Polish observer: Russia has not yet begun to fight, and we are already losing


One of the most discussed topics on the air of Polish political talk shows, as well as on the pages of the Polish media, was the topic of a “probable military conflict between Russia and Ukraine”. This topic has been discussed on an ongoing basis over the past few weeks, or even months. And politicians and political scientists of the most different ideological “coloring” speak out on the topic.

Polish columnist Jerzy Haszczyński in Rzeczpospolita gives his thoughts on this topic:

Russia has not yet begun to fight, and we are already losing.

According to Haszczyński, the West showed a complete lack of unity "in the face of military challenges from Russia."

A Polish expert specializing in the so-called "Eastern policy" points out that even now there is no clear position among the NATO countries regarding the admission of Ukraine to the alliance, as well as about anti-Russian sanctions. The “sanctions” issue is shared by the EU countries, some of which are less and less willing to support anti-Russian economic measures, motivating their position by their unwillingness to break off contacts with Moscow and lose economic benefits.

Jerzy Chaszynski:

Meanwhile, Putin says: I will decide what NATO can and cannot do. He requires you to agree to this in writing. He made a bet, setting in motion his big military machine, and not only near the borders of Ukraine.

According to a Polish observer, "the Russian president says that if the conditions are not accepted, then Russia can declare itself in various parts of the world."

Haszczyński writes that he found an article from 10 years ago, which says that "Russia is allowed too much, up to threats." In the same place, according to a Polish observer, it is said that many NATO countries do not want to argue with Russia so as not to irritate her.
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  1. +26
    21 January 2022 13: 26
    Whoever votes for Ukraine in NATO will definitely get .......
    No good deed should go unpunished.
    Europeans should remember this forever.
    1. -109
      21 January 2022 13: 46
      Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
      A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies, specialists scattered in different directions 1,5% of world GDP, THREE times less than under Nikolai2, that says it all.
      Unless they release cartoons.
      A lost game, reputational and image losses, one movement and a 15% failure in the stock markets of Russian securities. Well, what to talk about!
      1. +60
        21 January 2022 13: 51
        Not like Ukraine, ahead of the rest. Ukraine is a locomotive in everything. Right? laughing laughing
        Buckwheat, have you already purchased matches according to Ze's will?
        1. +22
          21 January 2022 14: 44
          Quote: Evil543
          Not like Ukraine, ahead of the rest. Ukraine is a locomotive in everything. Right? laughing laughing
          Buckwheat, have you already purchased matches according to Ze's will?

          There are already pictures, we bought full shelves empty laughing
        2. +14
          21 January 2022 16: 10
          It is a sin to laugh at the wretched. laughing
        3. -12
          22 January 2022 10: 19
          "Not like Ukraine, ahead of the rest. Ukraine is a locomotive in everything. Right?"
          and what about Ukraine? it’s about the Russian Federation, it’s not for the west that the ultimatum crowed, but Putin. or you have no other arguments, except for "but xxls have...". do not equal the worst, equal the best
          1. +5
            22 January 2022 10: 38
            Do you consider yourself poor and miserable?
          2. 0
            22 January 2022 17: 19
            And better not, everyone is equal to the Russian Federation.
            1. +1
              22 January 2022 17: 52
              I love my country.
              I live here, in Russia, and I'm not going to "blame", but for the sake of truth, because there is strength in it, I ask ...
              How many factories do we have that produce our own processors, our own electronic components? What place do we occupy in the world in the production of means of production? How much and what kind of medicines are produced in OUR non-foreign-owned enterprises and what substances (whose production) are used for their production? Is food security ensured in our country?
              So maybe enough cheers-patriotism?
      2. +31
        21 January 2022 14: 43
        Quote from Citisen
        Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
        A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies, specialists scattered in different directions 1,5% of world GDP, THREE times less than under Nikolai2, that says it all.
        Unless they release cartoons.
        A lost game, reputational and image losses, one movement and a 15% failure in the stock markets of Russian securities. Well, what to talk about!

