European gas prices jump nearly 20 percent amid reports of record low fuel storage inventories


European regulators confirm the information that appeared on the network regarding the issue of the availability of gas reserves in the underground storage facilities of the EU. It turned out that, on average, European gas storages are currently filled by 28-30% with the so-called active gas. These are the minimum volumes for the entire history.

The regulator GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe) publishes slightly optimistic (for Europe) figures, indicating that at the moment the level of gas filling of European UGSFs is more than a quarter lower than the same period last year. To be precise, it is less by 26%.

Additionally, it is noted that the Europeans pumped out more than 71 percent of the gas from their underground storage facilities.

Almost 35 billion cubic meters of “blue fuel” have been pumped out of UGS facilities since the beginning of autumn, bringing reserves to an anti-record in history.

At the moment, gas reserves in EU UGS facilities are about 2 billion cubic meters below the mark, which is, in fact, critical. Usually, gas extraction did not reach it. The Europeans have always tried to keep 33% of the gas reserves in storage when re-injecting.

What is the reason for the fact that for the first time in many years the volumes of gas in underground storage facilities are depleted by more than 71%?

Experts believe that banal greed played its main role. European companies were in no hurry to buy gas on the world market at exchange prices, which at their peak soared to $1800 per 1000 cubic meters. Instead, they used inventory purchased at substantially lower rates. They also tried to resell each other in the hope of making money.

But today the situation for European consumers is extremely difficult. Gas prices are going up again. Including due to low stocks in Europe. Thus, on the Dutch TTF hub, the price of futures jumped above $1,1 thousand per thousand cubic meters. This is despite the fact that last week the price was just over $920 for the same volume. The growth was about 20 percent.

It turns out that the Europeans will either have to buy billions of cubic meters of gas at high prices in the near future, or completely abandon gas as an energy carrier, which looks completely absurd in the middle of winter. It is technically impossible to empty the storages by 100%. If this happens, it will disrupt the very system for ensuring the operation of UGS facilities.

In such a situation, it remains customary to expect that in Europe they will again blame Russia for their problems and their own commercialism ...
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  1. +28
    24 January 2022 18: 45
    Here it turns out for what Miller received the Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. The merit is obvious. laughing
    1. +10
      24 January 2022 19: 37
      It is urgent to pull a straw pipeline from the uk-roina, and pump liquid straw for use as fuel for power plants, and pump the excess into underground straw storages !!! Checkmate "Gazprom" !!! wassat wassat
      1. +1
        24 January 2022 20: 00
        Here, pulling some kind of "wire" is our national pastime. So the straw pipe is easy. laughing
      2. +4
        24 January 2022 21: 42
        I think that the most interesting will begin in March-April! Yes
        1. 0
          25 January 2022 20: 49
          While the US vassal European bureaucrats are "fighting" with the gas supplier - Russia - gas reserves are rapidly dwindling ... Well, well! lol
    2. -1
      24 January 2022 19: 57
      and hero of the US gas industry)
      1. -2
        24 January 2022 20: 01
        And why not, they are also involved in this.
  2. +4
    24 January 2022 18: 48
    They won't freeze.
    Let them understand what it's like to "tighten the belt tighter."
    1. +4
      24 January 2022 18: 54
      We've already delayed. To save heating, we burn a decorative bio-ethanol fireplace wassat
      And so at home we keep the temperature of +19, +20 ° C maximum and are already used to it.
      But in a strange way, the price of electricity and not gas is more expensive, in Germany, for example
      1. SSR
        24 January 2022 19: 15
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        What does it mean to "tighten your belt".

        In our country, ordinary people are also addictive, because it is clear that usd and eur will be raised to 100.
        It is also true that our exporters will make good money on the difference.
        Let's wait and see, imha for the Olympics they will tell the situation and again, we will not reach Kiev, we will only make another drug addict to chew.
        Another "sarco" will say that it was it that stopped the Russian tanks.
        1. +4
          24 January 2022 21: 55
          In 2014, Demura also prophesied 100 rubles for usd ...
          1. -13
            25 January 2022 04: 38
            Nevertheless, the dollar exchange rate is already 80 rubles. That is, again, everything will rise in price with us, but this is nonsense, however, we have a victory over the damned West, which is getting more expensive there. Yes-ah-ah, right according to the proverb about a cow that died at a neighbor. Why look at our prices flying up and at their beggarly salaries, you need to look to the west. This is how much you need to be either narrow-minded or lured by the state feeder, so as not to notice where our country is rapidly falling.
            1. +1
              25 January 2022 10: 38
              That is, again, everything will rise in price for us

