American press: CIA worried about Putin's secret plans to "capture" Ukraine


Putin is making secret plans to seize Ukraine, and this is very worrisome for the CIA, since a potential conflict could spill over into larger territories than Donbass and Crimea. In the meantime, Russia continues to pull troops to the Ukrainian border, says David Ignatius, the author of an article for the American edition of The Washington Post.

In October of this year, the CIA discovered the pulling of Russian troops to the Ukrainian border, Putin was preparing secret plans to use his army to seize a neighboring country, the author writes. These preparations alarmed the CIA, because the entire territory of Ukraine, and not just Donbass and Crimea, could become a zone of potential conflict.

The tension continued throughout November, the Russians continued to pull in troops, while declaring their peaceful intentions. However, Washington did not believe in Moscow's rhetoric and the head of the CIA, William Burns, flew to Russia for talks with Putin to convey to him that in the event of an invasion of Ukraine, the Russian economy would be destroyed. In December, the United States continued to pursue a "dual strategy" aimed at containing "Russian aggression." US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken held a meeting with NATO allies and brought to them the available intelligence information on "Putin's plans."

According to the author, Russia "does not give up", continuing to keep a "hundred thousand" military group on the borders of Ukraine, which will increase even more in the near future. Putin is deliberately "teasing" the West, playing a game with it and preparing a "cunning move" across Ukraine. As Ignatius writes, he will "falsely" announce an attack by the Ukrainian military on the pro-Russian forces in order to start acting. He did the same in 2014, capturing Crimea and part of the Donbass.

The Russian leader wants America to take him seriously, and he also wants to get even for humiliating Russia after the collapse of communism, the author claims.

Putin says that Russians and Ukrainians are fraternal peoples, but in reality this is not the case, Ignatius argues. According to opinion polls, more than 76% of the Ukrainian population wants to live with a "full-fledged democracy", and 82% of Ukrainians called Russia the main threat, he sums up.

This article was commented on by the readers of the Washington Post, some of whom called it custom-made and politicized, not revealing the whole truth about the state of affairs with Ukraine. However, the majority were in favor of "punishing" Russia and Putin personally, saying that it was necessary to destroy Russia from the inside.
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  1. +14
    3 December 2021 07: 36
    I can’t understand in any way - why capture, and then put on my neck hicks, completely robbed of their economy, and besides, ready to betray for a sniff of tobacco?
    1. +8
      3 December 2021 07: 45
      The West from Ukraine has already got everything he wanted. Now someone needs to shove this load off.
      And how to shove it off? Only provoke Russia into military action in Ukraine. Whether it is an operation to capture Donbass or strike at Belarus. Informational support "Russia attacked Ukraine" is in full swing.
      1. 0
        3 December 2021 12: 29
        American press: CIA worried about Putin's secret plans to "capture" Ukraine

        "Wolves !! Wolves !!" ..... lol
        1. -1
          4 December 2021 16: 33
          "According to Ignatius, he (Putin) will 'falsely' announce the attack of the Ukrainian military on the pro-Russian forces in order to start acting."
          Putin's plans are so secret that no one knows them except the CIA, who are very worried about them, as one Ignatius assures, who knows both Putin's plans and the CIA's plans. He also assures that Putin LIE will declare an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the LPNR, which - allegedly - will NOT, and will begin to seize Ukraine. Will we believe Ignatius? laughing laughing laughing
  2. +4
    3 December 2021 07: 38
    One gets the feeling that the West presents Russia in advance as an aggressor and an invasion of Ukraine in front of its readers.
    1. +7
      3 December 2021 07: 46
      Hohloserun detected. Now he will trample on everyone who is at least a shadow against Skaklyandiya, "minus" poke. Here's entertainment for the chub-ass ...
      1. 0
        3 December 2021 07: 50
        It seems that this is a complaint to me. I put a plus. Ask the moderator, he will tell you exactly who put the minus.
        1. +10
          3 December 2021 07: 58
          Quote: Carat
          It seems that this is a complaint to me. I put a plus.