        Did Ukrosmi tell you that? Although, in terms of GDP, country 404 can only dream of such a level to enter 5 countries of the world and 3 in Europe ... After all, Banderstat is somewhere at the level of Gabon laughing
      3. +9
        21 January 2022 14: 54
        here you can only say one thing, if you are still in Russia, it’s time for you to get ready for Israel ... and put an end to your entire biography on this.
        1. +1
          22 January 2022 12: 13
          Good joke, especially about the biography)))
          1. +1
            22 January 2022 12: 22
            Yes, I wasn’t joking at all, ... but it wasn’t funny, well, it’s impossible).
      4. +17
        21 January 2022 15: 01
        Quote from Citisen
        Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
        A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies,
        The issue of demarcation of the border between Russia and Ukraine has not yet been resolved, and therefore the issue of bringing foreign troops to any territory of Ukraine, Russia can perceive intervention and aggression against itself. And accordingly, it can take retaliatory measures, after which it will be seen who has what economics and technology. For the especially gifted, a nervous tic of the eye can be treated not only with medications, but also with a blow to it.
      5. +11
        21 January 2022 15: 27
        And what about the Poles, you think about how you will leave NATO, only, as a fifth point, miserable Poland, which for a dollar will sell its own mother.
      6. +14
        21 January 2022 17: 00
        Quote from Citisen
        Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
        A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies, specialists scattered in different directions 1,5% of world GDP, THREE times less than under Nikolai2, that says it all.
        Unless they release cartoons.

        You at least have a bite of gorilka or something :)
      7. +3
        21 January 2022 18: 53
        Keep convincing yourself
      8. +2
        21 January 2022 19: 31
        When they said that Ukraine was in the clouds, Ze and the authorities almost fell from laughter from a pink unicorn!
      9. +2
        21 January 2022 21: 05
        [/quote]Citisen (Nikolai)
        Today, 13: 46

        Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
        A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies, specialists scattered in different directions 1,5% of world GDP, THREE times less than under Nikolai2, that says it all.
        Unless they release cartoons.
        A lost game, reputational and image losses, one movement and a 15% failure in the stock markets of Russian securities. Well, what to talk about! [/ Quote].. Honey !!!!!!! and go in Galushkin's "nedoreikhe" what is the GDP, do not tell me? and do you have any desire to tell about the reputational losses of Hochland? and how many denyak did investors withdraw from "square" for not a full month? like to freeze your fish soup - to the evil of the neighbors, freeze it ... BUT ... before pointing at the straw in someone else's eye, we pick out a log from our own ... Fershtein, "Hitlerjuhend" ill-mannered ...
      10. +6
        21 January 2022 22: 52
        and I read in a businessman today that the Russian stock exchanges have almost returned to their previous state. The exchange is like that - it falls, then it rises.
      11. +12
        21 January 2022 23: 00
        Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
        A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies, specialists scattered in different directions 1,5% of world GDP, THREE times less than under Nikolai2, that says it all.
        Unless they release cartoons.
        A lost game, reputational and image losses, one movement and a 15% failure in the stock markets of Russian securities. Well, what to talk about!
        Satisfied with the hysteria of the fascist.
      12. +6
        22 January 2022 08: 48
        So world politicians are flying to the leader of "wretched Russia" in order to get preferences! Or suck in its economy - in order to earn. And to believe various specialists and experts with their opinion about Russia means not to respect yourself! And history has shown this more than once in the form of beaten Napoleon, Hitler - and even Obama blathered about "the Russian economy torn to shreds." At the same time, Russia's gold reserves look strange, which is more than its public debt, against the background of the same reserves of 6G countries with their own public debts! And it’s strange to write about poor technologies against the background of technologies that ensure the operation of space. About the level of development and cost of Internet technologies in Russia, comparing them with the same BRAKES in the West (in the USA and Europe) is ridiculous to mention! This is noted by representatives of these countries, where payment for purchases by cards or telephones is developed and, yes, very poorly. Try to pay for a trip with them on a bus or subway in the west! And yes, there are fluctuations and jumps in valuable prices on the stock exchange, but not only Russian securities - but all countries of the world, especially manufacturing firms tied to Russia's cheap resources - which she refused to supply at low prices. But Russia has increased their consumption at home - opening new production facilities, but in the West the process of closing such production facilities has begun. Google to the rescue ! Everything written by me is checked at once, in contrast to the empty nonsense written by you!
      13. +1
        22 January 2022 16: 00
        Before WW2, Goebels propoganda broadcast the same thing, only about the USSR, as everyone knows how it ended for them!
    2. +12
      21 January 2022 13: 49
      Firstly: you must have a "good deed" in quotation marks, otherwise the meaning is lost.
      Secondly: it's winter outside, so why the hell are they waking up a sleeping bear?
      Oh yes! Gay Europeans have never met a "rod", but in vain.
      Although, if you remember 1812, 1941...
      1. +8
        21 January 2022 13: 51
        And we will answer me not in quotes, but in an impudent red-haired gay muzzle ..... wink
    3. +11
      21 January 2022 13: 55
      This is how it is in Ukraine))
      Russia has not yet invaded, and the "valiant Ukrainian military" in the war with Russia is already fertilizing the land by the thousands))
    4. +9
      21 January 2022 14: 40
      What is Russia's invasion of Ukraine? What is it about? According to Ukraine, Russia has been fighting in the Donbas for several years. The imposition of sanctions is already overdue laughing
  2. +10
    21 January 2022 13: 28
    Russia has not yet begun to fight, and we are already losing

