Optimization of Russian Medicine and Excessive Mortality of the Population


Source: saransk.bezformata.com

pandemic harvest

First, some statistics, which are extremely pessimistic.

In 2021, our country lost 2,45 million people, which is a record for the entire post-Soviet period. If we take 2019 as a starting point, then Russia lost 658 thousand people in excess last year - this is the population of a large city. By the way, in 2020, 335 people died “in excess of the norm” in the country. The growth over the past year has been two-fold!

Naturally, among the most important reasons for this situation is the high mortality from COVID-19, which has reached almost 610 thousand people. These are statistics from April 2020 to December 2021, recording deaths directly from the coronavirus. If, for example, a person was discharged from the hospital, and he later died from the consequences of COVID-19, then he is not considered a victim of the pandemic.

Based on the combination of all the above reasons, the average life expectancy of Russians in 2020-2021 fell annually by 1,8-2 years. This means that the average citizen of Russia will now live no more than 70 years. For comparison, back in 2019, the average life expectancy was over 73 years.

But enough to bore readers with digital arrays, let's turn to professionals to comment on the situation.

Here, for example, the director of the Institute of Demography. A. G. Vishnevsky Mikhail Denisenko blames state control for the situation. In an interview with Expert (No. 6, 2022), he says:

“In such a situation, restrictive measures and control over their observance by the state, including regional authorities, it seems to me, should have been stricter, up to the introduction of a lockdown. The reduction in medical care for people with various chronic diseases also had a negative impact on the dynamics of mortality. Many of the dead were among those who had been ill with covid and were considered recovered.

It seems that there is logic in Denisenko's words, but let's take a look at the Hopkins University study, the results of which simply turn everything upside down.

At the end of January, this authoritative source published data according to which the worldwide lockdowns in the spring of 2020 turned out to be ... meaningless. Restrictive measures on a planetary scale were able to reduce mortality from COVID-19 by only 0,2%. At the same time, lockdowns have led to powerful economic and social consequences that we still cannot cope with.

The most effective, according to scientists from Hopkins University, was the self-isolation of the sick, which reduced mortality by 2,9%. The publication "Kommersant" sums up news quote from the report:

“A meta-analysis concluded that lockdowns had minimal, if not zero, impact on public health, but where they were introduced, they incurred huge economic and social costs.”

Scientists see special cynicism and stupidity in the mandatory wearing of masks on the streets and the ban on visiting beaches and parks. And here a paradox is born - in Russia, rather loyal restrictive measures were not observed everywhere, but all the same, the past years were marked by extreme mortality.

What is the reason?

Time for change

The Russian health care, amazed by many years of optimization, has finally repaid us a hundredfold. The Institute for National Economic Forecasting (INP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences published an extremely pessimistic article "Modern problems of Russian health care", consisting of two parts, in the publication "Problems of Forecasting". Let's try to highlight the abstracts from this multi-page work, the authors of which are recognized experts in the field of economics.

Let's start with the positive - until 2019, the average life expectancy of Russians was growing. Life has become better, life has become more fun? Yes and no. On the one hand, over the 29 years since 1990, Russians on average began to live 4 years longer, and on the other hand, as the researchers write, “in most developed countries, the average life expectancy of the population is eight to ten years longer than in Russia, and the difference The life expectancy of women and men is half as much.

According to this parameter, even in the best year 2019, Russia was not included in the hundred of advanced countries of the world, not to mention the developed countries. According to the most conservative estimates, the average life expectancy of an average Russian corresponds to a similar parameter of a European and an American in the 60s of the last century. Researchers from the INP see the main reason for this situation in the chronic underfunding of Russian medicine.

There is such a pattern - the more a country spends relative to its GDP on the health of the nation, the longer citizens live. This became especially acute in connection with the so-called second epidemiological revolution. In developed countries, it started in the 60-70s of the last century and consisted in reducing mortality from cardiovascular and oncological diseases in middle and older age. That is, people from these causes continue, of course, to die, but already at the age of mainly over 60-70 years.

So far, only the first epidemiological revolution has taken place in Russia, which has reduced the mortality of children and young people from infectious diseases. The second revolution did not happen due to the lack of money allocated for healthcare and the total optimization of the industry.

As the researchers note,

“The implementation of the strategy of the second epidemiological revolution requires the development and implementation of new medical technologies, diagnostic and medical equipment, an increase in the number of people employed in healthcare, and the development of pharmaceutical production. All this leads to a significant increase in the cost of medical care and, accordingly, to a significant increase in healthcare costs.

In developed countries, since the 60s, the share of spending on medicine from GDP has doubled within 30 years, while average life expectancy has grown by five to seven years. In the Soviet Union, during this period, the share of GDP remained unchanged, which resulted in a halt in the growth of the average life expectancy of a citizen.

Recovery growth in healthcare spending took place only by 2018, when Russia spent 3,2% of GDP on national health. The relative generosity of the state made it possible by 2010 to record an excess of the notorious average life expectancy of a Russian at more than 70 years. For the first time in stories, need to mark.

But Russia has fundamentally lagged behind the developed countries that have gone through the second epidemiological revolution. For example, Germany spends about 8,7% of its GDP on healthcare, and the average life expectancy in the country already exceeds 81 years. Of course, COVID-19 will make its own adjustments, but not fundamentally.

When the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, it turned out that in Russia, in the course of optimizing

“The network of infectious diseases hospitals was curtailed, and the number of beds for infectious patients was reduced by more than 80 thousand.”

Naturally, we had to urgently re-profile ordinary hospitals, which, according to their intended purpose, should be engaged in planned work. But they, too, were at one time reduced.

According to the authors of the study, the number of medical organizations for the period 1990-2018 decreased by more than two times, hospital beds - almost twice, ambulance stations, as well as feldsher-obstetric stations - by a quarter, outpatient organizations - by 6%.

It got to the point that federal medical research centers had to be transferred to covid hospitals, thus effectively blocking assistance to patients with the most complex pathology.

Years of optimization forced the involvement of doctors who do not specialize in infectious diseases in the treatment of COVID-19. This, firstly, reduced the effectiveness of treatment, and, secondly, diverted attention from patients with cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

The shortage of doctors is now so great that medical students are attracted to work with patients, who, by definition, cannot provide professional assistance.

As a result, an acute shortage of medical workers has developed in the labor market - in 2021, the number of vacancies increased by 1,7 times. However, the number of specialists willing to work in hospitals either did not increase or even decreased.

This will inevitably lead to an uneven distribution of medical workers - an outflow from the periphery to a well-fed center, where they simply pay more. The shortage of doctors in the regions will be felt even more acutely.

Probably, the attentive reader will ask, has the salary of doctors seriously increased due to the pandemic? Are they complaining now?

According to analytical agencies, from October 2019 to October 2021, the growth was only 15,6%. At the same time, throughout the Russian economy, according to Rosstat, wages increased by 17,4%.

Okay, teachers, who “raised in price” by 14,4% in two years, but how did the government allow such a meager increase in doctors' salaries? Compare this to a 25 percent increase in incomes for finance workers and insurers over the same period.

Obviously, we will see real attention to health problems only when there are no doctors left in Russia at all.
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  1. +62
    10 February 2022 04: 28
    high mortality from COVID-19
    Not "from COVID-19", but "against the background of COVID-19". But writing down “death from covid” is much more convenient (it convinces people better) when you need to make ill-conceived, sometimes completely absurd decisions, which has been done from the very beginning of the pseudo-pandemic. Under which (I mean solutions) without any optimization, mortality would increase. And this practice continues: in 55 regions of the country, planned medical events are sent "in lockdown" for a period of a month to uncertainty. Pregnant women scratch their bellies in puzzlement, cancer patients involuntarily blink for centuries and everything else, and everyone wonders - how much will the death rate rise as a result of such a moratorium on planned medical events?
    But our, ahem, leader - as always, D'artagnan: delegated the right to be (h) lucky to the level of the regions. As a result, he will again remain in white, and in the manure there will be exclusively regionals. Smart, yes. Well, the fact that the servants are dying out a little more than usual is a matter of life. The main thing is that Vladim Vladimirych continues to sing hosanna to Neneft-Negaz. So let's win!
    1. +25
      10 February 2022 05: 37
      The brother of a work colleague died the day before yesterday. Moreover, not "against the background", namely, from COVID". And the peasant was a little more than "fifty kopecks" ...
      It is hard to convey the state of a colleague - he still cannot believe that a man in his prime can "burn out" in a week.
      1. +20
        10 February 2022 07: 33
        A year ago, a young 33-year-old slinger died from the consequences of covid, and three days ago my wife's cousin, 43 years old (I bought a vaccination certificate and went to Moscow to work). The result was all summer in the covid hospital, they discharged a little alive, now he died.
        1. +25
          10 February 2022 11: 51
          In 1990, in the RSFSR, there were 137 beds per 10 people. In 2018, there are 77 beds per 10 thousand in the Russian Federation. This is on average. The regions are very different. For those who are in the tank - a bed is not just a couch in the compartment and increased the number.
          Beds are an infrastructural unit, which is tied to the number of medical and nursing rates, financing, supply and provision of funds (hospitals, outpatient clinics) to accommodate these same beds. Reducing the bed pool by 2 times means reducing the number of doctors and nurses by 2-3 times. This is to reduce budget spending on the maintenance of polyclinics and hospitals, to remove funding for science, to close hospitals and polyclinics, and so on. This is where all the problems come from, but the authorities do not want to admit this and return to the number of 140 beds per 10 thousand people, too, hence all this excess mortality.
          1. +18
            10 February 2022 13: 00
            "medical-nursing rates" - the payment of these rates in the Russian Federation is simply ridiculous, who will go to such hard work for such ridiculous money? How much does a nurse get? Pathetic 15-20 thousand rubles? This is at its best! For reference: a nurse / nurse in Germany (called in one common word Medizisches Pflegefachpersonal - medical professional nursing staff) receives a salary of 3000-4000 euros. This is the so-called net salary, after paying taxes and insurance. And the government, seeing the many times increased demand for this profession, also increases the salary by 2-3%, and the trade union knocks out even more, plus 1500 euros every six months for ice cream (covid bonus) Feel the difference as they say! I'd rather not say anything about doctors' salaries. And I know what I'm writing about because I'm in the tank wink
      2. AB
        10 February 2022 09: 15
        A friend died of covid... So it's written. After talking with the doctors, it became clear that he died from an allergic reaction to treatment for covid which he did not have. Treated out of habit, without understanding. He had an asymptomatic pneumonia, which his grandmother brought into the house almost immediately after the second vaccination.
        A colleague's husband was hospitalized, they urgently began to treat him for covid. His wife made an incredible scandal so that he would be examined in a normal way. It turned out that he did not have covid but needed urgent heart surgery. And there are too many such cases in my personal field of vision. And since my field of vision is sooooo small, it's scary to think how much such game is going on everywhere.
        Something like this.
        Back in 2017-2018. in the suburbs, the death rate from pneumonia went through the roof. Doctors I know told me about it. And this death rate only grew from year to year. And without any viruses and pandemics, it would grow further. For me personally, before the pandemic, more friends and acquaintances died from pneumonia in a year than in a year of a pandemic.
        1. -3
          10 February 2022 10: 10
          For me personally, before the pandemic, more friends and acquaintances died from pneumonia in a year than in a year of a pandemic.

          According to you, during the pandemic, the death rate from pneumonia decreased?
          1. AB
            10 February 2022 10: 36
            Strange, but among the people whom I indirectly or directly know - yes! I don't know what to connect it with. I suppose that in connection with the pandemic, people began to take better care of themselves and increase their awareness of the signs of pneumonia, about the causes. The worst thing about the deaths of acquaintances before the pandemic is that approximately 9 out of 10 people saw a doctor and were treated for a common cold. The cause of death was determined after death. In 2018, I noticed that with any visit to the clinic, they began to drive me to Fluor. I asked the doctors I knew, and they said that now there is a very high mortality rate from pneumonia and the doctors from above began to fly over the top. This is where they moved.
      3. +5
        12 February 2022 00: 43
        I had Covid - I recovered in 4 days. I got sick on Friday and went back to work on Monday. My dad had Covid - a 74-year-old man who had cancer, chemotherapy and radiation. Dad defeated Covidla in 5 days, and then he was weak for a week. But our dentist, having received a vaccination and a booster, died after 2 weeks from pericarditis. The man was 50-55 years old. Thank you, give covid instead of vaccination.
    2. +51
      10 February 2022 06: 54
      The authorities have shown their true colors during the pandemic. Instead of helping people - a complete lie. And you tell me why we have reduced the cost of medicine in the new budget? And this is when the prices of everything have risen and the pandemic is raging.

      . Lack of doctors is now so large that students are attracted to work with patients

      But the security forces are more than enough. Such are the Kremlin's priorities. At the expense of the budget they live well - the bureaucratic corps and the security forces. The rest of the state employees are another lower level.

      .doctors' salaries have seriously increased due to the pandemic?

      For those who are not associated with the treatment of coronavirus, it has not grown.

      Medicine is gradually being transferred to paid rails. Really. It is no longer possible to get qualified help just by going to a free doctor. There are simply no specialized doctors for some, and there is a wild queue for the rest.
      1. -27
        10 February 2022 07: 22
        Not "from COVID-19", but "against the background of COVID-19". But writing down “death from covid” is much more convenient (it convinces people better) when you need to make ill-conceived, sometimes completely absurd decisions, which has been done from the very beginning of the pseudo-pandemic.

