, you are a saint! )))

                  Yes! I am like that! Without undue modesty .. Simply. What is what is. Something like that. laughing
                  1. +1
                    10 July 2022 12: 39
                    I read another article by Vyacheslav Olegovich about the reformatting of consciousness, as well as comments on it. Feel free to say anything. In my opinion, reformatting can be only one --- "Stop stealing and exporting!", And everything else is blah blah blah from the Evil One. But they do everything so that the hedgehogs cry, but eat the cactus. All laws are adjusted to impunity to steal and export on an especially large scale. Start to reformat this rigidly, then the consciousness will also be reformatted.
                    In general, today is gloomy and boring.
                    I do math.
          2. +7
            9 July 2022 07: 50
            "That evening, Piglet finally decided to run away from home and become a sailor" (C)
            1. +4
              9 July 2022 08: 01
              “The escape plan was developed for a long time and carefully. Zhigan's proposal to leave immediately, without even going home, was resolutely rejected.
              - First of all, you need to grab some bread, at least to begin with, - said Dimka. -
              And then both from home and in the neighbors. And then matches...
              - A bowler hat would be nice. Dug up potatoes in the field - here's your lunch! (With).
              1. +4
                9 July 2022 08: 07
                Dug up potatoes in the field - here's your lunch!
                For this, they can be killed. Especially in the North.
                1. +4
                  9 July 2022 09: 04
                  In the turmoil of the civil, many things were easier to relate to.
                  1. +2
                    9 July 2022 16: 15
                    Quote from Korsar4
                    In the turmoil of the civil, many things were easier to relate to.

                    Sergey, in my opinion, the actions take place after the GW
                    1. +2
                      9 July 2022 18: 51
                      No. In "R. V. S.” it was just the Civil War: red, green and others.
                2. +2
                  9 July 2022 09: 17
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  Dug up potatoes in the field - here's your lunch!
                  For this, they can be killed. Especially in the North

                  "You are animals, gentlemen." (c)
                  Oh, and what's wrong with people?
                  1. +2
                    9 July 2022 11: 02
                    You go and grow this potato beyond the Arctic Circle!
              2. +1
                9 July 2022 16: 22
                From Arkady Gaidar. "On the ruins of the count"
                Now I remember, Gaidar has only about GV, "School" and "RVS"?
                1. +2
                  9 July 2022 18: 52
                  As already mentioned, we are talking about R. V.S. I really liked the School.
        2. +4
          9 July 2022 08: 07
          Quote: Sea Cat
          At the stop will wait for her. "(c)

          "Lilac mist---n---n..."
          I like this song. Nostalgia, damn it!
          1. +3
            9 July 2022 08: 35
            "Again the shadow obliquely,
            Red coast, with a strip of silt "(C)?
            1. +2
              9 July 2022 08: 52
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              Red coast, with a strip of silt "(C)

              Nah! To be honest, it begs:
              "Which you went to."
              Hmmmm. Yes. bully
              1. +2
                9 July 2022 08: 55
                Well if you say so.
    3. +4
      9 July 2022 08: 01
      Quote: 3x3zsave

      So there is something in the refrigerator?
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      Or go to work hungry and sober

      Full and drunk definitely not worth it
      "And it leads you, beautiful, a direct road to the store!" (C) laughing
      1. +5
        9 July 2022 08: 11
        So there is something in the refrigerator?
        It is necessary to wipe the Curiosity optics with something.
        1. +3
          9 July 2022 08: 54
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          wipe the optics

          "Who is washing the floors with vodka?" (c) bully
      2. +2
        9 July 2022 09: 32
        In St. Petersburg, vodka is sold only from 11 am. (((
        My XNUMXth comment... And what a sad one!!!
        1. +2
          9 July 2022 09: 45
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          only sold from 11 am

          How do you live with it???
          1. +2
            9 July 2022 09: 57
            We live somehow.
            "It's Peter, baby! Love him!!!"
            1. 0
              9 July 2022 10: 17
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              It's Peter baby

              In Leningrad-city,
              As everywhere - a taxi.
              But you won't stop
              Don't even ask.
              If you drink a lot of vodka,
              drunk -
              You don't want to, but you will
              To the parking lot

              It was like that, I remember trying it myself.