    and ours has always taken and will take! Yes
    1. +15
      21 January 2022 13: 57
      they do not want to argue with Russia, so as not to annoy her.
      Do not be dashing while it is quiet!
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +4
    21 January 2022 13: 35
    Polish observer: Russia has not yet begun to fight, and we are already losing
    . Reviewer... not even an expert. Wrote the obvious, even to complain, especially, nothing.
    So it's normal, it's better than reading / watching any nonsense.
  5. +8
    21 January 2022 13: 36
    What is the article about? Reprinting the chatter of a nearby pshek? Why vulgarize a respected resource.
  6. -1
    21 January 2022 13: 39
    An excerpt from a 2018 article by "Cuban Iskanters":

    If Russia places Iskander complexes in Cuba, half of the US territory will be under the gun of Russian missiles. This is evidenced by a study conducted by specialists, designed to prove that the US withdrawal from the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Small-Range Missiles can turn into serious problems for Washington.

    As can be seen from the schematic map, by deploying its Iskander complexes in Cuba, Russia will easily be able to hold any military targets of Washington within 2500 kilometers (assumed maximum radius of the missile equipped with a nuclear warhead - ed.). In fact, most of the US states, not to mention dozens of military bases and hundreds of military facilities, will be under the gun of the Russian Iskander.
    More details at: https://avia.pro/news/kubinskie-iskandery-stirayut-polovinu-ssha

    The author, of course, was a little mistaken, here it’s more likely not the Iskanders, whose flight range is in the region of 500 km, but the Calibers with a range of 2600 km.

    If we talk about deployment in Venezuela, then the range is only enough to the territory of Florida, even to Houston is no longer enough ...
    1. +2
      21 January 2022 15: 10
      Well, according to the United States, Iskander can just launch missiles at such a range
    2. +1
      22 January 2022 16: 05
      Iskander has two missiles, ballistic for 500 km, and cruise, just for 2500.
  7. +4
    21 January 2022 13: 42
    Come on, don’t annoy, if you act like a united front under the banner of fighting the Russian threat, what else do you have there? is it time to multiply them by zero? It is clear that no one needs the end of the world, but if theirs takes over, is this not the end?
  8. -32
    21 January 2022 13: 49
    Quote: aleksr2005
    Quote from gjukjyt
    Judging by the propaganda political articles from the Western media, Russia is just losing the information war

    I agree. I follow English-language YouTube news channels, read people's comments, and everyone there is sure that Russia is to blame for everything, and NATO and the West are white and fluffy.

