Kozyrev: "Russia has no national interests"

Former Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev called on Russian diplomats to resign and not support the Russian operation in Ukraine. The Foreign Ministry replied that "Kozyrevshchina" has always been considered synonymous with betrayal.
- said source at the Foreign Ministry.
During the existence of the Diplomat's Day, the staff and department never congratulated Kozyrev on the holiday. Since his name is considered a household name among diplomats and is associated with the complete surrender of all positions. It entered into history diplomacy as "kozyrevshchina" - a synonym for betrayal.
Kozyrev left behind Russian diplomacy in critical condition. Yevgeny Primakov (Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1996-1998) with great difficulty, with the help of a team of professionals, managed to keep the department from complete collapse.
Nixon was surprised by this response. Later, the head of the United States, in an interview with political scientist Dmitry Simes, quite logically called Kozyrev a "slug."
Even Mikhail Gorbachev, who was much and rightly scolded for the collapse of the USSR and weak politics, was surprised at the baseness of Kozyrev. Under him, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs turned into a branch of the State Department, the former head of the Soviet state noted.
The West and NATO are Russia's "natural allies"
Andrey Kozyrev was born in the family of an engineer in 1951. He worked as a mechanic at the Kommunar plant, in 1974 he graduated from MGIMO. During his first business trip to New York in 1975, Kozyrev was shocked by the mass of personal cars from Americans and supermarkets clogged with goods.
That is, he was a man of bourgeois views, for whom jeans and sausage come first. His hidden hatred for the USSR was apparently noticed by a member of the Politburo, the head of the Foreign Ministry and such a hidden anti-Soviet and nationalist E. Shevardnadze. Kozyrev made a rapid career. He was also supported by Yeltsin's closest aide, G. Burbulis.
He headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR in 1990. Participated in the collapse of the USSR - in the preparation of the Belovezhskaya agreement and the creation of the CIS. Kozyrev and Yeltsin were involved in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. He believed that the United States and NATO countries are allies of Moscow. His philosophy was poor, like all Westerners. Like, in the world there is one pole of goodness and democracy, a beacon of "moral truth" - the West, led by the United States. And the task of Russia is to strive for it with all its might and to fulfill Western instructions as clearly as possible.
Therefore, Kozyrev pursued a course towards integration with the West, which resulted in the complete surrender of Moscow's remaining foreign policy positions. At his suggestion, a powerful strike force was withdrawn from Germany. As soon as possible, practically without conditions. The army was brought into the "field", in fact, they were defeated without a fight. Thanks to the activities of Kozyrev and those like him, NATO quickly advanced eastward, to our borders. The strategic security of Russia was undermined, for which we paid a terrible price during the Great Patriotic War - many millions of lives.
Kozyrev supported Western sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro. He advocated the creation of the Hague Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, where they tried mainly Serbian patriots. He opposed the support of the pro-Russian Transnistria. He handed over to the West a number of secret archives of the USSR. He helped eliminate Vladimir Polevanov from the post of head of the State Property Committee, who prevented foreigners from buying military-industrial complex enterprises for nothing. Kozyrev said:
In the UN Security Council, Russia at that time was a servant of the United States.
It is not surprising that in the West they treated Kozyrev very reverently. He was his man. Presidential press secretary Kostikov recalled:
Kozyrev was needed by the West, as obsequiously fulfilled all the requests and instructions of the Westerners.
Kozyrev was ready to surrender to Japan and the Kuril Islands. On August 21, 1992, the Russian government, signed by Gaidar, issued an order to prepare a state visit to Japan to resolve this issue. However, not everyone in Russia was ready for such a step. Experts in state security calculated the consequences of such a step and were horrified. A wave of territorial claims against the Russian Federation and the threat of war with China would begin, which considers the violation of the existing situation in the Far East a threat to its national security. The Russian Federation could fall apart in a few years. As a result, Yeltsin's visit to Japan was disrupted. The Kuriles remained with Russia.
True, Kozyrev was still able to "share" Russian land with foreigners. Thanks to him, hundreds of islands on the Amur and Ussuri were transferred to China. Including the famous Damansky, where our border guards fought the Chinese in 1969.
As a result, more than five years, when Kozyrev led the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, became the years of shame for Russian diplomacy. Now Kozyrev, having received thirty pieces of silver for his deeds, lives in the USA and continues anti-Russian information activities, denouncing former and current Russia. In his opinion, the Kremlin is up to its old tricks, "walking along the path of resuming the Cold War, using old and new tools of subversion against the countries with developed democracies in America and Europe, as well as young democracies - Ukraine and Georgia."
Obviously, in the conditions of the military conflict in Ukraine and the new Cold War by the West, the Kremlin should clear the rear of such "Kozyrevshchina". Westernism and liberalism, which flourished in the Russian Federation throughout the post-Soviet period, will not lead to good.