The King in Exile - The Story of Louis XVIII

The King in Exile - The Story of Louis XVIII
Count of Provence in his youth

As Chateaubriand said: "The count understood his age and was a man of his time." But times had to change.
— Emma Demmester

The monarch, whose power was brought by the people's revolution. A king without a kingdom. A wanderer, to whom even the allies did not dare to give shelter. For monarchists, he was a liberal, and for republicans, he was the personification of reaction. The right accused him of indecisiveness, gentleness and mercy towards enemies, the left considered him the inspirer of white terror.

Cautious in politics, he was intemperate in his personal life, finding solace in women, wine and gourmet food. Phenomenon king, French paradox king stories.

Louis Stanislas Xavier, Count of Provence and King Louis XVIII.

Who was he for France?

I will just tell you a story - and let the reader choose the appropriate answer for himself.

Family affairs

All can kings?

This only happens in songs. And monarchs have their troubles.

The King of France, Louis XV, for example, did not have a very good family life. The king was a terrible libertine and, with his wife alive, was drowning in the love caresses of his favorites, and he did not disdain courtesans.

As if in punishment for his sins, heaven did not give him heirs. Only one son of the king, Louis Ferdinand, survived to adulthood. Now all the hopes of the dying Bourbon dynasty were connected with him. And the Dauphin did not disappoint!

Count of Provence and Duke of Berry as children

A zealous Catholic and an exemplary family man, Louis Ferdinand made the royal court happy with as many as five boys. Two died in childhood. The remaining trinity had to fight for the throne.

Our hero, Louis-Stanislas-Xavier and Count of Provence, born in 1755, had unenviable prospects in this struggle. In line for succession to the throne, he was ahead of his older brother, the Duke of Berry. Directly behind Louis-Stanislas was the younger, Charles-Philippe, Comte d'Artois.

The Duke of Berry grew up as a weak and sickly child. He was not promised a long life - to the secret joy of the brothers, who were not burdened by the norms of Christian morality. They coveted the throne from a young age! Even at the cost of the death of a weakling brother ...

But fate deceived them. By the age of fifteen, the Duke of Berry was noticeably stronger. Healthy fullness, noticeable in the figure of the heir to the throne, meant the retreat of diseases.

In 1770, the Dauphin married the Austrian Archduchess Marie Antoinette. The future of the dynasty was getting stronger, at the court they expected a new addition of the royal family.

The Comte d'Artois in 1773

But instead of gains, there were losses.

In 1774 the old king dies. The Duke of Berry succeeds him, under the name of King Louis XVI. But the royal couple still have no children! Rumors spread around the court...

These rumors were fueled by the brothers of the young king. Without realizing it, they shook the age-old foundations of the Old Order. What kind of dirt they poured on their elder brother and his wife!

Marie Antoinette got it the most. A pervert cheating on an impotent king with countless lovers and lesbian mistresses! Dirty "Austrian", a disgrace of the highest kind!

The Count of Provence did not hesitate to express his own malice. But anger was a manifestation of impotence. Royal surgeons, through simple machinations, managed to return Louis XVI to male solvency.

Between 1778 and 1785, Marie Antoinette gave birth to her husband three children - one girl and two heirs. The king's brothers were now pushed to the sidelines. Louis-Stanislas has fallen to fourth place in the line of succession to the throne.

Throne dreams?

Now they are nothing more than an illusion. The ambitions of the Count of Provence were trampled, it seemed, by the very course of history.


The economic and political crisis of the spring of 1789, which engulfed France, sounded for the royal power, if not a funeral alarm, then a wake-up call. But the highest aristocracy was far from unity. The crisis grew into a revolution. And if Louis XVI, to the best of his ability, tried to understand the logic of events and save the dynasty, then his brothers ...

They thought only of their own interests. The younger, Comte d'Artois, immediately fled the country. Despising the "upstarts" from the third estate and hating the liberals, the count did not expect anything good from the revolution. For him, she was a rebellion of the "mob", that's all!

The Count of Provence behaved smarter.

He always had a certain moderation and foresight of a politician, but he clearly lacked the decisiveness of a true monarch. Remaining in France, the Count of Provence awaited the fall of Louis XVI, hoping to take the throne. But he did not take active steps, did not dare to become a true leader of the monarchist opposition. The revolution beckoned him with the prospect of owning the throne, but frightened him with the unpredictability of the paths.

In the end, fear prevailed over the will to power. The Count of Provence decided to run away.

As a fugitive, the count proved to be more successful than the politician.

