In Kyiv, announced the first "full-fledged" exchange of prisoners with Russia


The situation with Russian and Ukrainian prisoners is slowly beginning to clear up, today there was another, second or third exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine.

In Kyiv, they said that today, on March 24, there was another exchange of prisoners according to the formula 10 for 10, which the Kiev authorities called "full-fledged". He received such a definition due to the fact that for the first time there was an exchange of military personnel for military personnel, and not military for civilians. Recall that earlier it was reported about the exchange of nine Russian soldiers for one mayor of Melitopol.

Today, on the orders of President Zelensky, the first full-fledged exchange of prisoners of war took place. In exchange for 10 captured invaders, we pulled out 10 of our servicemen

- said Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk.

In addition to the exchange of military personnel, there was an exchange of civilians, in which Kyiv transferred 11 civilian sailors to Moscow, receiving in return 19 from the Sapphire rescue vessel located in Sevastopol. There is no official confirmation from the Russian Ministry of Defense, and it is unlikely that the military will disclose such information. The most likely option is that the figures will be given during some briefing.

Earlier there was information that Russian negotiators have a hard time negotiating with the Ukrainian side on the exchange of prisoners, since most of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not at all strive to return to the territory controlled by Kiev, where they will immediately be sent to fight. Better to sit out in captivity than back in the trenches.
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  1. +19
    24 March 2022 19: 43
    Complete, inferior, what's the difference. Changed and okay. Anything is better than worrying about people.
    1. +14
      24 March 2022 19: 47
      the majority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not at all strive to return to the territory controlled by Kiev, where they will immediately be sent to fight. Better to sit out in captivity than back in the trenches.
      Blasphemous of course, well, not so seriously, but as a curiosity. It is normal to exchange and those who do not want to, they have experience in captivity to pass. There the information will be brought reliable where it is better. Postal pigeons, they are sold, but they still fly where they need to.
      PS: As a matter of speculation, nothing more, I'm not a misanthrope. There they can simply be shot in front of the formation as revenge and edification to others.
      1. +6
        24 March 2022 20: 02
        Quote: NIKNN
        There they can simply be shot in front of the formation as revenge and edification to others.

        Here comes the question -
        how our negotiators resolve the situation: Petro1 is captured, Petro2 sees this, reports on command. Negotiations: the exchange list in it is Petro1, but he is in denial! , replacement?> no only Petro1, do not give it to the paw of the Ukrainian negotiator. It's hard work.
      2. +2
        24 March 2022 20: 47
        It turns out funny: the Nazis threw their weapons and paws to the top in order to save the skin, and once they were exchanged, and again they kicked them to the front. laughing
        1. +8
          24 March 2022 20: 53
          Well, firstly, as far as I know, they take a subscription from them with an obligation of non-participation ... Although, on the other hand, an article on evasion .... An unpleasant alternative turns out. Forks here and there...
          1. +4
            24 March 2022 21: 09
            Quote: ian
            An unpleasant alternative is obtained. Forks here and there...

            "- Double pitchforks are obtained! - Yes, everything is double and pitchforks and rakes." (film "Mother Do not Cry")
          2. +5
            24 March 2022 23: 34
            Quote: ian
            An unpleasant alternative is obtained. Forks here and there...

            The solution is simple. Considering the fact that there are more prisoners of war in any way, the seriously wounded should be put up for exchange. They have already definitely won back and they have an excuse in front of their own - like he was captured by a wound. Still, you look, and they will present for the award. And we don't mess with them.
            1. -1
              24 March 2022 23: 37
              Congratulations. You have solved the problem.
              1. 0
                24 March 2022 23: 38
                Quote: ian
                Congratulations. You have solved the problem.

                And for this you give me a minus?
                1. 0
                  24 March 2022 23: 42
                  Sorry, this is a solution for a PC game. Do you even logistically imagine the exchange and transfer of "heavy" ones? Half of them just won't make it. When your son is there, I think you will reconsider your "know-how".
                  1. 0
                    24 March 2022 23: 51
                    Quote: ian
                    Sorry, this is a solution for a PC game.

                    I just offered my own solution to the problem of exchange, without leaving the logic of the facts listed in the article, which complicate, in principle, not too abstruse exchange process. I will gladly read yours. Preferably without mutually exclusive actions and stating the fact that the problem has no solution.
                    1. -1
                      24 March 2022 23: 53
                      I am satisfied with the existing one. The prisoners are changed. The soldiers are returning home. The rest is secondary.
                      1. -1
                        24 March 2022 23: 59
                        Quote: ian
                        I am satisfied with the current one.