        You I'll see another conspiracy theorist. This is the second year of the epidemic in the world, wake up, open your eyes.
        1. +25
          10 February 2022 07: 49
          You I'll see another conspiracy theorist.
          You yourself open your eyes, re-read what I wrote and show where there is even a word about conspiracy theory? I do not deny the existence of covid, the presence of deaths from it, too. I'm talking about the fact that not all deaths recorded as "deaths from covid" are such. Someone dies just being the bearer of the "crown". Sometimes even mild or asymptomatic. It happens, yes. Fighter with antivaxers, damn it laughing
          And yes, you are our truth-seeker - it's coming third covidistery year
          1. -21
            10 February 2022 07: 57
            from the very beginning of the pseudo-pandemic.

            Here I copy your text. A global pandemic has been declared, you write "pseudo-pandemic". So everyone agreed logically?
            1. +10
              10 February 2022 08: 02
              So everyone agreed logically?
              Note that I didn't say that. laughing laughing laughing
            2. +14
              10 February 2022 13: 01
              Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
              Pandemic declared global

              Well, you can announce a lot of things, even though the onset of paradise on earth, only angels in the earthly heavens will not appear from that. So, an example for. As many, if not more, people die from tuberculosis every year than have died from covid all the time. Question. Where is the worldwide hysteria and the fight against the tuberpandemic? There is not? Think about the reasons for the absence.
        2. +31
          10 February 2022 09: 27
          Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
          You I'll see another conspiracy theorist.

          And what am I supposed to think when, in the midst of a so-called pandemic, health care costs are being cut, and this is against the backdrop of inflation, and against the backdrop of an inflated size of the National Welfare Fund?
          When Zhirinovsky, vaccinated 8 times, is on a ventilator, and I (unvaccinated) endure another Covid strain on my legs?
          1. -17
            10 February 2022 09: 41
            Am I (unvaccinated) carrying another strain of Covid on my legs?

            So is there a pandemic or not? How old are you dear? And why not vaccinated? Do you like to spread infection on your feet?
            1. +10
              10 February 2022 12: 22
              Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
              Do you like to spread infection on your feet?

              Ask Gunzburg a question why he is resting abroad in the midst of the so-called pandemic, and brings the infection from there. This is a fact that he personally confirmed.
              On the topic of the inconsistencies I have listed in the actions of the authorities during the period of the so-called pandemic, do you have something to answer, or are they not written to you in the training manuals? wink
              1. 0
                10 February 2022 12: 47
                On the topic of the inconsistencies I have listed in the actions of the authorities during the period of the so-called pandemic, do you have something to answer, or are they not written to you in the training manuals? wink

                No, they don't write. I absolutely disagree with the actions, or rather with the inaction of the authorities. Two million citizens returned from abroad at the beginning of the epidemic, and simply dispersed to their homes. The borders were not closed. With vaccination, in general, a wild story of some kind of persuasion, requests, pleas. We achieved that a mutated virus came and the question arose about the effectiveness of vaccines. I am more sympathetic to the experience of China and Vietnam in the fight against covid. And about Gunzburg, that he was afraid, he measured the level of antibodies, and he rushed off to rest. And if you get sick, you will be cured. You start with yourself, be higher.
                1. +6
                  10 February 2022 19: 46
                  Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
                  We achieved that a mutated virus came and the question arose about the effectiveness of vaccines.

                  About a month and a half ago, in the respected journal The Lancet, an article was published by 28 scientists, where it was undressed in some detail that it was the vaccination against Covid 19 that contributed to the mutation of the virus. And interestingly, 26 of these scientists are employees of the center. Gamaleya.
                  But on Central Television, this was somehow kept silent.
                  And as for persuasion and pleas, bring the legislation into line. And full responsibility for the consequences, and not voluntary consent to the signature palm off.
                  Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
                  You start with yourself, be higher.

                  You tell Zhirik about this. wink I have already been ill with this rubbish three times since the end of 2019. I have natural immunity, and it is definitely higher than from vaccination.
                  1. 0
                    10 February 2022 20: 12
                    I have already been ill with this rubbish three times since the end of 2019. I have natural immunity

                    How many more do you plan to get sick? I didn’t get sick with covid, my wife didn’t get sick, my parents, 70 years old, didn’t get sick either. Now they are under threat, thanks to you too. Thank you.
                    1. +1
                      10 February 2022 20: 37
                      Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
                      How many more do you plan to get sick? I didn't have covid

                      You just haven't been given a diagnosis. Like me. But the symptoms are the same.
                      1. -2
                        10 February 2022 21: 11
                        You just haven't been given a diagnosis. Like me. But the symptoms are the same.

                        The giraffe is big, he knows better ....
                      2. +4
                        10 February 2022 21: 33
                        The giraffe has nothing to do with it. And logic, and critical thinking. The vaccine against covid does not protect against infection at all, as virologists say, it facilitates the course of the disease and reduces the likelihood of complications.
                        How am I a threat to your parents if the chance of getting sick is the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated?
                        So if you want, then at least cut yourself off like Zhirik, but don’t bother me, and don’t make yourself guilty if the vaccine doesn’t help you. Ask Gunzburg and Popova questions.
                      3. +1
                        11 February 2022 04: 13
                        it, as virologists say, facilitates the course of the disease, and reduces the likelihood of complications.

                        To put it mildly, a little lie.
                        A month ago, my wife and I and our friends, also a husband and wife, fell ill at the same time. They were vaccinated. Almost bent over. My wife and I, not vaccinated, suffered like a common cold. A week later, the tests were already negative. And this, according to the diagnosis of doctors, was the same omicron.
                        So, pouring this slurry into yourself is only accelerating mutations and digging your own grave.
                        By the way, there is no effective treatment, namely treatment. They brought all sorts of nonsense, such as arbidol - get treated.
                      4. 0
                        11 February 2022 16: 08
                        Quote from Alex
                        And this, according to the diagnosis of doctors, was the same omicron.

                        What is the diagnosis based on?
                      5. +1
                        11 February 2022 16: 28
                        Based on the tests taken and specific symptoms, both the development of the disease and its course.
                      6. 0
                        11 February 2022 17: 07
                        In this case, only analyzes are important. The trouble is that understanding people say that in Russia there are no necessary tests in ordinary hospitals.
                        Specific symptoms... Headache, fatigue, etc.? laughing
                      7. 0
                        11 February 2022 17: 26
                        Yeah. And not only the head. Spontaneous dental, articular .. Plus, sorry, from the crustacean and something else, I already forgot what the doctor was paying attention to. Tests were positive twice. By the way, the doctor said that the strain can be determined without problems according to the tests.
                      8. -1
                        13 February 2022 21: 35
                        So did you have everything? And srachka and teeth ached and something else there? In general, wherever you poke your finger, it hurts everywhere? Or maybe just a broken finger? Did you show the surgeon? wink
                        Quote from Alex
                        By the way, the doctor said that the strain can be determined without problems according to the tests.

                        Liar is your doctor. Still, the strains would not be determined if the salary depends on it.
                      9. +1
                        14 February 2022 11: 10
                        So you, I see, are from covid-dissidents)))
                        The salary of a polyclinic doctor has long ceased to depend on the number of diagnoses "kavidlo")) It was in the first wave that everyone was eager to get cabbages and pay off the mortgage. Then the freebie passed.
                      10. -1
                        14 February 2022 13: 54
                        Quote from Alex
                        So you, I see, are from covid-dissidents)))

                        Labeling and dividing society into covid dissidents, covid idiots, antivaxers and other grays is one of the tasks of all this hysteria.
                        Quote from Alex
                        The salary of a polyclinic doctor has long ceased to depend on the number of diagnoses "kavidlo")

                        Of course it doesn't, but clinics don't really work.
                        Quote from Alex
                        Then the freebie passed.

                        Of course passed. They give a sick leave for a week, no isolation for contacts - all the epidemics are gone. They simply cannot admit it out loud, because the question will arise, what was it? Again, vaccines can be traded for foreign currency, but masks can be pushed for rubles. The Moscow government, RDIF and others are trying to recapture the loot...
                      11. -1
                        15 February 2022 09: 50
                        I absolutely agree!))) Although I was ill, I'm not going to expand. And I don’t store Arbidol for this case))) Influenza, it is also influenza in Africa. And you can call it whatever you like.
            2. +9
              10 February 2022 14: 51
              Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
              So is there a pandemic or not?

              It seems like it is. But the question of vaccinations and the adjustment of mortality "from covid" is doubtful. EpiVac, in general, turned out to be ineffective, and even harmful.
              Today, another record is 197 thousand infected, although 50-60% of the population have already been vaccinated.
              The vaccinated Zhirik is under a ventilator. A grafted Putin communicates with guests no closer than 5-10 meters.
              1. -2
                10 February 2022 15: 51
                EpiVac, in general, turned out to be ineffective, and even harmful

                I perfectly endured EpiVac on August 8, 2021, in my 40s
                and all my relatives, friends, friends of friends and acquaintances, over 5000 people
                1. +6
                  10 February 2022 16: 10
                  Quote: Romario_Argo
                  all my relatives, friends, friends of friends and acquaintances, over 5000 people

                  Wow! However, it is not possible to verify the veracity of this information. I wonder how you checked all these 5000 people? Too dubious. Who, then, is infected with almost 200 thousand per day, if your 5000 friends are all right?
                  1. -8
                    10 February 2022 16: 18
                    The Ministry of Health has suspended the purchase of vaccines. An artificial deficit is created.
                    Thrown information about the increase in the incidence.
                    We are in Russia.
                    Kholyava is good and no matter how necessary, maybe someday - later.
                    And the deficit is already critical
                    Today, approximately 84% of the population of the Russian Federation has been vaccinated and revaccinated
                    122 out of 640
                    150 people are vaccinated daily
                    1. +4
                      10 February 2022 16: 37
                      Quote: Romario_Argo
                      Thrown information about the increase in the incidence.

                      You wrote that on the contrary - they underestimate.
                      Quote: Romario_Argo
                      And the deficit is already critical

                      Do you mean stimulation of vaccination? Like - since there are not enough vaccines, then people will rush for vaccinations? What for? If 84% according to your data are already vaccinated.
                      1. -7
                        10 February 2022 16: 41
                        we restore the system of vaccination and revaccination as in the days of the USSR
                    2. +3
                      10 February 2022 19: 51
                      Quote: Romario_Argo
                      Today, approximately 84% of the population of the Russian Federation has been vaccinated and revaccinated

                      Before writing nonsense, you went to the website of the Ministry of Health or Rospotrebnadzor or something ....
                    3. +2
                      10 February 2022 21: 21
                      122 out of 640
                      150 people are vaccinated daily

                      70,7 million people vaccinated two components of vaccines on February 9.
              2. +4
                11 February 2022 16: 12
                Quote: Hyperion
                Today, another record is 197 thousand infected, although 50-60% of the population have already been vaccinated.

                Do you know that omicron from Africa was transported around the world exclusively by vaccinated people, because the unvaccinated have not been allowed on international flights for a long time? That's all you need to know about covid vaccinations.
                1. 0
                  11 February 2022 16: 27
                  Quote: bot.su
                  That's all you need to know about covid vaccinations.

                  Vaccines designed against some strains seem to fail against others. And even contribute to the emergence of these new strains.
            3. 0
              12 February 2022 01: 09
              So is there a pandemic or not?
              There is no official "pandemic", and by the way, in a real pandemic, no one in their right mind will engage in mass vaccination ....
        3. +13
          10 February 2022 12: 47
          Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
          You I'll see another conspiracy theorist.

          No one will now deny the fact of the world influence of the United States, transnational monopolies and super billionaires, this is the theme of world government, hardly a reason for irony.

          There is a good phrase by Charles Baudelaire, - "The devil's greatest trick is to convince you he doesn't exist.".
          Here you can think about who is the opponent of the "conspiracy theory", who is trying to make a mockery of this and why.

          Covid-19 could only be created in a laboratory. Who, where and when did it is known. So, who needed it, and who should answer for it before the world?
      2. +18
        10 February 2022 07: 34
        1. In order to form the composition of doctors in newly built or repurposed covid hospitals, an equal number of simple hospitals were "optimized", in regional centers they were enlarged (consider left without narrow specialists) in small towns and villages - closed. That is, under the guise, we carried out the next stage of optimization.
        2. The task of raising salaries is not removed, because the reduction of medical personnel takes into account inflation, that is, the official inflation is 8,5%, and since the salary fund either remains at the same level or is reduced, the number of medical workers will be reduced by exactly 8,5% in 2022. Pure mathematics. The head physician is not a businessman - he will not give birth to money.
        3. The reduction in the population is equal to the reduction in health workers, as, for example, in any small town or district, since the funding is per capita. BUT, an increase in the population is not a reason to increase the number of doctors, this can be seen in the example of the Moscow Region or the Krasnodar Territory. Where, even with an increase in population, the number of public medical institutions is declining. This is also the optimization of public spending.

        What is the conclusion? Do not get sick, save money for illnesses, go to more social countries. Well, or a little patience and die. And do not strain the Ministry of Health, PFR, FMS, FSS.
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. +32
          10 February 2022 08: 35
          Quote: EvilLion
          Sit in Kievisho and don't crow about Russia.

          The fasteners have one mantra - about Kuev. fool Zhirinovsky, not in Kueva, but in Russia, was vaccinated 6 times, incl. on camera and now lies in the Central Clinical Hospital in serious condition, covid with 50% lung damage. In my opinion, this is a vivid example of the state of medicine, and if not in the Central Clinical Hospital, but somewhere in the castle hospital, they put them ?? belay The boomerang went straight back into the system...or into the system...
          1. -13
            10 February 2022 10: 57
            Quote: Pilot
            Quote: EvilLion
            Sit in Kievisho and don't crow about Russia.