He fled from Paris virtually at the same time as the king, but the count's cortege was carried west by other roads. The calculation of the Count of Provence turned out to be more correct - if Louis XVI was caught in Varennes and brought to Paris in disgrace, then the count took refuge in the Austrian Netherlands, having crossed the border at Longwy. With what contempt he tore the republican tricolor cockade from his hat!

Royalist emigrants gathered in West German Koblenz. Surrounded by "his" Count of Provence pretty bold. Now he made himself out to be the leader!

Together with his younger brother, Louis-Stanislas announced the creation of an emigrant army.

However, he entrusted most of the organizational routine to the Comte d'Artois. The "leader" himself limited himself to declarations and manifestos, in the work on which he took part. The most notable of these documents is the manifesto of the Duke of Brunswick, commander of the Austro-Prussian army. In it, the duke threatened the revolutionaries with "military reprisal and complete destruction" if even a hair fell from the head of King Louis XVI.

The audacious manifesto turned into a disaster for the current king of France. He and his family ended up in prison. The Revolutionary Convention soon abolished the monarchy altogether.

Liquidation on "paper" eventually turned into physical violence. This story is well known and there is no need to go into details here.

Let's limit ourselves to dry facts - King Louis XVI and his wife ended up on the guillotine, and their young son died in prison. The centuries-old French monarchy was decapitated in every sense.

But isn't that what the Count of Provence wanted?

King in exile

And here is the chance! And here it is power, here it is the taste of triumph!

Immediately after the death of his unfortunate nephew in the dungeons of the Temple, the Count of Provence declared himself king.

The king is dead, long live King Louis XVIII!

On June 23, 1795, the newly-minted monarch addressed the people of France. "To fall at the foot of the throne" - that was the call to the "lost children." At the same time, the good news of the restoration of the monarchy was sent to all European courts.

What a farce! Its absurdity was obvious even to many emigrants. In France, the new king had almost no influence. Most of the French did not even know about the call to “fall to the throne”. Even European monarchs were in no hurry to support Louis.

Obviously, for him this violation of the principle of aristocratic solidarity was the most severe blow.

Only Catherine II decided to unconditionally recognize the new status of the Count of Provence. The Empress even promised to help the royalists with troops. But promises remained promises...

From other European capitals good News did not have. The Austrians, Prussians, Spaniards and British sought peace with the revolutionaries. The ambitions of the emigrant king did not worry Europe too much. His rights to the throne were not disputed, but the royal status never received official recognition.

The half-recognized king was slowly sinking into exile. He almost did not go to the front of the revolutionary wars, lived on handouts from the outside, moved away from his wife, whom he openly cheated on.

He tried to settle in Russia - but Louis was “asked” from there after the rapprochement between Emperor Alexander and Napoleon.

Since 1808, Hartwell Castle, immersed in English fogs, has become the residence of the unlucky exile.

Marie Josephine, wife of the Count of Provence. They didn't have children

Life in England changed Louis XVIII.

His character softened - hatred of the revolution was steadily fading away, the ideal of a constitutional monarchy already looked in his eyes as a reasonable compromise.

Unlike the Comte d'Artois, Louis no longer lusted for blood and vengeance. He was ready for negotiations, even wrote letters to Napoleon, which apparently remained unanswered. Shalilo health - gluttony and immoderate craving for wine testified to the development of diabetes. The star of the exiled king was waning.

Return of the King

Louis XVIII was to go down in history as a complete loser, a tragicomic hero of a protracted farce.

But history decreed otherwise.

The victories of the Russian army over Napoleon, the roar of guns at Leipzig and Arcy-sur-Aube gave hope to the old French aristocracy. With the entry of the armies of the coalition into Paris, the dream of the return of the old order found support in reality.

And now the French Senate is calling Louis to the throne - but with the condition of adopting the Constitution. Royalists are furious - defeated usurpers of the divine right to the throne cannot dictate terms to His Majesty!

But the era of "power from God" is gone. It is impossible to turn back time - and Napoleon's victors understood this well. The establishment of a moderate regime in France was a demand for security and lasting peace in Europe.

Soft-bodied Louis had no major objections to this, but could not free himself from the influence of his radical brother. Negotiations on the form of government dragged on, however, with the mediation of Alexander I and the active participation of Talleyrand, the royalists were persuaded to make concessions.

On May 2, 1814, at the Château Saint-Ouen, Louis XVIII signed a declaration of intent to adopt the Constitution.

On May 3, the king entered Paris at the confluence of the crowd, surrounded by a magnificent retinue.

King in office

Louis XVIII greeted the people with restrained dignity. The subjects did not show open aggression, but the alienation was great. Along with cries of "Long live the king!" shouts of "Long live the Imperial Guard!" and "Long live the National Guard!".