                        Wait a minute! How about your anxiety then?
                        Quote: ian
                        Well, firstly, as far as I know, they take a subscription from them with an obligation of non-participation ... Although, on the other hand, an article on evasion .... An unpleasant alternative is obtained. Forks here and there...
                      2. -1
                        25 March 2022 00: 01
                        This is their problem. Not mine. And they decide it. Even if you or I now offer a brilliant solution to it, absolutely nothing will change for them.
                      3. +2
                        25 March 2022 00: 15
                        Quote: ian
                        This is their problem. Not mine.

                        And here let me disagree. For two reasons.
                        1. Our exchange party returned a live and healthy soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There he was accused of cowardice and treason to the ukroreikh and shot in front of the rest of the ranks as a warning. Will eyewitnesses of this action then surrender?
                        2. They try to get rid of the seriously wounded in the first place. For the captivating side, this is one continuous hemorrhoids (if not immediately shot), and for the opposite side after the exchange, it is demoralizing others and absolutely useless for further use in the database subject. By the way, it is also expensive (pension there, treatment).
                      4. -1
                        25 March 2022 11: 07
                        1. You build a problem based on your own imagination.
                        2. Get rid. I do not mind.
                        My concern does not oblige me to look for a solution to the "possible" problems that you admit.
        2. +2
          25 March 2022 02: 08
          So it will be. But we need to get our guys out. Plus, they picked up civilian political SBU. You also need to take it out. In the end, it is necessary to organize local administrations. Tch people after the dungeons of the SBU are unlikely to be imbued with loyalty to her.
      3. -2
        24 March 2022 22: 44
        Blasphemous of course, well, not so seriously, but as a curiosity. It is normal to exchange and those who do not want to, they have experience in captivity to pass. There the information will be brought reliable where it is better. Postal pigeons, they are sold, but they still fly where they need to.
        PS: As a matter of speculation, nothing more, I'm not a misanthrope. There they can simply be shot in front of the formation as revenge and edification to others.
        What poison are you using?
    2. +6
      24 March 2022 19: 49
      Now the relatives of the guys rescued from Ukrainian captivity will be delighted that the guys are alive.
      1. +9
        24 March 2022 19: 51
        I think both sides will be happy. "There" is also someone's children and relatives.
      2. +5
        24 March 2022 19: 53
        I think all about conscripts who were captured, I think they are first of all pulled out.
        1. +7
          24 March 2022 20: 08
          The conscripts were just exchanged among the first 9 of our servicemen. They exchanged for the Bandera mayor of Melitopol, who was arrested for provocations against the distribution of humanitarian aid in the city.
        2. -1
          24 March 2022 20: 08
          And that conscripts are some special people? No, of course it is necessary to pull out, but everyone. And judging by the benefits for the army, then full-fledged specialists in their field are much more important than a week without a year in the army. The only thing that outweighs my words is emotions (sorry for the snotty boys), but you won’t win the war on emotions.
          1. +19
            24 March 2022 20: 16
            Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
            And that conscripts are some special people?

            The MoD is responsible for getting them into the war zone.
            No, they are not special.
            But the DoD has special obligations towards them.
            1. -4
              24 March 2022 20: 20
              What are the special ones?
              1. +11
                24 March 2022 20: 25
                Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                What are the special ones?

                Special in the sense that Shoigu, as Minister of Defense, is responsible for the fact that conscripts ended up where they should not have been.
                As a result, they were captured.
                1. -6
                  24 March 2022 20: 30
                  Fire Shoigu, since he is responsible. They have already been captured, it has already happened, why not a reason for punishment? Is that how you think it is?
                  1. +4
                    24 March 2022 21: 25
                    Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                    Is that how you think it is?

                    no not like this
                    the responsible person corrects mistakes - understands their causes, punishes those responsible and takes measures to prevent their recurrence
                    that is the responsibility

                    weird you talk
                    1. 0
                      24 March 2022 22: 07
                      I argue in a Soviet way - the person responsible made a jamb in the area of ​​\u5b\uXNUMXbwork entrusted to him. When XNUMX people burned down in our beam, the head of the expedition was expelled from the party and fired. Although he had nothing to do with it, who knew that the change would get drunk? This is unpredictable, like a cretin splashing diesel fuel into a potbelly stove.
                      1. 0
                        24 March 2022 22: 22
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        I talk in Soviet

