US Press: Support for Ukraine is detrimental to the national interests of the United States


American military personnel

The main rival of the United States is Beijing, therefore, in order to avoid a "cold war" on two fronts, Washington needs detente in its relations with the Kremlin. Instead, he recklessly takes unfriendly steps towards the Kremlin, thereby pushing it into the arms of China.

This opinion is expressed by the American magazine The American Spectator.

The US press notes that Washington's support for Ukraine provokes a negative reaction from Moscow, and therefore is detrimental to the national interests of the United States. Kiev is not a priority for the United States, and American soldiers will not defend it at the risk of their lives. The White House does not care at all whether Ukraine will be a sovereign state or not. Therefore, statements by American politicians about support for the Ukrainian authorities should not be taken too literally either in Kiev or in Moscow. Indeed, in the event of a "Russian invasion", Washington will not even consider the option of sending its military contingent to distant Ukraine to protect it from "aggressors".

This means that Kiev will have to independently resolve issues of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its country. And if you follow the logic of the American publication, the best guarantee of Ukraine's independence will be its refusal to deploy US and NATO military bases on its territory.

In addition, materials appeared in the American press stating that Joe Biden allegedly "promised" Vladimir Putin "the non-acceptance of Ukraine into NATO for at least the next 10 years." This information has not been officially confirmed, but even if so, there are many questions: what is the price of such promises from the United States and how relevant is it in general if NATO infrastructure is already being deployed on its territory without Ukraine joining the alliance? ..
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  1. +6
    14 December 2021 12: 11
    This is just the opinion of one magazine
    The American Spectator.
    ... So the merikatos will spoil us exactly as long as it will exist.
    1. +3
      14 December 2021 12: 24
      Quote: aszzz888
      This is just the opinion of one magazine
      The American Spectator.
      ... So the merikatos will spoil us exactly as long as it will exist.

      What they do is what they do.
    2. +3
      14 December 2021 12: 32
      Quote: aszzz888
      So the merikatos will spoil us exactly as long as it will exist.

      They will shit on us, because they were born - the Anglo-Saxons.
      1. -6
        14 December 2021 14: 02
        They will shit on us, because they were born - the Anglo-Saxons.

        Are you a Russian today? Not an Estonian already? You have already been responsible for the Belarusians.
        Or are you plural about yourself?
        1. -1
          14 December 2021 14: 12
          They were included in the list of the site peacemaker for this film, look you will definitely not waste your time Dmitry. This is, in principle, for all hotheads.
          Top world professionals of Ukrainian boxing about the main thing.
          1. -2
            14 December 2021 14: 28
            sorry, I'm indifferent to boxing and don't go to church)
            1. 0
              14 December 2021 14: 38
              Quote: Dimka75
              sorry, I'm indifferent to boxing and don't go to church)

              So there is not a film about this, but just about your comments. You just need to watch and understand.
          2. 0
            14 December 2021 15: 11
            A religious boxer somehow weakly corresponds to the Sermon on the Mount - to the place where it is said that you need to turn the other cheek if you hit one. It somehow correlates badly with boxers, well, if we are not talking about "turn the other cheek, go under the attacker's arm and answer with a right hook."
            Rather so
            A boorish-looking young man enters the church, walks up to the priest, hits him on the cheek and, smiling maliciously, says: "And what, father, it says, they hit on the right cheek, turn the left one too." Father, the former master of sports in boxing with a hook on the left, sends the impudent man into the corner of the temple and meekly says: “It has also been said, with what measure you measure, this will be measured for you!” Frightened parishioners: “What is happening there?” The deacon is important:
            "The gospel is interpreted."

            1. 0
              14 December 2021 15: 48
              Quote: Avior
              A religious boxer somehow weakly corresponds to the Sermon on the Mount - to the place where it is said that you need to turn the other cheek if you hit one.

              Unfortunately, not who does not want to watch, since everyone assumes that there is also Sergey about this. Let’s look first and then your thoughts.
        2. +3
          14 December 2021 14: 54
          Quote: Dimka75
          Are you a Russian today? Not an Estonian already? You have already been responsible for the Belarusians.

          You and the young boy Dimitri are stupid (that's why you are forgiven), and you do not understand the difference in nationality, citizenship and place of residence.
          I was born Russian, or rather a Great Russian, but I am not a Russian, but people living in Russia (even Ukrainians), here they are Russians.
          And you are an insatiable Ukrainian in ambitions, look for enemies, it's time to grow up.
          1. -1
            14 December 2021 19: 17
            You are an insatiable Ukrainian in ambitions, you are looking for enemies, it would be time to grow up.