The restoration was completed, but its foundations remained fragile.

The adoption of the Constitutional Charter on June 4, 1814 was supposed to strengthen the power of the king.

This compromise act restored the power of the Bourbons in the state, but kept the key gains of the revolution for the people. Fair taxation, civil liberties and class equality, the inviolability of property redistributed in favor of the bourgeoisie and the peasantry - these are the principles on which the social structure of the new France rested.

"Second Restoration" and white terror

Already in March of the following year, the Restoration regime underwent its first severe test. And failed it with a bang!

The landing of Napoleon in France in March 1815, the lightning collapse of the army "faithful" to Louis, the transition to the side of the "usurper" Marshal Ney ...

The nightmare of revolution was repeated for the royalist party. Louis fled to Belgium and returned to France only after Waterloo. As for the first time - in the dubious role of the "convoy" of foreign armies.

The king did not want to take revenge, but the monarchist radicals easily broke his weak will. They declared the constitutional charter "the brainchild of madness and darkness." The July Ordinance, aimed at "cleansing" the country from Napoleon's supporters, marked the beginning of the "White Terror".

After 1789, terror as a phenomenon was not new to the French. His characteristic features were repeated from time to time, whether he was Jacobin or monarchist, left or right. "Extraordinary" courts, dubious procedures, purges of the army, police and other security agencies, a wide range of extrajudicial repressions.

In a short time, the number of indictments exceeded 10. Marshal Ney was sentenced to death. In the south of France, the struggle between royalists and Bonapartists acquired the features of a religious vendetta. The country was split along countless fault lines, and the attempt of the “far-right” to return the state to the times of the old order threatened to destroy this state in the fire of civil war ...

No matter how soft-hearted King Louis was, he could not be denied a sense of proportion.

By the autumn of 1816 he had taken real steps to curb the terror. The dissolution of the Peerless Chamber, a virtual closed royalist club, sobered up the most malicious right-wing radicals. Acting moderately but consistently, the king brought into power figures from the camp of liberals and moderate royalists. The liberal cabinet of the Duc de Richelieu succeeded in obtaining the withdrawal of foreign "limited contingents" from France, while the cabinet of Elie Decase eased the pressure on the democratic opposition and limited the censorship of newspapers.

Was it the long-awaited "thaw"?

Portrait of Louis XVIII by Gerard. 1815

If so, it didn't last long.

On February 13, 1820 (what an evil coincidence!) the craftsman Louvel lay in wait in Paris for the Duke of Berry, the son of the Comte d'Artois. Right at the exit from the opera house, the aristocrat received a long knife in the ribs.

It was a cruel public execution. And what a reason for the royalists! Immediately they achieved tougher censorship and revision of electoral laws.

The reaction went on the offensive again, but it was by no means a victorious march.

Opposition resistance took dangerous forms. Then it seemed that the authorities went to the complete restoration of the old order, and the most radical fighters against the regime joined the Carbonari movement.

This mysterious militant organization included many conspiratorial cells. Several tens of thousands of militants were scattered throughout France. They attracted radical youth and more moderate Bonapartists into their ranks, among them there were many military men, both retired and active. The Carbonari, with their ubiquitous conspiracies, terrified the royalists, but all rebellions invariably failed. However, the very presence of an extensive network of militants in the country already looked symptomatic.

The resistance of the minor liberal opposition in the Chamber of Deputies remained symbolic. The liberals protested loudly but hopelessly against the intervention of French troops in support of the Spanish Bourbons.

In the elections in February 1824, the liberal faction received only 19 deputy mandates. It was a triumph of the reaction, however, a very doubtful triumph - after all, the "stability" of the royalist course was achieved by the results of the recent terror, strict censorship and the suppression of dissenters.

British cartoon of French intervention in Spain

"Farewell, my children..."

And what about Louis?

Who was the king in this intensified political game?

Alas, his time was coming to an end. Diabetes made itself felt. At the first session of the new chamber, he could barely stand on his feet. By the summer of 1824, the king had given up badly. The Comte d'Artois no longer concealed his impatience to receive the crown upon the death of his brother.

The denouement came in the fall.

On the morning of September 11, Ludovic could not get out of bed - gangrene began to develop on his legs. “Take off his shirt,” commanded the court physician Portal. “Mr. Portal, my name is Louis XVIII, and you should have said “Take off the shirt from His Majesty.” He still had dignity!

In the early morning of September 16, 1824, Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, Count of Provence and King of France, Louis XVIII expired, or, simply put, died.

His last words were: “Farewell, my children. May the Lord be with you all!”

At the bedside of the deceased, his brother, heir to the royal throne, sobbed.

But were those tears sincere?