              Why is everything going up in price? Can you trace the correlation between the dollar and the consumer price index?
              1. 0
                26 January 2022 16: 55
                You can trace the correlation

                He can't. To do this, you need to know mathematics at least in the volume of high school.
                But factor analysis is more appropriate here. And this is in principle inaccessible for the vast majority of wrestlers. They have a humanitarian mindset laughing In a sense, they all know how to lead the country, treat covid and teach children, but they themselves cannot pass the exam.
                1. +1
                  26 January 2022 21: 01
                  You are right, stochastic factor analysis is more appropriate. But you still need to play with the data.
                  1. +1
                    26 January 2022 22: 47
                    Yes, all and sundry played - the correlation is weak.
            2. -2
              25 January 2022 11: 39
              Are you an optimist? I thought we were already at the bottom and digging diligently, with interest, but what is deeper there, you say that there is still much to do (and yes, sarcasm is in solidarity, because the patriots are starting to enrage cheers)
      2. -1
        26 January 2022 16: 51
        But in a strange way, the price of electricity is more expensive than gas

        Not strange at all, I can explain the mechanism.
    2. -11
      24 January 2022 20: 55
      Let them understand what it's like to "tighten the belt tighter."

      And how can I understand this if prices for the population are frozen until spring? laughing
      In general, the Russian representation of Europe sincerely amuses me. I read VO like a humorous newspaper ... bully
      1. +12
        24 January 2022 21: 18
        . And how can I understand this if prices for the population are frozen until spring?

        Understand, as they understand in the UK - the bankruptcy of several energy supply companies. Or understand how the country's budget is forced to subsidize.
        . laughing

        And why laugh at the problems of your country - it's not patriotic.

        There is only one result - the problems eventually roll down, and you will roll down. And the industry will already be forced to raise prices for its final products; cars and even diapers and bread.
        "If it's gone somewhere, it's not for me." Sound and logical thought of the industry.
        1. -16
          24 January 2022 21: 36
          Or understand how the country's budget is forced to subsidize.

          I don't care, they will definitely steal less.
          bankruptcy of several energy supply companies.

          Bankruptcy of private energy companies!? God grant that these creatures die at the bottom of the sea. Sales of Bentleys for freaks and FSEs will fall.. wassat
          industry will already be forced to raise the prices of its final products; cars and even diapers and bread.

          This is 100% correct here. But the increase in wages (12%) is ahead of inflation (7,8%) and all the purple. Let the children of the country think where the middle class gets 17 and buys EU products ... laughing
          1. +5
            24 January 2022 21: 59
            They count chickens in the fall ... dft they are such harmful derivatives ...
          2. +5
            24 January 2022 22: 02
            "ugly people" are the same everywhere. And they always buy their Bentleys. And the rise in the price of your "exclusive" products will lead to the fact that it will not become so exclusive. About "12%" generally keep quiet. About 17.000 too.
            In general, if you like to laugh at others so much, how big are your bills at the dentist?) Just curious.
            1. -8
              24 January 2022 22: 18
              In general, if you like to laugh at others so much, how big are your bills at the dentist?) Just curious.

              Bj, a dentist is a dentist, the same dentist? We have capitalism - there are cheap services paid by the state and there are private offices. There are cheap ceramic crowns and there are zircon ones. I personally have three different dentists - one general, one surgeon and one who specializes in periodontal problems. All three work as a team, and there are video cameras in the office that exchange videos between specialists. And yes - I'm middle class, the count hurts, but health is more important.
              1. +6
                24 January 2022 22: 32
                If they were smart, they wouldn't answer my question.
                It is noticeable that the thinking is a little different.
                I wish you strength and reliability of the dental composition.
              2. -1
                26 January 2022 16: 59
                And yes - I'm middle class

                Remarkably colleague, the foreigner who said this was finally caught in the public field. You have a question: why did you decide that the middle class? Or, according to the scientific, please give an operational definition.
            2. -11
              24 January 2022 22: 30
              And the rise in the price of your "exclusive" products will lead to the fact that it will not become so exclusive.

              You gave an example with bread. I will continue - are you the number 1 producer of wheat in the world? So? And we are the number 1 producer of wheat for sowing in the world. You produce a lot, but of low quality and cheap, and we produce a little, for the expensive one. And now, when the cost of our wheat has risen, you will buy it, and then your capitalists will grow wheat for you and sell bread. That's all reality. And so with everything - machine tools, wheat, televisions, etc.
              Look at the rollers on your Star. About your latest weapons. Whatever the plant, it is full of machine tools. Whatever the machine, the name is blurred, because it is European or American. bully
              1. +2
                24 January 2022 22: 40
                Look at the rollers on your Star.