          No, Roman, not for you. On the contrary - Khokhloserun flattens you. You got a "minus" for nothing. It's just that on my own I notice "personalists" - whatever I say, whatever topic I speak to - a neat "minus" for all the comments. I somehow do not care about them with their "minuses", but if you have something to object - then object. And so - vile spoiled and dumped. I don't even put "minuses" on VO to our Israeli and Bulgarian friends. Because ideologically we are different with them to the point of massacre, but as people they are quite normal men. And hohloseri - to kick and run away. Everything is Ukrainian ...
          1. +3
            3 December 2021 08: 02
            There are such. It is worth speaking negatively about Ukraine - immediately the minuses arrive. I don't care. There are still more pluses.
        2. +5
          3 December 2021 08: 21
          I apologize for interfering.
          Moderators do not tell who puts the pros or cons. This is beyond the rules. So, don't even strain them.
          But do you know what is my personal observation?
          Who really does not care about the ratings - those for three years "in the captains" or, even worse, in a negative rating.
          And the rest are more interesting - they write that they don't care about the rating, but then they immediately start crying - and who gave me a minus? Two minuses ?!
          Alas. We are all not perfect and our thoughts are not the ultimate authority. So there will ALWAYS be pros and cons.
          1. +4
            3 December 2021 08: 33
            Quote: Leader of the Redskins
            And the rest are more interesting - they write that they don't care about the rating, but then they immediately start crying - and who gave me a minus? Two minuses ?!
            Alas. We are all not perfect and our thoughts are not the ultimate authority.

            That's the fig. Not in the "minus" business. And the fact is that if a person slapped "minus", it means that he does not agree with something. Duc justify, be weasel, with which you disagree. Otherwise, without reading, they run through all the comments, like the general in Hot Snow.
            All that I can. On my own ...
            ... Either in the general discussion, or in the archive of the comments of a particular person.
            Quote: Leader of the Redskins
            Who really does not care about the ratings - those are three years "in captains"

            First my father was here, now I am. During the years that my father is registered here, I do not see enough "captains" from those years. Yes, and just do I am against these titles !. Father, for example, was a lieutenant colonel. I'm a senior sergeant. The son will soon be a lieutenant. All - Airborne Forces. What have some "shoulder straps" on the site? Time on the site is redundant, in my opinion, information.
            1. +3
              3 December 2021 08: 48
              Don't ... There are. You can't remember right away, but I remember what it is.
              It’s not for me to tell you that sometimes when a person has high self-esteem, it’s hard for him to admit that he’s wrong. You write such a constructive comment, he cannot answer, puts a minus and also pulls up "druganov". As a result, for his adequate question, the commentator receives a n - number of minuses. If we take it as an axiom that the rating is not indifferent, then, of course, he takes offense and, on occasion, puts the same sleepers himself.
              Psychology and nothing more.
            2. -1
              3 December 2021 09: 01
              By the way, I talked a few days ago. A highly professional, cultured man and still ... in the foremen) Urs.
    2. +5
      3 December 2021 07: 50
      Of course ... all this is done according to proven templates.
      I would remind the respected members of the forum how it was done with Iraq ... then, day after day, the whole world was brainwashed that Hussein was preparing to use chemical weapons ... Powell was twirling some sort of test tube with this dangerous chemical in front of the Security Council's nose without even thinking how stupid it was looks in terms of security at this meeting ... carried chemical weapons into the building in his pocket and shakes without fear of dropping it to the floor.
      In exactly the same way, the West behaves in relation to Russia and the LPNR ... it remains only to show another test tube to the world and voila, you can bomb the LPNR with NATO forces.
      1. +2
        3 December 2021 08: 03
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Of course ... all this is done according to proven templates.
        I would remind the respected members of the forum how it was done with Iraq ... then, day after day, the whole world was brainwashed that Hussein was preparing to use chemical weapons ... Powell was twirling some sort of test tube with this dangerous chemical in front of the Security Council's nose without even thinking how stupid it was looks in terms of security at this meeting ... carried chemical weapons into the building in his pocket and shakes without fear of dropping it to the floor.
        In exactly the same way, the West behaves in relation to Russia and the LPNR ... it remains only to show another test tube to the world and voila, you can bomb the LPNR with NATO forces.

        I have a feeling that they want to play the same game with us as with Iraq. Ukraine is now only in the form of a "test tube".

        Interestingly - and Ukraine is so stupid that it does not understand that it is being used as a decoy duck on a hunt? Or she herself asks for this role - then it is even more stupid.
      2. bar
        3 December 2021 08: 10
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        it remains only to show another test tube to the world and voila, you can bomb the LPNR with NATO forces.

        True democracy has made great strides in development since Kolya's times. Tubes are no longer needed, now there is enough "highly likely"
    3. +2
      3 December 2021 08: 12
      Quote: Carat
      The West presents Russia in advance as an aggressor and an invasion of Ukraine in front of its readers.

      Still would! They want to place their bases here, and will shout about the "defense of democracy." It was as if the provocation was not staged in the Donbass, as Hitler did with Bulgaria and Poland in his time.
      1. +2
        3 December 2021 08: 40
        Quote: Egoza
        It was as if the provocation was not staged in the Donbass, as Hitler did with Bulgaria and Poland in his time.