List of sources and literature:
1. Cherkasov P. P. Rulers of France. XIX century. - M. Lomonosov. 2019.
2. Morozova E. V. Louis XVI. The misunderstood king. - M .: Young Guard, 2018.
3. Chudinov A. V. The old order in France and its collapse. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2017.
4. Chudinov. A. V., Bovykin D. Yu. French Revolution. – M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2020.
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  1. +6
    21 January 2022 18: 38
    I want to sigh and say: "Yes, that's how it happens!" The era of monarchism did not want to leave ...
    Dear Author, can I correct a little?
    Royal surgeons, through simple machinations, managed to return Louis XVI to male solvency.

    Perhaps "manipulation" would be more correct)))
  2. +6
    21 January 2022 18: 44
    By analogy, James the Old Pretender came to mind.
    Thanks to the author!
  3. +6
    21 January 2022 19: 10
    Someone believes that they calmed down and took their rightful place in children's fairy tales?
    Nothing like this! wassat )))
    Right now, the Legitimist Monarchist pretender to the French throne is Luis Alfonso de Bourbon, who, if he's lucky, will be called Louis XX. From the Orleanists, Jean of Orleans claims to the throne, who has a chance to be called John IV. But the Bonapartists do not lose hope, pinning it on Jean-Christophe Bonaparte, perhaps the future Napoleon VII.
    1. +5
      21 January 2022 19: 28
      "trump jacks" negative
      1. +9
        21 January 2022 19: 38
        Yes, you see, Anton, what's the matter ...
        Post-industrial society has reached a dead end. But it entered him only in the question of who will rule this world. Rootless digital, well-born capitalists, bankers or royalists. Therefore, the question of the format of power has been removed only for us, but not for Western society, in particular, for France. I would bet on the handsome Luis Alfonso, who modestly calls himself the Duke of Anjou. I like the Duke of Anjou, although the notorious Franco is listed among his ancestors.
        Still, the monarchy makes some sense in the level of responsibility for the territory. This is when it does not start to rot. I mean monarchy, not territory wassat )))
        We're out of luck.
        1. +7
          21 January 2022 19: 59
          Dear Lyudmila Yakovlevna! Human society never comes to a standstill. He finds a solution to the problem that has arisen, albeit sacrificing part of himself. There is no need to make a tragedy out of what is happening. I, you, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds ... are just a small mold within the framework of the history of mankind. Within the framework of the history of the planet - a subatomic particle, within the framework of the universe - a photon tending to the Schwarzschild sphere.
          1. +6
            21 January 2022 20: 06
            And also the quantum of the Metaverse!
            Anton, something drawn you to the sublime, to the unknown and, perhaps, not drunk, huh? wassat )))
            1. +6
              21 January 2022 20: 16
              Before "not drunk", Lyudmila Yakovlevna, I still have about half a liter. It is at this moment that insights come to me within the framework of quantum physics.
              1. +6
                21 January 2022 20: 23
                That's how, Anton drinks
                From Louis 18 to quantum physics there is a very short path, just three comments smile
                1. +7
                  21 January 2022 20: 27
                  Or half a litre.
                  Eugene! hi
                  1. +5
                    21 January 2022 20: 29
                    Looked at the calendar. That's right, Friday. And then everything is according to Semyon Slepakov and his imperishable creation "Every Friday ..." wink
                    1. +5
                      21 January 2022 20: 37
                      Alas, my work schedule does not depend on the state. However, like the salary, fortunately.
                      1. +4
                        21 January 2022 20: 41
                        Anton, are you really a "Free Impaler"? (Translated into the language of native aspens) smile
                        Enjoy unparalleled freedom...
                      2. +4
                        21 January 2022 20: 45
                        Private builder. "Freemason"
                      3. +3
                        21 January 2022 20: 52
                        Let's translate back from the language of native aspens: Mason?
                        I know about Masons that they must be in some kind of lodge. This is where my knowledge ends. Our know, for some reason, these lodges "loved" ...
                      4. +3
                        21 January 2022 20: 57
                        Simply, a professional builder, hereditary.
                      5. +3
                        21 January 2022 21: 00
                        Yes, heredity plays a role. good
                        I, too, like a parent, was drawn to airplanes ... fellow
                      6. +2
                        21 January 2022 21: 18
                        I think this is not from the field of heredity, rather - infectious diseases.
                        My father believed in "the long way to Amalthea", I don't anymore.
                        But to Mars, anyway, pulls ...
                  2. +3
                    21 January 2022 21: 25
                    Hello Anton! You and Evgeny still surpassed Raikin's character, who measured the footage of an apartment in "quarters". Bravo, friends!!! good My mood lifted. smile wink drinks
                    1. +3
                      21 January 2022 21: 32
                      Thank you, Uncle Kostya! You need to joke "with a lean mug" so that no one guesses when laughter turns into grief.
                      1. +3
                        21 January 2022 21: 45
                        ... when laughter turns into mourning.

