Military operation "Vacation"


From here began the road to vacation

We had long vacations - 64 days, taking into account the trip by plane. It would seem, rest and rejoice, for two months you can forget about everything and indulge in bliss. But for us, who lived in a closed military town on the edge of geography, the vacation was a very serious test.

Only seasoned fighters could competently plan it and carry out everything in such a way as to quickly and without loss break through to the place of vacation. It was to break through, since every vacation trip was very similar to a large-scale military operation.

I will try in a very concise form to bring the main details of this operation.


The beginning of planning was always carried out by my superiors. In November, commanders of various levels determined and approved the period for the leave of my crew. I must say that I was almost always lucky - most of my vacations were in the summer.

After I found out that my vacation was scheduled for July-August, I told my wife about this and she brought this plan to her superiors. After wandering a little, her superiors agreed that the wife should go on vacation with her husband, despite the fact that they serve in different parts.

Next, we planned places to spend our holidays - Lugansk, where my parents lived, then Yalta, where my wife's parents lived, a trip to a sanatorium and all sorts of other differences. Briefly, the entire route could look something like this: Lilies of the valley - Khabarovsk - Moscow - Lugansk - Yalta - Divnomorskoye - Yalta - Khabarovsk - Lilies of the valley. That was the plan for 64 summer days.

advance preparation

Advance preparation consisted in knocking out a ticket to a sanatorium and collecting money. It was very difficult to get vouchers to the sanatorium, if these should not be vouchers to "sunny Magadan", but on the Black Sea coast. Vouchers did not reach the regiments, they were taken apart for navy, at the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet Air Force, and the headquarters of the division took the remnants.

But already in December, my wife and I began to annoy the heads of the medical service of the regiment, division and the Pacific Fleet Air Force with our unbridled desire to relax in a sanatorium, and after 3–5 months of the siege, we were allocated a “family ticket with a child”. We really liked the sanatorium of the Navy "Divnomorskoye", we rested there more than once.

Entrance to the sanatorium "Divnomorskoye"

To be honest, on almost all vacations, starting from the Starley days, I visited sanatoriums, it was very difficult to get a ticket, but perhaps it was only necessary to show perseverance and reasonable impudence in communicating with representatives of the medical service.

The following words and expressions helped well:

- air fighter;
- undermined health;
- as in battle, so first of all, but as in a sanatorium, then fuck you;
- We defend the Motherland with the whole family;
- I am at the forefront of the war, and not at the headquarters I sit out;
- “whistles” are forcibly driven into the sanatorium, but you don’t value my health, I’ll die in flight, you will all be removed from your posts;
- of course, I'm just a navigator of the detachment, and not the mother-in-law of the deputy division commander.

Be that as it may, the voucher was in the depths of the Air Force headquarters and already signed so that it would not go to the side, it was handed over to the head of the medical service of the regiment for registration.

Collecting money

This stage passed almost imperceptibly and independently of us. I received 600-800 rubles a month, my wife received 300-500 rubles, the money was almost not spent and accumulated by itself. Usually more than 8 rubles were taken on vacation and spent there without a trace, sometimes they had to borrow from their parents on the way back.

The money was kept at home, for all the time of my service I never bothered to get myself a savings book. Somehow I decided to organize the storage of money and told my wife that the money should not be lying around in the nightstand, but let it be put in a safe place. I'd rather not do this...

After a while, noticing the guilty and worried face of his wife, he decided to clarify:

- What happened?

I can't find money...

- More specifically.

“You said I hid it, and now there’s nothing there.

How much money was there, where did you hide it?

- I don’t know exactly how much it was, but about 3-4 thousand rubles, and I hid it in the breast pocket of your second overcoat, which you don’t wear.

He checked the pockets of all the overcoats, along the way of all the jackets and tunics that hung soft-boiled in the closet, did not find any money, reassured his wife:

- Okay, don’t worry, there’s a lot of time before the holidays, we’ll collect more.

I still treat money lightly, so I didn’t get upset myself, and calmed my wife as best I could. A few months later, the money was found, they were lying under all the clothes in the closet. The experiment showed that the wife put the money not in the pocket of the overcoat, but in her sleeve, and they themselves fell out during the next shake-up of the clothes.

Direct preparation

The main element is the extraction of tickets. It was very difficult, everyone got tickets in their own ways and means.

I'll tell you about getting tickets for one of the stages of the road, I remember this case very much.

June morning... I'm leaving the regimental formation. Despite the fact that it is only the beginning of ten, I am already tired of communicating with the people, so I go through the gardens so as not to see or hear anyone. Well, how not to get tired, if I have already carried out garrison planning, regimental planning, regimental formation, issued instructions to the regimental management and now I’m going to the headquarters to instruct the operational duty officer, resting on the move.

I almost abstracted from my beloved personnel and mentally I am on vacation, to which there are a couple of weeks left. But something does not allow me to completely relax ... I returned myself to the surrounding reality and found the head of the electronic warfare regiment nearby, who was silently trying to attract my attention.

About this position, and about a particular person, it is necessary to tell separately.

The position is very similar to the position of a miner on a strategic submarine, but even cooler. That miner at least has a few torpedoes, but our chief of the electronic warfare regiment, a major, has nothing, not counting his subordinates in the service - the heads of electronic warfare squadrons, captains.

In general, the position is difficult and responsible, no matter who you appoint to it.

Our head of the electronic warfare regiment corresponded to the position, began his long combat path in military service, as a foreman of the boat of some chief in Sevastopol, then the school of navigators, flying as part of the crew, served as the head of the electronic warfare squadron, and only then took a responsible regimental position, where they revealed all his talents.

And he had talents ... He skillfully knew how to imitate a working state, without doing anything at the same time. Even the regiment commander somehow noted his constant desire for service, seeing how the head of the electronic warfare purposefully went to the "secret" with some piece of paper in his hand. But I knew that this fighter goes to the "secret" with one goal - to persuade our young secret woman to commit adultery, and he wants to do it here and now, closing the door from the inside.

Therefore, after waiting for some time, I went into the "secret" on my own business, completely destroying the major's insidious plans, but keeping the family of the secretary and the bortach safe and sound. In his free time from hunting staff aunts, the head of the electronic warfare could drink at random, he might not come to the service at all, but he could come in such a form that it would be better not to come.

Well, what was the position, such was the boss. He was not afraid of anyone except his wife and the chief of staff of the regiment. I used him as a “senior for everything”, an operational duty regiment, and he also helped those who had nothing to do very well. In short, this senior officer demanded constant control, but with the right task, he could also benefit the regiment if he was stopped in time.

And now I see how this outstanding officer is trying to attract my attention with his whole body. Where to get away from these subordinates? React:

- What are you doing here twitching around me? Say with your mouth what you need, why are you distracting the chief of staff from great thoughts about future victories?

- Mikhail Vladimirovich, it’s such a thing ... My wife ordered me to take her to Vanino, she had a thug formed at the railway ticket offices, I need to take tickets on vacation, but I’m going on vacation soon.

- I'm going on vacation soon! And how did you manage to go on vacation with me in July?

It's not my fault, it's all of you! It was you who forced me to go on vacation with you, arguing that during your vacation there would be no one to control me. Maybe I didn’t want to go on vacation at the beginning of July, I would have gone at the end, it was more convenient for me.

- He's been snickering ... He's not satisfied with his vacation with the chief of staff since the beginning of July! Well, I will meet you, next year you will go from January 1st.