              And vodka from 11 is a tin, we have it around the clock.
              1. +2
                9 July 2022 10: 26
                we have around the clock.
                Well, everyone is complaining about the reindeer breeder!
                Hi Roman!
                1. 0
                  9 July 2022 10: 45
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  and everyone complains about the reindeer breeder

                  There is no reindeer breeder, reindeer breeder Moscow lives ... my Moscow does not live request

                  Quote: 3x3zsave

                  1. +1
                    9 July 2022 13: 30
                    Quote: Repellent
                    There is no reindeer breeder, reindeer breeder Moscow lives ... my Moscow does not live

                    Yes. sad Mokva nothing at all.
                  2. +1
                    9 July 2022 13: 50
                    Quote: Repellent
                    no reindeer breeder, reindeer breeder Moscow lives ... my Moscow does not live

                    My Moscow doesn’t know at all, why, May your Maskva came and! Did you understand?
                  3. 0
                    9 July 2022 22: 11
                    Quote: Repellent
                    my Moscow does not live

                    Come on, Roman! EVERYTHING you know very well!
                  4. 0
                    9 July 2022 22: 31
                    Roman, Biryulyovo specifically floods. Downpour.
            2. +2
              9 July 2022 10: 24
              Gry!!!!!"This is Moscow, old man, your right to love or not this city But? This is Moscow. Peter.
          2. +1
            9 July 2022 16: 06
            Quote: Phil77
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            only sold from 11 am

            How do you live with it???

            We also have 11 and live nothing
            1. +1
              11 July 2022 08: 25
              Quote: Astra wild2
              Live in

              Verochka! You are adorable!
        2. +2
          9 July 2022 10: 02
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          how sad

          He's not sad. He's... pro-Moscow. Yes!
          1. +2
            9 July 2022 10: 13
            "If it fell to me to be a Petersburg citizen,
            Moscow will never become native! " (FROM)
            1. 0
              11 July 2022 08: 24
              With 8, Slava SabyaninU-bogatuturU!
  6. +1
    9 July 2022 08: 14
    They also added gold powder to bread.
    1. +1
      9 July 2022 16: 59
      I have not heard about this
  7. +3
    9 July 2022 08: 27
    They ate mimosa fruits.
    Mimosa, presumably, a kind of acacia. Pods, inside of which there is something that can only be called beans. They sat on beans.
    1. +3
      9 July 2022 10: 15
      Quote: depressant

      How do I remember! How do I dream of those "chebureks" expiring with heat, expiring with ardor, Soviet, real !!! Oh ??? Remember their "inside", remember them all? Literally everything! Soviet pasties!!! This is something!!!
      It! Never.
      1. +1
        9 July 2022 20: 18
        200 grams of minced meat are placed inside the loaf and in the evening in the oven.
        And such the simplest recipe, by the way, is for a morning snack, instead of dumplings familiar to many.
    2. +2
      9 July 2022 10: 20
      I know. Drooling flowed.
      1. +1
        9 July 2022 11: 24
        I know. Drooling flowed

        You can't answer yourself, no one will answer yes?)))
        Drooling - wipe it up! Roll the soft dough thinly, into a circle, minced meat diluted with water - on one half, slap the other, trample, cut with a knife in a circle, pinch the edges and - into a small deep frying pan, so that the oil covers. Big fire, screeching. And soon - ready, eat, do not burn yourself wassat )))
  8. +1
    9 July 2022 11: 31
    Interested in:
    The Egyptians considered their bread a gift from the gods, and all because they had not known yeast for a long time, and yet they baked yeast bread. To do this, the prepared dough in containers opened from above was laid out along the road, covered with a thin cloth. Through it, very fine dust containing yeast fungi got inside, and ... the dough began to rise in a truly magical way.

    A lot of unleavened bread is sold in kiosks. It is expensive, but much tastier than the one with yeast. Bubbly... How do master bakers achieve this?
    1. +2
      9 July 2022 14: 34
      Lyudmila Yakovlevna, good health. I'm suspicious of unleavened bread. Perhaps marketing to get money from mugs.
      I had a friend who worked in a bakery, and he said that they had ALL yeast-leavened bread.
      Although, in some bakeries, in small batches, they bake with sourdough.
      And I just mess with the sourdough. My friend says it's good
      1. 0
        9 July 2022 14: 40
        What's the difference? What is the difference between modern sourdough and yeast? Well, not the same as with the ancient Egyptians - he wrapped the dough in a rag, laid it out by the road, fine dust with some kind of bacteria penetrated inside, and here it is - bubbling bread! )))
        1. +2
          9 July 2022 16: 57
          Starter cultures are made: kefir, malt, hops, which I just remembered, and there are many types of starter cultures.
          Previously, in the villages, almost every yard had its own recipe for Sourdough.
          Experienced housewives knew several recipes and cooked and baked according to different recipes
          The late grandmother knew about a dozen recipes, and I know 1 recipe by heart, but ... I don’t want to get pissed
          1. 0
            12 July 2022 16: 52
            and there are many types of sourdough.