                        This is after the very glass that is superfluous. You don't need to drink it. It is necessary to fill it and put it aside, let it stand for itself, but we will not drink it. smile drinks
                      2. +3
                        22 January 2022 00: 02
                        Good night!
                        Now there is neither superfluous, nor the last, much less "on the road"! There is a booster!
                      3. +1
                        22 January 2022 16: 10
                        There is a booster!

                        So one does not interfere with the other, as far as I understand. wink drinks
                    2. +4
                      22 January 2022 00: 17
                      Konstantin, we tried! Well, at least it's fun!
                      Actually, according to Louis 18, in the discussion of information, five percent wassat
                      1. +1
                        22 January 2022 16: 11
                        by Louis 18 in the discussion of information five percent

                        Yes, Louis could not stand the competition with vodka! laughing drinks
    2. +5
      21 January 2022 19: 40
      Everyone goes crazy in his own way.
      Our history of monarchs is de jure over. According to the statute, the heir to the throne (cesarevich) was to be born within the Empire. There are no such people in the Romanovs' house.
      Another postulate is interesting, but what if de facto?
      1. +5
        21 January 2022 19: 41
        What does de facto mean?
      2. +5
        21 January 2022 19: 47
        Remarkably, a US presidential candidate must also be born in the United States. It's a pity, "Terminator" was not lucky, I would have neighing!
        1. +5
          21 January 2022 20: 26
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          Remarkably, a US presidential candidate must also be born in the United States. It's a pity, "Terminator" was not lucky, I would have neighing!

          Well, the governor of "Terminator" worked well! However, as an avatar on New Year's holidays in the game Word of Tank. And after Chuck Noris.
          And so a normal man, whose poster for a couple of Sylvester Stallone from the Ogonyok magazine, I did not hesitate to glue to the chiffoner as a child.
          Subsequently, only the presidents of our Fatherland were awarded a similar honor, but only in the office.
          On the other hand, Arnold Batkovich's surname is not tolerant, it is easier to lead the Sverdlovsk region with it, although there are bridles with citizenship - the notorious de jure.
          1. +4
            21 January 2022 20: 31
            By the way, he defended his doctorate in mathematics ...
            1. +1
              22 January 2022 21: 44
              By the way, he defended his doctorate in mathematics ...

              They don't have doctorates, only candidates, and after the defense they are called doctors. By the way, can you enlighten me about his field of mathematics?
              1. 0
                22 January 2022 22: 03
                By the way, can you enlighten me about his field of mathematics?
                Honestly, Sergei? Do not know! I read somewhere and sometime. But clearly he did not prove the Poincare conjecture. However, in the Middle Ages, even before the widespread use of mathematical language, it was enough to prove the Pythagorean theorem to get a bachelor's degree. Maybe it's the same here...
                1. +1
                  22 January 2022 22: 06
                  Maybe so. Moreover, mathematics, an abstract science, may not have immediate application. So to speak, touched on the future, if anyone in the future remembers.
                  1. +1
                    22 January 2022 22: 20
                    How to say....
                    The same Fibonacci - pure water, applied. His number series, at the beginning of the Xlll century, did not rest against anyone, absolutely "mental" crap.
      3. +2
        21 January 2022 19: 47
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        what if de facto?

        Then it will be lawlessness, no applicant has a legal right.
        1. +3
          21 January 2022 20: 30
          Quote: bober1982
          Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
          what if de facto?

          Then it will be lawlessness, no applicant has a legal right.

          And after all on any want!
          1. +2
            21 January 2022 20: 33
            I also want to, but it will be an impostor, so stay away from sin.
      4. +4
        21 January 2022 20: 58
        what if de facto?

        And de facto - still a monarchy.
        1. +3
          21 January 2022 21: 07
          Quote: Undecim
          And de facto - still a monarchy.

          We can’t have it any other way - either a king, or a general secretary, or a president with the powers of a monarch. Otherwise, there will be complete chaos.
        2. +4
          21 January 2022 21: 26
          Hmmm ... Today, everything is suspiciously sharp on the tongue. good smile drinks
        3. +3
          21 January 2022 21: 47
          With pronounced signs of late Achaemenids.
        4. +1
          22 January 2022 05: 00
          Quote: Undecim
          what if de facto?

          And de facto - still a monarchy.