– No-no-no… Everything suits me! So what should I tell my wife? May I go to the city?

- I would never let you go, just out of spite, so to speak, for your past and future merits, but since there is blasphemy at the box office, I will try to tear off a tuft of wool from a black sheep for our regiment, in the person of his chief of staff.

- And what to do? I'm happy, by the evening everything will be done.

- Don't fight! To be in service at 15:00. Go get your car and wife and come to headquarters. At the headquarters you will take my military transportation documents and try to buy tickets for me from Moscow closer to Luhansk, otherwise these Ukrainians canceled the direct train. Well, there ... in Millerovo, or something ... While you are walking, I will settle all the dates and bring everything to you.

- I will do everything in the best possible way! I myself take tickets to Millerovo, my wife is from there ...

- Yes, I know everything, and even the fact that you are taken on vacation as a slave on the plantations of your father-in-law. Okay, run, but don't forget to stop by the headquarters.

Everything went on as usual - the head of the electronic warfare, having received my documents, left for Vanino, and I continued to carry out the difficult military service. At 15:00, the head of the electronic warfare arrived in my office, laid out my tickets on the table without too much boasting, and, without even taking the money for the reservation, hid in his office.

Feeling unkind, I decided to take a closer look at my tickets. Everything coincided: the date, the station of departure and arrival, and the number of tickets, but the name of the train struck me on the spot - "Moscow - Grozny". The country once again demonstrated rapprochement with the Chechen Republic, and our rulers, in order to demonstrate goodwill and stability, launched this train. But I, a representative of the enslaving army, had absolutely nothing to do on this train ...

I decided to find out the motives that prompted the head of the EW to this "feat", called him into the office and calmly asked:

- What were you thinking when you took me tickets on a train carrying replenishment for the militants?

- Well, what's so terrible? Yes, and there were no other tickets, but the train arrives successfully, early in the morning, all day ahead. Maybe they won't know you're an officer.

“Of course they won’t know if no one can read. Here it is written in Russian letters on the ticket - “military requirement” ... Did you also take tickets for such a train?

- No, I got a Russian train.

- Yeah, you will send me on a Chechen train, and then you yourself will begin to share my position? Do not hope, nothing will break off for you, I will leave a will to the commander.

- Well, I was ... how I wanted it better, there were no other tickets ...

- Get out of here ... Well, in general, out of my sight!


All my attempts in the time remaining before the vacation to exchange tickets for a normal train did not lead to anything, and I arrived in Moscow with the same tickets, my wife and daughter. We moved to the station, began to clarify the situation.

The situation worried me. The train was on schedule, but no track number or platform was given. I went to the information desk, handed out the tickets.

Aunt studied the tickets, looked at me, a fair-haired Russian, and sadly asked:

- How did you get hurt?

- I took tickets in the very Far East, there were no others, but I had to go ...

- Can you give me the tickets?

- I would pass, but there are no others. So what about this train, when is the boarding, from which platform?

- There is a special landing on this train, it will be announced additionally, the train will be driven into a dead end, passage through special control, listen carefully to the announcer. When you see a crowd of cops, get ready to land.

Not really understanding anything, he returned to his wife, said that everything was going according to plan, and decided to sit for a while, relax before the fight. I sit and look around. Gradually, the station began to fill with people of Caucasian nationality, mostly unshaven healthy men, cops began to cluster near one hall, many with dogs. Somehow I got upset...

They announced the boarding of my train, and through some special hall, through one door. Nothing to do, let's go to the landing. I entered the hall and stood in amazement. Most of all, everything that happened was reminiscent of the transportation of prisoners. A corridor of cops with dogs, a metal detector frame, a passage one at a time, a search of each, the platform is cordoned off by cops and only three Russians - me, my wife and daughter.

Military operation "Vacation"

But we were not used to backing down and, catching the astonished glances of fellow travelers and the pitiful glances of the cops, we went through all these barriers to our car, showed the tickets to the surprised Chechen conductor, climbed into the car, went into our compartment, in which some Chechen family, ten people. And it began:

- These are our seats, we have tickets.

We also have tickets.

- But we have exactly these places.

- What's the difference…

The second conductor came and contributed:

- Get some accommodation.

– I don’t want to somehow, I want to go in my places.

They also need to go.

Let them go to their places.

- They have tickets in different cars, and this is one family.

- I don't care, invite the foreman.

- No need for a foreman, they will leave now.

Why are there three left?

- Well, you have one seat in the compartment free.

- Yes, one is free, but there are three left ...

The train was already moving somewhere, and the two conductors continued to persuade us to tolerate three passengers in one free seat. Seeing a passing police patrol of Russian guys, I asked for help in accommodating passengers. The guys helped, the three of us stayed in the compartment, but the cops warned that they were leaving the train in five hours. And we went...

The whole car was packed full of hefty Chechens, all unshaven, smelling of garlic and something else specific. I decided to go to the vestibule for a smoke. Scary, but interesting. The tambour is painted with Chechen slogans - "Allah Akbar", "Paradise in the shadow of sabers", well, and all sorts of nonsense. In the vestibule, the Chechens, apparently, sold them standing places, there are a lot of them and they look at me not very approvingly.

I silently smoked, at the entrance to the car I again met a Russian police patrol. They instructed me:

- Where are you going?

- In Millerovo.

“Of course, you’ll arrive early in the morning. Stop smoking, be patient until morning, go to the compartment, close up and go to bed.

So they did. He took his family to the toilet, forbade eating and drinking so that there was no need for a toilet, they closed themselves from the inside and went to bed. We were so tired on the plane and at the station that we fell asleep quickly and would have slept all the way to Millerovo, if the conductor had not broken into the compartment in the middle of the night, asking us to place the “boy” on the free top shelf.

There was nothing to do, they agreed, and on the top shelf went to bed, without undressing, a huge Chechen of 35 years old. The family tried to sleep, but I was no longer up to sleep. After wasting until early morning, I got my family up, we packed our bags and quickly ran out of the train to Millerovo.

Vacation went well, rested well. We forgot about the little adventure at the beginning of the holiday, and what is there to remember. When I went to work, I told the guys how we rode this train, but everything was behind us, and we just laughed. And I almost didn’t do anything bad to the head of the electronic warfare, he’s not to blame for the fact that there were no other tickets.
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  1. +12
    15 February 2022 18: 21
    It's good that this trip ended successfully. The head of the electronic warfare deserved a kumpol. wink
    1. +5
      16 February 2022 04: 06
      The head of the electronic warfare definitely deserved "encouragement" ...

      Mikhail Vladimirovich, your story radiates positive vibes! Read with a smile, thank you. Lifted the mood.

