The Ministry of Defense approved the schedule of state tests of the 152-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S35 "Coalition-SV"


The newest self-propelled artillery unit "Coalition-SV" is entering the stage of state tests; the Ministry of Defense has already agreed on all the schedules.

State tests of the ACS "Coalition-SV" begin early next year and should be completed by September 30, 2022. After their completion, the final documents will be prepared, giving permission to start the serial production of the ACS. On their basis, the Ministry of Defense will adopt a self-propelled howitzer into service. It is noted that within the framework of the creation of the "Coalition-SV" ACS, several more products were developed that make up the complex, in particular, the transport-loading vehicle (TZM). All of them have already successfully completed state tests.

As they say "News" With reference to military sources, the adoption of the "Coalition-SV" into the arsenal of the Russian army is planned at the end of the year, as they say "under the Christmas tree".

For our part, we note that the state contract for the supply of serial 152-mm howitzers 2S35 "Coalition-SV" to the troops was signed in August this year. The parameters of the agreement were not disclosed. Before that, a pre-production batch of 10 self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV" was produced, which in May last year was delivered to the first tank army ZVO for experimental military operation. For the first time officially ACS "Coalition-SV" was shown at the Victory Day parade on May 9, 2015.

The self-propelled howitzer 2S35 "Coalition-SV" is designed to destroy command posts, communication centers, artillery and mortar batteries, armored vehicles, including tanks, anti-tank weapons, air defense and missile defense systems, as well as manpower of a potential enemy. The shooting of the newest SAO is more automated and computerized, the howitzer can operate in the "Flurry of Fire" mode, in which several shells fired from the gun at different angles simultaneously reach the target.

The basis of firepower is a 2 mm 88A152 gun with a firing speed of more than 10 rounds per minute, which is higher than the firing speed of other artillery systems.
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  1. +10
    6 December 2021 09: 22
    The God of War is still driving ... he will say his next word!
    By the way, how many times have already predicted that the cannon artillery is all ... and can not be counted.
    1. +2
      6 December 2021 09: 48
      Quote: rocket757
      By the way, how many times have already predicted that the cannon artillery is all ... and can not be counted.

      One time, one specific person.
      1. +4
        6 December 2021 10: 06
        Okay, they repeated it, many times.
  2. Two
    6 December 2021 09: 27
    A good toy goes live! You look, someone will think ...
    1. 0
      6 December 2021 20: 08
      Quote: Dos
      You look, someone will think ...

      You look, someone will be sad ... bully
  3. +1
    6 December 2021 09: 27
    Good caliber. There are very interesting shots for it.
    1. +1
      6 December 2021 09: 34
      3BV3 and its modern versions?
      1. +1
        6 December 2021 09: 38
        Modern rather, but in arsenals and those are still in abundance
        1. +2
          6 December 2021 21: 26
          This is unlikely: the result is from 5 to 25 kT, and the consumption of fissile materials is the same as for a normal thermonuclear charge (from 150 kT and above). There is no shortage of delivery vehicles, so it is unlikely that these shells have not yet been disassembled.
  4. 0
    6 December 2021 09: 32
    As part of humanitarian aid to "partners / neighbors" experiencing gas shortages during the cold winter, tests are planned to be carried out along the western borders.
  5. -1
    6 December 2021 09: 46
    Will they make an open Coalition on a lighter chassis? Hyacinth-like. ?
    1. 0
      6 December 2021 11: 50
      Isn't that why they removed the second barrel?
      1. 0
        6 December 2021 11: 55
        Of course not .... such systems have different weight categories.
        - ACS with a Tower on a tank chassis under 50tn
        - self-propelled guns with an open cabin on the chassis of the BMP gus 30tn
        - ACS on a wheeled chassis with a closed wheelhouse 20-30tn
        - Sau with an open cabin on a wheeled chassis 10-12 tons
        - ACS towed .....

        The barrel and the range are the same, the mechanization is different and the prices are the same.
        1. 0
          6 December 2021 12: 09
          The only interesting option is with the "same tower" but on a car chassis with retractable supports.

