"The Third World War has been canceled, but this is only for now": foreign media assess the statements of the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation and Biden's conversation with Putin


The photo is illustrative.

The foreign media did not disregard the statements of the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Ryabkov regarding the disregard of global security issues by NATO structures. Discussions and negotiations between Biden and Putin continue.

Recall that Sergei Ryabkov noted the absence of any serious progress in providing Russia with legally supported security guarantees, non-deployment of strike weapons near the borders of the Russian Federation. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia pointed out that if such guarantees are not provided and if the situation does not come out of the deadlock, then the Russian Federation will give a tough answer, and this answer will be military and military-technical.

The foreign press draws attention to what Sergei Ryabkov mentioned in an interview RIA News Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles Treaty. The American and British media immediately announced that "Russia is threatening to deploy such missiles in Europe." At the same time, for some reason, the United States "forgot" to inform ordinary citizens that Washington itself at one time withdrew from the treaty, accusing Russia of violating it as usual.

The correspondent of the BuzzFeed publication Kristoffer Miller, commenting on the statement, Sergei Ryabkov, writes that "the threats from Russia are becoming more and more." At the same time, in the comments to his Twitter post, not all readers agreed with Miller's message. In particular, it is noted that the threats are in the direction of Russia, and Ryabkov noted that sooner or later the Russian Federation will have to answer them harshly.

The Iranian edition TehranTimes draws attention to the statement of Sergei Ryabkov that "the United States is once again on the path to a missile crisis." The Iranian journalist notes that the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister is warning the United States against threats against Iran amid the resumption of discussions within the framework of the so-called "nuclear deal". The Iranian edition emphasizes that Russia focuses on the pressure that the United States is trying to exert and which ultimately often leads to colossal negative consequences.

Julia Davis, a columnist for the Daily Beast and an expert on Russia (as she calls herself), generally argues that "Putin is seeking an invasion of Ukraine, encouraged by Trump, and at the same time threatens Europe."


Russia today sorely lacks Trump, Trumpushka (the term "Trumpushka" is used). The third world war after the talks between Biden and Putin seems to have been canceled, but this is only for now. Russia still hopes that Trump will return to the White House in 2024.

Western analyst claims that up to this point, "The Third World War has been postponed."

In the European press, commenting on the statement of Sergei Ryabkov, they write that Russia "wants to be negotiated with it, and substantively." However, in the same Europe, they cannot give an exact answer to the question of whether NATO is really capable of providing Moscow with guarantees that there will be no further eastward movement. It is noted that so far NATO cannot provide such guarantees, since "NATO is developing through expansion."
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  1. +6
    14 December 2021 08: 23
    "Putin seeks to invade Ukraine, encouraged by Trump, while threatening Europe."
    Trump is directly pushing Putin to seize Ukraine! fool
    1. +4
      14 December 2021 08: 25
      as one cartoon character said .. guys! let's live in peace??
      1. -2
        14 December 2021 11: 11
        Quote: boris ivanov
        as one cartoon character said .. guys! let's live in peace??

        And if the proposal will continue to be ignored, then the following can be used:

        In medicine or tablets:

        Then for the consequences - please do not be offended!

        PS Ministry of Health ... Sorry! hi - Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns! ....... bully
    2. +10
      14 December 2021 08: 25
      "Specialist in Russia", this is a masterpiece, however, if you pay attention to the marasmic statements of high-ranking officials of the State Department, the same Victoria Nuland, then the Anglo-Saxons have solid "specialists in Russia"! laughing
      1. +9
        14 December 2021 08: 30
        Yes, wherever you spit, you get into the "Specialist in Russia".
        But at the same time, Sverdlovsk and Yekaterinburg are two independently different cities. laughing
        1. +10
          14 December 2021 09: 46
          Quote: Nexcom
          Sverdlovsk and Yekaterinburg -

          But they are right - these cities are in different countries! wink
      2. +4
        14 December 2021 08: 34
        You should not delve into the marasmic conjectures of Europe, no matter what * witnesses * of European values ​​are broadcasting outright nonsense.
        All words just to then loudly announce * another victory *. * Can't you see the tanks near the Channel? So they reflected ... once again *.
        In the same row are the researches of the Europeans on the count of victories in WWII. Careful scoring and then an appeal to arbitration for a review of the WWII results. Well, after all, so many victories and everything over Europe and only one defeat from the SOVIET UNION.
        1. +6
          14 December 2021 08: 41
          In Ukraine, another version of World War II, Nazi Germany, was defeated by 1 and 2 Ukrainian fronts, staffed only by Ukrainians, and without exception members of the OUN under the united command of Bandera-Shukhevych! Any Ukrainian will confirm this to you laughing
          1. +7
            14 December 2021 09: 03
            Quote: Finches
            Any Ukrainian will confirm this to you

            understand that the joke is humor
            but the Ukrainian SSR got very, very much from Nazism
            roller in one direction, then back
            I am sure that there are good people and many who know the history of that war and honor the winners.
            1. +3
              14 December 2021 11: 07
              Quote: Flood
              The Ukrainian SSR got very, very much from Nazism
              roller in one direction, then back
              I am sure that there are good people and many who know the history of that war and honor the winners.

