The dispatcher who "landed" the flight with Protasevich in Minsk revealed the details of the "KGB operation" to the American press


Oleg Galegov quite recently worked as an ordinary air traffic controller at the Minsk airport. In the summer of 2021, he illegally left Belarus, after which he contacted Western journalists and told them about the alleged operation of the State Security Committee of Belarus to land a Ryanair flight and arrest an opposition journalist Roman Protasevich who was flying on it.

The words of the air traffic controller, which is not surprising, were confirmed by the Polish security service. Her employee told about the testimony of a certain direct witness to the events that day at the airport. Apparently, it is Galegov who is this witness. So, according to the Polish counterintelligence officer, the landing of the aircraft was allegedly led by a KGB officer of Belarus, who received instructions by phone from the higher authorities. It was this officer who allegedly ordered the transmission of a message about an explosive device on board the aircraft. After such information, the dispatchers were obliged to land the plane at the Minsk airport, which was done.

As soon as the plane landed at the airport, the Belarusian security forces detained two passengers - Roman Protasevich, who at that time was the editor of the opposition Telegram channel, recognized as extremist in Belarus, and the Russian woman Sofia Sapega. The latter later admitted that she also participated in the running of the Telegram channel and published the personal data of the Belarusian police officers who participated in the suppression of the riots in the summer of 2020.

The version broadcast by the Western press about the involvement of the Belarusian KGB in the landing of the flight with Protasevich fits well with the general campaign to discredit the power of President Alexander Lukashenko. But even if this is true, what would be the difference? Intelligence agencies around the world are using not very pleasant methods to fight those who are considered enemies of state security. We can recall how the United States literally kidnaps people in third countries, seeking first their detention and then extradition. We can also recall the cases of the physical elimination of political opponents of the United States and its allies. And what are the killing of Iranian nuclear physicists worth? Against this background, the landing of the plane at the Minsk airport and the arrest of Protasevich and Sapieha is a childish prank, especially considering that then both young people were regretted and sent not to some Belarusian version of Guantanamo, but under house arrest.
171 comment
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  1. +12
    9 December 2021 11: 50
    Yes, this fugitive zmagar for the sake of a sweet life and ration will tell you anything
    1. +22
      9 December 2021 11: 55
      The funny thing is that it is just for the sake of "temporary rations" that it is foolish to hope for "retirement". And the sweet life is just a "temporary moment". Something I doubt that Sveta will always be fed).
      1. +9
        9 December 2021 12: 09
        As long as Sveta "speaks as it should" and acts as convenient for Western owners - they will feed them. As soon as it becomes uninteresting - everything, "cutlets will be excommunicated."

        About Guaido or whatever it is - does anyone hear anything now?
        Silence. They merged it, because its expiration date had expired, but he never sat down at the presidential table. And just like that "for good words" the Yankes will not feed anyone - they are not like that.
        1. +2
          9 December 2021 12: 22
          About Guaido or whatever it is - does anyone hear anything now?
          Silence. Leaked it because its expiration date has expired
          rather "useful life". But also the "expiration date" corresponds. The lot of traitors is such that they will be judged by their "utility weight." Except that sometimes "your owners can evaluate your carcass as a target for a future production" - I remember Skripal. Then, bonuses are possible. If he stays alive.
          Considering the insignificance of the information of this "runner", one should expect that this is the first act, then he will be prompted that it is necessary to broadcast. And by the way, taking this opportunity, I want to say hello to everyone who "knew, hoped and believed"). They are clearly spitting now.
          1. -1
            9 December 2021 12: 25
            rather "useful life".

            yes, you are right, I just put it a little clumsily. You explained more precisely.
            1. +2
              10 December 2021 00: 07
              Let them forget about him in a week.
              What did he actually give out? That it was a brilliant operation of the Belarusian KGB?
              So no one ever doubted this.
              You can, like Skripals, poison (lightly or to death - it doesn't matter), leaving Lukashenka's fingerprints on the poison bottle.
          2. -1
            9 December 2021 21: 00
            The version "from Galegov" is possible, but VERY doubtful. Although it does not exclude the possible participation of the KGB of Belarus in some way. It is unlikely that the KGB officers are so unprofessional and stupid that they released a key witness from the country, if Galegov was. Most likely - this is a provocation of the Western special services.
      2. -1
        9 December 2021 14: 55
        Quote: Kesha1980
        The funny thing is that it is just for the sake of "temporary rations" that it is foolish to hope for "retirement". And the sweet life is just a "temporary moment". Something I doubt that Sveta will always be fed).

        The boys are still not extinct - the bad guys. As soon as this topic disappears, they will be forgotten.
        1. -2
          9 December 2021 15: 06
          The boys are still bad guys ..

          Unambiguously. "disposable" (now "used"), "fragment".
      3. -1
        9 December 2021 15: 43
        Quote: Kesha1980
        The funniest thing

        The pilot of the Irish plane CAM decided where to land ... And what about that?
        1. -4
          9 December 2021 15: 50
          The pilot of the Irish plane CAM decided where to land ... And what about that?

          Encourage adherence to instructions. The pilot of the flight, the KGB officers followed the instructions. Exactly. These are the instructions! And no one canceled cheating, because the main thing is not to contradict international law, treaties and instructions. Such is the "selyavi"). Until proven otherwise - staged landing. Is it proven? No! This means that all Western whiners "go to the garden".
          1. -2
            9 December 2021 19: 05
            Quote: Kesha1980
            Encourage adherence to instructions. The pilot of the flight, the KGB officers followed the instructions.

            Instructions may change.

            Quote: Kesha1980
            Until proven otherwise - staged landing. Is it proven? No! This means that all Western whiners "go to the garden".

            And they don't need to prove anything. They can simply instruct the pilots of their airlines to continue to ignore any requests for an emergency landing on the territory of Belarus, and any notifications not related to following the route should be regarded as unreliable. request
            Nobody can forbid them this, and most likely, they have already done it without much publicity.

            So, I think it was a one-time trick, and Lukashenka wasted it on an insignificant goal.
            1. 0
              9 December 2021 19: 16
              Quite possible. Everything in our world can be tolerated. And the general duty of pilots to "listen" to the "ground" dispatchers in the sky of Belarus will not work). They will, they will listen.
              1. -2
                9 December 2021 22: 12
                Quote: Kesha1980
                And the general duty of pilots is to "listen" to the "ground" controllers

                While in transit, they will listen to directions regarding level, bearing and speed. If the landing is not planned in the flight plan, the pilot is not obliged to perform it, no matter what the controller sings to him.
                1. +1
                  9 December 2021 22: 28
                  So yes, I agree. But I doubt that no pilot will dare to take on too much responsibility (inaction, ignoring the emergency). Then the same passengers will sue. Although, I think there will be no more such a case - this is already a clear overkill from the daddy.
                  1. 0
                    11 December 2021 16: 55
                    He will not risk it if it is arbitrary. And if he was given clear instructions from above - to ignore any instructions of the RB dispatchers not related to the flight plan, thereby relieving him of any responsibility in this regard. The answer is obvious. request
                    1. 0
                      11 December 2021 17: 10
                      Firstly, I am sure that it was Luka who "dropped off" the flight - everyone understands everything, for they are not small children.
                      Secondly, he will not do this anymore, because just brute force is "left".
                      Thirdly, whose liability will there be from the claims of passengers? A crew commander who follows instructions or an airline that writes instructions that are not in accordance with the law?
                      The question is precisely in the points of international rules in such situations. I do not know them. But I remember how terrorists in France wanted to blow up an airplane (specially, fully fueled) over Paris. Digging through the instructions is not hotts. "Sky" is not my "element".
                      1. 0
                        12 December 2021 21: 01
                        Quote: Kesha1980
                        Secondly, he will not do this anymore, because just brute force is "left".