            And all this, on closer inspection, turns out to be yeast fungi, when consumed with sugars, they give carbon dioxide for splendor and ethyl alcohol for taste. drinks
  9. +2
    9 July 2022 13: 41
    Quote: Phil77
    Quote: Repellent
    There is no reindeer breeder, reindeer breeder Moscow lives ... my Moscow does not live

    Yes. sad Mokva nothing at all.
    1. +1
      9 July 2022 15: 23
      Fili the cat's song.

      Meow-mur, the owner is kind,
      Pour me a beer!
      May your day not be mournful,
      Go ahead and don't be sorry!
      I'll drink beer and catch
      I eat for you.
      They say from scarabs
      Fresh head...
      Meow-mur, I fall asleep,
      I dream of a river
      Full of beer, and the shore -
      White flour...
      Meow-mur... Moore... murrrr.... mur...
  10. +2
    9 July 2022 14: 14
    "for some reason they didn't eat", perhaps take care for mummies ?? Now parsley and dill are sown by all and sundry, and then wild parsley
  11. +1
    9 July 2022 14: 54
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, colleagues, good afternoon.
    Not fair: on weekdays, because of work, I can’t sit on the site and dream about the weekend. Today is Saturday, but only now I found the time to go to the site. And I also watch a movie on YouTube.
  12. +1
    9 July 2022 15: 06
    "sometimes fish caught in the Nile, that their fish was from the category of delicacies?
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, I'm sorry, but I can't "cook" in my head: say that bread was a frequent dish and immediately say with what difficulties it was necessary to extract flour. It doesn't make sense
    1. 0
      10 July 2022 15: 55
      Quote: Astra wild2
      It doesn't make sense

      It is difficult to produce and produce a lot - different things. There were many Egyptians, there was a lot of grain ... labor was cheap, so there was a lot of bread. And the fish ... so you still have to catch it on the river among the crocodiles. It's easier to eat a goose...
  13. +2
    9 July 2022 18: 31
    Dear Vyacheslav Olegovich! Did ancient Egyptians really eat hedgehogs? Ethiopian and eared hedgehogs live in Egypt. The Ethiopian hedgehog is slightly smaller than our ordinary hedgehog, and the eared hedgehog is about 2 times smaller than an ordinary hedgehog. But the crested porcupine is a noble prey, these are not only hundreds of different needles that are useful in the household, but also 8-15 kg of dietary meat. And considering that this rodent with great pleasure eats gourds, grapes, peels the bark from trees - to stab such a pest (it doesn’t run fast and is not afraid of people) and fry it is one benefit.
    Today it is hot in Severodvinsk, up to +23. I just came from the dacha, on the way I scored 2 dozen light and black-headed boletus boletus, I need to cook soup. Redheads, like last week, did not catch my eye ... But, walking along the railway bridge across the Kudma River on the Severodvinsk - Nenoksa line, I watched with pleasure how the seal frolicked in the river at low tide.
    1. 0
      10 July 2022 13: 12
      I read about it ...
  14. -1
    10 July 2022 01: 26
    In-in ... Eat yourself, eat natural products. And men lived on average 32 years, women 30 years ... recourse
    No, Saturday, bathhouse ... and then there's Shpakovsky undiluted ... that's too much.
  15. 0
    10 July 2022 08: 40
    Quote: Astra wild2
    And I also watch a movie on YouTube.

    It's about time!!!!
  16. 0
    22 July 2022 15: 40
    Quote: Bolt Cutter
    But without a palm tree.

    This is the main thing.
    There the Germans did not cave in to the Indonesians.
    There was history. Tender for the purchase of MBT. The Indonesians have linked it to the purchase of hundreds of thousands of tons of poisonous "palms" by the winner of the tender. The Germans merged, and others, less fastidious, filled up their country with a palm tree, and won the tender.

    The article is amazing!
  17. 0
    16 August 2022 13: 27
    Interestingly, what did the Ukrainians eat - Pont Euxinus is also a good job to dig?