            I'm looking for ?? Yes, I have fewer comments in 5 years than you did in a day about the outskirts :-)
            1. +1
              14 December 2021 20: 23
              Quote: Dimka75
              Yes, I have only comments in 5 years less than you have in a day about the outskirts

              Well, do not be offended, write more about it.
              1. +1
                15 December 2021 10: 10
                Quote: tihonmarine
                Well, do not be offended, write more about it.

                Vlad, I’m wondering why we have such a vacuum on the Ukrainian side, well, the slogans are understandable ..
                But there are people who can convey their point of view, patiently.
                1. +3
                  15 December 2021 10: 53
                  Quote: Edik
                  But there are people who can convey their point of view, patiently.

                  Well, there were guys from Ukraine, they are with us with all their hearts, but now they are not on the site, even (I think they noticed) that many participants from the Lao PDR have disappeared. Although there are obvious ill-wishers.
                  Those who wrote not in favor of the Square, they have big troubles in their country. On all such sites there are "hearsayers and watching" in bulk, and an extra word can be very dangerous. I myself, living in another country, will never tell the truth about myself, just as I will keep silent when necessary.
                  1. +1
                    15 December 2021 11: 31
                    Vlad so it turns out that his own is always closer ..
                    I think that the most serious ridge that connects us is Orthodoxy.
                    And these people do not think what others will think of them.
                    It is always pleasant to tell the truth.
                    1. +2
                      15 December 2021 11: 48
                      Quote: Edik
                      I think that the most serious ridge that connects us is Orthodoxy.

                      Orthodoxy, yes, but here it was split, first the Uniates, then the "Porhobot" churches, and even thousands of different sects and movements. The older generation, born in the USSR, remained Orthodox, and whose youth are already 30 years old and younger, they hardly believe in anything. Although since the time of the Baptism of Rus, this has united us, and by perverting our Faith, this is how they separate us.
  2. +4
    14 December 2021 12: 17
    US Press: Support for Ukraine is detrimental to the national interests of the United States
    ... Interesno, in whose minds such an opinion is formed?
    1. +2
      14 December 2021 13: 53
      Good time! hi

      They are the ones who soothe us ...
      1. +1
        14 December 2021 15: 51
        Welcome soldier
        Maybe so, even most likely, BUT, they have different currents of thought both in society and in power structures. There simply by contradiction, in spite of the current administration, they can slip a hedgehog, they will become.
        In general, until they turn from chatter to some kind of explicit action, one can only guess what it was.
        1. +3
          14 December 2021 17: 50
          What we do, we wonder who will get up on what foot ...
          1. +1
            14 December 2021 18: 04
            That the day coming to them brings us ... unless a fortune-teller can predict.
  3. HAM
    14 December 2021 12: 28
    Believe the Yankees, do not respect themselves! They have seven Fridays a week and everything is in their favor ... "Empire of Lies" - someone definitely gave them a description ...
  4. 0
    14 December 2021 12: 30
    Kiev is not a priority for the United States, and American soldiers will not defend it at the risk of their lives. The White House does not care at all whether Ukraine will be a sovereign state or not.

    Here it is already clearly and clearly, without hints it is said - "Goose pig on a comrade!"
  5. +1
    14 December 2021 12: 33
    The statements of American politicians about their support for the Ukrainian authorities should not be taken too literally either in Kiev or in Moscow.

    And how should the supply of weapons be regarded as a peaceful gesture? Another American "peaceful greenback". Straight doves of peace
  6. -2
    14 December 2021 12: 34
    A strange conclusion from the personal opinion of an unknown author in a supernumerary media outlet.
    Or Biden met with Comrade. SI, and discussed the exchange of Taiwan for the non-interference of the Russian Federation, or one of two.
    I cannot imagine a situation when the presidents of two powers are discussing something that is not national interests for two hours.
  7. +3
    14 December 2021 12: 41
    How can Biden "promise" something for 10 years if he himself does not know what will happen tomorrow. These promises, as well as the teleconference, are worth a penny. Global issues on the Internet are not being resolved. Even protected. Even if an agreement was signed at this meeting, then in this case, the price of the agreement is zero. We live in an age when there are no guarantees for words and contracts.
    1. 0
      14 December 2021 13: 32
      Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
      How Biden can "promise" something

      All US presidents since the Kennedy era are just the talking heads of big American capital. Now the rapprochement between Russia and China is not beneficial for them, and China itself has turned out to be a more powerful political and economic competitor, which is not surprising. The question is different, the colonial-predatory policy of the West has reached a serious deadlock not only in Ukraine, but also in other regions, and no one has canceled internal problems.
      1. -1
        14 December 2021 13: 35
        Maybe. But the predatory policy of the USA on the outskirts is the problem of the outskirts itself. In any case, our task is not to weigh on ourselves Ukraine - a suitcase without a handle. Let the ex-brothers carry their luggage on their own. These are their problems.
        1. +3
          14 December 2021 13: 43
          Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
          Let the ex-brothers carry their luggage on their own. These are their problems.

