"We do not need American soldiers": Reznikov called on the United States to transfer weapons to Ukraine intended for the Afghan army


Ukraine needs modern weapons, "American or Canadian soldiers" are not needed to defend against Russia, said Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov, who called on Western countries to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian minister, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are able to cope with the "Russian invasion" on their own; servicemen of other states are not required for this. However, in order to win, Kiev needs to modernize its weapons, which cannot be carried out without its Western allies.

We don't need American or Canadian soldiers fighting here for Ukraine. We will fight on our own, but we need modernization of weapons

- the media quote his words.

Ukraine intends to receive from the United States weapons and ammunition prepared by the Americans for the Afghan army, Reznikov voiced the corresponding request during his visit to Washington. However, the United States is unlikely to fulfill Kiev's demands, although assistance will still be provided, according to Foreign Policy.

The new head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Reznikov, visited Washington in November, where he met with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin. The Ukrainian minister brought with him a whole list of what Ukraine wants to receive from the United States as military aid. The list of Ukrainian "wants" included ammunition and Mi-17 helicopters, previously intended for the Afghan army. In addition, the list included funds Defense, naval defense and EW.

Washington is ready to provide assistance to Ukraine, all the more so against the background of the hype surrounding the "Russian invasion", but the proposed assistance will not correspond to the "Reznikov list." According to the newspaper, which cites sources in the White House, the Biden administration does not want to finally "provoke Moscow," especially since the attention of the Americans is shifting from Russia to China.

Thus, Washington does not intend to transfer to Kyiv "Afghan" Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition, as well as Patriot-type anti-aircraft systems, which Ukraine so desires to receive for protection against "Russian aircraft". But at the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will still receive some air defense systems, most likely something like the Stinger MANPADS. In addition, it is planned to expand the staff of military instructors and advisers.
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  1. +3
    7 December 2021 07: 05
    Reznikov demanded weapons from the United States,
    no, well, I like it ... they already "demand"! wassat
    1. -2
      7 December 2021 07: 53
      Eh! Vovka will not wait for serious trophies in Ukraine, well, they do not want to supply modern equipment there. Because as they know, either they will give it to V.V. for gas (like the Tu-95/160), or Vladimirovich will come and squeeze it himself. What kind of Patriot is this? ZU-23-2 from Bulgaria!
    2. -1
      7 December 2021 08: 15
      Quote: Dead Day
      no, well, I like it ... they already "demand"! wassat

      And they would have given it, but by self-pickup at their own expense! I think the demand would have been blown away at once. laughing
    3. -2
      7 December 2021 10: 56
      Quote: Dead Day
      Reznikov demanded weapons from the United States,
      no, well, I like it ... they already "demand"! wassat

      At first, they wanted soldiers and more weapons from them, but seeing how the listener's face was distorted, they stopped in service. The Americans breathed a sigh of relief, and happily allocated weapons. The reception is excellent, based on contrast.
      1. -1
        7 December 2021 19: 06
        Funny this head of defense of Ukraine Reznikov! And it is very similar to that old rooster who, after running after nimble hens, stopped, put his hips on his hips and proudly declared: "I didn't really want to!" After all, how many have asked, begged "all the worlds" and NATO to fight together! And now Americans and Canadians are not needed either ...laughing laughing laughing
    4. -1
      7 December 2021 11: 18
      Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov, who called on Western countries to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

    5. 0
      7 December 2021 13: 24
      And I have a question ...

      On what legal basis does the American regime "transfer" property to someone there that does not belong to it? ..

      All this equipment and weapons, even if they were “overtaken” somewhere with the flight of the US from Afghanistan, it is still the property of exclusively the AFGHAN state (even if it was transferred to it and or bought for “someone else's” money). Officially betrayed? .. Not on "lease"? ..

      So the point and the Amen! This is the property of Afghanistan. And only his legitimate government can dispose of it.

      And if there is none at the moment, it means that this property must be taken under international control and "frozen" until an internationally recognized Afghan government is formed.

      And now, before our eyes, another session is being played out, the usual robbery by the American regime ...

      They grab someone else's property and "transfer" it to their sixes, potential accomplices.