            The fasteners have one mantra - about Kuev. fool Zhirinovsky, not in Kueva, but in Russia, was vaccinated 6 times, incl. on camera and now lies in the Central Clinical Hospital in serious condition, covid with 50% lung damage. In my opinion, this is a vivid example of the state of medicine, and if not in the Central Clinical Hospital, but somewhere in the castle hospital, they put them ?? belay The boomerang went straight back into the system...or into the system...

            Make a fool pray and he will hurt his forehead ... I'm talking about Zhirinovsky. And the liberals ... one thing, the worse the country, the happier they are.
      4. +5
        10 February 2022 09: 04
        Yes, we don’t have so many security officials, at least in the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a serious understaffing, combat units are completely reduced due to the fact that no one comes to the service for a long time
        1. +10
          10 February 2022 09: 29
          Quote: V is for B
          Yes, we don’t have so many security officials, at least there is an understaffing in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

          The National Guard, however, has not been deprived of attention.
          1. 0
            10 February 2022 20: 25
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            The National Guard, however, has not been deprived of attention.

            In fairness, but the growth of the WG also happened because of the vohravtsy. 0 sense from them.
        2. AUL
          10 February 2022 09: 53
          Quote: V is for B
          combat units are completely reduced due to the fact that no one comes to the service for a long time

          What, were there cases when somewhere there were not enough guardsmen?
          1. +4
            10 February 2022 14: 44
            And I'm not talking about them, as the captain says, the obvious, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the cardinal's guards, these are two different differences.
        3. +18
          10 February 2022 11: 32
          Quote: V is for B
          Yes, we don’t have so many security officials, at least in the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a serious understaffing,

          Poor things. Of the 4,5 million security forces, only about 1 million are the army. The remaining 3,5 million - for domestic use. Let me remind you that the total strength of the Red Army on the eve of the Battle of Stalingrad was 5,5 million people.
          1. +1
            10 February 2022 23: 55
            Quote: Pushkar
            Let me remind you that the total strength of the Red Army on the eve of the Battle of Stalingrad was 5,5 million people.

            Where did you get such a figure from, may I ask?
        4. +19
          10 February 2022 13: 07
          Quote: V is for B
          Yes, we don’t have so many security officials, at least in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

          1.6 times less than in China, for example. And if you take per capita, then 6 times more. And if, in this situation of forces, there are still few policemen .... Then something is very much wrong, with the governing power structures.
      5. +15
        10 February 2022 10: 11
        Medicine is gradually being transferred to paid rails. Really. It is no longer possible to get qualified help just by going to a free doctor.

        - Hello, free doctor!
        - Hello, terminally ill!
        1. +9
          10 February 2022 13: 24
          Quote: glory1974
          Hello Free Doctor!
          Here you can only add - "It is difficult in treatment - it is easy in a coffin" ...
      6. +25
        10 February 2022 10: 24
        Medicine is gradually being transferred to paid rails

        That's interesting - in the country there is an epic zheppa, medical care to the population, in fact, simply ceased to be provided. Due to the lack of doctors in the right quantities. And this is a real disaster. In his best.

        But - all cities are simply studded with paid medical centers. In which there are no queues, because the people simply do not have money for them. If this has already fallen on us, why not oblige payers to accept at least some of the patients under compulsory medical insurance? Under the threat of license revocation in case of refusal? After all, it could be great to unload the system - most of the doctors fled there?

        But - nobody needs it, because private property and loot are sacred. This is not why medicine was reformed. And in order to remove any obligations to the population from the state, so as not to interfere with focusing on the main thing - squeezing money ..

        Then the question is - why the hell do we need such a state? If it doesn't owe us anything, why do we owe it anything?
        1. -13
          10 February 2022 14: 34
          "But - all the cities are simply studded with paid medical centers. In which there are no queues, because the people simply do not have money for them." - If they are bumped, then the demand for paid medical services among the population is not small, and there is an electronic queue on a specific day, a specific time, there is no flea market for this.
      7. +1
        12 February 2022 00: 44
        Welcome to capitalism and democracy. The invisible hand of the market will regulate everything. And as your Gaidar said - who will die - to hell with them, then they did not fit into the market. Guys, you wanted capitalism so much, you jumped for vouchers so much, you repeated “exposures” and “breaking the covers” so howlingly, you participated in pouring mud on the USSR with such inspiration that you yourself asked for what you got.
    3. +22
      10 February 2022 09: 54
      Let's call what is happening the right words - what is happening in medicine is a real genocide of the population, carried out by enemies of the people. And apparently - despite the catastrophic losses, the native guarantor of the type is quite satisfied with the reform and is not going to change anything. As well as helping people affected by senseless lockdowns.

      Hence the logical conclusion - he is not interested in anything other than the dough squeezed out of the country. That's all we need to understand about the current government.
    4. -5
      10 February 2022 11: 08
      Here you are wrong, servants mret- bad for business! For every slave pays taxes, even if he does not work anywhere!
      1. +9
        10 February 2022 11: 36
        Quote: Clever man
        every slave pays taxes

        But then he will have to pay a pension ...
        1. +13
          10 February 2022 12: 03
          Pha)) 70% of the servants will not live to see retirement! And he pays tax on salary, contributions to the pension fund, NDSK in stores, excise taxes on benz, vodka, whitefish, etc., etc. sooo profitable ork from the point of view of the state
      2. +10
        10 February 2022 14: 58
        Quote: Clever man
        servants mret- bad for business!

        No problem. Guest workers will be brought in. The other day, 120 migrants were granted amnesty.
    5. 0
      10 February 2022 11: 57
      in 55 regions of the country, planned medical events were sent "in lockdown" for a period of a month to uncertainty

      You may be confusing cause with effect. I have 2 times faced with the closure of hospitals for a month for the so-called preventive measures, but this happened not because someone was playing it safe, but because in these hospitals there were massive infections of staff and patients with covid and it simply could not function normally.
    6. -1
      10 February 2022 14: 37
      Not "from COVID-19", but "against the background of COVID-19".

      in general, this is an "unrecognized" biological weapon, so it would be strange if the mortality rate was minimal
      statistics are underestimated as much as they can
      1. +4
        10 February 2022 15: 05
        Quote: Romario_Argo
        statistics are underestimated as much as they can

        For what? If this is a consequence of "biological weapons", then you need to take action, and not hide your head in the sand.
        1. -1
          10 February 2022 15: 38
          in politics, everything is not always as straightforward as we would like
          maybe a semblance of truth and shoot through in 50 years
          1. +4
            10 February 2022 15: 58
            If, in your opinion, there is a biological threat, then it must be identified and dealt with, and not learn the "truth" in 50 years.
            1. -1
              10 February 2022 16: 03
              I understand you, but such is the regulation of our Foreign Ministry and special services
              1. +3
                10 February 2022 16: 19
                What does the Foreign Ministry and special services have to do with it? It is the task of the Ministry of Health to fight the pandemic. Here and now. Why in March 2020, when the number of infected was two orders of magnitude less, was a lockdown introduced, but not now? Do they want to hurt the economy? But even hundreds of thousands of sick people are not good for the economy.
                Cancel the 200 rubles for the "treatment of a covid" and introduce criminal liability for a false diagnosis, and you will be surprised how the "epidemic" suddenly disappears, and many "covid" sufferers will again become ordinary colds, flu sufferers, hypertensive patients and other ordinary patients.
                1. -2
                  10 February 2022 16: 21
                  What does the Foreign Ministry and special services have to do with it?

                  at the same time. also the Ministry of Defense
                  1. 0
                    10 February 2022 16: 39
                    Even more interesting (and more confusing) ... It turns out that the ministries and departments know about the threat, but hide it from the population? Some nonsense. Considering that a significant part of the people are already distrustful of all this fuss with covid.
                    1. -6
                      10 February 2022 16: 43
                      Considering that already a significant part of the people with distrust

                      3% is 4 million - this is a downy in re-education
                      soon they will change their shoes - or we will shoot laughing
                      1. -3
                        10 February 2022 16: 53
                        Quote: Romario_Argo
                        3% is 4 million

                        3% are those who have not yet been vaccinated. And how many of those who were vaccinated so as not to lose their jobs or not to be limited in their ability to move around the country?
                        Almost half of Russians (45,6%) will never be vaccinated against coronavirus, regardless of whether this vaccine is Russian-made or foreign, according to the study.

                        - It was in 2020. At the moment they were vaccinated, but voluntarily and consciously?
                      2. -8
                        10 February 2022 16: 58
                        How many of those who...

                        here we quietly clean our brains from all the garbage of social networks
                        ways? - we have no options
                        but voluntarily and consciously?

                        it doesn't matter - national security (!)
                      3. +5
                        10 February 2022 17: 09
                        Quote: Romario_Argo
                        here we quietly clean our brains from all the garbage of social networks

                        By threatening to be fired? That's not how brains are cleaned. And the promotion of vaccination, it must be admitted, failed. So much conflicting information fell out on the heads of people, which naturally caused confusion and vacillation.
                        Quote: Romario_Argo
                        national security

                        National security is very convenient to cover the highly profitable pharmacological business. Yes, and much more too.
                      4. -7
                        10 February 2022 17: 16
                        And the promotion of vaccination, it must be admitted, failed.

                        84% of required 60%
                      5. +3
                        10 February 2022 17: 20
                        Quote: Romario_Argo
                        84% of required 60%

                        Vaccination carried out, but its propaganda failed. Only when they began to threaten with layoffs did the people go for vaccinations.
                        And yet I would like to understand - is that official number of infected people - is it underestimated or overestimated? And why so many, if the necessary 60% is obtained?
                      6. -5
                        10 February 2022 17: 24
                        Only when they began to threaten with layoffs did the people go for vaccinations.

                        I have an accounting and construction company - there was nothing about what you write about
                        I am a flexible and loyal employer. All my business acquaintances didn't notice anything like that.
                        salaries are all in white crying example: from 100 rubles, 000% of taxes to the budget of 43,2 rubles.
                        Getting sick is not a problem. sick leave is paid by the FSS, the decree is the same topic.
                        You just don't know
                        no vaccination - so there is a withdrawal
                      7. +3
                        10 February 2022 17: 40
                        Your company is not the whole of Russia yet. Or will you say that nowhere in the Russian Federation they were forced to be vaccinated under the threat of dismissal?
                        And what about the number of infected? Are they lying? By how much should official data be divided or multiplied?
              2. 0
                10 February 2022 18: 55
                So these are not our Foreign Ministry and special services
    7. +2
      10 February 2022 21: 02
      A woman I know got sick with covid last year. I must say, I became seriously ill, despite the vaccination. She was in the hospital with a complication. My husband became ill a couple of days after she was admitted to the hospital. Before that, he was quarantined .... They take him away too ... Well, they also begin to treat him as a contact. He had a PCR negative. In general, it was not clear how they treated, they prescribed incomprehensible procedures, including gastric lavage ... The result - he died of appendicitis ....
    8. 0
      12 February 2022 05: 13
      In 2021, our country lost 2,45 million people, which is a record for the entire post-Soviet period.

      With a population of 145 million, the annual decline is 2 million. By 2100, with such a trend, there will be a complete ethnic replacement of the state-forming nation. A new one will come, with its own culture, traditions, self-determination and self-name.
      And another name will be added to the list of disappeared empires, and a couple of dry lines in the history books of other countries.
      The wheel of history is relentless.
  2. +12
    10 February 2022 04: 56
    from October 2019 to October 2021, the growth was only 15,6%.

    May 2012 decrees - salary of doctors - 2 average salaries for the economy of the region.
    Nobody remembers this anymore.
    1. +9
      10 February 2022 07: 06
      Quote: Khryundy Kabanovich
      May decrees 2012 - salary of doctors - 2 average salaries for the economy of the region

      My wife is a doctor. So less than the average gets. The average is now 55 thousand rubles.
      1. +5
        10 February 2022 07: 29
        The majority of the people believe in TV and believe that doctors (and teachers) receive a large salary.
        1. AUL
          10 February 2022 16: 27
          Quote: Khryundy Kabanovich
          Most people believe in TV

          People have long believed their refrigerator, not TV. Fools have died out already!
      2. 0
        10 February 2022 09: 32
        Quote: Stas157
        My wife is a doctor.

        At the same time, in Finland, the average salary of doctors exceeds 3500 €, and nurses 3050 €.
        Correctly, Ivashov indicated everything in the letter. hi
        1. -5
          10 February 2022 11: 01
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          Quote: Stas157
          My wife is a doctor.

          At the same time, in Finland, the average salary of doctors exceeds 3500 €, and nurses 3050 €.
          Correctly, Ivashov indicated everything in the letter. hi

          And what did you indicate the salary in Finland? These numbers don't mean anything. For how much from that salary after the payment of all taxes and the purchase of the most necessary.
          1. +7
            10 February 2022 11: 41
            Quote: Alexey Sedykin
            how much from that salary after paying all taxes and buying the bare necessities.

            Really some miserable 2000 euro?!?!
            1. +2
              10 February 2022 11: 51
              Quote: Pushkar
              Quote: Alexey Sedykin
              how much from that salary after paying all taxes and buying the bare necessities.

              Really some miserable 2000 euro?!?!