      And by the way, in what year was it about the Chechens? After all, the situation there in different years has been very different ... And the degree of problematic stay, too.
  2. +3
    15 February 2022 18: 27
    My most fun vacation trip took place on December 31, 197*!!! I flew out at 4 o'clock in the morning, and got home under the chiming clock ... and I was even LUCKY!!! soldier
  3. +12
    15 February 2022 18: 35
    A normal move will get rid of the NS. Reliable wink
  4. +6
    15 February 2022 18: 51
    Problems of an officer It is advantageous to go on vacation ... But what about the soldiers? I have never been on vacation for almost three years, but I remember well how the guys twisted to shorten the time of the road and fly away by plane. So "Divnomorskoye" did not shine for our guys. On the other hand, I perfectly understand the author - All life in the army is not three years of military service, but ... everyone chooses his own.
    Otherwise, a normal story about a normal service ... at that time. smile
    1. +5
      15 February 2022 18: 56
      to shorten the journey
      Hi Uncle Kostya!
      And what, in your time, the "road" was not deducted from the vacation period?
      1. +5
        15 February 2022 19: 56
        The iron was deducted, and the gain on the plane. But I have never been on vacation, everything is only according to the stories of unfortunate vacationers. smile
    2. +9
      15 February 2022 19: 04
      Quote: Sea Cat
      it's profitable to go on vacation ... But what about the soldiers?

      Profitable - how is it?
      I served as an officer, not a "soldier".
      1. +1
        15 February 2022 19: 19
        Excuse me, Mikhail Vladimirovich, but the expression "soldiers" is a spit in the soul of half of the forum. You're not right!
        1. +10
          15 February 2022 19: 24
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          ... "soldiers" is a spit in the soul of half of the forum.

          You tell this to the reader under the title Catfish.

          Can't you see that this is a quote?
          1. +1
            15 February 2022 19: 35
            OK. I see. My apologies! I undertake to address further claims to my uncle, mon colonel!
            1. -7
              15 February 2022 20: 09
              Go ahead, he kisses you even more. Do you betray everyone at once, or do you differentiate? laughing
              1. +9
                15 February 2022 20: 15
                Quote: Sea Cat
                You betray everyone at once

                I'm sorry to interrupt, but you're so blunt...
                And we're just talking about a story.
                1. 0
                  15 February 2022 20: 19
                  I'm not harsh, Anton and I have our own relationship, it will be necessary, I'll call him.
                2. +1
                  16 February 2022 03: 43
                  The experiment showed that the wife put the money not in the pocket of her overcoat, but in her sleeve.
                  Everything is serious, an investigative experiment, but you write that money is somewhat frivolous. laughing Joke! There were no organizational conclusions! laughing
              2. +1
                15 February 2022 20: 26
                Go in peace, uncle! "Soldiers" - was it yours?
                1. 0
                  15 February 2022 21: 10
                  I'm going, nephew, the "soldiers" were mine.
                  In general, you served a term, so what's the question?
          2. 0
            15 February 2022 20: 16
            You know, you are younger than me in the service, but it doesn’t matter, the lieutenants of the 68th year of graduation served with me, as a rule, all are excellent guys, there were no problems in the relationship, and none of them went on vacation during the year of joint service, and they were not married, we had common girls from the Agricultural Engineering School of the Khabaovsk Territory, and some of the guys later came to visit me in Moscow, so ... I won’t argue with you.
            1. +6
              15 February 2022 20: 20
              Quote: Sea Cat
              I will not argue with you.

              I approve of your decision.
              We have nothing to argue about.
              1. -1
                15 February 2022 22: 10
                We have nothing to argue about.

                That's right, it's better for us to be friends, because both of them are like the old men. smile
                From my demo album:
      2. 0
        15 February 2022 19: 57
        And I'm a "soldier", and these are two big differences, and with regard to vacation, too.
      3. -4
        15 February 2022 20: 05
        "It's profitable to go on vacation" - these are your words, not mine.
        We had big vacations - 64 days

        In my opinion, it’s a sin to complain, a good engineer who didn’t wipe his ass in the army, but was engaged in business, had a salary that was half as much.
        For almost three years of service, I still did not understand why you get this money and crazy vacations.
        In general, you proved this when the GKAChPeshniks brought tanks into Moscow - there was zero sense from you.
        1. +11
          15 February 2022 20: 17
          Quote: Sea Cat
          "Good for vacation"

          No, not mine.
          Point with your finger!
          Quote: Sea Cat
          for what you get this money and crazy holidays.

          The state knows better.
          Quote: Sea Cat
          you made zero sense.

          You know better...
          1. -2
            15 February 2022 20: 21

            The state knows better.

            Well, it's like always. laughing
            You know better...

            Yes, I saw everything, I live on Smolenka.
        2. +8
          15 February 2022 22: 09
          Yeltsin introduced tanks in Moscow, not the State Emergency Committee ...
          1. 0
            15 February 2022 22: 18
            The tanks were brought into Moscow by those who sat at the levers, they would not have been prostitutes, there would have been no shooting from the bridge at the White House. Although for me, those that these are one bastard.
            1. +3
              16 February 2022 01: 35
              Those who were behind the levers carried out the order. If that's hard for you, then that's up to you. But orders are executed regardless of your desires. If you don’t want to, then execute the report, blame it on a civilian and do what you want.
              1. -1
                16 February 2022 01: 56
                . If that's hard for you, then that's up to you. But orders are executed regardless of your desires.

                The crews of the tanks were paid ten thousand bucks for their work, and if you still don't know this, then there's nothing to talk about with you. The same people who were in these tanks were captured by the Chechens during an attempt to storm Grozny. Look at the chronicle - the same faces. So, if something "reaches" me, then you simply don't know anything.
                1. -1
                  16 February 2022 02: 23
                  Well, yes ... well, yes ... 10 thousand each. Why not 20?) I won’t discuss captivity. Your engineers won't get into it anyway. They are more comfortable at home.
                  1. -2
                    16 February 2022 02: 43
                    Your engineers won't get into it anyway. They are more comfortable at home.

                    They are not mine, I am not an engineer, unfortunately, I am engaged in the restoration of weapons from different eras. From acquaintances and connections in Moscow, I know too much of what I would prefer not to know. To live without it, you know, is calmer. smile
                    1. +2
                      16 February 2022 03: 09
                      Well, I'm an officer. Like my father, like my grandfather and great-grandfather, etc. I don't need to talk nonsense.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. 0
              17 February 2022 19: 02
              Let's get on with the facts. In both cases, Yeltsin gave the command. The GKChP just wanted to save the country, but they were not mentally prepared for the events. Yes, and they say that among them there was no single position ...
              1. +1
                17 February 2022 19: 48
                In both cases, Yeltsin gave the command.

                In which cases? During the State Emergency Committee, he did not command tanks, but when firing at the White House - yes, he gave the command, no one denies this.
        3. +2
          16 February 2022 01: 43
          Oh how I love these mantras. And your engineer who doesn’t wipe studied at SVU from the age of 14 and then at the school? This is not an institute or a school. Hanging out in the evenings and squeezing girls are absent there. There is a service. Or maybe your engineer at the age of 21-25 lives at work like we are lieutenants in the barracks? Does he leave for the landfills for several months in the field? Maybe your engineer is responsible for young boys and educates them around the clock? And for each of their joint rakes? Maybe it's your engineer who hasn't seen his wife and children for months? Are you comparing the life of an engineer and an officer in all seriousness? Have you seen a deadline for three years? We study longer in school.
          1. -4
            16 February 2022 02: 03
            . There is a service.

            I don’t need to tell you how the lieutenants live after graduation, two of them, after my demobilization, came to me in Moscow and lived in my house for a week.
            We drank a lot of things together during the year of service, the guys came from the school in 68, and they didn’t come off very badly on my citizen. So don't treat me about the service. That we, conscripts, that lieutenants from the school.
            1. +1
              16 February 2022 02: 25
              We were on vacation and off. Only now, for example, I left home at the age of 14. And not in 68, but damn it in the nineties. And our generation has seen a little different.
              1. +2
                16 February 2022 02: 47
                And our generation has seen a little different.