                I don't watch TV at all. As for machines, I agree. I remember the scandals about the sale of turbines for the state district power station through Korea. I hope that we will gradually become self-sufficient - life will most likely teach. If there is life. Now the "clock of the Apocalypse" (there are such, periodically the arrows move on them under the video cameras) have shifted again. Therefore, your laughing is not clear to me. Not adequate for me.
                1. -16
                  24 January 2022 22: 43
                  Now is the Apocalypse Clock

                  My respect, but I don't believe in a nuclear war these days. For different reasons. This is the USSR could pull this off. He was definitely afraid. And your..... bj.... let's say the president is not so authoritative. Sorry for being candid. hi
                  1. +3
                    24 January 2022 23: 28
                    For most citizens of the Russian Federation, he is authoritative. But (perhaps) "his close friends" are more authoritative for him, because promises and facts differ a little for ordinary people. But there is no one better than him. Are they stealing? Yes. But before they stole more, much more.
                    And, by the way, there are quite a lot of ordinary people who would support Putin in looking at the "red button". We do not live awesome, but the arrogance of NATO is unacceptable to us.
                  2. +1
                    25 January 2022 09: 43
                    Quote: Keyser Soze
                    not so authoritative.

                    laughing laughing laughing So, among the Bulgarian canned vegetables, of course, no - they don’t even know. Yes And so a person solves issues in which various Bulgaria-Romania and other Czech Republics perform only the role of a faceless extras, which in fact they are.
                    1. -4
                      25 January 2022 10: 35
                      And so a person solves issues in which various Bulgaria-Romania and other Czech Republics

                      What, are you a human?! Are we canned vegetables? I would really, really like to see you live ... fascist slicker ...
                      1. +1
                        25 January 2022 11: 04
                        Quote: Keyser Soze
                        That's what

                        Wow, Zhenya is offended... fellow laughing Well, nothing happens, be patient. Yes
                        Or did you think that you would spoil with impunity here?
                2. 0
                  26 January 2022 16: 01
                  Now the "clock of the Apocalypse" (there are such, periodically the arrows move on them under the video cameras) have shifted again. Therefore, yours is not clear to me. Not adequate for me.

                  It is clear to every adequate person that there will be no global mess. Simply because thermonuclear weapons are capable of turning the entire planet into a glassy mass in an hour. Those who hold suitcases with red buttons cannot be called suicidal! They have a life in chocolate, everything is fine with them! Yes
                  1. +2
                    26 January 2022 16: 14
                    They have a life in chocolate, everything is fine with them!

                    Perhaps, but for myself I would not want such a life.
                    "My everyday life" suits me. The ratio of income, the availability of free time and the ability to dispose of it according to my desires is more attractive to me.
                    1. +1
                      26 January 2022 16: 39
                      Perhaps, but for myself I would not want such a life. "My everyday life" suits me. The ratio of income, the availability of free time and the ability to dispose of it according to my desires is more attractive to me.

                      I, too! Yes I probably have 100 times less restrictions than they have! drinks
                      1. +2
                        26 January 2022 17: 00

                        For a quiet life and peace.
                        Photo - our common) The Black Sea a month ago. drinks
                      2. +1
                        26 January 2022 20: 59
                        For a quiet life and peace. drinks
                        The Black Sea is wonderful! good
              2. +4
                25 January 2022 00: 08
                To read you, one gets the impression of Bulgaria as a decoupling of stability and wealth in the EU. Oh, come on, what a trifle all over the capitalist world. wassat
                1. -1
                  26 January 2022 16: 07
                  To read you, one gets the impression of Bulgaria as a decoupling of stability and wealth in the EU. Oh, come on, what a trifle all over the capitalist world.

                  I confirm what Eugene said! Yes Bulgaria is truly an island of stability. Not rich, but not as poor as it seems. Mainly because of the stability of the financial system, and the debts are small. Bulgarians live within their own pocket, do not show off with show-offs! bully
              3. SSR
                25 January 2022 09: 02
                Quote: Keyser Soze
                And we are the number 1 producer of wheat for sowing in the world. You produce a lot, but of low quality and cheap, and we produce a little, for the expensive one.