              Inquired about the price of honey. services in Finland, here's what I saw:

              The cost of medical services for 2020

              Name of honey. services Prices in euro
              Initial consultation of a specialist 50-200
              Removal of a malignant tumor from 12
              Removal of a herniated disc 5000-6000
              Urinalysis 30
              Determining the level of sugar in the blood 35
              Mastectomy 10 500-15 000
              Childbirth 7000-9000
              Biopsy from 2000
              ECG 200
              KT 400-1000
              MRI 500-1500
              Ultrasound 150-600
              Mitral valve replacement from 30
              Postoperative care 200 per day
              Tooth extraction 150-250

              1. It is now clear where the salaries come from.
              2. It is clear that the country is "expensive".
              3. There are no such prices in the Russian Federation, as far as I know. And the ambulance generally does an ECG for free tongue
              1. +5
                10 February 2022 11: 56
                Quote: Repellent
                Inquired about the price of honey. services in Finland, here's what I saw:

                You write garbage.

                medical services for citizens and permanent residents of Finland are practically free. Almost all treatment costs are reimbursed from the state budget. Insulin and other medicines needed for chronic diseases, as well as for the treatment of seriously ill patients at home, are free for Finnish citizens
                1. -1
                  10 February 2022 11: 59
                  Quote: Liam
                  Bullshit you write

                  Not us, but you laughing
                  Feel free to go to the link I provided, everything is described in detail there.
                  By the way, the phrase you quoted is also there.


                  Quote: Liam
                  you writeиthose

                  You draw, you draw, you will be credited,
                  I'll explain later what I don't understand...

                  "G" - literacy Yes


                  Quote: Liam
                  Almost all treatment costs are reimbursed from the state budget

                  Which of my statements (1 - 3) refutes this?
                  1. +5
                    10 February 2022 12: 22
                    ))) How many of you are here .. illiterate website figures of manipulators ...

                    Medicine in Finland is free for everyone. Those who do not want to be treated free of charge in state medicine can go to a private clinic and pay at the above rates
                    1. -3
                      10 February 2022 12: 42
                      Quote: Liam
                      illiterate website figures manipulators

                      Are you contacting me now? You are in vain.

                      Once again: the link to the article is available, it is free. And everything is very detailed there.

                      The fact that medicine is "free" for the client does not mean that it is "free" for the budget. Any objections?
                      Prices for honey I brought services, PMSM, this is enough to understand where it comes from a salary.

                      That's all. The article is at your service, and there is no need ... to aggravate laughing hi
                      1. +4
                        10 February 2022 12: 58
                        Quote: Repellent
                        The fact that medicine is "free" for the client does not mean that it is "free" for the budget. Any objections?

                        You do not understand elementary things. When medicine is free (that is, financed from the budget), then everything is free - both the hospital and the diagnostic center. And their prices do not matter to each other. This money comes from the state budget and is returned there. Neither the hospital nor the center they are not engaged in commercial activities, they do not have an income and expense item. This is just a transfer of money from one state pocket to another. With the exception of employee salaries, of course
                      2. -4
                        10 February 2022 13: 14
                        Quote: Liam
                        You don't understand basic things

                        Not us, but you laughing

                        Quote: Liam
                        free all-and hospital and diagnostic center

                        For client. But not for the budget.

                        Quote: Liam
                        Neither the hospital nor the center is engaged in commercial activities, they have no income and expenses

                        Oh is it? The hospital is private (if you want - refute wink ), and everything is grown-up there: from equipment depreciation to renting a room + a communal apartment ... Well, of course,

                        Quote: Liam
                        employee salaries

                        what about without them.

                        And so - the order of salaries is known. The order of prices for services (I repeat, it doesn’t matter if their specific Finn pays, or the budget for him) is also known one matches the other... I just don’t understand why you are killing yourself here? Everything seems to be clear now Yes

                        Quote: Liam
                        this money comes from the state budget and returns there

                        belay This is bullshit, sorry.
              2. +5
                10 February 2022 11: 59
                Quote: Repellent

                Inquired about the price of honey. services in Finland, here's what I saw:

                Did you consider medical insurance? Although not all, but most of the costs are compensated. In addition, there are social programs and sickly ones. At least, I have not seen Finns-guest workers in Russia.
                1. -5
                  10 February 2022 12: 14
                  Quote: Pushkar
                  Did you consider medical insurance? Although not all, but compensates for most of the costs

                  Ufff... you are heavy...

                  Once again: I have never stated that local medicine is unbearable for local Finns.
                  I said that services are not cheap, where does the salary come from those who provide these services. And who exactly pays them - whether a "physical" Finn, or the state - in this sense, it does not matter.

                  Objections, suggestions, additions?
                  1. +4
                    10 February 2022 12: 20
                    Quote: Repellent
                    Once again: I have never stated that local medicine is unbearable for local Finns.

                    So it's all for visitors? Well, our reception is not free for visitors.
                    1. +3
                      10 February 2022 12: 23
                      Quote: Pushkar
                      So it's all for visitors?


                      If interested, follow the link. If you just pester - go through the forest.

            2. -12
              10 February 2022 12: 02
              Quote: Pushkar
              Quote: Alexey Sedykin
              how much from that salary after paying all taxes and buying the bare necessities.

              Really some miserable 2000 euro?!?!

              Did I ask you? If you have nothing to say on the case, then walk past.
              1. +8
                10 February 2022 12: 24
                Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                Did I ask you?

                Forgive me, the wretched gentleman, did not immediately recognize.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. -8
                  10 February 2022 17: 41
                  Quote: Pushkar
                  Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                  Did I ask you?

                  Forgive me, the wretched gentleman, did not immediately recognize.

                  And with humor, too, you suck.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. +1
                    12 February 2022 05: 18
                    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                    And with humor, too, you suck.

                    And you have upbringing.
          2. +8
            10 February 2022 13: 43
            Quote: Alexey Sedykin
            For how much from that salary after the payment of all taxes and the purchase of the most necessary.

            Much more than we have before paying taxes and buying at least something. If it were the other way around, then the Finns would be the most numerous non-indigenous nationality in Russia, and not as it is now. When more Russians fled to Finland than any Arabs, Turks and Negroes combined. Yes
            1. -9
              10 February 2022 14: 45
              And Finland at one time fled from joining the USSR and idiotic Bolshevik communist experiments - that's why now there is such a standard of living, unlike the former republics of the USSR, where the standard of living is very low, even after 30 years after the collapse.
              1. +11
                10 February 2022 15: 02
                Quote: Vadim237
                And Finland at one time fled from joining the USSR and idiotic Bolshevik communist experiments - therefore

                Laponka. There were no communists in the tsar. However, for some reason, the standard of living there is thinner than in South Korea, where they also did not exist, and in China, where they are now. Yes, in general. And the poorest country in the world, and the vast majority of the ten poorest, are purely capitalist. Yeah.
                1. -11
                  10 February 2022 18: 53
                  And what does the Central African Republic have to do with it - I’m talking about Finland, which was part of Russia from the path of market relations and private property after 1917, it didn’t turn off, and all the rest turned off the final result, you can see who was on the horse and who was under the horse.
                  "And in China, where they are now" - Who are there in China now - communists with idiotic economic and social experiments that were in the USSR - there are none in China in general, in any country in the world, even in the DPRK there is its own business elite, despite all the ideas and principles of Juche. Here's to you Aga.
                  1. +4
                    10 February 2022 21: 16
                    Quote: Vadim237
                    And what does the CAR have to do with it - I'm talking about Finland

                    Well, you indicated that everything is wonderful in Finland, because there were no communists there? With which, by the way, sat in a puddle. There were. Not for long, but they were. But they were not born into the king. And according to your iron logic, the king should be much more prosperous than Finland. laughing
                    Quote: Vadim237
                    I'm talking about Finland, which was part of Russia

                    And then I would not get excited. Whether Finland was part of Russia is an extremely slippery question. Yeah.
                    Quote: Vadim237
                    communists with idiotic economic and social experiments that were in the USSR - there are none of them in China in general, in any country in the world, even in North Korea

                    Well, yes. It is a fact. For example, to hunt sparrows throughout the country, a rare perversion, for such a Chinese one must be. Yes
                    Would you like that. Less in history climbed. And then there are doubts. Have you seen the school from the inside, or only from the outside. laughing
            2. -6
              10 February 2022 17: 39
              Quote: Lannan Shi
              Quote: Alexey Sedykin
              For how much from that salary after the payment of all taxes and the purchase of the most necessary.

              Much more than we have before paying taxes and buying at least something. If it were the other way around, then the Finns would be the most numerous non-indigenous nationality in Russia, and not as it is now. When more Russians fled to Finland than any Arabs, Turks and Negroes combined. Yes

              And with tsifirki in any way? And then after all, I, too, can say a lot of things, only the words need to be supported with something more reliable.
              1. +8
                10 February 2022 17: 56
                Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                And with tsifirki in any way?

                The average salary in Finland is 3400 euros. Taxes on such a salary will be less than 500 euros. The balance is 2900+. What you have in the "most necessary" gets a mystery. If we remember that the products are not much more expensive than ours, and clothes and equipment will probably be cheaper. If only a bucket of vodka, a day, you are strongly required. Then yes. Then Finland is not for you. Alcohol is much more expensive there.
                Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                And then after all, I can also say a lot of things

                This I noticed. lol
                1. 0
                  10 February 2022 17: 59
                  By the way, zar. the board is not bad, even in TA it is competitive.
                  And with whom does Finland border?
                2. -9
                  10 February 2022 22: 16
                  Quote: Lannan Shi
                  Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                  And with tsifirki in any way?

                  The average salary in Finland is 3400 euros. Taxes on such a salary will be less than 500 euros. The balance is 2900+. What you have in the "most necessary" gets a mystery. If we remember that the products are not much more expensive than ours, and clothes and equipment will probably be cheaper. If only a bucket of vodka, a day, you are strongly required. Then yes. Then Finland is not for you. Alcohol is much more expensive there.
                  Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                  And then after all, I can also say a lot of things

                  This I noticed. lol

                  And the average is like we have one 7 thousand and the other 150 tons? And where does the tax data come from and does it include utility bills .... and yes, I completely forgot, do you know how to count? The tax deduction in Finland is 35% of the salary and this is only the tax, excluding utilities, and not the mythical 500 euros. If you don't know how to lie, don't take it.
                  1. +4
                    10 February 2022 23: 22
                    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                    And the average is like we have one 7 thousand and the other 150 tons?

                    Laponka ... The fortune of all Finnish billionaires barely reaches half of Timchenko's fortune. True, there are misunderstandings with the latter. Either he is the guarantor's best friend, or the Finn and the fifth column (according to his passport), or he is both a best friend, and a patriot of Russia, and the fifth column .. laughing
                    Only here is the coefficient of inequality among the Finns 27, against our 41. And this fact, the best friends of the guarantor, part-time citizens in the theory of the EU, which is unfriendly to us, does not affect this fact in any way. Yes
                    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                    And where does the tax data come from and does it include utility bills ...

                    The celebration started early. Friday tomorrow.
                    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                    Tax deduction in Finland 35% of wages

                    This is the tax finland website for you. Get enlightened. And so, briefly if. Finns have a progressive taxation system. The poor there pay less. And with our average salary, in Finland they wouldn’t take taxes from you at all. They would also pay benefits like a homeless person.
                    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                    If you don't know how to lie, don't take it.

                    You look at the tax website, and then repeat this phrase to the Kremlin media. Hanging out the spreading cranberries, on the topic of how well the dear scattered people live, and how miserable Finns live in misery. Yes
                    But in general, I'm tired. 1.5% of the population of Finland are Russians who fled from a well-fed life in Russia. But the citizens of Finland, bursting towards us, from Finnish poverty, somehow are not observed, and that says it all.
                    1. -7
                      11 February 2022 15: 16
                      Quote: Lannan Shi
                      Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                      And the average is like we have one 7 thousand and the other 150 tons?

                      Laponka ... The fortune of all Finnish billionaires barely reaches half of Timchenko's fortune. True, there are misunderstandings with the latter. Either he is the guarantor's best friend, or the Finn and the fifth column (according to his passport), or he is both a best friend, and a patriot of Russia, and the fifth column .. laughing
                      Only here is the coefficient of inequality among the Finns 27, against our 41. And this fact, the best friends of the guarantor, part-time citizens in the theory of the EU, which is unfriendly to us, does not affect this fact in any way. Yes
                      Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                      And where does the tax data come from and does it include utility bills ...

                      The celebration started early. Friday tomorrow.
                      Quote: Alexey Sedykin
                      Tax deduction in Finland 35% of wages

                      This is the tax finland website for you. Get enlightened. And so, briefly if. Finns have a progressive taxation system. The poor there pay less. And with our average salary, in Finland with you in general
                      But in general, I'm tired. 1.5% of the population of Finland are Russians who fled from a well-fed life in Russia. But the citizens of Finland, bursting towards us, from Finnish poverty, somehow are not observed, and that says it all.