              They know. And they honor.
              Odessa. May 9, 2019 11:08 am. The "Immortal Regiment" went - about 200 people with portraits of participants in the war. They are commanded by the well-known pro-Russian figure Maurice Ibrahim. And in front of the "regiment" are young people who are holding portraits of soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Maurice demands to remove the "Binder" people. The police separate the two groups and prevent them from clashing.

              Svyatkuvannya of the Day of Peremogy at Kiev did not go without a little bit. 09.05.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX

              The mother of a 10-year-old girl Nastya moved to the capital of the Republic of Belarus with her daughter, with whom the St. George's ribbon was torn off in Kiev on May 9.
              Honored. Chtyatsy, b ... ling !!!
          2. -3
            14 December 2021 09: 21
            How much can you lie?
            1. +4
              14 December 2021 10: 10
              Quote: Free Wind
              How much can you lie?

              If they start telling the truth, then their inhabitants will go crazy with the understanding that all the mess and all the wars in the world come from their "democracy".
          3. +3
            14 December 2021 09: 52
             Belarusian front
            2.2 1st Belorussian Front
            2.3 2st Belorussian Front
            2.4 3st Belorussian Front
            2.5 Bryansk Front
            2.6 Volkhov front
            2.7 Voronezh front
            2.8 Don Front
            2.9 Transcaucasian Front
            2.10 Western Front
            2.11 Caucasian Front
            2.12 Kalinin Front
            2.13 Karelian Front
            2.14 Crimean Front
            2.15 Kursk Front
            2.16 Leningrad Front
            2.17 Moscow defense zone
            2.18 Moscow reserve front
            2.19 Oryol Front
            2.20 Baltic Front
            2.21 1st Baltic Front
            2.22 2st Baltic Front
            2.23 3st Baltic Front
            2.24 Reserve Front
            2.25 Northern Front
            2.26 Northwestern Front
            2.27 North Caucasian Front
            2.28 Stalingrad Front
            2.29 Steppe front
            2.30 1st Ukrainian Front
            2.31 2st Ukrainian Front
            2.32 3st Ukrainian Front
            2.33 4st Ukrainian Front
            2.34 Front of the Mozhaisk Defense Line
            2.35 Front of Reserve Armies
            2.36 Central Front
            2.37 South-Eastern Front
            2.38 Southwestern Front
            2.39 Southern Front
            2.40 1st Far Eastern Front
            2.41 2st Far Eastern Front
            2.42 Trans-Baikal Front
            And the rest do not count?
          4. -1
            14 December 2021 10: 12
            Quote: Finches
            Any Ukrainian will confirm this to you

            Here we are surprised by the American "specialists" on Russia, and there are a dime a dozen of them on Ukraine. laughing
      3. +6
        14 December 2021 10: 35
        Eugene, hi !
        Quote: Finches
        "Specialist in Russia", this is a masterpiece, however, if you pay attention to the marasmic statements of high-ranking officials of the State Department, the same Victoria Nuland, then the Anglo-Saxons have solid "specialists in Russia"! laughing

        The other day I got pecked for the way I spoke about their "specialists in Russia." The conversation was about sanctions.
        And the essence of what was said was as follows. They don't know a damn thing in America either about Russia or about us Russians. If they understood, then they would not have imposed sanctions, but "Bush's legs" would have supplied rubber sausages, continuing to kill our agriculture. They would not cut us off from financial flows with sanctions, but would crawl behind us on their knees and tug at our trousers so that we would be more deeply involved in their financial system and collect IMF loans.

        And it would be repeated for us, to the delight of America, the 90s. And even worse.
        True, there is one "trifle" - then Yeltsin 2.0 should be in power. And even worse.
        1. +2
          14 December 2021 13: 04
          hi I absolutely agree with you!
    3. -1
      14 December 2021 15: 53
      Well, in general, the most interesting thing is that Ryabkov announced that Russia would respond mirroredly to the deployment of missiles with nuclear warheads in Europe, and what is most interesting, Russia can answer quite quickly ... let's say the same Zircons to Bastions will not take long to load, and the two-stage Iskander is 1,5 years of development ..
  2. +8
    14 December 2021 08: 23
    Why was it suddenly canceled? She's already in full swing!
    1. +3
      14 December 2021 08: 27
      Quote: shoroh
      Why was it suddenly canceled? She's already in full swing!