                        This is exactly what I said in the first comment.
                        The scheme is one-time, and Chyk-Chyryk spent it. fellow
                      2. 0
                        12 December 2021 21: 16
                        Considering the testimony of Protesevich and, accordingly, a small display of the "seamy side" of the "protest movement", I did not spend it. I used it as much as possible in that situation.
                      3. +1
                        12 December 2021 21: 23
                        Quote: Kesha1980
                        testimony of Protesevich

                        Are you seriously? Such testimony is worthless.
                        In the KGB RB, even an elephant confesses that they are a butterfly.
                        What was hammered into him - then he broadcasts.
                        Whether this is true or not is an open question.

                        Quote: Kesha1980
                        did not spend

                        Even how I spent it.
                      4. 0
                        12 December 2021 21: 25
                        I disagree with all of the above.
                      5. 0
                        12 December 2021 21: 47
                        Quote: Kesha1980
                        I disagree with all of the above.

                      6. 0
                        12 December 2021 21: 53
                        .Are you seriously? Such testimony is worthless.
                        In the KGB RB, even an elephant confesses that they are a butterfly.
                        What was hammered into him - then he broadcasts.

                        As for me, the client was actively cooperating. The traces of torture are not fixed visually and psychologically. He was reasonable enough - the result of the interrogations of Protesevich.
                      7. +1
                        12 December 2021 22: 00
                        Quote: Kesha1980
                        As for me, the client was actively cooperating. The traces of torture are not fixed visually and psychologically. He was reasonable enough - the result of the interrogations of Protesevich.

                        Many tortures leave no traces. A vigorous look can be organized by a literate physician with special skills.
                      8. 0
                        12 December 2021 22: 03
                        You forgot to indicate the "mental impact on the psychomatrix of the personality", it is easier to "zombie". Also, as an option)
                      9. +1
                        12 December 2021 22: 19
                        Quote: Kesha1980
                        You forgot to indicate the "mental impact on the psychomatrix of the personality", it is easier to "zombie". Also, as an option)

                        Ha ha ha No.
                        Nevertheless, there are no compelling counter-arguments against my version, and therefore it is quite probable. 50 to 50.
                2. -1
                  10 December 2021 22: 55
                  Then the air force interceptor of the Republic of Belarus will sing to the crew. Do you think the pilot will refuse to land, having received a cannon burst on the course?
                  1. -1
                    11 December 2021 17: 01
                    Quote: dmmyak40
                    Then the air force interceptor of the Republic of Belarus will sing to the crew. Do you think the pilot will refuse to land, having received a cannon burst on the course?

                    And this is full-length air piracy. Aviation transit agreements expressly prohibit this. After that, RB will become an outcast in air agreements, like the DPRK. Nobody will fly over them anymore, and accordingly will not pay transit duties. And no one will fly to them, and third parties will not be allowed, corny refusing to land for flying over the Republic of Belarus.
                    They can generally declare a boycott of any airline that flies to Belarus.
                    So they don't joke with such things.
                    1. -1
                      11 December 2021 21: 38
                      Why the fright of piracy? The aircraft is in the airspace of the Republic of Belarus and is obliged to follow all instructions of the ATC services. And if the information concerns terrorism, then the reason will be more than convincing. And the sanctions ... Pro-American mongrels really fly there now, but China and other countries of Southeast Asia put a bolt on the sanctions.
                      1. 0
                        12 December 2021 20: 52
                        Quote: dmmyak40
                        Why the fright of piracy?

                        From such that the West does not need to prove anything. RB will simply be branded as pirates, and no one will listen to them. The RB has no more influence than the Tribals.

                        Quote: dmmyak40
                        The aircraft is in the airspace of the Republic of Belarus and is obliged to follow all instructions of the ATC services. And if the information concerns terrorism, then the reason will be more than convincing.

                        Yes, no one cares, you still do not understand? The RB has a different weight category, the right to pump.
                        If RB spits to the west, the west will wipe out, and then the west will spit in response and RB will drown.

                        Quote: dmmyak40
                        but China and other countries of Southeast Asia put the bolt on sanctions.

                        China will not quarrel with the West, for the sake of some country that does not matter to it.
                        And all the more so, no one will sacrifice anything for the sake of Belarus. There's no point.
                        It is easier for them to fly around this small speck on the map.
              2. +1
                10 December 2021 06: 40
                They will then no longer be allowed into the skies of Belarus and the airline will suffer losses.
                1. -1
                  12 December 2021 20: 59
                  Quote: Pankrat25
                  They will then no longer be allowed into the skies of Belarus and the airline will suffer losses.

                  Losses - it says loudly. RB is too small to actually cause any inconvenience. Well, tickets will rise in price by 1-2%, no one will notice.
          2. 0
            10 December 2021 04: 15
            Quote: svp67
            The pilot of the Irish plane CAM decided where to land ... And what about that?

            If you will allow, formally the flight was operated by the Polish company BUZZ ..., and yet yes - he acted strictly according to the instructions, although very brainlessly. And the character himself ..
      4. -1
        9 December 2021 17: 02
        Quote: Kesha1980
        Something I doubt that Sveta will always be fed).

        As soon as the next "revolution" flies in vain in Belarus - everything, the cutlet will be removed from the allowance, or even the Old Man will be poured, so as not to feed ...
        1. 0
          9 December 2021 17: 17
          She already has a used title. Baba is a fool.
        2. +2
          9 December 2021 18: 28
          It is already possible to place bets on the World: how long will Lithuania hold it? bully
      5. +1
        9 December 2021 18: 44
        Not a smart person, although not a person, used item No. 2.
    2. -1
      9 December 2021 12: 09
      That's interesting)) and who was supposed to transmit information to dispatchers? Vovan and Lexus?)))
      Or is Avakov engaged in other countries with threats of terrorist attack?))) And disarm, and neutralize, and bail)) and encourages, but not for cameras))
    3. 0
      9 December 2021 12: 32
      The mongrel got hungry and started barking!
  2. +10
    9 December 2021 11: 52
    The dispatcher who "landed" the flight with Protasevich in Minsk revealed the details of the "KGB operation" to the American press
    ... For the runners over the hill, everything is also "smeared with honey."
    Although, what is there, what is all the difference ... yes, no difference, except for rainbow and other BLM topics. Maybe someone thinks this is real freedom ... everyone goes crazy in their own way.
    1. +2
      10 December 2021 04: 19
      Quote: rocket757
      For runners over the hill, everything is also "smeared with honey"…. Maybe someone thinks this is real freedom ... everyone goes crazy in their own way.