      Something like that...
      1. 0
        7 December 2021 13: 28
        By the way, I think that today, among other things, Putin could poke his nose, "peacemaker" - the head of the American regime into this very aspect of the problem ...
    6. 0
      7 December 2021 15: 03
      The tail from the dog requires.
  2. +2
    7 December 2021 07: 07
    How to ruin a country? You just have to give her a "gun"
    1. 0
      7 December 2021 07: 27
      Quote: svp67
      How to ruin a country? You just have to give her a "gun"

      Actually, in the classics - a cruiser! This one has a lot of guns, as it were. But there is no cruiser ...
      All some boats.
      1. +8
        7 December 2021 07: 34
        Like a wedge. They demand arms before lunch, eat and quiet at lunch, after lunch reparations and indemnities, in the evening they ask to impose ecumenical sanctions against Russia. When the coke lets go whine on all the ethers, leave us the transit of gas, please. And so for 7 years.
    2. +1
      7 December 2021 15: 04
      To give "democracy" is even worse.
    3. +1
      8 December 2021 06: 40
      You don’t have to give anything. It is necessary to constantly tell and prove that she is about to be attacked. They themselves will come running and will persuade them to give them first, and what the Taliban were given out for 84 billion, and why they don't want them so good. Then they will ask you to sell at a reduced price, well, sell the final stage for as much as you want, just sell.
      And the enemy, as usual, will not come to war.
  3. +10
    7 December 2021 07: 07
    Reznikov demanded from the United States weapons intended for the Afghan army

    Go and take from the Taliban * ...
  4. -7
    7 December 2021 07: 16
    Quote: Dead Day
    Reznikov demanded weapons from the United States,
    no, well, I like it ... they already "demand"! wassat

    Of course you like it, that's why the VO editors are trying.
    1. +1
      7 December 2021 07: 42
      In your opinion, these are editors to Ukrainian politicians who import coke from which everyone is so prettier there?)
  5. +2
    7 December 2021 07: 29
    "We do not need American soldiers": Reznikov called on the United States to transfer weapons intended for the Afghan army to Ukraine

    Everything is correct. You can't sell American soldiers, but you can push weapons somewhere in Africa.
  6. +1
    7 December 2021 07: 30
    We don't need American or Canadian soldiers fighting here for Ukraine. We will fight on our own

    You don't need to, but get it and sign ...
    In addition, it is planned to expand the staff of military instructors and advisers.

    1. +1
      7 December 2021 08: 09
      Quote: Mouse
      We don't need American or Canadian soldiers fighting here for Ukraine. We will fight on our own

      You don't need to, but get it and sign ...

      Ha ha ha! He stated this after Canada refused to send its soldiers. What a soldier - even military instructors! Zrada zradnitskaya! Looks like the old Bandera people who fled to Canada after the Second World War were advised against! )))
      1. +1
        7 December 2021 08: 20
        I can just imagine it: - grandpa, and grandpa?
        -sho granddaughter?
        -Klyaty Muscovites again attacked Ridna Nenku! Traby drinks are warriors! Well you Svidomo Banderovsky wolf! teach us!
        -pervo dilo, granddaughters skhovatysya at the cache at the kanade and sit there half a hundred lat, while everything is sobiy ne finished!
  7. 0
    7 December 2021 07: 55
    Clowns are cheap, give, give, how much can you ask for alms? They don't even pull to the level of Tobacco, so the whips are podzabornye.
    1. +1
      7 December 2021 08: 10
      I disagree. Clowns are buffoons, not clowns. Clowns "hone" their repertoire for years, but here everything is on "momentary show-off", impromptu. Like feces in an ice hole.
  8. +2
    7 December 2021 07: 59
    The Taliban are already riding vehicles, these banderlogists also want to. Send them to the Taliban.
    1. +1
      7 December 2021 08: 02
      Duc is jealous of Euro-Sumerians. The Taliban have it, but they have old written-off. So they are making noise.
      1. +1
        7 December 2021 08: 13
        A video appeared on the Web in which militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass captured the difficulties of their everyday life. The footage showed an advanced vehicle - a wheelbarrow, on which they drag something with them in small bags along a dirt path along the cultivated earth.
        Users found the video very amusing and began to ridicule the equipment of the Ukrainian army.
        "This is the most powerful army in the world - donkeys," they write in the comments under the video, ours read on the social network.
        In addition, I was interested in the contents of the faulty transport. Taking into account the scale of the looting of the invaders, users in the comments express confidence that the "vsechniki" are carrying the loot.
        "Burglars of pensioner cellars," - said one of the commentators.
        Note that the date and time of the shooting has not been specified. However, it is likely that it was filmed quite recently: now it is damp in the Donbass, and the roads and paths in the fields are in this state from heavy rainfall.
        Source: https://rusvesna.su/news/1638798458

        Of course, it's enviable. The Taliban are riding on new equipment, but here you can drag yourself! )))
        1. +1
          7 December 2021 08: 19
          Of course, it's enviable. The Taliban are riding on new equipment, but here you can drag yourself!