                Actually, it was relevant 6-8 years ago, then all the seed material was purchased, now the picture is different, the same cucumbers and tomatoes are greenhouse, already domestic varieties.
        2. -2
          24 January 2022 22: 36
          energy supply companies
          to be precise, energy dealers, intermediaries between suppliers and consumers who do nothing but marketing. Actually, the rise in prices was limited by the state and amounted to 13%, sort of.
          1. 0
            24 January 2022 22: 49
            . to be precise, energy dealers, intermediaries between suppliers and consumers

            Who cares? There are always power dealers. "Floating contract" for distribution network operators for the supply to the final consumer with whom is it concluded? Or a monopoly?) Forbidden.
            It is clear that in place of one - others will always come. Only this is also always a loss: to the consumer, shareholders (a wide group with Western pension funds) and the state.
            1. -3
              24 January 2022 23: 01
              The consumer will not lose anything - he will simply go to more stable suppliers. Shareholders who decide from a rented office to "raise the dough" on speculation - that's where they are dear. The state doesn't care at all.
              1. 0
                24 January 2022 23: 22
                Shareholders who decide from a rented office to "raise the dough" on speculation - that's where they are dear ..

                No, it's not. The former Soviet republics are not yet familiar with the rules of real capitalism, so they often talk like that. For "the decision to raise the dough", there (in the UK) they sit and lose their property. All property.
                The state is losing taxes. And the consumer first sits without gas. By the way, he sits without gas in a couple of weeks if he hasn't paid his bills. Also - "the hard reality of capitalism."
                It's good only for the new "dealer".
                1. -4
                  24 January 2022 23: 41
                  former Soviet republics
                  I have lived in England since I was an adult.
                  sit and lose property
                  if in the course of entrepreneurial activity they do not violate the law, they do not sit. Moreover, now it is more difficult to get into prison than at Oxford University. Taxes are paid by others, but in the same amount. Gas / electricity does not disappear anywhere - the bill comes from a different address, and that's it.
                  1. +2
                    24 January 2022 23: 50
                    . practically

                    Noticeably. Tell me, please, is the concept of "entrepreneurial activity" in addition to the law of the Russian Federation "on entrepreneurial activity" used anywhere else?
                    1. -5
                      24 January 2022 23: 58
                      used elsewhere
                      On a Russian-speaking forum, its use is quite appropriate. Or is there no such phrase in Russian anymore?
                      1. 0
                        25 January 2022 00: 07
                        Life observations. People living in the Anglo-Saxon world very often say "business", and often without a topic. "Beezy", eternal Busy.. But they never say grew up. terms.
                      2. -3
                        25 January 2022 00: 15
                        the forum is Russian-speaking and I communicate in Russian. (In general, that's why I'm talking here). From my life observations, if an interlocutor living in the Anglo-Saxon world dilutes his speech with anglicisms laughing ), then he manipulates the truth, as they say in the British Parliament.
      2. +4
        24 January 2022 22: 34
        Quote: Keyser Soze
        prices for the population are frozen until spring

        Eugene, you sound the price - it's interesting.

        Quote: Keyser Soze
        I read VO like a humorous newspaper ...

        The Germans are not funny - since the new year, prices have increased by at least 15 percent (per calculated kWh), and if you count from the 20th year - by all 60.
        1. -7
          24 January 2022 22: 49
          Eugene, you sound the price - it's interesting.

          Believe me, I didn't know her. Now, for your sake, I came in to see it for Sofia - the daily rate is 0,14666 leva per kilowatt, the night rate is 0,06245 leva per kilowatt. In euros, this can roughly be divided into two.
          I don't know what it will give you, but please... hi
          1. +2
            24 January 2022 23: 10
            Quote: Keyser Soze
            I don't know what it will give you, but please...

            Wow, that's a lot! 75 euro cents during the day and 32 - at night (per cube). Thanks! hi
      3. -1
        25 January 2022 06: 27
        Geoenergy INFO
        This site is not about politics, look and "have fun" for Europe.
      4. 0
        26 January 2022 15: 53
        And how can I understand this if prices for the population are frozen until spring?

        good December 15, 2021 Deputies of the National Assembly of Bulgaria voted for a moratorium on prices for electricity, water and central heating. The moratorium will be valid until March 31, 2022, and prices will be at the level of December 16, 2021. This is just in the winter season, when consumers' energy consumption increases. On average, the price of electricity in the country should have increased by 1% from January 11.5 at the suggestion of KEVR, but this will not happen now.
        In general, the Russian representation of Europe sincerely amuses me. I read VO like a humorous newspaper ...

        Previously, the magazine "Crocodile" was funnier, but for some reason it was closed. laughing
        1. 0
          27 January 2022 13: 52
          Novelty on the topic since January 26, 2022
          At an open meeting of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (KEVR) on natural gas prices, it became clear that „Bulgargaz may offer to reduce the price of natural gas by 1% from February 18.
          So the 20% increase in gas prices referred to in the article will probably be reduced to just 2% for Bulgarian consumers. hi
  3. +5
    24 January 2022 18: 52
    In Europe, they received an instruction to wait for how the "case" in Ukraine will end. If the Russian Federation correctly destroys everything, then SP-2 will be certified immediately. I think that the Russian Federation has a chance to resolve everything competently, despite all the sanctions prepared in advance. The main thing is not to panic and stick to your line with cold-blooded confidence.
    1. -3
      24 January 2022 21: 28
      .Most importantly, do not panic and stick to your line with cold-blooded confidence.