                        what period?
                      2. 0
                        24 March 2022 22: 33
          2. +8
            24 March 2022 20: 18
            Sergey Averchenkov, no one asks the conscript whether he wants to go there or not, secondly, as you said, no one really prepares this snotty one, maximum takeoff and landing as they said in one film, thirdly, it’s not clear how they ended up there if the commander in chief said to figure it out, but he is special, he is special, he travels voluntarily or under a contract in which this item is entered, special is usually an adult man who is morally more mature, in the third, specialists are much less likely to be captured.
            1. +1
              24 March 2022 20: 24
              Probably the army has changed a lot since my times ... Then, in general, no one was asked where he wanted to go - an order was received and forward. Damn, the institute of noble maidens is somehow obtained. This is bad.
              1. +2
                24 March 2022 20: 38
                Sergei Averchenkov, the point is not only that the quality of their conscripts, if you will, their adulthood and awareness of where and why they got (I'm talking about the army) is falling, this is a problem all over the world, the point is that the contract soldier and the special are powerful (well, almost always) choose his way and understands that his work is associated with risk, war, death. And the conscript goes "duty" to give therefore the attitude is. Sorry if the thought is crooked hi
                1. +2
                  24 March 2022 20: 55
                  Well, okay ... You fight, it's time for me to go to the eternal parking lot soon. The fact that I disagree with you is not a criterion.
                  1. +3
                    24 March 2022 21: 25
                    Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                    . The fact that I disagree with you is not a criterion.

                    When we served, we served in the SA for two years, in the Navy for three years. We were more prepared. the army was five million. And now they will call a puppy, they have been trying to teach military affairs for half a year. Don't say obscenities to him, you can't hurry up with a knee in the ass, in outfits for the kitchen, cleaning, etc. don't go. The rest of the year he draws an album, cleans berets to prepare for DMB .. Where to send them! What will they win? Here the contractors are fighting.
                    1. -2
                      24 March 2022 21: 34
                      After a year of service, they sent me to Afghanistan on a business trip and a boy who served for six months with me - well done guy, he did it. Of course, they sent not only us, we took off with the Mi-24 squadron. But the current ones can’t cope ... Sadness? Do they happen to have an afternoon quiet hour there?
                      1. 0
                        25 March 2022 05: 42
                        it seems to be .. quiet time .. like in kindergarten .. The sad thing is that if this whole topic drags on - our selected contract units will suffer serious losses (well, paratroopers should not perform the tasks of motorized infantry) - they will have to be replenished with these very untrained jerks ... and it is precisely this moment that Poland is waiting for .. - And our jerks will face an equipped and trained full-fledged NATO machine .. as it were .. There and so in Ukraine - the Americans supply information live from satellites, from Avaks, - our actions for the enemy - at a glance ..
                      2. 0
                        25 March 2022 07: 50
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        Do they happen to have an afternoon quiet hour there?

                        We did not have . Now I do not know . I know that he was in the Navy. there is an admiral's hour. Lunch and rest after lunch. The fleet is generally an interesting organism ...
              2. +2
                24 March 2022 20: 48
                Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                Probably the army has changed a lot since my times ... Then, in general, no one was asked where he wanted to go - an order was received and forward. Damn, the institute of noble maidens is somehow obtained. This is bad.

                And what do you want? To prepare a fighter in six months - in the service of a year? Before, it was just teaching. At one time (after two towers in parallel), only about ten months later I got completely involved - despite the fact that I am from a family of hereditary military men and knew the riflemen with equipment.
                1. 0
                  24 March 2022 21: 01
                  And they quickly corrected my brains, after a couple of months I already knew everything. True, I was a ready-made specialist and did without training - after the oath, I immediately went to the unit. Of course it was a little cruel, but it was fast. The boys came to the army (as I said - snotty), and the men were already leaving.
                  1. 0
                    24 March 2022 21: 07
                    They took me to engineering (as they later told me, the law faculty is to blame, not the energy department), as they say, "we make mistakes twice", but the study was intensive (types of mines and SVU, methods of demining and mining, reconnaissance and assessment of the area), plus almost immediately a corporal, and then a sergeant was hanged, the battalion commander was a soldier with his grandfather, and acquaintances, but they fought not childishly for not learned material.
                    1. -1
                      24 March 2022 21: 21
                      Oh ... So we are colleagues in a sense. My civilian specialty is drilling and blasting (the second higher education is on this topic). But I don’t know how to clear mines, yes, I can blow mines up, but unfortunately I don’t. And in the army ... Objective control in a helicopter regiment (mi-8, mi-24) and from the spirit to the demobilization private - we thought that clean shoulder straps is a clear conscience. Although he was listed as an ensign.
                      1. 0
                        24 March 2022 21: 29
                        Well, I have a legal faculty, EMF energy and then, like a cherry of the ACS of the Air Defense Academy, I’m currently working on the last two ...
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        but unfortunately there is no demining.