    So after all so it also is! Quite right. Membership in NATO is voluntary.
    The main thing is to meet the requirements. No one has the right to forbid countries to enter into a defensive alliance.
    Russia began to dictate the ultimatum.
    Well, in response I received a firm and clear answer.
    The Baltics have long been in NATO. Nobody hovered.
    But after a while, the South of Russia will tense up because of the Afghan bearded ones, then we will find ourselves in the ring.
    And let's not peep!
    1. +11
      21 January 2022 14: 05
      Well, people like you can only squeak from under the plinth. And Russia does not squeak, but it can warm up so much that it will not seem enough. The Georgians still itches at the mere memory. And I don’t even hear from them searches about returning Ossetia and Abkhazia ...
    2. +10
      21 January 2022 14: 19
      You live in a fictional, and not by you, world and do not even suspect it. Free Tip: Before your ring shrinks completely, run. No one is going to stop or convince you.
    3. +5
      21 January 2022 16: 14
      what Have you abolished geography as a Muscovite science? How can Banderland be encircled because of the Afghan Taliban? belay
    4. +8
      21 January 2022 19: 03
      Is it "defensive"? From whom did NATO "defend" in Iraq (twice), in Yugoslavia, and then in Serbia, in Libya, in Afghanistan, on the island of Diego Garcia, in Panama, in the Dominican Republic? From whom NATO "defended" in the 90s, taking into its composition the Baltic States, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, when the USSR was destroyed, and the Russian Federation had just begun to rebuild, and not the USSR, but itself -Russia?
    5. +2
      22 January 2022 11: 00
      You are completely right. No one has the right to forbid countries to join blocs.
      On the other hand, in exactly the same way, no one has the right to forbid the country to take care of its security.
      Therefore, if Poland decided that she needed NATO, well, OK. Her sovereign right.
      And our sovereign right to burn down Warsaw, for example. Because NATO on our borders is a direct and obvious threat.
    6. +2
      22 January 2022 16: 18
      These very "bearded" are quite normal guys against the background of our overseas "partners" and their European and Central European vassals
      [center] [
    7. 0
      22 January 2022 22: 58
      Either you have nothing to say at the end of the commentary, then you won’t utter a word ... you work hard, you are sick, clumsily, I would say you are engaged in mattress-propaganda! Unconvincing's, train double laughing
  9. -28
    21 January 2022 13: 58
    Quote: Evil543
    Not like Ukraine, ahead of the rest. Ukraine is a locomotive in everything. Right? laughing laughing
    Buckwheat, have you already purchased matches according to Ze's will?

    Quote: Evil543
    Not like Ukraine, ahead of the rest. Ukraine is a locomotive in everything. Right? laughing laughing
    Buckwheat, have you already purchased matches according to Ze's will?

    Russian shares are falling on a negative geopolitical background after fruitless negotiations with the US and NATO and a new draft of sanctions. The RTS index fell below 1400 points, and the Moscow Exchange index fell below 3400 points.
    The collapse is coming.
    There are no salutes in the Kremlin.

    Read more at RBC:
    1. +8
      21 January 2022 14: 30
      There will be a mess, - the Gazprom crane will spin - the geyrop will not only squeak, they will squeal. And you also forgot about China
    2. +8
      21 January 2022 14: 42
      There are no salutes, and a gap in farts between "non-brothers" and "partners" is observed. laughing
    3. +1
      21 January 2022 15: 17
      Go to Israel already with all your shares.
    4. +8
      21 January 2022 15: 27
      Russian shares are falling on a negative geopolitical background after fruitless negotiations with the US and NATO and a new draft of sanctions. The RTS index fell below 1400 points, and the Moscow Exchange index fell below 3400 points.
      The collapse is coming.
      There are no salutes in the Kremlin.

      Read more at RBC:

      I'll go stock up on hedgehogs... And I'll get additional coupons for tyrnet.
    5. +1
      21 January 2022 20: 59
      What does a fall in stocks mean?
  10. -24
    21 January 2022 14: 21
    Quote: Kayala
    Well, people like you can only squeak from under the plinth. And Russia does not squeak, but it can warm up so much that it will not seem enough. The Georgians still itches at the mere memory. And I don’t even hear from them searches about returning Ossetia and Abkhazia ...