                You can’t argue or envy here, you got into the very thing, how to say it ... I think you understand. hi
      4. +3
        16 February 2022 12: 17
        Quote: Bez 310
        Quote: Sea Cat
        it's profitable to go on vacation ... But what about the soldiers?

        Profitable - how is it?
        I served as an officer, not a "soldier".

        I worked at a repair base, military unit 21653, an aircraft engine assembler, I started with helicopters, we were given vouchers to the Crimea, Alushta rest house of the Moscow Region, Air Force, my wife and I had a rest once, I also bought tickets at the military box office, there was a permit, so I didn’t only soldiers and workers of the Soviet Army, as it is officially written, and took the oath
    3. +8
      15 February 2022 20: 09
      As far as I remember, travel time was not included in the vacation.
      But in fact the problem is wider. Although formally there was no social stratification in the USSR, in fact, social inequality was clearly present in relation to the military in military service. I didn’t really think about it then, but now, after reading your post, I thought about this question.
      Of course, this is by no means a complaint against the author, the story is interesting, and he writes wonderfully.
      1. Cat
        16 February 2022 01: 23
        As far as I remember, travel time was not included in the vacation.

        Not included. The travel time was calculated using the average ceiling method, mainly based on the travel time of a regular (not fast) train. For example, I received 18 days of vacation, taking into account travel from Tbilisi to Kiev. Naturally, he flew by plane.
        Each conscript had a 90% chance of getting a 2-week vacation after a year of service if he did not have flights.
        As for social inequality, I did not quite understand. Already as an officer, he received exactly the same military requirements as in the urgent.
    4. +7
      15 February 2022 21: 46
      Quote: Sea Cat
      Trouble officer profitable to go on vacation.

      Yes it's my first time in summer (in mid-August) went after 4 years already old. And before that, everything is in ".... bre" and ".... re"
      And even then, how he "deserved" as a soldier, took first place in the division among battery commanders. And even then, I managed to work out the NSh regiment, and get vacation pay, a requirement, and pennies. I have not yet had time to get ready, as a messenger, to arrive at the unit and I am invited to leave for the border (there are still hundreds of kilometers to it), and to strengthen the southern borders of the Motherland - the construction of a fortified area on the Charyn River.
      I was released earlier from the camp collection (head of the artillery division), where for almost 4 weeks I swallowed the dust of the Otar test site. And then new adventures. Well, I (after assessing the situation and realizing that China would definitely not attack us in 1980) told the messenger that he had told the leader that the future travel agent had already departed in an unknown direction. Which was done in a couple of minutes, and in a day I was several thousand kilometers away. to the west (glory to Aeroflot).
      Quote: Sea Cat
      I haven't been on vacation in almost three years,

      But then in civilian life, every year and summer.
      Quote: Sea Cat
      For almost three years of service, I still did not understand why you get this money and crazy vacations.

      In the USSR, holidays and money were not paid in vain. And the fact that you did not understand something characterizes your mental abilities.
  5. +3
    15 February 2022 19: 08
    Tin, it's okay to risk yourself, but the family?!
    And on the other hand, Chechnya is a subject of the Russian Federation, peaceful, kind and hard-working people live there, vicious militants have been snapped a long time ago, and the local population also offered ... resistance.
    1. +7
      15 February 2022 20: 12
      evil militants have long been snapped

      and not very vicious were given bread positions, they immediately became kinder ...
    2. +6
      15 February 2022 21: 41
      I rode this train in 98, de facto Chechnya was then independent, there were three of us, one was smoking, one was near the compartment, the third was in the compartment. The outfits changed, but the train was constantly, mostly transport riot police.
  6. +1
    15 February 2022 19: 09
    Michael. I understand that you are already tired of advisers on the topic of publishing a book, but you would listen. Your style of presentation is light with good sarcasm and very good plots. You can publish on Litres, a good site, there is samizdat, if it goes, then you can earn money, and if not, then the demand is not great, especially since conceit will not suffer much. By the way, your style is very similar to the recognized author Oleg Divov, in addition to science fiction, he also has good works about the army, for example, "Especially Dangerous", well, from the position of a sergeant, not a chief of staff, but still a lot in common. Read it if you haven't.
    1. +8
      15 February 2022 19: 22
      Quote: lis-ik
      about publishing a book, but you would listen

      Let me reiterate my position on this topic:
      - "Writer's fame" does not interest me.
      - It's hard to make money on a book, and I don't really need money.
      - Preparing a book for publication is work, but I don't want to work.
      1. +1
        15 February 2022 19: 25
        Quote: Bez 310
        "Writer's fame" does not interest me.