          De jure - no. There is a suffrage mechanism.
          De facto - the act of V.V. Putin with the refusal to participate in the 2007 elections commanded respect.
    3. +4
      21 January 2022 20: 05
      Lyudmila Yakovlevna, I am not strong in the pedigree of the Bonopartes, and therefore enlighten me: from which of Napoleon's brothers, Napoleon 3 and who are Napoleon 4 and 5?
      1. +4
        21 January 2022 20: 12
        Svyatoslav, do you think I am strong in this matter? Yes, here Wikipedia will kill any of us with its wisdom and even give a kick!))) So far I have been trying to deal with Luis Alfonso - I will not hide, I liked it! Bourbon from 888 - what's it like? There will be a hunt, I'll look about these Napoleons. None of them have evoked sympathy yet)))
        1. +3
          21 January 2022 20: 37
          You see, I’m talking about Napoleon 3, I read somewhere in the canvas that it’s not a “pure” Bonaparte, not legally born, but his wife is generally a “tear-off” and slept with everyone
          1. +3
            21 January 2022 20: 58
            Are you always like this? I suppose you drive your wife, they say, give it, bring it wassat )))
            I am a responsible person, it is not difficult to strain me and even harness me. Well, I got stuck...
            So it was like this...
            First there was the First Empire and with a break Napoleon I ruled. These are the years 1804 - 1814, 1815.
            1815. Napoleon II, son of Napoleon I, did not reign, although he was appointed.

            Further, taking into account renunciations, returns - the Bourbon dynasty.
            1814, 1815 -- 1824, Louis XVIII, Desired wassat )))
            1824 - 1830, Charles X, 5th son of the Dauphin Louis.
            1830-1848, Louis Philippe, son of the Duke of Orleans.
            Second Republic.
            1848-1852, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon I.

            Second Empire.
            1852 - 1870, Napoleon III (Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte).
            Phew!... Exhaled wassat )))
            1. +1
              22 January 2022 07: 21
              Yeah, I'm an oriental despot
              1. +1
                22 January 2022 08: 38
                And it is felt! Confident team style wassat )))
          2. +3
            21 January 2022 21: 13
            Hello Svetoslav!
            The topic you touched on may well grow to the size of "Tsushima" on the site.
            The question of the legitimacy of Napoleon 3 is controversial. And historical battles on this topic have been going on for a long time. One group of reputable historians will provide "irrefutable" evidence of legitimacy, and their no less authoritative opponents will easily "prove" that a certain Dutch admiral worked there fellow
            1. +3
              22 January 2022 06: 50
              Like a historical anecdote.
              Alexander 3 wished to know: from whom Paul
              They say to him: proceeding and etc. prch Pavel's father was Saltykov
              - Thank God, we are Orthodox
              1. +1
                22 January 2022 13: 10
                How rumors were formed that Napoleon III was illegitimate.

                His father was Louis, the younger brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who accompanied the great commander in the Italian and Egyptian campaigns, but was completely indifferent to military glory, as well as to politics. In January 1802, Napoleon married his brother, disregarding his desire, or rather, his reluctance, to his stepdaughter Hortense Beauharnais, daughter of Josephine from his first marriage. Thus, the newborn Louis was the nephew of Napoleon and grandson of the Empress Josephine. True, a year after the birth of the baby, his grandmother, left by her husband for the sake of the Austrian Archduchess Marie-Louise, will lose the title of the reigning empress. Nevertheless, Napoleon expressed a desire to become the godfather of his nephew. The christening took place on Sunday, November 4, 1810, at the Palace of Fontainebleau, and in the absence of the father of the child, which became the reason for a new wave of rumors about Napoleon's intimate relationship with his stepdaughter, whose children he treated with emphatic attention. According to rumors, however, completely unfounded, allegedly it was the emperor who was the father of all three sons of Hortensia. He especially distinguished the eldest of his nephews - Napoleon Charles, who was born in 1802. Having no children from Josephine, Napoleon even intended to make him his heir and wished to adopt the baby, but ran into resistance from the boy's legal father, who was stung by rumors about the relationship between his older brother and Hortense . Louis's refusal to give in to Napoleon's wishes annoyed the latter, complicating the already difficult relationship between the brothers.