                        the best demining tool is the "grad" / "pinocchio" division, or the "Snake Gorynych", the first for the areal, the second for the point.
                      2. 0
                        24 March 2022 21: 42
                        You can make it so that the hailstones will not help, this is all for serial military mines, and if you approach this matter with imagination ... :) But this is a rather specific conversation, I don’t think it’s worth continuing.
                      3. 0
                        25 March 2022 19: 08
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        You can make it so that the hailstones will not help, this is all for serial military mines, but if you approach this matter with imagination ... :)

                        A pair of Tu - 22M3 - OFAB carpet bombing - 50/100... laughing But this is if in a field / greenery, and if a settlement is dogs, a mine detector is a probe, now there is also a "Kite", but I did not find it.
                      4. 0
                        25 March 2022 20: 13
                        There are explosives that do not depend on external detonation at all, or their deepening underground excludes the impact of such, but in principle you are right - it is too complicated and expensive. So OFABs are our everything. :)
              3. -1
                24 March 2022 21: 08
                Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                some kind of institute of noble maidens turns out. This is bad.

                You generally have arguments that do not paint at least. What if it's like this on a sinking ship, during evacuation? "Let me go ahead, I'm needed as a specialist, let others die." Conscripts for conscripts, contract soldiers for the same. There are clearly more conscripts in captivity. I don’t think it will add an incentive to serve the conscripts when they realize that they will be hammered when the question is about the benefits of the exchange. I don’t know what to say, such arguments, in the style that it is more profitable to exchange contract soldiers, cause a lot of negative. What next, will you order the children to be thrown as a burden?
                1. 0
                  24 March 2022 21: 25
                  Don't paint? Well, okay, I'm not a woman that would like it. Why, in an airplane emergency, do adults put on masks first, and then children? The specialist may not think so (skip ahead), the command should think so.
                  1. 0
                    24 March 2022 21: 38
                    Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                    Well, okay, I'm not a woman, whatever you like

                    A good excuse to forget about the concepts of morality and / or dignity.
                    The command can also decide to be the first to leave the ship, the place of emergency, with just such a rationale, about the decision of the command. According to your logic, he is right. But, let me remind you, we are talking about the moral side, not the formal one. There was already a precedent with the captain of "Bulgaria", this is an example.
                    1. 0
                      24 March 2022 21: 56
                      Am I making excuses? What are you ... I am completely sure that even when choosing for an exchange from, say, a sniper (tanker, pilot, etc.) and a conscript bringing up BC, choose a specialist. This is a simple conclusion - who is more valuable to the army? If you think otherwise, then your army will lose.
                      And do not put pressure on my moral component - morality and war are not compatible. Of course, if you trumpet the captivity of conscripts to the whole world, then they are already playing according to the laws of another genre - the morale of the troops and the population. But if it's just an exchange...
                      1. +2
                        24 March 2022 22: 18
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        choose a specialist

                        Are you kidding or what? This is not trading bash for bash, below Privalov's words are about the order of exchange in Israel.
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        morality and war are incompatible

                        Does the course of the military operation tell you anything? Someone is hiding behind a human shield, while someone provides humanitarian assistance and organizes corridors. Yeah, not compatible concepts.
                      2. 0
                        24 March 2022 22: 31
                        No, I’m not kidding (the word is not familiar, in my time they didn’t say that). I understand that this is not a trade, but with a choice ...
                        The course of the military operation? What should he tell me? That we are good and they are bad? This is redundant ... I don't care who is right, for me there is one criterion - ours and enemies. Ukraine is an enemy. Even if we smear the whole of Ukraine on the asphalt in an extremely cruel way, I will still be for ours. And you can listen to news about humanitarian aid and corridors.
                      3. 0
                        24 March 2022 22: 56
                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        I will still be for our

                        And there was a conversation that someone is not for ours? You were told about something else, about prisoners of war conscripts, no one here worries about them.