        It's not about fame, but about an interesting and truthful presentation, such publications are needed. And on the topic of making money, go to the site "litres", these are electronic books, on a par with venerable authors, beginners are also published, and without investment, then they buy and download it, at first the money is not big, but .... then everyone themselves understand. just look, they don't take money for asking. There is no need to publish a book, but you already have material for the collection.
    2. +3
      15 February 2022 19: 42
      Eduard Ovechkin was remembered to me, by syllable.
    3. -1
      15 February 2022 20: 02
      By the way, your style is very similar to the recognized author Oleg Divov, in addition to science fiction, he also has good works about the army, for example, "Especially Dangerous", well, from the position of a sergeant, not a chief of staff, but still a lot in common.
      1. Absolutely different!
      2. Divov's novel is called "The Weapon of Retribution", and he does not grumble at all about the author of the material.
    4. +3
      15 February 2022 22: 47
      you can go to Litres, a good site,
      And there is also such a site:
      Here is the same text in more detail:
      "Immediate preparation. The main element is the extraction of tickets. Usually there were no tickets during the summer season. No, in principle, they existed, but they were not at the box office, just as there were no these same cash desks in our garrison. To find out that there were no tickets at the ticket office, it was necessary to kill the whole day, go to the "city", 35 km from the garrison. In general, everything was not just difficult, but very difficult. In the end, tickets were obtained only for the first stage of the trip - for the train to Khabarovsk. And then the vacation begins. Without stopping for a day, we jump on the train and rush for a day to the capital of the Far East, to Khabarovsk. Cheered up by the heat on the train, unsanitary conditions, constantly drunk fellow travelers, we fall out onto the platform, jump into some kind of transport and move to the airport, where we find out that there are no tickets “for the Urals”. Totally. And yet there are no places in hotels. In no way. Not at all upset, since all this was expected, we settle down on a bench in the park near the airport, the wife and child guard things, and I begin to annoy all the cashiers with a request to sell tickets "for the Urals", or better - directly to Moscow. I get bored all night, and closer to the morning some compassionate cashier sells me tickets either to Leningrad, or Gorky, or Simferopol, or even Moscow itself, but with an “open date”, that is, without a day and a flight. And that's all we need. We move with all our belongings to the airport building and start going to these flights "for replanting". Usually, several passengers do not arrive for check-in, and “boarders” are put in these places. In short, in a day we fly somewhere. Yes, exactly somewhere, and not where we need to go. I remember that they sold me tickets to Simferopol, stood in line for a transfer, registration was over, they took us and told us to run to exit No. 1. They ran, the attendant was waiting only for us, put us on the bus, and we were taken to the plane. They climbed the ladder, showed the tickets to the stewardess and found out that this particular plane was flying not to Simferopol, but to Odessa, and the one to Simferopol had already taxied to take off. I got angry and said that it didn’t matter to me where to fly, as long as it was away from Khabarovsk. Then there was wild abuse, “an untranslatable pun”, but everything was decided by the aircraft commander, who looked with interest at all this from below. Climbing up the ladder, he personally entered into our "conversation" with the flight attendants and attendants. - What's the matter? - They have tickets to Simferopol, and we fly to Odessa. - So take them to the plane to Simferopol. This plane has already left. - Yes... - I agree to fly to Odessa. - Do we have places? - Yes, there are three places. - Specify the difference in the cost of tickets, and if it is insignificant, then let them get on the plane, it's time for us to start, and we are arguing here. Tickets cost the same, and we flew to Odessa, despite the fact that we were going to fly to Moscow, and from there go to Lugansk. And in Odessa, we learned that as usual there are no tickets anywhere, but motor ships go to Yalta. Having moved to the maritime station, we bought tickets for the Peter the Great cruise ship and spent another day decomposing in the pools and bars of the ship until we landed in Yalta.
      vacation. "In short, the same only in more detail
  7. +3
    15 February 2022 19: 36
    And it would be fair for this "good man of electronic warfare" next year along the same railway. organize a trip winked
  8. +2
    15 February 2022 19: 42
    everything is very interesting and these little life stories that make up life and memories of those times at the age
  9. +8
    15 February 2022 20: 01
    Almost every vacation I have is worse than another special operation or a famously twisted humorous detective story. However, everyone solved problems with tickets, especially if the vacation was knocked out in the summer. And so the green lieutenant got lucky with a vacation in August. from Saratov to Dnepropetrovsk. On the eve of departure, a comrade in arms invited me and my wife, my friend (commander of the starting platoon) to an event on the occasion of the birth of his son. six. it’s necessary, I’m already on vacation, flying out tomorrow, my wife and I decided to go to the city, which was 30 km away from the “point” to buy gifts for relatives and friends. Said done! Tired without a sleepy night, wandering around the shops, we barely dragged our legs and bags to the station. The suburban bus had already left, but it was possible to take a passenger train for 50 kopecks, to the stop, and three kilometers from it and here is the native group (point). It turns out even closer than stomping from the village if we were to go by bus. I sat down with my wife in a compartment, a bunch of bags of packages, it took about forty minutes, the train is very passenger, it makes stops near each pillar. The most important thing was that we would not fall asleep, our young and healthy organisms suffered greatly during the party and shopping, besides, I had to visit the financial unit in terms of vacation pay and drill for travel cards, although I already bought tickets, I won’t tell you. Somehow, we reached our stop, the train costs about two minutes and we need to have time to extract our wife, bags and packages from it. The landing on the platform was successful and we trudged towards the unit. Through a hole in the barbed wire fence we entered the residential area, which is three two-story buildings, Finnish houses and sheds- I'll go to Natasha, my wife tells me, - And you go home, take the packages and bags.
    --- Give me the keys to the apartment, I tell her.
    --- They're in my purse!
    ---Give me your bag!
    ---- You have it, I did not take it!
    An ominous silence hung. Well, I think everyone forgot at the half-station at best, and at worst.
    We went to Natalya, her husband, my friend, was at home. They left the packages, I fired a gold coin and ran! Cap under the arm and forward, 3 km to the stop in the same breath, after a day on my feet and a buckle in the blood. I reach the platform, I look at the dilapidated Peron. NOTHING !!!! In one breath, because there is only one thing left in me, DON'T give up. The train left in the direction of the nearest city, which is almost a hundred kilometers, if I get there only by the end of the week.
    It began to get dark, it began to rain, there were few rides and they flew past. The shirt, first soaked with sweat, began to soak the rain.
    Miraculously, KamAZ braked, the carrier rushed forward without further questions.
    We drive up to the city, next to it there are rails along which a very passenger train rolls. KAMAZ can’t get any further, it’s only a detour to the station, and this time .... Carried me a pack of Flight and with the words Come on the sleepers! melted away in a cloud of half-burnt diesel fuel.
    Forward, Cap under the arm and along the sleepers
    In general, when I ran to the station, a very passenger train, having poured out the tail car, left for Saratov. That's not all. All the fun begins there.
    1. +6
      15 February 2022 20: 36
      Quote: O. Bender
      miraculously obtained two plane tickets from Saratov to Dnepropetrovsk.

      These "miracles" are still sometimes remembered to me ...
      I remember that they sold me undated tickets to Simferopol, stood in the queue for a transfer, registration was over, they took us and told us to run to exit No.
      They climbed the ladder, showed the tickets to the stewardess and found out that this particular plane was flying not to Simferopol, but to Odessa, and the one to Simferopol had already taxied to take off. I got angry and said that it didn’t matter to me where to fly, as long as it was away from Khabarovsk.
      Then there was wild abuse, “an untranslatable pun”, but everything was decided by the aircraft commander, who looked with interest at all this from below. Climbing up the ladder, he personally entered into our “conversation” with the flight attendants and attendants:
      - What's the matter?
      - They have tickets to Simferopol, and we fly to Odessa.
      - So take them to the plane to Simferopol.
      This plane has already left.
      - Yes…
      - I agree to fly to Odessa.
      - Do we have places?
      - Yes, there are three places.
      - Specify the difference in the cost of tickets, and if it is insignificant, then let them get on the plane, it's time for us to start, and we are arguing here.
      Tickets cost almost the same, and we flew to Odessa, despite the fact that we were going to fly to Moscow, and from there go to Lugansk.
      And in Odessa, we learned that, as usual, there are no tickets anywhere, but motor ships go to Yalta. Having moved to the sea station, we bought tickets for the cruise ship "Peter the First" and for another day decomposed in the pools and bars of the ship until we landed in Yalta. So they arrived, so the vacation began directly.
      1. +3
        15 February 2022 21: 55
        Quote: Bez 310
        Tickets cost almost the same, and we flew to Odessa, despite the fact that we were going to fly to Moscow, and from there go to Lugansk.
        And in Odessa, we learned that as usual there are no tickets anywhere, but motor ships go to Yalta.

        Well, okay, you can travel around the south, although time is also running out, but it’s also warm.
        I, when I returned from a business trip, but it’s good at least not in winter, although Yakutia, - so I was sent from near Chokurdakh to Tiksi by a “truck” through Yakutsk, where I ran into a midshipman, known in those days.
      2. +1
        18 February 2022 12: 43
        I flew to demobilization from Khabarovsk.
        - There are no tickets to Moscow.
        -Where is there?
        - Where do you want to go?
        - Yes, even if I go to Murmansk, even to Odessa, it doesn't matter.
        - There is in Kazan.
  10. 0
    15 February 2022 20: 15
    The experiment showed that the wife put the money not in the pocket of the overcoat, but in her sleeve, and they themselves fell out during the next shake-up of the clothes.
    Have there been training sessions since then on the correct identification of pockets and other openings in military uniforms?
    1. +3
      15 February 2022 20: 23
      Quote: Dart2027
      Have there been any training sessions since then?