      Germany does not think so, apparently and prefers to overpay for gas. Where can we go if the solution to the problem of SP2 depends mainly on them.
    2. -2
      24 January 2022 23: 33
      well, I think that even if they settle it peacefully, they will drag out the sp-2 to the stop, what’s the point here? at market prices, and it is 1,1 kilodollars now. Therefore, they hope to stretch it until spring, and there it’s just to “wait for the summer” with warming, and all the squeals about “Gazprom should pump gas now” is an attempt to influence the price on the market in this way, if Gazprom pumps gas itself, then this can drop the price by 30 percent ..
  4. +3
    24 January 2022 18: 52
    The question arises why they don't buy gas from Russia if they don't have enough of it? After all, it is sold under a contract, and the prices are low.
    1. -34
      24 January 2022 18: 57
      Good question.
      Gazprom's storage facilities in Europe are empty. Despite high gas prices and demand, Gazprom has drastically reduced supplies to Europe.
      As a result, dozens of LNG carriers are now continuously unloading LNG at all terminals in Europe.
      1. +26
        24 January 2022 19: 02
        This is not Gazprom cut, and Europe does not buy. Do you offer free download?
      2. +20
        24 January 2022 19: 06
        Quote: voyaka uh

        As a result, dozens of LNG carriers are now continuously unloading LNG at all terminals in Europe.

        Please do not be unfounded and provide information for the above
        1. +6
          24 January 2022 19: 23
          And he is not paid for the truth, but for stuffing and slandering Russia.
          1. +7
            24 January 2022 19: 57
            The supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe in January 2022 will reach a new historical record in history, exceeding 10 billion cubic meters, Interfax writes, citing data from Gas Infrastructure Europe.

            P.S. where does obs..ranie and gas supplies to the EU by gas carriers? some kind of incomprehensible logic ..
        2. +1
          24 January 2022 19: 59
          Large-scale unloading of LNG tankers in EU ports against the backdrop of reduced purchases of Russian gas

        3. -6
          24 January 2022 21: 49
          Frankly speaking, the "forumchanin" is right - now Germany receives 60% of LNG. The loading of LNG processing terminals in Europe is approximately 70-80% (I'm talking about Europe. Eternal losers - Poland and Lithuania are still waiting for the promise from the States)).
          Novatek has Leonid Mikhelson (24,8%),
          Gennady Timchenko (23,5%)
          Total (19,4%)
          Gazprom (10,0%)
          there are interesting proposals for Europe regarding LNG. Particularly interesting to Russia is that LNG will go along the Northern Route (it's time to start developing and functioning). Moreover, today there was a meeting with Putin on Kamchatka (including) and the redistribution of Yamal fields, producing gas companies. Most likely, Novatek will receive a "bone off the table" (with a guarantee of gas supply to Kamchatka.
          After all, there is Timchenko)
      3. +12
        24 January 2022 19: 17
        [quote=voyaka uh]Good question.
        Gazprom's storage facilities in Europe are empty. Despite high gas prices and demand, Gazprom has drastically reduced supplies to Europe. Taki cut because they don't buy. Would you increase?
        As a result, dozens of LNG carriers are now continuously unloading LNG at all terminals in Europe. If dozens of gas carriers are now continuously unloading, especially at all terminals in Europe, then why did prices rise by 20% and not fall? Or is it in the form of a "salute" that gas from the United States is welcomed, because they will not be sold to them below?
        1. 0
          24 January 2022 20: 26
          historically, Russian gas covered 1/3 of consumption in Europe. america increased gas sales from 6% (w18g) to 16%. this year will be something in the region of 20+%. but this is far from the 33% needed to cover the Russian part. Can the Americans completely cover? can. but then they will completely lose the Asian market.
          according to this, now the can is trying to negotiate with Qatar.
          1. 0
            24 January 2022 21: 55
            . according to this, now the can is trying to negotiate with Qatar.