                      Oh, how they got up, it became really nice. I love it when yours burns.
          3. +2
            11 February 2022 06: 05
            There is a good channel on YouTube "Yura pa pu", this is our former compatriot and a year ago he decided to count on a family of two people with a minimum salary. fee is all expenses. Food, taxes, housing, insurance, transport and he left the balance of 800 euros. Not every family has such a total income.
        2. -4
          10 February 2022 17: 28
          forgot to deduct taxes from the RFP
          1. 0
            10 February 2022 20: 42
            This is after direct taxes.
    2. -1
      10 February 2022 09: 08
      Yes, of course no one. Otherwise, you would not even have such a question.
  3. +36
    10 February 2022 05: 22
    Well, taking into account the fact that when the pandemic began, and hospitals were feverishly repurposed as covid centers, doctors had little choice - to change jobs, or to believe fairy tales about high salaries at a new job, Only 24 hours in a heavy and uncomfortable protective suit is not everyone was able to work. And, a former pediatric therapist, who suddenly became a surgeon or resuscitator, this is just a mockery of medicine! We did a lot of things not as it should, but just to report quickly, and therefore, as a result, we got morgues filled with corpses, patients lying right on mattresses on corridors ... Medicine is not a priority for this government, and therefore we have a mortality rate many times higher than the birth rate. I agree with the author, at such a pace, guest workers from Central Asia will soon become surgeons and cardiologists ...
    1. +22
      10 February 2022 05: 41
      We have an Uzbek pediatrician, when asked by his wife which institute he graduated from, he evasively answered, yes, there are few and there are few.
      1. +9
        10 February 2022 06: 24
        Quote: ASAD
        We have an Uzbek pediatrician,

        Almost all doctors and the management of the polyclinic are Uzbeks. Pravda is a manager from Western Ukraine.
    2. +8
      10 February 2022 06: 04
      We have a cancer patient in the district hospital, screaming at the whole hospital from pain. You tell the doctors to give her some painkillers, at least let her die peacefully. They just brush it off, there is nothing and never will be.
    3. +5
      10 February 2022 07: 44
      Medicine is not a priority for this government

      Education is also not a priority. And a lot more that.
      Albright\Thatcher\Rice (which is Condoleezza) is regularly commemorated with a kindly quiet word with a fake about "according to the estimates of the world community, it is economically feasible for only 15 million people to live in Russia" and "there can be no question of any world justice, as long as such a territory as Siberia, one country owns...".
      But in reality, something different happens.
      1. +3
        10 February 2022 12: 49
        Fair. In response to a question I recently asked about the role and place of the United Russia in the life of the country, in response I received minuses from the admirers of the system and a sharp (I would even say impudent) rebuff!
  4. +19
    10 February 2022 05: 36
    Golikova, ugh, Madame Arbidol, the devils have prepared a separate frying pan with a lid for you.
    1. +26
      10 February 2022 06: 07
      Well, yes, well, yes)) Who needed all this, do you know? What does the manual say about this? laughing

      1. +12
        10 February 2022 06: 20
        This is a photo from a recent award.
        1. -25
          10 February 2022 06: 39
          Decided to be surprised? Do you have an understanding about power groups? Did you manage the team? laughing
          1. +6
            10 February 2022 07: 21
            Well, it’s you who won’t be surprised by anything like that, you are advocating for all this here with all your hands and feet.
            ps I managed a small team, but groupings are not for me - I didn’t wear crimson jackets like some chameleons after shoulder straps .. winked
            1. -16
              10 February 2022 07: 24
              In your small team were there different subgroups, cabals?
          2. -10
            10 February 2022 11: 06
            Quote: Tank jacket
            Decided to be surprised? Do you have an understanding about power groups? Did you manage the team? laughing

            And why, after all, we have such a people, everyone is an expert in all areas.
            1. -8
              10 February 2022 14: 48
              Our people are multi-tools - Swiss knives - knowledge and skills for all occasions.
              1. -7
                10 February 2022 17: 48
                Quote: Vadim237
                Our people are multi-tools - Swiss knives - knowledge and skills for all occasions.

                I agree that no matter what, they understand everything ... though, as soon as you start to seek specifics, for some reason they immediately shed and silence. laughing
              2. +3
                10 February 2022 21: 45
                Quote: Vadim237
                Our people are multitools - Swiss knives - knowledge and skills for all occasions

                Vadik, this is how it is done in Russia. Here, take me - both in plumbing, and in electrics, and with the economy in trouble, and I can sew up a cut, and even take birth! tongue
          3. +10
            10 February 2022 12: 54
            Quote: Tank jacket
            Do you have an understanding about power groups?

            Wonderful Putin team! Whatever grouping you take, there is nowhere to put a stigma.
            1. -7
              10 February 2022 12: 55
              Wonderful comment from a typical layman bully
          4. +5
            10 February 2022 13: 49
            Quote: Tank jacket
            Decided to be surprised? Do you have an understanding about power groups? Did you manage the team?

            If you have groupings of caretakers and cleaners, they managed the enterprise .... Then this is called extremely simply - anarchy.
            1. -6
              10 February 2022 14: 52
              "Groups of caretakers and cleaners ran the enterprise .... "In the USSR, such guys ruled the state, though Mishka combine operator and communist builder Boris E - they "let us down" great
      2. +6
        10 February 2022 09: 11
        Order-bearers, how the beauty and pride of the country are warming. Hit them by the leg...
  5. +39
    10 February 2022 05: 36
    In my opinion, such mortality is not an accident, but the result of a natural policy of 30 years of national betrayal. This power can be characterized simply: “There is no such crime that capital will not commit for the sake of 300% profit.” If the state robs this territory, then spending on citizens, including on medicine, is lost profit, these are losses, which means that the yacht will be several centimeters shorter.
    Their profit is our death.
    And so it will be until we endure all this, until we regain our country and build a system where there will be no oligarchs, speculators and thieves - bourgeois as a class. And for this it is necessary to destroy the economic conditions for their existence - private ownership of the means of production, at least in the commanding heights of the economy.
  6. +34
    10 February 2022 05: 42
    A paradox! ... The "life" of doctors, military men, teachers is amazingly the same: "optimization", "mythical growth of something", "reports", two checkers per one working and everything rests on the last enthusiasts ...
    The availability of medicine is terrible! Legally, it is unrealistic for a working person to get to a doctor during working hours. Even if he "was asked for leave", then only Mr. Bourne will be able to pass the "obstacle course" of grandmothers and coupons. laughing ...The most acute problem is that there are very few doctors!
    The services of gods and goddesses from medical centers are not affordable. There, the atmosphere is like in the most elite restaurant: cognacs, sweets, five-figure bills, glamorous offices, a car parade, "sisters" ...
    ps According to the "box", Mr. Myasnikov will explain that in general they themselves are to blame for illnesses - you do not take care of yourself and their budget. wassat
    1. +2
      10 February 2022 06: 42
      Quote: samarin1969
      The services of gods and goddesses from medical centers are not affordable.

      I don’t know how it is in Muscovy, but in our province in medical centers there are ordinary doctors without a claim to divinity
      Quote: samarin1969
      Mr Myasnikov

      This citizen has a separate boiler
      1. -1
        10 February 2022 09: 13
        Or maybe a stake is better? In the boiler, it will be more convenient.
    2. +2
      10 February 2022 13: 59
      Quote: samarin1969
      According to the "box", Mr. Myasnikov will explain that in general they themselves are to blame for illnesses - you do not take care of yourself and their budget.

      Despite my acutely negative attitude towards the authorities .... There is a large share of homespun truth in this statement. I see Muscovites coming for the weekend to get some air. What do you think, how many of them ran a cross in the forest, came to the horizontal bar? In all the years that we moved to the village, I didn’t see a single one. But if we cross paths in the magician... Carts tinkle so melodiously Yes
      But my husband's cousin, who lives in non-rubber from birth, the sore somehow passed. Although there was a moment when he remained 1 out of 6 in the department. True, he is slightly sick, all over the head. If at work it hangs up to 10, then it can go to training at midnight. Here, apparently, the disease of the head saves from diseases of the body.
      So... I wouldn't take these words with hostility.
  7. +16
    10 February 2022 05: 50
    In the past 2021, our country lost 2,45 million people

    The country's leadership is doing a great job! The question is who gave her this task?
    1. 0
      10 February 2022 09: 37
      Quote: Dimy4
      The question is who gave her this task?

      Well, judging by how Putin implements the recommendations of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, everything is clear
  8. +25
    10 February 2022 06: 20
    It is difficult to characterize what is happening in our medicine, except for obscene language. I hear from the highest officials of the state about what amounts are thrown now to fight the same coronovirus and after that I see queues in polyclinics where people are forced to wait in line for DAYS to pass the test .... to see the state of the premises that are allocated under covid patients .... there are simply no normal words left ...
  9. +13
    10 February 2022 06: 30
    Russian health care, amazed by many years of optimization

    Russian health care, gobbled up by optimization. That's right.
  10. +8
    10 February 2022 06: 32
    From the author's article, we can conclude that in addition to the "optimization" of medicine, the low salary of medical professionals is to blame for excess mortality. personnel.
    To analyze the cause of excess mortality, it is necessary to take into account many factors, for example: gender, age, cause of death, place of residence, etc. It is necessary to compare the state of honey. service with other countries.
    Covid data.
    Belarus fell ill approx. 800000, 6200 deaths is 2,3%
    Moldova fell ill 475000, about 11000 deaths is 2.3%
    Russia fell ill 13300000 deaths approx. 340000 is 2,5%
    Ukraine fell ill 4400000 deaths 102000 is 2.3%
    Germany fell ill 12000000 deaths 120000 is 1,0%
    USA fell ill 80000000 deaths approx. 940000 is 1,7%
    Estonia fell ill 340000 deaths 2100 is 0.6%
    Lithuania fell ill 780000 deaths 8000 is 1,02%
    Romania fell ill 2500000 deaths 62000 is 2,5%
    Sweden fell ill 2400000 deaths 16000 is 0,6%
    Switzerland fell ill 2400000 deaths 13000 is 0,55%
    The global death rate is 1,4%.
    From the above data it follows that the level of medicine in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, etc. is 3,5-5 times lower than in Estonia and Sweden?
    Or is there something wrong with the numbers?
    Life expectancy, over the "favorable" years, increased due to the real successes made by medicine - early diagnosis, new drugs and methods of treatment, etc. But after this, optimization began, and when Covid "burst" these distortions affected there are no specialized beds and beds in general, there are no specialists, etc. for all countries.
    Now no one remembers the transferred planned operations and procedures, and these are real deaths of people.
    1. +17
      10 February 2022 07: 50
      Well, the numbers aren't entirely accurate. There are many times more people who have been ill with covid without being diagnosed in Russia. My brother had a temperature in the summer of 2020, they simply put ORVI. I went for a fee and did a CT scan, frosted glass on the lungs, a lesion of 2 percent in the resolution stage. In the summer of 2020, many young guys were taken away from work with a temperature, they were diagnosed with bronchitis (in summer at an air temperature of 35). Again, in the summer I lost my sense of smell, I didn’t even feel gasoline when I refueled. Here are the statistics for us.
      1. +1
        10 February 2022 11: 09
        Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
        Well, the numbers aren't entirely accurate. There are many times more people who have been ill with covid without being diagnosed in Russia. My brother had a temperature in the summer of 2020, they simply put ORVI. I went for a fee and did a CT scan, frosted glass on the lungs, a lesion of 2 percent in the resolution stage. In the summer of 2020, many young guys were taken away from work with a temperature, they were diagnosed with bronchitis (in summer at an air temperature of 35). Again, in the summer I lost my sense of smell, I didn’t even feel gasoline when I refueled. Here are the statistics for us.

        Well, in the summer, catch Bronchitis in a spit. And so you are right we have underestimated statistics.
    2. 0
      10 February 2022 09: 33
      The author of the article, citing data from Hopkins University research, did not mention some other conclusions from these studies, I specifically:
      "Studies also pointed to such negative consequences of lockdowns as an increase in unemployment, a decrease in the quality of the educational process, an increase in cases of domestic violence and drug overdoses. The number of deaths due to the latter increased in the United States between May 2020 and April 2021 by 28,5 % compared to the same previous period - up to 78 deaths. 
      The rate of domestic violence increased by 8,1%."
    3. +8
      10 February 2022 09: 45
      Belarus fell ill approx. 800000, 6200 deaths is 2,3%
      Moldova fell ill 475000, about 11000 deaths is 2.3%

      Nothing in the numbers is embarrassing???
      Maybe the rest should be counted?
      1. -2
        10 February 2022 10: 09
        I agree, Belarus was wrong 0,77%. Inattentively with prosoni drinks
        But Sweden has practically the same results and they did not introduce both lockdowns. Health systems are different and the results are identical.
        Worth pondering
      2. +1
        10 February 2022 10: 22
        Your truth. Belarus gets less than 1%.
        What kind of statistics are these?
        1. 0
          10 February 2022 11: 32
          In the USSR, mortality from seasonal influenza was around 1%, as in all other countries up to this so-called pandemic. As a rule, the elderly, diabetics and overweight people die from complications.
          There are WHO recommendations on how to count mortality from Covid. Here on it comes such a scatter laughing
          And so on average 1%, as before. No one differentiates mortality from nosocomial infections.
          1. +2
            10 February 2022 12: 35
            until this so-called pandemic.

            that is, you deny that there is a pandemic now. What then is it called?
            1. -1
              10 February 2022 12: 53
              You can call it a pandemic, but how did WHO know in March 2020 that it was a pandemic?
              1. 0
                11 February 2022 10: 27
                how did WHO know in March 2020 that it was a pandemic?

                I tend to believe that the pandemic was man-made. The newspaper "Arguments of the Week" consistently, with evidence, defends this point of view.
                1. 0
                  11 February 2022 15: 02
                  Hard to say. There is a lot of strangeness in this whole story, as well as selective contagiousness and numerous mutations.
                  It's hard to believe that nature did it laughing
                  But there is no evidence that this virus is man-made.
      3. +2
        10 February 2022 10: 41
        Well this is the Internet, you can vtyurit anything!
    4. +5
      10 February 2022 10: 18
      Life expectancy, over the "favorable" years, increased due to the real successes made by medicine - early diagnosis, new drugs and methods of treatment, etc.