      Now for him, the question of survival is becoming the main thing: heroes love only the dead, no one needs them alive at all ...
      1. +1
        10 December 2021 07: 33
        Nobody aspires to the role of "sacred victim" ... they are periodically appointed and "executed". Everything as usual.
  3. -1
    9 December 2021 11: 52
    But even if it is true, what would be the difference?

    Successfully carried out operation to detain the enemy of Belarus

    Despite all the disagreements, Belarusians are a kindred people to us. This means that we must welcome and support any decision of the Belarusian authorities directed against everyone who is not Russian / Belarusian.
    1. -3
      9 December 2021 12: 00
      Why are Belarusians fleeing with their whole families to Poland and not to Russia?
      1. +2
        9 December 2021 12: 02
        Apparently in Poland it's easier with work
      2. +13
        9 December 2021 12: 10
        What are you?) I'll tell my family today that they are not in Russia) They are in Poland)
      3. +10
        9 December 2021 12: 13
        because they are running away, and Russia will immediately betray the fugitives.
      4. +6
        9 December 2021 12: 15
        Quote: Misza
        Why are Belarusians fleeing with their whole families to Poland and not to Russia?

        Yes??? but my neighbor and friend with the whole family moved to Russia, and why not to
        poland ??
        1. -8
          9 December 2021 12: 25
          In recent years, 140 thousand Belarusians, mostly young and talented, have left for Poland.
          1. +8
            9 December 2021 12: 27
            Quote: Misza
            In recent years, 140 thousand Belarusians, mostly young and talented, have left for Poland.

            and to Russia?
            and how infa about young and talented ?? are they like bloggers and party-goers ?? lol love
            1. -6
              9 December 2021 12: 50
              In 2021, almost 10 students from Belarus are studying in Poland.
            2. -2
              9 December 2021 12: 57
              Well, what kind of Russia if there is Poland
          2. +8
            9 December 2021 12: 56
            And how many Poles have left Poland "in recent years"? .. To Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France? ..

            By the way, these notorious "young and talented" who? .. Runaway housewife Tikhanovskaya? .. Or Latushko? ..

            Just in case...

            EXACTLY, Lukashenko (who suddenly became a "strangler of freedom"), for DECADES, pursued a policy of creating and stimulating high-tech clusters in the country. Incl. in the sphere of the notorious "IT" ...

            And this running punks, precisely on this policy of the State Service of Support, "rose", both intellectually and financially ...

            And further...

            Somehow I didn’t listen to the personnel of such a high-tech enterprise as Minsk Integral (with all its subdivisions) “fleeing” from Belarus. Or that the personnel of this association took part in the ferment of "democratic" herds in the capital of Belarus last year. He didn't hang up any white and red rags ...

            And these are thousands of people. Moreover, taking into account the specifics of production, they are also quite talented. Both young and old ...
      5. +5
        9 December 2021 12: 25
        On December 7, President of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko by his decree granted 448 Ukrainians the citizenship of Belarus. A person is so arranged, he wants to live better.
      6. +4
        9 December 2021 13: 24
        Because in Belarus in recent years (Poland) the policy of polonization has been successfully implemented. In the EU (which includes Poland) it is much more attractive for young and educated people to find applications for their skills and receive high wages and a high standard of living (higher than they could in Russia). In Russia, there are also many specialists who have acquired the skill and experience and move to permanent residence in the EU (doctors, IT specialists, engineers ...) and there are many companies and offices ready to help these people to facilitate these processes. Accept the battle for the minds at the moment and the economic battle is lost and the preconditions for improving the situation are not foreseen.
        But these guys are tempted by the profits and prospects that are going on there.
      7. -3
        9 December 2021 17: 06
        Quote: Misza
        Why are Belarusians fleeing with their whole families to Poland and not to Russia?

        You yourself can show Belarus on the map ?! My wife has Belarusian roots and is in Russia wassat , and the information I have from the primary source ... negative
    2. 0
      9 December 2021 12: 02
      Quote: Santa Fe
      Successful operation

      Brilliant, one might say ... rarely did anyone manage so instantly to ditch entire sectors of their own economy, starting with an airline. In terms of genius, this operation can only rival the epic epic with migrants, thanks to which the remnants of the economy were killed. Not a bad exchange for a blogger.
      1. -1
        9 December 2021 14: 07
        What kind of "ditching", and even "whole branches" of the economy are we talking about? ..

        Just in case ...

        Last fall, in Belarus, despite all the screams of the "boycott" (also, by the way, from Warsaw and Vilna), the Ostrovets NPP was put into operation. And its "kilowatt-hour" (both in terms of cost and availability guaranteed for DECADES) reliably protects the basic industries of the Belarusian economy from any "ruin" ...

        And what, "to the airlines", then the planes of Belarus fly not only to "Europe" ...

        Will it be "forbidden to service" what is on lease? .. Fig with him ...

        They will be transferred to the Russian aircraft fleet. On it, no "sanctions" threaten ...
        1. -3
          9 December 2021 14: 28
          Quote: ABC-schütze
          What kind of "ditching", and even "entire branches" of the economy are we talking about ?.

          You and Kaptsov take part in the casting for the role Nika and Mike in the series Strong potatoes?

          Belarus states risk of loss of statehood due to sanctions

          SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021, 09:42 AM

          Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei said that if sanctions pressure continues, the country may lose its statehood

          Monthly losses of the Belarusian aviation industry due to sanctions are estimated at $ 10,3 million
          2021-06-25 11:43

          MINSK, 4 Dec - Sputnik. EU sanctions against Minsk affect energy and chemical exports in the amount of 250-300 million a year, said Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Dmitry Krutoy in an interview with the program "Question Number One" on the Belarus-1 TV channel.
          1. -1
            9 December 2021 14: 57
            Yeah ...

            I, for now, "play" this "role". And you, at your leisure, read the latest newspapers ...

            And then, joyfully “nodding” in December, to Makei’s June statements, is even funnier than the aforementioned “serial” ...

            "Monthly losses of the Belarusian aviation industry due to sanctions are estimated at $ 10,3 million
            2021-06-25 11:43..."

            Just in case...

            In Sochi, Russia and energetically, practically independent (in the production of electricity) Belarus, have signed as many as 28 joint, LONG-TERM economic integration programs. So, you can dream about the "loss of statehood" by Minsk. But only in terms of strengthening his alliance with Moscow.