        And don't get your hopes up. Helena. Remember the cruiser "Maine", Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, the twin towers .... With such a "partner" about the absence of provocations, you can not even remember. There will definitely be. While Skaklandia is trying to do something on its own, but it turns out not scary, but funny, like with Babchenko. But nothing, the "elder brother" will share his experience - he is rich and practical.
  3. +5
    3 December 2021 07: 39
    And the corrupt hack writers who are ready to carry any nonsense for the loot will not be translated into the press
    1. +2
      3 December 2021 07: 47
      The venal scribblers are talking the nonsense they are told to do. Who orders them to guess is not difficult.
    2. +3
      3 December 2021 07: 53
      Yes, and don't say it! What analytics, what power! He exposed the secret plan of the insidious Putin (Vanga is resting). The CIA chief threatened to destroy the economy, but what about Abama's shoe polish dove ?! Like saying about a gas station in the trash? If our oligarchs are defatted, we will say thank you again! The main thing is not to overstrain!
      1. -4
        3 December 2021 08: 26
        Quote: Silver bullet
        If our oligarchs are defatted, we will say thank you again!

        who was degreased from "ili" .. just wondering.
        1. 0
          3 December 2021 08: 34
          "If", chief, if I write, Deripaska is an example to you.
  4. +5
    3 December 2021 07: 40
    With the stubbornness of a woodpecker, they continue to repeat this nonsense. Previously, such information gaps were filled with Bigfoot, UFO, Loch Ness monster ...
    1. +5
      3 December 2021 07: 45
      hi what is SOLD about that and write, before it was "classified materials" now Russophobia.
    2. +2
      3 December 2021 08: 44
      Quote: alavrin
      Previously, such information gaps were filled with Bigfoot, UFO, Loch Ness monster ...

      And now even "a black, one-legged Hispanic transgender with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair will become the president of America" ​​is not news. The founding fathers in their coffins have already erased all the corners, turning over.

      As the Genius sang
      Maybe it's better about the reactor? About your favorite lunar tractor?
  5. +2
    3 December 2021 07: 42
    What are their "secret" plans and for whom, if the West has been blowing all the trumpets for a month about "Russia's invasion of Ukraine"? The only country for whom these plans are "secret" is Russia. In our country, no one even suspects such plans. But in America and Europe (especially in the East) they are clearly aware of the existence of such plans. And they even know the number. Only it is constantly changing for some reason ...
    1. +3
      3 December 2021 07: 54
      The timing is also jumping for a reason, then Catholic Christmas, then the January holidays, then the first half of February, and the number of the army varies from 100 thousand laughing then 250, then 420.
      1. +2
        3 December 2021 08: 14
        Quote: Murmur 55
        the number of the army varies from 100 thousand to 250, then 420.

        They are also looking at her through binoculars! )))
  6. +2
    3 December 2021 07: 47
    I am very pleased with the commentators who propose to destroy Russia from the inside, if not for his “majesty” the US dollar from a superpower would long ago fall into the middle.
    1. +1
      3 December 2021 10: 40
      Quote: Murmur 55
      if it were not for his "majesty" the US dollar from a superpower would long ago fall into the middle

      Maybe yes. But it was not the dollar that made the US so, but the US the dollar. The national currency, its stability is a visiting card of the country. But what kind of business card does Russia have?
  7. +1
    3 December 2021 07: 55
    It is very likely that it is the provocation of Russia with the subsequent "harsh sanctions", the Russian economy will be torn to shreds, the people will finally rise, sweep away the "Putin regime" and Russia will follow the path of democracy ... ... Well, once did it work out? Churchill also said: "
    “Americans always find the only right solution. After everyone else has tried "
    Therefore, they prefer to act according to a template if it has at least once led to a result ...
  8. +2
    3 December 2021 07: 56
    it worries the CIA very much,

    But what about Honduras? Or they began to wash more often. wassat
  9. +3
    3 December 2021 08: 01
    What the secret plans such as the American media know about?
  10. +2
    3 December 2021 08: 03
    Putin is making secret plans to take over Ukraine and this is very worrisome for the CIA ...

    .... because the CIA occupies an entire floor of the SBU in Kiev. And we have to sit on suitcases
  11. 0
    3 December 2021 08: 31
    What a secret, if the CIA knows about it, and we have no secret plans, then this is complete, garbage and inventions.
  12. +1
    3 December 2021 08: 32
    However, Washington did not believe in Moscow's rhetoric and the head of the CIA, William Burns, flew to Russia for talks with Putin to convey to him that in the event of an invasion of Ukraine, the Russian economy would be destroyed.