          1. -2
            6 December 2021 13: 18
            If you look at the comm successful options - Caesar and analogues .... without tower systems. And under the USSR, Hyacinth also walked parallel to the MSTA with the tower.
            1. +3
              6 December 2021 15: 31
              "Comm successful options" - what are they? If we face the truth soberly, wheeled CAOs have no commercial success. They are actively rolled at exhibitions, promoted on the Internet, and then ... tracked vehicles are adopted.
              And, by the way, "Hyacinths" were running in parallel not with "Msta", but with "Carnation" and "Acacia". "Msty" - later projects.
              1. -2
                6 December 2021 16: 39
                Yes, but the barrel is there from the MSTY-B ... the range there is the same as the projectiles. They put it on Malva.
                1. 0
                  6 December 2021 22: 58
                  Where exactly"? On "Malva" the trunk is from "Msta-S" - at least the ejector indicates this. And on the "Hyacinth-S" - from the 2A36 "Hyacinth-B" - a completely special weapon with its own set of ammunition, which is no longer suitable for anyone else.
                  1. 0
                    7 December 2021 10: 38
                    By the way: in the wiki information-
                    ]. "In 2004, when performing research work, an experimental prototype of an artillery system was made on the basis of the 2S5 self-propelled cannon. Instead of the 152-mm 2A37 cannon, a howitzer with ballistics of the promising 152-mm Coalition artillery installation was installed on the ACS [11]. "
                    1. 0
                      7 December 2021 22: 51
                      And what does this have to do with your statement "Yes, but the trunk there is from MSTY-B ..."?
                      1. 0
                        8 December 2021 13: 16
                        Besides, the Coalition self-propelled guns with an open wheelhouse, after all, did ...
                      2. 0
                        9 December 2021 13: 30
                        In my opinion, you yourself are confused about what you wrote about.
                        If the "ACS Coalition with an open wheelhouse, nevertheless, did it", then there cannot be a barrel from the "Msta-B". And that's exactly what you said!
                        And besides, if in the course of any research and development someone made an experimental or prototype model to test individual technical solutions, then it does not follow from this that it was also a "Coalition".
                        When creating samples of self-propelled artillery, very often, for example, they make so-called ballistic installations - the artillery unit of the future CAO is placed on a carriage suitable in terms of mass (preferably as heavy as possible) - from towed Hyacinths, Stalin's B-4s, etc. But this does not mean at all that the output is at least a prototype of the towed version of the gun, although outwardly it will be very similar to it.
            2. +1
              6 December 2021 15: 41
              Well, according to the link earlier, the Malva self-propelled gun (Msta barrel). It is stupid to push the coalition into such options.
              1. -1
                6 December 2021 16: 38
                Competitors supply such barrels. Why not deliver?
                1. +1
                  6 December 2021 18: 26
                  Quote: Zaurbek
                  Why not deliver?

                  What for? Wheel Coalition, if without an automatic loader, it will become slightly easier. Yes, and a couple of servants will be added, who also need a cabin and need to feed.
                  1. -1
                    7 December 2021 09: 48
                    It will shoot further and more accurately
                    1. 0
                      7 December 2021 10: 22
                      Quote: Zaurbek
                      It will shoot further and more accurately

                      What is the wheeled coalition?
                      1. 0
                        7 December 2021 10: 34
                        Wheel Coalition than any MST
                      2. 0
                        7 December 2021 10: 35
                        So what's the problem?
                2. 0
                  6 December 2021 20: 11
                  Quote: Zaurbek
                  Competitors supply such barrels. Why not deliver?