            What to agree on? You can't jump above the ceiling. Technological capacity of Qatar for liquefaction of gas "plow like damned."
            1. -1
              24 January 2022 23: 03
              about sectoral sanctions is obvious. so that Qatar would replace Russia in gas sales.
              1. +1
                24 January 2022 23: 15
                How can he replace? How? See Qatar LNG capacity utilization. They would be happy, but first "it is necessary to set up the factories and bring gas pipelines to the factories." If you didn't understand my first comment. Or do you think that "you just need to twist the faucet"? And it became unmeasured LNG)
                1. -1
                  25 January 2022 07: 01
                  the fact of negotiations is irrefutable. This has been reported by many agencies.
                  what they are talking about we can only speculate. officially - LNG supplies to Europe.
                  can the Americans try to intercept Chinese contracts? why not? Chinese gas reserves at a record level - more than 80% filled. but Qatar, as I understand it, has long-term contracts with China and it’s not great to violate them ... will Qatar do this? do not know. what can Biden offer them? reconciliation with the Arab world?
        2. -7
          24 January 2022 20: 27
          "then why did prices rise by 20%, and not fall? Or is it in the form of a" salute " they welcome gas from the USA, because they won't sell it below?" ///
          When the receiving terminals are full and delivery to customers begins,
          prices will start to fall. Gas and gas carriers are not only American, but from all over the world.
          The Americans view these deliveries as strategic before a possible
          Russian-Ukrainian war. When the supply of raw materials from Russia may stop
          at all.
          1. 0
            24 January 2022 21: 06
            Quote: voyaka uh
            "then why did prices rise by 20%, and not fall? Or is it in the form of a" salute " they welcome gas from the USA, because they won't sell it below?" ///
            When the receiving terminals are full and delivery to customers begins,
            prices will start to fall. Gas and gas carriers are not only American, but from all over the world.
            The Americans view these deliveries as strategic before a possible
            Russian-Ukrainian war. When the supply of raw materials from Russia may stop
            at all.

            It turns out that they do not respect and do not trust the United States, all of a sudden they will take gas carriers and turn around again to Asia. But with just one mention that Russia will start pumping gas, the price in Europe falls immediately. Respect however.
          2. 0
            24 January 2022 21: 57
            Quote: voyaka uh
            Americans view these deliveries as strategic

            Then why, under this logic, should Gazprom fill its storage facilities - the states will provide for everyone ... only the less in the storage facilities, the more they will have to provide, but ..
            and the question is how the promised land reacted to the fact that the United States does not support the construction of the EastMed gas pipeline, which Israel has already agreed with Cyprus and Greece, but
            The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) expressed its satisfaction on this occasion.
          3. 0
            24 January 2022 22: 00
            already fallen
            The unloading of LNG lowered gas prices - its quotes fell from $2200 per 1 cubic meters (prices at the end of December) to $920 (according to EEX information from January 12).
            1. 0
              24 January 2022 22: 49
              "According to the data of the London-based ICE Futures exchange, gas prices at the Dutch hub rose by more than 19% and reached $1102 per thousand cubic meters." (With) hi It's on 24.01.2022
              1. -3
                24 January 2022 22: 51
                quotes fell from $2200 per 1 cubic meters

                As the market becomes saturated with liquefied gas, prices will stabilize. While it is being dismantled from the wheels, therefore small price jumps are possible.
            2. +1
              25 January 2022 09: 30
              Quote: Avior
              already fallen
              The unloading of LNG lowered gas prices - its quotes fell from $2200 per 1 cubic meters (prices at the end of December) to $920 (according to EEX information from January 12).
              On 24.price-01 greens.
              I dare to ask, how many 22 gas carriers lined up in line?
          4. +1
            24 January 2022 23: 35
            so they will only fill up or have they already filled up? You wrote above that dozens of gas carriers are already unloading ..
            1. 0
              25 January 2022 09: 47
              Quote: Barberry25
              so they will only fill up or have they already filled up? You wrote above that dozens of gas carriers are already unloading ..

              I'll get in. They just turned from China to Europe.
              1. 0
                25 January 2022 09: 59
                it will be interesting if the price jumps in Asia now, will they turn again?
                1. -1
                  25 January 2022 10: 04
                  No, they won't. China itself began selling liquefied natural gas, which had previously been purchased in excess. The trouble for Europe is that when it arrives at their ports, they will not be able to accept all of it, due to the fact that the pipelines are sharpened to receive pipeline gas.
      4. +11
        24 January 2022 19: 20
        what If continuously and tens, then why "oats rises in price"?
      5. +4
        24 January 2022 19: 35
        If gas carriers are standing in line there, why are the prices so high?
      6. +6
        24 January 2022 19: 40
        If the gas heaps, why don't prices fall and such a nervous reaction to empty storage?
      7. +4
        24 January 2022 19: 40
        Warrior, in secret, they will reveal the secret of gas in Europe is not enough because gas carriers are unloaded in the old fashioned way, manually, with pitchforks wassat it's just a secret wassat
        1. 0
          24 January 2022 20: 25
          state of affairs at the beginning - mid-January
          In total, 365 and 372 million cubic meters of gas were supplied to the gas transmission systems of Europe these days, respectively. These volumes exceed the level of gas supplies to European markets from Norway and Russia. According to ICIS, in the next couple of weeks, about 4 million tons of liquefied gas from the United States (about 5,5 billion cubic meters of gas) will arrive in Europe. At the same time, 3,5 billion cubic meters of fuel have already been supplied to the continent since the beginning of the year.