    All right. That is why the Kremlin is now squeaking. Since Georgia goes to NATO.
    1. +10
      21 January 2022 14: 33
      Quote from Citisen
      Quote: Kayala
      Well, people like you can only squeak from under the plinth. And Russia does not squeak, but it can warm up so much that it will not seem enough. The Georgians still itches at the mere memory. And I don’t even hear from them searches about returning Ossetia and Abkhazia ...

      All right. That is why the Kremlin is now squeaking. Since Georgia goes to NATO.

      Shoto, however, has been leaving for a long time for almost 20 years, everything is leaving and leaving.
      1. +9
        21 January 2022 15: 49
        Quote: Alexey Sedykin
        For almost 20 years, everything has been going away and going away.

        apparently crawling. wassat and it looks like the wrong way request
    2. +8
      21 January 2022 14: 40
      winked A woman with a cart, a mare is easier. Georgia can leave anywhere, even in an embrace with Ukraine. Only where and when will this question come, which does not have a censored answer. laughing
    3. 0
      22 January 2022 23: 08
      Quote from Citisen
      That is why the Kremlin is now squeaking. Since Georgia goes to NATO.

      You squeak, working off the master's stove, while you. Moreover, the squeal is very "arguments" empty.
      Many regularly go from Russians, but not "B", but "ON"! And the final destination is not NATO at all laughing
  11. 0
    21 January 2022 14: 30
    They’ll make some noise, they’ll make some noise, February will end and everything will calm down by itself ..
  12. +5
    21 January 2022 14: 32
    And what, the Poles have already agreed to give Khomshchina and Zamostye to the kaklams? Just in time, Kuleba provided a map of where these lands are as part of Bandershtat 404 ...
  13. +4
    21 January 2022 14: 35
    But the Pole wanted to argue. Probably the smartest. Accept a fool in NATO so everyone in NATO will smash their foreheads. And do they need it?
  14. -19
    21 January 2022 14: 37
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    Quote from Citisen
    Quote: Kayala
    Well, people like you can only squeak from under the plinth. And Russia does not squeak, but it can warm up so much that it will not seem enough. The Georgians still itches at the mere memory. And I don’t even hear from them searches about returning Ossetia and Abkhazia ...

    All right. That is why the Kremlin is now squeaking. Since Georgia goes to NATO.

    Shoto, however, has been leaving for a long time for almost 20 years, everything is leaving and leaving.

    When it finally gets together and leaves, apparently Russia will move the red lines and put forward another one thousand and first ultimatum to NATO.
    1. +4
      21 January 2022 15: 51
      Quote from Citisen
      another one thousand and first NATO ultimatum.

      Yes, no ... if anything, let's go through them one more time, as in 2008. wink or already forgotten? belay
    2. +2
      21 January 2022 16: 59
      Quote from Citisen
      Quote: Alexey Sedykin
      Quote from Citisen
      Quote: Kayala
      Well, people like you can only squeak from under the plinth. And Russia does not squeak, but it can warm up so much that it will not seem enough. The Georgians still itches at the mere memory. And I don’t even hear from them searches about returning Ossetia and Abkhazia ...

      All right. That is why the Kremlin is now squeaking. Since Georgia goes to NATO.

      Shoto, however, has been leaving for a long time for almost 20 years, everything is leaving and leaving.

      When it finally gets together and leaves, apparently Russia will move the red lines and put forward another one thousand and first ultimatum to NATO.

      Well, yes, as soon as the dry willow blooms and the crayfish whistles on the mountain ... laughing
  15. -17
    21 January 2022 14: 39
    Quote: Klingon
    There will be a mess, - the Gazprom crane will spin - the geyrop will not only squeak, they will squeal. And you also forgot about China

    It seems that Europe itself is already turning off the Nord Stream tap. So let's listen to the screeching from the high Kremlin offices.
  16. -14
    21 January 2022 15: 03
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    Quote from Citisen
    Russia will not be able to oppose anything.
    A poor and miserable economy, backward technologies, specialists scattered in different directions 1,5% of world GDP, THREE times less than under Nikolai2, that says it all.
    Unless they release cartoons.
    A lost game, reputational and image losses, one movement and a 15% failure in the stock markets of Russian securities. Well, what to talk about!