            Incl. and economic. In short, did you "overthrow the dictator", did you "order" it? .. Ordered ... Well, then you will get it ...
        2. +1
          9 December 2021 14: 40
          Quote: ABC-schütze
          ... Will be transferred to the Russian aircraft fleet. On it, no "sanctions" threaten ...

          About the Russian aircraft fleet - you got excited, Russian companies of course fly on domestic aircraft, but their percentage is very small, unfortunately.
          1. +1
            10 December 2021 05: 10
            So small that more than half of all flights within Russia are operated by Superjets.
            1. 0
              10 December 2021 10: 43
              Quote: avg avg
              So small that more than half of all flights within Russia are operated by Superjets.

              Of course, I'm not quite in the subject, but how many Supers are there in the domestic fleet compared to foreign manufacturers, can you say?
              Now I google it, and you know, the infa that comes out in the first links is not in favor of our domestic aircraft, again, I repeat, unfortunately.
              The range of imported passenger aircraft in Russian companies is represented by leading foreign companies.
              Airbus plus ATR has taken over a solid market segment. In 2020, 332 aircraft flew, the share of the European aircraft manufacturer in the Russian market is 33,47 percent, 11 of our airlines operate A319, A320, A321 and other aircraft. The largest operators are Aeroflot, C7 and Ural Airlines.
              Boeing comes second: in 2020, 313 aircraft flew, the company's share in the domestic market reaches 31,5 percent. Five types of aircraft fly in the sky: B-737, B-747, B-767 of various modifications and others.
              The largest Boeing fleets are owned by Aeroflot, UT-Air and Pobeda. In Russia, for the next 10 years, a process of replacing foreign cars by Russian ones should take place. Sanctions against MS-21 and a ban on the supply of Superjets to Iran will require Russia to respond.
              Next Bombardier: 2020 Canadian aircraft flew in 57. The share of this company in Russia is 5,7 percent. Brazilian Embraer also has a 2,3 percent market share. In 2020, 23 Embraer aircraft flew in Russia. The E-170 is operated by the C7, the E-190 is operated by the charter carrier IKAR (Pegasus Fly). The Brazilians are Superjet's direct competitors. However, the used "Embraers" can leave the market within five years.
              In general, the share of foreign aircraft in Russia amounted to 72,9 percent.
              This is an excerpt from an article on the VPK info website.
              1. -1
                10 December 2021 13: 09
                Horses, people, mixed in a heap ...
                It's about homebrew statistics buffs like you.
                Embayer entered the market before the Superjet

                And if we compare by years since the beginning of Super supplies, then the numbers are as follows:
                2015 - 8 pieces

                2016 - 11 pieces

                2017 - 12 pieces

                2018 - 13 pieces + 4 190-E2 = 17 pieces

                Compared to the Superjet?

                2015 - 21 pieces

                2016 - 21 pieces

                2017 - 25 pieces

                2018 - 28 pieces

                In total, over the years it has been delivered to customers

                48 airliners E190 + E190E2

                95 liners Superjet 100
                It was 2 years ago. I didn't look for newer statistics.
                Yes, and I will also add that it is necessary to compare comparable, and not B737 and Super. Moreover, there is no need to mold larger machines into statistics.
            2. -2
              12 December 2021 00: 15
              Quote: avg avg
              that more than half of the flights within Russia

              Here is a liar
              Total produced 219
              In Russia and other countries exploited "more" belay 100 Sukhoi Superjet aircraft. I use only 11 heads in Aeroflot in total for Russian companies: 78 superjets, in contrast to only A-320 of which 113 are

              Only at Aeroflot
              Airbus A320 (78 units), Airbus A330 (22 units)
              And what do we fly
              Alrosa, Aurora, Azimuth, AzurAir, IrAero, NordStar, NordWind, Ikar (PegasFly), Pobeda (part of the Aeroflot group), RedWings, Rossiya, RoyalFlight, SmartAvia, Ural Airlines, Utair, Yakutia, Yamal?
    3. AUL
      9 December 2021 12: 36
      Quote: Santa Fe
      Successfully carried out operation to detain the enemy of Belarus

      At the beginning of this story, when there was the first message about this landing on the AO, I expressed my doubts about the official point of view. Well, I didn’t believe in such coincidences - the message about the bomb on the plane and very handy on the plane were the wanted dissidents, who were tied up. How fiercely I was then minus! And now, it seems, the same minus players are singing the glory of the successful operation of the KGB of Belarus. That is, their opinion depends entirely on the "latest decisions". How familiar it is!
      PS Regardless of the very fact of the detention of dissidents.
      PSS The price of the cons, which will now fly to me to upset me, is clearly demonstrated. lol
      1. +2
        9 December 2021 13: 01
        e their opinion depends entirely on the "latest decisions"

        Deny any accusations against you. Is always. To end.

        At the last moment, you can always say with a grin. - and what? It was beneficial to me / my family / my people
      2. -3
        9 December 2021 13: 20
        Stand on your own, shame to the end, we do not turn on the back - the ideology is very familiar. good
        1. -1
          9 December 2021 14: 20
          Is this "about the test tubes" of Mr. Powell in the UN Security Council? ..

          Or the "use of chemical weapons" by Bashar al-Assad?
          1. AUL
            9 December 2021 17: 29
            Quote: ABC-schütze
            Is this "about the test tubes" of Mr. Powell in the UN Security Council? ..

            Well, why go so far / high? I mean local comrades who always hesitate "in accordance with the bends of the Party Line"!
      3. +2
        9 December 2021 14: 16
        Well then, that's not all "coincidences" ...

        The aforementioned, fugitive "Belarusian" air traffic controller Golegov, "suddenly", as it turns out, "turned out" to be a citizen of Georgia ...

        And to tell the "truth" I ran not at all "to my native Penates" in the lands of Queen Tamara (the inhabitants of which, by the way, also try to "crawl into the alliance", but from which it is more difficult to obtain a residence permit in the so-called "Europe").

        And to the embassy of the American regime at the Poles. From which it will be "redirected" to the "pleasantly surprised" Defensiva ...

        By the way, the circumstances of his "crossing" across the border (together with his wife) are also covered with dense fog ...
        1. -1
          9 December 2021 14: 21
          Enemies are everywhere, even an air traffic controller (not an ordinary profession) turned out to be a citizen of an unfriendly state. Maybe even a carrier of classified information. How is that? I am everything to them, and they?
          1. 0
            9 December 2021 15: 06
            "There are enemies around, even an air traffic controller (not an ordinary profession) turned out to be a citizen of a non-friendly state ...."
            ************************************************** *********
            In this case, rather, traitors. Ie rubbish, which even to the "level of enemies" is problematic ...

            Well, judging by the fact that "real democracies", FOR YEARS, kidnap, seize and unproven imprison innocent foreign citizens around the world (Yaroshenko, Booth, etc.), enemies are really "all around" ...