      Life expectancy in our understanding, and in the understanding of Rosstat, are completely different things.
      I also thought that the average life expectancy is the average age of all the dead this year. Not!
      It turns out that, according to Rosstat, life expectancy is a probable value showing how many years a person born in this reference year will live. Here is such a statistic. That is, it really does not show anything.
    5. -1
      10 February 2022 11: 10
      Quote: ee2100
      From the author's article, we can conclude that in addition to the "optimization" of medicine, the low salary of medical professionals is to blame for excess mortality. personnel.
      To analyze the cause of excess mortality, it is necessary to take into account many factors, for example: gender, age, cause of death, place of residence, etc. It is necessary to compare the state of honey. service with other countries.
      Covid data.
      Belarus fell ill approx. 800000, 6200 deaths is 2,3%
      Moldova fell ill 475000, about 11000 deaths is 2.3%
      Russia fell ill 13300000 deaths approx. 340000 is 2,5%
      Ukraine fell ill 4400000 deaths 102000 is 2.3%
      Germany fell ill 12000000 deaths 120000 is 1,0%
      USA fell ill 80000000 deaths approx. 940000 is 1,7%
      Estonia fell ill 340000 deaths 2100 is 0.6%
      Lithuania fell ill 780000 deaths 8000 is 1,02%
      Romania fell ill 2500000 deaths 62000 is 2,5%
      Sweden fell ill 2400000 deaths 16000 is 0,6%
      Switzerland fell ill 2400000 deaths 13000 is 0,55%
      The global death rate is 1,4%.
      From the above data it follows that the level of medicine in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, etc. is 3,5-5 times lower than in Estonia and Sweden?
      Or is there something wrong with the numbers?
      Life expectancy, over the "favorable" years, increased due to the real successes made by medicine - early diagnosis, new drugs and methods of treatment, etc. But after this, optimization began, and when Covid "burst" these distortions affected there are no specialized beds and beds in general, there are no specialists, etc. for all countries.
      Now no one remembers the transferred planned operations and procedures, and these are real deaths of people.

      And let's compare these same countries in terms of vaccination of the population ... for a more reliable effect.
      1. 0
        10 February 2022 12: 54
        If someone wants to analyze and publish, I will be glad to read.
  11. +10
    10 February 2022 06: 38
    Obviously, we will see real attention to health problems only when there are no doctors left in Russia at all.
    And who works in private medical centers, the number of which has increased? .. It's simple, any whim for your money, there is money to cure, perhaps there is no money, I'm sorry.
    1. +2
      10 February 2022 07: 36
      Quote: parusnik
      And who works in private medical centers, the number of which has increased?

      The same doctors hired from the public sector work there. So it is already in the queue for paid clinics. Probably prices will go up soon.

      The unfortunate fact is that every year there are less and less hopes for free medicine. And there is not enough money to pay.
      1. -9
        10 February 2022 08: 15
        Do you even understand that paid centers exist only because the population is ready to pay for them?
        1. +8
          10 February 2022 08: 30
          Quote: EvilLion
          Do you even understand that paid centers exist only because the population is ready to pay for them?

          If the population has nowhere to go and does not get a free service, then you have to turn to a paid one.

          Who will voluntarily give money for what you can get for free, if you do not take into account a narrow layer of wealthy citizens?
          1. -3
            10 February 2022 11: 13
            Quote: Stas157
            Quote: EvilLion
            Do you even understand that paid centers exist only because the population is ready to pay for them?

            If the population has nowhere to go and does not get a free service, then you have to turn to a paid one.

            Who will voluntarily give money for what you can get for free, if you do not take into account a narrow layer of wealthy citizens?

            All around. For example, our rural ... why wait for a bus for half an hour for 50 rubles if you can go by taxi now for 70 rubles.
    2. 0
      10 February 2022 09: 17
      Yes, those who work in the state. They do not reproduce by budding. ))
  12. +9
    10 February 2022 06: 42
    In a country where the afterlife is more often mentioned, it cannot be otherwise. Yesterday I watched the film "Lovers" - 1969. Everything is there: death, betrayal, and the joy of life. There is no one thing - vulgarity. And this is not a beautiful propaganda picture. After all, now ask anyone what happened in Soviet Central Asia. He will only talk about corruption, about hostility towards the Russians. There was everything. But the bad things that happened before increased in such unthinkable proportions .. And all the good things decreased in such numbers. "At any time, this is the most important thing. Then the immune system will be at the proper height. And for everyone, the goal is to live for the sake of life."
    1. 0
      10 February 2022 08: 47
      Completely agree with you. And I advise everyone from time to time to listen to Timur Shaov’s discs “Return Optimism to the Creature” and “Prospects”.
  13. -9
    10 February 2022 06: 49
    As always. The "government plankton" sits on a "remote" basis, and the plebs (doctors, power engineers, housing and communal services. and others ... - work. And, everything went away with the children. Someone overate ravioli with a macron.
  14. +9
    10 February 2022 06: 50
    . By 1975, the USSR occupies the first place in the world in terms of the number of doctors and the provision of the population with them. The number of hospitals in 1 - 1940 thousand, in 14 - 1975 thousand. The number of hospital beds in 24 - 1940 thousand, in 790 - 1975 million. The number of hospital beds per 3 thousand inhabitants in the RSFSR in 10 - 1940, and in 40 - 1975.
    The number of doctors in the USSR in 1940 was 155 thousand; in 1975-850 thousand.
    Spending on health care in 1940 1 billion rubles in 1975 - 14 billion rubles.

    The number of hospital beds in the Russian Federation in 2019 per 10 thousand inhabitants is 78. How is it compared to 1975? The number of doctors in the Russian Federation for 2019 is 500 thousand - not all of them are still old-fashioned!

    1. -2
      10 February 2022 08: 01
      Quote: ivan2022
      Spending on health care in 1940 1 billion rubles in 1975 - 14 billion rubles.

      This is about the same money - in a commodity equivalent. So it is impossible to say that it has grown 14 times.
      In addition, by 1975 medicine itself had become more technologically advanced and costly. For example, fluorography did not exist in 1940 - and in 1975 it was mandatory and massive (and this is a huge consumption of silver for film).
      1. +7
        10 February 2022 08: 45
        I visited the State Archives. I read church parish books. I wanted to know the fate of relatives. Church in the neighboring village from 1860. Omsk region. After 3 hours of studying these books (the period took from 1900 to 1930), I completely forgot why I came and left in a terrible mood. Death fixed the church, the reasons are written “from diarrhea”, “from weakness”, “from a relative”, “from a cough”. The death rate of children just rolls over, the hair moves. I finally understood how they industrialized in the USSR, won the Great Patriotic War, went into space .... Of course, this sounds very scary, but only thanks to natural selection. And the old people of those years, who are now living to 98-95 years old, have become clear the same. Go to the archive, it's not difficult and not long. You will understand a lot.
        1. +3
          10 February 2022 13: 20
          Quote: alexddd
          It certainly sounds very scary, but only thanks to natural selection. And the old people of those years, who are now living to 98-95 years old, have become clear the same

          This is obvious even without an archive - the strongest survived.
          In the USSR, until 9 days in the 1970s, the fact of the birth of a baby weighing less than 1,5 kg was not registered. They were considered automatically unviable.
          And now they happily report - 0.4 kg came out !!!!
          Will the children of such a child be strong, not to mention himself? Yes, not really...
          And it's still going around....
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        10 February 2022 13: 25
        Quote: ivan2022
        Spending on health care in 1940 1 billion rubles in 1975 - 14 billion rubles

        Quote: your1970
        This is about the same money - in commodity terms

        I would not agree. The exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar in 1940 was approximately 5/1,
        and in 1970 - about 0.7 / 1. Prices for goods (for example, a suit in rubles in 1940 - 367 rubles, and in 1970 - 86 rubles) (http://www.opoccuu.com/tseny.htm) Let's compare them in dollars.
        In 1940 a suit in the USSR cost an average of 75 bucks, and in 1970 about 60 bucks. So in dollars, one, but in rubles, absolutely not. Thus, about "the same money" - hardly.
        You seem to have forgotten about the monetary reform, which increased the value of the ruble.
        1. 0
          10 February 2022 13: 41
          Quote: ort
          You seem to have forgotten about the monetary reform, which increased the value of the ruble.

          For starters -2 (!!!) reforms.
          If you count head-on - by zeros - then the equivalent of 14 billion in 1975 would be 1,4 trillion in 1940...
          Which of course is nonsense...
          By and large, even for a dollar, even for vodka, even for suits, even for tanks (the T-34 cost 420 in 000 - in 1940 the unfortunate MTLB was already more expensive) - it’s incorrect to count ...
          That is why I pointed out that
          Quote: your1970
          medicine by 1975 had become more technologically advanced and costly.

          In 1940, an ECG could be done to Stalin in the Kremlin, in 1975 - to anyone in the Central District Hospital .. And these are the costs of equipment and training of doctors, taking into account the size of the country.
          So it may well be that billion 1940 is more than 14 in 1975
          1. -1
            10 February 2022 15: 44
            Quote: your1970
            In 1940, an ECG could be done to Stalin in the Kremlin, in 1975 - to anyone in the Central District Hospital .. And these are the costs of equipment and training of doctors, taking into account the size of the country.

            Not the size of the country, but the size of the Kremlin.

            Quote: your1970
            If you count head-on - by zeros - then the equivalent of 14 billion in 1975 would be 1,4 trillion in 1940 ...
            Which of course is nonsense...

            Heh ... heh .... are you trying to present money issued after 1940 for exchange in 1961? This is exactly nonsense!
            Reform 1947 - For deposits in Sberbank, amounts up to 3 thousand rubles were also exchanged one for one, for deposits from 3 to 10 thousand rubles, savings were reduced by one third of the amount ......I mean, the denomination of the ruble has not changed.
            But according to the second reform, it has changed 10 times. So even here - not "nonsense", but 140 billion in 1940.

            Now, if the exchange rate of the ruble fell over time, as it is constantly falling now, then yes, the growth of investments in rubles would not speak of an increase in material support. In vain you try to extricate yourself and end up reversing time. Will not help.

            And lastly, back to the original one, it was about the fact that the number of hospitals, beds, has just increased. doctors. Expanding the possibilities of treatment. Just about the natural, "commodity" equivalent ....
            1. 0
              10 February 2022 17: 58
              Quote: ort
              In vain you try to extricate yourself and end up reversing time. Will not help.

              You do not agree that the ECG machine, ultrasound machine and X-ray room in 1975 were much more expensive - than a wooden tube-stethoscope in 1940 ???
              Well, consider it further - I do not mind ....
        2. -2
          10 February 2022 14: 57
          The dollar exchange rate in the USSR was always taken from the ceiling, since there was no open market economy, nor was there a convertible Soviet ruble for capitalist countries.
    2. -4
      10 February 2022 08: 13
      A hospital bed does not in any way characterize the quality of treatment, while the number of epidemics that require stupid mass hospitalization has, as it were, decreased significantly in the post-war years, which is why covidla has become a novelty for everyone.

      The qualitative growth of world medicine over the years, as it were, at times, if not orders of magnitude.
      1. +4
        10 February 2022 10: 34
        A hospital bed does not in any way characterize the quality of treatment

        this is one of the indicators. And it shows that the greater the number of beds per capita, the lower the mortality rate, including as a result of the covid pandemic.
    3. -6
      10 February 2022 09: 35
      Yes uzhzhzhzh ... And there is nothing to object, according to merit ...
  15. +12
    10 February 2022 06: 54
    I will add: Russia lacks more 50(!) thousand oncologists, reduced over 400 thousand(!) junior and secondary medical staff, the head physicians are responsible for staffing polyclinics and hospitals, the Ministry of Health and the ministries of health of the regions do not bear any responsibility for this. Until Golikova and Skvortsova stay in Kolyma, the mortality rate will not decrease.
    1. -21
      10 February 2022 08: 11
      It is not from Kievisho to judge what is lacking in Russia.
    2. -6
      10 February 2022 15: 02
      For such a large number of oncologists, the necessary working conditions are needed to create equipment centers and everything else costs trillions of rubles - at the click of a button to create all this, to attract, to train, it will not work, it takes a lot of time.
      1. 0
        10 February 2022 15: 46
        They were dispersed.
  16. +16
    10 February 2022 06: 55
    But enough to bore readers with digital arrays, let's turn to professionals to comment on the situation.

    And let's not turn to those professionals who counted us such a life expectancy that only raising the retirement age could save the country from economic collapse and ruin.
    Remember how life expectancy rose sharply before the adoption of pension reform? Do you think that she really grew up to a total of 73 years old? Do you believe that if we sum up the age of all the dead during the year and divide by their number, then we can get just such a figure? Or we will bring out such what it is necessary? For every thousand deaths in Russia, there are about 50 children. In twenty regions, men do not live to be 65 years old, and in four regions (Magadan Region, Perm Territory, the Republic of Tuva and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) it was below 60 years old ... Here's a simple mathematical problem for you: how to determine the average duration of 73 years with such indicators? How long do women (and men, too) have to live so that even 50 child deaths cannot break the statistics?
    Yesterday, the number of people infected with Covid “surfaced” - 1 !!! At the same time, 999 were hospitalized. Is this pandemic really so dangerous that 430 did not dare to be taken to hospitals, or out of the deployed 4 beds, only those that stand in the corridor remained?
    Let's continue, using our own ignorance and ignorance, to use the data of specialists with doubtful authenticity diplomas and figures taken from the ceiling ...
    I forced my wife to quit the clinic last year, where she received a salary of about 22 rubles instead of the 36 promised by Putin (the average for the region). Imagine that her pension with additional payments for "veterans" is about 000 thousand. What does it mean? How can you believe anything and expect any benefit from insurance medicine?
    According to official statistics, due to such care, the population of the Russian Federation has decreased by more than 2 people over the past two years ...
    1. +1
      10 February 2022 09: 38
      How not to remember, especially all these peppy grandmothers, grandfathers who both parachute and go to the bottom of the Mariana Trench without scuba gear, though where they have gone now is still a mystery to me.
    2. +3
      10 February 2022 10: 30
      Do you believe that if we sum up the age of all the dead during the year and divide by their number, then we can get just such a figure?