    Did Ukrosmi tell you that? Although, in terms of GDP, country 404 can only dream of such a level to enter 5 countries of the world and 3 in Europe ... After all, Banderstat is somewhere at the level of Gabon laughing

    1,5% of world GDP. That says it all. squalor. 3 times less than under Nicholas 2 and 10 times less than under the Union.
    The standard of living of the Russian people as in Gabon.
    According to official data.
    1. +7
      21 January 2022 16: 06
      Quote from Citisen
      1,5% of world GDP. That says it all. squalor.

      hmmm .. if you are talking about yourself personally, then it sounds reasonable Yes
      where lies about 1.5%?
      From here, the IMF, which is very biased towards Russia, predicts a decrease in Russia's share in world GDP to 2022% in 2,97. well this is possible wassat they won and predicted the collapse of our economy in 2015 laughing
  17. +1
    21 January 2022 15: 06
    Polish observer: Russia has not yet begun to fight, and we are already losing

    Correctly, the Polish observer noticed when he said "we". .. That's right, you are all gathered to the heap under the Ukrainian banner for only one big loss. We will again be heroes, those who will remain alive, and the United States will again make big money from all this.
    There is only one amendment ... the bear is not at all hungry now, times are not like that now, so you better grease your priests with Vaseline in advance. Better yet, stock up on them for future use and more.
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. +5
      21 January 2022 15: 28
      Do not feed the troll. stop
  19. +6
    21 January 2022 17: 58
    Nobody needs Ukraine, and the coup was made only so that Russia would have a fascist nest at its side.
    1. -1
      22 January 2022 10: 40
      "No one needs Ukraine and the coup was made only so that Russia would have a fascist nest near by"
      this is also true of the Baltic non-countries, Georgia and Moldova. now Kazakhstan is approaching them, and there Sweden and Finland will fuss and that's it, the whole territory is under careful gunpoint, it's too late to put forward ultimatums, it's time to show your teeth
  20. +3
    21 January 2022 19: 12
    The Poles are already ready to return to Russia the 1,5 billion for gas won in the wrong European court, if only Russia would return the tariffs won by Poland in court. And then they threaten to hit Russia on ... Is it to hit Russia so that Russia starts to give an answer? But 5 minutes after the strike, capitulate? To strike Russia before surrender is to aggravate punishment and reparations.
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +4
    22 January 2022 02: 07
    According to Haschinski, The West showed a complete lack of unity "in the face of military challenges from Russia."
    When escaping from a sinking ship, rats use a natural hierarchy. First, the rats that are higher in their pride run, then all the rest. Which did not have time - drown. the European hyena most likely falls into the drowning group.
    1. 0
      22 January 2022 10: 47
      "the hyena of Europe most likely falls into the group of drowning"
      the hyena has a large, well-equipped and armed army, a bunch of allies behind it, both military and economic. not everything is so simple, it will be difficult to fight with her. but even without war there are ways to protect yourself, but you need to work
  23. +1
    22 January 2022 14: 09
    It seems to be clearly stated: there will be no Ukraine or Georgia in NATO. In general, it’s not about Ukrainians. And not with the Poles. the position of Holland (Denmark, Croatia ...) or some other junior partner. But talking about the non-expansion of NATO infrastructure. we can destroy your bases in the square and you won’t do anything (they said it yourself). No one is going to use cavalry or tank divisions for this. Petrov and Boshirov or one Zircon is enough.
  24. +2
    22 January 2022 17: 30
    The author, well, why pay attention to this Polish nonsense? There is not even an attempt to analyze at least something.
  25. +1
    22 January 2022 21: 57
    They sat on the toilet, they forgot to take off their pants ...
  26. +1
    22 January 2022 22: 10
    "Estonian paratroopers are given the command to pull the ring even when boarding the plane."
  27. 0
    22 January 2022 23: 50
    The article needs to be rewritten - Russia has not yet begun to fight, and we have already done it