                        Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                        And you can listen to news about humanitarian aid and corridors.

                        Do you doubt that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are hiding behind a human shield? Why such a disdain for these data?
                      4. +1
                        25 March 2022 18: 02
                        Nowhere do they lie so much as in war and fishing. About conscript prisoners of war, I confirm my opinion - these are the least valuable military personnel. Do you have a different opinion? Are they most valuable for military operations? Answer please. It's so simple - yes or no? Or will you evade again? I myself was a conscript in the past ... and never, you hear, never demanded special treatment from me. And you nu-nu, syu-syu ... they should be pitied ... Are they men or not? Can they wear skirts?
                      5. 0
                        25 March 2022 18: 04
                        I have already said enough about my position, if you do not understand, then I see no reason to talk with such people.
                      6. 0
                        25 March 2022 18: 16
                        Fine. Pointless conversations lead to nothing.
                      7. +1
                        25 March 2022 05: 46
                        do you see? ) And there is no need for political officers ..- here "they are children" works better than any enemy propaganda .. It is useless to tell and explain ..
                      8. 0
                        25 March 2022 18: 26
                        The ideologists of the human shield will now talk about the political leaders, a cheerful picture.
                      9. 0
                        25 March 2022 18: 39
                        What are you speaking about? what ideologies? we are talking about our soldiers - conscripts after all .. - about their skills and terms of service, and where are the ukrofascists?! You think that there is no place for conscripts in Ukraine. - your right .. I think that they still have to be involved. In the end, they took an oath, and are obliged to serve where the Motherland sends them, and not where they feed them with pies ..
                      10. 0
                        25 March 2022 21: 30
                        Quote: Dikson
                        You think that there is no place for conscripts in Ukraine. - your right..

                        Will you bring the words where I said this? You can confirm your words, if not, then how they are called in a decent society, I think you know. I'm talking about what order of exchange of prisoners should be. With such "gifted", there really is no need for political officers, they themselves invent, they themselves will believe, and they will also argue. Well, you need to think at least a little with your head about what it is when you get into someone else's conversation with your narrow-minded analogies about "children"
              4. 0
                24 March 2022 21: 41
                Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
                Probably the army has changed a lot since my times ... Then, in general, no one was asked where he wanted to go - an order was received and forward. Damn, the institute of noble maidens is somehow obtained. This is bad.

                Conscripts are now serving for a year, which of them is a soldier, they give an automatic rifle only for oath.
                1. 0
                  24 March 2022 21: 58
                  But do they serve? Or are they on duty? If the latter - I'm very sorry and in FIG they are needed at all.
          3. 0
            24 March 2022 22: 23
            Today a snotty one, and tomorrow a general... maybe.
          4. 0
            26 March 2022 12: 12
            Conscripts should not be there at all, so they should be pulled out first.
    3. +1
      24 March 2022 20: 20
      Will the Nazis again send their warriors to the trenches, or how will they put the "Kremlin spies" in prison ???
    4. avg
      24 March 2022 20: 50
      Quote: ian
      Complete, inferior, what's the difference. Changed and okay. Anything is better than worrying about people.