          These are record LNG deliveries to Europe since 2019.

          The unloading of LNG lowered gas prices - its quotes fell from $2200 per 1 cubic meters (prices at the end of December) to $920 (according to EEX information from January 12).
      8. +5
        24 January 2022 19: 49
        if dozens of gas carriers are now continuously unloading LNG at all terminals in Europe, why is the level in storage facilities falling so quickly?
    2. +7
      24 January 2022 19: 05
      Quote: SKVichyakow
      The question arises why they don't buy gas from Russia if they don't have enough of it? After all, it is sold under a contract, and the prices are low.

      Because under the contract volumes are fixed. That is, one volume, one price specified in the contract with a certain peg. And the fact that on top of the contract you already need to buy on the spot market. That is, outbid roughly speaking. And there are just these same over a thousand dollars for 100 cubic meters. That's why they don't want to take it.
      1. 0
        24 January 2022 19: 21
        So the year has just begun, the contract is not for a year, but for decades? Why don't they buy from them?
      2. 0
        25 January 2022 10: 10
        Not only that, they demand that Gazprom itself pump gas into storage facilities and thereby reduce the price
    3. +3
      24 January 2022 19: 08
      Quote: SKVichyakow
      After all, it is sold under a contract, and the prices are low.

      Low prices are someone who has a contract, but the average temperature in the hospital ...
      According to the FCS data, in November 2021, the average export value of gas supplies increased to $503,5 per 1 cubic meters. against $443,5 per 1 thousand cubic meters in October 2021 and $308 per 1 cubic meters. in September 2021.

      And then the gas under the contract depends on the applications, but no one in Europe shouts that the contracts are not being fulfilled, but additional. volumes have not been traded on Gazprom's electronic trading platform since October...
    4. -1
      24 January 2022 22: 00
      The answer is simple - because of the combined contracts linked to the spot...
  5. +4
    24 January 2022 18: 57
    .Experts believe that banal greed played its main role.

    The banal saying worked...
    Miser pays twice....
  6. +5
    24 January 2022 19: 13
    Just today there was an article on VO that in England gas prices rose eight (!) Times, although there the share of our gas is 3%
    And after all, a herd of hamsters believed in it lol
  7. -1
    24 January 2022 19: 17
    You don’t need to comment anymore. Finally, they lived. It’s enough to make screenshots.
    [Those who wish can read today, on RIA NEWS, very funny.
    1. -4
      24 January 2022 20: 03
      Runet is littered with "ex" comments of all calibers. It became like a sign of the times. "ex" and not such a story. Most readers skip this all-important subtlety of "ex" and sincerely take it all at face value.
      1. 0
        24 January 2022 20: 13
        Ex he is in Africa ex, but compare the current ones with the players in the casino. And the casino is Gazprom, as I understand it.
    2. +5
      24 January 2022 20: 32
      built an LNG terminal in the country

      only now the Poles are buying on the reverse from Germany, and not LNG, which has so far come to Europe
      Lithuania uses its regasification capacities only by 13%, Poland - by 21%, Greece - by 38%.
      Here you still need to look where this LNG came from - Spain, Portugal (which are actually not connected with European gas pipelines), France, England ...
      1. -2
        24 January 2022 21: 08
        Have you left anything for gas tomorrow? hi lol
      2. -1
        25 January 2022 04: 27
        LNG goes where they can pay for it.
  8. +1
    24 January 2022 19: 32
    European gas prices jump nearly 20 percent amid reports of record low fuel storage inventories
    . It's your own fault, what more can you add.
  9. +1
    24 January 2022 19: 46
    This already does not smell like a serious economy, rather speculation with raising the dough out of the blue. There is a note in the newspaper, and voila, the movement on the stock exchange, it is really profitable for someone.
  10. +4
    24 January 2022 19: 58
    This is a fiasco, bro. Or they could conclude a firm contract, and not take it at spot prices.
  11. 0
    24 January 2022 20: 03
    The higher gas prices in Europe, the more varied the accusations against Russia become
  12. WWI
    24 January 2022 20: 05
    The Slavs need to deal with the enemies of the West using their own methods and the methods of the Americans. No pity. Teach them how to put on felt boots, sheepskin coats and hats with earflaps, which you still need to buy from Russians or Mongols. No pity and descent ...
    1. 0
      24 January 2022 21: 06
      Everything is much simpler, gas is more expensive - shale gas is again profitable, everything is fine in the USA, and Europeans are no strangers to picking up an object and paying exorbitant prices for it.
  13. -1
    24 January 2022 20: 37
    We are arranging a tote gentlemen - how much is left before the launch of the joint venture - 2?))) although now you can not rush, with such gas prices, Russia has earned more than it spent on construction)))
    1. 0
      24 January 2022 23: 24
      We arrange a tote gentlemen - how much is left before the launch of the joint venture - 2?