      They just stopped "hiding" the money, they began to roll around in the closet again.
      1. 0
        15 February 2022 22: 20
        Quote: Bez 310
        Just stopped "hide" money

        Just a joke.
  11. +9
    15 February 2022 20: 16
    During the events in Georgia, I don’t remember exactly what year, I also had to travel from Moscow to the station. Caucasian, and tickets only for the Moscow-Tbilisi train. What should I do? I took it. Landing. Georgian guides are unshaven. I'm in a compartment. I have fellow travelers with me, an Armenian to Armavir, and .... Georgians to Tbilisi! I am with an Armenian and about the same age, a Georgian of about 60 years old, respectable. The window in the compartment is broken and just along the way the breeze will blow in the place of the Georgian!!! Wonderful! We went out with an Armenian to smoke, and we whisper about having a stout for dinner. Georgians come out: Why are you whispering? I know where to get it! And the train is already knocking wheels. Well, if you know, go ahead! We arrive at the dining car. He talked with a Georgian worker about something in his own way, he opens the locker and gives him 3 bottles! Narzan!! With labels, sealed, remember, with such metal corks, they don’t make them now. The Georgian takes away, there are, and to us: Let's go. We come to the compartment, we ask, where is the alcohol? Will they bring? He shows on Narzan: hours!!! Oh, and have fun! Everyone solved global issues, so who needs a war in Georgia?! We Russians, Armenians and Georgians don't need it at all! The window was covered with a mattress.
    p.s. Been to st. Lilies of the valley, and a fish farm nearby, stocked up on caviar there, and even visited Vanino 20 times! Familiar lands
  12. +4
    15 February 2022 20: 25
    It was very difficult to get tickets to the sanatorium, Again, the author is lying: the entire flight crew, even warrant officers, by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense, was OBLIGED to rest annually in military sanatoriums, regardless of desire. This was noted in medical books.
    Even those who were from resort areas came up with all sorts of "excuses" in order to leave and then not get a ticket from the regimental doctor. So the doctor was punished.
    A ticket for an officer was for 25%, for a wife - for 59% of the cost. For junior officers, there could be problems with a family ticket. But this did not upset many, rather, on the contrary.
    There were always single vouchers and they were planned in advance, in accordance with the vacation schedule, yes, the sanatoriums were different, but here the doctor, in accordance with the officer’s diagnosis, banked ..
    1. +3
      15 February 2022 20: 44
      As they say, it was smooth on paper ... My father, who had 35 years of service in the sanatorium, was twice in the whole time, more than half of the service served in the Far East, and all relatives were in Ukraine and Kaliningrad
    2. +4
      15 February 2022 22: 17
      Quote: RoTTor
      Again, the author is lying: the entire flight crew, even warrant officers, by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense, was OBLIGED to rest annually in military sanatoriums, regardless of desire. This was noted in medical books.

      I think it has to do with time. They can run after you in order to hand over one ticket (to a bachelor) to Yalta (but in January). And now it’s time for the summer (and senior officers with their families, as a rule, choose just at this time) here they strained. They will always find a ticket, but not necessarily on the South Coast, Sochi, Sukhumi and Koblevo.
      1. +5
        15 February 2022 22: 29
        Quote: chenia
        I think it has to do with time.

        No, it is not connected, the comrade simply did not serve in the MA, and, as always, he is delusional. We were NEVER offered vouchers at all, they had to be knocked out and taken out. Most of the flight officers, my colleagues, never once rested in a sanatorium. And I would not have rested, but my father, an MA officer, and my mother, a doctor, insisted and told me how to get tickets. MINING!
        1. +2
          15 February 2022 23: 19
          Quote: Bez 310
          NEVER offered tours,

          Strange, I thought that everything was for the flyers in the first place, and even those who serve in bearish corners.
          Dad is an officer, back in Hungary (he rested at the Balaton in the late 50s, South GV), then in the North Caucasus Military District he organized trips to Sochi and Sukhumi with his family (for 7 years), but he himself went to Pyatigorsk and Borjomi (here the doctors really insisted - a stomach ulcer).
          By the way, the resorts of their district are always offered first. In PRIKVO - Truskavets, Morshyn. KODVO - Skadovsk, Carolina-Bugaz, Koblevo, KSAVO - Tamga - Issyk-Kul.
          And my brother (he also served in your area at one time - Olga, Kavalerovo) constantly (while he was a bachelor) wandered around sanatoriums (and even in the Crimea several times).
          Yes, family, in the summer, it’s hard on the warm seas.
          But, whatever. Well, I don’t know why everything is so neglected in MA.
          1. +2
            16 February 2022 11: 02
            Quote: chenia
            Strange, I thought that everything was for the flyers in the first place, and even those who serve in bearish corners.

            Maybe the fact is that the author served in naval aviation - the unloved stepdaughter of the fleet. what
            1. +1
              16 February 2022 11: 49
              Quote: Alexey RA
              the fact is that the author served in naval aviation - the unloved stepdaughter of the fleet

              Yes, I think so too.
  13. +6
    15 February 2022 20: 34
    I decided to make my contribution to this clowning. In 2000, as a captain, I carried 15 soldiers from Kirov to Volgograd with a transfer in Moscow. The circus began already in Kirov, since there were no tickets for everyone, he persuaded the conductor to take them to the third shelves. We got to Moscow, I don’t know it at all. The patrol helped and took us from one station to another. We sat there for eight hours. I'm alone, I can't really go to the toilet or eat. Money was a penny, even Snickers was problematic to buy. Tickets turned out to be only for the Moscow-Dushanbe train. There were no pickets and other things, but some Tajiks were pretty annoying. It was July, when I got into the car I went nuts. Naturally, black faces were staring everywhere, gleaming with black eyes. By nature, I'm not a damn blond, and even grew up in the south. It is easier for me to find a common language with Chechens than with Asians. Barely able to expel strangers from our seats. But two large windows were broken in the carriage and covered with blankets, and the only toilet did not close, so the lock with meat was torn out there. And only the guides used the other toilet. Having fallen asleep at night, I was awakened by the second guide and he told me that this was his place. I freaked out again. I didn’t have the strength to argue with him, and I went to the compartment where the soldiers were sleeping and, sitting there, spent the rest of the night half asleep. Having reached Volgograd, we went out to meet other adventures, but not on the train.
  14. +2
    15 February 2022 21: 01
    Vacation went well, rested well. We forgot about the little adventure at the beginning of the holiday, and what is there to remember. When I went to work, I told the guys how we rode this train, but everything was behind us, and we just laughed. And I almost didn’t do anything bad to the head of the electronic warfare, he’s not to blame for the fact that there were no other tickets.
    Greetings to the author. What year was this holiday? hi
  15. +3
    15 February 2022 21: 26
    Quote: Bez 310
    and for another day they decomposed in the pools and bars of the ship, until they landed in Yalta.

    Morally decomposed, physically or at the same time to the fullest?
    I repeat with the old joke: "A pilot is returning after a vacation. He climbed into the cockpit and
    commands the mechanics: "Spill! Oh no. Distribute! No, not that. Undress ... Fuck you, damn it
    1. +4
      15 February 2022 21: 38
      Quote: Private SA
      at the same time to the fullest?

      Simultaneously for all options.
      We loved to go on a sea cruise along the Crimean-Caucasian line. And we went together, and one by one, and together with my brother's family. It was good to rest there.
  16. +4
    15 February 2022 21: 36
    We had long vacations - 64 days, taking into account the trip by plane.