      This is certainly true, but the condition of the prisoners, possibly with an independent (not NATO, not the EU) expertise, must be recorded.
    5. +1
      24 March 2022 21: 29
      But it is necessary to spoil here too, they can no longer do without it.
      In exchange for 10 captured invaders, we pulled out 10 of our servicemen, said Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk.
  2. +2
    24 March 2022 19: 50
    What's with the conscript guys? In general, at least someone answered for the fact that they got there!?
    1. +5
      24 March 2022 20: 02
      Not yet. According to Ukraine, 9 conscripts were exchanged for the mayor of Melitopol, how many of them are actually not known.
      So far, the Military Procurator has not reported to Peskov about how they got there at all.
      1. +3
        24 March 2022 20: 24
        The story with conscripts looks extremely strange. That is, it was worthwhile for the Commander-in-Chief to assure all mothers on the eve of March 8 that we do not use conscripts in the operation and do not plan to use them, like conscripts literally the next day, it is not clear how and by whose rotozey (malicious intent) they were sent there, by some miraculous In this way, they are ambushed by the DRG, which not only captures them, but also successfully delivers them to its territory. Where was the military guard of the column, escort helicopters? Accident? Or does it make sense for military counterintelligence to work with the one who made the decision?
        1. 0
          24 March 2022 20: 29
          I agree, it's weird. But no one will answer you here. Try contacting the relevant authorities directly.
  3. +2
    24 March 2022 20: 01
    Our 4 nuclear scientists are still being held there. We arrived on February 23. TVELs were brought. Untimely, of course.
    1. +4
      24 March 2022 20: 22
      Kesha 1980, a question to the leadership of the operation, people knew about the start of hostilities, and nuclear specialists are not wild kalym-shabashniks, such visits go through special services why they let them in, they could wrap up for "technical reasons".
      1. +2
        24 March 2022 20: 32
        Murmur 55, I am surprised myself. And our people are at risk, and fuel rods are also an additional risk. Secrecy backfired.
        1. 0
          24 March 2022 20: 52
          And the fuel rods, apart from the reactor, are an almost ready-made dirty bomb, all that remains is to organize the explosives.
      2. 0
        26 March 2022 12: 14
        Apparently, Putin's decision was so secret that almost no one knew about it, otherwise they could have leaked it. It turned out very unexpectedly.
    2. +2
      24 March 2022 20: 31
      Let it be for now...
      “From that time (February 23) until today, in accordance with the contract, until the moment of unloading and transferring it (nuclear fuel) to the Ukrainian side, they guarded it. This cargo was unloaded yesterday. After the completion of these works, the guards left the territory of the station, accompanied by employees of the SBU, who ensure their safety and transfer to the Russian side, ”the Energoatom telegram channel says.
      1. +1
        24 March 2022 20: 35
        Yes, I read. They were kept all the time in the train car.
        1. +1
          24 March 2022 23: 03
          The main thing is that everyone returns ... and these numbers did not grow ...
          "More than 100 appeals came to me from relatives that our servicemen were in captivity. We check each appeal, the Ministry of Defense thoroughly [verifies] at my request, <...> half was confirmed," Moskalkova said in an interview with RT. According to her, the rest of the appeals were not confirmed.
  4. +5
    24 March 2022 20: 12
    The exchange is difficult, since most of our military have traces of torture ... therefore, dill give for exchange, well, just completely clean-shaven and harmless ... it’s hard, of course, for our captured ones ... but we must not change our attitude towards captive dill, who are not directly clearly Nazis and executioners, simple conscripts should be sent to exchange packs - they will return home and tell the whole truth about the real defeat of the Ruins and will exponentially encourage those newly called up by dill to "war with Russia" to escape or captivity.
    1. NKT
      24 March 2022 20: 30
      Are many people being tortured? Ordinary VSUshniki involved?
      1. +3
        24 March 2022 20: 41
        NKT hi, there is infa that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are happy to transfer the prisoners into the hands of the nat. baht and everything is already clear there. So they are also not white and fluffy in these matters.
      2. 0
        24 March 2022 22: 26
        The Armed Forces of Ukraine are hitting civilians with artillery and rockets - they will be rewarded with glass wool instead of earth.
  5. +1
    24 March 2022 20: 34
    "Speakers of the parliaments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania arrived on a visit to Kyiv, despite the fighting in the vicinity of the capital and the threat of shelling."
    It’s just interesting when there are battles, then the planes don’t fly for a long time, and whoever wants to shoot them down can (“Thousands of Stingers”). But yesterday, Jüri Ratas was in Tallinn, and today in Kyiv, he got too quickly. Maybe to Warsaw by plane, and then like the Poles on the train. Despite the mortal danger, they came. Although Zelensky is not present in the photo.
    1. +1
      24 March 2022 20: 54
      And what are the documents? About the introduction of the MS of Poland and the Baltic states?
      1. +1
        24 March 2022 21: 42
        Quote: PSih2097
        And what are the documents? About the introduction of the MS of Poland and the Baltic states?

        What the owner ordered to write. Just like that, speakers in wartime, and before that, the Poles do not come to Kyiv, risking their lives.
    2. +1
      24 March 2022 21: 20
      Quote: tihonmarine
      "Speakers of the parliaments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania arrived on a visit to Kyiv, despite the fighting in the vicinity of the capital and the threat of shelling."

