US think tank discovers North Korean missile base on Chinese border


Information about the discovery of a previously unknown North Korean military base was published by the Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies. The center's analysts studied satellite imagery showing the base at Hyojung-ni in Chagang province, 25 kilometers from the Chinese border. The base of operations is likely to host a regiment-sized missile unit equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles, the think tank said.

On satellite images, we can see that the base is in good condition. Visible are two protected missile checkpoints, infrastructure for refueling and maintenance. Each base facility consists of a large reinforced concrete shelter carved into the side of a nearby mountain, about 35 meters long. Such a shelter can accommodate mobile rocket launchers used by the Korean People's Army.

American experts believe that if the DPRK fails to create intercontinental ballistic missiles in the near future, medium-range ballistic missiles will be deployed at the discovered base. North Korea, we recall, recently tested the Hwaseong-12 missile just in the province of Chagang.

The Hyojung-ni base may be one of 20 missile bases that the DPRK never talks about, but that American intelligence agencies believe exist. The construction of the base, according to the center, began about twenty years ago, but it was one of the last to be completed. The deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles on the border with China significantly complicates any preventive strike on the base, since there is a very high risk of hitting Chinese territory. Of course, the United States will not want to quarrel with China, so it is not yet known how to resist the new North Korean base.

There is a very high risk of resumption of North Korean tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The DPRK is going to resume testing because it does not see the United States abandoning its hostile policy, Pyongyang said earlier. The US Department of Defense has not yet commented on the information of the analytical center. But the Pentagon does not deny the threat of North Korean missile programs to the United States, Japan and South Korea.
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  1. +5
    8 February 2022 11: 02
    And what is wrong?
    The North Korean leadership is concerned about the security of their country ... at the moment, only the presence of missile weapons can achieve this.
    Like it, someone or not, this is the situation in the world ....
  2. +5
    8 February 2022 11: 03
    Somehow the United States quickly lost interest in the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbbuilding democracy in South Korea after Eun announced the presence of nuclear weapons. An illustrative example for other countries
    1. -6
      8 February 2022 11: 14
      Quote: APASUS
      A case in point for other countries

      For what others? Here, the states themselves are not far away, by the standards of rocket technology, while other countries will be far from the states. So the presence of other countries is by no means an indicator of the cooling of American ardor.
      1. +3
        8 February 2022 14: 45
        Quote: Canecat
        So the presence of other countries is by no means an indicator of the cooling of American ardor.

        Remind me, please, when the United States invaded the territory of a nuclear power??
        1. 0
          9 February 2022 13: 42
          Quote: APASUS
          Remind me, please, when the United States invaded the territory of a nuclear power??

          All countries that have nuclear weapons are allies of the United States. Except for two:
          1) China.
          2) Russian Federation.
          3) North Korea?
  3. +5
    8 February 2022 11: 04
    No, Kim will sit and wait for democracy to be brought to him!
    Well, like in Iraq, Syria, etc.
  4. +3
    8 February 2022 11: 19
    There is a very high risk of resumption of North Korean tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
    What does "high risk" mean? The DPRK has tested and will continue to test its missiles, which are a guarantee of its security. Suffice it to recall how Trump puffed up and even sent aircraft carriers to this region. So what? As a result, he was blown away and fell off in his own way.
  5. -1
    8 February 2022 11: 35
    US think tank Discovered a North Korean missile base on the border with China

    Yes, Russian think-tanks are getting sick of informing the world about US missile bases near their borders. The Ministry of Health knocked down its legs, focusing public attention on biolaboratories...
    And they discovered only after ten launches ... Let the analysts dig - maybe it was the Chinese who built the base ... wassat
    This is bullshit! It would be much more unpleasant if the DPRK missile base appeared on the border of Mexico and the United States ... bully
  6. 0
    8 February 2022 12: 23
    you show your finger or else the nord nord west nord nord west
  7. 0
    9 February 2022 19: 48
    Their real bases are all underground. They cannot be found from space
  8. 0
    10 February 2022 19: 16
    The distance to the border with China is 25 km. When using high-precision weapons, there is a high risk of hitting Chinese territory. laughing
    Excellent accuracy! Either they boast that ICBMs have a CEP of 50 meters, then 25 km is too close.
    This is humor, if that.