    I received 600-800 rubles a month, my wife received 300-500 rubles, the money was almost not spent and accumulated by itself. Usually more than 8 rubles were taken away on vacation and spent there without a trace, sometimes parents had to borrow on the way back

    After such phrases, any stories about the difficulties of the service, in the eyes of a resident of the middle zone of the RSFSR, look at best like small splashes and no arguments can dissuade them.
    Unless they offer to go to serve, but they just don’t want to, but they will be “zhu-zhu-zhu” about salaries, holidays and exorbitant pensions ...
    1. +6
      15 February 2022 21: 47
      Quote: WayKhe Thuo
      ... offer to go serve, but they just don't want to ...

      Well yes...
      Any starley, right pilot or second navigator, without promotion, after 3,5 years of service in our area received 540 rubles, without any strain, and could write off due to health reasons and go on a full pension by the age of 35.
      And all I had to do was unlearn at the school, live in a wild garrison, and fly a little.
  17. +2
    15 February 2022 21: 52
    In what year did this delightful vacation trip take place? I know the North Caucasus. And, like when the trains rolled. Waiting for an answer.
    1. 0
      15 February 2022 22: 01
      Quote: bandabas
      What year

      I don't remember exactly, somewhere in the late 90s.
      1. +3
        15 February 2022 22: 08
        The penny returned to Russia in 1998. When I said goodbye to Krasnaya in December 97, there were thousands.
  18. +11
    15 February 2022 22: 03
    Probably, many people think that relaxing in a sanatorium is easy and pleasant. Not always...

    Somehow I got a vacation in the summer. But my wife didn't make it. So I went on vacation without my wife, but with my daughter. I went to Yalta, where my wife's parents lived. In order not to spend all the time under control, I got a single ticket to a simple, combined-arms sanatorium in Feodosia. I handed over my daughter to my grandparents, ran through the Yalta taverns, and went to improve my health in Feodosia.

    I didn't like the resort. The contingent is not the same. I used to rest in the sanatoriums of the Navy, "our" people rested there - both to drink and smoke ... But here I was settled together with a rocket major, a chemical officer came to visit. It seems that they are adults, but they don’t want to smoke in the room, they drink no more than a glass of wine, but, free mineral water with a “rotten” smell, they are ready to sip “without taking it out”. And they look quite healthy.

    And, what I didn’t like most of all, the building was closed at 23.00, when normal people are just starting to have fun. Well, almost like in a guardhouse ... I, of course, could not allow such a restriction of my freedom, so I had to swear every night, when returning "from a military campaign", to swear at the duty officers, whom I constantly did not let sleep peacefully. And every morning the duty officers complained to the head of the department, and the head tried to "build" me, and I
    otbrehivalsya, in short, I created a reputation for myself "good." I got bored.

    This is where my birthday came up. I, as is customary in normal troops, bought a case of vodka and a case of beer, picked up snacks, invited some vacationers, and we began to celebrate. We drank, smoked, sang songs, sent a nurse far, far away, who tried to interfere with us, that is, I did everything the way I used to do it during the service. The invitees could not stand the proposed pace, went to rest, and I ran into a tavern, and there I said that I had a holiday, I came very late, woke up the duty officer again, explained to her that she was on duty "without the right to sleep", in short, had fun recklessly .

    In the morning I woke up, lit a cigarette, opened a bottle of beer, I sit, I don’t touch anyone. Here the head of the department, "underground", flies in, grabs our sanatorium books,
    and shouts that he allows you to go to breakfast, and then to him, to be discharged for
    regime violation. I reassured him, said that I still had something to get drunk on, and began to "wipe the tears" of the rocket major, who for some reason was very upset at the prospect of leaving this lousy sanatorium ahead of schedule.

    Well, I drank, smoked, put on shorts, and went to the boss, recommending
    the major should not cry, but drink and eat. Everything that happened at the boss
    I really liked it, and I was once again convinced that naval pilots are still respected. I went to the boss, sat down, I sit. He silently reads my sanatorium book.
    - Major B.?
    It is pointless to lock myself up, I honestly admit that both Major and B.
    - You got drunk yesterday, insulted the duty officer, all the time I have been complaining about you, I write you and your neighbor for violating the regime.
    - I didn’t get drunk, but celebrated my birthday, the duty officer constantly sleeps at the post,
    in the evening, for some reason, the door is closed, but I didn’t come to the pioneer camp, I need to
    relax properly in order to better defend the Motherland, and not like you, on the southern coast of Crimea, but on the Pacific coast. But I was already tired of your sanatorium, I was already going to leave for Yalta, therefore, write me out, but don’t touch your neighbor, he has nothing to do with it, he didn’t drink.
    - You all have a birthday every day, just to come up with a reason ...
    - I ask you not to insult the senior officers of Naval Aviation! Here is my ID, see for yourself.
    Silently flips through the "Identity", mechanically flips through the pages, sees my position, is interested in:
    - So you are the navigator of the regiment?
    - The navigator.
    - A whole regiment?
    - Whole...
    - What regiment?
    - Naval, missile-carrying, aviation.
    - That's it ... And you have no diagnoses, only preventive rest?
    - Well ...
    - I understand you well, difficult service, sky and sea, taiga, you definitely need to have a good rest, and you need to relieve stress. Let's do this - I will transfer you to a single room, and relax there without disturbing anyone. I’ll tell the attendants to open the door for you calmly, without shouting.
    - No, that will not do. What am I to you, an alcoholic, to drink one? Leave me in a room with a rocket man, and let him drink without consequences, I will not attract anyone else to my rest. Deal?
    - Deal. You go, rest, I will arrange that you are no longer disturbed.
    - Thanks for taking care of me.
    - Not at all, my son himself went to the pilots, got into the sea, he told such a story ...
    Well, don't believe everything.
    - You know, I looked at your vacation and believed ...
    The happy rocket man drank with me for three more days, and then I could not stand it and left.
  19. +2
    15 February 2022 22: 22
    author, is the photo of the lily of the valley station new? inside is also clean and modest?
    1. +2
      15 February 2022 22: 25
      Quote: Victorio
      inside is also clean and modest?

      I don't know, this is not my photo.
  20. +3
    15 February 2022 23: 59
    And it’s good that I “didn’t live up to this” ... Somehow, in the days of the “indestructible”, we didn’t even think about it ... Well, except to get tickets, but somehow they got out without much dancing with a tambourine ... I remember us transferred to the "field" during the repair of the runway ... every weekend I dangled to my wife without a ticket at all ... The conductor put me on the third shelf ...
  21. +3
    16 February 2022 01: 33
    While he was young and hot, for 3 years in a row he managed to go on vacation in August, telling that he was getting married, love and all. And in September, I clearly had to tell that it was not my soul mate who understood, ehh, poor unfortunate one. But it didn't work at higher positions.
  22. -1
    16 February 2022 16: 10
    I somehow got into submission to the department of a commercial company, a demobilized regiment navigator - that's exactly like your EW major.
    I won’t say what kind of navigator he was, but in civilian life - zero sense, zero initiative, not the slightest desire to learn something new and figure something out, there was enough thinking, only how to pretend that he was useful.