                  Who puts such guns as those of the Coalition?
                3. +1
                  6 December 2021 22: 13
                  They bet, but this is more likely for low-intensity conflicts, in the absence of counter-battery combat and intense enemy fire resistance. Also, perhaps for increased airmobility, in small batches. It is scary to bring an open barrel to direct fire.
                  1. +2
                    6 December 2021 23: 04
                    In general, it seems to me that there will be no talk of direct fire from the Malva.
                    Firstly, almost all wheeled SAOs shoot only in the direction of the vehicle axis - forward or backward - depending on the version. In the case of Malva, go ahead. And there is a cabin. This means that there are so-called "bypass angles" so that the streams of powder gases flowing out of the muzzle brake do not demolish all attachments and cockpit glazing. Look for a video of the moment of the shot from the usual "Msta" and then see where the muzzle brake of this CAO is at low elevation angles)))
                    1. +2
                      6 December 2021 23: 11
                      The point is that the machine is of limited use. The 130-mm self-propelled gun from the Bereg complex looks more or less decent. But there is a different caliber, powerful chassis and turret design.
                      1. +2
                        6 December 2021 23: 14
                        I can not disagree.
                    2. 0
                      7 December 2021 09: 52
                      To do this, there is an SPG with a TOWER on a tank cart ... Malva will shoot from a trench ...
                      1. 0
                        7 December 2021 22: 45
                        Well, firstly, the breakthrough of some stray armored group to the firing positions of artillery does not depend on whether the latter is in the trenches or not. And just the "SPG with a TOWER on a tank cart", that is, the wheeled version of the "Coalition-SV", which is likely to be supplied to the artillery units of the formations, the chances of encountering a tank attack are significantly less than the "Malva" for equipping formations and military units - this is clearly cheaper, and, therefore, more massive CAO.
                        And secondly, I have not seen equipment for self-entrenching in any of the photographs of the Malva. Given its monstrous dimensions and a significantly smaller number of personnel per calculation compared to the towed 2A65, no one will most likely dig any trenches for it.
                        So sorry, I can't agree.
                      2. Two
                        8 December 2021 13: 04
                        Will beat from the rear!
                      3. 0
                        8 December 2021 13: 09
                        such calibers should not be used in tank-hazardous areas. For them, suppression fire is much more dangerous ... from which they save their best parameters and speed - occupation-change of position
                  2. 0
                    7 December 2021 01: 45
                    Why is it scary? The Hyacinth-S has a shield for the gunner, loaders to attach the chassis and breech.
                    1. 0
                      7 December 2021 09: 50
                      The further you can shoot and the more accurate and faster the calculation goes, the less it will fly at you ...
                    2. 0
                      8 December 2021 18: 30
                      Still, there is a sight for direct fire and a tracked chassis. But now they don't do that in 152-mm caliber, if they put it on tracks, then they make a tower.
        2. 0
          7 December 2021 01: 36
          The price is roughly proportional to the weight. Anyway.
          1. 0
            8 December 2021 01: 03
            A very ambiguous statement.
            Perhaps you have some examples confirming it?
  6. -3
    6 December 2021 10: 42
    I thought she was already on the border with the Outskirts (....... double-barreled, etc ........)
  7. -2
    6 December 2021 10: 46
    a year later, when deliveries begin, there will be comments about "why are there so few" and "why are they, this is an outdated self-propelled gun, but from the Americans" ... lol
    1. -2
      6 December 2021 11: 26
      Korea, Germany, the States are all now making such a transition to powerful long-barreled Howitzers. The main lag of the Russian Federation here is satellite-guided shells (relatively inexpensive and massive) with a range of 50-70 km
      1. +1
        6 December 2021 11: 45
        But what's the point of satellite-guided shells? It's easier then to work out the coordinates from MLRS than to throw expensive shells in packs
        1. 0
          6 December 2021 11: 48
          And there are such trends in MLRS .... but 152mm bangs pointwise .... and which MLRS will fly? 300mm? Here, Hermes is now sawing up to 100 km.
          1. 0
            6 December 2021 12: 05
            the problem of point shots .. that they do not solve, targets at ranges of 50 km are warehouses, control centers, airfields, air defense positions and OTRK, i.e. you can't get off with one shot
            1. 0
              6 December 2021 13: 16
              This is the CDTR battery fight, PU suppression, etc. there is a lot of work
          2. +1
            6 December 2021 16: 07
            Quote: Zaurbek
            And in the MLRS there are such trends .... but 152mm point bangs .... and what MLRS will fly?