      And what will the launch of SP-2 give? there is no such amount of gas. Now the pipelines are not loaded above the roof, but they don’t pump something, they don’t like the price, and when they stop it, the gas will no longer be in the right amount.
      1. -1
        25 January 2022 04: 37
        there is gas. and it's not in sp-2.
        Russia does not want to depend on the spot market. and fights for long-term contracts.
        and this seems to make sense ... gas carriers do not care where to go - they always remove the foam. but if you are tied to gas pipelines, then you should also have at least a priority? why should you sell both when the price is high and when the price is low?
  14. +1
    24 January 2022 21: 05
    They would have launched this SP-2 and would not like brains for themselves or for us.
  15. +1
    24 January 2022 23: 22
    It turns out that the Europeans will either have to buy billions of cubic meters of gas at high prices in the near future, or completely abandon gas as an energy carrier, which looks completely absurd in the middle of winter.

    And where can you buy such volumes of gas in winter? Even at a high price? There is not so much free gas. It is also winter in Russia and gas consumption is high.
  16. -1
    24 January 2022 23: 39
    So, now eat pea soup, but more. And you will have gas in "storages" as much as you like)).
  17. +2
    25 January 2022 00: 28
    In the spring, another misfortune awaits there, the price of non-ferrous metals and fertilizers will rise))))
  18. +1
    25 January 2022 02: 43
    Even at high prices, they clearly burn.
  19. +1
    25 January 2022 08: 56
    European gas prices jump nearly 20 percent amid reports of record low fuel storage inventories

    If Russia decides that it is better to supply all gas, with the exception of friendly countries, to Asia, as the United States does, and not to troubled Europe. "Bread doesn't go by the belly."
  20. 0
    25 January 2022 10: 03
    The thick-headedness of the writer is striking (although it is rather banal for money) and commentators (these certainly are from the heart). The article says I didn’t buy for 1800, but today it will be 20% more expensive to buy for 1100 ... Don’t worry about Europe, they won’t freeze your grandmother’s ears to spite your grandmother (unlike one big, rich and at the same time drowning in poverty! country) . And I wish the patriotic commentators to go to this decaying Europe to see, touch, smell ... And try to think why all the boyars and court jesters eat, drink, dress, travel to and in the west, (they invest honestly stolen) to the west, families are taken to west? You can ask such questions all day long, to which you will not have a single CLEAR AND LOGICAL answer.
    1. 0
      25 January 2022 15: 07
      These commentators give you dislikes. Judas pennies work out! Everything said correctly. No one will be bent there, we will start walking faster in bast shoes. I am not against an aggressive policy, but there is one thing .... We could always throw hats, and then they raked out the blood of ordinary Russian (and non-Russian) men, women and children! They are selling the country, they are taking everything out, they themselves have built their wives and children there, and they tell us horror stories! Aren't you tired of believing in this vomit? When will the brains wake up in a Russian person?
  21. +2
    25 January 2022 12: 38
    Quote: Kuzya the Cat
    the dollar exchange rate is already 80 rubles. That is, everything will rise in price again, but this is nonsense, though, we have a victory over the West

    During the Second World War, state prices rose 4 times, and market prices rose 20 times. Let's imagine that a Soviet person thinks the same way as you: for a monthly salary you can buy 10 kilograms of bread, but we defeat Germany, why look to the West, you need to slurp in your trough.
  22. +1
    25 January 2022 13: 02
    “In such a situation, it remains customary to expect that Europe will again blame Russia for their problems and their own commercialism…”
    And what to expect when you have already been accused for a long time? And repeatedly and from different "sources"?
  23. 0
    25 January 2022 15: 03
    And at what price does "our property" sell? Three times cheaper than the Germans resell! In whose pockets is the margin? Obviously not in ours ... This is definitely a breakthrough! Or a jerk? I got confused...
  24. 0
    26 January 2022 12: 05
    Prices are catching up in order to make it profitable to drive gas from Qatar and the United States. The higher the price, the better Biden's plan to protect the EU from gas from Russia is being carried out.