    Like that Matroskin -

    The "comrade" stayed in the army - to develop the brain from scratch.
  23. +2
    16 February 2022 23: 08
    All our memories of that time are built on verbs: to get, to knock out, to beg, to knock out. My mother, too, something like this "got" occasionally vouchers. Well, what good was in this format compared to today: I decided on vacation dates, chose a city (route), read reviews, chose a sanatorium, bought a ticket, went to rest. Even with his wife, even with his mother-in-law and grandchildren ...
    1. +3
      17 February 2022 15: 11
      Quote: AC130 Ganship
      Well, what good was in this format compared to today

      "Times do not choose,
      They live and die in them.
      Greater vulgarity in the world
      No, what to beg and blame.
      If you can those on
      As in the market, change."
  24. -2
    17 February 2022 13: 47
    Come I will give you a hug! How familiar!
  25. -1
    17 February 2022 18: 04
    Dear Bez 310,

    First of all, thank you so much for a great story!

    Secondly, a couple of questions, for general understanding:

    1. The DD you voiced (800r) - for what period? If in the mid 80s - very cool! If at the end of the 80s - good, but not so cool. Well, in the 90s - "wrappers" went ... Well, it must be taken into account that the prices in the Far East were slightly different than on the "Central Russian Upland".
    2. Vacation 65 days - with or without days off? In other words, is 2 weeks equal to 10 days or 14 days?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.
    1. +1
      18 February 2022 13: 31
      Quote: Anytime
      Vacation 65 days - with or without days off? In other words, 2 weeks equals 10 days or 14 days?

      I did not understand anything, but I will answer as best I can - 64 calendar days.
      800 - in the late 80s, somewhere around 88. I could be wrong, but not much.
      1. 0
        18 February 2022 23: 29
        I was given a pilot from Mongokhto to Moscow for 49 days. That is 4 days on the road. If a little further, then no more than 6, that is, 51. Where did your 64 come from? And if this is true, then why such an unfair difference?
        1. +1
          19 February 2022 09: 24
          Quote: FEDOSEY SHUKSHIN
          why such an unfair difference?

          Somehow my vacation was shortened for "disciplinary" reasons.
          All questions - to your commanders.
          1. 0
            19 February 2022 10: 05
            Our entire crew went for such a period. And I don’t remember that someone walked for 64 days. It was you in the administration who apparently arranged such a lafa for yourself. By law, military leave was 45 days, not counting the road. And from Mongokhto we were issued travel cards for the plane. There are no disciplinary considerations here.
        2. +2
          19 February 2022 09: 56
          Quote: FEDOSEY SHUKSHIN
          I was given a pilot from Mongokhto to Moscow for 49 days.

          The duration of the main vacation for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract is established:
          a) military personnel whose total duration of military service on a preferential basis is less than 10 years - 30 days;
          The duration of the main leave is increased (an additional day of rest is provided) for the following categories of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, in accordance with the standards:
          b) military personnel in military service:
          in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North - for 10 days;
          c) military personnel who are in military positions (positions), the performance of military service duties in which is associated with an increased danger to life and health - for 15 days.
          ROAD - four days by plane.
          Count for yourself the vacation of a lieutenant-pilot from Mongokhto.

          Do not ask me questions, learn to work with documents on your own.
          1. 0
            19 February 2022 10: 08
            Didn't know about 10 days. Or later introduced this norm. I retired at 98 with 37 years of service.
            Were these norms hidden from ordinary crews or what?
            1. +2
              19 February 2022 10: 21
              Quote: FEDOSEY SHUKSHIN
              Were these norms hidden from ordinary crews or what?

              I don’t know who was hiding something from you, or not hiding it ...
              But I know for sure that the vast majority of officers have never got acquainted with the documents regulating military service.
      2. 0
        23 February 2022 18: 06
        64 calendar days.

        OK, i.e. including weekends. Pretty good, by the standards of the Union, except that the teachers were getting closer. But it is also necessary to take into account what kind of work and living / living conditions these 64 days were earned. If 64 "working" days (5 days a week and "holidays" are not taken into account, i.e. almost > 3 months) - that would be very cool ...:-).

        around 88

        It was quite normal at that time :-) And, as you wrote, there was nowhere to spend money in Mongohto outside of vacation.

        Michael, thanks again for your articles! I hope you take a break and continue. Here I read, and all these nuances in relationships ... well, I remember my youth. Although I remember well that you designated the style as "artistic reality" :-) And etta... Happy Holidays!
        1. 0
          23 February 2022 18: 17
          Quote: Anytime
          Although I remember well that you designated the style as "artistic story"

          In this case, I did not designate the style, so this story is just a true story.
          1. -1
            23 February 2022 19: 34
            No problems.

            Once again, who and what writes - the decision is only for "who". Personally, I really like your stories, but some nuances ... so to speak, "artistic" :-) For example: [not quotes, but what I remember] "sat down at 2 a.m., NSh arrives" I would like to fly, how much fuel do you have left , reluctantly, but they drove "... Damn, yes, prepare the Tu-16 brontosaurus for a re-flight ... I suspect an hour at least (MiG-21bis - 20 minutes). But it's not about inaccuracies (or "artistic"), your stories are very good!
            1. +1
              23 February 2022 19: 53
              Quote: Anytime
              Yes, brontosaurus Tu-16 to prepare for a re-flight ...

              No need to cook anything, jumped on the plane and launched.
  26. 0
    19 February 2022 23: 19
    I don’t understand, the author is telling a story about a specific event in some year, and judging by his own answer, this happened in the late 90s. At the same time, the author talks about his salary of 800 rubles, and in the same comments he says that this is a salary at the end of the 80s. How to compare these two episodes with a difference of 10 years? Further from the story, we learn that the position of the author of the NSh, which means the second person after the commander in the unit, and it is in the hands of the NSh in the hands (more precisely in the safe) of strict reporting forms called the military transportation document, which means that all personnel from privates to the commander, if necessary, refers specifically to the chief of staff for these forms. And of course, the chief medical officer also needs such documents, so the situation described in the story does not inspire confidence, well, at least in relation to the chief medical officer of the unit. NSH is both God and the tsar at the same time, it is in his power to decide the present and future of the personnel, starting from vacations, dismissals, awards, conferring titles, positions, the same travel cards and much more. Therefore, everyone tried to be friends with NSh and help at the first request, understanding the benefits in such a relationship. Well, bravado by a senior officer by systematic violation of the routine in a departmental sanatorium also does not add positive points to the author, especially in terms of smoking in the ward, etc., etc.
    1. 0
      23 February 2022 18: 08
      Quote: Drugov
      NSH is both God and the tsar at the same time, it is in his power to decide the present and future of the personnel, starting from vacations, dismissals, awards, conferring titles, positions, the same travel cards and much more.

      Exactly so, but our NSH was a decent person, and always acted according to his conscience, and then according to the Charter.
    2. 0
      23 February 2022 20: 08
      Yes, of course, the author is a scoundrel! He smoked in the ward of the sanatorium, he is not restrained from alcohol, his Dad is a senior officer at the school, and his wife (it's scary to say) is the head of the pilot's canteen. A corrupt official, a mafia, and a degenerate in general! ... Well, 30 years in Mongokhto - this is to disguise his decomposed little soul, nothing else ...

      Damn, well, where do you get such Drugovs from?
      1. 0
        23 February 2022 22: 48
        I don't understand why you are turning everything upside down? Where did I call the author a scoundrel, a corrupt official or a mafioso? I just wondered about the inconsistency of individual moments in the narrative and pointed out that it was not good for a respected senior officer to brag about not the most personal nuances from his biography. If you think that a long service in distant garrisons gives the right to such behavior, then this is of course your right, but I am of a different opinion.