      Until they gasp at the "partners" with a rocket, they will not notice the war! )))
  3. +3
    14 December 2021 08: 28
    ** Julia Davis, Columnist for the Daily Beast, Russia Specialist (as she calls herself) **
    No one over the hill can be a specialist in Russia, unless, of course, he was born in the USSR.
    You can't understand Russia with your mind ... Julia Roberts LA, WANGA found another one ..
  4. +5
    14 December 2021 08: 30
    The level of analytics is certainly off scale ... straight towards the plinth ...
    1. -5
      14 December 2021 08: 58
      Are you talking about the article or the comments. Although no one opposes the analyst of international politics here, they pull quotes from foreign articles and add something that is beneficial to the electorate. in such a light that, on the other hand, the main thing is forgotten, but as a result of the meeting.
  5. +1
    14 December 2021 08: 40
    One of the goals of the United States, the fuss and hysteria around Ukraine, is to raise the status of NATO in the eyes of Europeans. So that they do not even think about leaving NATO. Today Russia is preparing to attack Ukraine, and tomorrow it will attack you.
  6. +4
    14 December 2021 08: 53
    NATO guarantees and the West in general can only be used as toilet paper ... they cost nothing.
    In theory, between NATO and Russia there should be buffer states that adhere to neutrality ... The presence of NATO at our borders is always the risk of a surprise attack and the outbreak of war.
    Therefore, if Putin can get some guarantees from the West by deceiving himself ... our people cannot be fooled by this ... he paid a huge price once having concluded a non-aggression pact with Germany ... and which she treacherously violated.
    1. -1
      14 December 2021 09: 35
      The United States and Russia share a common border. And between the Russian island and the American island 4.6 km. A little less than five kilometers. there were no conflicts between Russians and Americans. The leader needs to learn geography. Russia is not only Moscow and its bunker.
      1. 0
        15 December 2021 12: 44
        The United States has common borders with Mexico, Canada, and Russia, but this did not stop the Americans from bombing other states with which they have no borders at all and which posed no danger to the American occupiers.
  7. +3
    14 December 2021 09: 12
    they are sick or something !! ... do they really want to turn into radioactive ash .... idiots
  8. +3
    14 December 2021 09: 38
    Well, the Anglo-Saxons do not like countries defending their sovereignty. There are not many of them left. So if they do not stop, they will have to bang. We had a meal with them in full, we are to blame everywhere, soon we will be to blame that we live.
    1. +3
      14 December 2021 09: 49
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Anglo-Saxons do not like countries defending their sovereignty

      Sovereignty is when there is a self-sufficient industry, and not when the country is completely dependent on the import of absolutely all consumer goods, on the import of seeds and breeding material, on electronics, machine tools and heavy equipment.
      The economy of a sovereign country cannot depend only on the export of resources, and with a limited right to use them within the country.
      So stop bending your fingers for sovereignty.
      1. -4
        14 December 2021 10: 18
        Aren't you tired of your hatred of the government under the leadership of President Putin, VV is here to drive?
        1. +1
          14 December 2021 10: 29
          Quote: tralflot1832
          Not tired of my hatred of the government under the leadership of President Putin

          Aren't you tired of urya-patriotism here? What kind of sovereignty you are talking about here, we are a colony for most of the signs.
          1. 0
            14 December 2021 10: 42
            A site like a military patriotic or, in your opinion, golimo, critical. I have been a reader since 2012 VO. And I see progress in the development of the Russian Armed Forces. The Armed Forces cannot develop without the development of the state. I remember how they were happy here in 2012, an airplane, a tank, an armored personnel carrier. youth "normal on the site is pulled up.
            1. +2
              14 December 2021 10: 56
              Quote: tralflot1832
              And I see progress in the development of the Russian Armed Forces. Armed Forces without the development of the state, they cannot develop

              In which industries can you see development? In the resource selling industry? belay Or do you manage to see the development of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex in isolation from the development of industry as a whole?
              The country is degrading, spending on medicine, social services, science and education is being cut, and at the same time, on the recommendation of the IMF, Putin is increasing the NWF threshold from 7 to 10%. This means that our economy will continue to sit on a starvation diet. This is one of the hallmarks of a colony.
              Do you really not see that the degree of heat in society is growing? It is obvious. What will the riot lead to, or do you think it out yourself? I understand that you are here on the wages, but at least some understanding must be there?
              1. +8
                14 December 2021 14: 29
                It is sometimes interesting to open a page of articles on VO ten years ago. See how we lived:
                Currently, according to the Accounts Chamber, the share of modern technology in the Russian Armed Forces is about 10%, and the government promises to bring it to 2020-70% by 80.
                Just an example.
                1. +1
                  14 December 2021 15: 18
                  Quote: Raven-95
                  Just an example.