            By the way, they also "sang" about the fact that the fugitive is Georgian ...
            1. +5
              9 December 2021 15: 27
              Well, which side of the barricades to look at, on the one hand he is a traitor, and on the other a patriot is a fighter against the regime. Well, about abductions, this is easily treated by presenting similar articles of the Criminal Code to citizens of those countries who practice it. And then we are not like that, we are knights in white gloves.
        2. +8
          9 December 2021 16: 04
          Not a "citizen of Georgia", but an "ethnic Georgian", which is not the same
    4. +2
      9 December 2021 13: 23
      Quote: Santa Fe
      Belarusians are a kindred people to us

      Quote: Santa Fe
      then we must welcome and support any decision of the Belarusian authorities

      Dexterously you manipulate Mr. Kaptsov, like: "Sea wolves are wolves, wolves live in the forest, so sea wolves live in the forest."
    5. +4
      9 December 2021 13: 26
      Quote: Santa Fe
      This means that we must welcome and support any decision of the Belarusian authorities directed against everyone who is not Russian / Belarusian.

      Belavia is cutting its aircraft fleet by almost half due to EU and US sanctions. A package of new restrictive measures against Belarus was adopted on December 2. In particular, the state carrier also suffered - it was deprived of the opportunity to lease aircraft in the EU. As a result, Belavia had 15 boards left. There were 29 aircraft in the fleet prior to the sanctions, according to Reuters.
      Due to Western sanctions, the lost profit of the Belarusian aviation industry is about $ 10 million per month. In addition, there is a risk that Belaeronavigatsia will be disconnected from the European air traffic database. This was announced on November 3 by the head of the aviation department of the Ministry of Transport of the republic, Artem Sikorsky.
      To summarize ... 1 blogger has already cost Belarus more than $ 50 million and 14 boards. Trifle? How to say. Against the background of the fact that in 2021 there will be a deficit of 3 billion bbl (100 million dollars) or 10% of the budget. and Lukashenka has already stated that 2022 will also be in short supply, and spending should be cut, 50 million in six months, or 100 in a year, no longer seem meaningless nonsense. So the question is very controversial. Who harms Belarus more. Either the evil west, or the valiant KGB, ready to spend 10% of the budget on a small bug. If for me, the latter are cheerful go * you. And this is a very soft definition. For in terms of the cost of creating a threat / cost of neutralizing it, kgb flew by with a score of 50-1, well, maybe 50-2. And every month the bill will only get worse. Blatant unprofessionalism. Yeah.
  4. +18
    9 December 2021 11: 52
    That is, a KGB officer was present at the tower.
    So if a message about a possible terrorist attack on board came over the phone or other means of communication, the KGB officers should not direct the operation?
    How could it be otherwise?

    It has always been and will always be that in such a situation it is not the dispatcher, but the special services that make the decision and are responsible for the consequences.
    And a representative of the KGB will gallop up the tower at the highest possible speed, who will constantly inform the management and receive instructions.
    1. +4
      9 December 2021 11: 59
      In fact, he did not say anything "shocking", he did not provide evidence of staging. About nothing.
      1. +2
        9 December 2021 12: 00
        Quote: Kesha1980
        In fact, he did not say anything "shocking", he did not provide evidence of staging. About nothing.
        That's it!
      2. -1
        9 December 2021 12: 33
        Why did they all forget, what exactly was published in those 2-3 days that followed the arrest? Namely, as far as I remember: that this superman of "crystal" mind and conscience flew to Vilnius, with a transfer in Minsk. And while in the transit zone of the Minsk airport, he began to post selfies on the Internet with his lady (!), With appropriate comments about the location. After that, both of them were promptly tied up in the transit zone.
        All these versions about momba bombs, forced landings and other crap look completely rotten.
        1. -3
          9 December 2021 12: 39
          The nuances of international treaties and law - the extension of the jurisdiction of the transit special services. Luca played correctly (from the point of view of international law), for it is not a matter of mockery and trying to "show the language." Luke - then acted correctly and beautifully. There was no other option to take the criminal.
          1. +1
            9 December 2021 12: 48
            for it is not good to mock and try to "show your tongue." Luke - then acted correctly and beautifully.
            Yes, am I really against? On the contrary, I give a standing ovation to the KGB RB. But you must admit that it is one thing to do a special operation with escort of the defendant from the place of departure to the place of arrest, with "bombs", forced landings, etc. And it’s quite another, just to track his narcissism in "Instagram" and operational detention, as soon as he surrendered himself, in fact, publicly declaring: "here I flew to you, take me!". In any case, the KGB people are smart.
            But now all sorts of repentant dispatchers emerge and carry a blizzard about something else entirely. Although, in fact, the defendant handed himself over to justice. With special cynicism towards your beloved.
            1. -2
              9 December 2021 13: 01
              Well, as far as I remember, Protosevich complained about the tail even on departure. I remember - it was like that.
              1. -3
                9 December 2021 13: 33
                Well, as far as I remember, Protosevich complained about the tail even on departure. I remember - it was like that.
                After the fact, he could complain about anything. His very behavior with the placement of photos from the transit zone of the Minsk airport speaks of complete carelessness and enjoying life. If he felt being watched, he would behave quieter than water, below the grass until the liner crosses the Baltic border.
                1. -3
                  9 December 2021 13: 52
                  Well, then they talked a lot about the fact that he did exactly what the curators asked him to do. That with this landing Luka set himself up. But! Protosevich, I think so, regrets. And Luka, I think so, when he recalls this incident, does not regret it. And rightly so.
  5. +5
    9 December 2021 11: 54
    And then the truth-telling dispatcher, pursued by the regime, rushed to the Poles. Conscience tortured
    1. +3
      9 December 2021 12: 14
      Quote: T.A.V.
      And then the truth-telling dispatcher, pursued by the regime, rushed to the Poles.

      For a small price!
    2. +7
      9 December 2021 16: 07
      Rather an instinct for self-preservation
      "He Knew Too Much"
      1. 0
        10 December 2021 04: 25
        Quote: Avior
        Rather, the instinct of self-preservation "He knew too much"

        The instinct of self-preservation should prompt him to “get lost and not shine” for another twenty years, and not give interviews. In his case, it's like drawing a target on his forehead
        1. +2
          10 December 2021 07: 45
          Who told you that he gives them out?
          Be more critical of such articles on VO, I have been checking them for a long time, and I advise you the same.
          ... the New York Times writes about this, referring to anonymous representatives of the European intelligence services. The interlocutors of the publication claim that after escaping from Belarus, the air traffic controller provided detailed evidence that the Ryanair plane received a knowingly false message about the threat of an explosion as part of the operation to capture Protasevich, organized by the KGB.
          1. 0
            10 December 2021 10: 12
            Quote: Avior
            who told you that he gives them out?