      Rosstat thinks differently. Life expectancy is a calculated value showing how long people born in a given year will live. That is, it is given for those born in 2021.
      It has nothing to do with reality.
      1. +1
        10 February 2022 10: 42
        Quote: glory1974
        It has nothing to do with reality.

        You know, somewhere I was already amazed at the Rosstat method of calculation ... This only means that in Russia every year it gets harder to find facts that correspond to reality, as well as to quote Nobel laureates who died half a century ago ...
        But we all know how long men actually live in Russia...
        Example, I have worked in the network area for over twenty years. During this time, out of the approximate number of workers (about 34), 24 craftsmen and 45 fitters died before they reached retirement, at the age of 3 to 6 (for various reasons) ... To date, four have survived (over 65 years old) . Two died a year or two after retirement...
        Here is such arithmetic ...
  17. severniykavckaz
    10 February 2022 07: 26
    So what!? Explanatory article!
  18. +25
    10 February 2022 07: 39
    I can say the following! Medicine in the area is being systematically destroyed! Here is an example. Came here from BAM 15 years ago. District hospital. There was a hospital, a therapist, a paramedic, an ambulance, a children's doctor, a laboratory, a physical office, an examination room, a dentist. Where is all this? The hospital was closed, there is no dentist, no therapist, no laboratory, no physical room, no examination room, now you need to call an ambulance from the area 40 km away. When I arrived, it was possible to call a doctor or a paramedic at an inopportune time at home, say at night, the doctors were on duty. Now this is not! And this is for 15 years! What is the life expectancy? Here are the results of effective managers!
    1. -20
      10 February 2022 08: 10
      Yes, yes, especially against the backdrop of endless paid honey. centers that exist only because the population has money. Already tired of your psychosis and fiction.
    2. -5
      10 February 2022 11: 18
      Quote: your vsr 66-67
      I can say the following! Medicine in the area is being systematically destroyed! Here is an example. Came here from BAM 15 years ago. District hospital. There was a hospital, a therapist, a paramedic, an ambulance, a children's doctor, a laboratory, a physical office, an examination room, a dentist. Where is all this? The hospital was closed, there is no dentist, no therapist, no laboratory, no physical room, no examination room, now you need to call an ambulance from the area 40 km away. When I arrived, it was possible to call a doctor or a paramedic at an inopportune time at home, say at night, the doctors were on duty. Now this is not! And this is for 15 years! What is the life expectancy? Here are the results of effective managers!

      And this is all because all the doctors ran away to paid medical centers. After all, there is more dough for them to love ... And these are not the children of officials and other celestials, but our relatives, acquaintances, neighbors or friends. But we do not notice our neighbors.
      1. 0
        11 February 2022 00: 59
        all doctors ran away to paid medical centers. After all, they love the dough more ..

        As if there was something wrong with that.
        If the state loses to private clinics in the level of salaries for doctors, then this is the problem of the state, not doctors and / or private clinics.
        And those very "villainous doctors" who "ran away to paid medical centers" have every right to freely choose their place of work, because. we have a free labor market and serfdom was abolished a century and a half ago.
        1. -1
          11 February 2022 15: 51
          Quote: Khryundy Kabanovich
          all doctors ran away to paid medical centers. After all, they love the dough more ..

          As if there was something wrong with that.
          If the state loses to private clinics in the level of salaries for doctors, then this is the problem of the state, not doctors and / or private clinics.
          And those very "villainous doctors" who "ran away to paid medical centers" have every right to freely choose their place of work, because. we have a free labor market and serfdom was abolished a century and a half ago.

          In all countries of the world, salaries are higher in private clinics. And much less responsibility. Even if the wages are equalized, the responsibility of the private trader will be much less.
          1. 0
            12 February 2022 01: 16
            The laws are the same for everyone, for private clinics and for public ones.
            Why do doctors have less responsibility in private clinics, can you explain?
      2. 0
        11 February 2022 07: 55
        Not! This is the planned destruction of medicine, and with it the population of Russia! A bunch of frenzied * revolutionaries *, who could not seize the wealth of Russia in 17, are trying to do it now. Capture everything, and then completely rule the world! And the population in Russia should be left exactly as much as they need in order to be processed! Just look who now has the most tidbits?! You will not find a single Russian surname! Unless only pseudonyms like Medvedev-Mendel.
  19. +12
    10 February 2022 07: 56
    All patriots are treated abroad, so as not to take up beds for sick commoners. They sacrifice themselves and go to the lair of the adversary.
  20. -19
    10 February 2022 08: 07
    The priorities of the Russian population are trips abroad, fenced dachas, private cottages, new cars. At the same time, everyone does not care about their health. And just do not shift the responsibility for this to the government.
    1. 0
      10 February 2022 08: 27
      Quote: EvilLion
      The priorities of the Russian population are trips abroad, fenced dachas, private cottages, new cars. At the same time, everyone does not care about their health. And just do not shift the responsibility for this to the government.

      Abroad - no, cars - no (taxi behind my back, I even go to the dacha), a fence ... well, I built it once, it's not every year to change it. Cottage - yes. I would like to spend the weekend in nature, with a barbecue with cognac. Why care about health? Don't give a damn. But there is a very bad experience (my wife was seriously ill) with paid and free medicine. He himself was cured of covid free of charge. Here yes. I agree. But for the most part, our medicine is depressing. Even large specialized centers. But back to the topic. What is expressed not spitting on health? In your.
      1. -5
        10 February 2022 15: 04
        In lifestyle, nutrition and zabivalova for health diagnostics at least once a year.
    2. -5
      10 February 2022 09: 00
      Well, yes, among the enemies of the communists, after the capture of the RSFSR, the Russian people themselves are to blame for the fact that they are impoverished and dying out at an enormous pace.

      But in your anti-Soviet communists were obliged to provide you and your relatives with large salaries and pensions, and you diligently portray "humanitarians" and "concern for the preservation of the people."
    3. +1
      10 February 2022 10: 32
      The priorities of the Russian population are trips abroad, fenced dachas, private cottages, new cars.

      Do you think that instead of buying a car, you should save money for treatment?
    4. -8
      10 February 2022 11: 20
      Quote: EvilLion
      The priorities of the Russian population are trips abroad, fenced dachas, private cottages, new cars. At the same time, everyone does not care about their health. And just do not shift the responsibility for this to the government.

      For this, you are generally stumbled for a while, here only "all-weapons" have gathered, a flock of crows.
    5. +7
      10 February 2022 11: 42
      This government, for example, systematically reduced clinics and the number of doctors.
  21. +3
    10 February 2022 08: 58
    That's interesting why Zhirinovsky, who, according to him, was vaccinated seven times in the hospital, and not left at home for treatment? After all, he is vaccinated and nothing should threaten him, as the media from the zombie man are broadcasting.
    1. 0
      11 February 2022 07: 59
      Yesterday I read the news. In Novosibirsk, they will now treat covid by phone! And sick leave to open and close in a week, also by phone! So what is medicine?
      1. -1
        11 February 2022 12: 09
        It's not only you
  22. +5
    10 February 2022 09: 10
    Medicine has reached the level of the old French joke: the wife of a millionaire comes to the doctor, he gives a recommendation: Madame, sea, fruit and mountain air, to the wife of a middle-class employee: madam, fruit and air. To the wife of the unemployed: madam, air and more air .
  23. +1
    10 February 2022 09: 27
    If we compare, then either the "analytical agencies" (from the article) or the government are lying.

    Tk. we hear statements about an "unprecedented increase in the payment of doctors" every six months, and when you go to the clinic - emptiness (personal observations and reviews of PROFESSIONAL (I will not decipher, so as not to let you down) colleagues and acquaintances)

    Appointments have been cancelled, you have to go somewhere to specialized doctors (hospitals are optimized and enlarged-merged), and the surviving doctors take tests from each other in the morning (a sad sight)....
  24. 0
    10 February 2022 09: 30
    yes, I would write the truth. normal doctors left and businessmen who treated for money remained. forced the population to get sick at home, so they don’t go to the doctors. no money. I was 59 and took sick leave under Gorbachev. I am being treated with folk remedies and everything next to me is still a hedgehog, although we live in the city, and Moscow has nothing to do with it. I will answer for myself. I do not need such doctors, I will not apply. I’ll live to be 100 as a specialist, I’ll see when their business dies
  25. +8
    10 February 2022 10: 03
    The CHI system caused the greatest damage to medicine. The receipt of money is not through direct budget financing, but upon the fact of the treated patient. This makes medical institutions financially insolvent with a small coverage of the population, the inability to pay staff and the outflow of personnel. In large medical centers, this system generates "efficient financial" flows of patients with a favorable rate. It changes motivation. The medical institution begins to work not as a social institution, but as an enterprise.....
    1. 0
      11 February 2022 01: 38
      but on the fact of the treated patient.

      Do you have old information?
      Today per capita financing. Those. for one person, a certain amount of money is allocated to the clinic per year (conditional 200 rubles), regardless of the number of visits to the clinic by this person - he never came or walked every day, did one blood test or a hundred per year, plus CT-MRI-ultrasound and so on similar 100500 times - the same money will be allocated, those same 200 re. The polyclinic is paid separately for emergency care, medical examination, day hospital
  26. +3
    10 February 2022 10: 21
    And with us everything is like this: burn - call; we will come, you will be robbed or robbed - call us, we will come; if you get sick - call ... This is where discrepancies are possible. An ambulance may come and advise you to go to the clinic when the pressure drops from 200 to 160, or the temperature drops to 37, for example. That is if it goes down. And if it does not fall and does not fall? What will happen in this case, you may not even know. Who remembers when he was at the doctor's office without hassle, without queues, without lost nerve cells, without this ineradicable "just ask me"? That's it. The question is why? Yes, because I can’t get a covid vaccine in the clinic, which is near my house, but I have to go to the “central office” of this clinic, which is located in a completely different place and it takes an hour to go there. Who came up with this, I don’t know, but if this is not malicious intent, then this is utter stupidity, or rather.
    Here they are talking about military doctors.
    Our army is healthy and young. So maybe, even if military doctors help the population to raise the level of health, organize medical examinations of the people. Or at least resume fluorography, as it was in Soviet times, when a car with this installation arrived at the enterprise and all the workers went and had fluorography. I am sure that this saved someone from death, and not just one person. Today, a healthy-looking man or an immense woman in the transport coughs so that their lungs, apparently, went for a walk on their own to smoke. But the point is that tuberculosis, covid, asthma, or something worse, no one, including themselves. And then we look at the mortality statistics and are horrified. I am silent about ecology, which will soon be announced for sure as the "science of obscurantists" with all the ensuing consequences.
    1. +4
      10 February 2022 10: 48
      Quote: 1536
      An ambulance may come and advise you to go to the clinic when the pressure drops from 200 to 160, or the temperature drops to 37, for example.

      A friend of his wife fell ill with the coronavirus along with her husband ... They were recommended self-isolation and home quarantine. After they got sick, they were told to come to the clinic, where they again acquired a new strain ... I understand when they talk about people you don’t know, but when they talk about such problems on the phone, it becomes completely clear that that mass of infected...
    2. -7
      10 February 2022 11: 27
      Quote: 1536
      And with us everything is like this: burn - call; we will come, you will be robbed or robbed - call us, we will come; if you get sick - call ... This is where discrepancies are possible. An ambulance may come and advise you to go to the clinic when the pressure drops from 200 to 160, or the temperature drops to 37, for example. That is if it goes down. And if it does not fall and does not fall? What will happen in this case, you may not even know. Who remembers when he was at the doctor's office without hassle, without queues, without lost nerve cells, without this ineradicable "just ask me"? That's it. The question is why? Yes, because I can’t get a covid vaccine in the clinic, which is near my house, but I have to go to the “central office” of this clinic, which is located in a completely different place and it takes an hour to go there. Who came up with this, I don’t know, but if this is not malicious intent, then this is utter stupidity, or rather.
      Here they are talking about military doctors.
      Our army is healthy and young. So maybe, even if military doctors help the population to raise the level of health, organize medical examinations of the people. Or at least resume fluorography, as it was in Soviet times, when a car with this installation arrived at the enterprise and all the workers went and had fluorography. I am sure that this saved someone from death, and not just one person. Today, a healthy-looking man or an immense woman in the transport coughs so that their lungs, apparently, went for a walk on their own to smoke. But the point is that tuberculosis, covid, asthma, or something worse, no one, including themselves. And then we look at the mortality statistics and are horrified. I am silent about ecology, which will soon be announced for sure as the "science of obscurantists" with all the ensuing consequences.

      As for Fluorography, how they traveled and continue to travel ... And also, for example, with us. Pressed you will say go to the hospital and in response "it will pass by itself" and then pumped out from a heart attack or something else. Before blaming everything on health care, you need to look at yourself. I'm going through everything I'm supposed to do on a regular basis.
  27. The comment was deleted.
  28. -3
    10 February 2022 12: 10
    There are 2 topics of eternal holivars in any, I emphasize, country: the health care system and the education system.
    However, it is difficult for me to complain now about our healthcare, because. over the past 2 years, my father underwent 2 high-tech surgeries in the framework of compulsory medical insurance in 2020 and 2021, at the height of the pandemic, when there were no vaccinations yet. In addition, the treatment was not in Moscow, where the healthcare system is head and shoulders above any other of our regions (with the possible exception of the Tyumen region), and not in the Moscow region, but in another region of Central Russia.
    I'm not sure that even 10-15 years ago I could organize such treatment even for money in our commercial hospitals. If I could organize, I'm not sure that I could pay, because. the total cost is estimated in millions of rubles.
    1. -1
      10 February 2022 12: 32
      //Nevertheless, it's hard for me to complain about our health care right now, because. over the past 2 years, my father underwent 2 high-tech surgeries in the framework of compulsory medical insurance in 2020 and 2021, at the height of the pandemic, when there were no vaccinations yet//
      And they learned to treat oncology ... or all the same excuses, like they came late, huh?
      1. +1
        10 February 2022 12: 49
        Oncology was also treated at the regional oncology center. The truth was diagnosed at an early stage
    2. 0
      10 February 2022 14: 15
      High-tech aid has been funded since 2005
      of the year. Before that, only paid since the 90s
  29. +4
    10 February 2022 12: 32
    What can I say, not one of our wonderful optimizations has led to good, based on its vicious foundation.