          Who would have doubted it? The bearded men are showing off their new uniforms, and they have plenty of transport now, and helicopters, and rifles, and communications, and God knows what else. And the Sumerians have only one victory in words (in fact, it's written-off old stuff and "decommunized" painted Soviet stuff). It's abysmal, listen, right?! (c) How can you "contain Russia's aggressiveness" with such material and technical equipment?

          Shl, and even boats are sent by partners without weapons - you have to get rid of and tinker with and adapt the ancient "decommunized" weapons. Well this is in general, "this is some kind of shame" (c).
        2. +1
          7 December 2021 08: 42
          Quote: Egoza
          "This is the most powerful army in the world - donkeys," they write in the comments under the video, ours read on the social network.

          Let them ask for a vehicle - a donkey from the Taliban. And you can throw a cry all over the world "help us donkeys".
    2. +1
      7 December 2021 08: 39
      Quote: Borisych

      The Taliban are already riding vehicles, these banderlogists also want to. Send them to the Taliban.

      Yeah, let them ask the Taliban to share.
      1. 0
        7 December 2021 08: 56
        Nii, the Taliban will sell such strategic transport as donkeys only for foreign currency. Carrots with rods - as a consumable and control system - sold separately. (The Yankes arrested their accounts - they need currency. And by no means hryvnia lol )
  9. +1
    7 December 2021 08: 22
    We don't need American or Canadian soldiers fighting here for Ukraine.
    From lawyers, to the Minister of Defense, and even with such aplomb and self-confidence, not everyone can. But of course I asked for weapons, and even according to the prepared list. "This guy from the Department of Defense" (according to Biden) promised, of course, but not all, but partially. I'm interested in something else. How is it that imported soldiers are not needed, but at the same time they express a desire for their presence on the demarcation line in Donbass and that the flags of their countries be hoisted? Again, a complete dissonance.
  10. -6
    7 December 2021 08: 27
    Quote: carstorm 11
    In your opinion, these are editors to Ukrainian politicians who import coke from which everyone is so prettier there?)

    By no means, good coke is only ours, Foreign Ministry, Argentinean, and such an enemy is not sold.
  11. +1
    7 December 2021 08: 39
    The Ukrainian minister brought with him a whole list of what Ukraine wants to receive from the United States as military aid.

    One of the paragraphs reads "$ 50 billion in cash, and in large denominations."
  12. +1
    7 December 2021 08: 48
    Well, they are already comparing themselves with Afghanistan.
    1. 0
      7 December 2021 09: 00
      Not yet evening... Yes Time will pass and people will start comparing themselves with Niger and even with Liberia.
    2. 0
      7 December 2021 09: 22
      Quote: Vladimir 290
      Well, they are already comparing themselves with Afghanistan.

      Soon they will start comparing themselves with Sudan.
  13. 0
    7 December 2021 08: 59
    Ukraine intends to receive weapons and ammunition from the United States,
    To resell to others. bully
  14. 0
    7 December 2021 09: 01
    Today I came across a post on FB “from there”. I read the comments. Everyone is preparing Molotov cocktails, promising to kill 15 occupiers each, blow up all the nuclear power plants and cover everything up to Sakhalin with radioactive ash. They are discussing the directions of the strikes… My God! What are they feeding them there? Who needs them? Some women with grenades… Aged partisans…
    1. 0
      7 December 2021 09: 04
      they promise to fill up 15 invaders each, blow up all nuclear power plants and fill everything up to Sakhalin with radioactive ash.

      It began .... I wrote earlier that someday these figures will come to atomic blackmail using their nuclear power plants. Here you are.
  15. 0
    7 December 2021 09: 03
    "....Ukraine intends to receive from the United States weapons and ammunition prepared by the Americans for the Afghan army, Reznikov voiced the corresponding request during his visit to Washington... .... "
    No, well and "freeloaders"! As soon as they smell the sweet smell of" freebies "- so immediately here, as here with an outstretched hand! No shame, no conscience .... Although - what am I talking about? What shame? What conscience?
  16. 0
    7 December 2021 10: 59
    "We do not need American soldiers": Reznikov called on the United States to transfer weapons intended for the Afghan army to Ukraine
    ... Again, GIVE and no control, not desirable. It’s not casual.
  17. 0
    9 December 2021 00: 40
    They cannot forget about the Afghan freebie, so how many dough slipped past them!
    Envy and greed, flogging of deadly sins!