      This is some kind of fake, speaking Russian nonsense. Surely they are sitting in Lviv, and maybe in Poland. Fighting near Kiev, with the use of aviation and artillery, but they arrived.
      1. +1
        24 March 2022 21: 45
        Quote: Third District
        This is some kind of fake, speaking Russian nonsense. Surely they are sitting in Lviv, and maybe in Poland. Fighting near Kiev, with the use of aviation and artillery, but they arrived.

        All that I have, they write that in Kyiv, maybe they made the scenery in Warsaw, or maybe Lviv
    3. 0
      25 March 2022 03: 29
      What do you think - they built underground tunnels between government offices and ride trains.
  6. +9
    24 March 2022 20: 43
    And the guys need to be pulled out, and the dead should be taken out and buried with honors. For this, all means and possibilities are good. Take home no matter what. Then, it will be possible to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

    On June 25, 2006, from the territory of Israel by terrorist organizations: the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigade (the military wing of the Hamas organization), the Popular Resistance Committees (which include members of Fatah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas) and the Army of Islam, was captured, captured and held hostage by Corporal Gilad Shalit.
    On October 18, 2011, after five years and four months of imprisonment, Gilad was released and handed over to his compatriots as part of a deal in exchange for 1027 Palestinian militants.
    1. +3
      24 March 2022 20: 49
      A. Privalov hi, I agree here, all means are good in releasing their own, so let all services work.
    2. +1
      24 March 2022 20: 55
      Colleague Privalov, Israel has a lot of experience in the exchange of prisoners
      1. +4
        24 March 2022 21: 21
        Quote: Astra wild2
        Colleague Privalov, Israel has a lot of experience in the exchange of prisoners

        Right. But this is not from a good life.
        Moreover, many prisoners were released simply "on parole". For a promise never to engage in terror.
        For the sake of justice, it should be noted that a considerable number of those released did so - keeping their word. Many generally refused any active actions, some transferred their activities to the political or public sphere. Well, there were many who simply laughed at the Israelis and returned to terror. Alas, humanism is not the best means of combating terrorism.
        1. -1
          26 March 2022 08: 17
          "on parole" there were such cases in 1917 when famous white generals were released "on parole", and then they "forgot" about the promise
          1. +2
            26 March 2022 10: 14
            Quote: Astra wild2
            "on parole" there were such cases in 1917 when famous white generals were released "on parole", and then they "forgot" about the promise

            The generals of those times, this is a piece "goods". laughing
            We are talking about hundreds of militants.
  7. 0
    24 March 2022 20: 53
    “it’s better to transfer to captivity than back to the trenches” is a fair desire, but Zelensky has other desires.
    I wonder who changed?
    Good evening colleagues
  8. 0
    24 March 2022 23: 16
    Quote: ian
    Well, firstly, as far as I know, they take a subscription from them with an obligation of non-participation ... Although, on the other hand, an article on evasion .... An unpleasant alternative turns out. Forks here and there...

    Such a subscription does not cost anything from the standpoint of Ukrainian legislation.
  9. 0
    25 March 2022 02: 39
    and where are the employees of Energoatom accompanying fuel rods to Ukraine on February 23.
  10. 0
    25 March 2022 03: 27
    That's the right opinion. Better in captivity than in the trenches. But the main thing is that in captivity they should be treated like human beings. And according to God .. Do you think there is a difference in attitude?
  11. -1
    25 March 2022 03: 32
    And what is this girl on the screensaver with a piercing face as sharp as a spear? (she looks scared)
    1. +1
      25 March 2022 03: 47
      Quote from Maus
      And what is this girl on the screensaver with a piercing face as sharp as a spear? (she looks scared)

      Irina Vereshchuk - read the article carefully.
      1. 0
        25 March 2022 03: 53
        This is the name of the body in the photo. Any other girl could be in that place. I did not ask the name of this creature. What is this frightened woman? The personification of little Russia - for sure.
      2. +1
        25 March 2022 03: 54
        Although Khakamada - from the rearrangement of letters, the expression on the face is unlikely to change.
  12. +1
    25 March 2022 04: 04
    It is necessary to pull out the conscripts !!! There is still no answer from the MoD, how could they get into this zone!? and those who sent - privates in their place.
  13. 0
    25 March 2022 05: 04
    This aunt is constantly in such an outfit, as if at any moment she is ready to break into Poland as a refugee, and the hysteria in the statements confirms this .. hi