    >to work with patients, medical students are attracted, who, by definition, cannot provide assistance professionally.

    I disagree here, because these young people quite successfully install systems, help with mechanical ventilation and other simple actions. Those. help from them is quite suitable and real, I saw it personally.
  30. 0
    10 February 2022 12: 40
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Quote: Stas157
    My wife is a doctor.

    At the same time, in Finland, the average salary of doctors exceeds 3500 €, and nurses 3050 €.
    Correctly, Ivashov indicated everything in the letter. hi

    And what did you indicate the salary in Finland? These numbers don't mean anything. For how much from that salary after the payment of all taxes and the purchase of the most necessary.

    This stamp has been seen many times in Internet messages, just a stereotyped phrase. Coincidence? I do not think... winked And yes, does the average Finn really have less money left than the average Russian?!
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    Quote: Pushkar
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    how much from that salary after paying all taxes and buying the bare necessities.

    Really some miserable 2000 euro?!?!

    Did I ask you? If you have nothing to say on the case, then walk past.

    And here is open rudeness for lack of arguments ...
  31. lot
    10 February 2022 12: 55
    yesterday I was at the doctor in Minsk, so they say, and so I say Bronchitis, I complain about cough, wheezing, snot, and skulls hurt, like = two young lip-slaps didn’t even tear their jug ​​out of the chair, they didn’t listen to the chest, they prescribed ACC and plenty of fluids. they didn’t take the test “not allowed”, I say do it for the insurance = “we can’t” free, asked me to measure my finger there for oxygen = measured - healthy as a bull - free. no one will treat you if you are even a little bit healthy.
    everything you need to know about the pandemic, statistics and treatment.
    got vaccinated in November = signed a paper about the waiver of claims and side effects from everything in the world. all to the lantern.
    take care of your health.
  32. 0
    10 February 2022 12: 59
    “The network of infectious diseases hospitals was curtailed, and the number of beds for infectious patients was reduced by more than 80 thousand.”

    What if you think logically?
    1 How to collapse 80 beds if patients are lying on them? No way. That is, there were no patients there for a long time. The question is - by how much could it be reduced, but, on the other hand, now an additional 180 thousand beds are needed daily - would this help a lot? It seems not.
    2 Doctors constantly say that the prevention of diseases is much more effective than the treatment of their consequences, both economically and in maintaining the health of the population. Do people listen to them? No. They turn to doctors when they are already completely kaput, when they already need to be put under a ventilator and special specialists are needed to pull them out of the other world. Where can you get so many of them? How much money do not pour into medicine, and the number of geniuses is always limited - the United States is an example of this. That is, money is not the main thing here.
    3 The epidemic is a special period, and if you look at the non-epidemic period, where did the doctors from polyclinics and hospitals go? Went to work in paid medical centers. And so it went that in our polyclinic (Moscow) there were only therapists, a cardiologist and a surgeon, and then not local (in the sense, from neighboring countries). Well, what is the connection between the shortage of doctors and the epidemic?
    That is, the emotional messages of this article are just a hysteria of a person. Which does not strain to reason logically.
    Good medicine is achieved not by a large salary, but by the correct organization of the process. If there is no control over the result, then no matter how much you pay, it will not be good - plastic surgery is an example for you.
  33. +2
    10 February 2022 13: 08
    Quote: EvilLion
    Sit in Kievisho and don't crow about Russia.
    Quote: EvilLion
    Do you really understand that paid centers exist only because the population is ready to pay for them?
    But the low quality of medical care, the inaccessibility of some of its types and queues in state medical institutions do not play a role?!
    Quote: EvilLion
    A hospital bed does not in any way characterize the quality of treatment, the number of epidemics that require stupidly mass hospitalization over the post-war years has, as it were, greatly decreased, which is why covidla has become a novelty for everyone.
    The qualitative growth of world medicine over the years, as it were, at times, if not orders of magnitude.
    The answer to this "thesis" was given to you, I will add: about honey. resource for emergencies have not heard? So he needed it?
    Quote: EvilLion
    It is not from Kievisho to judge what is lacking in Russia.
    Quote: EvilLion
    Yes, especially against the backdrop of endless paid honey. centers that exist only because the population has money. Already tired of your psychosis and fiction.
    Repeat! Is this a mantra?!
    Quote: EvilLion
    The priorities of the population of Russia are trips abroad, fenced dachas, private cottages, new cars. At the same time, everyone does not care about their health. And just do not shift the responsibility for this to the authorities.
    Very familiar and very strong generalization!
    Here is a visual representation of the level of discussion from only one of the commentators of a similar orientation. It is very clear who and how he protects ...
  34. +2
    10 February 2022 13: 13
    The only cause of high mortality in the country, incl. and from Covid, it's the greed of the federal center. For the Russian Guard a trillion a year with a tail - please, subsidies (half stolen) in the amount of 0,5 trillion to the Sevkavkaz - please, but for healthcare and education - thank you, there is no money. If the Kremlin reconsiders its attitude towards the people of Russia and stops spreading rot on doctors, the situation will immediately improve. By the way, the salary of doctors in Ukraine has caught up with Russian ones. Shall we wait for it to pass?
    1. -2
      10 February 2022 19: 09
      Unfortunately, a big contribution to such a number of deaths from covid and its consequences has been made by our society’s indifferent attitude to the elementary requirements of prescriptions to wear masks, use hygiene products and even wash hands after the street. Here, not only greed, incompetence and inaction of the authorities at all levels are to blame.
  35. sen
    10 February 2022 13: 15
    Naturally, among the most important reasons for this situation is the high mortality from COVID-19, which has reached almost 610 thousand people.

    He stood in the clinic at the reception desk for almost 2 hours, since they do not answer calls and picked up "omicron". Our polyclinics are the main hotbed of infection. It’s good that I managed to get three vaccinations and there is a supply of the necessary medicines. Now I am recovering at home.
  36. +5
    10 February 2022 14: 09
    Everything is correct in the article, especially in the comments, because people who see everything in life comment on it ... Official statistics are mainly the art of highlighting the issue. And "Optimization of medicine" is a crime against the people, this crime has specific names ... It was not "medicine" that had to be optimized, but improved math.-tech. the base of medicine, the quantity and quality of personnel, and everything related to the improvement of all medical services in general ... Who is to blame? What to do?
    1. -1
      10 February 2022 16: 53
      The optimization of medicine is an attempt to at least slightly return to the shores the grabbers in dressing gowns, who, waving the mummy of Soviet medicine, ripped off both the state and the population. As the increase in life expectancy in the 2010s showed - successful, as Covid showed - not consistent enough, at least a ban on part-time jobs and multi-station is still needed.
  37. +1
    10 February 2022 14: 46
    Quote: ivan2022
    Pravda is a manager from Western Ukraine.

    Escaped means from Bandera...? :-) It's right
  38. +1
    10 February 2022 15: 50
    Commercials, you will agree that it is necessary to be responsible for the closure of hospitals and increased mortality. And this is extremism in Russia. People are sitting...
  39. -1
    10 February 2022 16: 03
    Quote: V is for B
    That's interesting why Zhirinovsky, who, according to him, was vaccinated seven times in the hospital, and not left at home for treatment?

    So everything seemed to be fine, he fell ill two weeks ago (almost like me), and was treated at home, but a few days ago the condition worsened, possibly due to an attached bacterial infection (I had this last time, I started treatment with levoflaxacin about a week later only)
  40. The comment was deleted.
  41. 0
    10 February 2022 16: 47
    1. Do not confuse "From Covid", "With Covid", "Because of Covid", "Because of the fight against Covid". When pensioners were forbidden to go out for half a year, it didn’t improve their cardiovascular health, in combination with the collapse of preventive medicine and this in emergency medicine (when you first wait for an ambulance, then wait for a test, then, if the test is positive, then no one ischemia will not be properly treated in the covid department) - the virus itself is perhaps only in the role of a straw for a camel, although they will most likely write it down in the dead from Covid.
    2. It is better to have fewer beds on which they are treated than more beds, but on which they simply lie and wait - they will die or not. And in order to have enough doctors, it is necessary not so much to raise the salary and increase the staff, but to introduce a direct and strict ban on work for 2-3 rates.
    3. W / n, like the temperature - the average for the hospital. When working in line mode in covid offices (with payments) - they add up with the remaining b.-m. with their superiors and with some endocrinologists with neurologists sitting at home on bare salaries due to restrictions on planned and paid medicine.
    4. It is clear that a person living in a European climate and having access to normal medicine and physical education from his youth will live longer than a person living in our climate and who has joined medicine with physical education closer to retirement.
  42. +6
    10 February 2022 17: 54
    And who was responsible for the "optimization" i.e. just for the collapse and reduction. No. No one answered and no one will answer. Money smoothly flowed into the right pockets. And the switchmen have departed beautifully for Londongrad.
  43. +3
    10 February 2022 18: 46
    When health care and education are not a priority for the state, this means that the nation does not and cannot have a future ..
  44. 0
    10 February 2022 18: 51
    Quote: paul3390
    If this has already fallen on us, why not oblige payers to accept at least some of the patients under compulsory medical insurance

    Why a part? Just accept everyone, they don't care which pole to accept, anyway the money will come to them. All medical institutions should treat according to compulsory medical insurance, the rest should simply be closed.
  45. +3
    10 February 2022 19: 10
    What can I say, as long as "effective managers" are at the helm, for whom the wall is crying, we will rake with a full spoon.
  46. -1
    10 February 2022 19: 13
    "Doctor" E. Malysheva in the program "Live healthy!" claimed that according to statistics in Russia, 95% of deaths from covid affect people aged 65+
    1. 0
      12 February 2022 06: 01
      Let Malyshev, on the advice of another traditional healer, put a cucumber into his anus. Maybe a little blood will rush up to the head, old fool.
  47. -3
    11 February 2022 00: 46
    I used to often visit this site, but it was sad that few articles came out. Now there are a lot more articles, but it's disgusting to read.
    How many times have I been in hospitals in 2000-2022 (St. Petersburg) and clinics in different districts, somewhere the staff is good to help, somewhere the equipment is the latest, somewhere there are long queues, somewhere there are none, somewhere the doctors are good, somewhere worse. They gave out drugs for free, did a bunch of free examinations, somewhere they didn’t give an elementary referral.
    But the only thing you need to understand is that your health is only in your hands. All doctors do not care about you and your health - this is their job and nothing more. Moreover, the employees are not always good, as elsewhere.
    I liked most in private clinics, but you have to pay, such realities will not be otherwise. If there is no money, they will also help in free ones, but no one will solve all the problems for you. I turned to a free dentist, after 2 weeks they gave a number = 3500 rubles and two teeth were cured no worse than in a private one. I think if there is no money at all, they will do it anyway, maybe the filling is less durable, but the anesthesia is the same)
    This article is nothing at all. But we deserved it to give an opportunity to talk about genocide (generally nonsense, only sick people can write such things), about the fact that everything is bad, about the fact that Venus is not in Jupiter ...
    And there were a lot of such articles, even an article about weapons, but still half the text of water, about how everything is not arranged correctly.
    But the reality is that the situation with covid is critical, half of the doctors quit, many died - there are many reasons, including miscalculations by the state, and I still meet people who do not believe in covid, and people do not care about taking care of themselves at such a time. Therefore, we get what we have. And not only in our country. And the fact remains - that apart from ourselves, no one needs us and only we can help ourselves - the rest are not up to it now.
    1. 0
      12 February 2022 05: 58
      "He believes or does not believe in Covid ...." What kind of nonsense ?! Personally, I do not believe in the propaganda that "Covid is a plague. Only vaccination will save us."
      Not the plague, damn it! It's SARS!
      And vaccination will not save! For this is not the plague, measles, rubella or hepatitis! And the zomboyaschik continues to carry crap in all seriousness, and the chief medical officer, who has nothing to do with medicine by position, issues prescriptions that paralyze the country's economy.
      Hooray! Theater of the Absurd!
  48. 0
    11 February 2022 12: 24
    1) for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the shortage of doctors and beds occurred in other countries as well;
    2) infectious diseases hospitals are important in case of pandemics;
    3) if we want to increase life expectancy, then we need to improve the quality of medicine, and for this we need to transfer all medicine to federal subordination, as well as increase medical staff, logistics and implement IT solutions in the healthcare system, and all this can be done only under unity of command, and not when the Ministry of Health makes a decision, and then the regions invent solutions for several years in order to fulfill them, at least for show
  49. -2
    11 February 2022 17: 28
    This is what I think ... "all-throwers" are determined by the authors or they have some kind of special scent for such articles. Like a crow on ... or flies on g@vno.
  50. 0
    12 February 2022 05: 50
    The death rate is exceeded not because of Covid, but because of the cancellation of planned activities covered by Covid. Only and everything. That is, all forces were thrown into the fight against the semi-mythical (according to "terrible") Covid, and everything else was stupidly scored. Here is the result. Well, the notorious "optimization" certainly added its role.
  51. 0
    16 February 2022 15: 10
    All Russian medicine has been abandoned to the Kremlin Central Clinical Hospital! There are only a few patients there, in Russia there are millions!