            MLRS (with a range of 40-50 km) are interesting only for local multiple launch rocket launchers. If you need to conduct regular shelling at multiple targets, then barrel systems are more profitable.
            The control and homing systems for both are practically the same and differ in the preferences of the manufacturer.
            Quote: Zaurbek
            Here, Hermes is now sawing up to 100 km.

            Did you want to say "Klevok-D2"?
            1. -1
              6 December 2021 16: 28
              MLRS are also developing, a photo is already looming for 10 years with a KAMAZ 8x8 and a pact of 6pcs 300mm from a tornado. with a corrected projectile, all 6 pieces in 6 targets ...
      2. +3
        6 December 2021 16: 17
        Quote: Zaurbek
        The main lag of the Russian Federation here is satellite-guided shells

        Satellite systems will be the first to be suppressed by electronic warfare and then systematically destroyed.
        1. 0
          6 December 2021 16: 26
          The USSR and the Russian Federation have been actively fighting in local wars since 1979 ..... the USA fought with Iraq ... many countries can suppress the satellite?
          1. 0
            6 December 2021 16: 28
            Quote: Zaurbek
            ... many countries can suppress a satellite?

            Purchase request ...
            1. -1
              6 December 2021 16: 29
              Shopping for what?
              1. -1
                6 December 2021 16: 30
                the corresponding electronic warfare system
                1. -2
                  6 December 2021 16: 37
                  we are talking about a gross projectile for a 152mm howitzer, where would you get so much electronic warfare and electricity? The Kremlin can be protected, a nuclear power plant, an enterprise ... and then, there is a lot of space in the Kyrgyz Republic and an autonomous inertial system will be installed there.
                  1. +1
                    6 December 2021 16: 51
                    Quote: Zaurbek
                    we are talking about a gross projectile for a 152mm howitzer, wherever you can take so much electronic warfare

                    You seem to have no idea what this is about.
                    The satellites are choking, not the shells. The satellites lose (or receive a false signal) mutual referencing and communication with ground correction stations.
                    And the power on the ground is not the same as on the satellites.
                    Quote: Zaurbek
                    there is a lot of space in the KR and an autonomous inertial system will also be installed there.

                    Inertial systems are found in almost all rockets and are useful for stabilizing during launch, but they accumulate error at the target. For a long time, KR has been using terrain binding and target selection by image.
                    1. 0
                      6 December 2021 22: 53
                      What I mean is that for the sake of firing, howitzers will not block the work of satellites. These slaves are not for the battlefield ... but for the protection of important objects
                      1. 0
                        7 December 2021 04: 02
                        The satellites will crush or destroy not for the sake of a couple of shells - their area of ​​action is thousands of kilometers.
                        And to protect important objects will be choked all unknown signal sources.
                      2. 0
                        7 December 2021 09: 47
                        In the event of a conflict between the conditional Azerbaijan and Armenia, who will crush the signals in the entire region? Or during a simulated war in the SAR? Or in Ukraine?
    2. -3
      6 December 2021 16: 46
      They wrote that metallurgists have problems with the mass production of blanks for such barrels as the tank 2a82 ..., maybe this also concerns the Coalition?
      1. 0
        6 December 2021 17: 11
        Quote: Zaurbek
        They wrote that metallurgists have problems with the mass production of blanks for such barrels as the tank 2a82

        It is in the west that tank guns are cast from metal. In Russia, smooth-bore from a stressed composite (2-3 times lighter) with a thin leading layer of metal (rail?). There are no problems, although they could not master it in Ukraine.
        Coalition ???
        1. 0
          8 December 2021 01: 05
          Is it possible at least one link to a reliable source about "In Russia, smooth-bore from a strained composite"?
      2. 0
        6 December 2021 22: 18
        And so it was, environmentalists under the auspices of the United States fussed in advance, achieved stopping all open-hearth furnaces. And the Ukrainian owner of the metallurgical plant fulfilled their instructions with joy and unprecedented agility. I don’t know how things are now.