            Do you think he will be allowed to enjoy "Western delights"? First you have to work out, moreover, according to someone else's scenario: the claw got stuck, the whole bird is sold out
            1. 0
              10 December 2021 10: 15
              I think that you and other readers were misled in the article, saying that he was allegedly giving an interview.
              1. 0
                10 December 2021 10: 18
                I think that he will not be left with a choice - and he will give interviews not to journalists, but to specialists of a different profile, who do not differ in principle - they will work it out to the fullest.
                1. -1
                  10 December 2021 13: 40
                  This is logical.
                  He is a witness in a criminal case, which is classified as a serious one. No wonder he is being interrogated.
                  1. 0
                    10 December 2021 14: 56
                    If we omit the fact that he fled his country, then yes, he is a witness in the case. Only he found himself embroiled in a political confrontation - in my opinion, it is only a matter of time before he begins to perform the score he wrote to him. And probably everything will look very "right" - but it will already be a play far from diversion to Minsk.
                    1. 0
                      11 December 2021 00: 45
                      while everything is proceeding within the legal framework.
                      By the way, as it turned out, he took with him a copy of the official recording from the open microphone in the control room, so his statements are supported by material evidence. And the fact that the statement to the crew about the bomb was made earlier than the letter to Minsk about the threat of the explosion came, it was known almost immediately.
                      This evidence is enough for any court.
                      1. 0
                        11 December 2021 04: 53
                        Quote: Avior
                        as it turned out, he had brought with him a copy of the official recording from the open microphone in the control room ...
                        And what could be there on this record? There is a record of the negotiations and no one there demanded anything from the crew - they recommended, the boobies agreed in accordance with the documents.
                        There is also the question of how this entry got to him - although it does not really matter - the West will be happy and gladly post the newly-minted "fighter against the regime"
                      2. -1
                        11 December 2021 09: 06
                        You did not understand.
                        An open microphone stands in the dispatchers 'room and officially records the conversations taking place in the room, and not the dispatchers' conversations with the aircraft.
                        The Belarusian side has never released the recordings from it.
                      3. 0
                        11 December 2021 11: 22
                        No, I understand this perfectly well: I have repeatedly been to the halls of the Internal Affairs Directorate. I don’t quite understand how the dispatcher could access such a record, this is not his level. The record of the dispatchers' negotiations with the aircraft gives an idea of ​​what the security man was talking about on the phone ... he stupidly tried to get rid of the responsibility - the poor fellow was sent without a clear plan. And if the organizers "did not clean up" for themselves, then you will probably smile, but we returned to our own discussion on May 25 about the purpose of this production
                      4. 0
                        12 December 2021 00: 53
                        How he got it is a separate question. More important is the authenticity of the recording. If it is not genuine, official Minsk will present its version.
                        Will see. So far, it’s obvious that the dispatchers were talking. strictly what was ordered, and not on their own initiative.
                      5. 0
                        12 December 2021 02: 08
                        They would have said it without the "man behind the back", his presence, by and large, does not change anything
                      6. 0
                        13 December 2021 09: 51
                        Even how it changes. The dispatcher simply would not have said anything about the bomb, since the letter about it arrived at the dispatch service after the KGB officer ordered to tell the crew about the red threat and about the bomb.
                      7. 0
                        13 December 2021 10: 30
                        Well, if only that. For the rest, the organizers of the action proved to be stupid, unless the goal was to frame the Arab League: the actions of the so-called law enforcement officers, I think, will receive a negative assessment of the same ICAO
                      8. 0
                        13 December 2021 11: 54
                        I do not think that only law enforcement officers will be accused. Lukashenka could not distance himself from the events and actively participated in them. In addition, no one doubts that at the very top they at least approved the landing of the plane - the wrong country for Belarus to pass by Lukashenka.
                      9. 0
                        13 December 2021 12: 20
                        We again return to the May discussion: what was the purpose of this action? You don't have to be a genius - it was immediately clear that Belarus would only incur losses in all areas - no long-term bonuses.
                        The law enforcement officers have either a conspiracy or less, and what is worse - a conspiracy plus less
                      10. 0
                        13 December 2021 12: 45
                        what was the purpose of this action

                        Direct - detention of opposition leader Protosevich.
                        Indirect - intimidation of other oppositionists.
                        Another thing is that it was organized in such a way that it hit Lukashenka himself.
                        And about the fact that "Belarus will only incur losses in all areas"
                        so this is the classic "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always", not the first and not the last time in this world.
                      11. 0
                        13 December 2021 14: 25
                        I guess I had a higher opinion of planning.
                        And it was about setting up the LAG that we talked about in May
                      12. +1
                        13 December 2021 14: 29
                        Set up Lukashenka is, first of all, the problem of Lukashenka himself. If that were so, then he has long publicly hung the guilty, figuratively speaking, on the birches.
                        But he cannot touch them, they will run to the West one way or another if they see a threat to themselves.
                      13. 0
                        13 December 2021 20: 06
                        Unfortunately, LAS is becoming a problem for everyone ... multi-vector it is
  6. +4
    9 December 2021 11: 54
    The version broadcast by the Western press about the involvement of the Belarusian KGB in the landing of the flight with Protasevich fits well with the general campaign to discredit the power of President Alexander Lukashenko.

    One thing can be said - "the Belarusian KGB officers did their job well."
  7. -3
    9 December 2021 11: 56
    Well, what if the KGB? Well done then. We played a good combination.
    1. -4
      9 December 2021 12: 43
      I give a standing ovation. Ours, too, would not hurt to check this. Using an ice ax
  8. +2
    9 December 2021 11: 56
    One thing is surprising how deeply the ordinary air traffic controller was aware of the details of the "KGB operation".
    1. -1
      9 December 2021 12: 14
      "Overseas friends" just gave him a printout of how and what to sound.
      But they missed the mark and did not take into account this simple moment - the real level of awareness of a simple air traffic controller.

      Threat to the Yankees, if you believe, so every ordinary person knows all the subtleties of certain operations, and every Belarusian - so all the ins and outs about his KGB. lol
    2. 0
      9 December 2021 12: 38
      So the action plan was posted in the control room so that the KGB officer did not confuse anything, the same is in all films about super-villains, and the KGB officer also explained to Oleg Golegov the incomprehensible details of the kegebe plan :)
      1. 0
        9 December 2021 16: 00
        Yes. and sketches I drew on a piece of paper for clarification. lol
    3. 0
      9 December 2021 18: 41
      The KGB officer probably asked the dispatcher to call him.
  9. -3
    9 December 2021 11: 56
    The dispatcher who "landed" the flight with Protasevich in Minsk revealed the details of the "KGB operation" to the American press

    Well, now it will heal there like cheese in butter wassat Have you heard how much money is being allocated to the Cutlet and wanted to join? True, they have been inventing a version for a long time, after all, the article says the truth:
    We can recall how the United States literally kidnaps people in third countries, seeking first their detention and then extradition. We can also recall the cases of the physical elimination of political opponents of the United States and its allies.