    How did the authors of this article come to know this? Did they come up with it or did the American media suggest it?
  13. +2
    3 December 2021 08: 35
    winked And how did the CIA know about Putin's secret plans for the whole year ahead? When they returned Crimea, they had neither ear nor snout. Probably they learned about the Russian Crimea from TV. And here they are "knowledgeable".
    1. +1
      3 December 2021 11: 59
      Quote: Captive
      And how did the CIA know about Putin's secret plans for the whole year ahead?

      Well, it's not hard to guess. You have read it on the Internet or thought it up yourself.
  14. +2
    3 December 2021 08: 37
    ... this is what kind of masochists one had to be in order to endure insults for thirty years, to the detriment of one's people, and wait for a reciprocal "partnership" from the true enemies of the Russian state ...
  15. +2
    3 December 2021 08: 38
    The coconuts on this soil completely demolished the tower.
  16. +2
    3 December 2021 08: 44
    Somehow, the territory of Crimea is mentioned in vain in connection with its return to nezalezhna, and the Russian authorities and President Putin are showing calm. Meanwhile, this is Russian territory and there is an encroachment on the territory of Russia, and not a front garden in the village with my grandmother. And the case has already gone beyond the verbal framework and acts of sabotage with explosions are being carried out, but this is a paralysis of power and definitely impotence. I would like to ask: - "Why are we waiting, sir, when we wake up ...."?
  17. +1
    3 December 2021 08: 51
    American press: The CIA is concerned Putin's secret plans to "capture" Ukraine

    Fuck to put on the CIA-shnoe anxiety. They need to constantly "throw up" plans so that they are "sausage" without interruption ...
    1. 0
      3 December 2021 12: 02
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Fuck to put on the CIA-shnoe anxiety. They need to constantly "throw up" plans so that they are "sausage" without interruption ...

      More precisely, so that the CIA budget is not cut and accused of parasitism.
  18. 0
    3 December 2021 08: 59
    Regardless of what is in the head of the GDP, the striped ones would slam shut their mouths and not poke their nose into their own affairs. Otherwise, it won't take long to tear it off according to the proverb about Varvara.
  19. Two
    3 December 2021 09: 00
    Long-range political masochism.
  20. -1
    3 December 2021 09: 27
    Just one horror, but no, horror two and three, etc. etc. Etc.
  21. 0
    3 December 2021 09: 45
    They themselves came up with a concept ....... took care of themselves ... now they decided to punish.
  22. 0
    3 December 2021 09: 46
    Putin is making secret plans to take over Ukraine and it worries the CIA very much
    But what are they "secret" if the Western media and Ukrainian politicians even name the date of the invasion? Another thing is interesting. What could be of concern to the CIA in their own story? Although the situation is convenient for them. The invasion will not take place and then one can loudly declare that Biden, Blinken and Nuland and of course Stoltenberg so scared VVP that he decided not to commit, as they say, "another aggression."
  23. -3
    3 December 2021 10: 33
    Quote: Zoldat_A
    Quote: Carat
    It seems that this is a complaint to me. I put a plus.

    No, Roman, not for you. On the contrary - Khokhloserun flattens you. You got a "minus" for nothing. It's just that on my own I notice "personalists" - whatever I say, whatever topic I speak to - a neat "minus" for all the comments. I somehow do not care about them with their "minuses", but if you have something to object - then object. And so - vile spoiled and dumped. I don't even put "minuses" on VO to our Israeli and Bulgarian friends. Because ideologically we are different with them to the point of massacre, but as people they are quite normal men. And hohloseri - to kick and run away. Everything is Ukrainian ...

    This is part of the war ... the war for the minds ... troll factories push their "autobots" everywhere, drowning opponents with minuses, etc. everything will settle down.
  24. 0
    3 December 2021 12: 04
    they are scared that we are theirs - their own weapons - PMCs are called
    one fine moment will blaze on the rise
    1st wave: Odessa> Nikolaev and Kherson> Melitopol and Berdyansk> Mariupol
    2nd wave: Kharkiv> Sumy> Chernihiv> Poltava
    3rd wave: Zaporozhye> Dnepropetrovsk
  25. 0
    3 December 2021 16: 18
    I wonder if they are secretly worried about secret plans?
    And somehow they are very loudly worried, and the plans are secret!
    Or Sov. Secret!
    Or, take it higher - Hailey like!
  26. 0
    3 December 2021 16: 36
    However, the majority were in favor of "punishing" Russia and Putin personally, saying that it was necessary to destroy Russia from the inside.

    They do not want to fight .... And to destroy the state "from within" is at least despicable! And this majority is "common people" wink
    There is a proposal: to ardently support BLM, KKK, Texas separatists, Latin American eco-businessmen and D. Trump. Who will like who! fellow