                  Yes, the percentage of new technology has increased, but also due to a reduction in the aircraft fleet, from 2000 to 2021, almost by half.
                  Also during this time, a number of aircraft factories were reduced, under the pretext of enlargement, consolidation and optimization.
                  In the event of real hostilities, the equipment will simply have nowhere to be produced.
      2. 0
        15 December 2021 12: 47
        That is, if you estimate your requirements, then there are no sovereign states on the planet Earth!
    2. +1
      14 December 2021 09: 53
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Well, the Anglo-Saxons do not like countries defending their sovereignty .....

      And what does the Anglo-Saxons have to do with it? International corporations, represented by the national bourgeoisie, do not need competitors. The national composition of the owners of these corporations is different. The interests of these corporations are being promoted by "developed capitalist countries", but it is another matter that the most developed, militarily, are precisely the Anglo - Saxon countries. And so, I, with the turner Tom or the milling machine John, have nothing to share, just as they have with me. Drink vodka (whiskey, bourbon) together and potrind about women, they are exactly the same as we are.)))))
      1. 0
        14 December 2021 10: 29
        And who was Hitler's army?
        1. +2
          14 December 2021 11: 06
          Quote: tralflot1832
          And who was Hitler's army?

          Don't you remember that Stalin said: "Hitlers come and go, but the German people remain."
          We were building chemistry in Romania, there were also Germans from the FRG, they were there, they all drank together often (I was little, my father had a business trip), so there two sailors who fought in the Baltic met against each other and remembered where whose ship was and who was looking for whom, and nothing, they did not quarrel. Read how the Germans were taken to concentration camps immediately after the war, informatively.
          1. +3
            14 December 2021 11: 12
            It was also necessary, like the Americans, to force the Germans to carry out the exhumation of mass graves on the territory of the USSR. The Americans forced not only prisoners of war, but also civilians to do this. They would remember it longer.
  9. +3
    14 December 2021 10: 50
    "The Third World War has been canceled, but this is only for now": foreign media assess the statements of the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation and Biden's conversation with Putin
    ... The chatter around the bush, this is pf-e ... big uncles agree, and the rest can only jump and croak.
    1. +2
      14 December 2021 11: 13
      Uncles are Russia, England, USA and China?
      1. +3
        14 December 2021 12: 23
        So that's also France, Germany ... the guys are not small, important on many issues.
        1. +1
          14 December 2021 12: 25
          Maybe without a French rooster? wassat Moreover, he has elections next year.
          1. 0
            14 December 2021 12: 39
            Presidents / leaders of countries come and go, countries, their interests remain.
            Boryusik can also fly out of office and that, we write off the guys, from the islands, to nowhere ... will not work.
            By the way, on the way, India, Japan and Turkey cannot be easily erased from world politics.
            Many people want to be in the big league.
            1. +2
              14 December 2021 12: 45
              There, the French have a funky candidate, journalist, writer and favorite of the French electorate, who is cooler than Le Pen. The people like them.
              1. 0
                14 December 2021 12: 50
                People's love, in modern times, is a magnitude, a very conventional argument that often does not determine anything.
                Financial tycoons will have their say and it can be decisive.
                This has already happened more than once.
                In general, another "circus", where there may be many more clowns than necessary.
                1. +1
                  14 December 2021 12: 59
                  We will see who will win, shipbuilders or aircraft builders. And the terrible, immense Senegalese woman with memories has not been canceled.
  10. -3
    14 December 2021 11: 11
    Who will be the aggressor and attack first?
    1. +1
      14 December 2021 12: 24
      Now, aHressor may be appointed.
      Attacked, not attacked, the tenth thing.
      1. +8
        14 December 2021 14: 16
        So long ago appointed
        1. +1
          14 December 2021 15: 54
          They spray, they, their efforts, and the unity, straight, unity, as it is not ice, they come out.
          To declare, loudly, from all progressive humanity, they love this ... that's just all of humanity with them, some kind of scanty, limited.
  11. 0
    14 December 2021 12: 39
    Quote: Finches
    "Specialist in Russia", this is a masterpiece, however, if you pay attention to the marasmic statements of high-ranking officials of the State Department, the same Victoria Nuland, then the Anglo-Saxons have solid "specialists in Russia"! laughing

    Vika is more of a specialist in the former Moldavian SSR and how barmaids go straight from Soviet ships to emigration. From such life experience and manners are appropriate. In the understanding of everything else, including politics, the same remained at the level of the ship's barmaid