    It ought to be more impudent, just a little. Maybe this Oleg Galegov doesn’t return on his own, and even sit down by chance.
  10. -4
    9 December 2021 11: 58
    Before whom are the excuses? Real arrest operation.
    To apologize only to passengers that they slightly scolded them with a false message and for the flight delay.
  11. -2
    9 December 2021 12: 01
    And I also wonder how "timely". For more than half a year, the investigation has been underway, nothing has been dug up, and now there is a whole "witness" at once. They would be like that according to MH17
    1. +1
      9 December 2021 12: 31
      According to MH17, all important witnesses either disappeared without a trace, or committed suicide.
      And those who are now "witnessing" are talking heads.
    2. +1
      9 December 2021 12: 44
      Quote: willik
      And I also wonder how "timely". For more than half a year, the investigation has been underway, nothing has been dug up, and now there is a whole "witness" at once. They would be like that according to MH17

      Come on. Petya instantly, after 5 (!!!) minutes, appointed the perpetrators to the whole world, determined the reasons and made "conclusions" according to MH17. From the same efficiency!
      1. +1
        9 December 2021 16: 16
        In five minutes it's not Petya, but Igor ...
        1. +1
          9 December 2021 17: 07
          Quote: Avior
          In five minutes it's not Petya, but Igor ...

          1. +3
            9 December 2021 17: 31
            And what should I watch there?
            Date of August 15th?
            1. 0
              9 December 2021 20: 52
              Quote: Avior
              And what should I watch there?
              Date of August 15th?

              And what confused you? On YouTube, this purla was published later. And it was pronounced 5 minutes after the disaster.
              1. -1
                9 December 2021 22: 49
                And where does it say that 5 minutes after the disaster?
                1. 0
                  9 December 2021 23: 31
                  Quote: Avior
                  And where does it say that 5 minutes after the disaster?

                  Dismiss me from the educational program and take the trouble to google the topic yourself.
                  1. 0
                    9 December 2021 23: 42
                    And why didn't you bother to google the topic, if you already started writing about "five minutes"?
  12. Hog
    9 December 2021 12: 01
    The bottom line is that the dispatcher's statements do not contradict the official statements of Belarus. The secret services found out about the bomb and reported it to the dispatcher, and he landed the plane, or should it have been something different?
    1. -6
      9 December 2021 13: 33
      By the way, if the likelihood is the same, the character rattled a little. Maybe they will be able to catch it for sure because there are enough surveillance cameras in the airport building and in the control room.
      1. -1
        9 December 2021 22: 54
        If they could have caught, these records would have been shown long ago.
        And the recording from the dispatchers' room - there must be a microphone.
    2. +3
      9 December 2021 16: 15
      Lied, however.
      The dispatch service allegedly found out about this from the first reports - the letter allegedly came to them. It quickly became clear that it was true that the crew had been informed about this before the letter arrived.
      The inconsistency turned out ...
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. VLR
    9 December 2021 12: 20
    The Ukrainians admit without any hesitation that they were preparing an operation to intercept and forcibly land an aircraft with Russian citizens in Kiev, and that this operation failed only because of high-level betrayal. Do you think the "international community" would be outraged in this case? And would the champions of freedom and democracy have imposed sanctions against Ukraine and its top leadership? Or, as in the case of the interception by "civilized" Austrians of the plane of Bolivian President Evo Morales on July 1, 2013, no one would have paid any attention to this "act of air piracy and terrorism"?
    1. -2
      9 December 2021 16: 13
      Ukrainians do not hesitate to admit that they were preparing an operation to intercept and forcibly land an aircraft with Russian citizens in Kiev.

      Lies are cheap, of course, no one recognizes this and was not going to do this. They were going to simulate illness in one and the passengers.
      What, unlike false mining, is not a crime
      1. 0
        10 December 2021 00: 41
        Quote: Avior
        Cheap lies

        Yes, there is a lie for a lie and it drives them:

        Quote: Avior
        They were going to simulate illness in one and the passengers.

        And thirty-three heroes would calmly watch as they were planted in Ukraine ... Here, watch a couple more videos:
        1. -1
          10 December 2021 01: 13
          Shari in contact can compose anything, he is a well-known talker, and according to known information, the landing plan was exactly as I wrote - under the pretext of a patient, create a situation for landing.
          Which is not criminally punishable, in contrast to the false mining of an aircraft, which is a serious crime.
          1. +2
            10 December 2021 01: 21
            Quote: Avior
            according to known information, the landing plan was exactly as I wrote

            Well, since according to the known information and you wrote so, then no questions! Yes, you just watch the videos - there scouts act, Shariy only comments.
            1. -1
              10 December 2021 01: 32
              I have never seen anything worthy of attention at Shariy, the usual tabloid press for the sake of money.
              If you find something useful there, write. Someone from the officials in Ukraine said that the plane was going to be forced to land?
              The original post states that Ukraine is allegedly acknowledging this.
              If you know this, give me a link, I'll read it. But not on Sharia, and not on any "ex", of course ...
              1. 0
                10 December 2021 01: 53
                Quote: Avior
                But not on Sharia, and not on any "ex"

                So this "ex" just got fired for this very reason! And the real ones won't say anything. And for the tabloids and Sharia - well, here I am not a doctor for you ...
                1. 0
                  10 December 2021 07: 59
                  This is completely naive. Just dismissed from resentment, what you want to tell.
                  As for Shariya, he has long specialized in leaks of information and scandals. He became a refugee to Europe during the time of Yanukovych.
  15. -4
    9 December 2021 13: 22
    Not when a simple dispatcher will not find out who was in charge, and whether someone was in charge at all ... What disrespect on the part of non-journalists in Poland for the special services and discrediting their own services, attributing the gag to the counterintelligence of their country ..
  16. -5
    9 December 2021 13: 30
    Quote: Misza
    In recent years, 140 thousand Belarusians, mostly young and talented, have left for Poland.

    Well, where did these talents shine? Didn't they organize rallies at the checkpoints in Lithuania and Poland? Is this to show off your talents? Some are still marching under Nazi flags in Ukraine
  17. -5
    9 December 2021 13: 52
    Quote: VlR
    The Ukrainians admit without any hesitation that they were preparing an operation to intercept and forcibly land an aircraft with Russian citizens in Kiev, and that this operation failed only because of high-level betrayal. Do you think the "international community" would be outraged in this case? And would the champions of freedom and democracy have imposed sanctions against Ukraine and its top leadership? Or, as in the case of the interception by "civilized" Austrians of the plane of Bolivian President Evo Morales on July 1, 2013, no one would have paid any attention to this "act of air piracy and terrorism"?

    Quote: VlR
    The Ukrainians admit without any hesitation that they were preparing an operation to intercept and forcibly land an aircraft with Russian citizens in Kiev, and that this operation failed only because of high-level betrayal. Do you think the "international community" would be outraged in this case? And would the champions of freedom and democracy have imposed sanctions against Ukraine and its top leadership? Or, as in the case of the interception by "civilized" Austrians of the plane of Bolivian President Evo Morales on July 1, 2013, no one would have paid any attention to this "act of air piracy and terrorism"?