          It is the tradition to distribute powers and lands to the allies
          the republics in fact led to the creation of numerous nationalist enclaves, which destroyed the USSR and nearly tore apart Russia itself in the 90s. To let such princesses take their course is simply criminal. A unilateral policy of non-interference will not lead to anything good, "A holy place is never empty."
          1. 0
            14 December 2021 13: 49
            I'm not talking about the policy of non-interference. "commodity-money-commodity" will bring the Ukrainian people to a reasonable state. For 30 years they have enjoyed all the benefits of the "brotherly people" and have become impudent year after year. They had sales markets. They had money for gas transit. And they continued to feed the Nazis. Now, they need to think about their country for themselves. And without "brotherly" troubles. The freebie is over.
          2. 0
            14 December 2021 15: 09
            A unilateral policy of non-interference will not lead to anything good, "A holy place is never empty."

            One Argentinean leprologist doctor is missing ...
  8. +2
    14 December 2021 12: 52
    came from accreditation, open the news bam .... draining the draining (remember the circus circus circus?) ..... like this))))))
  9. +1
    14 December 2021 12: 57
    smoke screen in the media.
    until the smoke clears the usa will continue to shit in Ukraine
  10. +1
    14 December 2021 12: 57
    Something seems to me that the opinion of the magazine and zhurnalyugi is not the official opinion of the White House! Or am I misunderstanding the question?
    1. -1
      14 December 2021 13: 07
      You have read the conclusion of the author of the article, about the opinion of the author, from a little-known media outlet.
      1. +2
        14 December 2021 13: 22
        Quote: Barge_watchman
        You have read the conclusion of the author of the article, about the opinion of the author, from a little-known media outlet.

        and both authors are unknown)
      2. -1
        14 December 2021 15: 13
        which also comes out two (2!) times a year.
        The summer issue came out long ago, the winter issue is not yet available.
        1. -3
          14 December 2021 15: 15
          So there is no snow belay
      3. 0
        14 December 2021 15: 23
        Quote: Barge_watchman
        You have read the conclusion of the author of the article

        This is how fakes are born. First, general reasoning on the topic. Then a link to these publications. Further, the opinion of an authoritative publication, and in a month you will see and in the Parliament they begin to discuss the next law "on the prohibition to die without a place in the cemetery."
        1. -1
          14 December 2021 15: 25
          Sometimes, the information is "looped back", and the author already refers to the commentators ...
          It's like an old joke about the Chukchi people and the military meteorologist. Don't you remember?
  11. bar
    14 December 2021 12: 59
    Joe Biden allegedly "promised" Vladimir Putin "the non-acceptance of Ukraine into NATO for at least the next 10 years."

    Gorbachev at one time, too, was full of what they promised. The trouble is, he believed. Hope it doesn't happen again
    1. +1
      14 December 2021 13: 37
      If Gorbachev was so "gullible" he would not have worked for a day in the party nomenclature. He understood everything perfectly. I hope I can wait for his funeral.
  12. +1
    14 December 2021 13: 03
    Unfortunately, not everyone there thinks so ...
  13. +2
    14 December 2021 13: 52
    Is NATO infrastructure already being deployed on its territory even without Ukraine joining the alliance? ..

    There is no need for a question mark ...
  14. Urs
    14 December 2021 15: 05
    Well, for okrainy now the phrase "Joe, you promised to marry me, well, little what I promised you," is relevant
  15. +7
    15 December 2021 00: 01
    This means that Kiev will have to independently resolve issues of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its country.

    It's just a mute scene and a brainwash. But what about "Ameriga-with-us!" ?
  16. 0
    15 December 2021 04: 03
    The Russians will not go to war with the Ukrainians, but the transinational elite and puppet administrations of Russia, Ukraine and the United States are preparing to provoke a conflict in Donbass with the help of special services and through precision weapons and aviation, as in Syria, the international mafia can strike at the Ukrainian youth, which share this mobilized into the army and pulled up to the place of impact.