                That is, in any case, Napoleon III is Bonaparte! wassat )))
                1. +2
                  22 January 2022 14: 00
                  Thank you, you covered a lot
    4. +2
      21 January 2022 21: 09
      Lyudmila Yakovlevna, while still at school, read somewhere: there are still some Valois in France, so hypothetically they can claim the crown
      1. +1
        22 January 2022 04: 55
        Quote: LisKat2
        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, while still at school, read somewhere: there are still some Valois in France, so hypothetically they can claim the crown

        Why not! We even have our own Rurikovich “dwells” on our website laughing
        Now seriously. The royal house of the French Valois, cutting down the main male line - four centuries ago. The younger branch of the Valois - the Bourbons are still alive and even rule in Spain.
        1. +2
          22 January 2022 14: 13
          And who is Rurikovich?
          Really ... Olgovich? wassat )))
  4. +5
    21 January 2022 19: 16
    In my opinion, Marie Antoinette was not a depraved woman and a disgrace of the highest kind, the author of the article got excited.
    She was a smart and well-mannered woman, when she was executed she kept her cool.
    1. +8
      21 January 2022 19: 24
      You are absolutely right. And the article does not provide the author’s opinion regarding Marie Antoinette (it’s just quite moderate), but samples of the rumors that ill-wishers spread about her.
      1. +4
        21 January 2022 19: 25
        Sorry, I didn't understand.
        The queen herself, by the way, is sympathetic.
        1. +5
          21 January 2022 19: 57
          Glad to see you here, Vladimir hi
          1. +4
            21 January 2022 19: 58
            And, my respect to you!
        2. +4
          21 January 2022 20: 09
          I do not know. I got the opinion that she was not far away, that there is a statement: "if there is no bread, let them eat cakes"
          1. +1
            21 January 2022 20: 11
            For this, see comment below.
            This is how Queen Maria Theresa spoke
      2. +6
        21 January 2022 19: 38
        It is worth noting here that the commonplace maxim about "cakes" was banally and cynically attributed to Marie Antoinette.
        1. +3
          21 January 2022 20: 27
          I heard about "cakes" from school.
          1. +5
            21 January 2022 20: 34
            So, Marie Antoinette did not utter this phrase!
    2. +6
      21 January 2022 19: 25
      These rumors were fueled by the brothers of the young king. Without realizing it, they shook the age-old foundations of the Old Order. What kind of dirt they poured on their elder brother and his wife!
      In the opinion of the author - too.
    3. 0
      21 January 2022 21: 01
      "when she was executed, she kept cool" I read when she was taken to the scaffold, she stood proudly in the cart, the crowd really wanted to see her horror. Her last words were: "goodbye children, I'm going to dad"
      There is a very dubious version that one of the daughters of Louis 16 did not die
  5. +6
    21 January 2022 19: 54
    [Quote] He tried to settle in Russia - but Louis was “asked” from there after the rapprochement between Emperor Alexander and Napoleon.
    This is where I doubt it. As far as I remember, Louis was asked from Mitava when Pavel became friends with Napoleon. Maybe the Author meant Paul? Or did I mix something up?
    [Quote]No matter how soft-hearted King Louis was, [/ Quote]
    I don't know, I don't know... It seems to me that his persistent intrigues and following his goals for such a long time speak about something else.
    In general, it is interestingly stated. The author clearly thought about the artistic style, which is always pleasant for the reader.
    My respect hi
  6. +1
    21 January 2022 19: 55
    Did the author not hold a candle a couple of hundred years ago?
    1. +2
      21 January 2022 20: 29
      And I would be glad to support, but the strong winds of history will blow
  7. +4
    21 January 2022 20: 12
    However, the wife of Louis 18 has the appearance of a pig
    1. +5
      21 January 2022 20: 29
      Quote: vladcub
      However, the wife of Louis 18 has the appearance of a pig

      Rarely do kings marry for love!!!
      1. +5
        21 January 2022 21: 05
        Apparently, not only the king was diabetic. I remembered the recently seen photograph of the King of Sweden with his wife. The elderly couple are handsome! Just the case when people become more interesting with age.
        1. +2
          22 January 2022 05: 04
          Quote: depressant
          Apparently, not only the king was diabetic. I remembered the recently seen photograph of the King of Sweden with his wife. The elderly couple are handsome! Just the case when people become more interesting with age.