    They and Belavia planted with a fighter and also nothing.
    Quote from AUL
    Quote: Santa Fe
    Successfully carried out operation to detain the enemy of Belarus

    At the beginning of this story, when there was the first message about this landing on the AO, I expressed my doubts about the official point of view. Well, I didn’t believe in such coincidences - the message about the bomb on the plane and very handy on the plane were the wanted dissidents, who were tied up. How fiercely I was then minus! And now, it seems, the same minus players are singing the glory of the successful operation of the KGB of Belarus. That is, their opinion depends entirely on the "latest decisions". How familiar it is!
    PS Regardless of the very fact of the detention of dissidents.
    PSS The price of the cons, which will now fly to me to upset me, is clearly demonstrated. lol

    How little you need to be happy. Just an article about another fugitive who wants to take a bite of sweet pie - and you are on a horse.
    1. +2
      9 December 2021 17: 32
      They and Belavia planted with a fighter and also nothing.

      Oh, another primitive lie. Did not plant
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. -1
          10 December 2021 01: 07
          I remember perfectly.
          And where does it say that "they planted a fighter"?
          The air traffic controller gave a direct order to land, the plane sat down, there were no fighters there.
          1. +1
            10 December 2021 01: 14
            Quote: Avior
            And where does it say that "they planted a fighter"?

            It was or was not - we do not know. The threat is enough for a pilot with a human load.
            1. 0
              10 December 2021 01: 24
              It was or was not - we do not know.

              That is, the statement that they were allegedly "planted by a fighter" is an open fake, unconfirmed by anyone or anything, including the crew of the plane and the official Belarusian authorities - even they did not state this. What I wrote about from the very beginning.
              The threat is enough for a pilot with a human load.

              Pilots need only direct instructions from the ATC controller, for that the controller exists. You do not argue with the traffic controller or traffic light at the intersection and do not first find out why they prohibited you from driving?
              1. 0
                10 December 2021 01: 37
                Quote: Avior
                That is, the statement that they were allegedly "planted by a fighter" is an open fake

                I wrote that We do not knowwhether there was a fighter.

                Quote: Avior
                Pilots should be given direct instructions from the air traffic controller

                There's a link to negotiation in the wiki article - from there:

                Belavia-840, an order has been received: you need to, you need to return to the airfield of departure "Zhuliany". FOR FAILURE TO FULFILL, COMBAT AVIATION TO INTERCEPT WILL BE RISE.
                1. +1
                  10 December 2021 08: 14
                  If you do not know, then naturally you cannot declare
                  planted with a fighter

                  And the quote you quoted confirms that no fighter was planted
                  1. 0
                    10 December 2021 23: 13
                    Good evening! hi So that's what you mean! Well, I didn't write that, and Willick may have his own sources. Yes, and we are not in an English court to reject everything else one by one [possibly] wrong word ... For some reason, my first comment was deleted, I find out.
  18. -1
    9 December 2021 15: 53
    Quote: Liam
    that if sanctions pressure continues, the country may lose its statehood

    Join Russia? I think in this case, the loss will not be great
  19. +5
    9 December 2021 16: 10
    According to the Belarusian laws, the report on the false mining of the plane is delayed for 7 years in prison - this is a grave crime.
    After landing, even a case was opened on the fact of a false report of mining.
    What about the investigation of this case? Silence like that ...
  20. +1
    10 December 2021 03: 34
    Judas. For these, the boiler is separate. And he will say what his masters tell him.
  21. -1
    10 December 2021 11: 58
    Quote: Avior
    They and Belavia planted with a fighter and also nothing.

    Oh, another primitive lie. Did not plant

    He sat down himself, and also threatened the fighter. Lord, and where are you from
  22. -1
    10 December 2021 12: 03
    Quote: Avior
    I remember perfectly.
    And where does it say that "they planted a fighter"?
    The air traffic controller gave a direct order to land, the plane sat down, there were no fighters there.

    Are there any sanctions? Or is it different?
    1. 0
      10 December 2021 13: 43
      What are the sanctions for what?
  23. -1
    10 December 2021 12: 12
    Quote: Avior
    If you do not know, then naturally you cannot declare
    planted with a fighter

    And the quote you quoted confirms that no fighter was planted

    They only threatened, that's all. It was a joke, right?
    1. 0
      10 December 2021 13: 42
      Yes. Now they planted them with a fighter, now they just threatened them, it turns out.
      By tomorrow morning, perhaps, you will understand that the word "fighter" has not been heard anywhere.
      Let me tell you a secret - the PIC was obliged to carry out a direct command of the air traffic controller without any threats.
  24. -1
    10 December 2021 13: 50
    Quote: Avior
    What are the sanctions for what?

    Exactly, there was no safety threat, right? The threat of fighters is a joke, but what are the sanctions against Belavia for? You are just a hypocrite.
    1. 0
      11 December 2021 00: 49
      There was no, of course. There was a direct instruction from the air traffic controller to change the direction of the flight. Any pilot is obliged to fulfill it, it is fixed in the ICAO rules and is not even discussed.
  25. -1
    10 December 2021 13: 56
    Quote: Avior
    Yes. Now they planted them with a fighter, now they just threatened them, it turns out.
    By tomorrow morning, perhaps, you will understand that the word "fighter" has not been heard anywhere.
    Let me tell you a secret - the PIC was obliged to carry out a direct command of the air traffic controller without any threats.

    Wow. What's wrong in Belarus? Found violations? They are trying hard to draw, but something is not yet glued. And the fugitive showed up in time. I understand that your destiny is for all the good things in the West, against all our bad ones. After all, everything is correct and everything is possible, but we are still undemocratic, therefore it is impossible.
    1. -1
      11 December 2021 00: 40
      The violation is known, no one denies it, including the Belarusian authorities.
      False mining is a serious criminal offense, in Belarus they are given up to 7 years for it. A criminal case on the fact of false mining in Belarus was opened.
      In addition, as it turned out today, the dispatcher took with him a copy of the official recording from an open microphone in the control room of the Minsk airport, proving his words.
  26. -1
    12 December 2021 01: 59
    Quote: Avior
    The violation is known, no one denies it, including the Belarusian authorities.
    False mining is a serious criminal offense, in Belarus they are given up to 7 years for it. A criminal case on the fact of false mining in Belarus was opened.
    In addition, as it turned out today, the dispatcher took with him a copy of the official recording from an open microphone in the control room of the Minsk airport, proving his words.

    Why isn't the original right away? Then compare with the records of the pilots, which on the first day could be withdrawn. What are you hypocrites. Or venal? Rather the second, you work off your salary
    1. 0
      13 December 2021 12: 39
      The recordings from the open microphone could not be removed, only the Belarusian side had access to them, and they did not make them public. However, it is now known that the dispatcher took a copy with him.