          Given the history of the emergence of the dynasty, from Marshal Bernadotte. A complete refutation of the Theory of the "anointed of God."
          1. +3
            22 January 2022 08: 51
            I do not quite understand)))
            What does it mean to refute the theory of anointing?
            Good morning Vladislav! )))
            1. +3
              22 January 2022 09: 57
              The kings of Sweden are not God's anointed, but the protege of the French Emperor Napoleon.
              1. +2
                22 January 2022 10: 35
                But not yet? And wasn't the same Bernadotte anointed in the church, as it should be according to the ritual?
  8. +3
    21 January 2022 20: 18
    "we easily broke his weak will" he reminds me of Nikolai "henpecked".
    Author, you do not know: Louis 18 was not henpecked?
    1. +3
      21 January 2022 21: 10
      In fact, Louis the 15th was a famous henpecked man))) And the 18th in a row was not noticed in this.
      1. +1
        22 January 2022 07: 19
        It seems that his favorite was: du Bari?
        1. +2
          22 January 2022 08: 47
          The lady known as Dubarry was indeed a favorite of Louis XV.
          All her life she was accompanied by hatred and envy. She lived for her own pleasure and did not pay attention to censure and condemnation. Jeanne Dubarry - the daughter of a dressmaker, a commoner from the lower strata of society, with her sophistication in love pleasures, has earned the favor of the king.
          During her short and eventful life, she changed many names and had countless lovers. In history, she was remembered as the last favorite of France, under the name Madame du Barry.

          The daughter of a dressmaker, raised in a convent. Well, that's kind of a talent too. A rare woman is given by nature. In this case, the mother. That, too, was by no means a miss.
          1. 0
            22 January 2022 14: 21
            She seems to have invented the enema
  9. +4
    21 January 2022 20: 45
    Good evening everyone. Author, forgive my impudence, do you have any more stories in your plans?
    History keeps me on the site. And the more interesting publications there are, the more I will be glad.
    1. +7
      21 January 2022 21: 24
      Ideally, I would like to write essays on all the French "first persons" until the end of the XNUMXth century. How it will be, time will tell, but I think I will definitely finish the article about Charles X.
      1. +1
        22 January 2022 07: 08
        Pleased, and now, as a senior in rank, I set the task. Kidding.
        Seriously, when I read the last name, I immediately remembered that I had already seen this last name somewhere. Or Tolstoy Peter 1 or Badigin.
        In any case, from the Polish high nobility.
  10. +2
    21 January 2022 20: 49
    Quote: 3x3zsave
    These rumors were fueled by the brothers of the young king. Without realizing it, they shook the age-old foundations of the Old Order. What kind of dirt they poured on their elder brother and his wife!
    In the opinion of the author - too.

    Don't you think that something similar happened in Russia: gossip about Nicholas 2 and his wife?
  11. +2
    21 January 2022 21: 45
    Many thanks to the author for telling in detail about the "Count of Provence and his brother.
    Louis 18 seems to me to be pretty: unlike his brother, he is not an evil person and is quite smart.
    "Louis 16 was caught in Varenoye" the official version says: the king did not cautiously look out of the carriage and the stationmaster recognized him. Not officially and more plausibly: the local authorities were warned by someone from the monarchical circles, or rather, Philip Orleans could inform, he took on a "revolutionary" name: Philip "Equality".
    Purely as a woman, I feel sorry for: the family of Louis 16 and Nicholas 2. But now I'm talking about Louis: according to all ethical concepts, the act of Philippe d'Orleans can be called: meanness. Although, younger brothers are not excluded. Feelings were very "kindred".
  12. 0
    21 January 2022 21: 47
    It's time for me to say goodbye: I need to take care of my husband
    1. 0
      22 January 2022 07: 14
      Husband is serious
  13. +2
    21 January 2022 22: 19
    laughing laughing ,, two cats, a builder (hereditary), a military man (former) or a churchman and a woman - the whole category of commentators. ,,, interesting. sad laughing
    1. +4
      22 January 2022 11: 20
      "The company was small, ale bardzo pozhondna ...". laughing laughing laughing
      Sergei! hi
      1. +2
        22 January 2022 14: 36
        Oh, Sergey Vladimirovich, you are here too! He crept quietly, settled down and was silent. I hope Sergey (bubalik) did not enroll me as a woman wassat )))
        1. +3
          22 January 2022 15: 11
          Ex-military? laughing
          Greetings to you Lyudmila Yakovlevna! hi
          1. +3
            22 January 2022 15: 18
            Good afternoon, Sergey Vladimirovich! )))
            What a former military man I am! Went through the proposed costumes - the monarch! At least the props are decent, velvet, silks, beads...
            But not the dress worn by the queen. Have you seen the portrait? Such dresses weighed 300 grams, people died of consumption in them - fashion!
  14. +1
    21 January 2022 23: 03
    He fled from Paris almost simultaneously with the king, but the count's motorcade was carried away to the west by other roads.
    To the west, where is it?? Carriage - Brest - ship? Decided to go to America?? laughing good They are running from Russia to the west! Yes
    1. +7
      22 January 2022 02: 34
      Eh, a Freudian typo... I hope you will excuse her to a Russian person? Thank you for your attention!
      1. +1
        22 January 2022 10: 34
        Yes, I'm not complaining! feel Yes, I laughed. Mood lifted, okay? wink laughing hi